Early Learning Es1 Curriculum Links Eylf To Early Stage 1
Early Learning Es1 Curriculum Links Eylf To Early Stage 1
Early Learning Es1 Curriculum Links Eylf To Early Stage 1
This document has been prepared to support early childhood educators and Kindergarten teachers to promote children’s continuity of
learning. Continuity in what and how children learn is a key factor in children experiencing a strong and successful start to school.
Continuity of learning is strengthened through a shared understanding of the curriculum and pedagogy applicable to each setting. In early
childhood education services, curriculum aligns to the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF), and in Kindergarten
classrooms, the NSW Educational Standard Authority (NESA) syllabuses are implemented. While these curriculums are designed
differently, both include outcomes as a key element and seek to achieve the goals of the The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education
Declaration (2019).
The following tables are organised into the 6 key learning areas addressed in Kindergarten:
Column 1 lists examples of evidence of children’s learning, followed in brackets by the EYLF learning outcome (LO) and key
component (KC) addressed.
Column 2 lists the Early Stage 1 (ES1) outcomes that build upon and extend this learning, followed in brackets by the NSW syllabus
outcome code.
Column 3 lists the relevant Early Stage 1 content.
It is intended that these tables will support educators and teachers to:
deepen their knowledge of what is taught in both early childhood education and Kindergarten settings
better understand how the foundational skills developed in early childhood settings align to ES1 learning outcomes and content,
together forming an education continuum.
From the Early Years Learning Framework to Early Stage 1 science and technology.......................................................................................................................... 17
From the Early Years Learning Framework to Early Stage 1 personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE)...........................................................21
From the Early Years Learning Framework to Early Stage 1 human society and its environment (HSIE)............................................................................................ 27
From the Early Years Learning Framework to Early Stage 1 creative arts............................................................................................................................................ 30
References............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
Early Years Learning Framework (2009) NSW English K-2 (2021) Early Stage 1 Early Stage 1 content
conveys and constructs messages communicates effectively by using Oral language and communication
with purpose and confidence, build- interpersonal conventions and lan- listening for understanding
ing on home/family and community guage with familiar peers and adults
social and learning interactions
literacies (EYLF LO5 KC1) (ENE-OLC-01).
understanding and using grammar
exchanges ideas, feelings and un-
when interacting
derstandings using language and
representations in play (EYLF LO5 oral narrative.
sings and chants rhymes, jingles identifies, blends, segments and ma- Phonological awareness
nipulates phonological units in
and songs (EYLF LO5 KC3) spoken words as a strategy for read- words
ing and creating texts (ENE-
listens and responds to sounds and syllables
patterns in speech, stories and
rhymes in context (EYLF LO5 KC4)
begins to understand concepts of tracks written text from left to right Print conventions
print and the ways that texts are and from top to bottom of the page features of print
structured (EYLF LO5 KC2). and identifies visual and spatial fea-
directionality of print.
tures of print (ENE-PRINT-01).
view and listen to printed, visual and reads decodable texts aloud with Reading fluency
multimedia texts and respond with automaticity (ENE-REFLU-01). automaticity
relevant gestures, actions, com-
ments and/or questions (EYLF LO5
explores texts from a range of differ- comprehends independently read Reading comprehension
ent perspectives and begin to analyse texts using background knowledge, activating word meaning
the meanings (EYLF LO5 KC2) word knowledge and understanding
understanding and connecting sen-
of how sentence connect (ENE-RE-
recognises and engages with written
and oral culturally constructed texts
monitoring comprehension
recalling details.
develops an understanding that creates written texts that include at Creating written texts
symbols are a powerful means of least 2 related ideas and correct text features
communication and that ideas, simple sentences (ENE-CWT-01).
sentence-level grammar
thoughts and concepts can be rep-
resented through them (EYLF LO5 punctuation
word-level language
shares the stories and symbols of
planning and revising.
their own culture and re-enacts well-
known stories (EYLF LO5 KC4).
listens and responds to sounds and ating texts (ENE-SPELL-01). orthographic component
patterns in speech, stories and
morphological component.
rhyme (EYLF LO5 KC4)
begins to use images and approxim- produces all lower-case and upper- Handwriting
ations of letters and words to convey case letters to create texts (ENE- handwriting.
meaning (EYLF LO5 KC3) HANDW-01).
