9 Cu Sinif Dim Buraxilis Suallari 16
9 Cu Sinif Dim Buraxilis Suallari 16
9 Cu Sinif Dim Buraxilis Suallari 16
5. Choose the correct variant. 12. Choose the correct modal verb.
This place is very ...,it is also ... than the other one. I ... to translate the whole document till morning.
A) clean, safer A) may B) Have
B) cleaner, safest C) Should D) Must
C) The cleanest, safe E) Can
D) cleaner, safer
E) cleanest, safest 13. Choose the correct Possessive case.
1.children's clothes
6.Choose the correct passive voice 2.two week's vacation
I will visit granny very soon. 3.tomorrow's football
A) I will be visited very soon 4.the policemans' questions
B) Granny will visited by me 5.the teachers' conference
C) Granny will be visited me very soon A) 3,4 B) 2,5
D) Granny will be visited very soon C) 1,3,5 D) 1,2,5
E) I will visited granny very soon E) 1,3,4
4. Choose the correct tense form. 11. Choose the correct variant.
You will get wet, if you...out on a rainy day This sheep ... robbed.
A) go B) went 1. Were 2. is 3. was 4. Are
C) will go D) gone A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 2,3
E) was going D) 1,4 E) 3,4
5. Choose the correct sentences with Passive voice 12. Choose the derivative nouns
They use these computers a lot. 1. victim 2. sickness
A) These computers are used a lot 3. freedom 4. offer
B) They are used these computers a lot A) 1,3 B) 2,3
C) They were used these computers a lot C) 3,4 D) 1,2
D) These computers were used a lot by them E) 2,4
E) These computers are used them a lot
13. Choose the adjectives
6. Match the words with their definitions 1. Local 2. Mention
1. leave a. to control the direction and speed of a 3. Fond 4. Around
motor vehicle. A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,2
2. drive b. to go away from D) 2,3 E) 1,3
3. pour c. to flow rapidly
A) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a 14. Choose the correct degree of adjective
B) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b The room is ... than another one
C) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c A) the longest
D) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a B) longer
E) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c C) most longer
D) the most longest
7. Choose the correct variant. E) long
... condidates came, but.. were experienced
A) many, few 15. Choose the correct pronouns.
B) many, a lot of ...scientists' success made boy feel great and...was happy
C) much, a little A) these, he B) that, they
D) many, a little C) these, it D) that, it
E) much, few E) this, he
16. Choose the correct definition 5. Choose the correct degree of the adjective.
1. treasure a. a person or animal that lives in a Kate is a ....... girl. She is ......... than her sister.
particular place A) kindest, kind
2. ground b. valuable things B) kind, kinder
3. inhabitant c. the solid surface of the earth C) kind, kindest
A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c D) the kindest, kind
B) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b E) kinder, more kinder
C) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
D) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a 6.Choose the correct article.
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c .. deepest river in ....... United
States is ..... Missisipi river.
A) the, the, the
B) a, the, the
C) -,the, the
D) the,-, the
E) the, the, -