l2 Unit 8 Statement of Aims Blank 2023 Templa
l2 Unit 8 Statement of Aims Blank 2023 Templa
l2 Unit 8 Statement of Aims Blank 2023 Templa
FMP unit is the summative unit within final term of the qualification. It will
provide students with a measure of self-directed learning through the
completion of a substantial creative media production and technology project.
The unit requires students to apply the skills, knowledge and understanding
developed over the entire course, to complete a creative media production project. It
will provide students with a measure of self-directed learning, and an opportunity to
further clarify their longer-term goals through their choice of an activity to explore in
greater depth
1. Please write the synopsis for your chosen film idea below.
The must use 3 act structure
Incorporate 1 element of enigma
200 – 300 Words
My idea for my film is a superhero movie all about a guy who has already been
given his powers and been living with them for a couple months now. He has not
completely learnt how to use them but he has learnt a lot from what he has done.
This is then lead into his everyday life where he wakes up to a police radio and he
gets ready to go and stop whatever is going on. This will show his dedication and
his enjoyment of running, kind of being a way to get away from life and chill.
I got this idea from watching the series produced on YouTube by Ben Vasey by
the name of ‘The Bolt’. This is something I have watched a lot and I would love to
make something similar as it really interests me. I love the idea of making the
effects in the film and I think it will be amazing. I think I will make it into a movie
trailer as it would make a lot more sense that way. As I think it would be better
than compacting it all into a short film. Then maybe in a later date, I can complete
the movie and properly make it into a decent sized video.
2. You must pick one of the following to create to promote your film
Please highlight at least one
Teaser Trailer
DVD Cover
3. You must pick one of the following to create to promote your film alongside
Teaser poster
Graphic storyboard
4. Why have you chosen these media products to market your film idea?
Because they are my favourite way to promote a movie and the way I believe is
the most interesting. I have seen lots of promotional material done this way.
5. In the box below list all the sources you plan to research to aid you with
your project.
This can include
- Existing films
- Existing print materials
- Software tutorials
- YouTube videos
- Books / Comics
- Teaser Trailers
- Storyboards
- Filming / Photography techniques
I will be using YouTube tutorials to make my photoshop effects clean and not
leave gaps in the editing as I have done this in the past, this would make my work
a lot better to watch and something that I would be very proud of
I will also be using existing films like The Flash and other films using speedsters as
a background on good ways to use speedsters in live action
Then I will be using photography for the shots of my trailer, this being done on a
drone or done by hand, I also have an ide for a shot done on a phone
6. Please list below the resources / equipment you will require to create your
chosen media products
I will be using:
Casual Hoodie and trousers
Places to record
7. Please list the skills you will require to complete this project
Not just technical skills
Some extra people from around me to make the film not just have me in it
1. Do something you enjoy – look back on projects this year and think about
what skills you’ve learnt and which you have really enjoyed. What job would
you like to do in the future? How can you apply it to your project?
2. Do lots and lots of research – primary and secondary are both essential.
Use a wide range of methods and resources
3. Manage your time. Just think how fast this year has gone so far. Plan ahead
and don’t fall behind. MAKE USE OF INDEPENDENT STUDY TIME.
4. You must document everything what happens as you go along. Your entire
journey from start to finish should be fully recorded. Describe and analyse as
you go along. Every aspect of your project should be fully considered. Your
Project Action Plan and Timetable will be vital to the success of your FMP
6. Critically analyse and evaluate – this will refer to the research you undertake,
the pre-production, production and post-production. Don’t just describe but
analyse, interpret, research and evaluate.