Monitoring of HRSG Performance in Large Gas Power Plant
Monitoring of HRSG Performance in Large Gas Power Plant
Monitoring of HRSG Performance in Large Gas Power Plant
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Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea and Air
June 9-13, 2008, Berlin, Germany
University of Genoa
Thermochemical Power Group
via Montallegro 1, 16145
Genova - Italy
indexes NTU Number of Thermal Unit
Troubleshooting: fast identification of the malfunctioning Nu Nusselt number
component and possibility to reduce the maintenance p Pressure [bar]
shutdowns of the plant or to avoid stops with targeted Pr Prandtl number
interventions Q heat [kJ]
R characteristic parameter of an heat exchanger
Performance improvement
Better management of maintenance (Predictive Re Reynolds number
sm element of the “sensitivity matrix”
Optimization of plant operation T Temperature [K]
TOT Turbine Outlet Temperature [K]
In Figure 1 it is possible to observe a schematic representation TVA Turbine Vibration Analyzer
of the future HRSG monitoring system. U heat transmittance [kW/m2·K]
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the HRSG Monitoring
system ACT Actual
Amb ambient
EWI Exhaust Water Inlet
A area of heat exchange EO Exhaust Outlet
AEN Ansaldo Energia EOSW Exhaust Outlet Steam/Water
B constant EXP Expected
c flow velocity [m/s] in inlet
CC Combined Cycle max maximum
cp specific heat at constant pressure [kJ / kg·K] min minimum
D characteristic diameter [m] out outlet
em element of the “error matrix” REF Reference
the larger between the two thermal capacities which SWI Steam Water Inlet
Emax flow through the heat exchanger SWO Steam Water Outlet
the lower between the two thermal capacities which WI Water Inlet
Emin flow through the heat exchanger
f calculated output 1 REFERENCE COMBINED CYCLE
GT Gas Turbine
h specific enthalpy [kJ/kg] The type of power plant, which HRSG is the object of this
HR Relative Humidity [%] study, is a combined cycle, producing around 400 MW,
HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator composed by a gas turbine (Ansaldo Energia V94.3A2), a 3
IEE Index of Expected Error level HRSG (constituted by 13 heat exchangers), a steam
L characteristic length [m] turbine with 3 pressure expansion (high, intermediate, low
pressure), air or water condenser. Figure 2 shows a schematic
m& mass flow rate [kg/s]
plant layout, including calculation sections.
Non Dimensional Performance Index based on
The V94.3A2 is an heavy duty, single shaft, axial gas 1.3 STEAM TURBINE
turbine, operating at 50 Hz; its fuel is usually natural gas and
the nominal power at ISO conditions is around 272.4 MW. The steam generated in the HRSG is sent to a steam
The V94.3A2 has the following characteristics: turbine, composed of two groups: high pressure steam turbine
and middle-low pressure steam turbine. It is coupled with a 50
- 15 stages axial-flow compressor Hz generator; the power at nominal conditions is around 135
- annular combustion chamber MW, while the steam admission pressure and temperature are
- 4 stages turbine respectively 115 bar and 811 K.
The most important gas turbine thermodynamic data are The following calculations were made using a real set of data
reported in Table 1: coming from an AEN monitored plant.
T9 Steam Temperature
area of heat exchange T10 Steam Temperature
heat transfer coefficient T14 Water Temperature
heat losses T15 Steam Temperature
Table 3: Type of measurement Figure 3 shows a generic view of a heat exchanger. From a
more detailed point of view it is necessary to differentiate
3.3 CONSERVATION EQUATIONS AT STEADY-STATE among economizers, superheaters and evaporators (and
deaerator), because the way of calculating the effectiveness
The equations used in the development of the code are the varies.
continuity and the energy equation at steady state. For economizers and superheaters it is:
The continuity equation imposes that the mass flow entering a
physical element is the same exiting the element itself.
For evaporators:
(TEI − TEO )
The energy equation imposes that the energy entering a
physical element is the same exiting itself, minus losses. (4)
For a heat exchanger two type of losses are considered:
convective loss between two following heat exchangers
(usually neglected) and convective loss between each heat Equations (3) and (4) follow from the counter-flow heat
exchanger and the ambient. Qloss is a linear function of the exchanger theory [11]: the upper temperature difference of ε
temperature difference between the average gas temperature must be the highest between the two fluids. In fact considering
and the ambient temperature. In mathematical terms it can be superheaters and economizers the higher difference between
written as: the input and output temperatures is the one of the water/steam
1 − e − NTU *(1−R*)
ε REF =
1 − R * ⋅e − NTU *(1−R*)
NDPI unit of measure is percentage [%]; in this way NDPI = (9)
100% means that the heat exchanger is performing at its best,
and it is considered new and clean. Such indexes require the
definition of the “expected” performance of a heat exchanger. Calculation of the heat exchanger reference
The “expected” values are calculated using a few parameters transmittance UREF
running it, because the original Matlab code uses values only
from the on-design model (which means that is needed to run it (10)
only one time). A
The first step in the calculation of the “expected” effectiveness
consists of the “Dittus and Boelter” correlation [11] (with the Calculation of the “B” constant: the B constant is
conditions of forced convection inside pipes, turbulent flow, the way for calculating the expected effectiveness.
