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Indian Weekender #63

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Bollywood | 29
big b turns 69

October 21, 2011 Volume 3, No. 13


New Zealands first Indian weekend magazine

FOr Free distributiON

The Pulse of Kiwi Indians New Zealand | 4

bank of india starts operations

Bollywood | 28
shilpi is all beauty and brains

Mission Bays famous Jewel

Pg 20
Indian Weekender wishes all readers and advertisers a

Dasera, Deepawali rock NZ


and a bright and prosperous new year

Sneak peek at Aucklands new trains Pg6

from every Kiwi Indian Family will create sufficient funds for a Fully Equipped Ambulance




New Zealand

basks in the sounds and lights of Diwali

Aucklands Aotea Square resounded to the celebrations of Deepavali, despite the country being gripped by Rugby World Cup fever. Thousands of people thronged Aucklands most popular square on Queen Street on October 8 and 9 to participate in the festival that is growing by leaps and bounds with each passing year. Unlike immediately preceding years, when the festival was held at the Viaduct venue or on Britomart Square, this year it was back at Queen Street and Aotea Square. Queen Street was cordoned off for the entire weekend to accommodate the throng of people who streamed through the festival celebrations throughout the day. As well as the array of food stalls and a slew of booths selling Indian wares, visitors were treated to shows with giant shadow puppets and a spectacular sand sculpture among many other attractions. These included non-stop performances by both local and international artists, and the hotly contested Bollywood Dance Competition. Organised by the Asia New Zealand Foundation in partnership with Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development Ltd and a range of community groups, the

10th Diwali celebrations were spectacular ending with fireworks on the Sunday. The family-friendly celebrations were free to attend. This years international artists included visiting sand sculptor Ranjan Kumar Ganguly. The Indian Puppeteers company used giant shadow puppets to tell much-loved Indian stories, while Manipuri dancers from the JN Manipur Dance Academy delighted

with their intricate and colourful costumes. Asia New Zealand Foundation also organised a separate programme of performances and activities to help keep the kids entertained during the school holidays. The programme aimed at children aged four to 16 included henna drawing, sari tying, and mask painting workshops, as well as performances by the Manipuri dancers and the Indian Puppeteers.

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The Fourth International Conference of the Elders of the Ancient Traditions and Cultures on the theme Nourishing the Balance of the Universe will be held from March 3-8 2012, at Haridwar, India. The host of the conference is the Dev Sanskriti Vishwa Vidyalaya, Haridwar (India).The conference is being organised by the World Council of Elders of the Ancient Traditions and Cultures (WCEATC), in collaboration with the European Congress of Ethnic Religions (www.ecer.org) and the National Council of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala and other organisations representing ethnic human cultures and societies of antiquity. WCEATC is a forum of Elders from the oldest cultures in the world, under the auspices of the International Centre for Cultural Studies (ICCS). During an earlier visit to Aotearoa New Zealand, Dr Yashwant Pathak, Coordinator of this conference, noted the Maori community as one of the few ancient cultures that was socially, culturally and politically active. At the world stage, Maori community is a role model for other ancient cultures that have struggled to maintain their identity. We are expecting delegates from over 50 countries to attend this conference. We invite active participation from Elders from all corners of the world, and in Aotearoa (New Zealand) from the Maori community, Dr Pathak added. The first of this conference series was held at Mumbai, India, in 2003, with the theme Metakuye Oyasin We are all related. It was attended by delegates from more than 30 countries. The second conference was in 2006 at Jaipur, India, with the theme Spirituality Beyond Religions attended by delegates from more than 40 countries. The third conference was held in 2009 at Nagpur, India, with the

Maori elders invited to India meet

theme Renaissance of the Ancient traditions: Challenges and Solutions. More than 357 delegates attended from 32 different countries. All previous conferences have been cosponsored by international and regional organisations including the European Congress of Ethnic Religions (www.ecer.org). The conference will have Ceremonies, Paper presentations, Key Note addresses, Workshops and cultural programs, on topics on the conference theme. The delegates will also be visiting local schools and interact with academicians during the conference. In addition to the conference deliberations, participants are encouraged to avail of opportunities to tour India, both before and after the conference, which will arrange to make available at very reasonable costs, said Dr Pathak. We are also offering a small number of fellowships of upto three months duration for studying the Ancient Indian Traditions. If interested, please contact us, Dr Pathak added. A few travel fellowships ($500 per individual) to cover the partial cost of travel, and several fellowships ($250 per individual) to cover the registration fees, accommodation and boarding expenses during the conference time are available. For further information regarding conference, please visit website www.iccsus.org A number of Maori Elders and members of Aotearoa Hindu community have already registered their interest, and a delegation of Hindu Maori Elders from Aotearoa New Zealand has planned their trip to this conference. This delegation is as part of Hindu Maori whakawhanaungatanga (kinship). If you are interested in attending this conference (and/ or presenting papers), please send an email to [email protected]

Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz

Indian Indian
there were fewer than 10000, now there are country like New Zealand where it was possimore than 100,000 making Indians the second ble for a person of Indian, whose grandparents largest ethnic Asian group. The participation and parents were migrants, could stand proud of Indians is huge. When I joined law, Indian with achievements as lawyer, judge, ombudslawyers could be counted on one hand now man and finally as Governor General. He said he looked forward to restore the there is a whole roomful and more, he added. While being Governor General, he had the spontaneity and relative anonymity that comes occasion to attend several functions with an out of stepping down from office. He was carIndian dimension throughout the country, he rying a multitude of memories with him, he said. Among these he recalled Diwali in many added, many of these were shared closely with the Indian community. parts of the country, NZICA General the diamond jubilee Secretary Raj Thandi of the Wellington said, Sir Anand is a Indian Sports Club, great New Zealander the 85th anniversary and distinguished comof NZICA in Palmmunity leader. He is a erston North and fine example of a New the NZICA Womens Zealander who made Conference in Welgood through hard work lington in 2008 that and a commitment to Lady Susan inaugurealising high goals. rated. Touching upon relations between Indian The Association was very proud to honour and New Zealand, Sir Anand acknowledged Sir Anand and his wife, Lady Susan. A special the current negotiations on the free trade plaque, designed by myself was presented to agreement and the commitment of Prime Sir Anand that symbolised the respect that he Ministers John Key and Manmohan Singh. He deserves. About 200 members and guests, including said there was real substance in the negotiations and that the relationship between the two representatives of the New Zealand Governcountries was becoming closer in a substan- ment attended the function. Sir William Birch, a former New Zealand Minister of Finance, tive way. Sir Anand described the Pravasi Bharatiya Ramesh Patel, a New Zealand Olympian, Award that was presented to him at Vigyan Judge Ajit Singh, Auckland City Councillor the ancient epics Ramayana and Ma- Delhi was one of his most cher- Des Morrison and Member of Parliament KanBhavan in New habharatha. They include the tale of made him proud of his Indian waljit Singh Bakshi also attended the event ished. While it the brave monkey king, Hanuman, reflected the greatness of a among several other community luminaries. heritage, it also who leads an army of monkeys to rescue Lord Ramas wife, Sita, from the clutches of the ten-headed demon king Lord Ravana. The Indian Puppeteers was of Orissa. As a child, he would Determined to make his name, he brought to New Zealand with the wander down to the beach with his started exhibiting his skills around support of the Indian Council for friends and use his imagination to India. He now describes himself as Cultural Relations and the High carve out the images of Indian gods a National Sand Artist and has exCommission for India. hibited internationally. and goddesses in the sand. Sand artist Ranjan Kumar Sand sculptor Ranjan Kumar Sand sculpture was not a well Ganguly known art in India at the time, but Gangulys visit to New Zealand was Ranjan was born in the coastal by the time he reached adulthood possible with the support of Cathay town of Jagannath Puri, in the state Ranjan had become very expert. Pacific airlines.

New Zealand

Artistes from India put on colourful show

Manipuri dance is one of Indias six main classical dance styles and originates from Indias north eastern state of Manipur. The unusual cylindrical skirts worn by female Manipuri dancers are said to be modelled on one seen in a dream by a Maharaja who lived more than 200 years ago. Their colourful costumes also feature mirrors and zari embroidery intricately woven into beautiful designs. Manipuri dance is devotional in nature and is known for its rounded movements, delicacy and grace. Instruments, including cymbals and

drums, are a key element. The JN Manipur Dance Academy was brought to New Zealand with the support of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations and the High Commission for India. Indian Puppeteers The award-winning Indian Puppeteers company has performed in many international puppet festivals and on television in India. They use puppets made from parchment leather and up to two metres high. Their performances will bring to life some of the best-loved stories known to Indian children, based on

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40 Ph ww


Bank of India starts operations Employers must keep staff

GeorGINa BoNd aNd dev NadkarNI employee, The Department of Labour is reminding ployer and
a description of the employers that the law India, where it has to work to be performed, the place of employnow requires them One of the largest banks in keep signed written employment agreements ment, times the employee is to work, the 3750 branches, the Bank of India opened its wages or salary, and an explanation of serfor all their staff. first New Zealand branch at the Newmarket Since 1 July all employers are required vices available for solving problems. end of Market Rd, Auckland on October 6. Its the employers responsibility to to keep signed copies of employment agreeOffering business termsfull retail bankingall maintain and keep an up to date copy of each ments or current and and conditions for services, the bankthey may face a penalty. employees agreement and provide a copy of employees, or will compete with rival Indian bank the Bank of Baroda, which Employment agreements are required the agreement if an employee requests it, started trading in New Zealand last year. they Ms Newman says. for all employees no matter when Reserve Bank governor Alan Bollard inThe Department of Labour has developed started work, says Annie Newman, the Deaugurated the Bank of Chief Adviser of Employ- an Employment Agreement Builder to help partments Acting India. The bank starts with a capitalisation of $50 million ahead of employers through this process. ment Relations. the $30 million affects all required to set up a Failure to ensure an employment agreeThis minimum employees including bank those hired on a verbal agreement or employ- ment is in place for all employees may result in this country. Incidentally, Bank of India (New Zealand) ees who do not have current written agree- in a labour inspector taking a penalty action is thements in place, says Ms Newman. second Indian bank to be sequentially against an employer. This involves a seven-day notice period Having clearly (Bank employment registered in Newa Zealand. written of Baroda agreement helps reduce in risk of misun- to rectify the breach and if this isnt comwas the 19th bank registered the the country; Bankderstandings and there are some provisions plied with then penalties may be sought in of India is the 20th.) that Bank included in employment agree- the Employment Relations Parentmust beof India chairman and man- Reserve Bank of NZ Governor Alan Bollard Authority of up of India NZ's first to individuals cuts the ribbon of Bank agingments, she says.Misra, who is in New branch $10,000 for Alok Misra looks and $20,000 for director Alok as BOI chairman on They the subsidiarys opening, the em- companies. must include the name of said Zealand for increasing trade between India and New Zealand now valued at approximately $1 billion a year meant the time was right to establish a presence in New Zealand. New Zealand and India have had several rounds of negotiations on a proposed free A multi-media study about Paul Henry relations priorities identified in this years trade agreement, which Indian Commerce and Hone Harawira is being presented by Race Relations Report, and feature the preMinister Anand Sharma told Applied Cross- sentation of the Annual Diversity awards. Wellingtons Centre for the National Business Review and at next months 2011 New A parallel youth forum is being held at the cultural Research Indian Weekender in June would probably be forum jointly hostedof Zealand Diversity finalised at the end by same time. the first quarter of Rights Commission and the The New Zealand Diversity Forum 2011 the Human next year. The bank will target expatriate Trust. is being held at Hamilton on 21-22 August Hamilton Multicultural Services Indians and all New Zealanders with intenserange of Its work examines the a full public ar- Also on the programme on Sunday at 3.30retail guments around comments made by promi- 5.00 pm is a forum on Community Media banking products including savings and current accounts, cards,in 2010, such asdeposnent media figures term and call Henrys and Diversity hosted by the Community its, mortgages and international funds interna- Access Radio Waikato Trust. deliberate mispronunciation of an transfers. Officials said a second branch repeatedly Attendance on Sunday and for individtional dignitarys name and then in Wellington was likely to follow soon. laughing about it, and Harawiras alleged ual forums is free. If you are attending for racist comments about Pakeha. The forum half a day or more on the Monday the regiswill also include activities that tackle race tration fee is $50.

New Zealand

New Zealand


rf, lower Mt Eden ing areas Auckland. e followo expand vestment

Mr Misra said the bank would also leverage its expertise in financing agriculture and small businesses. Speaking to Indian Weekender, Mr Misra said the bank would tailor its financial products to the New Zealand market. He also said he would regularly visit New Zealand in the initial stages and expressed confidence in his team to take the bank on a growth path. Bank of India would not compete with Bank of Baroda, Mr Misra said. The two banks would rather co-operate and work together, he added. Bank of India was e s t a bl i s h e d in 1906 and was privately owned until July 1969, when it was nationalised along with 13 other banks. It has 48 million customers. International business, through its 29 branches across the world, accounts for about17.82% of the banks total business. Bank of India is listed on the major Indian Stock Exchanges. Bank of India (New Zealand has been rated at BBB- (Stable outlook) by Standard & Poors.

ontrol of platform

Diversity forum will focus on media

nteed diswith free tes offeres, RWC ices. e will be rnational i gadgets zone Exny of our g account Pass and work.

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Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz


New Zealand

Sujathas multicultural Dassera allures

dev NadkarNI

Model of Butterfly Creek

Sujatha details this year's display

An 'aerial' view of Butterfly Creek

We often see pictures of rows of caprisoned elephants standing majestically in front of the grand faade of the Mysore palace lit up with a myriad lights during the ten days of the Dassera festival. Dassera festivities were first started by the Vijayanagar Kings (of the modern state of Karnataka) in the fiftenth century. After the fall of Vijayanagar Kingdom, the Wodeyars of Mysore continued the Dassera festival by Raja Wodeyar I in the year 1610 at Srirangapatna, Mysore. The tradition is popularly known as Mysore Dasara, which attracts thousands of tourists from India and all over the world to witness the fabulously colourful events surrounding the festival. Locally, in Karnataka, the event is also called Navarathri Bombe Habba in the Kannada language. Auckland Kiwi Indian Sujatha Dattatreya has been bringing to life a slice of that tradition in her home in her adopted country every year for the past nine years. The warm confines of her lovely family home in a quiet street in Mount Roskill exude the traditional decorations and ceremonies of the Mysore Dassera albeit on a tiny scale. I have been celebrating Navaratri for the past nine years in New Zealand, says Sujatha, who has been celebrating the festival since she was a child growing up in Bangalore. Every year, I change the theme of the decorations blending both Indian and Kiwi symbols and traditions. So I call it Multicultural Dasara. This years central theme around the traditional dolls, which are decorated and displayed every year on a stand in the form of steps is one of Aucklands popular tourist attractions, Butterfly Creek. But there are other themes as well. The other sub themes are We are one made up of collections I acquired from other countries which I visited last year and Tinsel Town,

Every year, I change the theme of the decorations blending both Indian and Kiwi symbols and traditions. So I call it Multicultural Dasara.

which is a collection of Dancing dolls. Last years themes were the model of an Indian village displayed side by side of a rural Kiwi setting, depicting both cultures. How does she decide on several different themes each year? Collection of Dolls and other decorative items is my passion, she says. Whenever, I see attractive miniatures, I buy them. Then I start building up my imagination and start collecting more things for the theme. Setting up the display is no small task. This time it took 3 days to arrange the Dolls. Normally, I take 3-4 days leave from work to arrange them, says the working mother of two. My husband and children do chip in with ideas and suggestions as do close friends. Thinking up a theme, collecting items and arranging them based on the theme is only one aspect of the celebrations. The ten day festival follows a hactic regimen. Every day, we perfrom Pooja and prepare different sweets. For specific days, I prepare specific snack / dish which goes with the tradition, says Sujatha. About a hundred visitors throng the home during the ten days of the festival and the numbers have been growing, driven by the interest in her meticulous, themed decorations. A desire to share the beautiful traditions of her home country is what drives Sujatha. I would like to share our rich Indian culture and also to inculcate the values in the younger generation. The dolls and the themed displays blends spiritual concepts along with social and cultural life. It also is an outlet to ones creativity and talent, she says. Sujatha works with the Auckland District Health Board and has previously volunteered as secretary of the New Zealand Kannada Koota for five years. The festival of Navaratri or Dussera is celebrated throughout India and Nepal. Different states in India celebrate differently, typifying the unity in diversity that is India.

