Darley Car Fire Blanket Sell Sheet 2023 v5
Darley Car Fire Blanket Sell Sheet 2023 v5
Darley Car Fire Blanket Sell Sheet 2023 v5
• Includes waterproof smart bag,
carried as a backpack
• Secure solution that handles
fire in electric/hybrid/combustion
engine automobiles
• Suitable for most vehicle sizes
(Custom sizes available)
• Available as single or multiple
use car fire blankets
• Controls any type of car Reduce Smoke Damage and
Prevent the Spread of Fire
(and electric vehicle) fire
within seconds
Darley’s reusable and single use car fire blankets are
• Simple, fast, efficient and safe
solution for controlling vehicle fires
designed to stop any car fire, but with a special emphasis
• Fire is contained under the blanket, for suppressing electric vehicle fires.
reducing the amount of toxic gas
and fumes released
Underground Motorway Service
• Significantly reduce smoke parking companies stations
Tunnels Parking lots
[email protected]
• Ensure blanket is sized appropriately for
the vehicle.
• Unroll Blanket.
• Center it behind the car or from the
deployment direction.
Note: Full PPE and SCBA are to be worn at all times
while deploying and handling any fire blanket
exposed to the car. Minimum two-person
deployment is needed.
• Grab handles, raise them high in the air
and briskly walk the blanket over the
burning vehicle.
Note: Keep direct contact of the blanket with the
car to a minimum, as sharp edges can tear the
blanket during deployment.
• Center the blanket over the vehicle using the
marking points on the blanket.
Note: Make sure the blanket is touching the ground
on all sides. Step down on areas where the air
may be flowing from under the blanket (there will
always be some air entrained.)
• Use the strap to wrap the base of the blanket
around the base of the car.
Note: This will help cut off oxygen and make sure
that the blanket doesn’t blow off in high winds.
Tools or weights can be used to secure the blanket.
• The blanket is deployed. Monitor with thermal
imaging camera.
Additional Notes:
Best practice is also to spray the outside of the blanket
with water. If possible, deploy an EV nozzle under the car
to assist cooling. The fire will continue to burn under the
blanket. While there is no way to put the fire out, the
blanket assists with containment, and protection from
exposures. By limiting oxygen, the fire will cool down but
will not go out until the battery has completely burned
out. Follow department SOPs and consult NFPA and other
guidelines for handling the EV.