Mantua Hare 2002 J Oceanogr
Mantua Hare 2002 J Oceanogr
Mantua Hare 2002 J Oceanogr
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(Received 19 May 2001; in revised form 16 August 2001; accepted 16 August 2001)
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) has been described by some as a long-lived El Keywords:
Niño-like pattern of Pacific climate variability, and by others as a blend of two some- ⋅ Regime shift,
times independent modes having distinct spatial and temporal characteristics of North ⋅ climate impacts,
Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) variability. A growing body of evidence high- ⋅ PDO,
⋅ IPO,
lights a strong tendency for PDO impacts in the Southern Hemisphere, with impor-
⋅ NPO,
tant surface climate anomalies over the mid-latitude South Pacific Ocean, Australia
⋅ fishery oceanogra-
and South America. Several independent studies find evidence for just two full PDO phy.
cycles in the past century: “cool” PDO regimes prevailed from 1890–1924 and again
from 1947–1976, while “warm” PDO regimes dominated from 1925–1946 and from
1977 through (at least) the mid-1990’s. Interdecadal changes in Pacific climate have
widespread impacts on natural systems, including water resources in the Americas
and many marine fisheries in the North Pacific. Tree-ring and Pacific coral based
climate reconstructions suggest that PDO variations—at a range of varying time
scales—can be traced back to at least 1600, although there are important differences
between different proxy reconstructions. While 20th Century PDO fluctuations were
most energetic in two general periodicities—one from 15-to-25 years, and the other
from 50-to-70 years—the mechanisms causing PDO variability remain unclear. To
date, there is little in the way of observational evidence to support a mid-latitude
coupled air-sea interaction for PDO, though there are several well-understood mecha-
nisms that promote multi-year persistence in North Pacific upper ocean temperature
tantalizing evidence that a definite link existed between Minobe, 1997). These and other studies also provided
interdecadal changes in North Pacific climate and North evidence that PDO variations had considerable influence
Pacific fisheries. In a series of papers, Francis and Hare on climate-sensitive natural resources in the Pacific and
focused on Alaska salmon production and its link to cli- over parts of North America in the 20th Century.
mate (Francis and Hare, 1994; Hare and Francis, 1995; Subsequent study has revealed several new and im-
Francis and Hare, 1997), arguing that Alaska salmon pro- portant wrinkles to a rapidly growing literature on the
duction was best characterized as alternating regimes, general topic of PDV and on the nature of the PDO. Ac-
where the transition from one regime to another was cumulating evidence suggests that the PDO mode of vari-
abrupt. ability exhibits a robust symmetry in interdecadal climate
The race to describe and understand interdecadal variations of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (e.g.
changes in the Pacific accelerated through the 1990’s. White and Cayan, 1998; Garreaud and Battisti, 1999;
Latif and Barnett (1996) provided a comparison of the Dettinger et al., 2000), with signature responses in East
low-frequency variability in observations with that in the Asia, North, South and Central America, and Australia.
output from a coupled ocean/atmosphere model simula- Historical records tracking aspects of Pacific marine eco-
tion, and proposed a mechanism for Pacific Decadal Vari- systems suggest a strong association between PDO vari-
ability (PDV) with a near-20 year periodicity. Zhang et ability and Pacific salmon production (Beamish and
al. (1997) offered a series of analyses teasing apart sub- Bouillon, 1993; Beamish et al., 1999; Hare et al., 1999),
tle spatial differences between Pacific climate variability Pacific sea birds (Vandenbosch, 2000), Alaska ground fish
at interannual versus interdecadal time scales. Mantua et and zooplankton production in the central and eastern
al. (1997) capitalized on the maturity of the rapidly evolv- North Pacific (Hollowed et al., 1998; Francis et al., 1998),
ing research, synthesizing and extending research results and Gulf of Alaska marine species assemblages (Anderson
from fishery, climate and hydroclimate studies, and and Piatt, 1999), to name just a few. Careful reconstruc-
labeled the dominant pattern of PDV the Pacific tions of instrumental data have extended the PDO record
(inter)Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Other studies have back to 1854 (Kaplan et al., 2000), and paleoclimate re-
used other names for what we call the PDO, for example: constructions now provide an extended, albeit sometimes
the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) of Power et al. contradictory, view of PDV and PDO behavior back to
(1997, 1999a), and the North Pacific Oscillation (NPO) 1600 (cf. Minobe, 1997; Evans et al., 2000; Linsley et
of Gershunov and Barnett (1998). al., 2000; Biondi et al., 2001; Gedalof and Smith, 2001).
