Ternullo ZV
Ternullo ZV
Ternullo ZV
Original Article
Classic models of urban inequality acknowledge the importance of politics for resource distri-
bution and service provision. Yet, contemporary studies of spatial inequality rarely measure
politics directly. In this paper, we introduce political dynasties as a way of integrating political
economy approaches with ecological theory to better understand the political construction of
urban spatial inequality. To do so, we examine the case of political dynasties within the Chicago
city council. We show that, from 2011 to 2018, blocks in dynastic wards saw fewer homicides,
assaults, robberies, and thefts relative to those in non-dynastic wards. We then leverage the
2015 ward redistricting to provide evidence that dynastic effects play some role in producing
these outcomes: blocks annexed into dynastic wards experienced a decline in assaults and
robberies and an increase in pothole coverings. While dynastic politicians improve outcomes
for blocks they annex, they also withdraw power from those they displace; and displaced blocks
had relatively higher levels of crime than annexed blocks in 2015. Taken together, our findings
provide evidence that dynastic politicians are contributing to spatial inequalities within Chicago.
Names like Bush, Rockefeller, and Kennedy are synonymous with political power in the United
States, but they are just a few examples of the political dynasties that operate in democracies
throughout the world (Dal Bó, Dal Bó, and Snyder 2009; Feinstein 2010). In fact, dynastic politicians,
or elected officials who have a relative in a prior government position (Mendoza et al. 2016), have
been part of US politics and government since the country’s founding (Clubok, Wilensky, and
Berghorn 1969; Kurtz 1989). But research on the social consequences of political dynasties has
focused primarily on developing democracies. In the Philippines, for example, political dynasties
have been shown to increase inequality between provinces (Mendoza et al. 2016).
Political dynasties are thus a potentially important, but understudied, form of durable political
power that may affect the distribution of public resources in the United States. And because
dynastic power may allow politicians to concentrate resources within a specific geography—the
boundaries of an electoral district—they also have the potential to shape inequality between
places, as is the case in the Philippines. Such spatial inequality has been a focus of urban
† We thank Geoffrey Wodtke for comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript. Direct all correspondence to
Stephanie Ternullo, Department of Government, Harvard University, 1737 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA 02183, USA;
e-mail: [email protected].
Received: November 1, 2022. Revised: September 19, 2023. Accepted: November 16, 2023
© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected].
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sociologists dating back to the earliest days of the Chicago School (Park and Burgess 1925;
Sampson 2011), and yet political dynasties in US cities have yet to be considered as a cause of some
contemporary instantiation of this tradition, “neighborhood effects” research, follows from Shaw
and McKay’s (1942) social disorganization model, showing that neighborhoods suffering from a
foundations who now conjointly control access to public and private resources. In Chicago, as
Sampson (2011) has shown, elected officials remain at the center of these resource distribution
crux of dynastic power: not only are these politicians receptive to the concerns of their constituents
(Lyons et al. 2013; Vélez et al. 2015), they are also able to address those concerns.
We have already argued that dynastic politicians have pre-existing family ties which embed
them in relationships of power before entering office. Although many of these resources may
be private (e.g. Marwell et al. 2020), in the case of Chicago, dynastic politicians often have
access to more public resources than their peers. One reason for this is that they are more
likely than average Alders to gain a chairmanship of one the city council’s committees. These
chairmanships are incredibly lucrative: between 2012 and 2018 the committees provided, on
average, $4.96 million of extra money for their chairpersons to hire “personnel.”3 Although these
funds are ostensibly to hire staff for committee work, dynastic politicians employ those staff
primarily in conducting “ward service,” often filling out service requests or making calls directly
to city departments to address issues within their wards (Schutz 2019). As there were sixteen
committees on the Chicago city council during this time, thirty-four councilors were excluded
from the benefits of the extra staffing funds each year. Six of the eleven dynastic politicians
served as committee chairs during this time, and those that did held some of the most powerful
and lucrative positions: on average during this period, dynastic politicians received $2,922,595
extra dollars for personnel funds (59 percent of the total available). Figure 2 summarizes these
funds by year, for each dynastic politician.
Thus, committee chair positions are both an outcome and a mechanism of dynastic power:
dynastic politicians are disproportionately benefiting from these resources because they are
embedded in relations of power, and they also use these resources to improve services within
their wards. Even though new mayoral administrations can appoint new chairs, they are often
constrained by existing relations of power: they need to keep powerful alders in chair positions
so that they can gain allies to enact their agendas (see Dumke 2019 for an example).
Although committees are one way that dynastic politicians secure advantages for their wards,
they are not the only way—politicians with strong social networks may also be more inf luential
in passing zoning and budgetary decisions that are beneficial to their constituencies. Moreover,
Chicago’s service request system also has the potential to benefit dynastic politicians. When
service requests from “Aldermanic accounts” reach city departments, city employees can see
which Alderman’s office has made the request. This means that city staff may choose to privilege
How Political Dynasties Concentrate Advantage within Cities | 7
responding to service requests from dynastic politicians, and they may be particularly likely do
so when that politician chairs a committee that supervises appointments or budgeting in that
Analytic Strategy
Analysis 1: Comparing Dynastic and Non-Dynastic Wards. To establish differences between dynastic
Our coefficient of interest is DynasticWardi , which takes on a value of 1 if a block i was part of
a dynastic ward during the 2011–2018 period, and 0 otherwise. In these analyses, we exclude
blocks that were annexed or displaced from dynastic wards. γ t represents year fixed effects,
which account for any shocks particular to each year; and eit represents the idiosyncratic error
term, which is clustered at the block level. Outcomeit represents each of the five outcomes in
block i in year t. Xit represents a vector of time-varying demographic, socioeconomic, and political
controls at the block-group level, which may be correlated with both dynastic ward membership
and our outcomes of interest, based on American Community Survey’s 5-year estimates. These
include the total population, the percentage of residents who are Asian, Non-Hispanic White,
Black, Hispanic, women, and 18 or over; the median household income (held constant in 2011
dollars); the percentage of residents 18 or over who are unemployed; the percentage of residents
with at least a college degree; and the number of occupied buildings within a block group.6
Table A1 of the appendix shows the mean value of these variables for dynastic and non-dynastic
We also control for political changes: first, whether a block was redistricted in 2015 (many
blocks were redistricted but were not moved into or out of a dynastic ward); and second, we
created three binary indicators that varied over time to capture changes in racial representation.
In the first, a block received a one in each year if most of its residents were Black (based on 2010
block-level Census data) and most of its ward’s residents were also Black; and it received a zero
otherwise. This is a time-varying indicator because after the 2015 redistricting, many blocks were
redistricted into or out of a ward that matched their racial composition. We created the same
indicator for Hispanic and White blocks. These variables control for important factors that may
affect crime, as blocks may fare better on crime when their block’s racial composition matched
the ward’s racial composition (Vargas 2016).
Analysis 2: Quasi-Experimental Research Design. In the second analytic step, we assess whether
there is causal evidence of dynastic effects on our outcomes. To do so, we use an event study
design that includes year and block fixed effects as well as pre-treatment lags and post-treatment
leads to assess over-time variation in treatment effects. Specifically, for each outcome we estimate
Model (B):
t=2013 t=2018
Outcomeit = βt Treatmentit + βt Treatmentit + αi + γt + Xit + εit
t=2011 t=2015
Following Model (A), Outcomeit indicates the five outcomes in block i in year t; γ t represents
year fixed effects; eit represents the error term, which is again clustered at the block level; and
Xit represents the time-varying controls that we believe may be correlated with both annexation
and our outcomes of interest. Model (B) also includes α i , which represents the block fixed effects,
which control for observed and unobserved time-invariant differences across blocks (Angrist and
Pischke 2009).
Finally, Treatmentit indicates the treatment for block i in year t. It takes the value of 1 if a
block is treated (annexed into a dynastic ward) and 0 if it has not been treated. When creating
the treatment variables, we merged the spatial boundaries of the 2010 Census blocks with the
2005 and 2015 ward boundaries and assigned blocks to wards if their centroid fell in that ward.
How Political Dynasties Concentrate Advantage within Cities | 9
To illustrate this, figure 3 shows how we designated treatment groups for the 14th Ward as an
Our analyses include 1839 treatment blocks that were annexed in 2015 and 34,440 control
blocks that were never part of a dynastic ward in the 2011–2018 period. In these analyses, we
exclude any blocks that were displaced from dynastic wards and any blocks that remained within
dynastic wards throughout the period.
