Salesforce Connector
Salesforce Connector
Salesforce Connector
Collected Data
Content Type Index Locating Records
Login History msg_class:
Setup Audit Trail salesforce_LoginHi
where <Hostname> and <Port> are variables from the configuration of this connector
Response Actions
N/A 1/12
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Required Credentials
Username, Password, Client ID, Client Secret, and Security Token
The following steps are based on the Classic view of the console, not the
Lightning view. See Using the Lightning View.
User Role
This user must have a role that includes the permission for View Setup and Configuration, so
that the created app is permitted to access these needed data types:
SetupAuditTrail: discover new connections being configured or established
LoginHistory: Salesforce logins
1. Log in as an administrative user to your account.
2. Select the Setup menu option. 2/12
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3. Access the Administer > Manage Users > Users option from the left hand navigation
4. When the user list displays, locate your username, and click the Profile description at
the far right.
5. When the profile details display, locate the block for Administrative Permissions and
ensure the check box for View Setup and Configuration is enabled. If it is not, then
edit the profile and save the changes, or change the profile to one that has this
permission enabled.
Security Token
The remaining user item is the Security Token associated with your user account. does not provide a means to display this token, which is generated and emailed
to you when you first created the account and password. If you do not know your token, and do
not have other apps tied to this account, you can reset the Security Token with the following
1. From the top banner of the home page, open the menu that shows your
user name, then select My Settings.
2. The left hand navigation bar updates for your Settings. Expand the section for
3. Select the menu option to Reset My Security Token.
4. Since resetting the token invalidates any app using the previous token, a warning
displays. To confirm that you are prepared for that result, click the Reset Security
Token button. The new token is emailed to the address for the account.
5. Make note of the Security Token for use in the Stellar Cyber connector. 3/12
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3. The app management panel displays. Locate the section for Connected Apps and
click New.
7. The Connect App details screen displays, from where you can now collect the following
Consumer Key (or Client key for OAuth2) This is used in Stellar Cyber as the
Client ID 4/12
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Consumer Secret (or Client Secret for OAuth2) This is used in Stellar Cyber
as the Client Secret
Adding a Profile
To add a profile:
1. Under ADMINISTRATION, navigate to Users > Profiles and click New Profile.
2. Select an existing profile to clone from, enter a new Profile Name, and click Save. 5/12
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4. Under Connected App Access, choose an app name. See Adding a Connected App.
5. Click Save.
Adding a User
To add a user:
1. Under ADMINISTRATION, navigate to Users > Users, select your user, and click Edit.
3. Click Save. 6/12
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1. Under PLATFORM TOOLS, navigate to Apps > App Manager and click New
Connected App.
2. Under Basic Information, enter a Connected App Name, an API Name, and a
Contact Email.
3. Under API (Enable OAuth Settings), choose Enable OAuth Settings and Use digital
signatures. Also enter a Callback URL.
4. Then scroll down to Selected OAuth Scopes. Use the Add and Remove arrows to
move Available and Selected OAuth Scopes. Choose the following:
Access Lightning applications (lightning
Manager user data via APIs (api)
Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, office_access).
5. Also enable the following checkboxes:
Require Secret for Web Server Flow
Require Secret for Refresh Token
Enable Client Credentials Flow
6. Scroll down and click Save. Changes can take up to 10 minutes to take effect.
7. Click Continue. 7/12
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8. Under API (Enable OAuth Settings), for Consumer Key and Secret, click Manage
Consumer Details.
9. Click the Copy buttons to copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. You need
these for the Stellar Cyber connector configuration,
10. Under PLATFORM TOOLS, navigate to Apps > Connected Apps > Manage
Connected Apps and click Edit for your app.
11. Under OAuth Policies, for Permitted Users, choose Admin approved users are pre-
authorized. 8/12
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by your code. The certificate (.crt) will be uploaded to Salesforce to validate your signed JWT
The first option is a self signed certificate. Create an RSA x509 private key/certification pair, as
follows, for example:
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 36500 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout
salesforce.key -out salesforce.crt
The second option is a public signed certificate. You can give the public CA signed certificate
and private key to Stellar Cyber.
For either the self signed or public signed certificate, upload the certificate when you create the
Manage Connected App. In the previous procedure, Adding a Connected App, make sure to
select Use digital signatures under API (Enable OAuth Settings).
When you have the certificate, upload it to the Stellar Cyber platform on the System |
Certificates page by clicking Upload. Refer to Managing Certificates for details. When you
upload the certificate and private key, click Server Certificate.
3. Click Create. The General tab of the Add Connector screen appears. The information
on this tab cannot be changed after you add the connector. 9/12
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10. (Optional) When the Function is Collect, you can create Log Filters. For information,
see Managing Log Filters.
11. Click Next. The Configuration tab appears.
For release versions prior to v4.3.4, ensure the URL does not include a trailing "/"
13. Choose the Auth Method to use Client ID / Client Secret or Certificate.
For Client ID / Client Secret:
a. Enter the Username of the user associated with the app you created.
b. Enter the Password for that user.
c. Enter the Client ID. This is the Consumer Key you copied earlier.
d. Enter the Client Secret. This is the Consumer Secret you copied earlier.
e. Enter the Security Token.
For Certificate: 10/12
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a. Choose the Certificate to use from the drop-down list of uploaded certificates.
b. Enter the Consumer Key you copied earlier.
c. Enter the JWT User.
14. Choose the Interval (min). This is how often the logs are collected.
15. Choose the Content Type you would like to collect. The logs for Login History and
Setup Audit Trail are supported.
16. Click Next. The final confirmation tab appears.
18. If you are adding rather than editing a connector with the Collect function enabled and
you specified for it to run on a Data Processor, a dialog box now prompts you to add the
connector to the default data analyzer profile. Click Cancel to leave it out of the default
profile or click OK to add it to the default profile.
This prompt only occurs during the initial create connector process when
Collect is enabled.
Certain connectors can be run on either a Sensor or a Data Processor,
and some are best run on one versus the other. In any case where the
connector is run on a Data Processor, that connector must be included in
a data analyzer profile. If you leave it out of the default profile, you must
add it to another profile. If you do not have privileges to configure Data
Analyzer profiles, a dialog displays recommending you ask your
administrator to add it for you.
The first time you add a Collect connector to a profile, it pulls data
immediately and then not again until the scheduled interval has elapsed.
If the connector configuration dialog did not offer an option to set a
specific interval, and it is run every five minutes. Exceptions to this
default, internal interval are the Proofpoint (pulls data every 1 hour) and
Azure Event Hub (continuously pulls data) connectors. The intervals for
each connector are listed in the Connector Types & Functions topic. 11/12
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2. Locate the connector that you added, or modified, or that you want to test.
3. Click Test at the right side of that row. The test runs immediately.
Stellar Cyber conducts a basic connectivity test for the connector and reports a success or
failure result. A successful test indicates that you entered all of the connector information
correctly. To aid troubleshooting your connector, the dialog remains open until you explicitly close
it by using the X button. If the test fails, you can select the button from the same row to
review and correct issues. Repeat the test as needed.
Display sample messages...
Verifying Ingestion
To verify ingestion:
1. Click Investigate | Threat Hunting. The Interflow Search tab appears.
2. Change the Indices to Syslog. The table immediately updates to show ingested
Interflow records.
Stellar Cyber version 4.3.6 © 2023 Stellar Cyber . All rights reserved.
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