Internship Report Md. Al - Amin
Internship Report Md. Al - Amin
Internship Report Md. Al - Amin
An Overview & Functional Activities of leverngear Ltd.
Submitted To:
Controller of Examinations
National University
Gazipur - 1704
Supervised By:
Prof. Dr. Mostofa Kamal
Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT)
Submitted By:
Md. Al- Amin
Roll No: 1910518
Reg. No: 18601000616
Session: 2018-2019
Major in Human Resource Management
MBA Program, Department of Business Administration
Controller of Examinations
National University
Gazipur - 1704
Dear Sir,
With due veneration and humble submission, I have the honor to lay before you that it
is a matter of immense pleasure for me to submit my Internship Report titled as An
Overview & Functional Activities of leverngear Ltd.
For kind, I would like to say that it has been a great pleasure for me to work on this
assigned topic. While preparing this report I have come across hurdles along with
pleasant experiences. However, this report attempts to describe the observation,
learning and experiences that I have gained during my internship.
I shall be glad to answer any kind of question about any matter relating to this report
and I shall be pleased to provide further clarification if necessary.
Sincerely Yours,
Md. Al-Amin
Roll No : 1910518
Reg. No : 18601000616
Sessions : 2018-2019
Major in Human Resource Management
MBA Program, Department of Business Administration
Daffodil Institute of IT(DIIT)
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Praise is too almighty, Allah universe for giving me the opportunity to be a student of
a prestigious department of Business Administration major in Human Resource
Management of Daffodil Institute of IT.
My utmost gratitude must also be placed to Mr. Md. Rakib Hasan Rana (Head of
Operation) of leverngear ltd. Also respect to Md. Kayes Mahmud (Head of HR). They
support me with their experience, advice, and guidance to collect information from their
various departments and work, which could have been a mammoth task for me without
his cordial assistance. They also helped me by giving easy access to the database for
the firm's internal information. I honor all the coworkers for their generous and
cooperative attitudes. I must admit and admire their cooperation in detailing the report.
Finally, I would like to say that this report is subject to error or mistake that is inherent
in every human endeavor. Therefore, I request every reader of this paper to forgive me
for any kind of mistake.
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Certificate of Supervisor
This is certified that Md. Al- Amin, National University Roll: 1910518, Registration
No:18601000616, academic session: 2018-2019, Major in Human Resource
Management, is a regular student of final semester of MBA program, Department of
Business Administration, Daffodil Institute of IT, under the National University of
Bangladesh. He has completed an internship program “Overview & Activities of
leverngear Ltd” Under my supervision which is fulfillment of partial requirement of
obtaining MBA degree.
I wish him success in all his future endeavors.
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Student’s Declaration
I declare that the report is not allowed to be used for any purpose without permission.
Md. Al-Amin
Roll No : 1910518
Reg. No : 18601000616
Sessions : 2018-2019
Major in Human Resource Management
MBA Program, Department of Business Administration
Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT)
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Executive Summary
In Bangladesh, many companies have been formed in accordance with the “Information
and Technology Act”. The IT Companies are now considered as the main source of
earning foreign currency. It’s creating opportunities for economic developments in the
country. leverngear Ltd. is one of the promising BPO companies in our country. They
follow the rules and regulations of the “Information & Technology Act and also the
BACCO” act of our country. In this way we can say leverngear Ltd maintains strict
procedures in their process. This way they do not compromise with service quality.
This is a descriptive type of study. For this report information comes from many other
sources. Like the company annual report, prospectus of foreign exchange service. Also,
from Google and leverngear websites. These companies have some important
recommendations in this report. Some are more sincere & cautious to reach more top-
level buyers, the cost of the company cannot be changed frequently.
At introduction chapter we discussed about origin of the report, object of report, type
of report, source of data, and limitation of the study. An organizational profile chapter
discussed brief historical backgrounds, company profile, leverngear Ltd. at a glance,
business concept, mission, vision, goals, objectives, management hierarchy.
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Table of Content
Letter of Transmittal I
Acknowledgment II
Student’s Declaration IV
Executive Summary V
1.1 Introduction 2
1.5 Methodology 4
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Chapter Two: Industry Overview
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4.4 Offerings of leverngear Ltd. 22-23
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7.2 Recommendations 33
7.3 Conclusion 34
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Chapter One
1.1 Introduction
leverngear Ltd. Is a (BPO) Firm that provides a wide array of outsourcing services
worldwide. leverngear Ltd. Officially started its journey in December 2015 under the
companies’ act 1994 as a sole proprietorship company. It involves the contracting of
the operations and responsibilities of a specific business process to a third-party service
provider. This company started their operation with Digital data entry, data processing
and analysis. It is typically categorized into back office, which provides cost effective
back-end services & outsourcing solutions to businesses, and help them reduce
overhead costs, increase efficiency, save time and let them refocus their resources to
the core operation of their business. leverngear Ltd. mainly offers monitoring day to
day Accounting Operations, Management consultancy, Outsourcing.
At present leverngear Ltd. Has 278 skilled people to complete their task. For accurate
and customer satisfaction leverngear Ltd. Organize various training session to boost up
the performance of the employees. leverngear Ltd. Earned BACCO certificate recently
for their success. They also contribute to the national economy by earning foreign
After completion of 36 credit hours, the MBA Program demands a report on practical
experience. Internship program is a must criterion for Masters of Business
Administration (MBA) students designed to put them in a challenging environment of
the relevant field, where the students get a sample opportunity to apply their theoretical
knowledge into practical applications.
This report is prepared after experiencing practical knowledge from leverngear Ltd.
Internship program is a compulsory requirement for MBA students. This study helps a
student to have a true feel of the practical job world. The title of the study is an overview
& activities of leverngear Ltd. It discusses the functions and overview of the
organization. This report will help to find how leverngear Ltd. works.
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1.3 Objectives of the Report
General Objective:
The general objective of the study is to gather information about the functions of
leverngear Ltd. and thorough knowledge about “leverngear Ltd.”
Specific Objectives:
Every student is required to work as intern at a suitable organization. This provides the
scope for the student to apply his or her freshly learned knowledge in the field of work.
The academic knowledge is applied in the practical field giving an opportunity to
correlate the learning through the academic program. Since most of the information was
confidential so the scope of the study was limited. In order to know about leverngear
Ltd. More data and information were needed. Here, I have used some personal
observation and experience in leverngear Ltd.
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1.5 Methodology of the study
The report has been prepared on the basis of experience gathered during the period of
internship. For preparing this report, I also got information from the annual report and
website of leverngear Ltd. I have presented my experience and findings. Maximum data
were collected from primary sources.
Relevant data for this report has been collected primarily by direct investigation of
different records, papers, documents, operational process and different personnel. No
structured questionnaire has been used. Information regarding office activities has been
collected through consulting and discussion with leverngear Ltd.
Both primary and secondary sources of data are used to complete this study. These two
sources are explained below:
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources
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1.8 Limitations of the study
Firstly, some employees were feeling hesitant to share information related to them or
properly give the information. Secondly, secondary sources of data relating to the
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry in Bangladesh are very limited;
publications and journals were not much available.
It was very difficult to collect the information from various personnel for the
job constrain.
leverngear Ltd. was not disclosing the same data and information for various
The people always remain busy due to lack of supporting employees so they
could not dedicate their full effort.
Because of the limitation of information some assumptions were made. So, there
may be some personal mistakes in this report.
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Chapter Two
Industry Overview
2.1 Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. It refers to a business strategy in which
a company outsources certain non-core business functions to a third-party provider.
These functions may include customer service, technical support, accounting, human
resources, and many others.
The main objective of BPO is to help businesses reduce costs and improve efficiency
by allowing them to focus on their core competencies while outsourcing non-core
functions to external service providers who specialize in those areas. BPO providers are
typically located in countries where labor is less expensive, such as India, the
Philippines, and other countries in Asia and Latin America.
BPO can be categorized into two main types: front-office outsourcing and back-office
outsourcing. Front-office outsourcing includes functions that involve customer-facing
activities such as customer service, technical support, and sales. Back-office
outsourcing includes functions such as accounting, payroll, and human resources.
Bangladesh has emerged as a hot destination for BPO work in recent times. This success
is due to the availability of large numbers of resources and hardworking people. Further,
the fact that Bangladeshi people nowadays are well educated and that there is a vast
body of resources who have graduated in technology has meant that the BPO took off
in right earnest in Bangladesh. There are other countries like the Philippines and India
emerging as a viable alternative to Bangladesh. One of the reasons for the competition
is the wage differential. This means that other low-cost rivals like the Philippines can
tap into the advantage that Bangladesh had.
