Active Community Participation
Active Community Participation
Active Community Participation
L E S S O N 1
Effective Leadership for Active
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: Some personal qualities that are required from a
leader to promote public participation include being:
describe the quality a leader should have to
• A planner: Somebody who has the ability
promote participation of citizens.
to set appropriate courses of action through
well-prepared plans.
What do you think effective leadership is? What
• Versatile: Somebody who is adaptable,
personal qualities in leadership are important for
flexible, resourceful, multitalented and an
active community participation? Give examples
all-round personality. A leader can work
in your explanation. in situations totally different from routine
functions. Intelligence, ambition, assertiveness,
The success of an organization depends on its leader
politeness and psychological stimulation are
— his/her attributes, approaches, and problem-
essential attributes of a leader.
solving techniques. Leadership simply means
• A motivator: It is a quality of a leader to
giving direction and the quality of a good leader
inspire others to be willing, feel enthusiastic
comprises of the personality and style of treatment
about, interested, and committed to the
which influences the behaviour of others. There are
objective of the task. It is the ability to
three important features of leadership: influence or
give somebody a reason or incentive to do
support, voluntary effort and goal achievement.
something. The leader’s own performance
A good leader creates vision and inspires others guides and motivates the members; for
to achieve goals through stretching their capabilities. example, being prompt themselves when
A leader influences members of the community asking members to come on time.
so that they perform together willingly for the • Engaging: A good leader has personal qualities
achievement of their goal. of being charismatic, attractive, appealing,
In a democracy, effective leadership is very charming and influential. A leader must have
important to enhance good governance, transparency, the quality to influence others morally and
openness and accountability which are cornerstones socially by using good communication.
for active community participation. A democratic • Realistic: A leader will realise what is
environment requires a good leader who inspires and achievable or possible, based on known
develops followers to achieve the stated objectives. facts. This is evidenced by setting realistic
He/she assumes the responsibility of looking after goals and being practical.
the well-being of a community. Threats and coercion Generally, active community participation
are not part of good leadership. It is mutual trust requires effective leaders who have personal integrity,
and confidence which helps the community to attain self-confidence, analytical ability, knowledge,
its objectives. creativity, charisma, flexibility and direction.
Mandela and Roosevelt — Examples of Good Leadership
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, was a South African during his term of office he had not given enough
statesman and a leader in the struggle against attention to this hitherto taboo subject.
apartheid. Before becoming the first black president Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only United
of South Africa in 1994, he spent much of his life States president elected to four terms. He guided the
in prison for leading black opposition against the nation for 12 years, through the Great Depression and
oppressive rule of the white minority government. World War II and initiated a series of programmes,
During his many years in captivity, he became a termed the New Deal, to help bring the US back to
worldwide symbol of resistance to white domination prosperity. Although he was crippled by polio at age
in South Africa. He served as President from 1994 39, he continued his political career, which spanned
until his retirement in 1999. 35 years.
In November 1999, Mandela
became peace mediator in the civil Find out more about each of these great
war in Burundi; a peace deal was leaders. Compare the leadership qualities of
achieved the following year leading these figures. What were their strengths?
to the establishment of an interim Did they have any weaknesses in their
government in November 2001. leadership styles?
In retirement Mandela became a Feed this information back to the rest of the
vocal critic of the African National class and conduct discussion on how a good
Congress (ANC) policy on Acquired leader can motivate his people for various
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), admitting that
The success of an organization depends on the leader’s attributes, approaches, and
problem-solving techniques.
A good leader creates vision and inspires others to achieve the goals through
stretching their capabilities.
In a democracy, effective leadership is very important to enhance good governance,
transparency, openness and accountability.
Active community participation requires effective leaders who have personal
integrity, self-confidence, analytical ability, knowledge, creativity, charisma,
flexibility and principles.
L E S S O N 2
Civic Participation
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: and collective goals. Usually the members of
e xplain what civic participation is. associations have the following characteristics:
• they define themselves as members;
explain the role of associations and groups in
civic participation. • they share common goals;
• they engage in different activities.
