Bmjopen 2022 April 12 4 Inline Supplementary Material 2
Bmjopen 2022 April 12 4 Inline Supplementary Material 2
Bmjopen 2022 April 12 4 Inline Supplementary Material 2
Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open
Appendix 2
Low and Middle income countries (LMIC) search filters
PubMed can search on TW instead of all fields
Deprived Countries OR Deprived Population OR Deprived Populations OR Developing Countries OR
Developing Country OR Developing Economies OR Developing Economy OR Developing Nation OR
Developing Nations OR Developing Population OR Developing Populations OR Developing World OR
LAMI Countries OR LAMI Country OR Less Developed Countries OR Less Developed Country OR Less
Developed Economies OR Less Developed Nation OR Less Developed Nations OR Less Developed
World OR Lesser Developed Countries OR Lesser Developed Nations OR LMIC OR LMICS OR Low GDP
OR Low GNP OR Low Gross Domestic OR Low Gross National OR Low Income OR Lower GDP OR
lower gross domestic OR Lower Income OR Middle Income OR Poor Countries OR Poor Country OR
Poor Economies OR Poor Economy OR Poor Nation OR Poor Nations OR Poor Population OR Poor
Populations OR poor world OR Poorer Countries OR Poorer Economies OR Poorer Economy OR
Poorer Nations OR Poorer Population OR Poorer Populations OR Third World OR Transitional
Countries OR Transitional Country OR Transitional Economies OR Transitional Economy OR Under
Developed Countries OR Under Developed Country OR under developed nations OR Under
Developed World OR Under Served Population OR Under Served Populations OR Underdeveloped
Countries OR Underdeveloped Country OR underdeveloped economies OR underdeveloped nations
OR underdeveloped population OR Underdeveloped World OR Underserved Countries OR
Underserved Nations OR Underserved Population OR Underserved Populations
Advanced search, select TITLE-ABS-KEY, and copy terms between the brackets ()
TITLE-ABS-KEY “Deprived Countries” OR “Deprived Population” OR “Deprived Populations” OR
“Developing Countries” OR “Developing Country” OR “Developing Economies” OR “Developing
Economy” OR “Developing Nation” OR “Developing Nations” OR “Developing Population” OR
“Developing Populations” OR “Developing World” OR “LAMI Countries” OR “LAMI Country” OR “Less
Developed Countries” OR “Less Developed Country” OR “Less Developed Economies” OR “Less
Developed Nation” OR “Less Developed Nations” OR “Less Developed World” OR “Lesser Developed
Countries” OR “Lesser Developed Nations” OR LMIC OR LMICS OR “Low GDP” OR “Low GNP” OR
“Low Gross Domestic” OR “Low Gross National” OR “Low Income” OR “Lower income” OR “Lower
GDP” OR “Lower Gross Domestic” OR “Middle Income” OR “Poor Countries” OR “Poor Country” OR
“Poor Economies” OR “Poor Economy” OR “Poor Nation” OR “Poor Nations” OR “Poor Population”
OR “Poor Populations” OR “poor world” OR “Poorer Countries” OR “Poorer Economies” OR “Poorer
Economy” OR “Poorer Nations” OR “Poorer Population” OR “Poorer Populations” OR “Third World”
OR “Transitional Countries” OR “Transitional Country” OR “Transitional Economies” OR “Transitional
Economy” OR “Under Developed” OR “Under Served” OR “Underdeveloped Countries” OR
“Underdeveloped Country” OR “underdeveloped economies” OR “underdeveloped nations” OR
“underdeveloped population” OR “Underdeveloped World” OR “Underserved Countries” OR
“Underserved Nations” OR “Underserved Population” OR “Underserved Populations”
Nicaragua OR Niger OR Nigeria OR Pakistan OR Palau OR Papua New Guinea OR Paraguay OR Peru
OR Philippines OR Principe OR Romania OR Rwanda OR Ruanda OR Samoa OR “Sao Tome” OR
Senegal OR Serbia OR “Sierra Leone” OR “Solomon Islands” OR Somalia OR “South Africa” OR “South
Sudan” OR “Sri Lanka” OR “St Lucia” OR “St Vincent” OR Sudan OR Surinam OR Suriname OR
Swaziland OR Syria OR “Syrian Arab Republic” OR Tajikistan OR Tadzhikistan OR Tajikistan OR Tadzhik
OR Tanzania OR Thailand OR Timor OR Togo OR Tonga OR Tunisia OR Turkey OR Turkmen OR
Turkmenistan OR Tuvalu OR Uganda OR Ukraine OR Uzbek OR Uzbekistan OR Vanuatu OR Venezuela
OR Vietnam OR “West Bank” OR Yemen OR Zambia OR Zimbabwe
Romania OR Rwanda OR Ruanda OR Samoa OR Sao Tome OR Senegal OR Serbia OR Sierra Leone OR
Solomon Islands OR Somalia OR South Africa OR South Sudan OR Sri Lanka OR St Lucia OR St Vincent
OR Sudan OR Surinam OR Suriname OR Swaziland OR Syria OR Syrian Arab Republic OR Tajikistan OR
Tadzhikistan OR Tajikistan OR Tadzhik OR Tanzania OR Thailand OR Timor OR Togo OR Tonga OR
Tunisia OR Turkey OR Turkmen OR Turkmenistan OR Tuvalu OR Uganda OR Ukraine OR Uzbek OR
Uzbekistan OR Vanuatu OR Venezuela OR Vietnam OR West Bank OR Yemen OR Zambia OR
Web of Science: default to ‘all databases’ before starting search, filter date
Mary Shelton
June 2019
Search filters adapted from: Developing Country / Low-Middle Income Searches, Public Health
LibGuide, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill