Antm 070307 DBS
Antm 070307 DBS
Antm 070307 DBS
Daily Focus
DBS Group Research . Equity 13 February 2007
Key Indices
Price (IDR)
Target Mkt Cap
Return (USDm) Comments
Bank Mandiri 2,450 3,220 31% 5,584
Perush. Gas Neg. 9,150 16,000 75% 4,642 Perusahaan Gas Negara: In the case of stuck pigs
(Maintain Strong Buy; IDR9,150; PGAS IJ)
Bank Rakyat Indo 4,825 6,250 30% 6,553
Indofood Sukses 1,720 1,570 -9% 1,621 The company yesterday issued its fortnightly report on the South
Berlian Laju T 1,770 3,000 69% 810 Sumatra West Java (SSWJ) pipeline projects, which described
progresses in all fronts of the pipeline constructions. The focus is
likely to be on the onshore leg of Pagardewa – Labuhan Maringgai,
Market Key Data which spanned for 272kms. The construction of the pipelines has been
Price (IDR) Target Target Mkt Cap completed, and most of the hydrostatic test, dewatering and
swabbing processes have also been completed. However, there was
Company 12-Feb Price Return (USDm) one section where the swabbing process was delayed because of
flooding at nearby river. While the pipe header had already been
Arpeni Ocean L 650 1,050 62% 215 removed to higher place to avoid water backflow, yet the swabbing
Tunas Baru Lampu 345 450 30% 157 process continued to encounter minor problems where three foam
pigs (which are cylindrical in shape and are used to remove the debris
KI Jababeka 181 240 33% 276
left over during the construction phase) were stuck. Only after higher
Enseval Putra M 580 1,000 72% 146 foam density pig was launched, the other pigs could come and the
Mayora Indah 1,400 1,750 25% 119 sectional valve could be installed.
There is no impact from this incident to the company’s target date for
commercialization of first gas, which is at the end of March. However,
Stock Picks – Large Cap (Mkt Cap > USD1bn)
the market has indeed expected full completion of tests by the end of
Close Chg
February, which now expected by the third week of March. As such,
JCI 1,734.5 -0.34%
we might see some selling pressures in the short term, but
LQ45 368.5 -0.36%
nevertheless we maintain our strong buy rating on the counter with
Industry 142.3 0.04%
target price of IDR16,000.
Consumer 393.6 -0.73%
IDR/USD 9,050 0.06%
Daily Vol (m shrs) 2,379.6 Aneka Kimia Raya: Site visit on AKRA’s logistic facility in Ciwandan
Daily Turnover (IDRbn) 2,197.8 (Not Rated; IDR2,525; AKRA IJ)
Daily Turnover (USDm) 242.9
We visited one of PT. AKR Corporation (AKRA) logistic facilities in
Ciwandan, Banten, West Java last week. In this facility, the company
Stock Picks – Small Cap (Mkt Cap < USD1bn) provides logistics services, mainly tank terminals and transportation,
(%) EPS Gth Div Yield to industrial customers, including petroleum companies, namely Shell
2005A 0.9 1.4 and Petronas. The facilities in Ciwandan are well managed and
2006E 24.7 1.6 supported with adequate equipments to ensure high quality and
2007F 21.5 1.9 safety standard, which is important given the highly inflammable
cargo stored in the terminal.
2005A 24.8 9.1
2006E 18.1 7.9
2007F 14.1 6.6
Refer to important disclosures at the end of this report.
Indonesia Daily Focus
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Indonesia Daily Focus
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