actively uses, engages with and understands and responds to literat- Understanding and responding to lit-
shares the enjoyment of language ure read to them (ENE-UARL-01). erature
and texts in a range of ways (EYLF context
Early Years Learning Framework (2009) NSW mathematics K-2 (2021) Early Early Stage 1 content
contributes constructively to math- develops understanding and fluency Working mathematically embedded
ematical discussions and arguments in mathematics through exploring processes
(EYLF LO4 KC2) and connecting mathematical con- communicating
cepts, choosing and applying math-
applies a wide variety of thinking
understanding and fluency
ematical techniques to solve prob-
strategies to engage with situations
lems, and communicating their think- problem-solving
and solve problems, and adapt
ing and reasoning coherently and
these strategies to new situations reasoning.
clearly (MAE-WM-01).
thinking about quantities (EYLF LO5 how whole numbers indicate quant-
KC1) ity (MAE-RWN-01) instantly name the number of ob-
demonstrates an increasing under- reads numerals and represents jects within small collections
standing of number using vocabu- whole numbers to at least 20 (MAE- use the counting sequence of ones
lary to describe names of numbers RWN-02).
recognise number patterns
uses symbols in play to represent
connect counting and numerals to
and make meaning (EYLF LO5
uses play to investigate, imagine reasons about number relations to Combining and separating quantities
and explore ideas (EYLF LO4 KC1). model addition and subtraction by model additive relations and com-
combining and separating, and com- pare quantities
paring collections (MAE-CSQ-01)
identify part–whole relationships in
represents the relations between the
numbers up to 10.
parts that form the whole, with num-
bers up to 10 (MAE-CSQ-02).
makes predictions and generalisa- recognises, describes and continues Forming groups
tions about their daily activities, as- repeating patterns (MAE-FG-01) copy, continue and create patterns
pects of the natural world and envir- forms equal groups by sharing and
investigate and form equal groups
onments, using patterns they gener- counting collections of objects
by sharing
ate or identify and communicates (MAE-FG-02).
these using mathematical language record grouping and sharing.
and symbols (EYLF LO4 KC2)
demonstrates an increasing under- describes position and gives and fol- Geometric measure
standing of measurement using lows simple directions (MAE-GM-01) Position: describe position and
vocabulary to describe length (EYLF
describes and compares lengths movement of oneself
LO5 KC1).
(MAE-GM-02) Length: use direct and indirect com-
identifies half the length and the parisons to decide which is longer
halfway point (MAE-GM-03).
uses language to describe attributes sorts, describes, names and makes Two-dimensional spatial structure
of objects and collections (EYLF two-dimensional shapes, including 2D shapes: Sort, describe and name
LO5 KC1) triangles, circles, squares and rect- familiar shapes
angles (MAE-2DS-01)
demonstrates an increasing under- 2D shapes: Represent shapes
standing of measurement using describes and compares areas of
Area: Identify and compare area.
vocabulary to describe volume similar shapes (MAE-2DS-02)
(EYLF LO5 KC1) Three-dimensional spatial structure
manipulates, describes and sorts
demonstrates an increasing under- three-dimensional objects (MAE- 3D objects: Explore familiar three-di-
standing of measurement using 3DS-01) mensional objects
vocabulary to describe size (EYLF
describes and compares volumes Volume: Compare internal volume
LO5 KC1) (MAE-3DS-02). by filling and packing
begins to sort, categorise, order and
Volume: Compare volume by build-
compare collections and events and
attributes of objects and materials, in
their social and natural worlds
manipulates objects and experi- describes and compares the masses Non-spatial measure
ments with cause and effect, trial of objects (MAE-NSM-01) Mass: Identify and compare mass
and error (EYLF LO4 KC2)
sequences events and reads hour using weight
notices and predicts the patterns of time on clocks (MAE-NSM-02). Time: Compare and order the dura-
regular routines and the passing of tion of events using the language of
time (EYLF LO5 KC4). time
creates and uses representation to contributes to collecting data and in- Data
organise, record and communicate terprets data displays made from ob-
respond to questions, collect inform-
mathematical ideas and concepts jects (MAE-DATA-01).
ation and discuss possible outcomes
of activities
Early Years Learning Framework (2009) NSW science and technology K-6 Early Stage 1 content
(2017) Early Stage 1 outcomes
Learning is evident, for example, when
a child: A student:
participate with others to solve prob- observes, questions and collects Working scientifically skills
lems and contribute to group out- data to communicate ideas (STe- communicating
comes (EYLF LO2 KC4) 1WS-S)
identifying and defining
uses play to investigate, imagine develops solutions to an identified
planning and conducting investiga-
and explore ideas (EYLF LO4 KC1) need (STe-2DP-T).
