Edible Plants As A Source of Antitubercular Agents

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2015; 4(1): 228-234

E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
Edible plants as a source of antitubercular agents
JPP 2015; 4(1): 228-234
Received: 28-04-2015
Accepted: 30-05-2015
Jay Prakash Thakur, Padam Prakash Gothwal

Jay Prakash Thakur

CSIR-Central Food Tuberculosis is a chronic contagious disease caused by numerous species of mycobacterium. Due to
Technological Research multi-drug resistant strains of mycobacterium and to a high occurrence of tuberculosis in patients who
Institute, Resource Centre, have acquired human immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), the number of patients infected with the
Lucknow-226019 disease is rising worldwide. Thus there is an urgent need for new efficient antimycobacterial agents to
replace those currently in use. Presently, Pharmaceutical and nutritional sciences have perceived a bloom
Padam Prakash Gothwal in the scientific literature geared towards the use of food plants for their diversified health benefits and
CSIR-Central Food potential clinical applications. Health specialists now identify that a synergism of drug therapy and
Technological Research nutrition might deliberate optimum outcomes in the fight against diseases. The prophylactic benefits of
Institute, Resource Centre, food plants are being investigated for potential use as novel medicinal remedies due to the presence of
Lucknow-226019 pharmacologically active compounds. Although the availability of scientific data is rapidly growing,
there is still a paucity of updated compilation of data and concerns about the rationale of these health-
foods still persist in the literature.The plant kingdom is undoubtedly an important source for new anti-
tubercular agents. The present review article reports the findings of edible plants that have been reported
for antimycobacterial/antitubercular activity. The profiles of plants presented in this review may include
information about the scientific and family name, plant parts and bioassay used, the range of activity
(MIC), and the active chemical agents and extracts. The large number of plants described in this review
(82 plant species belonging to 40 families) clearly demonstrated the importance of edible plants in
antimycobacterial activity. This work stimulates the researchers for further research on the potential use
of edible plants having antitubercular activity. An attempt has been made to highlight those promising
edible plant species which are worthy of further exploration as leads for drug development. The potential
challenges of incorporating these medicinal foods in the diet which offers prospective opportunities for
future drug development are also discussed.

Keywords: Edible plants, tuberculosis, antimycobacterial, drug

1. Introduction
Tuberculosis (TB) (caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis) remains a foremost global health
problem and the second leading cause of death worldwide. In 2012 the incidence of the disease
was estimated to be about 8.6 million and strikingly around 1.1 million (13%) patients were
HIV-positive. India and China alone accounted for 24 and 11% of total cases, respectively [1].
Although India is the second most populous country in the world, it has more new emerging
TB cases annually than any other country [2]. The current therapeutic regimens are (1) six-
month regimen in which initial two months treatment is given with streptomycin, isoniazid,
rifampicin, and pyrazinamide; or ethambutol replacing streptomycin and then followed by
treatment with isoniazid and rifampicin for next four months and (2) eight-month regimen
starting with the same four drugs in the initial phase but continuing with six months of
thioacetazone and isoniazid.
With time, mycobacterium has exacerbated the problem in humans by acquiring various types
of resistances [multi-drug resistance (MDR), single-drug resistance (SDR), and extensive drug
resistance (XDR)] against antimycobacterial drugs [3]. The evaluation of the effectiveness of
newly developed anti-tubercular agents against isolates of M. tuberculosis has become more
important in the past few years, predominantly due to the appearance of multi-drug resistant
tuberculosis [4]. There is an urgent need for new and effective anti-TB agents as an alternative
to those drugs currently in use.
Plants with potential therapeutic values have been used from time immemorial to cure various
Padam Prakash Gothwal ailments and infectious diseases. Of late, scientific evidences have been provided on the
CSIR-Central Food potential therapeutic agent exhibited by certain traditionally used vegetable extracts. The
Technological Research importance of edible plants may be traced to antiquity but systemic studies have not been
Institute, Resource Centre, attempted so far. Recently the exploration and exploitation of the disease fighting properties of
Lucknow-226019 a multitude of phytochemicals found in both food and nonfood plants have created a
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