We include the pre-treatment lags as t=2013 t=2011 βt Treatmentit , and the post-treatment leads as
t=2015 t Treatment it , using as baseline the year prior to treatment, 2014. We designate 2015 as
the first year of treatment because Chicago’s municipal elections took place on February 25, 2015,
and the candidates were running for the first time within the new ward boundaries designated by
the redistricting process. They were sworn into office on May 18, 2015. Because the very process of
running for office, during which candidates went door-to-door and constituents learned that they
were about to have a new, powerful Alderperson, could affect some of our outcomes, we consider
the year 2015 as treated.
Blocks retain their treatment status from 2011 to 2018. βt , where t = {2011, 2012, . . . , 2018},
represents the coefficients on seven interaction terms between the treatment variable and each
year of the analysis (excluding 2014). Our coefficients of interest are the interaction terms during
the post-treatment period, from 2015 to 2018. We can interpret these as the effect of treatment
in each year following redistricting.
To interpret t=2018
t=2015 βt Treatmentit as the causal effect of annexation in each year t, we do
not assume the random distribution of crime or city services prior to treatment (Levine and
Gershenson 2014). Instead, our research design isolates variation within blocks and over time.
The key assumption for our estimates to be unbiased is parallel trends; in other words, that
treated blocks would have been on the same outcome trajectory as the control blocks, absent the
treatment. Because block fixed effects control for all time-invariant factors specific to city blocks
that generally lead them to receive more/less city services or experience more/less crime (Angrist
and Pischke 2009), it is not a threat to our potholes estimate if certain blocks were in slightly worse
condition than other blocks before redistricting.7 But fixed effects do not control for changes over
time that may be correlated with both annexation and our outcomes of interest. For example,
a block’s infrastructural needs are not time invariant. But for any changes in objective need for
potholes to be spuriously driving our findings, those changes would have to affect treated and
untreated blocks in systematically different ways, over time. This could happen if, for example,
Alderpersons are able to accurately predict changes in blocks’ future infrastructural needs (as
opposed to their current state) and select blocks for annexation based on these predictions. We
believe this is a relatively implausible scenario.
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Dynastic vs. Non-Dynastic Wards
Table 1 offers the first insight into differences between dynastic and non-dynastic wards. It
reports regression results in which we regress the average number of potholes filled, homicides,
assaults, robberies, and thefts on a binary variable, which takes the value of 1 if a block was part
of a dynastic ward consistently over the 2011–2018 period, and 0 otherwise. The table reports only
the coefficient of interest for each outcome, but per Model (A) we include year fixed effects and the
full set of time-varying covariates, which control for the kinds of people who live on each block,
year-by-year changes that might affect crime and city services, whether the block matched its
ward’s racial composition, and whether it was redistricted at all in 2015. Table A3 of the appendix
shows the coefficients on all covariates.8
As we can see, the differences between dynastic and non-dynastic wards appear even after
accounting for these other factors that likely affect crime and city service provision. Dynastic
wards perform better than non-dynastic wards across all four crime outcomes: they see fewer
homicides, assaults, robberies, and thefts. Dynastic wards do not, however, see more potholes
covered. We consider this outcome in greater detail below.
For those outcomes where dynastic wards fare better than non-dynastic wards, the differences
are substantively meaningful. Given that there are 8495 blocks that were consistently part of
a dynastic ward during this period, the coefficients indicate that these blocks saw 42 fewer
homicides relative to blocks in non-dynastic wards; 985 fewer assaults; 527 fewer robberies;
and 3254 fewer thefts. To put these figures in perspective, during our study period the average
annual crime in Chicago included 538 homicides; 18,758 assaults; 11,488 robberies; and
How Political Dynasties Concentrate Advantage within Cities | 11
Figure 4. Effects of annexation into dynastic wards. Each panel presents the coefficient estimates for the
treatment × year interaction terms by outcome, based on Model (B). This includes year and block fixed
effects. The vertical lines indicate a 95% confidence interval for those coefficient estimates, based on
estimates of standard errors clustered at the block level.
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Table 1. OLS Regression of Crime and City Services on Block Membership in Dynastic vs.
