Thin Client An 087 DXZ4 Support For STB100 v1 2
Thin Client An 087 DXZ4 Support For STB100 v1 2
Thin Client An 087 DXZ4 Support For STB100 v1 2
Amulet Hotkey DXZ4 zero clients support the Bloomberg Keyboard 4 (model STB100). You must connect the
keyboard as shown below:
DXZ4 rear 3
DXZ4 front 2 1
Why must I connect my Bloomberg Keyboard 4 to the Mouse port and my Mouse to the
Keyboard port?
We generally recommend this configuration because of i) the bandwidth requirements of the
Bloomberg Keyboard 4 and ii) the higher bandwidth capacity of the DXZ4 Mouse port.
The Bloomberg Keyboard 4 consumes a significant proportion of available bandwidth (primarily
because of its fingerprint sensor). If this keyboard were plugged into the Keyboard port or either of
the rear USB ports on the DXZ4, this would leave insufficient bandwidth for any webcam to operate
Why must I disable audio on my Bloomberg Keyboard 4?
If audio is enabled on the keyboard while a second audio device (such as a webcam) is connected to
the DXZ4, there will insufficent bandwidth remaining for the second audio device to operate correctly.
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