Bangladesh BPO companies can branch out so that their wages are competitive and that
a skilled workforce that exists beyond the cities can be trapped into. Of course, there
are certain steps that can be taken to ward off the competition.
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2.3 Benefits of BPO
According to a report, the BPO industry will have a significant growth rate of 8.5%
until 2028. the growth of the BPO industry worldwide and its impact cannot be ignored.
BPO offers reduced cost and focused on core business goals market analysis, 24/7
customer service, etc.
The countries providing outsourcing work can increase their employment and improve
their GDP. India, the Philippines, South Africa, USA, and Malaysia are some of the top
countries for outsourcing.
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2. Reducing Operation Cost of Businesses
One of the major reasons for outsourcing is the fresh talent one can find without
spending a lot.
3. Increasing Quality of Work
With more and more companies vouching for outsourcing tasks, the competition
is fierce. BPO service providers are determined to snatch as much work as they
4. Better Opportunities for Small and Uprising Businesses
Startups and small businesses can heavily benefit from using BPO services.
Many new companies had emerged recently, especially during the pandemic
when thought of doing something remotely.
Bangladesh has been emerging as a BPO destination in recent years due to its skilled
workforce, low labor costs, and favorable government policies. The country has a large
and young workforce, with a strong education system that produces thousands of
graduates every year. English is widely spoken in Bangladesh, making it easy for the
country to communicate with businesses in the West.
The business process outsourcing (BPO) sector grew 20 percent year-on-year to about
$484.4 million last year riding on a few government services, said industry insiders. In
the meantime, the government has formed a high-powered committee to help the
outsourcing industry to meet its export target of $1 billion by 2021-2022 Fiscal Year.
These are the services offered by a BPO firm. There is a vast amount of scope
for BPO firms as well as their clients. They are as follows:
Customer Service Support
Technical Support Services
Insurance Processing
Data Processing Services
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Legal Services
Property Maintenance Services
Data Conversion Services
Research Services
Bookkeeping and Accounting Services
Healthcare Services
Travel and Hospitality
Transaction and Payment Process
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Chapter Three
Organizational Profile
3.1 Background History of leverngear Ltd/Company Profile
leverngear a Startup Business Process Outsourcing Firm that provides a wide
array of outsourcing services worldwide. leverngear Ltd. Officially started its journey
in December 2015 under the companies’ act 1994 as a sole proprietorship company. It
involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of a specific business
process to a third-party service provider. This company is basically working under
“Signature Care Emergency” in America. In Bangladesh this is like a back office for
This company started their operation with Digital data entry, processing and analysis.
It is typically categorized into back office, which provides cost effective back-end
services & outsourcing solutions to businesses, and help them reduce overhead costs,
increase efficiency, save time and let them refocus their resources to the core operation
of their business. leverngear Ltd. mainly offers monitoring day to day Accounting
Operations, Management consultancy, Outsourcing and Back-office Management.
Microsoft, Dell are the partners of leverngear Ltd. However, the main client of this
company is Signature Care Emergency Center, which is located in Houston, Texas.
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3.3 Mission & Vision of leverngear Ltd.
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3.4 Objectives of leverngear Ltd.
The main objective of this company is to reduce overhead costs, increase efficiency,
save time for their client and let them refocus their resources to the core operation. And
there is something more:
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3.5 Resources of leverngear Ltd.
leverngear Ltd. resources are all assets those the company can controls and use to
achieve its goals. These Company resources include the followings:
Human Resource.
Material Resources.
Financial Resource.
Intangible Assets.
Human Resource: Human resources play a key role in every company because they
have a great impact on its performance and the achievement or not of its goals. Human
resources define company culture and company culture cannot be replicated.
People not only acquire knowledge and skills by education but they also by experience
and informal training. Human resources of these company have several
important features. That’s are:
Geographic Location.
Time Availability.
Material Resources: Material resources are tangible goods different from Human
Resources that the company can use to achieve their goals. They have
Real Estate
Computers and Internet
Office Equipment’s
Supplies and Intermediate Products.
They believe that Technological advancements can make some material assets obsolete.