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New Zealand

Aucklands electric trains a step closer

Aucklanders can look forward to a new era in public transport after the signing today of a contract for a new electric suburban train fleet. Auckland Transport has signed a contract with Spanish manufacturer, Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles SA (CAF) to purchase 57 three car Electric Multiple Units (EMUs) for the Auckland metropolitan rail network. The new EMUs will be owned by Auckland Transport (AT) and will come into service from the end of 2013. They will replace the diesel units and diesel locomotive hauled trains currently providing passenger services to commuters in the city. The trains will incorporate the latest technology in terms of safety, accessibility and modern amenities like on-board Wi-Fi networks. They will be comfortable, quiet, environmentally friendly and attractive. CAF has also signed a contract to maintain the EMUs until 2026 in a new maintenance facility that Auckland Transport is building at Wiri. The contract signing concludes a procurement process that began in November 2009 when the government announced that it had agreed to provide a $500m loan to buy 38 new trains and build the new maintenance depot. Some $400m of the loan will be used to purchase the trains, while the remainder will be used to build the new maintenance depot. The procurement was managed on behalf of the government by KiwiRail working closely with the previous Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) and then transferred to Auckland Transport in preparation for the manufacturing and ownership phases. The Mayor has welcomed the announcement. The announcement of this contract is the next step towards giving Auckland a 21st century rail network, says Len Brown. Without electric trains, the extension of that network is not possible. Without electric trains, vital projects like the City Rail Link are not possible. It also means that the train network can cope with the extra demand we are already seeing. This is a great deal from every angle. What Im now looking forward to is riding these trains on a regular basis along with my fellow Aucklanders. They will be a huge advance on the second hand trains Aucklanders have had to put up with for years, and from what Ive seen they will be spectacular. Auckland Transport Chairman Mark Ford, says, The purchase of the 19 extra trains, 50 per cent more than originally planned, resulted from a positive business case showing the savings involved in operating a homogenous fleet, additional central and local government funding and the intensity of competition providing a very good price. Auckland Councils Transport Committee Chair Mike Lee says, The ever increasing popularity of rail commuting is forecast to lift patronage in Auckland to approximately 17 million trips per year by 2016 from 10 million currently. At peak times the fleet of EMUs will operate with six trains per hour from Papakura in the south, on the eastern line and from Swanson on the western line. Mr Ford says, CAF will design its new trains based on the rolling stock that it supplied for the Heathrow Express. Many New Zealanders will be familiar with those trains as visitors to London or as commuters. The difference between these modern units and the current rolling stock used in Auckland will be dramatic and General Manager of CAF Jesus Esnaola, says, CAF, with our trains running successfully in cities as Hong Kong, New Delhi, London, Rome, Dublin, Brussels, Amsterdam, Helsinki, Lisbon, Mexico, Sao Paulo, Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires, Washington, Pittsburgh, Sacramento, is very pleased and honoured to be part of the Auckland Electrification Programme, a public transportation solution that will cope with the increasing patronage demands and population growth projections for Auckland while providing an enhanced experience for Auckland commuters through the provision of improved train safety, quality and comfort features, to the best international standards in train reliability and availability performance. As part of our commitment with New Zealand, we are announcing publically today that we already created our new subsidiary, called CAF New Zealand Limited that will take care of the new fleet maintenance for ten years.

Ghazal legend Jagjit Singh remembered

dev NadkarNI
Singh who first popularised them in the 1970s, he said. On a personal note he narrated an incident that highlighted the deeply philanthropic aspect of the maestros personality. Kiwi Pakistani leader, Mohammed Tauqir Khan, JP, QSM, spoke eloquently of his encounters with the maestro and also of his concerts in Pakistan. He also narrated a few incidents of the Ghazal Kings generosity once having donated the entire proceeds of a concert tour to an ailing Ghazal maestro of Pakistan. Indian Weekender publisher Giri Gupta recalled the maestros down to earth personality, saying he made everybody around him comfortable and had no airs about himself. Ram Iyer of the Cultural Forum of India, one of the organisers of the prayer meet along with ABC Entertainment said, The body is gone,

Fans recalled the maestros visits to New Zealand the maestro is seen here with Travel Shops Shell Gupta during his April visit

Aucklands Kiwi Indians got together on Tuesday evening this week to pay tribute to Indias Ghazal legend Jagjit Singh, who passed away last week after a brief illness. The maestro had performed in New Zealand several times in the past two decades. His last visit was in April this year, where he regaled a tightly packed Civic Theatre in downtown Auckland. Several of his ardent fans that attended the prayer meet shared their experiences and memories with the maestro and his music, after the chanting of prayers. They also signed a condolence book.National Party Member of Parliament Kan-

waljit Singh Bakshi said artistes like Jagjit Singh could not be replaced; he was unique. Though Ghazals were not a new genre, it was Jagjit

Fans gather to pay tribute to the Ghazal maestro

A fan signs the condolence book

but the soul will remain immortal. Jag ko jeet ne wale Jagjit Singhji, we are missing you. Mr Iyer was closely associated with Mr Singhs New Zealand visits and was instrumental in organising the maestros' latest tour to New Zealand for ABC Entertainment, which was a tremendous success. For me it was a experience that I will never forget throughout my life, such a quiet and down to earth person, never demanding, no tantrums in fact it was a good feeling all through managing the event, Mr Iyer told Indian Weekender. I also had the privilege of being taken along to Sydney and Melbourne and all though here and in Australia he would always callout for me and check. The parting gift which he gave me was a personally autographed 10 CD set which was released on his 70th birthday consisting of 70 of his best songs, ghazals and bhajans. ABC Entertainments Malik Farishta also spoke at the event, recalling the maestros latest visit, which was part of his world tour on reaching the 70th year of his life. Little had anyone imagined that it would be his last. The meet was held at the Mt Eden War Memorial Hall. Hemant Parekh compered the proceedings, while also sharing his personal experiences with the maestro.

Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz


New Zealand

Spirit of Shivaji lights up Wellington

The sound of the ancient trumpet known as tutari reverberated around the hall of the TSB stadium, as the gathering was about to witness a piece of history to commemorate the Diwali celebrations in Wellington. The capital boasts a small Maharashtrian population compared to its larger cousin Auckland, but this group has left a mark on the landscape of Wellington by remembering the contribution of the father of Indian independence movement, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Wel l i ng t on has witnessed colours of India during its Diwali celebrations, mainly the Rajasthani folk arts, the Bharatnatyams, Tabla players, Bangla artists and a few others items like classical instrumentalists and vocals, but never have they been exposed to the rich tradition of Maharashtra and its cultural variety. The era of Moghul rule in the Deccan plateau was the source of inspiration for the Marathi King Shivaji to start his freedom movement and several artists supported the cause and spread the message through songs and music. These patriotic songs interlaced with a powerful message were the erstwhile walls of Facebook in that era, known as Powada. Powada provided a platform for spreading the message of freedom and the valours of Shivajis deeds, through the eyes of those who had witnessed the events live. The Maharashtrian association in Wellington had hit upon a unique concept to present not only its cultural diversity in the form of a Powada but also wanted to send a message of the destruction of evil, to commemorate Diwali. This they achieved through the medium of Powada, which essayed the story of the assassination of Afzal Khan. Legend has it that the wife of Adilshah of Bijapur (Badi Bi), challenged the commanders of the Mughal army to bring the head of

Shivaji in the durbar (court) and this challenge was accepted by Afzal Khan. Shivajis forces were no match for Afzal Khans huge army, his only chance was balanced on his ability to outsmart them. So to level the playing field, Shivaji moves his army to Pratapgarh fort that is situated in a dense forest valley area where Afzal Khans immense forces with their cannons, muskets, elephants, horses and camels would not be able to fight effectively. Afzal Khan has no intention to let Shivaji go alive and was confident of his might and powers to be able to kill him anywhere, so he agrees to meet him in the forest, with only personal bodyguards on each side during the meeting. Clever Shivaji, the mountain rat, as Aurangzeb used to refer him for his ability to spring surprises with his guerrilla warfare, was more than prepared for the encounter. The scene is set for a leg-

endary victory of freedom over oppression which will be told for centuries to come....the scene is set for the famous Maratha battle cry, Har Har Mahadev. This epic story in the form of Powada was performed by an ensemble of more than 30 members of the Maharashtrian community with full costumes and live music. The cast included key members of the community; who had worked hard to bring this production to the celebrations; Bharat Sangekar, Atul Deshpande, Sachin Ayachit, Sagar Deshpande, Rohit Nanekar, Sunil Bhonsule to name a few. In order that the message and the theme is well understood by the diverse audience which includ-

ed Kiwis, and members of Indian community from other regions, the Marathi Powada was presented with an introductory narrative in English and the entire Powada was a mix bag of Hindi and Marathi. A superlative effort from a community known for its prowess in education, music, art and literature (not to forget Cricket). It was great to see more variety coming forward in the Indian diaspora in Wellington and it will provide a platform for Kiwis to understand our culture and diversity in a much better way.


Wishing its readers a very

Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz

Wish you and your family a very happy & prosperous Diwali Let the lights of Diwali illuminate the year ahead
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Revel in the spirit of Deepavali

ravI Grover
It was on Deepavali day that Sri Rama's coronation took place after his victorious return to Ayodhya from Lanka destroying Ravana and his devil brood. For a long time, Ayodhya was plunged in darkness when the effulgent Rama was in exile in the forest. The forests were filled with light. The return of Rama was hailed by the people of Ayodhya as the return of Divine Effulgence and hence they celebrated the event by the lighting of lamps everywhere. Deepavali means "the array of lights". On this day, when old clothes are discarded and new ones worn; when the home and its precincts are swept clean, given a new look and made to appear fresh and fine. But even while doing all this, attention has to be paid to the discarding of worn out prejudices, the adoption of new habits of love and mutual respect, the freshening of one's attitude towards one's kith and kin, brothers and sisters of all creeds and castes, the hanging of festoons of friendship and fraternity over the door sill of the heart. This will make the festival really meaningful and fruitful. The Upanishadic prayer "Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya" (Lead me from Darkness to Light) means that where there is darkness light is needed. What is this darkness? Sorrow is one form of darkness. Loss of Peace is another. Similarly, disappointment, misery, lack of enthusiasm, etc are different forms of darkness. To get rid of the darkness of sorrow, man has to light the lamp of happiness. To dispel the darkness of disease, install the light of health. To get over the darkness of losses and failures, usher in the light of prosperity. The inner meaning of Deepavali is to lead man from darkness to light. Whenever he is enveloped in darkness, he should light a lamp that is ever shining within him. Carry that lamp wherever he may be and it will light his path. However, the lights lit on Deepavali day remove only the external darkness and not the darkness within man. Even when the Sun shines brightly, its light cannot dispel the inner darkness. To dispel the darkness of ignorance, one needs a container, oil, wick and a matchbox corresponding to what an external lamp needs. For the man, the Heart is the container, Mind is the wick, Love is the oil and Sacrifice is the matchbox. When man has these four, Atma Jyoti (the Divine flame of the Spirit) shines effulgently. When the light of the Spirit is aflame, the Light of Knowledge appears and dispels the darkness of ignorance. One lights numerous lamps with one candle. One lamp symbolises the supreme effulgence of the Lord. The others symbolise the light in individual selves. They derive their light from the one supreme light. The one willed to become many is exemplified by lighting of many lamps with the flame of one. It is to teach this truth to men that the Festival of Lights is observed. Deepavali is also a day dedicated to Dhana Lakshmi (the Goddess of riches). Riches have to be revered as something given on trust and must be used for the amelioration of the wants of society and not for personal enhancement. Riches may come or go; scholarship may be acquired or not; even joy may come and go. Whatever happens, man must be unmoved, he must not swerve from the path that he has chosen towards the goal. On this Deepavali day, resolve to light the lamp of Namasmarana and place it at your doorstep, the lips. Feed it with the oil of devotion; have steadiness as the wick. Let the lamp illumine every minute of your life. The splendour of the Name will drive away darkness from outside you as well as from inside you. You will spread joy and peace among all who come near you.

Wellington organisation raises $3000 for Red Cross

Wellington Mutamizh Sangam (WMS) in collaboration with Natraj School of Dance (NSD) recently donated $3000 to NZ Red Cross Wellington Branch to help them establish the Wellington Region Emergency Management Team. The funds were raised during the schools annual dance production titled Hari Hara Bhava held on Sept 24 & 25, 2011 in Lower Hutt, Wellington. The amount was handed to NZ Red Cross Wellington Branch by the President of WMS, Selva Ramasami and NSD Founder Director Ms. Prabha Ravi in the presence of distinguished guests for the first evening, Mayor of Hutt Council, His Worship Mayor Wallace, Mervin Singham, Director of Office of Ethnic Affairs and Members of Parliament Katrina Shanks and Paul Quinn. The Chief Guest for the evening was Hon. Hekia Parata, Minister for Ethnic Affairs and Women Affairs. The Chief Guest for the second evening was the Indian High Commissioner His Excellency Admiral (Rtd) Suresh Mehta and Mrs. Mehta. The distinguished guests included Members Of Parliament Chris Hipkins and Charles Chauvel. There were representatives from Asia NZ Foundation, arts and community organisations. Some sixty performers ranging from the age of 5 to over 50 performed in both evenings to the delight of 600 audiences. WMS also had the privilege of hosting internationally renowned musicians from Malaysia Sitar musician Samuel J Das and Tabla player Prakash Kandasamy for three weeks in the month of Sept and Oct 2011. WMS organised several performance in collaboration with other organisation and agency. A sitar concert was held at the Concert Hall of NZ School of Music, Wellington. This concert was organised by WMS in collaboration with Bharat Samaj Wellington and GOPIO

Wellington chapter. The special guests for this evening recital were His Excellencies The Malaysian High Commissioner, The Iranian Ambassador and their wives. The international artistes mesmerised the crowd of over hundred music lovers of different ethnicity with their uncanny ability and energy. At the end of the classical performance, three local musicians; a Pakeha, a Maori and a Fiji Indian joined in with the Malaysian artiste to perform fusion music which was well received by the audience. The delighted audience gave the musicians a standing ovation to show their appreciation. The musicians had the privilege to perform at the NZ Parliament Diwali Celebration on September 26, in the presence of the Prime Minister and around three hundred invited guests. The Director of Office Of Ethnic Affairs provided certificates of appreciation for the international artist in recognition of their support for the Parliament Diwali Celebration. These certificates were later presented to the artists at the Rotorua Deepavali Festival by Todd McClay - Member of Parliament for Rotorua, on behalf of the Minister of Ethnic Affairs who hosted the Diwali celebration at the Parliament Their last sitar performance in Wellington was held at the Hare Krishna Centre in Newlands on September 28 and they went on to perform at the Rotorua Deepavali Festival 2011, organised by Hindu Council of NZ On October 1. Wellington Mutamizh Sangam, a charitable organization founded three years ago in Wellington with the mission to promote Tamil Language and culture. WMS strongly believe in the power of collaboration both with other community organisations and agencies to promote social cohesion and understanding in Wellington and beyond.

celebrates RWC nations

Kiwi Day Out festival

The national identities and cultures of each of the countries in the Rugby World Cup will be celebrated at the Kiwi Day Out festival a free, family day and concert in Auckland Domain on Labour Day. Twenty countries will showcase their arts and cultural flavour in an International Village. They will be joined by the Office of Ethnic Affairs which is sponsoring the Village. From Namibia, Georgia and Romania to Argentina, France and South Africa, marquees representing each of the Rugby World Cup participating nations will feature their cultural food, crafts, costume, and performance. The Director of the Office of Ethnic Affairs, Mervin Singham says the International Village promises a captivating and creative display of ethnic diversity. Embracing diversity is in New Zealands national interest and celebrating other cultures confirms our strengthening ties within and between our communities, our businesses and our people. From 3.30pm - 6pm, the stage will showcase some of the countrys best loved musicians including the iconic Dave Dobbyn; the youthful rocking energy of Feilding heroes, Evermore along with former Australian Idol winner Stan Walker and family favourites the Patea Maori Club. Join the Office of Ethnic Affairs and help New Zealand to show its appreciation and respect to all participating nations of the rugby world cup.

