Muttarak, What Can Demographers Contribute
Muttarak, What Can Demographers Contribute
Muttarak, What Can Demographers Contribute
What can demographers contribute to the study of
1 Introduction
Raya Muttarak (corresponding author), Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human
Capital (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Vienna
Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Email: [email protected]
Wolfgang Lutz, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, VID/ÖAW,
WU), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Vienna Institute of Demography,
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Vienna, Austria
Leiwen Jiang, Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI), Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
and National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA
DOI: 10.1553/populationyearbook2015s001
2 Introduction
vulnerability of non-human (nature) systems, it still does not explicitly state that
human beings are the vulnerable unit.
Furthermore, given that the impacts of climate change are not evenly distributed
within a regionally defined population, we need a more vigorous incorporation of the
concept of demographic differential vulnerability into vulnerability analyses and
policy measures aimed at reducing vulnerability. Indeed, this approach has already
been highlighted as a key to sustainable development by international experts,
first in preparation for the United Nations (UN) World Summit on Sustainable
Development in 2002 (Lutz and Shah 2002), and a decade later in preparation
for the RIO+20 Earth Summit (Lutz et al. 2012). These experts emphasized that
vulnerability to environmental changes and the capacity to adapt to these changes
vary not only between countries, regions, communities, and households; but also
between family members depending on age and gender. Failing to recognize
demographic heterogeneity in vulnerability can lead to the formulation of policies
that are not appropriately directed at the truly vulnerable groups.
This special issue is a product of the growing recognition of the need for scholars of
population studies and of other social science disciplines to pay greater attention
to the issue of demographic differential vulnerability. The special issue is a
result of the international scientific conference of the IUSSP (International Union
for the Scientific Study of Population) Panel on Climate Change, ‘Demographic
Differential Vulnerability to Natural Disasters in the Context of Climate Change
Adaptation’, held in Kao Lak, Phang Nga province, Thailand on 23–25 April
2014. The conference was jointly organized by the College of Population Studies,
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok; the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography
and Human Capital (IIASA, VID/ÖAW and WU); and the IUSSP Panel on Climate
Change. The conference was funded by the Chula Global Network and the European
Research Council (‘Forecasting Societies Adaptive Capacities to Climate Change’,
PI: Wolfgang Lutz, grant agreement: ERC-2008-AdG 230195-FutureSoc).
1. The complexity of climate science and the limitations of data and methods
for integrating the environmental and climate context into the microdata
commonly used by demographers. With a focus on empirical science, it
takes longer time for demographers to address new research questions such
as climate change if appropriate data are not available (Hayes; Hunter and
2. The lack of interdisciplinary collaboration, despite the interconnectedness of
the issues of population and climate change. This results in inadequacy of the
climate models (e.g. the integrated assessment models (IAM) of the IPCC) in
accounting for the social and demographic components (Gage; Hayes; Hunter
and Menken; Peng and Zhu).
3. The discomfort with addressing population and environment issues given the
historical involvement of demographers in the controversial debates during the
late 1960s and 1970s on the limits to population growth, which were triggered
by concerns about the limits to natural resources. As these debates raised
complex and sensitive policy questions, demographers have become reluctant
6 Introduction
The nine original and fully refereed research articles presented in this special
issue highlight how scholars of population studies and other relevant disciplines
can contribute to our understanding of population and climate change interactions.
These articles address the issue of demographic differential vulnerability from
different perspectives on vulnerability, drawing upon case studies from across
the globe based on unique data and innovative methodologies. This collection of
research articles offers both empirical studies and forecasts of future vulnerability
based on national- and global-level evidence.