Usually, computers become obsolete after some years. The same can happen with some
business machinery Source
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Financial Resource: Financial resources of a company are the set of liquid assets
available to these companies. There are good financial resources management is
important to achieve the goals of the company. The common source of financial
resource of leverngear
Capital Contributions
Bank Loan
External Investment
Intangible Assets: There has also Intangible assets and those are
Customers satisfactions
Developed processes
Private Data Base systems. Etc.
A big difference between intangible and material resources, besides the fact that
intangible resources cannot be touched or seen, is that the value of intangible resources
usually does change when they are being used. For example, the value of a brand can
increase over time.
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3.6 Management Hierarchy
leverngear Ltd. provides BPO Service Company which maintains the official activities
with data. In the workplace of these companies there are different kinds of departments
for different activities. In every department there the employees completed their
activities with team work. But all departments are interrelated. Below I tried to briefly
explain about those departments and their team work of leverngear Ltd.
Operation Department.
Human Resources Department
Finance/Accounts Department
Sales/Marketing Department.
IT Department.
Under this unit there are Thirteen team work here. Each unit has their own unique code
of work, unique work procedures, man power and also the skills.
Payment Team:
In this department there the payment team maintains and completes to calculate the
daily basis hospital bills of patients. How much amount of money will have to pay, how
much amount of money is waived, how much money already paid or, dues etc.
Insurance Team:
This team provides insurance balance related information to the patients and its
adjustments. Also, they check and calculate only these amounts of bill which the
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insurance company will pay or, already paid. The insurance team can maintain direct
communication with the Insurance Company.
Account Team:
Import Team:
This team input the data about patients. Also categorized the different types of papers
like corresponding papers, appeal papers, insurance claim papers etc.
Charge Team:
This Team creates the hospitals bills paper of patients and after completing these bills
of patients these teams charge the amount of bills to pay.
Team Documentation:
The main duties of this team are monitoring the staff, activities of the HR (Human
Resource) department, doctors’ credentials etc.
Survey Team:
In this team they basically collect and input the data of patient’s feedback, comments,
complaint advice etc.
IT Team:
In this department the IT experts maintain and control the IT access, accessories,
connection, solve the IT related problem etc.
Appeal Team:
This team appeals both to company and patient. Appeal for the hospital to patient to
pay the bill and for the patients to the hospital, if patients are unable to pay then waive
some amounts or full amounts of bills.
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4.2 Functions of levengear Ltd.:
Revenue cycle management begins with patient scheduling and ends when the
healthcare provider has accepted all payments. leverngear Ltd. do all the necessary
paperwork and other administration tasks to complete the whole process.
Demographic data entry refers to the patient residence and other healthcare information.
Cost Analysis:
Patient and their insurance cost, their coinsurance and copay bill and calculate the
hospital bill also.
Medical Transcription:
Find a medicine code for the patient. In medical records, providers use medicine code
for treatment and prescriptions medicine.
Product support, installation, running support. Resolution and usage problems for
computer software’s internet infrastructure, hardware, troubleshooting.
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Call center outsourcing
24/7 inbound and outbound services which address to give customer’s solutions on their
concerns and queries through email, phone or by live chat.
Providing data entry for books, images, paper work, yellow pages, e-books, printed
documents, web sites, business cards, receipts, software applications, catalogs, bills and
the mailing lists.
Telemarketing services:
Providing friendly interactions with the potential customers to create interests for the
products and services. By promotion, up- selling and cross selling to the existing
customers and also by completing the online sales process.
Insurance processing:
The call center support services are also providing payroll processing, online form
processing, insurance claim forms, medical billing forms processing.
BPO also caters to offer solutions for system problems, Level 1 and level multi-channel
support, technical problem resolution, remote diagnostics, office productivity tools
support and answering the queries of product usage.
Online research:
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Provides extensive details and search on the market survey researches, analysis,
mailing list research, internet search, and web search and product search and usage
1. Productivity improvement:
leverngear Ltd. enables the corporate executive to concentrate upon core business areas.
Conventionally executives spend more time in management of details and they get very
little time to formulate strategies. leverngear Ltd. saves time and helps the executives
to explore new revenue areas, accelerate other projects and focus on their customers.
This leads to improvement in productivity. Better educated or skilled people perform
the task efficiently and thus improve productivity.
3. Reduction in cost:
Cost savings can be significant to any business. leverngear Ltd. not only helps in
reducing cost but also increase productivity and raise revenue significantly. Cost
reduction is possible through process improvements, reengineering, and use of
technologies that reduce and bring administrative and other costs under control.
