Flow Control

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Flow Control

1. public void foo( boolean a, boolean b)

if( a )
System.out.println("A"); /* Line 5 */
else if(a && b) /* Line 7 */
System.out.println( "A && B");
else /* Line 11 */
if ( !b )
System.out.println( "notB") ;
System.out.println( "ELSE" ) ;
A. If a is true and b is true then the output is "A && B"
B. If a is true and b is false then the output is "notB"
C. If a is false and b is true then the output is "ELSE"
D. If a is false and b is false then the output is "ELSE"
Answer: Option C
Option C is correct. The output is "ELSE". Only when a is false do the output lines after 11 get some
chance of executing.
Option A is wrong. The output is "A". When a is true, irrespective of the value of b, only the line 5 output
will be executed. The condition at line 7 will never be evaluated (when a is true it will always be trapped
by the line 12 condition) therefore the output will never be "A && B".
Option B is wrong. The output is "A". When a is true, irrespective of the value of b, only the line 5 output
will be executed.
Option D is wrong. The output is "notB".

2. switch(x)
Which two are acceptable types for x?
1. byte
2. long
3. char
4. float
5. Short
6. Long
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 3 and 5
D. 4 and 6
Answer: Option A
Switch statements are based on integer expressions and since both bytes and chars can implicitly be
widened to an integer, these can also be used. Also shorts can be used. Short and Long are wrapper
classes and reference types can not be used as variables.

3. public void test(int x)

int odd = 1;
if(odd) /* Line 4 */
Which statement is true?
A. Compilation fails.
B. "odd" will always be output.
C. "even" will always be output.
D. "odd" will be output for odd values of x, and "even" for even values.
Answer: Option A
The compiler will complain because of incompatible types (line 4), the if expects a boolean but it gets an

4. public class While

public void loop()
int x= 0;
while ( 1 ) /* Line 6 */
System.out.print("x plus one is " + (x + 1)); /* Line 8 */
Which statement is true?
A. There is a syntax error on line 1.
B. There are syntax errors on lines 1 and 6.
C. There are syntax errors on lines 1, 6, and 8.
D. There is a syntax error on line 6.
Answer: Option D
Using the integer 1 in the while statement, or any other looping or conditional construct for that matter,
will result in a compiler error. This is old C Program syntax, not valid Java.
A, B and C are incorrect because line 1 is valid (Java is case sensitive so While is a valid class name).
Line 8 is also valid because an equation may be placed in a String operation as shown.
1. What will be the output of the program?
int i = l, j = -1;
switch (i)
case 0, 1: j = 1; /* Line 4 */
case 2: j = 2;
default: j = 0;
System.out.println("j = " + j);
j = -1
Compilation fails.
Answer: Option D
The case statement takes only a single argument. The case statement on line 4 is given two arguments so
the compiler complains.

2. What will be the output of the program?

int i = 1, j = 10;
if(i > j)
} while (++i < 5);
System.out.println("i = " + i + " and j = " + j);
A. i = 6 and j = 5
B. i = 5 and j = 5
C. i = 6 and j = 4
D. i = 5 and j = 6
Answer: Option D
This loop is a do-while loop, which always executes the code block within the block at least once, due to
the testing condition being at the end of the loop, rather than at the beginning. This particular loop is
exited prematurely if i becomes greater than j.
The order is, test i against j, if bigger, it breaks from the loop, decrements j by one, and then tests the loop
condition, where a pre-incremented by one i is tested for being lower than 5. The test is at the end of the
loop, so i can reach the value of 5 before it fails. So it goes, start:
1, 10
2, 9
3, 8
4, 7
5, 6 loop condition fails.

3. What will be the output of the program?

public class Switch2
final static short x = 2;
public static int y = 0;
public static void main(String [] args)
for (int z=0; z < 3; z++)
switch (z)
case x: System.out.print("0 ");
case x-1: System.out.print("1 ");
case x-2: System.out.print("2 ");
A. 012
B. 012122
C. 210100
D. 212012
Answer: Option D
The case expressions are all legal because x is marked final, which means the expressions can be
evaluated at compile time. In the first iteration of the for loop case x-2 matches, so 2 is printed. In the
second iteration, x-1 is matched so 1 and 2 are printed (remember, once a match is found all remaining
statements are executed until a break statement is encountered). In the third iteration, x is matched. So 0 1
and 2 are printed.
4. What will be the output of the program?
public class SwitchTest
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("value =" + switchIt(4));
public static int switchIt(int x)
int j = 1;
switch (x)
case l: j++;
case 2: j++;
case 3: j++;
case 4: j++;
case 5: j++;
default: j++;
return j + x;
A. value = 2
B. value = 4
C. value = 6
D. value = 8
Answer: Option D
Because there are no break statements, once the desired result is found, the program continues though
each of the remaining options.

