NEW Syllabus Notes of SSAC 111 Agri
NEW Syllabus Notes of SSAC 111 Agri
NEW Syllabus Notes of SSAC 111 Agri
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Course : SSAC 111 Credit: 3(2+1) Semester-I
Course title: Fundamentals of Soil Science
Teaching schedule
Lecture Topic Weightage
1&2 History and development of soil science, its scope and importance. 5
Soil as natural body, pedological and edapholgical concept of soil.
3&4 Soil genesis: Soil forming rocks and minerals. 6
5&6 Weathering of Rocks and Minerals. 6
7&8 Processes and factors of soils formation. 5
9 Soil profile, components of soil. 5
10 & 11 Soil physical properties: Soil texture, structure, density and 5
Suggested Reading
1) ISSS. 2009. Fundamentals of Soil Science. 2nd Ed. Indian Society of Soil Science, New
Delhi- 110 012. pp. 728.
2) Das D. K. 2011. Introductory Soil Science, 3rd revised and Enlarged Ed, Kalyani
Publisher, Ludhiana. pp. 645.
3) Brady, N. C. 2016. The Nature and Properties of Soils. 15th edition Publisher: Pearson
Education, ISBN: 978-0133254488
4) Daji J A; Daji J A; Kadam J R; Patil N D.1996. Textbook of Soil Science Bombay
Media Promoters and publishers Pvt. Ltd.
5) Biswas, T.D.; Mukherjee, S.K.. 1995. Text Book of Soil Science 2nd sEd. Tata McGraw
Hill Publisher, Delhi pp 433.
Soil Science has six well defined and developed disciplines. Scope of
soil Science is reflected through these disciplines.
Soil Science : The science dealing with soil as a natural resource on the
surface of the earth, including Pedology (soil genesis, classification and
mapping) and the physical, chemical and biological and fertility properties
of soil and these properties in relation to their management for crop
Different Approaches
1) Pedalogical approach (origin of soil Survey, classification).
2) Edaphological approach (utility of soil)
1. Pedalogical approach : In this approach soil has been consider as
natural body . in pedological approach origin of soil (genesis),survey,
classification of soil ,examination of soil in the field etc.
Note : All productive soils are fertile soil but all fertile soils may productive
or may not be productive based on proper management practices .
O = 47% (46.6%)
Si = 27.7%
Al = 8.1%
Fe = 5%
Ca = 3.6%
Na = 2.8%
K = 2.6%
Mg = 1.5%
Rocks and minerals are formed under a very high temperature and pressure,
exposed to atmospheric conditions of low pressure and low temperature and
they become unstable and weather.
The process by which the earth’s crust or lithosphere is broken down by the
activities of the atmosphere, with the aid of the hydrosphere and biosphere
Physical weathering:
Breaking of rocks and minerals into smaller fragment due to physical
forces without any chemical change also called as disintegration of rocks.
Factors affecting:
2. Action of Temperature - During day time due to sun’s heat rocks get
heated, which leads to expansion of rocks when temperature falls during
night, decrease in temperature causes contraction of rock. Thus alternate
expansion and contraction due to heating & cooling resp. Leads to
development of cracks in rock.
Chemical Weathering
In which rock is decompose due to different chemical
reactions. Speed of chemical reaction increases due to dissolve CO2 and
increase in temperature . It is the most important process for soil
Factors affecting:
KAlSi3O8+H2O----- HAlSi3O+KOH
(Orthoclase) (Acid silt clay)
Biological Weathering
2. Rats, Rabbits, termites, ants, earth worms provide passage for entry of
water .
3.Higher plants –Roots of higher plants enter through cracks and exert
tremendous pressure which leads to widening of cracks and crevice
• Deep rooted plants provide passage for water entry due to growing of
their roots deeper and deeper into soil .
• Water loving plants like mosses , lichens, grass, ferns continuously
keep rocks moist which bring further decomposition of rocks .
The evolution of true soil from regolith takes place by the combined action
of soil forming factors and processes.
1. The first step is accomplished by weathering (disintegration &
2. The second step is associated with the action of Soil Forming
Dokuchaiev (1889) established that the soils develop as a result of the action
of soil forming factors
S = f ( P, Cl, O )
S = f (Cl, O, R, P, T, …)
S- Any property of soil
f- Function
Cl – Environmental climate
O – Organisms and vegetation (biosphere)
R – Relief or topography
P – Parent material
T - Time
Passive – serves as a mass and active soil forming factors will act on this
mass and soil is formed
1. Climate – a. Temperature
b. Precipitation
Soil forming under High rainfall and low temperature (Acidic soils)
• High rainfall favours max leaching losses which is responsible for
washing of salts in downward direction ( max leaching losses)
• Low temperature restricts upward movement of salts through
evaporation (min. Upward movement of salts)
• Under such conditions irrerespective of parent material ( it maybe
alkaline , acidic or neutral)
Soil forming under High temperature and low rainfall (Basic soils)
• High temperature favours max. Upward movement of salt through
evaporation (accumulation of salts in surface horizon)
• Due to low rainfall downward movement of salts is restricted thus,
under such conditions irrespective of parent material basic or
alkaline soils are formed.
Climatic conditions
Ectodynomorphic soils
When climatic conditions playing role in soil formation and effect of
parent material has been subdivided by climatic conditions and soils are
formed are called as ectodynamorphic soils
e.g. basalt – high temperature convert into lateritic soil
High rainfall laterization
basalt lateritic lateritic soil
Endodynamomorphic soils
When parent material is playing dominant role and effect of climatic
conditions has been marked and soil is formed is called as
endodynamomorphic soils
e.g. organic soils – peat soil, muck , mor soil
2. Organisms
Human beings, vegetations, micro organisms. They bring brief
variation in soil profile. They do following actions –
1. Accumulation of organic matter
2. Profile manuring
3. Nutrient recycling
4. Structural stability
3) Time (t)
Time determines degree of maturity of soil
Mature soil - horizon differentiation is clear and distinct and soi having
good depth
Mineral matter-
• The size and composition of mineral matter in soils are variable to
nature of parent rock .
• Dominant minerals are quartz and feldsphars.
• Rock fragments are broken by disintegration(physically through
weathering and soil is formed.
• Material are usually coarse and mineral are extremely variable in size
smaller rock fragments are colloidal clay particles cannot be seen
without help of electron microscope.
• In general, primary minerals viz, quartz, biotite, muscovite etc,
dominated the coarser fractions of soil and secondary minerals viz.
silicate clays and hydrous oxide clays Fe and Al are present in very
finer fraction, clays in soil
Organic matter
• Soil organic matter exists as partly decayed and partically synthesised
plant and animal residues .
• Organic residues are broken down as a result of microbial activity in
soil due to constant change it must be replenished to maintain soil
productivity .
• Organic matter is a store house of nutrients in soil .
• Organic matter improves water holding capacity , aeration, status of
soil , desirable surface soil structure , promotes a greater proportion of
large pore sizes .
• Organic matter act as chelate .
Chelate- any organic compound that can bound to a metal by
more than one bond and form a ring or cyclic structure by that
bonding which makes nutrient available .
• Organic matter is a major source of N, 50-60% P and 80% S. It also
supplies different stress element like boron and molybdenum .
Soil water
• Significant role in plant growth relationship water vis held within the
soil pores with the varying degrees of forces depending on amount of
water present. with the increasing amount of water in soil the forces of
retension of water by the soil will be low and vice-versa .so
movement of retension of water is the soil in primarily influenced by
the characteristics of soil, viz texture, structure, nature of inorganic
and organic colloids , types and amount of exchangeable cations ,size
and total amount of pore spaces.
• Soil water also presents along with dissolved salts and makes up the
soil solution (water + dissolved salts )act as important medium for
supplying different essential nutrients to growing plants through
exchange phenomenons between soil solid surfaces snd soil solution.
Soil air
• Air spaces or pore spaces __ soil volume which is not occupied by
soil solids ,either mineral or organic .
