Micromachined Membrane Filters For Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Applications Invited Article

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Micromachined Membrane Filters for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Applications (Invited Article)
Gabriel M. Rebeiz,1 Linda P. B. Katehi,1 Thomas M. Weller, 2 Chen-Yu Chi,3 Stephen V. Robertson1

Radiation Laboratory, EECS Department, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2122; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 2 Microwave and Wireless Laboratory, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620 3 Hewlett Packard Co., 1400 Fountaingrove Pkwy., Santa Rosa, California 95403
Recei ed 23 July 1996; re ised 18 October 1996

ABSTRACT: Recent developments in micromachining techniques at the University of Michigan have resulted in novel high-performance low-loss lters for microwave and millimeter-wave applications. The idea is based on suspending the lters on thin dielectric membranes to eliminate dielectric loss and dispersion problems, resulting in a pure TEM mode of propagation and conductor-loss-limited performance. The dielectric membrane and the surrounding cavities are built using chemical etching in Silicon and GaAs wafers. The lters are therefore compatible with low-cost IC fabrication techniques and can be combined with planar diodes and transistors to result in active lter networks. Several state-of-the-art lters have been realized including 15-GHz and 20-GHz bandpass interdigital suspended stripline lters, lowpass and bandpass microshield lters at 30 GHz and 90 GHz, microstrip 94-GHz bandpass lters, and a 250-GHz bandpass lter with 1.01.5-dB insertion loss. This article reviews the associated fabrication techniques, the different types of transmission lines achieved using this technology, and the measured performance from 15 to 350 GHz. The study concludes with a detailed description of the future work in this 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J Microwa e Millimeter-Wa e CAE 7: 149166, 1997. area. Keywords: lters; resonators; micromachining; microwave and millimeter-wave technology

Millimeter-wave integrated circuits require lowloss, low-dispersion, planar transmission line structures. Unfortunately, microstrip and coplanar waveguide CPW. suffer from several problems at microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies. These include dielectric loss, which increases with frequency, as well as dispersion, substrate mode problems, and radiation loss, all of which can be directly associated with the airrdielectric
Correspondence to: G. M. Rebeiz Contract grant sponsors: NASA Center for Space Terahertz Technology, National Science Foundation, Army Research Ofce, Pluto Express Program 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

discontinuity inherent to substrate-supported transmission lines. Typically, substrate-supported structures rely mainly on substrate thinning to improve millimeter-wave performance of planar circuits. An alternate solution to the frequency limitations of planar circuits is to integrate the antennas, components, andror transmission lines on a thin dielectric membrane using micromachining techniques w1x. This technology was rst applied to the millimeter-wave area by Rebeiz et al. for the development of high-efciency planar antennas, receivers, and power meters w2, 3x. It was then introduced by Katehi et al. to the area of microwave transmission lines in the form of the
CCC 1050-1827r97r020149-18



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microshield line, which resembles a CPW line in free space w4, 5x. Radiation loss into surface waves in CPW lines is a function of both f 3 and r y 1. 2 , where f is the frequency and r is the relative dielectric constant of the substrate w6x. Thus, although radiation loss increases rapidly with frequency, it can be eliminated by using an air dielectric with r s 1.. The same trend is observed with parasitic capacitive effects associated with circuit discontinuities. These effects, which occur frequently in lters and power dividers, also decrease substantially with the dielectric constant of the substrate. In addition, removal of the silicon substrate eliminates any loss associated directly with the dielectric and any dispersion related to the dielectricrair interface, and allows a single mode TEM propagation over a very broad bandwidth. In fact, time-domain electro-optic sampling of a CPW line on a membrane has indicated that these lines are capable of propagating signals at frequencies as high as 2000 GHz with low loss and low dispersion w7x. Many different types of transmission lines have also been investigated and will be presented in this article. Membrane-based circuits are typically large or long. because the effective dielectric constant is close to 1.0. While this poses no problem above 10 GHz 0 F 3 cm., it does preclude the use of distributed circuits on membranes below 5 GHz 0 G 6 cm. because it is hard to build large membranes which are mechanically rigid at these frequencies. No rigorous study yet has been done on the mechanical properties of membrane-based