renaissance in human health and nutrition research. At the also hold great promise to reduce side effects and health care
same time, many opportunities for the development of novel cost [10]. A good number of extracts and pure compounds
dietary products have been created. With all new fields of obtained from plants have exhibited considerable inhibitory
study come new term knew as "Nutraceuticals" [5], a term activity against Mycobacterium. It is seen that several phyto-
combining the words “nutrition” (a nourishing food or food molecules have shown anti-tubercular potency close to
component) and “pharmaceutical” (a medical drug), is a food currently used drugs or even better than those. These
or food product that provides health and medical benefits, phytomolecules and their semi-synthesized derivatives are
including the prevention and treatment of disease. Such under investigation for anti-tubercular activity by several
products may range from isolated nutrients, dietary research groups globally. New evidence suggests that in order
supplements and specific diets to genetically engineered foods, to understand the health benefits of plant based supplements
herbal products and processed foods such as cereals, soups and and foods; we will need to take into account the fact that
beverages [6]. complex mixtures of phytochemicals found in food and other
With recent advances in medical and nutrition sciences, natural botanicals may act synergistically.
products and health promoting foods have received extensive The present review article describes the edible plant species
attention from both health professionals and the public. New from a wide range of families that have been screened for
concepts have appeared with this trend, such as nutraceuticals, antimycobacterial activity. The different literature database
nutritional therapy, phytonutrients, and phytotherapy [7, 8, 9]. search provided a total of 82 edible plant species that have
These functional or medicinal foods and phytonutrients or been evaluated for antimycobacterial activity. Of these, 18
phytomedicines play positive roles in enhancing health, and species which showed antimycobacterial activity can be
improving immune function to prevent specific diseases and consumed as food directly in the form of fruits and vegetables.

Table 1: Edible plant species screened for antimycobacterial activity

Common Antimycobacterial
Plant part Extract/ Active against the
Family Plant Name Bioassay activity References
used constituents mycobacterium
(English) (MIC)/IC50
Mangifera Disc diffusion 1 mg/disc [11]
Anacardiaceae Mango Leaf Ethanol extract MS & MT
indica L. assay 50 μg /disc
Annona glabra Radiorespirometry [12]
Pond apple Stem Ethanol extract MT 100μg/ml
L. assay
Annona Radiorespirometry [12]
custard Leaf Ethanol extract MT 100μg/ml
muricata L. assay
Broth dilution [13,14]
Leaf Aqueous extract MT 1:40 dilution
Apium assay
graveolens L. Micro broth [15]
Seed Methanol extract MA and MS >500μg/ml
dilution assay
Whole Micro broth [15]
asiatica (L.) Centella Methanol extract MA and MS >500μg/ml
plant dilution assay
Daucus carota Broth dilution [13]
Wild carrot Leaf Aqueous extract MT <1:20 dilution
L. assay
campanulatus Broth dilution [16]
Araceae Zaminknd Stem Ether extract MT 1: 5000 dilution
Blume ex assay
Areca catechu Betelnut Tube dilution [17]
Arecaceae Fruit Ethanol extract MT 1:40 dilution
L. palm assay
Micro broth [15]
annus L. Sunflower Petal Methanol extract MA &MS
dilution assay 500μg/ml
Lactuca sativa Broth dilution [13]
Lettuce Leaf Aqueous extract MT <1:20 dilution
L. assay
Methanol &
Tagetes mimuta Agar dilution [18]
Black mint Ariel part Chloroform MP 1mg/ml
Asteraceae L assay
Leaf & Micro broth [15]
Taraxacum Methanol extract MA &MS 500μg/ml
Common Root dilution assay
dandelion Leaf, fruit Broth dilution [13]
Webber Aqueous extract MT 1:40 dilution
&sap assay
Xanthium Rough Broth dilution [19]
Ariel part &Petroleum MT 1mg/ml
strumarium L. cocklebur assay
ether extracts
Whole Chloroform & [20]
MP Agar dilution test 100 &10.4 g/l
Berberis plant Methanol extract
Berberidaceae Barberry
vulgaris L. Broth dilution [13]
Leaf Aqueous extract MT 1:40 dilution
Brassica nigra
Black Leaf & Broth dilution [13]
(L.) Koch. Aqueous extract MT <1:40 dilution
mustard Flower assay
Brassica rapa Field Disc diffusion [21]
Seed Aqueous extract MT Active
L. mustard assay
Nasturtium Watercress Leaf Aqueous extract MT Broth dilution <1:20 dilution,