What: Kiwi Day Out is a free, family day and concert When: 12-noon 6pm, Labour Day, 24 October WheRe: auckland Domain FRee PubLIC entRy



Aucklanders to be trapped in a JAAL

After the stupendous success of Mara Varno Varghodo and Ek Ruka Hua Faisla MigHT-I Theatre is back with another fascinating production for the South Side Arts Festival . The South Side arts festival (formerly Manukau Arts festival) will be featuring a tribute to the queen of crime Dame Agatha Christie, in Hindi. Her longest running play in Broadway THE MOUSTRAP is being adapted in HINDI as JAAL The Trap and will hosted for the first time in New Zealand. This play has created records of sorts internationally and this is a rare chance to see its Hindi adaptation in Auckland. MigHT-I theatre is dedicating this play as a celebration of the 120th anniversary of Agatha Christie. Known for her famous detective stories Poirot and Ms Marple, Agatha Christie also wrote some fascinating stage plays which included Witness for the prosecution, And then there were none (or 10 little Indians) and The Mousetrap. The Mousetrap was initially performed as a radio play in 1952 and was broadcast by the BBC with the title Three Blind Mice. The radio play had been commissioned in 1947 by Queen Mary, who was a Christie fan. The forty-five minute play was based on a short story on which Christie had been working; however, audience reaction was so positive that Christie went back to work on the script, elaborating on it, and with its first performance on October


Date: 30th Oct 2011 (Sunday) time: 11.00 am (1st show), 4.30 pm (2nd show) Venue: Genesis Energy theatre, tELStRAPACIFIC EVENtS CENtRE, Gt South Road, Manukau tickets: $10 only
6, 1952, The Mousetrap became a stage play. After a seven-week tour, the play opened in London at The Ambassadors Theatre on November 25, 1952. The play later transferred to St. Martin's Theatre in London on March 23, 1974 and has been running there ever since. The Mousetrap has broken several records for its continuous theatrical run since its opening, and it is estimated that more than four million people had seen the play by the time its twenty-five year anniversary was celebrated in 1977. After another twenty years of performances it is safe to speculate that an additional three to four million people have probably sat in the dark and tried to puzzle out the identity of the murderer. Performances of The Mousetrap continue to benefit from tourists who seek out the play both for its artistic merits and for the joy of being part of a theatrical tradition. Jaal Trap its Hindi adaptation, begins with the murder of a mysterious woman in Khandala. The action takes place in a guest house 130 kilometres from Mumbai, where a house full of suspects have gathered and where a second murder is about to be committed. At the heart of any mystery lies the question of what is real and what is not. This is particularly true of JAAL the Trap, which relies on disguise to confuse the audience. So dont miss this chance to enjoy this crime thriller which will keep you on the edge of your seats. Never a dull moment the play will touch your

tickets available at: Yogiji's Food mart 09 624 5757, Kwality Mini Bazaar 09 277 9596 Rayland Motel - EPSOM 09 530 0330 Rayland Motel MANUKAU 09 2638738 or Varsha 09 534 8000 or 027 243 5353 email: [email protected]
heart and emotions at the same time. From a poignant moment to a spine chilling experience all in one go! The play features some of the

finest artist in Auckland. Jyotsna Kkuntal Trivedi has essayed varied roles in different production and is a crowd favourite. Kkuntal Trivedi has made a mark for himself for his versatility and this play will only enhance his reputation. Rupal Solanki had audiences in splits in the recent Gujarati production , brings in another power packed performance, while Jayashree Sonar is known to audiences in Auckland as a talented artist who has featured on radio, TV and films. A veteran of stage in India Shailesh Prajapati makes a come back to his favourite medium and Santanu Ghosh moves out from Bengali Theatre to thrill you in Hindi. Kedar Divekar is back after an exciting performance in Ek Ruka hua faisla and the surprise of the pack is Raghunath Pawar, who will be featuring in his maiden Hindi venture in Auckland. The play is adapted and directed by Prashant Belwalkar, who loves to take up challenges and has consistently delivered for MigHT-I Theatre, with fanstastic assistance from Lajja Prajapati, ayoungster to watch in future. A strong cast, backed by a fantastic script and a fabulous venue will surely make this Diwali a cracking one! So book your tickets early. Two shows only in Auckland on Sunday 30th October 2011. So dont miss this once in lifetime opportunity to watch one of the finest play in the history of Theatre. Let the JAAL entice you!


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Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz



One of the major issues for newcomers to New Zealand is meeting people and making friends, according to recent work by the Settling In programme from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD). To help address this issue the New Zealand Newcomers Network has just launched a new website to make it easier for newcomers to find other newcomers through their local group, and for regions in New Zealand to start a network. The New Zealand Newcomers Network was established as a pilot in Nelson in 2006. National Coordinator, Karen Darling says the idea proved popular and there are now twentyone Newcomers Networks throughout New Zealand and more in the pipeline. Karen says the networks are a brilliant way of bringing people together and helping them feel like they belong. Its a win-win situation New Zealanders and newcomers from all over the world meet and enjoy each others similarities and their differences, she says. Its all about people connecting, making friends and having fun. Newcomers groups are all different and include a mix of migrants, former refugees and New Zealanders on the move. The activities

new website for new Kiwis

and events also vary in different locations depending on the interests of the newcomers and the type of community they might include coffee mornings, potluck meals, walking groups, toddlers groups, craft groups and quiz nights. Recently, a popular Rugby Rules Night in Nelson introduced migrants to the complexities of New Zealands national game in time for the Rugby World Cup. Karen says the volunteers are a key part of the success of the networks. We have some fantastic volunteers who generously share their skills and hospitality to make newcomers feel welcome in their new community. The networks are always keen for new ideas and are on the look out for enthusiastic volunteers to help organise and lead events. The New Zealand Newcomers Network website can be viewed at www.newcomers. co.nz The New Zealand Newcomers Network is supported by Settling In, a programme run by the Family and Community Services group of the Ministry of Social Development. Settling In aims to improve the connection between migrant and refugee communities and wider host communities.

Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi


Wishing you a Happy Diwali and Bandi Chhorh Divas

The focus of Rotorua Deepawali Festival 2011 was Women Empowerment and the festival was planned and organised by young women Diaspora from India, Nepal and Fiji, as well as from New Zealand to send a message on how women can exert a positive influence on society in leadership roles. Hindu Council of New Zealand takes up important social issues every year at the Rotorua Deepawali celebrations. The festival was held at the Rotorua Convention Centre on Saturday, 1 October 2011. It was inaugurated by Superintendent Wallace Haumaha, General Manager, Maori Pacific and Ethnic Services, Police National Headquarters. Other guests of honour included Mr Grahame Hall, Chairman, Rotorua Trust (one of the major sponsors) and ex-Mayor of Rotorua, Mr Venkat Raman, Editor of the Indian Newslink, Mr Todd McClay, Member of Parliament (MP) for Rotorua representing the Government, Ms Steve Chadwick, List MP representing the Labour Party and Dr Rajendra Prasad, a list MP representing Hindu and ethnic communities. Youth group from Ngati Rangiwewehi gave a Maori welcome to guests during opening ceremony. Superintendent Haumaha spoke on Domestic violence is not OK while Mr Venkat Raman on Women Empowerment quoting Indian women as an example. Indiance dance school from Auckland performed on the same theme. A musical performance by internationally renowned artists, Samuel J Das (sitar) and Prakash Kandasamy (tabla), from Malaysia was one of the highlights of this years festival. In addition, a variety of artists entertained the Rotorua audience. For the first time, the Rotorua Nepalese community, the Rotorua Malayali Association, and the New Zealand Badaga community participated in the festival. Every year, more and more community groups are coming together for the Rotorua Deepawali in the spirit of understanding and mutual respect, thereby developing and strengthening bonds. Deepawali in Rotorua has been unique in presenting the best of Hindu and Maori cultures. Involving the local community, especially the Maori community, in the festival has been noticed appreciated by community leaders and also festival organisers in other countries. This year, two representatives from the Malaysian Hindu Sangam participated in the festival to study our festival organisation and our festival themes of highlighting the importance to women, youth development and Hindu-Maori relations. Hindu Council of New Zealand volunteers and the organising committee consider this a big success. The Hindu Council of New Zealand has been promoting inter-cultural exchanges in arts, culture and heritage. Celebrating Hindu festivals such as Deepawali and Holi on a wider community scale is part of sharing Hindu culture, and a way of encouraging a shared diversity in the community. A number of pre-events were organised

Deepawali highlights womens empowerment

to promote the Rotorua Deepawali Festival. Workshops such as "Indian Art for Kids" and a Rangoli (traditional Hindu art) workshop for adults were held at the Rotorua Arts Village on 27 August 2011 and 17 September 2011, respectively. Holding such art workshops allows all cultures to learn about and participate in Hindu cultural activities. An essay-writing competition for young writers on the topic Women Empowerment and Society was held, and the winner was awarded $250 in prize money sponsored by ANZ. The winning article was published in the Rotorua Deepawali Festival 2011 booklet. In association with the Rotorua Public Library, a display on the theme of Hindu culture was set up on 12 September 2011. The exhibition continued till the day of Deepawali celebrations. As in previous years, the festival was popular and people came from Auckland, Hamilton, Taupo, Tauranga, Whakatane, Taumarunui, Wellington, Raglan, Te Kuiti, and Opotiki to attend this unique smoke-free, alcohol-free and meat-free family event which is free and open to all. Workshops such as yoga for womens health, Indian cooking, kite-making and arts for kids, meditation, contemporary dancing, turban and saree tying were organised. Food and commercial stalls sold vegetarian food, spices, clothing, jewellery, and handicrafts. As in the previous years, the evening cultural show was full and many people were on the waiting list. Some dance groups as well as the international artists made an extra performance during the day time so that people who missed out the evening show were not totally disappointed. The festival finished with a spectacular fireworks show for the Rotorua public at 9.15 pm. Each year, the festival committee has highlighted a novel feature in organising the Rotorua Deepawali celebrations. In the first year, focus on a smoke-free, alcohol-free and meat-free Deepawali was brought back to New Zealand based Deepawali celebrations in accordance with Hindu cultural practice, sending a strong message of healthy lifestyle to the community. In the second year, Hindu Maori whakawhanangatanga (kinship) was given importance. In 2010, the focus was on youth development, guided by the HCNZ vision to encourage youth from Hindu and other communities to take the leadership in organising events that promote social harmony. This year was women empowerment. Once again Hindu Council organised a Marae stay for people from outside Rotorua to allow them to experience and learn about Maori culture and tradition. A special powhiri was organised at the Apumoana Marae for the out of town visitors. The Hindu Council of New Zealand and the Rotorua Deepawali Committee welcomes volunteers genuinely interested in promoting Rotorua Deepawali Festival in the spirit of community well-being on the principle of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam (World is one family).

Wellingtons Vedanta group to host workshop

Kanwaljits Auckland office:
1/131 Kolmar Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland P: 09 278 9302 | F: 09 278 2143 | E: [email protected]
The Vedanta Study Group of Wellington is again hosting a workshop on October 29 and 30 at Karori Recreational Centre from 10am -3.30pm. Swami Tadananda of Ramakrishna Mission is leading the workshop. Lunch is included for participants. Swami Tadananda will impart to the spiritual aspirant the profound knowledge of Vedanta and the practices associated with it. Swamiji is a dynamic speaker, stimulating presenter and a karma yogi. He is involved in multiple projects in Fiji. He is a clear thinker and has undertaken daunting projects that have ended with remarkable results such as the recent substantial EU grant awarded for some upcoming projects. Swamiji has learned the art of combining the ancient knowledge with real life challenges and is a model in how to excel in this modern technological environment. He has the ability to impart spiritual knowledge while being mindful of the challenges of the modern environment. Those of us who attended his many workshops have been profoundly touched by his authentic delivery style and message. The October workshop will focus on the Understanding Spirituality. It will stimulate thinking, welcomes inquiry; encourage participation to enable access to higher knowledge.




Community news in pictures

the colours of Aucklands Navratri


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Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz



Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz




Delhi gets free daily newspaper

Delhi On the Go is designed to be a quick 25-minute read and has been named in line with their target audience the On the go, time constrained urban citizen.
New Delhi: Delhi based young entrepreneurs have launched 'Delhi On The Go', Indias first free daily newspaper. The English newspaper was launched recently at Marwah Studios, Film City, Noida. Delhi On The Go is presently the only newspaper targeted at the Delhi commuters and is the brainchild of two young Delhi based entrepreneurs, Ankit Dhawan, aged 25 and Virat Mohan, aged 26. In addition to being the 1st free comprehensive English daily newspaper in India, it is also the only daily evening paper of its kind in New Delhi & NCR, claimed the founders. Delhi On The Go is designed to be a quick 25-minute read and has been named in line with their target audience the On the go, time constrained urban citizen. Elaborating on the concept, Co-Founder Virat Mohan said, "We perceive Delhi On The Go as a community building concept. Apart from the fact that it is the only real free source of news, we empower our readers by giving them an opportunity to express their views through Citizen Journalism. "We also publish daily social and civic awareness messages and have a strong determination to improve our community through the newspaper." The concept of a free metro newspaper is successful in major international metropolitan cities and the founders thought the time was ripe for a concept like this to work in India as well, especially in the National Capital. Co-Founder Ankit Dhawan said, "With Delhi On The Go we bring a fresh approach to newspapers. The design, the content, the way we present it, the whole mood of our paper is very youthful and unique. In the age of the internet and the abundance of news and information, our USP lies in our crisp and to the point presentation of content." Delhi On The Go has tied up with Marwah Studios as their media partner and Radio Noida 107.4 FM as their radio partner in Noida. They have also tied up with Reliance owned 92.7 BIG FM as their radio partner in Delhi. On their association with Delhi On The Go Mr. Sandeep Marwah, Founder & Managing Director, Marwah Studios, said: "The Indian print media industry has grown at a healthy rate of 10.2 percent over the last five years and is projected to grow by 7.4 percent from 20112014, Delhi On The Go is catering to the untapped segment of print media." Leading e-commerce websites - Deals and You & Fashion and You have also come on board as Silver Sponsors of Delhi On The Go, wherein they publish content as well as attractive deals for the readers everyday. Talking about the future plans of the newspaper, the founders said, "With Delhi On The Go, we aim to enhance the Delhi Commuters on-board experience. Our future plans include targeting the airports, inter-state bus travelers, Indian Railways, major intersections and commercial centres in the capital besides branching out to other metropolitans."

alka PaNde

Shahrukh, Irfaan Pathan wash hands together

like cricket stars can make it sound cool and an excitement can be built around the issue," he adds. The experiment became a success in Africa during the 2009 World Cup Football. Over 100 organisations in across eight nations - Lesotho, Kenya, Ghana, Burkino Faso, Mali, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda - used football players namely Didier Drogba and Michael Ballack, to educate children the importance of handwashing. The result was that 30,000 children were trained and became the member of the club. Over 100 international and local stars supported the cause. "South Asian nations too are facing a crisis situation, tak the example of India where 600 million people go for open defecation every day although 700 million use mobile phones. The situation needs to be addressed through innovative ideas," says Kmal Kar, the Development Consultant and Chairman of the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Foundation, India. "Poor sanitation is costing developing nations 3-7 per cent of GDP every year. There is an urgent need to prioritise sanitation at national, regional, global and political levels," says Jon Lane Executive Director of WSSCC. As per United Nations statistics, a thousand children die in India from diarrhoea, which is a preventable disease as it is caused by consuming unsafe and dirty watr and poor hygiene. The figure puts India at the top in the world in diarrhoea ranking - much ahead of neighboring nations like Pakistan, Bangladesh and China. Starting a pilot campaign on Hand Washing Day on October 15, WASH United will aim to intensify the campaign during the next international 20:20 cricket series, which is scheduled to take place in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India in 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively. It will involve cricket players from these nations to convey the message of sanitation among the masses, especially children and youth.

