3rd Quarter Test in Science 6
3rd Quarter Test in Science 6
3rd Quarter Test in Science 6
I. Read and analyze the following questions. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following statements best describes friction?
A. It is a force that occurs when surfaces touch each other.
B. It is a force that occurs between solids and liquids.
C. It is a force that occurs only on rough surfaces
D. It is a force that occurs between solids.
2. Why can’t a ball roll continuously on a rough surface?
A. The rough surface is not made for balls to roll.
B. The force which enables the ball to move is released.
C. The rough texture of the surface blocks the movement of the ball.
D. The rough texture of the surface permits the movement of the ball.
3. What eventually happens to a moving object when it moves along a surface?
A. It will continuously move.
B. It will stop immediately.
C. It will eventually slow down and stop.
D. It will move either to the right or left side and stop.
4. Which moves fastest on a flat surface?
A. Ball C. Block of wood
B. Wooden box D. Sheet of paper
5. A bicycle moves faster on a cemented road than on a bumpy road. Why?
A. Friction is greater on a cemented road.
B. Friction is lesser on a cemented road.
C. There is no friction on a cemented road.
D. The bicycle can roll only on a cemented road.
6. Which shows that friction is undesirable?
A. Pushing furniture. C. Walking on wet floors.
B. Lighting a matchstick. D. Approaching a stoplight.
7. Why does a car travel faster in going down than in going up?
A. It is moving against gravity.
B. It is being pushed by the wind.
C. It is moving toward gravity.
D. It is being pulled by the weight of the car.
8. Why is it difficult to climb up the stairs rather than to go down the stairs?
A. You go with gravity. C. You move upward.
B. You are against gravity. D. You move downward.
9. Which of these will feel the biggest gravitational pull on earth?
A. A 1000-kg elephant C. A 100-kg boxer
B. A 100-g mouse D. A 10-kg bicycle
10. A baseball and a sheet of paper are dropped at the same time from the same height.
What will occur if there is no air resistance?
A. The baseball will land first.
B. The paper will float slowly through the air.
C. The baseball will float slowly through the air.
D. The baseball and the paper will land at the same time.
11. Why did a ball thrown to the air fall back to the ground?
A. Gravity caused the ball to fall.
B. Air caused the ball to fall on the ground.
C. Acceleration caused the ball to move fast.
D. The weight of the ball made it move faster.
12. The group hung four notebooks of the same kind in a spring balance. The spring scale
is pulled downward and readings are recorded.
Notebooks Distance Pulled Spring Scale Reading
1 1 cm 3N
2 1.5 cm 6N
3 2.0 cm 9N
4 2.5 cm 12 N
If the spring is pulled 3.5 centimeters, what would be the spring scale reading?
A. 15 N B. 16 N C. 17 N D. 18 N
13. If the distance between two bodies is doubled, the gravitational force between them is
A. Increased by 2 C. Increased by 4
B. Increased by 3 D. Increased by
14. What form of energy is produced by plucking the strings of a guitar?
A. Sound Energy C. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Electrical Energy
15. The energy produced by vibrating object is _____.
A. Sound Energy C. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Electrical Energy
16. When food or liquids become hot, their molecules absorb energy, begin vibrating
rapidly, and start to bounce off of each other. As they collide, energy is produced and
transferred, which warms and cooks our food. What form of energy is described?
A. Sound Energy C. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Electrical Energy
17. If we burn a sheet of paper, energy is given off which we see as a flame or describe as
a _____.
A. Sound Energy C. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Electrical Energy
18. When heat is released from fuel and boils the water to make steam, it turns the turbine
which turns the generator. This will produce _____.
A. Sound Energy C. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Electrical Energy
19. Which energy transformation occurs in an electric iron?
A. Heat to Light C. Heat to Electricity
B. Light to Heat D. Electricity to Heat
20. Rubbing two pieces of wood together can produce heat and later turn into another
form of energy.
