Internal verification:
I. Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process.......................4
1.1. Students submit research proposals included..........................................................................................4
1.2. Provide approaches for the research proposed above.............................................................................5
1.3. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed research methods...........................................................................6
II. Conduct and analyse research relevant to a computing research project.......................................................7
2.1. Interview questions:................................................................................................................................7
2.2. Survey questions:.................................................................................................................................10
2.3. Evaluate costs for research methods:....................................................................................................11
2.4. Evaluate the method based on ethical aspects:......................................................................................11
2.5. Data analysis:.......................................................................................................................................12
2.6. Discuss merits, limitations and pitfalls of approaches to data collection and analysis..........................16
2.7. Critically evaluate research methodologies and processes in application to a computing research
project to justify chosen research methods and analysis..............................................................................17
III. Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders.............................................18
3.1 Evaluate research goals.........................................................................................................................18
3.2 Consider limitations and potential risks.................................................................................................19
3.3 Make recommendations.........................................................................................................................20
IV. Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts..........................................................22
4.1. Discuss the effectiveness of research methods applied, for meeting objectives of the computing
research project...........................................................................................................................................22
4.2. Discuss alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes......................23
4.3. Analyse results in recommended actions for improvements and future research considerations..........25
V. References..................................................................................................................................................26
I. Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research
1.1. Students submit research proposals included
- Context: Data storage and network security protection are two significant and challenging
challenges for businesses and individuals in the modern digital age. The complexity of
cybersecurity threats is rising along with the amount of data being generated and stored.
The state of network information security is challenging because agencies, businesses,
national security and defense establishments, and government agencies all have their
network systems often targeted by attacks, intrusions, and data theft. media from numerous
As a result, how data is managed and arranged is greatly influenced by data storage types.
These can include more modern models like distributed storage and cloud storage, as well as
more established ones like relational databases and file systems. However, there are inherent
cybersecurity concerns associated with adopting and using these models in addition to their
Research and comprehension of data storage models and cybersecurity threats are required
to guarantee data safety and security. This makes it easier for educators and learners to
comprehend how crucial it is to preserve and use data securely.
- I chose the topic "Storage models; Cyber security risks" because I understand how
important it is to learn about these two areas of study. As information technology continues
to advance and data volumes rise quickly, it is now crucial to ensure data security and safety.
Students will have the information and abilities needed to implement efficient security
measures and guarantee the safety of data in a secure environment if they have a solid
understanding of data storage models and cybersecurity threats. to live and work at school.
- The topic of "Storage models; Cyber security risks" will involve a variety of research
methodologies, including data collection from learning resources, prior studies, and online
information sources. In order to tackle the subject, students will examine current data storage
models and pinpoint associated cybersecurity threats.
- Result: Gain a deeper understanding of the current data storage models and how they
impact the use and management of data in homes and workplaces.
Determine and evaluate the cybersecurity risks connected to data storage models, including
dangers like invasions, hacks, data loss, and the disclosure of sensitive information, among
Provide procedures and answers for issues relating to network security in particular data
storage architectures. These remedies could involve implementing data encryption,
constructing monitoring systems, and using cyber security measures, among other things.
Provide a reference framework or manual to help people and organizations adopt secure data
storage methods.
Assist in bringing cybersecurity and data management to the attention of corporate and
academic sectors.
+ Secondary research: This involves comprehending and evaluating data that has been
gathered from publicly accessible information sources, such as study guides, publications,
earlier research, and internet databases. The analysis and reuse of current data for new
research goals is the main goal of secondary research.
- Mixed research:
In a single study task, mixed research combines quantitative and qualitative research
methods. With this adaptable approach, which combines elements of data analysis and
descriptive research, researchers can obtain a thorough understanding of the research
- How to approach and apply the above methods:
+ Access to primary research: Examine pertinent papers on cybersecurity threats and model
storage first. Find out about the relevant technical, technological, and policy aspects. After
that, a survey can be used to get feedback from users or subject-matter experts.
+ Secondary research approach: Apply quantitative approaches to ascertain the association
between cybersecurity risks and model storage based on data gathered from primary
research. Utilize statistical methods to test theories and reach conclusions.
II. Conduct and analyse research relevant to a computing research project
2.1. Interview questions:
Question 1: Which storage model are you currently using for your organization's/personal
critical data?
Question 2: How has the cloud storage model changed the way your organization/you as an
individual manage and access data?
Question 3: What advantages and disadvantages do you see when comparing centralized and
distributed storage?
Question 4: Why has object-based storage become a popular choice?
Question 5: How do modern storage models support data integration to achieve higher
analytical value?
Question 6: How does your organization/you deal with the risks of malware attacks and
protect data from them?
Question 7: What measures have you implemented to prevent and minimize the impact of
phishing attacks?
Question 8: How do you ensure that your data is not encrypted by ransomware?
Question 9: What information security policies have you established to protect critical data?
Question 10: How do you ensure that your employees are adequately trained in information
security and comply with security regulations?