Mumbai: After India's most celebrated Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan becoming the brand ambassador for Geneva-based Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), now Indian cricket players are to promote sanitation and hygiene in the country. Yusuf Pathan and Irfan Pathan have already shot a clip, in which they are asking people: "Adopt the WASH hatrick - sanitation, hygiene, clean water - for healthy living". An international organisation WASH United is negotiating with various other cricket palyers also, including Sachin Tendulkar and MS Dhoni, to take them on board in Wash United Cricket Club, for promotion of hand washing, especially among children. The posters of Pathans were displayed at the Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene, which has recently concluded in Mumbai. The Forum held by the WSSCC (Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council), saw the participation of over 450 people from over 70 countries. The WSSCC works with its partners all across the globe to ensure sustainable sanitation, better hygiene and safe drinking water for all people. "The idea was derived from a similar venture with football players, which proved great success in African nations,'' International Co-ordinator for WASH Thorsten Kiefer told this correspondent in Mumbai. Wash United is a social club that brings together leading sports stars, voluntary organisations, UN agencies and the private sector. Using the power of sports, it organises various activities in schools and reaches out to children to raise awareness about hygiene with a specific focus on handwashing. In South Asia, WASH United is focsusing particularly on sanitation and hygiene through cricket. The expanse of the campaign also includes other cricket loving South Asian nations - Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan. "There is probably no other sport that unifies and moves billions of people in South Asia like cricket does," says Keifer. "Sanitation is a non-attractive subject but celebrities

Artists Impression

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Mumbai: India is playing a major role in the global crusade against black money and has completed negotiations of 16 new tax information exchange agreements (TIEAs), chairman of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) M.C. Joshi said on Friday. The pacts with Bahamas, Bermuda, Isle of Man and British Virgin Islands have entered into force, he said while addressing 8th International Tax Conference organised by The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM). TIEAs have also been signed with Cayman Islands, Jersey, Monoco, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Argentina, Costa Rica, Guernsey, Macau, Liberia, Marshal Islands, Congo and Gibraltar. India is also playing a major role in international forums in the global crusade against black money, said Joshi. It is the vice-chair of peer review group of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes. The country has joined the Financial Action Task Force, the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development, and the Eurasia Group. Joshi said a dedicated computerised cell for exchange of information is being created in the CBDTs Foreign Tax and Tax Research Division. This coupled with the fact that

India completes 16 new tax information pacts

negotiations have been completed with 56 jurisdictions in the past two years for having Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements and TIEAs as per international standards including exchange of banking information and information without domestic interest will enable us to combat evasion and avoidance of taxes. Authorities have developed a toolbox of counter-measures following international standards to discourage transactions by a resident tax-payer with persons located in any country or territory outside India which does not effectively exchange information with India as an antiavoidance measure. For this purpose, section 94A has been inserted into the Income Tax Act through Finance Act 2011. This enables the central government to notify any country or territory outside India and transactions with their residents subject to higher withholdings, certain disallowances and transactions subject to transfer pricing regulations. But the tax department has to take necessary steps to prevent tax evasion and avoidance to ensure that resources are available to the government for development activities and honest tax-payers are not disproportionately burdened. Meanwhile, Member of Parliament and ASSOCHAM president elect R.N. Dhoot said India needs to follow sound fiscal policies at a time

of economic recession worldwide. With new business models emerging, the tax regime needs to be simplified so that more revenue collections can be used to propel socio-economic growth. Dhoot said the chamber has launched a national campaign to spread awareness on complex taxation issues. So far, 30 conferences have been organised in various states. M. Lakshminarayanan, chairman of ASSOCHAM National Council on International Taxation, said the Direct Taxes Code (DTC) likely to be implemented next year will remove several ambiguities and bring in provisions like the General AntiAvoidance Rules and the Controlled Foreign Corporation Rules. Transfer pricing regulations are still evolving while the advance pricing agreement is expected to provide certainty, he said. ASSOCHAM secretary general D.S. Rawat said the purpose of replacing the current tax law with a contemporary legislation in the form of a unified tax code is to align with economic needs and keep abreast with business needs. A major area of reform that DTC needs to incorporate is accountability in tax administration, he said. It is heartening that the government has been receptive to ASSOCHAM representations and the concerns will be ironed out in the enacted tax code, he said.

tata Motors global sales surge

Mumbai: The Tata Motors Group global wholesales, including Jaguar Land Rover, were 107,258 nos., in September 2011, higher by 24% over September 2010. Cumulative sales for the fiscal are 546,645 higher by 6% compared to the corresponding period in 2010-11. Global sales of all commercial vehicles Tata, Tata Daewoo and the Tata Hispano Carrocera range -- were 51,719 nos. in September 2011, a growth of 28%. Cumulative sales for the fiscal are 278,507 nos., a growth of 19%. Global sales of all passenger vehicles were at 55,539 nos. in September 2011, higher by 21%. Cumulative sales for the fiscal are 268,138 nos., lower by 4%.

Global sales of Tata passenger vehicles and the distribution offtake in India of Fiat cars were at 27,900 nos., for the month, higher by 5% over September 2010. Cumulative sales for the fiscal are at 138,048 nos., lower by 17%. Global sales of Jaguar Land Rover in September 2011 were at 27,639 vehicles, higher by 42% over September 2010. Jaguar sales for the month were higher by 14%, while Land Rover sales were higher by 51%. Cumulative sales of Jaguar Land Rover for the fiscal are higher by 14%. Tata Motors is India's largest automobile company, with consolidated revenues of US$27 billion in 2010-11.

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IPL 5 to start April 4

Pakistani players not to feature in IPL 5: reports

Hyderabad: The fifth season of Indian Premier League (IPL) will start in Chennai on April 4, 2012. The IPL Governing Council (GC) met in Hyderabad earlier on Friday to discuss various matters related to IPL 2012. "The dates of the DLF IPL 2012 were confirmed. The tournament will begin in Chennai on 4 April 2012, and end on 27 May 2012," said Sanjay Jagdale, secretary of Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI).

"An Opening ceremony will be held in Chennai on 3 April, a day before the inaugural game," he said. The Governing Council has asked the Management team to come back with options for the format and structure for the 2012 season of the tournament. The Governing Council also approved various operational items for the forthcoming IPL season. The player regulation and trading modalities will be discussed at the next meeting of the GC.

Sonam walks Red Carpet for Kingfisher

Mumbai: Actor Sonam Kapoor walked the Red Carpet at the unveiling of first look of reality show 'The Hunt for the Kingfisher Calendar girl' on Thursday in Mumbai. The first look of the reality show was unveiled by Dr Vijay Mallya, Chairman, United Breweries today at Mehboob Studios. Also present on this occasion were the judges of the hunt Atul Kasbekar, Milind Soman and Ujwala Raut. The third season of the show promises to be even more sizzling and sensational and what makes it even more excitingis that the winner will score a perfect ten by being a part of the 10th edition of the Kingfisher Swimsuit Calendar. Industry experts -ace photographer Atul Kasbekar, top model and actor Milind Soman and ramp scorcher Ujjwala Raut are searching for the girl with oomph, attitude and the perfect figure. 15 girls are chosen from the nation- wide hunt to compete against each other and face the challenges set by the judges and prove that they are worthy of gracing the pages of the celebrated calendar. Talking about the 3rd season of the show, Samar Singh Sheikhawat, Senior Vice President Marketing, United Breweries Ltd said,Hunt for the Kingfisher Calendar girl has been synonymous with best in style, glamour and fashion. This reality show aims at finding fresh talents and giving them a platform." Smeeta Chakrabarti, CEO, NDTV GoodTimes, said, "The Hunt for Kingfisher Calendar 2012 is in its third season and we are really excited about it. The property has a committed fan following and a loyal advertiser base as well... This show is one of the main highlights for our September quarter." Each episode has been shot at Sheraton Udaipur Palace Resorts & Spa Hotel.

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Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz



Mayawati flexes muscle with showpiece Dalit park

Noida: Unmoved by criticism, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Friday evening inaugurated at Noida by the banks of Jamuna the massive Ambedkar park or the Dalit Prerna Sthal, a showpiece project that cost nearly Rs 685 crore to build over 33 acres of land. She arrived near the venue in a helicopter and then went in a huge convoy to park that hosts 12 life size statues of Baba Ambedkar and late Bahujan Samaj Party leader and Mayawati's mentor Kanshi Ram, besides those of the chief minister herself. A total of 24 pink sandstone elephants adorn the park that the chief minister inaugurated proudly Friday evening. Several Buddhist monks were present on the occasion as Baba Ambedkar had embraced Buddhism in his lifetime. Inaugurating the park, Mayawati in her speech attacked her opposition, particularly Congress, saying the party had not done anything for the Dalit or honoured their leaders. She said on the other side of the Jamuna in the Delhi part the Congress only built the memorials of Gandhi-Nehru clan, while on her

IGnOu to launch online Chinese language programme

New Delhi: The Indira Gandhi National Open Universitys (IGNOUs) School of Foreign Langauge (SOFL) inked pact with two educational institutes viz, Chinese Institute of Chennai, Chennai and Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya Education Foundation, Gujarat to undertake online virtual programmes in Chinese language. According to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), both the institutes have agreed to work with IGNOU in offering six and twelve months certificate and diploma respectively in Online Chinese language and culture. These programmes will be launched through online virtual class method and also face to face at both of these institutes under the supervision of SOFL, IGNOU. One of the main objectives of this programme is to reach learners all over India through internet. Through this method, a virtual classroom will be created by which learners can interact with teachers and vice-versa. This is for the first time in India that an online virtual classroom programme to learn Chinese language is offered by IGNOU. One of the main features of this programme is to reach learners to any part of India through its mode," said Prof. G. Chaudhuri, programme coordinator and Director of SOFL, IGNOU. "The e-Gyankosh of IGNOU will be the conduit to offer this virtual classroom programme which is different from the online programmes of IGNOU. Through this mode, learners and teachers will be able to talk to each other and learn virtually as is done within the four walls of traditional teaching/ learning method, said Chaudhuri. We are not going to your place, we are situated at your own home, at your ease. If this approach of offering Chinese programme succeeds, the four wall boundary of tradition learning method will break down very soon. Then, IGNOU will be considered a path finder for other for other traditional institutions of country to follow suite, he added.

side in Uttar Pradesh she built the one to the Dalit stalwarts. She said there were criticism of splurging on the park but the entry tickets would soon raise the money spent on it. Heavy security arrangement were made for the inauguration when thousands of people had gathered. BJP and Congress both dubbed

the project a waste of money. The park has drawn the flak of local people for largescale cutting of trees to construct it while it is also very close to Okhla Bird Sanctuary. The Supreme Court however cleared the park with several conditions. Mayawati was on a spree of building her own statues across Uttar Pradesh.

Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz




Bhutan king marries his long time love

Thimpu: Bhutan's young king Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck on Thursday married his lady love Jetsun Pema, a 21-year-old commoner, in a royal ceremony here. The royal nuptials are conducted in a ritual steeped in traditional spirituality, said state-run Kuensel newspaper. The wedding was solemnized in a 17th century monastery at Punakha amid chantings of the monks and blessings. After the much talked about marriage between Prince Williams and Kate, the world witnessed another royal wedding when Wangchuck married the girl who had studied in London. The 31-year-old-king had also completed his education in London. He had in May announced in Parliament that he will marry Jetsun Pema. "The youngest reigning monarch of the worlds youngest democracy, His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, 31, will today wed Jetsun Pema, 21, in a rich and solemn traditional religious ceremony fulfilling the wishes of the Bhutanese people in the Punakha Dzong that sits where the Pho chu and Mo chu rivers meet," reported Kuensel. The sacred nuptial ceremony, which starts as early as four in the morning, also proclaimed royal bride Jetsun Pema as the Druk Gyal-tsuen (Queen of Bhutan). Jetsun Pema was a student of Regents College, London, UK, and second eldest among four siblings. She is the daughter of Dhondup Gyaltshen, the grandson of Trashigang dzongpon Dopola and Sonam Chuki of the Bumthang Pangtey family. Wangchuck earlier had said: ".... to me, she is the one." Wangchuck, one of the youngest kings of this world, brought in the democratic transition of Bhutan. The Himalayan nation located between China and India transformed into a constitutional democracy in 2008 as the king released his absolute power.

Kashmir leaders trash interlocutors' report

NeyaZ elahI
Srinagar: Expressing displeasure over the report submitted by New Delhi-appointed interlocutors, ruling party National Conference, opposition PDP, separatist leaders as well as common people have trashed the findings and suggestions. Opposition party leader Mehbooba Mufti has called it a big joke. Interlocutors have failed to assess the situation of Jammu and Kashmir. They came here with much hype and ultimately they made a fun of the people, Mehbooba told IBNS. National Conference senior leader and parliamentarian, Ghulam Nabi Ratanpuri, claimed that the recommendations put in the report has vindicated the stand of separatists. Separatists were right in not meeting the trio (Padgoankar, Radha Kumar, Ansari).The report of these interlocutors has proved right the approach of the separatists in refusing to meet them, Ratanpuri said. He said that interlocutors merely acted like employees of the central government only to buy time. Hurriyat (M) chairman Mirwaize Omer Farooq said that it was already known to him that they will fail to deliver. I never expected miracle from them. Their appointment was a delay tactic, Mirwaize said. While talking to IBNS, separatist leader and Democratic Freedom Party chairman Shabir Ahmed Shah said that the report submitted by the interlocutors was merely an eye wash. The interlocutors only raised hopes of the people but finally came out with nothing that could satisfy Kashmiris, he said. Accusing New Delhi of failing to keep their promises with Kashmiris, Shah said, New Delhis non-serious approach with regard to solving the Kashmir problem was responsible for the armed uprising in the state. When asked to comment on the report submitted recently by the interlocutors, Bilal Ahmed, a 12th class student said that he was expecting a lot from the report but interlocutors failed to deliver like their predecessors. Pertinently during the last years' unrest in Kashmir, the Centre had appointed three interlocutors under the chairmanship of senior journalist Dilip Padgoankar that comprised the eminent academician Professor Radha Kumar and former Information Commissioner M M Ansari as other two members. The trio visited almost all the districts of Jammu and Kahmir and met numerous delegations comprising different sections of people. It took them almost one year to furnish a report that deals with the solution of Kashmir problem.

the youngest reigning monarch of the worlds youngest democracy, his Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, 31, will today wed Jetsun Pema, 21, in a rich and solemn traditional religious ceremony fulfilling the wishes of the Bhutanese people in the Punakha Dzong that sits where the Pho chu and Mo chu rivers meet.

Celebrate your traditions together, even when youre far apart.