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5. Focus on core business areas:
Efficient business strategy is essential to take the business to the top. Outsourcing
enables the top management level to hand over critical but non-core activities of the
business to the third party. This facilitates the top management level to concentrate on
the core activities.
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4.4 Offerings of leverngear Ltd.
The leverngear Ltd. Offers to any broad organization to maintain and complete the
database activities. leverngear Ltd. Also offers “Signature Care Emergency Center”
at America as a third party to maintain and complete all kinds of official database
activities of their emergency centers. From beginning to present the leverngear Ltd.
Maintained and completed 21 emergency centers or facilities with success. The name
of these 21 emergency centers is:
lever gear Ltd. do all the patient administrative work for all these facilities or emergency
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Others partners are:
2. Dell: Recently lever gear Ltd. became the supplier of Dell accessories like:
Laptop, built in PC’s etc.
3. Bangla Track: lever gear Ltd. works with Bangla track for their server and
other working stations.
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4.5 Playing role for Bangladesh
Though lever gear Ltd. Work for the Emergency Centre of the United States of
America, they play many important roles for Bangladesh. Such as
There are more than 278 employees. The salary of employees which came from
America by this Bangladesh is getting remittance.
By this company their chance to work more than 100 people and they are now free from
unemployment. lever gear Ltd. is thinking about growing their business area then there
also more people can have a chance to work.
Tax Revenue:
This Company paid their tax properly which is an important role play for Bangladesh
economic growth.
lever gear Ltd. tries to properly use Human Resource. They try to collect qualified
people and give them a place to use and practice their knowledge.
Skill development:
In this company there are various kinds of IT related training programs, seminars, tours
etc. By this kind of session, a person can develop their knowledge and skill about IT
related activities.
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Chapter Five
We all know that every business field has its own area and there are a lot of companies
that are doing their business effectively. Each of these companies has rivalry with each
other. lever gear Ltd. also has similar and competitors and they have given below
Task Eater is one of the world’s fastest growing Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
companies. We assemble fully managed offshore teams, tailored to fit individual client
requirements. Our focus is on communication, management, quality and creating a
good working environment for our employees, reflective in our 300+ client base. With
the ability to quickly train and scale teams from 1 to 600+ analysts, we can be a strong
and flexible partner.
Gene Infosys, a leading BPM & IT services company in the country has been awarded
as the Best Large Contact Center Rank#1 and Best Outsourcing Partnership Rank#2 in
the Asia Pacific Region standing tall with global contact center players in the Top-
Ranking Performers award by Contact Center World (The global association for contact
center and customer engagement best practices) held at Macau recently.
A Company that started out to fill in a major gap in the basic structure of small &
medium size businesses around the world are now extending its reach globally.
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5.6 Sentech Solution
Sentech solution was founded by three technology entrepreneurs with the objective of
developing user-centric software. The focus is to integrate techniques of building rich
“User Experience” and techniques of software engineering. It is about meeting user
expectations that spans rich interactions, innovative functionality and trustworthy
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Chapter Six
SWOT Analysis
6.1 SWOT Analysis
1. Strengths
2. Weaknesses
1. Opportunity’s
2. Threat’s
Skilled Workforce: they have skilled workforce who have the skills to perform
complicated task and they have ability to adapt quickly to technological
Maintain project time and accuracy: lever gear Ltd. tries to complete all their
operations with 100% Excellency.
Higher work efficiency: they always give their best toward the task was given
by their client. They do all kind of auditing parameter before submitting a
project. They believe in their work resources lever gear Ltd always tries to
maintain a strong Relationship with the loyal customer base.
Company goodwill: lever gear Ltd has a Strong customer base of well-known
companies. As a matter of fact, that they have only one client and their client is
satisfied with their work, they complete all the project given by their client, so
they have a very goodwill in the job market.
Cost Effective: Employees can perform their operation remotely or they can
complete their daily operation from office. They can control the production and
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employees remotely. leverngear Ltd. Offer home office by that they minimize
their cost.
Hiring Process: Recruitment process is not good enough. It takes too much
time to hire people as per client requirement. There are several ways to go for
hiring process. They take time to initiate the process, then they start other stuff
like announcement of job vacancies etc.