Non-Dynastic Wards, 2011–2018
Note: Standard errors clustered at the block level. A block is coded as 1 if it is in a dynastic ward for the entire
period from 2011 to 2018, 0 if it was not in a dynastic ward at all during the period. Blocks that were redistricted
into and out of dynastic wards during the period are removed for these analyses and considered later. ∗ p < .05.
∗∗ p < .01. ∗∗∗ p < .001.
65,849 thefts. During that same period, the city received 531,472 service requests each year, on
In short, these analyses show that dynastic wards are a key piece of the geography of urban
inequality: residents of Chicago who live on similar kinds of blocks that are in different kinds of wards
experience different levels of crime.
homicides, assaults, robberies, and pothole coverings at p <.05. That said, there is some mixed
evidence with respect to robberies: in support of the parallel trends assumption, table A7 shows
Figure 5. Effects of gaining an Alderperson with a committee chair position. Each panel presents the
coefficient estimates for the treatment × year interaction terms by outcome, based on Model (B). This
includes year and block fixed effects. The vertical lines indicate a 95% confidence interval for those
coefficient estimates, based on estimates of standard errors clustered at the block level.
How Political Dynasties Concentrate Advantage within Cities | 15
Dynasty effect 2015 0.133 (−0.374, 0.640) −0.092 (−0.374, 0.191) −0.062 (−0.345, 0.222)
Dynasty effect 2016 0.816∗∗ (0.244, 1.387) 0.361∗ (0.066, 0.656) 0.122 (−0.196, 0.440)
Dynasty effect 2017 0.354 (−0.193, 0.901) 0.356∗ (0.041, 0.671) −0.025 (−0.315, 0.265)
Dynasty effect 2018 0.383 (−0.162, 0.928) 0.287 (−0.019, 0.592) −0.037 (−0.340, 0.265)
Year and block FEs Yes Yes Yes
Time-varying covariates Yes Yes Yes
Observations 284,933 284,933 284,933
R2 0.706 0.747 0.409
Note: Standard errors clustered at the block level. ∗ p < .05. ∗∗ p < .01. ∗∗∗ p < .001.
note that individual “super-users” may disproportionately be driving aggregate counts. To conduct
the most robust analysis possible, we examined three different measures of service requests:
all requests; all requests, excluding those made from the same address within the same year,
regardless of the issue; all requests, including those labeled by the city of Chicago as “duplicates”—
those that refer to the same issue in the same vicinity within a certain window of time. The second
measure is the best way to exclude super-users given the limitations of Chicago’s service request
data. The third measure indicates whether, conditional on some resident noticing a problem on
a block, other residents also report it.
We replicated our main analyses using all three service request measures as outcomes,
including time-varying covariates. As we can see in table 2 below, the measure including all
service requests rises in the year after dynastic annexation; the measure of service requests
excluding super-callers rises in the 2 years following dynastic annexation; and annexation has
no effect on service requests including duplicates.
We interpret these results with caution, not only because of the challenges inherent in using
service request data as a measure of civic engagement, but also because Wald tests indicate pre-
trends for the first two measures; as such, our findings are only conditional on the inclusion
of pre-trends and time-varying covariates. For this reason, we believe these findings provide
suggestive evidence in support of the idea that, even in the short run, dynastic annexation
may make residents more willing to contact the city, in part because they may expect less
discrimination and a higher quality of service once they learn they have gained a dynastic
Alderperson (Lerman and Weaver 2014; Levine and Gershenson 2014).12 As we discuss further
below, it is possible that changes in civic and political engagement emerge over longer time
horizons as well, thus further fostering collective efficacy and lowering crime.
Table 3. Difference in Means between Blocks Subject to Dynastic Annexation vs. Displacement
Note: We assess whether the difference in group means is statistically significant using a Welch two-sample
t-test. Data for crime and pothole coverings are block-level averages from 2011 to 2014; for unemployment,
education, and income, they are block-group averages from 2011 to 2014; for race, they are block level from just
the year 2010. ∗ p < .05. ∗∗ p < .01. ∗∗∗ p < .001.
boundaries, and this process would not be incorporated into our pre-trends analyses because we
exclude blocks that were displaced from dynastic wards in our event study models.