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New Zealand

Indian cuisines sparkling jewel

dev NadkarNI

One of Aucklands most popular Indian restaurants has recently changed hands. Indian Weekender finds out what the new owners have on the menu for lovers of the sub-continents delectable cuisines.
Jewel of India is one of the Aucklands oldest Indian restaurants and has been a hot favourite not only with the residents of the citys upscale quarters, which is where it is situated, but also of connoisseurs of good Indian cuisine from all over the metro and beyond. Located in one of the citys most beautiful waterfront spots of Mission Bay, the restaurant has built a most loyal custom over the years. Jewel of India is undoubtedly among one of the top of the mind names among Indian restaurants in Auckland. We have been looking forward to an acquisition of this kind, says Anuj Gupta, whose family recently acquired Jewel of India. Anuj maybe new to the restaurant business, but has vast experience in the hospitality business, having managed several motels, in which his family has a commercial interest. Restaurants are a different ball game, admits Anuj. But basically, we are still very much in the hospitality space where good service and customer satisfaction is paramount. In that sense, our experience of running sizeable motels stands us in good stead. Anuj believes the main ingredient of success in the service industry like hospitality is to build the business around the customers taste, comfort and convenience. At the end of the day, you have to strive to generate good word of mouth. Thats the best form of advertising. Nothing ever delivers like word of mouth. The new management wants to deliver more value to the clientele the establishment has built over the years. We have a dedicated customer base. Its heartening to see so many repeat customers who seem to know whats on the menu without so much as even glancing at it, says Anuj. We want to enrich their experience even more. With the restaurants long ex-

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Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz

perienced manager Hiran Perera, Anuj and his team are progressively rolling out a range of improvements in service delivery. While the new management has retained key staff, it is already adding fresh talent both in the kitchens and upfront. A meaningful, fresh approach to everything is always good, says Hiran, who, as well as being an experienced restaurant manager, is also a qualified umpire with New Zealand cricket, officiating in first class matches. Where theres curry, can cricket be far behind? The range of Indian cuisines is kaleidoscopic and vast one lifetime is not enough to savour all of it as one dedicated epicurean famously said. Anuj acknowledges that the fare that is dished out from mainstream Indian restaurants around Auckland is pretty much standard. The idea is to slowly venture beyond that space and bring the rich variety of Indian flavours to Kiwi connoisseurs of which there are sizeable numbers, says Anuj. But it will take careful study of what actually appeals in the end. Meanwhile, the restaurant will concentrate on fine-tuning its most popular offerings with quality ingredients and processes. We are taking a fresh look at everything we do, says Hiran. The most ordered item is of course Butter Chicken, but Lamb/ Chicken Bhuna, Chicken Lazeez, Samudri Khazana and the everpopular Tandoori Platter are all time

New Zealand
favourites and the new management is working toward making them better and better. Were going the whole hog from ingredients, to processes, to ordering time to presentation, says Anuj. And of course we will be keen on the feedback. Jewel of India is a fully licensed restaurant and Anuj and his team are also looking closely at its beverage offerings. Among the favourites are Indian beers like Kingfisher, some of which is also bottled here in New Zealand. Anuj is considering a host of plans to enhance the profile of Jewel of India. One of the things we want to do is showcase on a regular basis the multiplicity of cuisines from different parts of India. Weve got a number of plans. But all Ill say now is watch this space. The restaurant is perfectly suited for such activity. It is situated in a part of town, which has people that would appreciate an enhanced and variegated dining experience, it already has a solid reputation and its interiors have the colours and the ambience to deliver a more definitive sub-continental experience.

One of the things we want to do is showcase on a regular basis the multiplicity of cuisines from different parts of India.

19/10/11 10:10:34 AM

Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz


From the Editor

Tauranga disaster
The recent env disaster unfolding in Tauranga is a classic eg of how humans so directly and irresponsibly pollute the env. Sea life and the sensitive eco system will be permanantly altered n take many years to heal.Right now nature is paying, later we will. Nidhi Nautiyal

All Blacks or National, a strong opposition is vital

In many ways this year has been eminently forgettable for the whole world in general and New Zealand in particular. There has been little to cheer as a slew of disasters of both the natural and financial kind unfolded with such metronomic regularity. New Zealand had a particularly bad year, what with the Pike River disaster, the Christchurch earthquakes and the after shocks, which still continue to rattle the unfortunate city a succession of financial disasters and of course this months Rena disaster, termed by media as the worst maritime disaster the country has ever seen. Will Sundays big event finally be the cup that cheers and washes away all the years accumulated sorrow? Each one among us 4 million Kiwis hopes so and many of them believe that the 2011 Rugby World Cup win is our destiny. All indications are that the All Blacks will lift it. New Zealand needs the win badly, especially after so much that has gone wrong in the past so many months. A win will bring back confidence as the country moves into the high spending season that is Christmas. A boost in confidence and bigger spending in the run up to next year, will undoubtedly be good for the economy. The feel good factor is one of the most important energisers that will set the economic ball rolling faster. A few months ago, there was a research report, which said that there was an overwhelming correlation to a national team winning a major sporting event and an incumbent government being re-elected in a poll if it was held close to the winning sporting event. By that trend, if the All Blacks win, the National Party is assured of a happy romp home on November 26. But God forbid if the Frenchmen snatch the Web Ellis, does it diminish Mr Key and Companys chances at the hustings? Unlikely. The polls have all along showed a gap between National and Labour, which the latter seems to have no idea whatsoever how to bridge. To its credit, Labour has shown flashes of pragmatism in its poll policies particularly in the recently released telecommunications and broadcasting policy, where it has recommended a single regulatory authority. This is in line with what most western countries are veering toward. Nationals thinking, quite inexplicably, is to the contrary. No matter what sparkling policy Labour comes up with in the little time that is left after Sundays final in the run up to the November 26 polls, there is little ground it can cover to close the gap with National. It has a serious crisis of leadership and it has shown extreme paralysis in dealing with it. Quite obviously, the strategy of the second liners has been to treat this election as a lost cause and hope for better traction in the years to 2014 until then let Phil Goff lead and become the obvious fall guy after this years election. As things stand National has virtually no opposition which is an extremely undesirable scenario in a democracy. One hopes that after the November election Labour will hopefully will get its act together, have an effective leadership in its forefront and prove a worthy parliamentary counter to the ruling party. Nationals second term will probably be far more eventful than its first. On many important issues it has more than soft-pedaled, even going slow on its 2008 election promises. There is every likelihood that it will be tempted to bring in its cherished policies too fast in the second term. A meaningful, vigilant and strong opposition can provide a strong counter. So whether it is the All Blacks for Sundays match or the National government after the November elections, only a strong opposition can bring out the best in a countrys leadership. - Dev Nadkarni

India mourns death of Jagjit Singh Comment:

my tribute: to a great ghazal singer who touched many hearts including mine with his soul stirring renderings. Usi Awaaz mein khokar, Guzaare hain kai mausam, tha uska fun, shari-ke-gham, sukoo-ne-dil,koi marham kabhi saathi, kabhi saaki, tha sehelata akelapan woh toota, par nahin bikhra, parose bol, dhun,sargam suro me ek sannata, hai chhaya aaj khalipan, gaya jag-jit,hue gum geet , ghazal ka ek daur dafan. Shilpa Ajani With due respect to departed soul, it is sad to see that credit to Urdu, the national language of Pakistan, in bringing the culture of music to India is missing. Urdu, based on Arabi and Farsi (Arabic and Persian), provided India with a huge upliftment of cultural tastes and music, Ghazals are a burning example of it. Urdu is now primarily used in Pakistan, and has continued to bring the best poetic and musical talent in the subcontinent because of the legacy of Urdu. Jagjit Singh and other Indian Ghazal singers are heavily indebted to this origial Pakistani talent and creativity, though proper credit is never given. Nadeem Saifi

Fiji and Tonga A Family Affair

About relation between Ratu Cakobau and Adi Cakobau, there is a bit of a correction required. Ratu Cakobau is Adi Cakobau's Grandfather not Father because Adi Cakobau's Father is Ratu Timoci Tavanavanua the son of Ratu Cakobau. Dilewa

Dr Sahu Khan disbarred

It may be a shock to his family and friends but to most Fiji citizens it is just a sign that our beloved Fiji is finally heading in the right direction. Thank you Justice Connor and Commodore Frank Bainimarama for your effort in wiping out corruption. Whatever you are doing, keep it up. There are heaps of lawyers out there in private firms who have done similar things. I know this from my intern days. They have no idea what "professional" means. Almirah

Top artistes line up for Diwali in Rotorua

Comparing Rotorua Diwali to other run of the mill Diwali celebrations shows vast difference. Very pleasant to be in Rotorua for the Hindu Council of New Zealand Diwali, which is celebrated in true Hindu manner of welcoming all with open arms. Compared to it, Diwali celebrations in most other NZ cities are parochial affairs, with certain families grabbing the stage. Ritwick Bose

Why Anna Hazare deserves wholehearted support

Anna Hazare is a veteran soldier-driver of the Indian Army who served the nation in both peace and war. The politicians of the Congress party miscacuated his mission, his popularity and reaction of masses of all ages from all walks of llife The most inefficient home minister, P. Chidambaram put Anna Hazare in jail before he had infringed any law. There was nation wide furore and the Congress party and the Govt of India develloped cold feet. Eventually even the Indian Parliament backed him. Brigadier (Retd) Chitranjan Sawant,VSM

Indian Weekender Volume 3 No. 13 Publisher: Kiwi Media Group Limited Group editor-in-chief: Dev Nadkarni [email protected] Online editor: Arvind Kumar [email protected] Chief Technical Officer: Rohan Desouza rohan@ indianweekender.co.nz Design: Sonata Design Ltd - [email protected] Advertising: Giri Gupta - Ph: 520 0922, Mob: 021 221 1131. Email - [email protected] Accounts & Admin: Chetan - Email: [email protected] Please email original editorial contributions, community notices and pictures to [email protected] Views expressed in the publication are not necessarily of the publisher and the publisher is not responsible for advertisers claims as appearing in the publication

ten top stories on iwk.co.nz

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. India mourns death of Jagjit Singh Bank of India starts operations All Blacks call in the cavalry Festival highlights women's empowerment Celebrate Diwali with Jaal Rugby World Cup hits top gear Obama goes tough against Pakistan Eco-living - every attempt counts Cancer claims Steve Jobs Teachers get in on Diwali spirit
Indian Weekender | october 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz

Indian Weekender is published by Kiwi Media Group, 98 Great South Road, New Market and printed at APN Print, Ellerslie, Auckland Copyright 2010. Kiwi Media Group. All Rights Reserved.




the great Fijian paradox

dev NadkarNI

Despite so much going on against it, what is it that makes Fiji tick?
Ever since Commodore Frank Bainimaramas December 2006 action in which he toppled the Laisenia Qarase government and established his military backed administration, Fiji has been turned into a pariah at least in the western world. Next week, heads of government of all the Commonwealth nations will gather in Perth, Western Australia, for their periodic jamboree. Fiji will miss the event because it remains suspended from the Commonwealth. Just as it was absent from last months fortieth Pacific Islands Forum in Auckland because it stands suspended from there as well. Interestingly, the headquarters of the 16-nation Pacific Islands Forum is in the Fijian capital of Suva. The countrys suspension from the Forum, therefore, is quite like what it would be if the United Nations (which is headquartered in New York) were to suspend the United States from its membership. The Forum and the Commonwealth are but two of the worlds international and regional clubs that Fiji has been suspended from. But despite being thus ostracised and in spite of the negative publicity perpetuated by governments and media in the western world not to mention the continually ranting activists demanding its isolation business is putting more and more faith into Fiji. Its quite counterintuitive, really. Consider this: first, we have had a relentless campaign in the western media about things progressively going pear shaped in the tropical island nation. There have been warnings against doing business in Fiji, investing there or even travelling there for holidays. There has even been an incredibly pigheaded campaign to shun Fiji Water, which has little to do with the government. Then, the world has been in a recession. Real estate prices the world over have tumbled and are still scraping rock bottom. Credit is hard to come by and most economies seem to be in a tailspin. Despite so much going against it, things are looking up in Fiji. Or so indicate news reports from Australia and New Zealand, where criticism about Fiji in official and government circles has been the most stringent. According to a report about property investment in New Zealands leading business publication the National Business Review, successful real estate professionals are reporting increased sales in properties around Fiji. Australian-born Fiji-resident Bob Lowres is quoted saying, There are definite signs of improvement, with new buyers coming into the market from other countries. He is advertising the latest stage of his Naisoso Island development a NZ$500 million gated community off the coast of Fiji in Nadi Bay, scheduled for completion in 2014. He has already sold 73 of the 112 residential lots, of which five were sold in just the past month for NZ$3.9 million. A whopping 85% of the land and house packages that start at half a million dollars has been sold to Australians and New Zealanders and the balance to North Americans. Which indeed goes to show that investors dont quite buy into their governments stubbornly rigid stand on Fiji. Lores dismisses the scaremongering about investing in Fijis free hold real estate and he is being proven right by the increasing sales. And Naisoso is not an isolated case. The magazine says Fiji-born Auckland-based real estate agent Rick Kermode is targeting the worlds wealthiest people for his listings. Mr Kermodes listings include a $US6.95 million house on Wakaya Island not too far from Mago Island where he sold a large area to actor Mel Gibson. A couple of years ago, media in New Zealand including the National Business Review raised concerns about repatriating funds from Fiji particularly proceeds from time share revenues and the sale of property. But rules and procedures are far clearer now, say marketers. For instance, a new 10% capital gains tax has clarified obligations of investors. Also, Suva based lawyer Satish Parshotam told the magazine, Theres no written policy [about length of time in repatriation of property sale proceeds]. Inland revenue authorities are pretty ruthless anywhere. But if you have your records in order and youve completed the necessary forms there isnt a problem Im aware of. Time share income is only taxed once. According to Mr Parshotam, tightening tax rules have resulted in the growth of government reserves now higher than they have been for years. The Anzac nations isolationist policy has compelled Fiji to increasingly look north and several resource hungry nations in the Pacific rim and beyond have been only to happy to oblige. Chinese investment in Fiji has been growing by leaps and bounds and Fiji had more Chinese tourists this year than ever before, boosting overall tourist numbers to record highs. Its not just China that is investing. Malaysia, Indonesia and even Russia and the Baltic states are showing interest. Russias Rusal, the worlds biggest aluminium company, is investing big into Fijis natural resources sector. But thats not to say tourist numbers from its traditional markets Australia and New Zealand have declined. In fact quite the opposite has happened. Fijis flag carrier Air Pacific is looking at nearly doubling its services between Sydney and Nadi. The airline plans to operate 13 flights a week to Nadi from next year. This will give visitors a choice of morning and afternoon departures as well as same-day connections to Fiji's outer-island resorts. A representative of Australian online travel company travel.com.au has been quoted in the media saying, [Fiji is] trying to demonstrate that they are a destination for all travellers, rather than trying to pin themselves to one market. Which is extending its appeal from a traditional family holiday market to the highly lucrative weddings and honeymoons market as well as the whole gamut from adventure tourism to backpackers. Its completely counterintuitive. Families on holidays, brides and grooms, industries, real estate investors and speculators all seem to be flocking to a nation where a coup is supposed to be in place; where for five years an unelected government has been presiding over a nation suspended from virtually every international and regional grouping worth the name; a country that a slew of aid agencies have summarily blacklisted. As the world waits to see if the Fijian administration will ultimately carry out its promise of holding elections in 2014, the big question is who has got it wrong: the western governments who have painted the country and its people into a corner or the growing hordes of common people who continue to flock to Fiji in ever bigger numbers despite all sorts of warnings from their own governments. The writing is pretty much on the wall.

