Survey Report
Survey Report
Survey Report
No : Date:
• Chain traversing
• Chain and compass traversing
• Transit tape traversing
• By fast needle method
• By measurement of angles between the lines.
• Plane table traversing
1. Theodolite
2. Tripodstand
3. Measuring tape
4. Ranging Rods
• Set the instrument at the banner point. After levelling and center-
ing, mark the centre point on the ground by using the plumb bob.
• The vernier A is set to 0 degree and the vernier B is set to 180 de-
gree. The readings in the vernier C and the vernier D are set to 0
degree. The upper clamp and the lower clamp are clamped. The
lower clamp is released and the telescope of the other theodolite
at the Foot hill Station (FS) is bisected and the vertical angle is
noted from vernier C and D.
• The upper clamp is now released and the telescope of the
theodolite in the bridge station is bisected and clamped. The ver-
tical and horizontal angles of this station are noted. The upper
clamp is now released and the telescope of the theodolite in the
tree station is bisected and clamped. The vertical and horizontal
angles of this station are noted. After this, the theodolite is
brought back to the Foothill station and the closing horizontal and
the vertical angles .
• The same procedure is repeated by shifting stations in the anti-
clockwise direction and the angles are measured.