Vulnerability in this context refers to ‘outcome vulnerability’; that is, the negative
outcome of climate change on a particular unit, or human being, that can be
quantified and measured (O’Brien et al. 2007). After establishing that the human
being is the unit that is vulnerable, the next question is what hazards people are
vulnerable to. Premature death is obviously the most undesirable outcome, as it
harms the deceased and deprives him or her of all of the benefits of being alive
(Feldman 1991). Also, after death the individual has no chance for recovery and no
capacity to adapt. Falling ill, losing a job, or losing a crop are also unwelcome
events, but they do not kill the individual; there still is a chance for recovery
and adaptation. Likewise, the consequences of certain unwelcome episodes, such
as catching the flu, may not be entirely negative, as contracting an illness could
boost the person’s immune system. Death, on the other hand, is universally seen as
an unfavorable outcome, and can be measured unambiguously: a person is either
dead or alive, and all countries have clear legal definitions of death. This focus
on premature human mortality also makes the measurement and the assessment of
vulnerability much easier, as death is a globally valid metric. There are several ways
to operationalize the notion of premature mortality, such as through estimating age-
sex specific years of life lost due to premature mortality and disability, as was done
in the Global Burden of Disease study (Murray and Lopez 2013).
In this special issue, Zagheni et al. and Zhao et al. explicitly investigated
mortality risks from climate extremes, such as hydrological hazards (flood and
storm) and extreme temperatures, which are likely to be further aggravated by
climate change. Focusing on mortality from extreme temperatures in Taiwan in
the 1970s, Zhao et al. showed that both unusually cold temperatures in winter
and unusually hot temperatures in summer were associated with higher mortality.
However, the mortality patterns differed by age group and cause of death, with
older people being more likely to die from cardiovascular disease during extreme
cold episodes, and children and young adults being more likely to die from
drowning during hot spells. These mortality patterns have, however, changed in
recent decades due to socioeconomic developments in Taiwan, which brought
about improvements in health care, living environments, safety management, and
disease prevention practices. Similarly, the analysis of cause-of-death data for 63
countries in the years 1995–2011 by Zagheni et al. found that mortality from hydro-
meteorological disasters declined over this period as a result of improvements
8 Introduction
in human development. Contradicting the common belief that women are more
vulnerable to natural disasters than men, Zagheni et al. found that in the case of
mortality risks from floods and storms, men, and especially young adult men, had
much higher mortality levels than women. The findings on age-sex differentials
in mortality risks from different types of natural disasters thus have important
implications for designing appropriate policy responses to address the differential
vulnerability of different demographic subgroups.
Apart from understanding who is vulnerable to what, equally importantly
where people live determine their exposure to natural hazards. For instance, even
older people and young children, who are generally more likely to die from
tsunamis than people in other age groups, are not more vulnerable if they live
in an area that is not exposed to tsunami hazards. The articles by de Sherbinin
and Bardy and by Ignacio et al. contribute spatial perspectives to the analysis
of differential vulnerability. In particular, the two articles address the important
question of whether the subgroups of the population who are socioeconomically
disadvantaged—e.g. people who have low incomes, low levels of education, or high
unemployment rates; or are members of ethnic minority groups—are also more
likely to live in areas with higher levels of exposure to natural hazards. In geography,
this question is often approached by developing an index of social vulnerability, or
a composite measure of various demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of
a geographical unit, to identify a vulnerable area. The articles by de Sherbinin and
Bardy and by Ignacio et al. contribute to the empirical advancement in the field by
further investigating how well the social vulnerability indices correspond with actual
losses and damages after a disaster strikes. This exercise allowed for the validation
of the social vulnerability indices, which is rarely done in vulnerability assessment
studies (Fekete 2009).
De Sherbinin and Bardy employed census data to develop social vulnerability
indices of two major cities, New York City and Mumbai, which are considered
to be among the top 10 port cities most exposed to coastal flooding. Exploiting
the events of Hurricane Sandy in 2012 for New York City and of the Maharashtra
floods in 2005 for Mumbai, the article investigated whether the areas with higher
social vulnerability scores were also more likely to be inundated. This was found
to be the case for Mumbai, but not for New York City. While these findings may
be attributable in part to data limitations and the different spatial resolutions used,
the two cities may also differ in terms of settlement preferences, with, for instance,
wealthy households in New York preferring to live along the coastline. Indeed, the
findings from the case study of the Tropical Storm Washi flood in the southern
Philippines in 2011 by Ignacio et al. suggest that the areas along the riverbanks
most prone to severe flooding were predominantly inhabited by the middle class.