Deepavali transcends barriers cultural and geographic

PadmINI GauNder
Just as Hinduism believes that there are several ways to reach God, it also believes that all human beings belong to one family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam) and we are all the children of God, no matter what our ethnicity or colour. India has been multicultural from time immemorial with people speaking several different languages, dressing in many different ways, following any one of a number of religions that are practised and cooking and serving food in a variety of ways. But this Navaratri multiculturalism reached another height with the Chinese settlers in Kolkata doing the Lion Dance to farewell Goddess Durga. The Chinese community of Kolkata came forward to present their traditional lion dance to farewell Her as She returns to Her heavenly abode. Hindu Press International reports that dressed in colourful traditional lion costumes, a 20-member team of the city's vibrant Chinese community performed the dance during the Goddess' immersion procession by the Singhi Park Durgotsav Committee in Kolkata marking the end of the navarathri celebrations. Hundreds of people took part in the ritual and bade farewell to the lionseated Durga by taking part in the colorful lion dance. In Hindu tradition the Goddess Durga rides on a tiger, which was given to her by Himavan who is regarded as her father. But according to a Chinese mythological story, the lion descended from heaven to protect the people and fight evil forces. The leader of the Lion Dance group said their reason for taking part was to show their solidarity with the people of Bengal, a state they had made their home. It is an India-China venture to show respect to the divine goddess who rides a lion," said James Leao, leader of the lion dance group. Abhijit Majumdar, secretary of the Singhi Park Durgostav committee, welcomed the move as showing the true neighbourly spirit. He believed that this was perhaps the first time in West Bengal that the Chinese community has directly participated in any Indian festival. If it is Durga Pooja that is considered most important in Bengal, in Kerala it is the Saraswati Pooja (the last three days of Navarathri) culminating in Vidyarambham on the tenth morning (Vijaya Dasami) that is given importance. What is more, according to reports, even the Malayali Christian community is following the tradition of initiating the children into the world of letters on Vijaya Dasami day. The children are made to write on a plate of rice or on sand "Hari have been going up. Kaladi, the birth place of Adi Sankara, is also considered an auspicious venue for Vidyarambham. The Christians meanwhile take the children to the churches and make them write the Malayalam letters. Fiji has been multicultural for the last several decades. After independence Diwali was declared a national holiday and everyone irrespective of ethnicity or religion started joining in the celebrations. The island air has an eastern accent tonight wrote the poet, Sam Simpson, describing the sights on Diwali night in the 1970s. New Zealand became bicultural in the 1800s with the arrival of the European settlers. But last century it slowly but steadily became multicultural with more and more immigrants arriving here from many different countries, which included Fiji and India. In the last two decades there has been a sudden increase in the Indian population here which is reflected in the number of Indian shops, restaurants, temples, Indian weekend papers and the many Indian festivals that are being celebrated here. When I first moved here in 1992 there were not many Indians in the country and even the few who were here were mostly from Fiji or descendants of the early settlers. But soon there was a sudden influx of migrants from all parts of India. I am told that the reason was the few Indian movies that had been shot here. Suddenly Indians became aware of the pristine beauty of New Zealand and they wanted to come and live in such an unspoilt country. With the Indian population increasing steadily here, today Diwali is being celebrated in New Zealand from Parliament to the libraries and banks with a two day (weekend) Diwali Mela in Auckland at Aotea Square. Adi Sankara had declared many centuries ago that his relatives were the devotees of God and the world was his country (Bandhava Sivabhaktascha Swadeso Bhuvanathrayam). Let us all join in the celebration and pray that this Deepavali: where there is falsehood, there will be truth; where there is darkness, there will be light; and where there is death there will be immortality. Happy Deepavali to all.

Sree Ganapathaye Namaha" in praise of Lord Ganesha, Lord of Beginnings. Then on the childs tongue is written with a gold ring, Saraswati. Finally they are made to write the Malayalam alphabet. Children are often taken to the temples for this ceremony. Among the shrines, which see big crowds is the Saraswati temple, situated at Panachikkadu in Kottayam district. This temple is also known as the 'Dakshina' Mookambika Temple and every year the numbers

Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz



Prepare to advance your clocks one hour ahead of the standard time, because Fijis daylight saving period is about to start from October 23. Minister for Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Mr Filipe Bole made the Daylight Saving Order saying this initiative in Fiji has benefitted both the private and public sector over the years. People of Fiji are urged to take full advantage of the daylight saving period time because this allows more quality time for recreation and to be with family, while also increasing overall economic activity, work and agricultural productivity, Mr Bole said. Members of the public are reminded to change their time to one hour in advance at 2am to 3am on October 23, 2011 and one hour back at 3am to 2am on February 26 next year.

The Ministry of Social Welfare, Women and Poverty Alleviation is committed to mainstreaming disability issues in government programs and policies, says the Minister for Social Welfare, Women and Poverty Alleviation Dr Jiko Luveni. Dr Luveni made these comments while officially opening the 3 days workshop organised by the Fiji Association for the Deaf (FAD) at the Pacific Theological College recently. While the workshop, aims to empower the women and youths with hearing impairment to strengthen their personal development and improve their livelihoods, Dr Luveni today informed participants that the Employment Relations Promulgation 2007 calls for employers to provide jobs to at least two disabled persons out of every 50 employees. The challenge is to expand training opportunities, both in the formal and informal sectors of the economy for the disabled persons and improve the record of employing people with disabilities in both

Government advocates for disability awareness

the challenge is to expand training opportunities, both in the formal and informal sectors of the economy for the disabled persons and improve the record of employing people with disabilities in both private and public sectors

Daylight saving starts in Fiji

private and public sectors, she said. Dr Luveni said the Government has also signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability which protects the rights of persons with disability. The Convention ensures that persons with disability have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of color, race, religion or social status, she said. The Minister reiterated that Government though Poverty Alleviation Programs (PAP) has ensured that issues and interests concerning the disabled persons are safeguarded. The Fiji National Council for Disabled Persons (FNCDP) works closely with my ministry and Non-Government Organizations to create an enabling environment for persons with disabilities in terms of monthly welfare allowances. This year, we have added monthly food vouchers and free bus transportation for all persons with disabilities, Dr Luveni added.

Russia confident on Fiji Russian Relations

Russia is confident in extending the bilateral ties currently shared with Fiji. In a diplomatic sent by the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov to his counterpart in Fiji Ratu Inoke Kubuabola, the Russian Federation congratulated Fiji on the occasion of her independence anniversary and acknowledged the value of the relationship between both countries. Moscow values the aspiration of the Fiji Government to develop relations with the Russian Federation including close interaction in the international activities. I am confident that joint efforts will help us to succeed in ensuring consistent enhancement of the Russian Fijian ties in various fields for the benefit of the people of both countries, in the interests of security and sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region, Mr Lavrov said. May I wish you, dear Minister, good health and every success in your high office as well as happiness and prosperity to the friendly Fijian people. The Russian Foreign Minister, Mr Sergey Lavrov met with the Pacific Island nations representatives accredited to the United Nations this month in New York. The outcome of that meeting saw Russia expressing its interest in cooperating with the Pacific Small Island Developing States in areas of investment, minerals, energy, tourism, education and medicine. Earlier this year both the Russian Federation and Fiji announced the strengthening of bilateral relations after the appointment of Isikeli Mataitoga as Fijis first ambassador to Russia.

China Vice Premier commends Fiji-China friendship

The Peoples Republic of China still remains committed and values its ties with Fiji and its people. Those were the sentiments expressed by the Vice Premier of the Peoples Republic of China, His Excellency Mr Hui Liangyu when he touched down at Nadi International Airport. Upon arrival Mr Hui was received and welcomed by the Acting Prime Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum who also introduced him to Cabinet Ministers including the Acting Minister for Defence, Joketani Cokanasiga, the Minister for Works, Colonel Timoci Natuva, the Minister for Women Dr Jiko Luveni and the Minister for Local Government, Colonel Samuela Saumatua. Fiji and China are good partners and China deeply values its friendship with Fiji, he said. On behalf of the government of the Peoples Republic of China and its people, I take this opportunity to convey my countrys well wishes to the Fijian Government and the people of Fiji.. The Vice Premier also inspected a guard of honour by the Republic of Fiji Military Forces followed by a full traditional welcoming ceremony at the Sofitel hotel. Thanking the Fijian Government for the warm hospitality, the Vice Premier also said that he was honoured to be accorded such a warm welcoming ceremony. He added that it was a great pleasure for him and his delegation to visit Fiji. Mr Hui Liangyu who was accompanied by six Ministers and senior government officials, exchanged gifts with the Acting Prime Minister Aiyaz Sayed after the traditional welcoming ceremony.



Fijians help stop illegal anglers Freight capacity to hit

avINeSh GoPal, FIjI TImeS
SUVA: Two Fijian activists from Greenpeace protested against a Taiwanese tuna longliner yesterday and later helped free a marlin from the ship's longline hooks. Greenpeace said the two activists on the Esperanza protested against the vessel San Sheng Shiang No 868, which was fishing in the Pacific high seas. The activists demanded that Taiwan support strict conservation measures to protect the remaining valuable tuna stocks in the Western and Central Pacific. Greenpeace Australia Pacific Oceans campaigner Duncan Williams and activist Apisalome Waqanisau are on board the environmental organisation's largest ship, Esperanza, which is on a Defending our Pacific expedition. The expedition is part of a campaign to prevent the plunder of Pacific tuna and to restore the health of the world's oceans. Recently, it was reported that more foreign fishing vessels cross into the Fiji maritime zone and fish at will without being caught. Greenpeace media adviser Josephine Prasad said the activists asked the Taiwanese vessel to stop fishing in international waters that flank several Pacific island countries exclusive economic zones in support ies Commission," Prasad said. "This closure would add to the current bans on purse seine fishing in these areas long known to be hot spots for illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing." Prasad said with tuna stocks in other oceans now depleted, fishing fleets from Asia, United States of America and Europe have turned their attention to the Pacific, which is the source of more than half of all tuna consumed globally. "Longliners mainly target big eye, yellowfin and albacore tuna destined for luxury sashimi markets in major cities across the world." "Big eye and yellowfin tuna were recently assessed under the International Union for the Conservation of Nature criteria for threatened species and are classified as vulnerable and near threatened. In addition, about 35 percent of longline catch consists of non-target species, including threatened oceanic sharks and turtles." Prasad said many longline tuna vessels also engaged in controversial shark finning activities and have been documented in numerous illegal fishing activities. "It is estimated that between 21 and 46 percent of the tuna caught in the Pacific is taken by pirate fishing ships, mostly longliners."

Fiji papaya next year

The Fiji papaya industries, along with other fresh produce exporters are bracing themselves for the likelihood of reductions in freight capacity to Australia beginning in January 2012. This information was provided to the industry by the Crop and Livestock Council. In this eventuality there will not be enough freight capacity for papaya exports and the FPP is investigating the viability of sea freight to Australia. The Crop and Livestock Council is currently addressing this issue and the potential impacts on the industry with the relevant authorities. Meanwhile, two new cold rooms have been constructed to improve the services offered to exporters. The two partially external cold rooms have replaced the one internal cold room and have the capacity to cool around 14 tonnes of produce at any given time. Major efficiencies are expected in the form of energy consumption and space in the packing house. The cold rooms were donated by the British American Tobacco Company. The cold rooms are seen as a critical improvement in the development of sea freight efforts. It is anticipated the cool rooms will be fully operational and available for use by exporters in early No-

the expedition is part of a campaign to prevent the plunder of Pacific tuna and to restore the health of the world's oceans.
of the countries to close these areas to all fishing. "Just last week, Nauru proposed the closure of the Pacific Commons to longline fishing at the Technical and Compliance meeting of the Western and Central Pacific Fisher-

vember. In another development, Turners and Growers of New Zealand are expected soon to begin exporting papaya from their Fiji based company. A first shipment is expected before the end of the year. Turners and Growers are among three new exporting companies that have received technical assistance from the Fiji Papaya Project in the establishment phase of their exporting business.

Turners and Growers of New Zealand are expected soon to begin exporting papaya from their Fiji based company. Turners and Growers are among three new exporting companies that have received technical assistance from the Fiji Papaya Project.

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humming the new tune



heritage Fiji

ram lINGam


ltim ate U

May the light of the lamp burn brightly in our hearts on this holy occasion of Diwali!
|| Om asato ma sat gamaya | Tamaso ma jothir gamaya | Mrityor ma amritam gamaya | Om shanti shanti shanti || In the words of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, the true significance of Diwali is beautifully summarized as: "The night is black. Kindle the lamp of love with thy life and devotion."

Shubh Deepvali to you and your family. Deepvali or Diwali ~ the Hindu festival of lights brings to our mind images of diyas, sweets, puja, colourful lights, fire crackers, feasting, new purchases, socializing and lots of fun. Here is a little quiz to remind ourselves about Diwali and the origins that makes Diwali the most popular festival of India. Test your Diwali Quotient with just 15 questions. Be ready for some curly questions too and for every right answer treat yourself or your family/friend with something special. Answers are provided at the bottom of the quiz.


Diwali is the shortened version of Deepvali. What does the word Deepvali actually mean? A. Row of lighted lamps B. Festival of lights C. Circle of lights D. Light of life

9. For how many days Diwali is celebrated according to the lunar Hindu calendar? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Five 10. What is the first day of Diwali season called? A. Dhanteras B. Diwali C. Laxmi Puja D. Naraka Chaturdashi 11. In which country is Diwali celebrated and referred to as Tihar or Swanti? A. Thiland B. Nepl C. Sri Lank D. Cambodia 12. Which town in Tamil Nadu is known to make eight out of every 10 crackers in India and has recently employed 40 or so Firecracker consultants from China? A. Tanjvur B. Madurai C. Sivaksi D. Tirunelveli 13. What event from Ramayana does Diwali symbolise? A. The birth of Lord Rm B. The return of Rm & Sita to Ayodhya after 14 years C. The killing of Rvan by Rm D. The breaking of the bow by Lord Rm 14. Diwali also commemorates the killing of which evil king by Lord Krishna A. Kamsa B. Naraksura C. Hiranyakashipu D. Pootana 15. Jains celebrate Diwali because A. Lord Mahveer was born B. Lord Mahveer attained to nirvana C. Jain New Year starts D. Jain pilgrimage begins on this day

2. There is no public holiday for Diwali in which of the following countries? A. Singapore B. Thiland C. Trinidad & Tobago D. Fiji 3. Diwali commemorates the spiritual enlightenment of which two famous saints? A. Lord Vardhaman Mahveer and Swami Daynanda Saraswati B. Rmakrishna Paramahansa and Chaitanya Mahprabhu C. Swami Viveknanda and di Shankara D. Sant Tukrm and Sri Aurobindo 4. Which two historical icons of India does the festival celebrate the return of? A. Krishna and Rukhmani B. King Krishnadeva Rya C. Lord Rm and Sit D. Rja Rja Chola 5. What other religious groups celebrate Diwali in India, apart from Hindus? A. Prsis and Bahis B. Jains and Sikhs C. Taoists and Shamans D. Buddhists and Jains 6. What do the Sikhs commonly call Diwali? A. Baisakhi B. Bandi Chhor Divas C. Hola Mohalla 7. "Thalai Deepavali" is a unique Diwali custom of which Indian state? A. Assam B. Kerala C. Karnataka D. Tamil Ndu


Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz

8-C, 9-D, 10-A, 11-B, 12-C, 13-B, 14-B, 15-B Answers: 1-A, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C, 5-B, 6-B, 7-D,

8. To whom did Lord Yama explain on the Diwali Amvsya (New Moon day) in the Katha Upanishad about the highest wisdom to enlightenment? A. Nrad B. Yudishtra C. Nachiketas D. Mrkandeya



Deepika is very hot


Priyanka Chopra has reasons to celebrate she has been tagged as The Hottest Girl Of 2011 by Maxim. Also, she is the new cover girl of the magazine. After she unveiled the latest Maxim cover featuring her in Mumbai on Oct 11, the actor chats up with TWF correspondent Sreya Basu on her contemporary actresses in Bollywood, passion for singing, upcoming film 'Barfee' and more.
How does it feel to be the Hottest Girl of 2011? It feels great to be called the hottest, its a nice compliment more because people have said it. Maxim is a reputed magazine and to get the tag from them is great. Do you consider it as an honour? I wont say its honourable to feature in a mens magazine (Maxim). Since when did men become honourable? But then, it feels good. Women have a strange relationship with menyou cant live with them, you cant live without them. Who, according to you, is the hottest male/female actor in Bollywood? According to me? Would be me actually. (Giggles). Modesty is my middle name. Besides me if I have to say, then Deepika (Padukone) is very hot, so is Kareena (Kapoor). Among males, John (Abraham) is extremely hot and Arjun (Rampal). What about Katrina Kaif and your Fashion co-star Kangana Ranaut? Katrina (Kaif) is very, very beautiful. I think she is one of the most beautiful girls we have in our films today. Kangana (Ranaut) is someone who experiments with her looks all the time. She is a really courageous actor. She wears the most incredible clothesdoes whatever her mind says. What does it take to be hot? Its an X Factor. Its not important that you have to have the most beautiful face or most incredible body. I think its just something in you that makes people get attracted to you. You are also regarded as the most fashionable star of Bollywood It feels good when so many good things are said about you. But for me, fashion means even the best outfit has to be comfortable. Girls today need to wear something that suits them and not just follow the stars. You need to find what looks nice on you. You are all set to release you international music album. Can you share some details? The pressure of the album is already giving me a lot of stress (Laughs). I am leaving India nowin about three days. I will be away from films and will be working on the album. Now its too early to speak on the details as it is not yet ready. I am still working on the songs. There will be collaborations with international names but who, whenI cant say now. Just watch out for it next year and support me. What made you turn singer? Singing has always been my passion. I always knew I could sing little bitacting was the thing I never understood and never thought I am capable of doing. I came from a middle-class family and thought normal people dont become actors. Acting just happened to me and I learnt it on my way. But singing is something I always loved. You play a mentally challenged girl in your upcoming film Barfee. Tell us more about that. Barfee is a special film for me. It is a comedyno, not comedybut a fun film. There are very sweet moments in the film that will make you smile. I cant tell you more about it at the moment.