A. Sound Energy B. Heat Energy C. Light Energy D. Electrical Energy
21. Many appliances you use every day change electrical energy into other forms. When
you use a toaster to toast bread, electrical energy is changed to _____ and _____.
A. Heat and Sound C. Heat and Light
B. Light and Sound D. Heat and Nuclear
22. When you lighted a lamp or candle, the chemical energy of the lamp is changed into
light energy, and at the same time it can produce _____.
A. Heat B. Sound C. Electricity D. Chemical
23. When you plugged a transistor radio in an electrical outlet and switch on the power
button, automatically the electrical energy is turned to ____.
A. Heat Energy B. Sound Energy C. Light Energy D. Radiant Energy
24. If you use some appliances, you observe that after few minutes, electrical energy is
always produced ____.
A. Light Energy B. Heat Energy C. Sound Energy D. Mechanical
25. When we turn on the television, electrical energy changes into light and ____.
A. Sound B. Heat and Sound C. Heat and Light D. Heat and Chemical
26. When we talk on the cellular phones, the speaker of the phone on the other end
changes the electrical energy/ electromagnetic waves back into_____.
A. Heat Energy B. Light Energy C. Sound Energy D. Electrical Energy
27. In using door bells and buzzers, electrical energy is transformed to ___
A. Sound Energy B. Heat Energy C. Electrical Energy D. Chemical Energy
28. Which is not a function of a simple machine?
A. Makes doing work easier
B. Changing direction of a force
C. Makes work longer and difficult
D. Increases the distance over which a force can be applied.
29. Which simple machine consists of sloping surface that reduces the amount of force
needed to lift something?
A. Lever B. Pulley C. Wheel and Axle D. Inclined Plane
30. It is any rigid bar that is free to rotate about its axis or fulcrum.
A. Pulley B. Lever C. Wedge D. Inclined Plane
31. What simple machine is shown in the picture?
A. Lever
B. Pulley
C. Wedge
D. Screw
32. Which simple machine allows you to gain mechanical advantage in moving object or in
applying a force to an object?
A. Lever B. Pulley C. Wedge D. Screw
33. This simple machine is considered as one of the six classical simple machines which
are used as an aid for raising and lowering a load.
A. Lever B. Pulley C. Wedge D. Inclined Plane
34. Which simple machine can be used to separate two objects or portions of an object or
hold an object in place?
A. Lever B. Pulley C. Wedge D. Screw
35. Which simple machine retains or holds things together?
A. Lever B. Pulley C. Wedge D. Screw
36. Which simple machine is used in a variety of ways to lift loads, apply forces, and to
transmit power?
A. Lever B. Pulley C. Wedge D. Screw
37. Which type of pulley allows you to raise the flag?
A. Fixed Pulley C. Block and Tackle Pulley
B. Movable Pulley D. Both Fixed and Movable Pulley
38. Which type of pulley doubles your effort but it does not change the direction of your
A. Fixed Pulley C. Block and Tackle Pulley
B. Movable Pulley D. Both Fixed and Movable Pulley
39. Which simple machine has a mechanical advantage that is computed as the ratio of
the resistance to the effort?
A. Wheel and Axle B. Pulley C. Wedge D. Screw
40. Which does not belong to the group?
A. Crank of a paper sharpener B. Meat Grinder C. Door Knob D. Spoon
41. In the earliest time this simple machine was probably used for raising weights or water
buckets from wells.