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

officinale R. Br. assay 100μg/ml

Carica papaya Tetrazolium [21,23]
Caricaceae Papaya Leaf Aqueous extract MT 100μg/ml
L. microplate assay
Stellaria media Broth dilution [13]
Caryophyllaceae Chickweed Leaf Aqueous extract MS ˂1:20 dilution
(L.) Vill. assay
Broth dilution [13]
Beta vulgaris L. Beet root Leaf Aqueous extract MT ˂1:20 dilution
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium Broth dilution [13]
Melde Leaf Aqueous extract MT ˂1:20 dilution
album L. assay
Spinacia Broth dilution ˂1:20 dilution, [13,24]
Spinach Leaf Aqueous extract MT, MA
oleracea L. assay 59μmol/L
Mammea Disc diffusion 25 μg/disc &50 [11,25]
Clusiaceae Mammee Leaf Ethanol extract MS & MT
americana L. assay μg/disc
Terminalia Indian Broth dilution [12]
Combretaceae Stem Ethanol extract MT 100μg/ml
catappa L. almond assay
Tube dilution
Citrullus assay,
1:80 dilution, [17,26]
colocynthis Desert gourt Fruit Ethanol extract MT Radiometric
Schrad. BACTEC 460TB
Broth dilution
Cucumis sativus <1:40 dilution, [13,27]
Cucumber Fruit Aqueous extract MT Radiometric
L. 7.8μg/ml
Cucurbitaceae system
Broth dilution [13]
maxima Pumpkin Fruit Aqueous extract MT <1:20 dilution
Cucurbita pepo Disc diffusion [21]
Fruit Ethanol extract MP Active
L. assay
Luffa cylindrica Smooth Aerial Agar dilution [28]
Ethanol extract MS 1mg/ml
(L.) Roem. luffa parts assay
Momordica Disc diffusion [11]
Bitter gourd Leaf Ethanol extract MT 500 μg/disc
charantia L. assay
Hippophae Agar diffusion [29]
Elaeagnaceae sea- Fruit Ethanol extract MP &MS
rhamnoides L. assay 50μl
Agar dilution 1mg/ml [28]
tinctoria Hook. Giradol Ariel part Ethanol extract MS
Euphorbiaceae streak method
Croton tiglium Whole Tube dilution [17]
Jamalgotha Ethanol extract MT 1:40 dilution
L. plant assay
Active Broth dilution [30]
Lico-isoflavone MT &MS
constituent assay 25 &50 μg/ml
Micro broth
Glycyrrhiza 250 &500 μg/ml,
Liquorice dilution assay,
glabra L. 29.16 μg/ml [15,31]
Root Methanol extract MA &MS Radiometric
Fabaceae BACTEC 460TB
foenum- Disc diffusion [32]
Fenugreek Seed Protein fraction MR Active
graecum assay
Mentha spicata Broth dilution [13,33]
Spearmint Leaf Aqueous extract MT 1:40, 300 μg/ml
Labiateae L. assay
Salvia Whole Choloroform Agar dilution [20]
Sage MP 2.3g dried plant /l
officinalis L. plant extract assay
Lamium album Whole Chloroform Agar dilution [20]
White nettle MP 17g dried plant /l
L. plant extaact assay
Lamium Henbit Whole Agar diffusion [34]
Ethanol extract MI 20mg/ml
amplexicaule L. deadnettle plant assay
Melissa Tube dilution [17]
Lemon balm Ethanol extract MT 1:80 dilution
officinalis L. assay
Mentha piperita Micro broth [15]
Peppermint Leaf Methanol extract MA &MS 500μg/ml
L. dilution assay
Whole Chloroform Agar dilution [20,35]
MP 22.7g/l, 6.25 μg/ml
Ocimum plant extract assay
Lamiaceae Basil
basilicum L. Disc diffusion [21]
Seed Aqueous extract MT Active
Broth dilution [36]
Leaf Ether extract MT 80μg/ml
Holy basil
Ocimum Broth dilution [37]
Leaf Aqueous extract MT 1:1 dilution
sanctum L. assay
Broth dilution [13]
Leaf Aqueous extract MT 1:80dilutions
Thymus vulgaris Broth dilution 1:40 dilution, 25 μg [13,38]
Thyme Leaf Aqueous extract MT
L. assay /ml
Lauraceae Cinnamomum Cinnamon Leaf Aqueous extract, MT Broth dilution 1:640, 12.5 μg/mL