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ChaITaNya PadukoNe

flaunts bikini and brains

Bikini babe Shilpi Sharma takes pride in flaunting her shapely figure as she sways and swings to the racy number Love technology in this bold brazen movie Be Careful releasing this week. NRI movie-buffs will realise that I have not only revealed my body but also exposed my acting talent as well.

Model-actress Shilpi Sharma (Mudgal) who caught the fancy of showbiz with her glam-babe bikini clad role as an FBI agent opposite Sunny Deol in Rahul Rawails Jo Bole So Nihaal is threatening to storm the box-office with her chartbuster sizzling song Love Technology shot in Bangkok. This time the shapely Shilpi will be seen in yet another bikini-clad avataar in director Chandrakant Singhs Be Careful. Incidentally, Shilpi also grabbed headlines when was romantically linked with and when she broke up with her Jo Bole co-star singer-

actor Kamaal Khan. That was several years ago and now that its a closed chapter I am still single now, she insists. Ironically, one of her lead costars is handsome hunk Rajneesh Duggal known for his supernatural ( read scary horror) movies like 1920 and Phirr. For heavens sake, Be Careful produced by Amrit Dujari, has nothing to do with horror! Its a refreshing rollicking comedy dealing with extra-marital flings in the genre of movies like the Bipasha Basu starrer No Entry, informs the dutiful daughter Shilpi who had taken a self-imposed sab-

batical from movies owing to her fathers prolonged critical illness medical treatment. Considering Be Careful also had three other female actresses including the Subhash Ghai discovery Kiran Rathod ( Yaadein) and Tanisha Mukherjee ( Kajols sibling) and winsome Anangsha Biswas, wasnt Shilpi hesitant to sign the movie? Tossing her tresses she counters, No, my lead role as Poem a.k.a. Kavita is authorbacked and as the oomph-oozing other woman ( as she is the centre of distraction for the young married husbands on the look-out for some

extra-marital masti, chuckles the sultry Sharma who had made her screen-debut with N Chandras flick Style . Was the otherwise New York qualified interior designer Shilpi on a spree of branding herself as a bitchy bikini-babe with her on-screen encore of appearing in skimpy outfits? With a wicked smirk she retorts, Hey, whats wrong in flaunting a well-toned hot body, as long as its not vulgar. Isnt it an integral part of international beauty pageants? But honestly, I would love to be known as a glamour-babe who is a talented

actress as well. Which is why this time I chosen a wacko comedy Be Careful. Because making audiences crack up with laughter is a histrionic challenge for any competent actor. And NRI movie-buffs will realize that I have not only revealed my body but also exposed my acting talent as well. And I have a message to all those married Casanovas who wanna freak out. Be careful when you are rocking the night away with a roving eye, your shaadi is gonna be on the rocks, for sure, she nods with an impish glint in her eyes.

Ra.One game no.1 on iPhone appstore

Mumbai: Actor Shah Rukh Khan is leaving no stones unturned for promotion of his superhero flick Ra.One. The Ra.One game, Ra.One Genesis has reached the No. 1 position on the iTunes store within an incredible amount of time, which is just within 24 hours of its launch. "Ra.One is indeed raising the bar for Bollywood movies in the future

since Ra.One Genesis has become the first ever Bollywood movie app which is top-featured on iPhone and iPad," said an official spokesperson on Friday. An avid gamer, Shah Rukh, along with son Aryan, has developed the storyline for the game. Almost a prequel to the movie, the game will introduce the key film characters of Ra.One and the various super-pow-

ers they have in the film. Players will be able to play as the key characters of the film: Ra.One or G.One Since the time of its release, the Ra.One game has taken the world by storm,especially the appealing and creatively designed Ra.Ones army characters and the superhero G.One. Ra.One | Genesis is a free to play top down 3D arcade action game, available for Smartphones & Online.


Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz


Corp and Veecon Music and Entertainment. Srivastava was present at the venue. Reeling with the emotion of the CD release of Hanuman Chalisa happy with the efficient way it was conducted well done GS and AB (AB Corp), he tweeted. In his long career Bachchan has mesmerised his fans in numerous avatars that ranged from a love-torn hero in Silsila to a angry young man in Zanjeer or Deewar. His charismatic performance was seen in the films that he did in his later years that include names like Cheeni Kum or Nishabd. In both the films he was shown as an old man romancing a young lady. In Paa Big B was seen playing one of the challenging roles of his career as he portrayed a character of a progeria affected child Auro. Bachchan was hugely appreciated by his fans and critics for his power-packed performance and even grabbed National Film Award for Best Actor for it. In the arena of Television, Bachchan has been equally successful as an anchor. His Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) is considered to be one of biggest game shows ever run in Indian television. Even today people wait with equal anticipation to catch a glimpse of Big B anchoring the game show as they used to do in 2000, when the show was first telecasted. He had also hosted a season of popular reality show Bigg Boss. Currently he is hosting the fifth season of KBC.

Mumbai: Age seems to have made the man more dedicated towards his job as Amitabh Bachchan continued to churn out brilliant performance even as the living legend of Indian silver screen turned 69 last week. There may be a few more wrinkles on his face and his health does disobey him often, but his dedication and power to give justice to his characters make him the Big B of Bollywood. It is past midnight! It is my birthday today! It is another year gone by! It is stepping in to the 70th year for me! Thank you! he tweeted

to his fans. They ask me what I wish for my birthday ... why only on the birthday, it should be everyday ... I wish another day to pass in peace, he remarked. Big B is known for his passion towards his work and this is reflected in his tweet: One of the best ways to bring in birthdays is to be working at what you need to be working on ... I work because I need to ... love !! His recently released film Bbuddah ... Hoga Tera Baap perhaps reflected the true colours of the evergreen hero with a powerful

voice, where he was seen dancing around in the remixed versions of his own popular numbers. Recently he was seen releasing a CD of Hanuman Chalisa that included one composition sung by the legend himself. Twenty other singers had rendered their voice in the album. Just launched Hanuman Chalisa CD composed by Aadesh Srivastav sung by 20 playback singers of Industry and myself ... Feel blessed ! he tweeted on Oct 9. The religious album is composed by Aadesh Shrivastava under AB

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Overdose of unscripted action

arNaB CharkraBorTy
The movie Azaan touched a previously unused territory providing a lot of action but no real substance. The baCkground The story revolves around Azaan Khan (Sachiin Joshi), a RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) operative in search of his brother. This Indian Bourne goes undercover beyond enemy lines and help find out enough information to be able to save his brother and the nation from destruction at the hands of Biological Warfare. As his journey proceeds, he becomes the last resort of saving his country against the schemes of a notoriously intelligent man who calls himself the Doctor (Sajid Hassan). He comes face to face with Afreen (Candice Boucher), who becomes his muse but only for a while before she eventually dies. Now Azaan must help rescue a little girl, confront his brother while saving his country too. The sTory 1.5/5 There is good storyline bogged down somewhere beneath all the gimmicks, stunts and flashy camerawork. Indeed with flavours such as bioterrorism, international espionage and a man lost in a battle of his soul, "Azaan" would have made a delectable mix but the final product was dismal to say the least. I guess even with all the ingredients one needs for intelligent presentation the chefs have been a failure for the whole gamut of dishes, though there were moments indeed. The screenplay is overdrawn and filled with confusing narratives of characters that offer no sustenance to the entire plot. In the end what could have been an edge of the seat thriller turns out to be just a folly. Some of the dialogues are good but its really too little a consolation to salvage the script. I guess director Prashant Chadda should have put more meat into the meatballs instead of just thinking about making it flashy. The direCTion and TeChnique 3.5/5 Bollywood can now compete with Hollywood on a visual scale. I have been saying this over and over again but its truly a joy to behold the awesome camerawork and the mind-blowing graphic detailing that movies have been churning out in the recent past. Be it the action scenes that remind you of so many stunning Hollywood flicks of the past or the characters moods on display or simply the landscape, Bolly cinematographers can do no wrong and Azaan is certainly best of the best in that department. The actions are realistic and the sequencing is simply surreally beautiful and along with the presence of fantastic locales from all over the

backing him but onscreen Sachiin looks no more than your GI Joe action figure. The much hyped appearance of Candice just appears to have been aimed at drawing some male audience as she too has been relegated to the position of a supporting cast with what minimal reel time she had. For the rest of the talented star cast the movie is a waste as it offers no exposure to what they are capable of, giving them no opportunity to showcase their brilliance. The musiC 3.5/5 The music by Salim-Sulaiman is a clear winner right down to the masterful background scores. The Indo-Western Sufi score Afreen will definitely sneak a way into your playing lists along with some of the other tracks on offer. There are however some clashes with the screenplay and the songs and though they are very melodious, sometimes their presence was unwanted indeed. So should you dish out the bucks? If you are a hard-core action lover then "Azaan" might just be for you and especially recommended if you can go through a movie for some stunning visuals. But if you need convincing storyline and motivated characters then Azaan will be an overdose of everything else and a cause of a slight headache at the end.

world the pictorial department of Azaan has my hat off for them. But the screenplay is confusing and the script had to have been tighter because of the genre of the movie, so a proper editing was sorely missed. The aCTing 2.5/5 Its a tad sad for this movie as had it not been for the utterly stoned per-

formance of Sachiin, Azaan could have received much more for the brilliant supporting cast it had. Sachiin however appears to have put on a similar expression throughout the movie and be it pain or pleasure I cant tell the difference seeing his face. Oh and he seriously needs to work on those dialogue deliveries. So he has the muscles and he has some brilliant action choreography

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Gufi Paintal returns as Shakuni Mama

Shiamak Dawar student debuts in bollywood

Mumbai: Shubh Mukherjee who is a Delhi based boy and is the Shakal as well as the akkal behind the upcoming movie, Shakal Pe Mat Ja which hits the theatres on 4th of November 2011.

Kolkata: Actor Gufi Paintal will be seen playing the role of mythological character Shakuni Mama once again in Imagine TV serial Dwarkadheesh: Bhagwaan Shree Krishn. The show will showcase the era of the epic Mahabharata when Pandavas and Kauravas had announced to fight against each other. Paintal will be making a comeback on the small screen with this serial. Gufi Paintal said, It is my pleasure to play the role of Shakuni Mama once again on television as it was undeniably my very best role. I am excited and very fortunate to be the only actor who will be enacting his own role once again, especially a

character that the audiences still remembers and praises me for. I am confident that I would be able to recreate the same magic Shakuni created back then, he said. Imagine TV has also introduced Sachin Verma as Yudhisthira, Joy Mathur as Bheema, Amit P achori as Duryodhana and Gautam Sharma as Arjuna to enact the iconic characters of Mahabharata in Dwarkadheesh Bhagwaan Shree Krishn. Produced by Sagar Pictures, the serial is shown on Imagine TV from Monday to Friday at 8.00pm. Paintal had also enacted the same character in BR Chopra's 'Mahabharat'.

He has been Shiamak Dawars student for many years, thus his dancing skills cannot be doubted even by an iota. Shahid Kapoor too was a Shiamak Dawar student when he entered Bollywood and now Shubh Mukherjee is the next student of Shiamak Dawar who is en route to touch the stars. The movie is produced by Linc Entertainment, Saritaa Jalan and Hrishita Bhatt. The movie is about a real life incident where the actor/director, Shubh encountered such a situation. The producers and the entire cast and crew of Shakal Pe Mat Ja have complete faith in this upcoming sitara and have not spared a thought before praising this multi talented star. A superstar, who can direct, act and dance. Now that is what you call a heavy combination.

Salman Khan may visit US again for surgery

Mumbai: Bollywood box office rocker Salman Khan may have to visit US again for treatment as he has not fully recovered from nerve disorder Trigeminal Neuralgia. The pain had reduced to some extent after undergoing through the surgery in US but after he started working the pain started troubling him again, media reports said. Khan who was in Dublin to shoot for Kabir Khans upcoming project titled Ek Tha Tiger started feeling the pain again. The cold weather of Dublin affected his health significantly. After undergoing a nerve surgery in United States, the actor returned to Mumbai on Tuesday night. Salman created record at the box office as his last three released films received good responses from the audience and also made good business at the box office. 'Dabangg', 'Ready' and then 'Bodyguard', the style icon of B-town made impressive mark at the box office in recent years.

Humm Your Mornings


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SRK part of Student Of the Year
Mumbai: Karan Johar's youth film 'Student of the Year' gets the Midas touch of actor Shahrukh Khan. A secret source informed us that the Badshah Khan, aka-Shahrukh Khan is going to play cameo in the movie and not only produce it. Initially Shahrukh Khan was supposed to act in the movie but later that idea was cancelled and he was just going to be a part of the production team for the movie. Now, as per the source it is heard that the Badshah will feature in the much awaited Student of the Year. If Shahrukh wouldnt face the camera for Student of the Year,

Karan adapts Chetan bhagat's novel

have found my life partner: Diya Mirza

tion about producers is very unfortunate. A take away from the experience, after turning Producer, Zayed Khan and Sahil Sangha believes that Har Actor ko Producer banna chahiye, kyunki unhe tab hi paise aur time ki value samajh me ayegi. Talking about her Bollywood career till date, Diya said, Perhaps the longest time, I havent been casted in the lead parts. The truth is, Agar aapki film superhit hai, toh sab apko cast karege whether you have the talent or not. If you have the looks and half the talent, it will work. Answering about his experience, Zayed shared, There have been times when you work with brilliant people but it doesnt pays off for you. Talking about her Love and Zindagi, her love in life Sahil Sangha, Diya said, I am blessed that, I finally found my life partner and marriage is just a formality which will happen in due course. I and Sahil were seeing each other before the movie started.

Mumbai: Filmmaker Karan Johar is all set to adapt author Chetan Bhagat's popular novel Two States for a big budget movie. We all know that in the coming year, 2012, Dharma Productions is coming up with some mega movies like Agneepath in January, Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu in February and then Student of the Year in another couple of months. A few days ago, they also announced the Deepika-Ranbir come back with Ayan mukherjis Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani. Our source says that Dharma

is adapting the famous novel Two States by Chetan Bhagat into a big budget movie. Chetan Bhagat is the author of best sellers like, Five Point someone, One Night at the Call Center and The 3 Mistakes of My Life, also the inspiration for the blockbuster movie 3 idiots. Looks like Karan Johar is not keeping a single stone unturned to make larger than life movies at Dharma Productions and taking it to a high which no one from its team had ever seen before. this would have been the first movie where the King Khan would not be present in a Karan Johar directorial. But as they say, best friends do everything for each other. Student of the Year stars new comers Varun Dhawan, Siddharth Malhotra and Alia Bhatt. With Shahrukh Khans touch, Karans direction and working under Dharma Production it will turn into a dream debut for the three future stars.