Employee Promotion: It means the ascension of an employee to higher
involves increase in salary, position, responsibilities and other aspects. To get a
promotion employee needs more work and effort. leverngear ltd. overlook it,
they did not promote employee in timely manner and delay the process.
Interaction between department: There is a slightly confusion between HR
department and Administration department about their job responsibilities.
Lack of branding and promotion: As we all know that branding highlight the
company. It also creates customer interests. Like other companies leverngear
Ltd. Doesn’t have that kind of marketing and brand presence.
Decision making: a good decision maker choose actions that give the best
outcome for themselves and others. play crucial role for Centralized decision-
making process which affects the whole organization.
Market Taker: there are some factors that affect a high-quality outsourcing
destination. They are:
Skilled workforce: they have a pool of skilled work force with
professional expertise in required areas.
Cost-effectiveness: Labor cost is low in our country.
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Language proficiency: their employees have a good command in
language required for the project.
Time zone: Their primary client working time zone is convenient for
So, it can be branded as a quality outsourcing destination.
Contribution to the economy: Bangladesh is the hot spot for BPO, so
leverngear Ltd.
so, it can contribute to the economy by
Job creation: Increasing number of projects. They need people frequently, by
doing this they can create job for the people.
Foreign exchange earnings: They generate foreign exchange earnings for the
country by providing services to clients from other countries. The revenue
generated from these services adds to the country's foreign exchange reserve
Increase in Business: Right now, leverngear Ltd. only works for medical
provider but in near future it can work for others sector as well.
The income of BPO is High.
Create new employment opportunities.
Innovation of the latest technology can be used.
It can be a great Consultancy area.
New Competitor: BPO industry is rising in Bangladesh, so there are many BPO
companies currently doing business in similar sector as leverngear Ltd.
Carrier growth is slow: As BPO industry is rising there are much development
needed, so the carrier growth is a bit slow in this industry.
New Customer: leverngear Ltd. Has only one primary client, so they need to
search for another client also for surviving in the market.
IT ins fracture Instability: Due to instability of IT structure in Bangladesh.
They have to face a lot of problems. High bandwidth internet, machineries and
other tools are unavailable in Bangladesh.
Lack of Skilled personnel: As their client requirement is a medical billing
expert or skilled in medical billing, they don’t have enough medical billing
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Employee turnover: This is a major threat for the organization. The employee
turnover is high because of:
Better salary and benefits: Employees switch job for better salary and
Lack of career growth: Employee career growth is slow because of the
poor evolution system.
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Chapter Seven
Findings of the study are basically based on analysis and interpretation of primary data
impact of HR administration in leverngear Ltd. They’re Developed Human skills,
Communications Skills, English speaking, Workforce to a strong communication with
clients and each other of employees etc. leverngear Ltd. has a very good confidence.
They try to complete their activities, operations, mission, vision etc. with 100%
successfully. They also try to effort 100% with smartness and Excellency ideas,
activities etc.
Analyzing the job requirement: They did not analyze the job requirement. They
just post the circular for hiring process.
Selecting the right fit: they did not select the right candidate for the post. They
select anyone with the minimum qualification.
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3. There are less skilled employees because maximum of them is student and also
there is lack of professionalism.
4. Operational client: Right now, leverngear Ltd. works for USA based medical
center. They are their only operational client and this is risky by the terms of
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7.2 Recommendations
The leverngear Ltd. can add more facilities for more output from employees and make
it easy to achieve their goals. Some recommendations they can add like
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7.3 Conclusion
I am grateful to the management of the company for giving me the opportunity and
thanks for their nice co-operation. As I am working here, I was able to know the HR
practices in an organization. The best thing is that I have been able to have a profound
knowledge on the motivation and productivity practices. I came to know different
motivation strategies taken by leverngear Ltd. It ensures a satisfactory motivation level
that is why employees are satisfied with the compensation administration. Finally, it
can be said that the preparation of this report will enable me to enhance my career.
As an Internee of leverngear Ltd. I have truly enjoyed my internship from the learning
and experience view point. I am confident that these few month internee programs at
leverngear Ltd. will definitely help me to realize my further career in the job market.
During the course of my practical orientation, I have tried to learn the practical activities
to realize it with my theoretical knowledge, which I have great hearted and am going
to acquire from various courses of my MBA program.
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Though there is no book about an overview “leverngear Ltd” that’s why I can’t prefer
any text book. But I gather information by many ways and that’s are:
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