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

zeylanicum essential oil assay

Allium sativum Leaf MT Micro broth 1:1640 [13]
Liliaceae Garlic Aqueous
L. dilution
Bulb Micro broth ˃500μg/ml [15]
MA and MS dilution
Bulb MT 1670μg/ml
Agar-dilution test [40]
Allicin isolated
water extract
Bulb Aqueous extract MT Tube dilution test 160μg/ml
Agar-diffusion zones of inhibition [29]
schoenoprasum Chives Leaf Ethanol extract MS
test were found at
50μl of extract
Ethyl acetate & Disc diffusion [43,44]
Aloe vera Mill. Aloe vera Leaf MT Active
Aqueous extract assay
Asparagus Garden Broth dilution [13]
Leaf Aqueous extract MT <1:20 dilution
officinalis L. asparagus assay
Abelmoschus Broth dilution [13]
Malvaceae Okra Leaf Aqueous extract MT <1:20 dilution
esculentus L. assay
White Agar dilution [18]
Morus alba L. Leaf Methanol extract MP 1mg/ml
Moraceae mulberry assay
Artocarpus Monkey Lakoochin A and Microplate 12.5 μg/ml [45]
Root MT
lakoocha Roxb. jack B alamar blue assay 50 μg/ml
Moringa Drumstick Tube dilution [46]
Moringaceae Seed isothiocynate, MP 17.5 μg/ml
oleifera Lam. tree assay
from aqueous
Myristica Broth dilution [13]
Myristicaceae Nutmeg Leaf Aqueous extract MT <1:20 dilution
fragrans Houtt. assay
Psidium Broth dilution [12]
Guava Stem Ethanol extract MT 100μg/ml
guajava L. assay
Methanol &
Myrtus Agar dilution [18]
Myrtaceae Myrtle Leaf Chloroform MP 0.25mg/ml
communis L. assay
Eugenia Agar diffusion [47]
Pitanga Leaf Aqueous extract MT 10mg/ml
uniflora L. assay
Syzygium Watery rose Agar dilution [11]
Leaf Ethanol extract MT 500μg/ml
jambos (L.) apple assay
Broth dilution [48]
Piper betle L. Piper betle Leaf Essiential oil MT 1:5000 dilution
Piper cubeba L. Whole Tube dilution [17]
Cubeb Ethanol extract MT 1:80 dilution
f. plant assay
Black Whole Tube dilution [17]
Piper nigrum L. Ethanol extract MT 1:80 dilution
Pepper plant assay
Plantago Whole Agar dilution [28]
Plantaginaceae Psyllium Ethanol extract MS 1mg/ml
psyllium L. plant assay
Broth dilution [13]
Poaceae Zea mays L. Maize Leaf Aqueous extract MT ˂1:20 dilution
Portulaca Broth dilution [12]
Portulacaceae Pigeweed Leaf Ethanol extract 100μg/ml
oleracea L. assay

Punica Whole Tube dilution [49]

Punicaceae Pomegranate Ethanol extract MT 1:50 dilution
granatum L. plant assay
Nigella sativum Broth dilution [15]
Ranunculaceae Fennel Seed Methanol extract MA & MS 500μg/ml
L. assay
Common Methanol extract Disc diffusion [50]
Rhamnaceae mauritiana Root MP 2g/ml
jujube assay
Eriobotrya Disc diffusion [21]
Loquat Leaf Aqueous extract MT Active
Rosaceae japonica Lindl. assay
Fragaria vesca Wild Disc diffusion [51]
Leaf Methanol extract MT
L. strawberry assay 50 μg extract/disc
Prunus Broth dilution [13]
Plums Leaf Aqueous extract MT <1:40 dilution
domesticata L assay
Prunus persica Disc diffusion [21]
Peach Stem Aqueous extract MT Active
Batsch assay
Leaf & Broth dilution [13]
Pyrus malus L. Pear Aqueous extract MT <1:20 dilution
Peel assay
Rubus Agar dilution [18]
Blackberry Aerial part Methanol extract MP 1mg/ml
fruticosus L. assay
Rutaceae Angle marmelos Bengal Fruit Methanolic MA and MS Micro broth ˃500μg/ml

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Corr) quince extracts dilution