Mumbai: Actors-turned-producers Zayed Khan and Dia Mirza are all keyed up about their first movie, 'Love, Breakups, Zindagi' (LBZ). In a tete-a-tete with Komal Nahta on the show ETC Bollywood Business on channel ETC, Zayed Khan and Dia Mirza talks about their experiences. LBZ is produced by Zayed Khan, Dia Mirza, and Sahil Sangha, backed by Sahara Motion Pictures. Explaining their reasons to turn producers for this movie, Zayed said, Producer might have a different idea, agenda..aur unki bhi sunni padegiprobably in the due process we would loose the flavor of the movie in this way Diya added further saying, We became Producer because we wanted absolute creative control. However, Diya also raised a concern saying, Logo ka percep-

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Love conquers all? not quite

arNaB ChakraBorTy
Nagesh Kukunoors latest celluloid venture Mod came packed with a lot of promises but even though it delivered an enticing first half, the movie fizzled out in the second. The baCkground The story begins in a small idyllic town of Ganga with a picturesque mountainous background and we are familiarised with Ananya (Ayesha Takia), a small town girl who mends watches and works in her aunts restaurant to earn her living. Her father (Raghuvir Yadav) is a habitual drunkard who is in love with Kishore Kumar and his wife who had left him long while back. He however isnt the usual sad Devdas type even though he does offer the usual love guru wisdom to his daughter from time to time. Life moves on slowly in the little town until one day Andy (Ranvijay) walks up to Ananyas doorstep with a watch needing a helping hand. Things start to look interesting when the boy turns up with the same wet watch everyday and just when he starts to look suspicious, Andy sprouts out a beautiful poetry and just like that the journey kicks off. What happens next is however far from normal but I wont give the twists away so sorry no spoilers, lets just say it gets interesting from here on. The sTory 2.5/5 I am sorry Mr. Kukunoor, but though you had an opportunity to take the usual banal Bollywood masala romance by storm, somewhere you just lost your way. Yes Mod has all the right elements to make that difference and story wise perhaps had the liberty to create the most mature and alluring love story of years to come. The magic however, is only a glimpse of what could have been. Quirky lifelike characters with the right amount of laughter thrown in between love-struck moments keep you glued to this romantic saga and as Andys mysterious past builds up to a cinematic climax pre intermission, we lick our lips in anticipation of what lies beneath the candy romance. Sadly however that is where the excitement ends as the so called treatment that follows to cure the protagonists illness is flawed to say the least. It is a common disease among film makers to tread upon the subject of psychotic disorders with extreme callousness but we expect more from the man who gave us so much in the past. Yet Nagesh too falls in the same trap of knowing too little about what transpires in a broken mind and treats the subject with a casual off handedness even though it is ingrained in the very fabric of the story. One small glimpse a doctor with years of experience in the field appears a lot less convincing than a young girl in love who did research in the internet. The conviction of the characters appear to be shady and their motives fail to convince us in entirety that why the separation of the lovers is essential at least from their standpoints. Even Ananyas actions would appear bordering on the insane to most minds who view movies with their brains in their skulls. But if you choose to leave it at home because of habit of watching the recent Bolly potboilers then none of it may matter much to you. If not, then the ending will definitely hit the wrong chords. The direCTion and TeChnique 3/5 A pictorially lush green hill town and lots of scenic beauty is a deadly

combo for any cinematographer and Mod doesnt fall short of depicting that visual flare. Going hand in hand with the latest Bollywood visual revolution this movie too produces some stimulating graphic descriptions of the characters while capturing all of their moods brilliantly. Even with the failing storyline the handling of the subject on camera has been commendable with the expositions of facts relayed at all the correct moments. It is a shame that the handling of mental depravity in entirety hasnt been as quintessential as is required by a modern day classic. Nagesh has also used some fine lines for the characters giving them the touch of a dreamer that he is within the boundary of accepted pragmatic attitude. The aCTing 3/5 Ranvijay could have blown this apart, he could have floored the audience with the opportunity that he had but in the end it appeared as though he was trying but not living the part of Andy. He has worked hard on trying to play a reticent individual which is a contrast to his real persona but that effort is visible on the screen, which made it slightly more technical and not that actual. Still to be fair to him it was a tough proposition for anyone, let alone for a first time lead actor. Ayesha Takia will win a lot of hearts with her smiles and spirited performance but she hasnt quite hogged the spotlight on her despite having such ample screen space. Indeed the limelight was drawn to Raghuvir Yadav and the rest of the supporting cast for putting up an effective backdrop to this odd romance saga. They make us laugh and offer those necessary tit-bits that make Mod more enjoyable to watch. The musiC 3/5 The music is soulful and touching and offers aid to the screenplay as a whole. The song Tu Hi Tu is especially worth mentioning as it is beautiful and offers that subtle harmonic feast to your ears. Raghuvir Yadav plays the singer here quite a few times and it isnt quite suiting an experience for the eardrums. He should seriously stick to acting and forget about Kishore da for a while! So should you stop at this Mod? If romance is your genre then Mod is worth watching as it offers something to those minds tired of watching similar love stories being replayed in Bollywood. If however, you are actually addicted to the usual song and dance spice, then Mods romance may not be the broth for you to ingest.

Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz




Bollywood diva Rekha turns 57

Born Oct 10, 1954, Bhanurekha Ganesan started her career with screen-name Rekha in 1966 as a child actress in the Telugu movie Rangula Ratnam, though her film debut as a lead happened four years later with Hindi movie Sawan Bhadon (1970). Rekha has acted in over 180 films in a career that has spanned over 40 years. Throughout her career, she has often played strong female characters and, apart from mainstream cinema, appeared in arthouse films, known in India as parallel cinema. Excerpts of her interview given to AsiaSpa India magazine in recent times:
How did your journey with the movies begin? I never planned on being an actress. My parents were actors and travelled the world. I too wanted to travel and explore new facets of myself, so I thought I would be an air-hostess. But I was rejected being under-age. I grew up in Chennai, studied in a convent school with Irish nuns. I was completely fascinated by them and even wanted to become one. I was a loner. Id spend time in the chapel, day-dreaming. Even back then I was an artiste by nature. I spent time in my own world, the one I created for myself. My favourite subjects were Moral Science, Art and Indian History the Romance of Shah Jehan. Whenever I hear something romantic, I retain it. My mother wanted me to become a great star and to reach-out to everyone in India. Little did she know, with her blessings, Ive managed to touch the heart of every Indian across the globe. So here I am, after four decades, connecting with

Mumbai: Bollywood actor Rekha celebrated her 57th birthday last week

Its Happening on Humm

four generations of fans. And I thank God for bestowing his blessings upon me! Rekha has forever been wrapped in an aura of mystery, why? What mystery? You tell me. The media is the one that creates this image. Its just that I am basically shy by nature, an introvert and fiercely private. I am just me! I live on my own terms and make my own rules. My principles of Rekhaism, if you please, dont feel the need to announce every incident that transpires in the course of the day. Sorry, but I am not that little birdie that twitters. But of course Ive lived many lifetimes in one and shall share the experiences in my own unique way, all in good time. What is truly your relationship to time, are you afraid of ageing? In my case it is the way Ive lived my life. I am still child-like by nature. It is in the genes. I believe I am a late bloomer, and Ive managed to retain my vulnerability and innocence. My mom hardly had grey hair and barely needed glasses. My dad was very active and played badminton and did yoga all his life. My paternal grandmother lived to be almost hundred. I have savla skin, which tends to age slower than fair skin. I am a simple, funloving, easy-going girl, with very strong middle-class upbringing. Ive always chosen to focus on the things that are in my control and never sulked or brooded when things were out of control; this really helps. Time does not feature in my scheme of things! Who according to you is your ideal man? The ideal man is Lord Shiva beautiful, handsome, kind eyes, graceful and a dynamic dancer. A strong, powerful force, yet gentle and tender, he exists in a

variety of versions, he is equally man and woman. I wish every man tapped into his feminine side to understand women. The reason we are attracted to the other side, is because we have it within us. We just have to acknowledge that part of us. The one question I am often asked, why are you still single, to that I would say, if it is meant to be, it will. As long as there is life, there is hope. The truth is only I know how to woo me, so if and when I find someone who can read my mind, then we shall see! Does that mean you are over men? I hope not (laughs), can one ever get over nature? Without nature, there is no creation, no life. But I dont long for a relationship or consciously think about it. When nature takes its course, all will happen or not! Either way, I am not complaining. What is your take on relationships these days? Todays woman is much more independent, self-sufficient and confident, commanding and shares equal status in society. Let me be clear, if a man and woman really want to be with each other, they will. I believe relationships should not require effort. I always keep hearing, that it takes hard-work and open communication is demanded. I believe a good relationship should not feel like hard-work at all. It should feel effortless and natural. Some women are so consumed with the size of the solitaire or the swanky cars that they lose sight of the real thing which is mutual respect for each others space, their profession, families and friends. I believe in soul-mates. Once a relationship is established, and there is love, respect and admiration, it is bound to last forever. If not, then it was never the real thing in the first place.

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Fatherhood Adds Years to Life - Study

A lot has been said about the glories of parenthood but little did we know that fathering a child added years to a person's lifespan!
There are so many things in life that can be fulfilling and can add years to one's life. It includes family, good friends, having a pet, being socially or academically active among many others. Fathering and helping to raise a child can add to one's life's joy and it can even help to keep diseases, such as those of the heart, at bay. Recent research suggests that fathers are less likely to die of heartrelated problems when compared with those who have not fathered a child. The study was conducted by the AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons), in liaison with the US government and several American universities. Michael Eisenberg, Stanford University urologist and fertility specialist who was at the helm of the study says "There is emerging evidence that male infertility is a window into a man's later health. Maybe it's telling us that something else is involved in their inability to have kids." The study involved 138,000 men and is the largest ever study that has been conducted on male fertility and mortality. It included only married men who, possibly, had more intent in fathering a child. The findings of this research have been published online in the journal Human Reproduction. Despite the fact that the study could not detect a link between fatherhood and mortality it is easy to concede that fathering a child also involves good genes, including that of heart disease. The present study found no difference in the death rate between fathers and the childless but were able to deduce that the former were 17 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular causes than the latter. The present research certainly had its share of lacunae. Factors such as stress and other cardiovascu-

the study was conducted by the AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons), in liaison with the US government and several American universities.
of a healthy heart. Another recent study conducted on 600 men, by a group of researchers in the Philippines, found that the levels of the male hormone testosterone dropped drastically after a man becomes a dad. If that was the case, infertility in men (which indicated low testosterone levels to begin with) possibly reflected deeper health issues. It must be noted that low testosterone levels are associated with lower levels of HDL or the "good cholesterol," and this can increase the risks lar risk factors were not taken into account. Researchers did not bother to find out if the childlessness was by choice, neither did they care to find out about the spouses' contribution towards infertility. Based on this study, it is highly unlikely that a cardiologist would recommend "fathering a child" as a measure to tackle heart diseases! The study can at best be described as a wild shot in the dark, which probably lends support to a widely acknowledged fact.

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Is your food making you happy or sad?

varSha aSraNI

If someone told you Ohmy food makes me feel happy your immediate reaction would be Have you had your pills?. think hard and you may find that this could be true for you too.
Food can impact moods and generally this is attributed to taste, aroma and even texture. It can make you feel good or at times guilty especially when working towards a weight loss plan. The general tendency of food impacting our moods is common and these types of foods are known as comfort or mood foods. Comfort foods at times are also related to nostalgia. Experts share opinions that generally these food types remind us of happier times spent with family or friends. These can and may vary between individuals while some may find comfort in a dollop of chocolate icecream or a slice of mud cake; others could find this in a packet of fries or mashed potatoes. Today, we live our lives at break neck speed and it is hardly a surprise that we search for the pick me up feel good foods such as chocolate, cake and chips and if you relate with good times these are foods that you tend to eat during happier times. Mood foods are generally deemed to be high in sugars, fats, caffeine or are rich in carbohydrates and these types of comfort foods generally leave you feeling good and calm after consumption, but the question to be asked is at what cost, for how long and is it worth? Although one perceives that an occasional extravagance in these types of food may be justified. In the long run excessive indulgence in foods that are high in sugar, fats and caffeine can have a detrimental effect on your health and may contribute to elevated stress levels. Our food consumption is directly related to our energy levels, moods and our overall wellbeing and it is important that we eat what is right which is beneficial for our body and our overall health. It is important to identify your bodys craving for these comfort foods and control these by starting to eat right; you can solve the problem by providing your body with the right nutrients regularly. While it is true that these mood foods boost our mind and energy for a short term, there are healthier alternatives available in the market today..these taste just as good and can make you feel great with a minimum impact on your health and body size. And if...at times you do indulge in a slice of your favourite chocolate cake (thats my favourite) hit the gym for the extra hour. to burn the calories. off your body along with the guilt of your conscience. Till next time Be happy and Eat Healthy This article is a general guideline only, if you have any medical condition and for individual conditions you should consult a health professional or your medical practitioner immediately.

Varsha Asrani is a New Zealand registered clinical dietitian, for personal consultations, queries, suggestions and feedback she can be contacted on [email protected]


3cups- full cream powder milk cup- flour 1 cup- cream 1tsp- green cardamom powder


IN 10 Minutes INGredIeNTS
3cups- full cream powder milk 11/4 cup- cream 1cup- caster sugar 1tsp cardamom powder cup- pistachios (sliced or chopped)


Mix all the ingredients together and make soft dough. Make small balls by gently rolling each portion between your palms into a smooth ball (the balls will become large while deep frying and larger when soaked in syrup).


4cups- water 4cups- sugar 4 to 5 cardamom pods in a pan mix sugar, water and slightly crushed cardamom. Heat on medium heat for 6 to 8 minutes until sugar is all dissolved in water.


oIl For FryING : Heat oil in a kadai/wok. Add the balls and deep fry on low

heat till golden in colour (the balls must be fried very slowly on medium heat this will insure complete cooking from inside and even browning). Add the fried Gulab Jamuns directly into the warm syrup, this helps them to soak in the sugar syrup well and making them incredibly soft. Leave Gulab Jamun balls in sugar syrup for at least 1to 2 hour for the best result. serve warm.

Mix all the ingredients together in a microwave bowl. Put the bowl in the microwave for 4 minutes, take the dish out of the microwave and stir well. Put the dish back in the microwave for 2 minute stir it again and microwave it for another 2 minutes until it thickens up. the microwave time can vary according to the power of the microwave. Grease square or rectangular bowl with little ghee or unsalted butter and set the burfi. sprinkle some sliced pistachios on the top to garnish. Keep it in the fridge for 10 to 15 minutes. Cut them into 11/2 inch or 2inch square pieces and serve.

Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz




DATE: 30th

The Pulse of Kiwi Indians

& October (Sunday) Time: 11.00 am & 4.30 pm (2 shows) Venue: GENESIS ENERGY THEATRE,

TelstraClear Pacific Events Centre, Manukau. Tickets: $10.00 at : Rayland MotelEPSOM (09 520 0330) Rayland MotelManukau (09 263 8738) PROCEEDs go to Make a Difference for St John fundraising campaign


KIMAYA Creations

ADAPTED & Directed by:

Prashant Belwalkar
272 3544 - BOTANY,


Indian Weekender | October 21, 2011 | www.iwk.co.nz

Kwality Mini Bazaar, Papatoetoe 277 9596, VARSHA 5348000, KKuntal 027 2223278 email: [email protected]

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