• Under field conditions pore space is occupied by air and water. The
more the water , the less the air and vice-versa .
• During rainy season water replaces air from the soil pore spaces but as
soon as water disappeared by downward movement, surface
evaporation and transpiration etc, air gradually replaces the water as it
is lost from the pore space.
• Soil air contains various gases like CO2, small amount of O2 and N
• Soil air influence the growth of the plants as well as the activity of
different beneficial micro-organism present in soil.
5. the no. and activity of soil micro- 5.microbial population and their
organisms is very high . activity is very low .
7. due to high organic matter colour 7.due to low organic matter light
of surface soil is deep brown or yellowish colour depending upon the
dark . nature and kinds of unweathered
8. fertile soil, most of the essential 8. less fertile ,very few essential plant
plant nutrients are present. nutrients are present.
1. Soil texture
2. Soil structure
3. Surface area
4. Soil density,
5. Soil porosity
6. Soil colour
7. Soil consistency
8. Soil compaction
9. Soil crusting
10. Soil colour
11. Plasticity
Soil texture
Soil separates :
Once the soil particles are dispersed into ultimate particles, measurement can
be done
Soil textural diagram ( ISSS ) : considering the amount of sand, silt and
clay soil textural class can be determined with the help of textural triangle.
Stones and gravels may influence the use and management of land
because of tillage difficulties but these larger particles make little or no
contribution to soil properties such as WHC and capacity to store plant
nutrients and their supply.
Gravels: 2 - 4 mm
Pebbles: 4 - 64 mm
Cobbles: 64 - 256 mm
Boulders: > 256 mm
The components of fine earth: Sand, Silt and Clay (Soil separates. The size
limits of these fractions have been established by various organizations.
There are a number of systems of naming soil separates.
ii) BSI
Coarse Sand 1 - 2 mm
iii) ISSS
Diameter (mm)
Soil separates
Fine clay < 0.0002 mm
Medium clay 0.0002 – 0.0006
Coarse clay 0.0006 – 0.002
Fine silt 0.002 - 0.006
Medium silt 0.006 - 0.02
Coarse silt 0.02 - 0.06
Fine sand 0.06 - 0.20
Medium sand 0.20 - 0.60
Coarse sand 0. 60 - 2.00
1. Usually consists of quartz but may also contain fragments of feldspar,
mica and occasionally heavy minerals viz., zircon, Tourmaline and
2. Has uniform dimensions
3. Can be represented as spherical
4. Not necessarily smooth and has jagged surface
1. Particle size intermediate between sand and clay
2. Since the size is smaller, the surface area is more
3. Coated with clay
4. Has the physico- chemical properties as that of clay to a limited extent
5. Sand and Silt forms the SKELETON
1. Particle size less than 0.002 mm
2. Plate like or needle like in shape
3. Belong to alumino silicate group of minerals
4. Some times considerable concentration of fine particles which does
not belong to alumino silicates. (e.g.) iron oxide and CaCO3
5. These are secondary minerals derived from primary minerals in the
6. Flesh of the soil
Presence of each type of soil particles makes its contribution to the nature
and properties of soil as a whole
DEFINITION- It is arrangement and organization of primary and secondary
soil particles into soil mass under natural conditions.
When development of horizontal axis of aggregates take
place dominantly plate like structure are formed.
(a) PLATY- In plate like structure horizontal thick layers are developed.
(b) LAMINAR- In plate like structure very thin horizontal layers are
Bulk Density:
Partical Density:
It is the mass per unit volume of soil solids.
Porosity refers to the percentage of soil volume occupied by pore space.
Soil pores :
a) Macro pores – Large size pores (>0.06mm) size exist between sand sized
b) Micro/ capillary pores: Small size pores(<0.06mm) clays and clayey soil
have greater number of capillary pores.
1. Pore space: Since bulk density relates to the combined volume of the
solids and pore spaces, soils with high proportion of pore space to solids
have lower bulk densities than those that are more compact and have less
pore space. Consequently, any factor that influences soil pore space will
affect bulk density.