5. What will be the output of the program?

public class If2
static boolean b1, b2;
public static void main(String [] args)
int x = 0;
if ( !b1 ) /* Line 7 */
if ( !b2 ) /* Line 9 */
b1 = true;
if ( 5 > 6 )
if ( !b1 )
x = x + 10;
else if ( b2 = true ) /* Line 19 */
x = x + 100;
else if ( b1 | b2 ) /* Line 21 */
x = x + 1000;
A. 0
B. 1
C. 101
D. 111
Answer: Option C
As instance variables, b1 and b2 are initialized to false. The if tests on lines 7 and 9 are successful so b1 is
set to true and x is incremented. The next if test to succeed is on line 19 (note that the code is not testing
to see if b2 is true, it is setting b2 to be true). Since line 19 was successful, subsequent else-if's (line 21)
will be skipped.

6. What will be the output of the program?

public class Switch2
final static short x = 2;
public static int y = 0;
public static void main(String [] args)
for (int z=0; z < 3; z++)
switch (z)
case y: System.out.print("0 "); /* Line 11 */
case x-1: System.out.print("1 "); /* Line 12 */
case x: System.out.print("2 "); /* Line 13 */
A. 012
B. 012122
C. Compilation fails at line 11.
D. Compilation fails at line 12.
Answer: Option C
Case expressions must be constant expressions. Since x is marked final, lines 12 and 13 are legal;
however y is not a final so the compiler will fail at line 11.

7. What will be the output of the program?

public class If1
static boolean b;
public static void main(String [] args)
short hand = 42;
if ( hand < 50 && !b ) /* Line 7 */
if ( hand > 50 ); /* Line 9 */
else if ( hand > 40 )
hand += 7;
A. 41
B. 42
C. 50
D. 51
Answer: Option D
In Java, boolean instance variables are initialized to false, so the if test on line 7 is true and hand is
incremented. Line 9 is legal syntax, a do nothing statement. The else-if is true so hand has 7 added to it
and is then incremented.

8. What will be the output of the program?

public class Test
public static void main(String [] args)
int I = 1;
do while ( I < 1 )
System.out.print("I is " + I);
while ( I > 1 ) ;
A. I is 1
B. I is 1 I is 1
C. No output is produced.
D. Compilation error
Answer: Option C
There are two different looping constructs in this problem. The first is a do-while loop and the second is a
while loop, nested inside the do-while. The body of the do-while is only a single statement-brackets are
not needed. You are assured that the while expression will be evaluated at least once, followed by an
evaluation of the do-while expression. Both expressions are false and no output is produced.

9. What will be the output of the program?

int x = l, y = 6;
while (y--)

System.out.println("x = " + x +" y = " + y);
A. x=6y=0
B. x=7y=0
C. x = 6 y = -1
D. Compilation fails.
Answer: Option D
Compilation fails because the while loop demands a boolean argument for it's looping condition, but in
the code, it's given an int argument.
while(true) { //insert code here }

10. What will be the output of the program?

int I = 0;
while (true)
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
I += j;
if (j == 3)
continue inner;
break outer;
continue outer;
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: Option A
The program flows as follows: I will be incremented after the while loop is entered, then I will be
incremented (by zero) when the for loop is entered. The if statement evaluates to false, and the continue
statement is never reached. The break statement tells the JVM to break out of the outer loop, at which
point I is printed and the fragment is done.

11. What will be the output of the program?

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i += 2)
System.out.print(i + " ");
System.out.println(i); /* Line 5 */
A. 024
B. 0245
C. 01234
D. Compilation fails.
Answer: Option D
Compilation fails on the line 5 - System.out.println(i); as the variable i has only been declared within the
for loop. It is not a recognised variable outside the code block of loop.

12. What will be the output of the program?

int x = 3;
int y = 1;
if (x = y) /* Line 3 */
System.out.println("x =" + x);
A. x=1
B. x=3
C. Compilation fails.
D. The code runs with no output.
Answer: Option C
Line 3 uses an assignment as opposed to comparison. Because of this, the if statement receives an integer
value instead of a boolean. And so the compilation fails.

13. What will be the output of the program?

Float f = new Float("12");
switch (f)
case 12: System.out.println("Twelve");
case 0: System.out.println("Zero");
default: System.out.println("Default");
A. Zero
B. Twelve
C. Default
D. Compilation fails
Answer: Option D
The switch statement can only be supported by integers or variables more "narrow" than an integer i.e.
byte, char, short. Here a Float wrapper object is used and so the compilation fails.