cooled fluid), with the objective to define the Nusselt number It comes from the comparison between the Nusselt
of the hot exhaust at the inlet of each heat exchanger. The number at the reference conditions and the Nusselt
expected performance is calculated assuming that heat number calculated at the operating conditions.
resistance on water/steam side is negligible with respect to the
UREF ⋅ D ⎛ ρREF cREF D ⎞ ⎛ μREF c pREF ⎞
⎜ ⎟
hot flue gas side. Such a correlation is reported in (6):
⎜ ⋅ ⋅ ⎟
λ 0.023 ⎜ ρ c D⎟ ⎜ μ cp ⎟
⎛ ρ ⋅c⋅ D⎞ ⎛ μ ⋅ cp ⎞ = REF = ⋅ ⋅⎜ ⎟
U ⋅D U⋅D 0.023 ⎜ μREF ⎟ λREF
Nu = = 0.023 ⋅ Re ⋅ Pr = 0.023 ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
0.8 0.3
λ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ μ ⎠ ⎝ λ ⎠ λ μ ⎜ λ ⎟
0.8 0.3 Nu
⎝ ⎠
⎝ ⎠
Using for each heat exchanger the procedure explained below, Ordering the equation and separating the known terms from the
the “expected” effectiveness can then be calculated, using the unknown terms, (12) can be obtained, describing the value of
thermal transmittance of the heat exchanger, the number of the heat exchanger transmittance U at the current operating
thermal units and the characteristic parameter R. conditions.
• ⎛ ρ ⋅ c ⎞ ⎛ μ ⋅ cp ⎞
= B ⋅ λ ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
0.8 0.3
Calculation of the reference effectiveness (εREF)
⎝ μ ⎠ ⎝ λ ⎠
using the thermodynamic data coming from the U EXP (12)
Gate Cycle® model, with the following ambient
conditions (called “reference conditions”) :
Tamb = 288 K , pamb = 1.013 bar , HR = 60 %. The B constant can be written as:
Calculation of the reference characteristic ratio
R*REF (7) using thermodynamic data coming from (13)
the Gate Cycle® model at the ambient conditions
RREF * = min
⎛ρ ⋅c ⎞ ⎛ μ REF ⋅ c p REF ⎞
ϕ = λ REF ⎜⎜ REF REF ⎟⎟ ⋅⎜ ⎟
Emax 0. 8 0.3
⎝ μ ⎠ ⎜ λ REF ⎟
• Calculation of the reference number of thermal
REF ⎝ ⎠
units NTUREF of the heat exchanger, as inverse
formula coming from the one that represents the It is evident, from the calculation sequence presented before,
⎛ ε REF − 1 ⎞
heat exchanger effectiveness: that the calculation of the U value at the operating conditions is
ln⎜⎜ ⎟
independent from the coefficient “0.023” originally used in the
⎝ RREF * ⋅ε REF − 1 ⎟⎠
Dittus and Boelter correlation. This is very important, because
1 − RREF *
(8) it provides the calculation scheme with a more general validity.
2) Partial derivative at point 1) times the measurement
uncertainty (supposed as 1% of the read value)
(15) 3) Divide the product at point 2) with one of the output
E min
⎛ ∂f Δx SM i ⎞
Mathematically is expressed by (19):
IEE j =
m economizer (ECO2), one evaporator (EVA1) and one
i =1
(emi , j ) 2 (21) superheater (SH6). In the following graphs the number in the x
axis represents the number of the data acquisition: the
In Table 5 is possible to compare different columns of the operating days of the plant corresponding to the numbers in the
“error matrix” related to one day of functioning of the plant. graphs were taken in a time interval of about 2 years.
The columns are related to the NDPI and the NDPIA of one
superheater (SH5), one evaporator (EVA2) and one economizer
(ECO3) while the corresponding IEE is shown at the bottom of
the column.
results of the analysis of historical logged data;
delayed maintenance stops.
troubleshooting and early warning of malfunctions
From the previous graphs is possible to observe a and dysfunctions [5] [6].
consistent negative trend in most of the heat exchangers NDPI.
Considering a maximum time interval of around two years is Work in progress and future progresses of this work are:
possible to observe that the heat exchangers performance is
getting worse. 1. development of a steam turbine performance
Evaporators seem to be more degraded (from 5% to 20%): this monitoring system;
could be logical, because of the fact that in each evaporator 2. development of a steam condenser performance
there is a consistent pressure drop. Economizers and monitoring system;
superheaters seem to be less degraded than the evaporators, in 3. troubleshooting-oriented model for the whole plant;
fact their degradation trend is around 5% - 10%. 4. thermo-economic analysis of the whole combined
It is important to observe that the instantaneous value of the cycle power plant [7].
NDPI (straight blue line) is placed in the interval defined by
upper and lower limit, fixed by the IEE. This means that the 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
results are reliable.
The authors wish to acknowledge Ansaldo Energia for the
Local and global influence of heat exchangers degradation partial support to the present research activity.
depicted in these graphs will be verified and quantified through
the development of a complete thermo-economic analysis of