2. Texture: Fine textured surface soils such as silt loams, clays and clay
loams generally have lower bulk densities than sandy soils. This is because
the fine textured soils tend to organize in porous grains especially because of
adequate organic matter content. This results in high pore space and low
bulk density. However, in sandy soils, organic matter content is generally
low, the solid particles lie close together and the bulk density is commonly
higher than in fine textured soils.
3. Organic matter content: More the organic matter content in soil results in
high pore space there by shows lower bulk density of soil and vice-versa.
Soil colour -
Manual soil color chart –196 colours are arranged
Chroma-purity of color
Property of moist soil to be moulded in designed shape .clayey soil will
have more plasticity as compared to sily and sandy soil.
Soil compaction:
Compaction encompasses compression plus increase in density of
soil. It is the dynamic behavior of soil.
The degree of compaction depends upon the nature of soil amount of
energy applied water content and extent of manipulation of soil.
Soil Consistancy:
It is defined as manifestation of the physical forces of cohesion and
adhesion acting with in the soil at various moisture constants.
Consistancy is expressed based on moisture level like wet, moist and dry.
Soil Crusting:
Soil crusting is the phenomenon associated with deterioration of soil
structure, where the natural aqqnegates break and disperse due to impact of
rain drops, followed by rapid drying due to radient energy of the sun.
Soil water has been classified from a physical and biological point of view
as Physical classification of soil water, and biological classification of soil
Physical classification
• Gravitational water
• Capillary water
• Hygroscopic water
Biological Classification
• Available water
• Unavailable water
• Super available or superfluous water
Factors affecting capillary water: The amount of capillary water that a soil
is able to hold varies considerably. The following factors are responsible for
variation in the amount of capillary water.
ii. Soil texture: The finer the texture of a soil, greater is the amount of
capillary water holds. This is mainly due to the greater surface area and a
greater number of micro pores.
iii. Soil structure: Platy structure contains more water than granular
iv. Organic matter: The presence of organic matter helps to increase the
capillary capacity of a soil. Organic matter itself has a great capillary
capacity. Undecomposed organic matter is generally porous having a large
surface area, which helps to hold more capillary water. The humus that is
formed on decomposition has a great capacity for absorbing and holding
water. Hence the presence of organic matter in soil increases the amount of
capillary water in soil.
3. Hygroscopic water: The water that held tightly on the surface of soil
colloidal particle is known as hygroscopic water. It is essentially non-liquid
and moves primarily in the vapour form.
The amount of clay and also its nature influences the amount of hygroscopic
water. Clay minerals of the montmoril1onite type with their large surface
area adsorb more water than those of the kaolinite type, while illite minerals
are intermediate.
i. Available water: The water which lies between wilting coefficient and
field capacity. It is obtained by subtracting wilting coefficient from moisture
ii. Unavailable water: This includes the whole of the hygroscopic water
plus a part of the capillary water below the wilting point.
iii. Super available or superfluous water: The water beyond the field
capacity stage is said to be super available. It includes gravitational water
plus a part of the capillary water removed from larger interstices. This water
is unavailable for the use of plants. The presence of super-available water in
a soil for any extended period is harmful to plant growth because of the lack
of air.
4. Total Potential:
Sum of all above
Pt = Pm +Po+ Pg
Total water potential (Pt} is the sum of the contributions of
gravitational potential (Pg), matric potential (Pm) and the Osmotic potential
or solute potential (Po).
1) Field Capacity :
When downward movement of water in saturated soil has been completed
creates after 24 hours water retain at this point is called as field capacity and
suction of pressure is less than 1/3 atm or less than 2.54 PF
3) Wilting coefficient:
Percent moisture present at wilting point is called as wilting coefficient,
that at 15 atm pressure.
Wilting point: the percent moisture present in the soil at which plant show
wilting symptoms even through it is exposed to saturated atmospheric
conditions. It will not recover unless and until additional water is added into
soil; this point is called as wilting point.