Do you have any experience of group participation? As discussed in the previous lessons, citizens’
Explain your role in the group. participation is vital for the construction of a
democratic system. This participation of citizens
Associations or civic societies are organizations
extends from merely voting in a democratic election
formed by the collection of voluntary individual to reflecting interests in policy processes.
members. Civic societies are not static; they are
dynamic and ever changing to meet the needs of In small groups discuss how a self-help
society, their members, corporate objectives and group could be organized in your community.
environmental changes. Some organizations are Identify the aims of this group, its objectives
established with the objective of advocating certain and the roles of the members. Discuss the
ideas with the rest of the class.
societal issues. Others are formulated to help the
individuals in the group. Therefore, organizations Citizens’ participation in policy making and
need to formulate their objectives and structures. evaluating public policies has many advantages. It
Once the objectives have been agreed: is very important for a democratic government to
• suitable plans or courses of action are know how the citizens feel and react to various
prepared; issues. This enables a government to shape policy
that suits society so that its policies will be more
• appropriate structures and arrangements are
sustainable and productive. Consequently, as
decided upon; and
members of society, citizens will benefit from the
• the actions for individuals and groups good policies that enhance development of their
of people are identified to achieve those society.
objectives. In a country like Ethiopia, where we have
Active participation of the members in their civic diverse cultural and social backgrounds, different
organization enables the attainment of individual political stands and perspectives are expected. It is
Civic Participation
Community conversation in a southern Ethiopian village
In one of the southern Ethiopian villages, a large group By the end of the meeting, they had reached an
of people sat in a wide circle under a tree to discuss agreement. They now intend to have another session
their problems. These included widespread poverty, to explore how the community might deal with the
harmful traditional practices, lack of employment challenges they had discussed.
opportunities, lack of accessible services (including
schools) and weak transport links. Their main
concern, however, was why many local girls were not
being educated. The women and men participating
highlighted the negative impacts on girls’ education
and identified one of the main reasons why girls do
not go to school. It was because of abduction.
This widespread harmful traditional practice
affects girls, particularly on their way to schools
which are long distance away. In spite of efforts by
the elders to stop abduction, it still exists. Yet some
believe that girls should stay at home and work.
The economic problems of most of the families
contributed to the girls dropping out of school. Since Community members gather to discuss problems
there is no high school in the locality, after elementary Source: Afework Ayele
school, students have to travel about 20 km every day
or live away from home, rent a house and buy food, Form your own discussion groups and advise
so they need more money. Although this affects both the community on how to solve the problems
sexes, its effect is more serious for girls. Some families of female education?
do not worry about the education of girls and this
Present your group‛s ideas to the class.
also contributes to girls dropping out.
useful and important that citizens from all walks of or with citizens who belong to civic forums in
life participate in the democratic process for, only their communities, like parent-teacher associations,
then, can the nation develop alternative ideas and service organizations, neighbourhood associations
the government use the opportunity to consider or Iddir. Citizens also engage in policy making by
and balance different perspectives. Also, if citizens taking part in various facets of the formal process of
participate actively in the process of policy making governance. For instance, citizens can attend public
and evaluation, consensus could be reached on meetings and hearings sponsored by government
developing a sense of ownership and responsibility. agencies; they can meet with, or write to, public
Citizens engage in the process of policy making officials to express their concerns; they can join
by directly participating in civic life and by organizations such as trade groups etc.; and, of
discussing pressing issues with their neighbours course, they should vote in elections. These forms of
Civic Participation
participation enable citizens to have a say on policy process of policy making, media can be used as a
issues. means of communication between the government
Associations and organizations help extensively and the people i.e., media take messages from the
in the participation of citizens in policy making. government to the people and vise versa. Hence,
First of all, these groups organize the venue for citizens should be enabled to use the media freely.