A. Wheel and Axle C. Wedge
B. Pulley D. Screw
42. Which of the following is NOT the function of wheel and axle? It multiplies _________
A. force if the effort is applied at the wheel
B. force if the resistance is applied at the axle.
C. distance or speed if the effort and resistance are applied the other way around
D. force if the resistance is applied at the wheel and the effort is applied to the axle
43. The following show proper precautionary measures in using simple machines EXCEPT
A. Use the right type of simple machine for the right job.
B. Simple machines that are sharp should be handled with care.
C. Secure pulleys properly and make sure that it is tightly tied on the support.
D. Expose knife, scissors and other sharp objects in a place easily reached by children.
44. Which is the correct way of handling simple machines?
A. When carrying sharp and pointed tools, position the pointed edge upward.
B. When carrying sharp and pointed tools, position the pointed edge sideward.
C. When carrying sharp and pointed tools, position the pointed edge downward.
D. When carrying sharp and pointed tools, position the pointed edge to your stomach.
45. Who among the four children demonstrates the proper way of handling simple
A. After using simple machines like scissors, cutter and knife, Irish leaves those on
B. Haydee plays with her friends in a place where heavy loads are being lifted by
C. Teody always sure that any tool is in good condition before using it.
D. Xavier uses simple machines with exposed wires.
46. Diagram 1 shows a worker lifting a rock. How can a worker move the large rock easily?
I. The worker applies a larger effort.
II. The small stone is placed nearer to the large rock.
III. The small stone is replaced by another stone of a smaller size.
A. III only B. I and II only C. II and III only D. I,II and III
47. A man tries to push a big box away but he cannot move it. Of the following forces,
which causes this to happen?
I. Gravitational force II. Electrostatic force III. Frictional Force
A. I and II only C. II and III only
B. I and III only D. I, II and III only
48 - 50. Identifying road signs.
Tell the name of each road signs for safety.
48. ________________
49. ________________
50. __________________
Infer why an object moving
along a surface eventually 3 3 6 2-4
slows down and stops
Describe what friction is and 1
1 1 2
its kinds
Investigate factors affecting 47
1 1 2
frictional force
Describe how friction affects
1 1 2
the movement of an object 5
Identify the desirable and 6
undesirable effects of friction 1 1 2
to object and people
Identify different road sign for 48-50
3 3 6
Infer how gravity affects
movements of objects and 1 1 2 7
Describe how the motion of an 8
1 1 2
object is affected by gravity
Infer the effects of gravity on 9
1 1 2
objects and people
Show the external conditions 10
affect the movement of 1 1 2
objects and people
Cite practical benefits and 11-13
3 3 6
applications of gravity
Identify forms of energy 14
(sound, heat, light and 1 1 2
Describe how sound energy is 15
1 1 2
Describe how heat is 16
1 1 2
Describe how light energy is 17
1 1 2
Describe how electrical 18
1 1 2
energy is produced
Infer that energy can be 19
transformed from one form to 1 1 2
Demonstrate how heat can be 20
1 1 2
transformed into light energy
Demonstrate how electricity 21
can be transformed into light 1 1 2
to heat
Demonstrate how light energy
1 1 2
can be transformed into heat 22
Demonstrate how electrical
energy can be transformed 1 1 2 23
into sound energy
Demonstrate how electrical
energy can be transformed 1 1 2 24
into heat
Infer how electricity can be
3 3 6 25-27
transformed into sound to heat
Describe what a machine 28-30
3 3 6
does and give its function
Identify the different kinds of 31
1 1 2
simple machines
Describe the characteristics 32
1 1 2
and functions of a lever
Describe the characteristics 33
1 1 2
and functions of inclined plane
Describe the characteristics 34
1 1 2
and function of a wedge
Describe the characteristics 35
1 1 2
and functions of a screw
Describe the characteristics 36
1 1 2
and functions of a pulley
Identify the types of pulley 2 2 4 37-38
Describe the characteristics
2 2 4 40
and function of wheel and axle
Demonstrate the uses of
2 2 4 42
wheel and axle
Identify precautionary
measures using simple 2 2 4 43-44
Demonstrate the practical and
2 2 4 45-46
safe uses of simple machines
TOTAL 50 50 100 50
Key to Correction:
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. D
11. A
12. D
13. A
14. A
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. D
19. D
20. C
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. B
25. B
26. C
27. A
28. C
29. D
30. B
31. A
32. B
33. B
34. D
35. D
36. B
37. A
38. B
39. A
40. D
41. B
42. C
43. D
44. C
45. C
46. B
47. B