4) Hygroscopic coefficient:
The hygroscopic coefficient is the maximum amount of hygroscopic
water absorbed by 100 g of dry soil under standard conditions of
humidity (50% relative humidity) and temperature (15°C). This
tension is equal to a force of 31 atmospheres. Water at this tension is
not available to plant but may be available to certain bacteria.
ii) Techniques are used to determine the soil moisture potential (tension or
If the soil is dry, water moves through the porous cup, setting up a
negative tension (or greater is the suction). The tensiometers are more
useful in sandy soils than in fine textured soils. Once the air gets
entrapped in the tensiometer, the reliability of readings is questionable.
1. Saturated flow:
When capillary and non-capillary pores are completely filled with
water and standing water can be observed in the field is called as saturated
soil, water logged soil or submerged soil. Water movement takes place under
such condition is called as saturated flow. In saturated flow water moves
freely under the influence of gravity (percolation). Specially from non-
capillary pores and very little or negligible horizontal movement of water is
Negative water potential is much lesser than it is observed in case of
saturated flow.
Hydraulic head –
It is energy stored in hydraulic system expressed as height of water
column which rises above fix datum .
The vertical water flow rate through soil is given by Darcy’s law. The law
states that the rate of flow of liquid or flux through a porous medium is
proportional to the hydraulic gradient in the direction of floe of the liquid.
(dw) At
QW = - k--------------
QW = Quantity of water in (cm3)
k = rate constant (cm/s)
dw = Water height (head), cm
A = Soil area (cm2)
t = Time
ds = Soil depth (cm)
2. Unsaturated flow:
When capillary and non-capillary pores are partially filled with water
and air, such soil condition is called as unsaturated soil (moist soil), water
movement taking place under such condition is called as unsaturated flow in
which horizontal movement is dominant than vertical movement under such
conditions water potential is much more negative that saturated flow.
3. Evapour movement:
Conservation of soil water into vapour form which may take place within
the soil or from soil surface to atmosphere.
1. Clay minerals
2. Soil Texture
3. Soil structure
4. Moisture content
5. Vegetative cover
6. Topography
1. Texture: Finer the texture, more is the pore space and also surface area,
greater is the retention of water.
3. Organic matter: Higher the organic matter more is the water retention in
the soil.
4. Density of soil: Higher the density of soil, lower is the moisture content.
6. Salt content: More the salt content in the soil less is the water available to
the plant.
Prepared by: Prof. S. B. Aware 42
7. Depth of soil: More the depth of soil more is the water available to the
8. Type of clay: The 2:1 type of day increases the water retention in the soil
Soil Air
Continuation of atmospheric air (air present in soil)
Soil aeration:
Constant exchange of gases from soil to atmosphere or vice versa
results in renewal of component of gases of soil air is called as soil aeration.
Composition of atmospheric air & soil air:
Soil air Atmospheric air
N(%) 79.2 79.9
O(%) 20.60 20.97
Co2(%) 0.3 0.03
1. Nature and condition of soil: The quantity of oxygen in soil air is less
than that in atmospheric air. The amount of oxygen also depends upon the
soil depth. The oxygen content of the air in lower layer is usually less than
that of the surface soil. This is possibly due to more readily diffusion of the
oxygen from the atmosphere into the surface soil than in the subsoil. Light
texture soil or sandy soil contains much higher percentage than heavy soil.
The concentration of CO2 is usually greater in subsoil probably due to more
sluggish aeration in lower layer than in the surface soil.
2. Type of crop: Plant roots require oxygen, which they take from the soil
air and deplete the concentration of oxygen in the soil air. Soils on which
crops are grown contain more CO2 than fallow lands. The amount of CO2 is
usually much greater near the roots of plants than further away. It may be
due to respiration by roots.
Soil Temperature
Sources - Major source - solar energy (Radiant energy)
Molten magma through conduction of heat, from lower surface to upper
Negligible quantity by exothermic reactions, biochemical reactions.
Hot precipitation
1.Through conduction –
1 Soil temp. moves from one point to another point through
2. Diurnal variation
3. Seasonal variation
Soil colloids are particles having size less than < 0.001mm in diameter
possess properties of colloidal substances like gel, starch, etc. are called as
soil colloids.