In addition to adopting only a composite score of the social vulnerability indices
commonly used in other studies, Ignacio et al. decomposed the indices in order to
determine which demographic and socioeconomic factors contributed to disaster
vulnerability. They found that physical characteristics that determine exposure to
flooding, such as elevation from the coast and slope, explained the losses and the
Raya Muttarak, Wolfgang Lutz and Leiwen Jiang 9
damages better than the socio-demographic characteristics of the areas. Given the
extreme nature of the flood event they investigated, exposure was an important
determinant of vulnerability. Nevertheless, Ignacio et al. pointed out that it is
still important for policy-makers responsible for crafting disaster risk reduction
measures to consider the differential capacity of the population to get out of
harm’s way.
Risk perceptions, attitudes toward climate change, and climate-related behaviors
also vary considerably by demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.
Understanding public attitudes and perceptions is essential not only for formulating
education and communication strategies, but for successfully implementing risk
reduction or adaptation strategies. For instance, identifying the factors that influence
household hurricane evacuation decisions can contribute to the development of
effective protective actions for hurricanes (Huang et al. 2015). The article by
Meijer-Irons offers a unique analysis of panel surveys from rural Thailand that
compared subjective assessments of environmental risks with objective measures
of environmental and climate conditions, such as the vegetation health index. In
particular, Meijer-Irons showed that subjective perceptions of environmental risks
depend on household characteristics and economic activities. Households that,
relative to the average, were large, had a high level of involvement in agriculture,
and had a large number of members who were working-age women or older people,
were more likely to report that their income losses were due to environmental
shocks, after controlling for objectively measured climate conditions of the areas.
This finding implies that policies aiming to address the impacts of environmental
change should take into account the issues that are most crucial to different
subgroups of people who are vulnerable to environmental shocks. The paper by
Muttarak and Chankrajang investigated the relationships between climate change
perceptions and climate-relevant behaviors, i.e. the actions individuals take to
minimize the problem of global warming (mitigation actions) in Thailand. Their
results showed that while concerns about global warming were associated with
climate-relevant behaviors, this association applied to actions that involved making
technical and behavioral changes (e.g. using energy-efficient electrical devices,
using a cloth bag instead of a plastic bag, and planting trees), but not to those
actions that involved saving electricity and water (e.g. turning off unused lights
and turning off the tap while brushing teeth). Similarly, educational differences
were found for the former set of behaviors, but not for the latter. The findings
further showed that achieving technical and behavioral changes generally involved
making consistent efforts to change behavior, knowing what actions to take, and
having a certain level of concern about anthropogenic impacts on climate change;
whereas saving electricity and water was often undertaken simply for economic
reasons. Educational differentials in climate actions thus depend on the motivations
for carrying out the action.
Finally, the final three papers in the special issue offer a forecast of the future
vulnerability and adaptive capacities of societies through the lens of human capital
based on a multi-dimensional population projection exercise and the application
10 Introduction
population of Phang Nga. As has been shown that individuals with higher levels
of education were better prepared for disasters (Muttarak and Pothisiri 2013;
Hoffmann and Muttarak 2015), given the shift in the educational composition of the
province’s labor force toward higher levels, it may be assumed that the population
will have higher levels of disaster preparedness in the future.
These nine original research articles not only enrich our understanding
of different dimensions of demographic differential vulnerability in various
geographical contexts; they also demonstrate how demographic methodological
tools and data can be applied to the study of vulnerability. In particular,
the application of demographic knowledge in investigating and forecasting
demographic differential vulnerability is a key contribution of demographers
to the vulnerability research community. Although the research in this field
is still in its infancy in the context of mainstream population studies, as was
highlighted in the Demographic Debate section, there is considerable potential
for the further development of climate change research in demography. It is clear
that advancements in research on population and environment with a focus on
demographic differentials must be made by younger generation of demographers,
who—relative to their older colleagues—are less influenced by historical polemics
on population control, and are more prepared to incorporate new challenges like
climate change issue into their research.
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