participates in a variety of rich and
processing and analysing data
meaningful inquiry-based experi-
ences (EYLF LO4 KC1) producing and implementing
explores relationships with other liv- explores the characteristics, needs Living world
ing and non-living things (EYLF LO2 and uses of living things (STe-3LW- characteristics and basic needs of
KC2) ST). living things
develops an awareness of the im- using living things as food and fibre.
pact of human activity on environ-
ments and the interdependence of
living things (EYLF LO2 KC2).
manipulates resources to investig- identifies that objects are made of Material world
ate, take apart, assemble, invent materials that have observable properties of materials can be ob-
and construct (EYLF LO4 KC4). properties (STe-4MW-ST).
manipulates objects and experi- observes the way objects move and Physical world
ments with cause and effect, trial relates changes in motion to push movement of objects.
and error, and motion (EYLF LO4 and pull forces (STe-5PW-ST).
observes, notices and responds to identifies how daily and seasonal Earth and space
change (EYLF LO2 KC2) changes in the environment affect changes in the environment.
humans and other living things
notices and predicts the patterns of
regular routines and the passing of
time (EYLF LO5 KC4).
identifies the uses of technologies in identifies digital systems and ex- Digital technologies
everyday life and use real or imagin- plores how instructions are used to digital systems
ary technologies as props in their control digital devices (STe-7DI-T).
sequencing technologies.
play (EYLF LO5 KC5).
Early Years Learning Framework (2009) NSW PDHPE K-10 (2018) Early Stage 1 Early Stage 1 content
Learning is evident, for example, when
a child: A student:
establishes and maintains respect- identifies who they are and how Health, wellbeing and relationships
ful, trusting relationships with other people grow and change (PDe-1) What makes me unique?
children and educators (EYLF LO1
identifies people and demonstrates
How do we grow?
protective strategies that help keep
How can we care for and include
makes choices, accept challenges, themselves healthy, resilient and
each other?
takes considered risks, manages safe (PDe-2)
change and copes with frustrations
communicates ways to be caring, in-
and the unexpected (EYLF LO1
clusive and respectful of others
participate in reciprocal relationships
practises self-management skills in
familiar and unfamiliar scenarios
gradually learns to ‘read’ the beha-
shows enthusiasm for participating in practises and demonstrates move- Movement skill and performance
physical play (EYLF LO3 KC2) ment skills and sequences using dif- How do we move our bodies?
ferent body parts (PDe-4)
engages in increasingly complex
How can we solve problems when
sensory-motor skills and movement explores possible solutions to move-
patterns (EYLF LO3 KC2) ment challenges through participa-
How do we participate with others
tion in a range of activities (PDe-5)
combines gross and fine motor
when we are active?
movement and balance to achieve uses interpersonal skills to effect-
increasingly complex patterns of ively interact with others (PDe-10)
activity including dance, creative demonstrates how the body moves
movement and drama (EYLF LO3 in relation to space, time, objects,
KC2) effort and people (PDe-11).
demonstrates spatial awareness
and orients themselves, moving
around and through their environ-
ments confidently and safely (EYLF
LO3 KC2).
recognises and communicates their identifies people and demonstrates Healthy, safe and active lifestyles
bodily needs (for example, thirst, protective strategies that help keep What choices can help make me
hunger, rest, comfort, physical activ- themselves healthy, resilient and safe, supported and active?
ity) (EYLF LO3 KC2) safe (PDe-2)
What helps us to stay healthy and
shows increasing independence and explores contextual factors that in-
competence in personal hygiene, fluence an individual’s health,
How do we make healthy and safe
care and safety for themselves and safety, wellbeing and participation in
choices in different situations?
others (EYLF LO3 KC2) physical activity (PDe-6)
Early Years Learning Framework (2009) NSW history K-10 (2012) and NSW geo- Early Stage 1 content
graphy K-10 (2015) Early Stage 1 out-
Learning is evident, for example, when
a child:
A student:
develops their social and cultural communicates stories of their own History
heritage through engagement with family heritage and the heritage of Content –personal and family his-
Elders and community members others (HTe-1) tory
demonstrates developing skills of History concepts – continuity &
shares aspects of their culture with historical inquiry and communication change, cause and effect, perspect-
the other children and educators (HTe-2). ives, empathetic understanding, sig-
(EYLF LO1 KC3) nificance, contestability
begins to recognise that they have a History skills - comprehension, ana-
right to belong to many communities lysis & use of sources, perspectives
(EYLF LO2 KC1) and interpretations, empathetic un-
derstanding, research, explanation,
explores relationships with other liv- identifies places and develops an Geography
ing and non-living things and ob- understanding of the importance of Content – places
serve, notice and respond to change places to people (GEe-1)
Geographical concepts – place,
communicates geographical inform-
space, environment, interconnec-
develops an awareness of the im- ation and uses geographical tools
tion, scale, sustainability, change
pact of human activity on environ- (GEe-2).