1. Size- They are very very minute in size and can only be seen under
electron microscope.
2. Surface area-
i. Surface area ∝ 1/size of particles
4. Adsorption of cations –
Clay micelle- It is crystal unit of colloidal complex which acts
as a large anion (carrying –ve charge) is called as clay micelle.
Soil colloids just behaves like clay micelle and adsorbs number of
cations like H+,Na+ ,Ca+2 ,Mg+2 ,K+,Fe+2,Mn+2 ,etc.
8. Brownian movement-
When colloidal particles are suspended in water they are in
constant state of motion when observed under electron microscope.
Zigzag motion can be seen which is discovered by scientist. Brownian
that is why it is called as Brownian movement.
Prepared by: Prof. S. B. Aware 47
11.Non permeability-
Colloidal particles are very finest in size even though there
molecules are of larger size than solute molecules thus only solute molecules
can be passed (Dialysis).
Expanding type
- It is dominant in vertisols (black cotton soil or medium black soil)
- In this structure linkage is very weak that’s why structure is
expanding type and which which has internal as well as other
surface area. Montmorillonite [Si8Al4O20(OH)4]
4. 2:1:1 or 2:2 type (Chlorite) This Fe-Mg silicates and al is also present.
It fixed layer lattice structure.
6. Al-Fe Sequioxides –
- They have more than 90% phosphate fixing property.
- Under heavy rainfall condition Si is leached down leaving Fe-Al
hydroxides (sequioxides).
- They have very high phosphorous fixing capacity.
Are the other important amorphous clay minerals. Derived from
volcanic ash. Eg. Zeolite and TiO2 (Rutile)
8 Organic Colloids
Most of the colloidal properties of soil organic matter are due to
Humus- it is browm to dark in colour (well decomposed organic matter)
serve as an reserviour of essential plant nutrients reactive groups are
4 Surface
Internal - 550-650 -
External 10-30 70-120 70-100
6 Inter layer 0.7 (7.2Ao) 1.0- 2.0 (9.6 to 1.0 (10Ao)
spacing 18.0Ao)
7 Isomorph - No-(pH Octahedral sheet Tetrahedral
ous dependant (0.6) sheet
substitutio charge) (1.0)
8. CEC(cmo 2 to 5 80 to 120 15-40
9. Inter layer Hydrogen 0- 0 bonding 0-0 bonding
bonding bonding
10. Cohesion, Low High Medium
3.Management practices
Tends to increase soil acidity because is disturbed due to different
cultural operations which favors leaching loss of bases.
High rainfall, low temperature = acidic soil
High temperature , low rainfall = basic soil
Types of acidity:
8. Native vegetation: Soils often become more acid when crops are
harvested because of removal of bases. Type of crop determines the
relative amounts of removal. For example, legumes generally contain
higher levels of bases than do grasses. Calcium and Mg contents also
vary according to the portion(S) of the plant harvested. Many legumes
are adsorbed on the clay colloids and not easily displaced and hence not
available for plant growth. The availability of molybdenum is reduced
under acid soils. It is more available in neutral and alkaline soils.
Cation exchange-
Surface reaction-
Cation Exchange
The process of replacement of cations adsorbed on exchange complex
by other cations is called cation exchange.
UNIT- cmol-kg
1 Cations in the soil solution and those on the exchange complexes of soil
(clay crystal and humus)
2 Cations released by plant roots and those on the exchange complexes of
3 Cation on the surface of either two clay crystals, two organic colloids; or
a clay and humus particle.
All the cations are not adsorbed with equal tenacity, and the exchange
complex does not possess same strength of negative charge at all points. The
cation with less size and higher charge per unit size are held more strongly
than other cations.
The sum total of the exchangeable cations that a soil can absorbis
known as “Cation Exchange Capacity” of that soil. It is the amount of
Base Saturation : The percentage of total CEC satisfied with basic cations is
termed base saturation.