+ Hiring: To gather candidate data for open positions, using a Google Form.
2.6. Discuss merits, limitations and pitfalls of approaches to data collection and analysis.
- Method: Interview
- Advantage:
+ Insight and Detail: Interviews provide the opportunity to deeply understand participants'
opinions, feelings and experiences, providing rich and detailed information.
+ Direct Interaction: Direct interaction between researchers and participants can create a
comfortable environment, encouraging sincere sharing and openness.
+ Adjustability: Research can fine-tune question details based on immediate feedback,
optimizing understanding of specific topics.
-Limitations and Defects:
+ Time and Cost: Interviews require a lot of time and cost, especially when wanting to
collect data from many participants.
+ Challenges to Peaceful Sharing: The phenomenon of information selection can occur when
participants want to answer in a way that pleases the researcher.
+ Subjectivity: The subjectivity of the researcher and participants can affect the interview
-Method: Survey
+ Save Time and Costs: Surveys can be deployed simultaneously to a large number of
participants, reducing time and costs compared to interviews.
+ Digital Data and Easy to Manage: Data from surveys is often easy to manage and process
because it is collected through digital means.
+ Good Data Security: Online surveys can provide strong security measures to protect
participants' privacy.
-Limitations and Defects:
+ Limited Insight: Surveys are often limited in gathering detailed and in-depth information
about opinions and experiences compared to interviews.
+ Risk of Inaccuracy: Participant self-reporting can lead to the risk of inaccuracy, especially
when participants do not answer honestly.
+ Language and Culture Challenges: Language and culture can create barriers to
understanding and addressing survey questions.
2.7. Critically evaluate research methodologies and processes in application to a computing
research project to justify chosen research methods and analysis.
-Research question:
Clear and Easy to Understand:
The research question used is very clear and easy to understand, not misleading readers or
research participants.
-Measurement and Purpose:
The research question ensures it is measurable and achieves the research purpose. They
provide an opportunity to collect accurate and necessary information.
-Data Collection:
+ Necessary Response:
Does the chosen data collection method (e.g., interviews, surveys, or use of automated data
collection tools) provide the data needed for the research question?
-Data Analysis:
+ Suitable for Research Question and Data Type:
Data analysis methods (e.g., statistical analysis, content analysis, or machine learning
methods) are selected based on appropriateness to the data type and research question.
+ Consent and Confidentiality:
There was evidence of informed consent from participants and measures were taken to
ensure data confidentiality and anonymity.
+ Minimize Harm:
There were measures in place to minimize potential harm to participants, and there was
transparency about any possible risks.
-Validity and Reliability:
+ Valid and Accurate:
Research and analysis methods are properly designed and implemented, ensuring the
accuracy and reliability of the results.
+ Quality Control:
There is quality control during data collection and processing to ensure consistency and
+ Potential Bias:
Be aware of and acknowledge any potential biases in the research process, as well as the
limitations of the research subjects.
+ Generalization Ability:
Recognize the generalizability of research findings and their limitations to different contexts.
- Areas where goals have been achieved and where goals have not been achieved:
Achieve: Increase storage performance, reduce cybersecurity risks.
Not achieved: Although the risk is reduced, there are still some security gaps that need
- Practical Application:
The integrated storage model can be applied in many contexts because it has been tested in a
large-scale organization.
- Report:
The report details how the model met its objectives and suggests future directions.
3.2 Consider limitations and potential risks
- Limitation on Scope:
-Resource Limitations:
Research faces resource constraints, especially in terms of budget and time. This may result
in minimizing the scope of the study and not being able to collect enough data for a
completely representative sample.
+ Limited Scalability:
Due to resource limitations, the ability to extend research results to other situations may be
+ Generalization Ability:
Limited scope may affect the generalizability of the study, especially when applying the
results to large situations.
-Limitations on Method:
+ Inaccuracy of the Method:
Research methods may face inaccuracies or uncertainties, affecting the exact nature of the
+ Limitations of Current Technology:
The limitations of current technology can limit the scope of research methods, especially if
there is reliance on inadequate technology.
-Time Limits:
+ Lack of Control Over Long-Term Results:
Time constraints may reduce the ability to control and evaluate the long-term effects of a
study, especially in studies requiring long-term follow-up.
+ Reduced Data Integrity:
Time constraints can reduce data integrity, especially in cases where data collection over
long periods of time is necessary.
-Resource Limit:
+ Limitations on Conducting Research:
Resource constraints, such as budget and infrastructure, can reduce the ability to conduct
research and compromise the quality of results.
+ Slow Research Progress:
Resource shortages can also slow down research progress, affecting the ability to complete
on schedule.
3.3 Make recommendations
- Research more about:
+ Expanded scope:
Further research is key to expanding the scope and ensuring the generalizability of the
results, especially across different contexts and broad audiences. Research across disciplines
and with diverse users will ensure widespread adoption of recommendations and findings.
+ Expanding the scope of research is important to ensure the generality of research results.