airing views and important issues in the community. By freedom of the press it does not mean that
Also, they serve as a forum to analyze the problems anybody can write what he/she pleases. Writings
of the community. Sometimes they are organized or speeches should be based on the truth and
directly to influence public policy and to advise the unbiased. Press freedom is a means of protecting
government by identifying local issues and problems values, such as individual rights and a viable
and raising awareness of the community. Finally, representative government. It implies, on the other
they can propose suitable solutions to a problem. hand, substantial obligation to search for the truth,
These associations and organizations could be in the and to be fair and unbiased. However, the basic idea
form of professional associations, non-governmental of this principle is that the press should be free to
organizations (NGO), community clubs etc. All communicate to the people. Moreover, freedom of
the press implies that the press should get access to
these have access to information about society’s
government information in order to communicate its
problems and the possible solutions.
activities to the people.
In the same discussion groups study the The FDRE Constitution, Article 29: Right of
contribution and success of associations and Thought, Opinion and Expression
groups in your area to see what the advantages 1. Everyone has the right to hold opinions without
are of acting in groups rather than individually. interference.
There are model organizations which are
2. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression
acting in groups and are successful such as
without any interference. This right shall include
the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association,
freedom to seek, receive and impart information
and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers,
either orally, in writing or in print, in the form
The media are vital in democratic systems. of art, or through any media of his choice.
The power of the media is widely recognized
3. Freedom of the press and other mass media
in the world today. It can be used to check the
and freedom of artistic creativity is guaranteed.
accountability of government officials and is also one
Freedom of the press shall specifically include the
of the major means used in shaping the perceptions
following elements: (a) Prohibition of any form
and impressions of people. For instance, it is often
of censorship. (b) Access to information of public
observed that in times of conflict, media play a interest.
major role in either escalating or de-escalating the
4. In the interest of the free flow of information,
ideas and opinions which are essential to the
In a democratic system, where public functioning of a democratic order, the press shall,
responsibility and public participation is high, as an institution, enjoy legal protection to ensure
media are expected to be instruments by which its operational independence and its capacity to
citizens make their participation active. In the entertain diverse opinions.
Civic Participation
5. Any media financed by or under the control of the Should the press have complete freedom to
State shall be operated in a manner ensuring its say or print whatever they want, or should
capacity to entertain diversity in the expression this freedom be curtailed by laws e.g., a
of opinion. constitution? Debate this issue as a whole
6. These rights can be limited only through laws
which are guided by the principle that freedom
of expression and information cannot be limited
on account of the content or effect of the point of
view expressed. Legal limitations can be laid down
in order to protect the well-being of the youth,
and the honour and reputation of individuals.
Any propaganda for war as well as the public
expression of opinion intended to injure human
dignity shall be prohibited by law.
7. Any citizen who violates any legal limitations
on the exercise of these rights may be held liable
under the law. Citizens have the right to receive information
Civic participation in policy making is very important.
Groups are stronger than individuals when it comes to airing their concerns.
Organizations and associations promote civic participation.
Media are important tools to help forward the opinions of the public and serve as
watchdogs on the activities of the government.
Effective leadership is one of the decisive factors in attaining goals or objectives. The success of an organization
depends on the leader’s attributes, approaches and problem-solving techniques. There are three important
features of leadership; influence or support, voluntary effort and goal achievement. A good leader creates
vision and inspires others to achieve the goals through stretching their capabilities. A leader influences
members of the community so that they perform together willingly for the achievement of their goal.
Associations and organizations help citizens to participate in policy making. First of all, they organize
the venue for airing views and important issues in the community. Also, they serve as a forum for analyzing
the problems of a community. In a democratic system, where public responsibility and public participation
is high, media are instruments by which citizens make their participation active and strong.
Charismatic: A quality to attract followers.
Press freedom: The right to express oneself through speech and the written word.
Quality leadership: The ability to take people towards the organisation’s goals.
Versatile: Having an all-round personality and being multifaceted.