14. What will be the output of the program?

int i = 0;
if(i == 4)
System.out.println("i = " + i);
A. i=0
B. i=3
C. i=4
D. Compilation fails.
Answer: Option D
Compilation fails because the argument of the while loop, the condition, must be of primitive type
boolean. In Java, 1 does not represent the true state of a boolean, rather it is seen as an integer.

15. What will be the output of the program?

public class Delta
static boolean foo(char c)
return true;
public static void main( String[] argv )
int i = 0;
for (foo('A'); foo('B') && (i < 2); foo('C'))
C. Compilation fails.
D. An exception is thrown at runtime.
Answer: Option A
'A' is only printed once at the very start as it is in the initialisation section of the for loop. The loop will
only initialise that once.
'B' is printed as it is part of the test carried out in order to run the loop.
'D' is printed as it is in the loop.
'C' is printed as it is in the increment section of the loop and will 'increment' only at the end of each loop.
Here ends the first loop. Again 'B' is printed as part of the loop test.
'D' is printed as it is in the loop.
'C' is printed as it 'increments' at the end of each loop.
Again 'B' is printed as part of the loop test. At this point the test fails because the other part of the test (i <
2) is no longer true. i has been increased in value by 1 for each loop with the line: i++;
This results in a printout of ABDCBDCB

16. What will be the output of the program?

for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
case 0: break;
case 1: System.out.print("one ");
case 2: System.out.print("two ");
case 3: System.out.print("three ");
A. done
B. one two done
C. one two three done
D. one two three two three done
Answer: Option D
The variable i will have the values 0, 1 and 2.
When i is 0, nothing will be printed because of the break in case 0.
When i is 1, "one two three" will be output because case 1, case 2 and case 3 will be executed (they don't
have break statements).
When i is 2, "two three" will be output because case 2 and case 3 will be executed (again no break
Finally, when the for loop finishes "done" will be output.
17. What will be the output of the program?
public class Test
public static void main(String args[])
int i = 1, j = 0;
case 2: j += 6;
case 4: j += 1;
default: j += 2;
case 0: j += 4;
System.out.println("j = " + j);
A. j=0
B. j=2
C. j=4
D. j=6
Answer: Option D
Because there are no break statements, the program gets to the default case and adds 2 to j, then goes to
case 0 and adds 4 to the new j. The result is j = 6.

18. What will be the output of the program?

boolean bool = true;
if(bool = false) /* Line 2 */
else if(bool) /* Line 6 */
else if(!bool) /* Line 10 */
System.out.println("c"); /* Line 12 */
A. a
B. b
C. c
D. d
Answer: Option C
Look closely at line 2, is this an equality check (==) or an assignment (=). The condition at line 2
evaluates to false and also assigns false to bool. bool is now false so the condition at line 6 is not true. The
condition at line 10 checks to see if bool is not true ( if !(bool == true) ), it isn't so line 12 is executed.

19. What will be the output of the program?

public class Switch2
final static short x = 2;
public static int y = 0;
public static void main(String [] args)
for (int z=0; z < 4; z++)
switch (z)
case x: System.out.print("0 ");
default: System.out.print("def ");
case x-1: System.out.print("1 ");
case x-2: System.out.print("2 ");
A. 0 def 1
B. 2 1 0 def 1
C. 2 1 0 def def
D. 2 1 0 def 1 def 1
Answer: Option D
When z == 0 , case x-2 is matched. When z == 1, case x-1 is matched and then the break occurs. When z
== 2, case x, then default, then x-1 are all matched. When z == 3, default, then x-1 are matched. The rules
for default are that it will fall through from above like any other case (for instance when z == 2), and that
it will match when no other cases match (for instance when z==3).
20. What will be the output of the program?
int i = 0, j = 5;
tp: for (;;)
for (;;)
if(i > --j)
break tp;
System.out.println("i =" + i + ", j = " + j);
A. i = 1, j = 0
B. i = 1, j = 4
C. i = 3, j = 4
D. Compilation fails.
Answer: Option D
If you examine the code carefully you will notice a missing curly bracket at the end of the code, this
would cause the code to fail.

21. What will be the output of the program?

int I = 0;
if (I < 2) {
System.out.print("I is " + I);
continue label;
A. I is 0
B. I is 0 I is 1
C. Compilation fails.
D. None of the above
Answer: Option C
The code will not compile because a continue statement can only occur in a looping construct. If this
syntax were legal, the combination of the continue and the if statements would create a kludgey kind of
loop, but the compiler will force you to write cleaner code than this.

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