Research needs to be conducted in different contexts and with diverse users to ensure broad
applicability of recommendations and findings.
+ If the research is expanded to different sectors and communities, the results will provide a
more comprehensive view of the state of cybersecurity and data storage, laying the basis for
solution development and strategies. more flexible comb.
+ Long-term impact:
More detailed research into the long-term effects of interventions is key to a deeper
understanding of sustainability and effectiveness. Learning about the long-term impacts of
interventions can provide important information about their sustainability and effectiveness
over the long term.
+ With a better understanding of the long-term impact, organizations can adjust their strategy
and ensure continuity in maintaining information safety and security.
If there are strict intervention measures, the risk of being attacked and losing important
information will be minimized, while increasing user trust.
+ Developing training programs:
Develop training programs for employees on cybersecurity and data management to improve
skills and awareness of information security.
If there is an effective training program, employees will become the "first line of defense",
reducing the risk of employees making mistakes or being scammed.
-Policy Recommendations:
+ Information security policy:
Propose the development and implementation of information security policies at
organizations, especially in fields requiring high security.
+ Security research support:
Facilitate research in information and database security, including providing resources and
financial support.
-Enhancing the resource system:
+ Infrastructure investment:
Encourage investment in digital infrastructure to alleviate resource constraints and
strengthen capacity to conduct research.
+ Research budget support:
Promote budget and infrastructure support for research in cybersecurity and data storage.
- Diverse Audience:
Combining interviews and surveys provides a comprehensive perspective from both experts
and end users. This helps ensure representativeness and multidimensionality in the
information collection process.
- Analytical Applications:
Data analysis helped draw out the applicability of the information. This supports the process
of recommending interventions and providing well-founded recommendations.
-Resource Limitations:
There are resource and time constraints that may reduce the scalability and
representativeness of the research. This may affect the independence and generalizability of
the results.
- Representative Challenge:
Representing the full survey may be difficult due to sample and diversity limitations. If the
sample is not representative enough, the generalizability of the results may be reduce
- Result:
The project achieved its goal, with the collection of detailed and multi-dimensional
information about data storage and network security. Interview and survey methods were
effective in meeting the research challenge and yielded results that were deeply reflective of
the topic.
4.2. Discuss alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes
-Errors in the research and analysis process:
+ Restrictions on representatives:
Difficulty in ensuring adequate representation of the user community in the survey. A sample
that is not diverse enough may affect the generalizability of the results.
+ Resource limitation:
Lack of resources and time limit the ability to expand research and the depth of data
+ Not enough time:
Time constraints reduce the granularity and accuracy of data analysis, especially when
drawing meaningful conclusions from big data.
-Experience and learning:
+ Handling cases of limited representation:
Learn how to optimize your survey ads to ensure broader representation. Pay more attention
to sampling and collecting opinions from many target groups to ensure diversity.
+ Optimize resources:
Learn how to manage resources more effectively to achieve good results with limited time
and resources.
+ Increase analysis time:
Awareness of the importance of time in data analysis. In future projects, spend more time
ensuring detail and accuracy.
-Alternative methods and options:
+ Alternative method:
An alternative method could be the "Expert Panel". Instead of relying entirely on surveys
and individual interviews, gathering opinions from a multidisciplinary group of experts can
provide an accurate and detailed view of in-depth issues.
+ Why choose this option:
Expert discussion groups can ensure representation of a variety of perspectives and
expertise. Interaction between experts can stimulate creativity and generate more innovative
+ Alternative method: Ethnographic research
Participant observation: Inserts researchers into the environment being studied, providing
insights into behaviors, attitudes, and cultural nuances.
Cultural probes: Use tools such as diaries, cameras, or other probes to collect data about
participants' experiences in their natural settings.
Rich Qualitative Data: It generates rich qualitative data, providing deep insights into user
behavior and experience.
Cluster analysis: Group similar data points to identify underlying patterns and relationships
in large data sets.
Scalability: Suitable for handling large data sets and can adapt to changing data patterns over
4.3. Analyse results in recommended actions for improvements and future research
- Problem Detection:
+ Limited Representation in the Survey:
We have difficulty ensuring adequate representation of the user community, resulting in
limited diversity of opinion.
+ Lack of detail in data analysis:
Time constraints reduced the detail and accuracy of data analysis, especially in drawing
meaningful conclusions.
-Issues that need improvement:
+ Recommendations for More Diverse Representation:
Strengthen your survey promotion strategy to collect opinions from a diverse range of
representative audiences. Use social media and other communication channels to expand the
+ Spend More Time on Analysis:
Integrate research plans with more flexibility to spend more time on data analysis. This
includes re-evaluating schedules and dividing work effectively.
-Proposed Future Research Directions:
+ Identify New Research Questions:
Focus on identifying new research questions related to detail and diversifying the data
+ Developing New Theory:
Propose the development of new theories or models to better understand the impact of data
storage and cybersecurity.
+ Research on New Approaches:
Learn about and apply new approaches to research, such as using artificial intelligence in
data analysis.
V. References