The collective body of research suggested that three Research into the dynamics of PDV has also pro-
main characteristics distinguished PDO from ENSO: first, duced numerous publications, yet at this time mechanisms
20th century PDO “events” persisted for 20-to-30 years, for PDO behavior remain mysterious (see Miller and
while typical ENSO events persisted for 6 to 18 months; Schneider (2000) for a comprehensive review). In spite
second, the climatic fingerprints of the PDO were most of the remaining mysteries, a number of insights into
visible in the extratropics, especially the North Pacific/ mechanisms favoring multi-year persistence of North
North American sector, while secondary signatures ex- Pacific climate anomalies have recently come to light
isted in the tropics, and the opposite was true for ENSO; (Schneider and Miller, 2001; Seager et al., 2001; Deser
and third, the mechanisms causing PDO variability were (Clara Deser, NCAR, Boulder Colorado, personal com-
not known, while causes for ENSO variability were rela- munication); and Barsugli and Battisti, 1998), indicating
tively well-understood (Zhang et al., 1997; Mantua et al., promising prospects for PDV predictability at lead times
1997; NRC, 1998). of one to a few years.
A PDO index developed by Hare (1996) and Zhang Mantua et al. (1997) proposed that the PDO repre-
(1996), also used by Mantua et al. (1997), is the leading sents a special class of PDV defined by a preferred spa-
PC from an un-rotated EOF analysis of monthly, “re- tial pattern with a range of interdecadal time scales of
sidual” North Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) variability. We argue here that the case for a robust PDO
anomalies, poleward of 20°N for the 1900–1993 period mode of PDV is, on balance, strengthened by the results
of record (see lower panel of Fig. 1). “Residuals” are here of recent studies, although many critical questions about
defined as the difference between observed anomalies and the PDO await answers. Whether there is a preferred PDO
the monthly mean global average SST anomaly (see Zhang time scale is critical for several reasons, including the
et al., 1997). A remarkable characteristic of this index is issue of mechanisms and how understanding those mecha-
its tendency for multiyear and multidecadal persistence, nisms should aid the development of a PDO monitoring
with a few instances of abrupt sign changes. Based on a and prediction system. Regardless of PDO predictability,
variety of studies, sign changes beginning in 1925, 1947, we also believe that recognition of PDO variability is
and 1977 have been labeled regime shifts (Hare and important because it clearly demonstrates that “normal”
Francis, 1995; Zhang et al., 1997; Mantua et al., 1997; climate conditions can vary over time periods compara-
Fig. 1. (top) Anomalous climate conditions associated with warm phases of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and (bottom)
November–March average values of the PDO index. Values shown are °C for sea surface temperature (SST), millibars for sea
level pressure (SLP) and direction and intensity of surface wind stress. The longest wind vectors represent a pseudostress of
10 m 2/s 2. Actual anomaly values for a given year at a given location are obtained by multiplying the climate anomaly by the
associated index value. Adapted and updated from Mantua et al. (1997).
Fig. 2. 5-year running average plots of tree-ring based PDO reconstructions of Gedalof and Smith (2001) and Biondi et al.
(2001), along with Kaplan et al.’s (2000) COADS SST index for 1854–1992 and Mantua et al.’s (1997) SST-based PDO
index. Each time series has been normalized with respect to the available period of record, and they are plotted with an offset
for clarity.
3. PDO Impacts