Methanolic Disc diffusion [52]
Root MP ˃300μg/ml
extracts assay
Ethanol & Broth dilution [53]
Leaf MT 100μg/ml
Hexane extract assay
Broth dilution [53]
Leaf E-phytol MT 34 μg/ml
Broth dilution [53]
Leaf cycloartenol MT 64 μg/ml
stigmasta-4-en- Broth dilution [53]
Leaf MT 2 μg/ml
Morinda 3-one assay
Rubicaeae Noni
citrifolia L. stigmasta-4-22- Broth dilution [53]
Leaf MT 2 μg/ml
dien-3-one assay
Broth dilution [53]
Leaf β-sitosterol MT 128 μg/ml
Broth dilution [53]
Leaf stigmasterol MT 32 μg/ml
campesta-5,7,22- Broth dilution [53]
Leaf MT 2.5 μg/ml
trien-3β-ol assay
Solanum Broth dilution [13]
Solanaceae Potato Leaf Aqueous extract MT 1:20 dilution
tuberosum L. assay
Broth dilution [13]
Leaf Aqueous extract MT 1:40 dilution
elephantina Coltsfoot
Whole Ethanol & Broth dilution [54]
Roxb. MS 1g/ml
Typhaceae plant Petroleum ether assay
Typha latifolia
Broth dilution [13]
Edgew. Bulrush Leaf Aqueous extract MT ˂1:20 dilution
Micro broth [15]
Umbelliferae vulgare Mill. Fennel Seed Methanol extract MA & MS 500μg/ml
dilution assay
Alpinia galanga Greater Broth dilution [55]
Rhizome Oil MT 30μg/ml
Willd. galanga assay
Zingiberaceae Curcuma Broth dilution [13,56]
Leaf Aqueous extract MT 1:40, 0.09 μg/ml
longa L. assay
Zingiber Dichloromethane Broth dilution [57]
Ginger Rhizome MA &MT 100μg/ml
officinale Rosc. extract assay
Abbreviations of Mycobacterium species—MT: Mycobacterium tuberculosis; MP: Mycobacterium phlei; MS: Mycobacterium smegmatis; MA:
Mycobacterium avium; MI: Mycobacterium intracellulare; MR: Mycobacterium rhodochrous;

Discussion individual foods can offer, identifying the various nutrients

The data suggests that amongst all the plants. 12 most active and phytochemicals associated with these benefits and how
plant species, are Allium sativum, Alpinia galanga, Artocarpus they can be incorporated in the diet. One of the major issues of
lakoocha, Cinnamomum camphora, Citrullus colocynthis, the WHO was to thoroughly investigate the plants as a
Glycyrrhiza glabra, Morinda citrifolia, Moringa oleifera, promising source of therapies for human disease management
Ocimum sanctum, Piper cubeba, Portulaca oleracea, Zingiber . Rationally designed polyherbal preparations are
officinale which are widely distributed in India from tropics to progressively being developed as alternative for multitarget
alpine Himalayas. All these plant species exhibited significant therapeutic and prophylactic usage. This has resulted in
in vitro antimycobacterial activity (extracts showed MIC growing lines of evidence to show that old molecules are
values ranging from 2 to 500 μg/ml) and from 5 of these finding new applications through a better understanding of
species the active compounds have been isolated with MIC traditional knowledge and clinical observations [59]. Till date, a
values ranging from 2 to 500 μg/ml. Lakoochin A and B miscellany of phytochemicals has been identified in medicinal
(stilbene derivatives) isolated from Artocarpus lakoocha plants to have versatile profile of effectiveness [60]. One sole
exhibited MIC value of 12.5 and 50 μg/ml, respectively. plant may, for example, contain bitter substances that stimulate
Licoisoflavone isolated from Glycyrrhiza glabra showed MIC digestion, anti-inflammatory compounds, polyphenols that can
value of 25 μg/ml. Active compounds, E-phytol(MIC 34 act as an antioxidant, and venotonics, antibacterial, and
μg/ml), cycloartenol (64 μg/ml), stigmasta-4-en-3-one (2 antifungal tannins that perform as natural antibiotics [59]. In
μg/ml),stigmasta-4-22-dien-3-one (2 μg/ml),β-sitosterol (128 certain cases, when a combination of medicinal foods or
μg/ml), stigmasterol (32 μg/ml),campesta-5,7,22-trien-3β-ol extracts is consumed at the same time or mixed in appropriate
(2.5 μg/ml). The Feruginol (5 μg/ml). 4-(α-l-rhamnosyloxy) formulation, the therapeutic effects could be a result of total
benzyl isothiocynate (MIC 17.5 μg/ml) were identified as the sum of different classes of compounds present within the
active compound from Moringa oleifera. Active constituents foods [61]. Indeed, there have been reports highlighting that
of Gingiber officinale namely 10-gingerol (MIC 25 μg/ml) and intake of whole medicinal food which have resulted in
8-gingerol (MIC 50 μg/ml) were found to be active. Thus, the significantly better outcomes compared when an equivalent
active extracts of these 25 species may prove to be useful dose of single isolated active ingredient was given. Thus, it
agents for treatment of TB and the isolated active compounds can be argued that synergism can occur when two or more
may be considered as lead compounds for new anti-TB drug compounds interact in ways that mutually enhance, amplify, or
development. The past decade has witnessed an explosion of potentiate each other’s effect [62].
clinical research to show specifically what health benefits

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