Table 3 assesses this possibility, comparing the characteristics of blocks that experienced
dynastic annexation and those that were displaced from dynastic wards across the same block-
level outcomes we show in figure 4, as well as relevant demographic characteristics for the 2011–
2014, pre-treatment period. Because we do not have block-level data after 2011, or for unemploy-
ment, college education, and income in any years, we use block-level racial characteristics from
2010, and block-group-level data for the socioeconomic indicators. We use block-level counts for
all crimes and pothole coverings.
As table 3 shows, the blocks and block groups displaced from dynastic wards are, relative to
those that are annexed, Blacker and more Hispanic, and have slightly lower rates of college educa-
tion and substantially lower median household incomes. Although some of these differences are
substantively small (as with education), they are all statistically significant at p <.01. Importantly,
displaced blocks also experienced more assaults (although only at p <.10), robberies, and thefts
than annexed blocks. Although they also had more pothole coverings, given the lack of controls
here, this may be due to the fact that there were more potholes on displaced blocks.
Taken together, figure 4 and table 3 provide evidence that Chicago’s dynastic politicians are
exacerbating spatial inequalities by displacing blocks with relatively high levels of crime, and
less racial and class privilege, than those they annex, thus depriving less-advantaged blocks of
the benefits of dynastic power shown in figure 4.
The preceding analyses confirm that dynastic wards are a piece of the uneven geography of
crime and service provision within cities. Where scholars such as Vélez and Lyons (2014) envision
powerful elites connecting disadvantaged neighborhoods to resources—thereby reducing spatial
inequalities within cities—we instead find evidence to support the opposite conclusion: dynastic
politicians displace territories that have worse crime outcomes (and are also poorer and have
more Black and Hispanic residents) than those they annex during redistricting (table 3). When
they lower crime and improve city services on annexed blocks (figure 4), they are concentrating
advantage within certain, relatively well-off areas and withholding those benefits from other areas
of the city. In short, dynastic politicians are exacerbating spatial inequalities within Chicago.
How Political Dynasties Concentrate Advantage within Cities | 17
But dynastic politicians are not all-powerful: we find little evidence of short-run effects on
homicides. Alternatively, this might be due to the fact that homicide tends to be responsive to
help explain the working of dynasties across cities and even countries. In Chicago, the intersection
of race, class, and machine politics have historically been especially relevant. In other cities, it may
1. Even where redistricting takes place within the legislature, as in Chicago, politicians are
constrained: electoral maps are subject to review by state and federal courts, and politicians
might also fear public backlash against distorted maps (Cain 2012).
2. Four additional alders (of the 7th, 11th, 24th, 28th Wards) also had a prior relative in
Chicago/Illinois politics, but they were in office for only part of the 2011–2018 period. In our
main analyses, we include blocks that were part of those wards as control units; in figure A4
of the appendix, we exclude them entirely and find similar results.
3. See note for figure 2 on data sources.
4. See: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/narr/foia/CityData.html.
5. A 2010 change in how the city collected and reported service request data led to an upsurge
in recorded requests. We chose to begin the study in 2011 to limit the possibility of drawing
incorrect inferences based on changes to the data management system. See https://www.
6. Because there are several hundred vacant block-groups, we code their demographic charac-
teristics as 0% and also include a dummy variable to indicate that they are vacant.
7. As White and Trump (2018) note, city services data should not be used in the absence of
“high-level controls.”
8. Table A2 reports the raw descriptive statistics.
9. Figure A1 plots the outcome variables over time, by treatment status.
10. Table A4 of the appendix shows the two-way fixed effect estimates without conditioning on
11. This treatment is not assigned solely through the redistricting process, as the Mayor doles
out assignments after each election, within the constraints described above. As such, several
blocks gained an Alderperson with a committee chair in 2015 not just because of redistricting
but because that Alderperson was granted new power. As with figure 4, we leave out blocks
that lost an Alder with a committee chair and those that always had a committee chair
during this period. We include the 39th Ward as having a committee chair position through
2014 and the 23rd Ward as having a committee chair position through 2018, although each
of those years were partial years of service.
12. An alternative explanation is that, on annexed blocks, conditions are deteriorating more
than conditions on control blocks, leading residents to call on the city more. Although this is
possible, this seems relatively less likely.
How Political Dynasties Concentrate Advantage within Cities | 19
Supplementary Material
Supplementary material is available at Social Forces online.
Data availability
The data and replication code underlying this article will be made available in an online repository
which will be accessible via a DOI link.
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