3 2:1 clay minerals have more CEC than 1:1 type minerals
Importance of CEC
Acid soils in tropical and sub tropical regions containing hydrous oxides of
Al and Fe exhibit much higher AEC than alkaline and calcareous young
soils of arid and semi - arid regions.
Soil organic matter- The matter which contains carbon as a chief constituent
The humus compounds have resulted from two general types of biochemical
reactions: Decomposition and Synthesis.
1. Decomposition:
b) Other simpler organic compounds that result from the breakdown take
part immediately in the second of the humus-forming processes,
biochemical synthesis.
Properties of Humus
1. The tiny colloidal particles are composed of C, H, and O2. The colloidal
particles are negatively charged (-OH, -COOH or phenolic groups), has very
high surface area, higher CEC (150 – 300 cmol/kg), 4 - 5 times higher WHC
than that of silicate clays.
These include
• polysaccharides ( polymers that have sugar like structures with
general formula of Cn(H 2 O)n,
• sugar amines,
Prepared by: Prof. S. B. Aware 67
• nucleic acids,
• phospholipids,
• vitamins & sulfolipids.
These processes are more influenced by C/N, C/P and C/S ratios of
decomposing plant residues.
ratios recorded for C and P are somewhat more variable than for C and N, or
C and S.
✓ Microbes - 4-9:1
✓ Microbial tissues - 6-12:1
✓ FYM- 20-30:1
✓ Aerable Soil / Humus- 10 – 12:1
✓ Legume residues and green manures- 13 – 25:1
✓ Saw dust- 400:1
✓ Forest Wastes - 150 - 500
Significance of C : N ratio:
Bacteria :
• Bacteria are single cell organisms.
• They are known for rapid proliferation.
• They adjust quickly to changes in environment.
• Size will seldom exceed 4 -5 µm (length).
• Shape may be round, rod like or spiral. In the soil, the rod shaped ones
seem to predominate
Higher category
1 Order
2 sub order
3 great groups
Lower category
1. sub groups
2. family
3. series
Higher category
Sub order-
Great groups
Lower category
Sub groups
sub division of great groups and central concept of great groups which
form sub groups other sub groups are formulated based on integrated
properties of soil.
Soils of India
8)Tarai Soil :
Foot hills soil form due to weathering takes place the top of mountain
and these weathered material is transported under the influence of gravity c
are formed. These soils will have high moisture regime and remains moist
throughout the year. This may be due to soil have very high water table.
Soils of Maharashtra –
1. Coastal Konkan Region – Thane, Mumbai , Rajgad , Ratnagiri ,
Sindhudurg 720 Km Coastal Region.
Rock may be defined as aggregate of one or more then one mineral.
Igneous rocks are further classified based on the relative amounts of acid
and basic components. An acid component is silica acid or silica.
Based on silica acid or silica.
Acid rocks - >65% silica Ex:- Granite, Pitchstone
Sub acid rocks - 60 - 65% silica Ex:- Syenite, Trachyte
Sub basic rocks - 55 - 60% silica Ex:- Deorite, Andesite
Basic rocks - 45 - 55% silica Ex:- Gabbro, Basalt
Ultra basic rocks - < 45% silica.
Mineral is a naturally occurring, homogenous element or inorganic
compound that has a definite chemical composition and a characteristic
geometric form.
Two or more elements combined Gypsum : CaSO4. 2H2O, Olivine – (Mg,
Fe) 2SiO4, Feldspar – KAlSi3 O8
✓ Primary Minerals The primary minerals are those which are formed
owing to thecrystallization of the molten magma. Eg. Olivine,
Pyroxenes,Quartz, Feldspars Biotite, Muscovite
✓ Secondary Minerals Minerals formed due to weathering action of
primary minerals. Eg. Secondary clays
2. Based on Chemical composition
“B” Horizon : (Illuvial) The sub -surface ‘B’ horizons include layers in
which illuviation of materials has taken place from above and even from
below. In humid regions, the B horizons are the layers of maximum
accumulation of materials such as sesquioxides and silicate clays. In arid and
semi- arid regions CaCO3, CaSO4 and other salts may accumulate in the B