Reseach Proposal 9
Reseach Proposal 9
Reseach Proposal 9
Project Proponents
Ink is a fascinating and versatile medium that has been used for centuries in various forms of art and
writing. It is a liquid or paste that contains pigments or dyes and is used to color a surface to produce
images, texts, or designs. Ink is used in drawing and calligraphy, and it's highly valued for its ability to
create dynamic lines, rich textures, and a wide range of tonal values. In addition, Ink is used in countless
ways, from the traditional pen and paper to digital styluses and printers, and even in tattoo artistry. Ink is
a product that is a mixture of solvents, resins, alcohol, lubricants, carbon, pigments, dyes, aniline,
dextrine, glycerine, fluorescents and other materials. Raw materials more efficiently can bring significant
cost saving and environmental benefits.
The past 18 months have been chaotic for ink manufacturers and their suppliers. The relative stability in
terms of costs and supply of key ingredients has disappeared. Now, the supply of important raw materials
is erratic and pricing is constantly fluctuating. The ink industry, much like virtually the entire business
world, has been under tremendous pressure due to raw material supply and cost issues. In addition to the
COVID-19 pandemic and supply disruptions, there have been severe weather issues that led to plant
shutdowns. On top of that, transportation and logistical pressures, such as dramatically higher container
costs, are heavily impacting prices as well as causing scheduling disruptions. In addition, Ink waste can
cause pollution when disposed of through incineration or landfill, but it can be recycled and reused to
reduce environmental impact. Printing ink can cause environmental pollution and harm to human health,
and reducing printing ink pollution is essential for environmental protection. The use of eco-friendly eco-
friendly inks can drastically reduce the negative environmental consequences of printing.
The factors affecting the delay of transportation of ink and the increase of price are random and may
occur any time. The increase in ink price may be caused of global economic crisis, market and economic
The worldwide resurgence of natural dyes in all fields is due to the carcinogenic effects of effluent loads
shed by synthetic industries. Coconut coir (Cocos nucifera) containing tannin as a source of natural
colorants has been selected for coloration of bio-mordanted silk under the influence of ultrasonic
radiations at various dyeing conditions. For extraction of tannin dye from cocos powder, different media
were employed, and dyeing variables such as dyeing time, dye bath pH, dyeing bath temperature, and the
effect of salts on dyeing were optimized. For achieving new shades with excellent color characteristics,
bio-mordants in comparison with chemical mordants were employed. (Shahid adeel et al. 2022). In
addition to this, according to Mohammad abadi et. al 2022 an alcoholic acidic eggplant peel made with an
ethanol methanol solvent including citric acid can be used in the food industry as a natural source of
antioxidants and pigment.
Due to this environmental issue, the researchers envision a solution for this problem which is to utilize
eggplant and coconut husk ask as an alternative component for Ink. The use of eggplant and coconut husk
was highlighted, and it is use to lessen the problem of harming the environment such as the production of
inks that can consume resources and contributes to pollution. Inks can contain harmful chemicals and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or hazardous air pollutants (HAP) that are released during the
atmosphere. Overall, the use of environment-friendly inks and proper management of ink waste can help
minimize the negative impact of ink on the environment. In this study there will be no waste will be
This research study aimed to utilize if different amounts of Eggplant peels and Coconut husk components
have the potential to be used as alternative Ink. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following
1. Which among the treatments [T1 (15 ml of eggplant: 45 ml of coconut husk), T2 (30 ml of
eggplant: 30 ml of coconut husk), T3 (45 ml of eggplant: 15 ml of coconut husk)] of eggplant peels and
coconut husk can be used as an alternative ink in terms of:
a. Waterproof
b. Stability
c. Absorption
2. Is there a significant difference among the treatments [T1 (15 ml of eggplant: 45 ml of coconut
husk), T2 (30 ml of eggplant: 30 ml of coconut husk), T3 (45 ml of eggplant: 15 ml of coconut husk)] as
an alternative ink in terms of relative absorption.
