Dekguard PU
Dekguard PU
Dekguard PU
Provides a high grade protection system, to a variety of
surfaces exposed to aggressive environments. Typical areas Specific gravity : 1.3 (mixed)
for application would include the following : Solids by volume @ 25ºC : 52% (mixed)
! Sewage works and effluent plants. Carbon-di-oxide diffusion : 1.0 x 10-7 cm2/s
@ 20ºC @ 35ºC
! Chemical processing. Pot life : 2 hours 1 hour
! Underwater, or submerged conditions. Drying time :
touch dry 4 hours 2 hours
! Wherever UV resistance is required. recoatable 4 hours 2 hours
! Jetties, piers, harbours, seawater intakes and channels. full cure 7 days 3 days
Chemical resistance :
Fully cured coatings were tested on some common
! Low cost in service - due to combination of excellent UV chemicals. Tests were performed by constant immersion
and chemical resistance properties. over a set period, followed by visual inspection.
! Labour saving - can be applied directly onto fully cured Acids (m/v)
epoxy coatings, without need for priming system. Acetic acid 5% : Excellent
Citric acid 80% : Excellent
! Versatile - can be applied to steel and concrete, allows
Tartaric acid 10% : Excellent
colour matching of different elements.
Phosphoric acid 2 50% : Good
! Superior surface finish achievable - allows use of Oleic acid 1 : Good
powerful detergent cleaners where necessary.
Alkalis (m/v)
! Enhanced performance - two part material eliminates Ammonia 20% : Excellent
curing problems associated with single part alternatives. Sodium Hydroxide 1 24% : Very good
Hydrogen Peroxide 1 100% : Very good
Solvents & organics
Dekguard PU is a high quality, polyurethane, protective coating Xylene : Excellent
which can be applied to a variety of surfaces including steel, Diethyl ether : Excellent
concrete and fully cured epoxies. It is supplied as a two pack Ethanol : Excellent
material in pre-weighed quantities ready for on-site mixing Toluene 2 : Very good
and use.
Aqueous solutions
Dekguard PU is applied to a dry surface, as a single coat of Bleach : Excellent
between 95 and 145 microns wet film thickness, which will Aqueous starch solution 5% : Excellent
cure to give a finished dry film thickness of between 50 and Milk : Excellent
75 microns. Additional coats may be required for extreme
(1) Note - acceptable performance up to 7 days immersion
exposure conditions.
(2) Note - can cause some slight surface discoloration
Dekguard PU is available in marine grade for applications
Consult the local Fosroc office for specific recommendations
necessitating biocidal and micro-biostatic effect.
to meet varying operating conditions.
Dekguard PU can be applied on top of a number of different The contents of the resin base tin should be thoroughly stirred
substrates and surfaces; either directly, or by following an initial to disperse any possible settlement.
priming coat. The instructions which follow therefore need to
The entire contents of the hardener should be poured into the
be read carefully to ensure that the correct procedure is adopted
base container, and the two materials mixed thoroughly until
in each case.
both uniform colour and consistency are obtained.
Surface preparation
It is recommended that the two components are mixed together
All surfaces to be treated with Dekguard PU should be clean, mechanically; using a slow speed, electric drill, with a
dry and free from dust or other loose material. proprietary mixing paddle attachment. Mixing should be carried
out continuously for 3 to 5 minutes. If aerated, allow to stand
Concrete surfaces
for 10 to 15 minutes before application.
All surface laitance should be removed by grit blasting or water
Important note :
jetting, to provide a suitable key. The general standard of surface
preparation should be in accordance with ACI 503R-89, Chapter Dekguard PU is a solvent-based product, and should be mixed
5, Paragraph 5.4. in an open, well-ventilated area. If subsequent application is
to be in a confined or poorly ventilated space, then air-fed
Following the preparation of a concrete surface, care should
respirators must be worn.
be taken to ensure that any surface irregularities are filled with
the appropriate Nitomortar* product. Application
Any metal surfaces should be blasted to a bright finish, This can be suitably achieved by brush or roller.
meeting the requirements of Swedish Standard SA 2½ or equal.
The primer (if used) should be firmly applied and scrubbed
Fully cured epoxies well into the surface, ensuring that a continuous film results of
uniform thickness.
Please contact your local Fosroc office for details on surface
preparation required for existing epoxy coatings. The Dekguard PU topcoat will cover very readily. In the case of
application over Dekguard EP302 primer, the ‘undercoat’
should be fully dry before application. In the case of existing
Priming of any substrate should only be completed using epoxy coatings, the ‘undercoat’ should be fully cured.
Dekguard EP302*, and is required for applications to metal or
It is further recommended that a contrasting colour is chosen
concrete. In certain instances, it is possible to apply Dekguard
for the second coat, to ensure unbroken coverage.
PU directly on top of prepared, existing substrates - contact the
local Fosroc office for details. Spray application
Dekguard EP302 is a two part priming system, and should be Faster rates of application are possible using airless spray
mixed and applied in the same fashion as for the Dekguard equipment, but the local Fosroc office should be contacted
PU topcoat - see “Mixing” and “Application” sections below. It prior to application for technical advice.
may be applied at a wet film thickness of between 125 and
190 microns, curing to a dry film thickness of 50 to 75 microns.
Tools and equipment should be cleaned with Fosroc Solvent
Most importantly, however, the priming coat should be
102* immediately after use.
completely dry before applying any of the Dekguard PU topcoat.
The time for this to occur is typically 4 hours at 20ºC, and 2 Repairing and overcoating
hours at 35ºC - consult the local Fosroc office for full details
Any applications of Dekguard PU which have become
and recommendations to suit particular site variations.
damaged can be readily overcoated.
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Dekguard PU*
Estimating Precautions
A minimum application temperature of 5ºC should be observed For further information, please consult the Material Safety Data
at all times. Sheet for Dekguard PU.
Flash points
Dekguard PU : 23ºC
Fosroc Solvent 102 : 33ºC
Shelf life
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Dekguard PU*
Additional Information
! fluid micro-concretes
Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard
Conditions for the Supply of Goods and Service. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s
responsibility to obtain the recent version. Refer to
Head Office
Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: (+9714) 2039699 fax: (+9714) 2859649 email: [email protected]
LLC Regional offices
Abu Dhabi, Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: 673 1779 fax: 673 1449 email: [email protected]
Post Box 657, Dubai Bahrain, YBA Kanoo telephone: 17735454 fax: 17732828 email: [email protected]
United Arab Emirates Kuwait, Boodai telephone: 4817618 fax: 4832124 email: [email protected]
Oman, Al Amana telephone: 24815080 fax: 24817554 email: [email protected]
Qatar, Tadmur telephone: 4500607 fax: 4500543 email: [email protected]