Geographical inquiry skills – enquir-
ments and the interdependence of
ing, processing, communicating
living things (EYLF LO2 KC1)
Geographical tools – maps, field-
explores the diversity of culture, her-
work, graphs & statistics, special
itage, background and tradition that
technologies, visual representations.
presents opportunities for choices
and new understandings (EYLF LO2
Early Years Learning Framework (2009) NSW creative arts K-6 (2006) Early Stage Early Stage 1 content
1 outcomes
Learning is evident, for example, when a
child: A student:
uses language and representations makes simple pictures and other Visual arts
from play and art to share and project kinds of artworks about things and Making
meaning (EYLF LO5 KC1) experiences (VAES1.1)
experiments with ways of expressing experiments with a range of media in
ideas and meaning using a range of selected forms (VAES1.2)
media (EYLF LO5 KC3)
recognises some of the qualities of
uses the creative arts such as draw- different artworks and begins to real-
ing, painting and sculpture to express ise that artists make artworks
ideas and make meaning (EYLF LO5 (VAES1.3)
communicates their ideas about pic-
tures and other kinds of artworks
uses the creative arts such as music participates in simple speech, Music
to express ideas and make meaning singing, playing and moving activit-
(EYLF LO5 KC3) ies, demonstrating an awareness of Performing – singing, playing, moving
musical concepts (MUES1.1)
sings and chants rhymes, jingles and Organising sound
songs (EYLF LO5 KC2) creates own rhymes, games, songs
Listening – musical concepts, reper-
and simple compositions (MUES1.2)
uses language and representations
from play and music to share and listens to and responds to music
project meaning (EYLF LO5 KC1). (MUES1.3).
explores different identities and uses imagination and the elements of Drama
points of view in dramatic play (EYLF drama in imaginative play and dra- Making – role, dramatic context, ele-
LO1 KC3) matic situations (DRAES1.1) ments of drama, drama forms
combines gross and fine motor dramatises personal experiences us- Performing
movement and balance to achieve in- ing movement, space and objects
creasingly complex patterns of activ- (DRAES1.3)
ity including drama (EYLF LO3 KC2).
responds to dramatic experiences
combine gross and fine motor move- participates in dance activities and Dance
ment and balance to achieve increas- demonstrates an awareness of body Performing
ingly complex patterns of activity in- parts, control over movement and ex-
cluding dance (EYLF LO3 KC2) pressive qualities (DAES1.1)
Appreciating – elements of dance,
respond through movement to tradi- explores movement in response to a
tional and contemporary music, stimulus to express ideas, feelings or
dance and storytelling (EYLF LO3 moods (DAES1.2)
responds to and communicates about
use the creative arts such as dance the dances they view and/or experi-
to express ideas and make meaning ence (DAES1.3).
Outcome 1 – Children have a strong KC1: Children feel safe, secure and supported
sense of identity
KC2: Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and
sense of agency
KC4: Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect
Outcome 2 – Children are connected with KC1: Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an
and contribute to their world understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active
community participation
KC4: Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment
Outcome 3 – Children have a strong KC1: Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing
sense of wellbeing
KC2: Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical well-
Outcome 4 – Children are confident and KC1: Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation,
involved learners confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and re-
KC2: Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving,
inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating
KC3: Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to an-
KC4: Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place,
technologies and natural and processed materials
Outcome 5 – Children are effective com- KC1: Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of pur-
municators poses
KC2: Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts
KC3: Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media
KC4: Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales.
© 2021 NSW Education Standards Authority. This document NSW Curriculum and syllabus content. The NSW Curriculum is developed by
the NSW Education Standards Authority. This content is prepared by NESA for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New
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Standards Authority (NESA) website https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/ and the NSW Curriculum website
Commonwealth of Australia, DESE (2019) The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration, DESE website, accessed 4 April 2022.