Ho: There is no significant difference among the treatments [T1 (15 ml of eggplant: 45 ml of
coconut husk), T2 (30 ml of eggplant: 30 ml of coconut husk), T3 (45 ml of eggplant: 15 ml of
coconut husk)] as an alternative ink in terms of relative absorption.
The number of benefits can be defined from the use of coconut husk and eggplant peels as pen ink.
The most significant idea of this study was to prove that coconut husk and eggplant peels has the
ability to produce a cheaper and eco-friendly ink. This research study would be beneficial to people
who uses a pen in their daily lives and to manufacturers as it simplifies the process and reduces
material costs. This study is intended to find other uses of coconut husk and eggplant peels instead of
becoming waste in our country. With this study, the coconut husk and eggplant peels become useful
in the environment. Finally, the outcomes of this study will give baseline information that will serve
as a frame of reference for future researchers who will be enthusiastically interested in this analysis,
allowing them to generate fresh discoveries in terms of scientific contributions to enhance the current
This study determined the capacity of Coconut husk and Eggplant peels as an alternative ink. The
specimen include are Coconut Husk (Cocos nucifera) and Eggplant Peels (Solanum melongena). The
methods included in the experiment were cutting, boiling, squeezing, and extracting the coconut husk and
eggplant peels.
Moreover, it was delimited by using three (3) treatments [T1 (15 ml of eggplant: 45 ml of
coconut husk), T2 (30 ml of eggplant: 30 ml of coconut husk), T3 (45 ml of eggplant: 15 ml of coconut
husk)] of coconut husk and eggplant peels in terms of grams (g). There were three (3) replicates for every
Research Locale
The experiment will be conducted at Zamboanga National High School-West Laboratory,
Zamboanga City.
Gathering of Materials
a. Collection of Materials
The Coconut husk was collected at Purok 3 Margarita San-Roque, Zamboanga City. The
Eggplant was bought at a local market in Caragasan, Zamboanga City. Materials like beaker, stirring rod
and temperature scales will be borrowed at the Zamboanga National High School-West Laboratory. Other
materials like juicer, containers, empty pen ink container, funnel, syringe, strainer, vinegar and salt will
be provided by the fellow researchers.
a. Sterilization of Materials
The trays where the treatments were placed were washed with 500 ml water as well as the containers and
stirring rod that were used later on, soaked with water for 20 minutes at a temperature of 100ºC.
The juice was extracted from eggplant peels using a juicer then was transferred into a container. It was
then filtered using a funnel. Purified water was added to the collected extract and was thoroughly stirred
for 30 minutes. The ethanol was added into the mixture and stirred again thoroughly for 30 minutes.
Vinegar and Salt were added into the mixture, and then was stirred thoroughly for 10 minutes.
c. Extracting of Coconut husk
The coconut husk will be cut or shred into smaller pieces. The cut coconut husk will be then boil into the
water for 1 hour. After boiling, the mixture will be filtered to remove any solid particles or impurities.
d. Preparation of treatments
The components were mixed together. The treatments were separated into their containers.
The Eggplant peels components were mixed with Coconut husk according to each treatment.
e. Testing of Treatments
• Waterproof
In testing, treatments were written in the paper and left out overnight (about 9 hours), The water test
included holding the paper under running water for about 30 seconds on each side of paper. the results
will be observed carefully for clarity of stroke and retention of original color.
• Stability
In testing, treatments were written in the paper and expose to the light source (sun) for approximately 24
hours. the results will be observed carefully of degradation and assess any fading by using light fastness
• Absorption
In testing, cut the paper into same size and label the paper. Apply the ink to the paper using droppers and
allow the ink to fully absorb into the paper for about 2 minutes, then used spectrophotometer to measure
the optical density of ink.
Data Gathering
Waterproof, stability, and absorption
It is done by testing the clarity of stroke and retention of original color of each sample with
stability and absorption of ink in the paper.
Statistical Tool
2. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) will be used to determine if there is a significant difference in the
mean of the three (3) treatments [T1(15ml eggplant peels:45ml coconut husk), T2(30ml eggplant
peels:30ml of coconut husk), and T3(45ml eggplant peels:15ml coconut husk)] an alternative ink in terms
of absorption.