circuits and on the effect of vibration on the electrical performance for different type of lters narrowband, wideband, etc... However, it is common knowledge that silicon-nitride membranes are mechanically very strong, can withstand an atmospheric pressure difference without breaking, and survive all laboratory handling procedures. In fact, 30-GHz membrane power dividers and lters with dimensions around 1 cm2 , and 0.5-cm2 membranes with planar Schottky diodes epoxied on them, have passed NASAs vibration space launch tests w8, 9x. Finally, it is a common misconception that membrane-based circuits will fail under large temperature variations. These circuits are thermally stable with low residual stress and are routinely dipped in liquid nitrogen 77 K. or liquid helium 4 K. with no observed failures. The temperature variation in the performance of a membrane supported component is primarily due to the temperature coefcient of the gold metalization and not to that of the membrane layer.


The transmission lines developed on membranes are all based on standard substrate supported lines and are presented in Figure 1. The microshield line differs from the standard CPW line by the absence of airbridges between the coplanar ground planes. The reason is that the connec-

Figure 1. The different membrane-based transmission lines. The wafers are standard silicon or GaAs wafers and are 300 500 m thick.

Micromachined Filters for MMwa e Applicat.


tion between the ground planes is achieved using the back cavity or microshield and hence the name.. The wafers are typically 300 550 m thick and are composed of high-resistivity, silicon or GaAs. material. The characteristic impedance of these lines is quite high because they are suspended in free space, but the proximity of the ground planes to the transmission lines tends to deresult in an impedance range of 50 160 pending on the geometry.. The cutoff frequency of the rst order mode in the underlying cavity transverse dimensions of 0.5 2 mm. is around 100 GHz or higher, thereby ensuring a near-TEM operation over a wide frequency range. While the shielded-membrane microstrip SMM . and stripline structures do not suffer from any radiation loss, attention must be paid to the standard membrane microstrip and for low free-space radiation loss. In the case of the microshield line, the backing metalized cavity connes the elds underneath the line and results in low radiation loss. The microstrip line, the shielded microstrip line, the stripline, and the microshield line are fabricated using one or two silicon or GaAs. wafers. The ground plane is not counted as a fabrication step because it does not require any lithographic processing. Silver epoxy is regularly used at the University of Michigan to attach the ground plane to the membrane wafer, thereby resulting in a completely packaged unit.


A three-layer structure of SiO 2rSi 3 N4rSiO 2 is deposited on a high-resistivity silicon substrate using thermal oxidation and high-temperature chemical vapor deposition w10x. The layer must be in tension resulting in at and rigid membranes. A thermal SiO 2 layer with a thickness of 7000 A is rst grown at a temperature of 1100 C. The wafer is then placed in a LPCVD low pressure chemical vapor deposition. furnace. A 3000-A Si 3 N4 layer is deposited at 820 C. Next, a 4000-A SiO 2 layer is deposited using the LPCVD furnace at 920 C. The relative dielectric constant of the oxides SiO 2 . is 3.9 4.0 and that of the nitride Si 3 N4 . is 7.0 7.5 depending on the processing parameters. This results in a dielectric layer which is 1.4 m thick with a relative dielectric constant of 4.70. It is important to note that a membrane layer can also be fabricated using GaAs or InP substrates. In this case, the membrane layer is

deposited using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition PECVD.. The deposition parameters of the PECVD layer must be chosen to result in a tensile layer in contrast to a layer under compressive stress . w11x. After the dielectric layer is deposited on the silicon or GaAs. substrate, the planar components lters, couplers, etc.. are dened on the top side of the substrate using standard lithography, gold evaporation, and a 2 3- m gold electroplating process. Next, an opening is dened on the back side of the wafer just underneath the specic components, and the silicon or GaAs. substrate is etched until the transparent dielectric membrane appears. The etchant used with silicon wafers is KOH or EDP w12x, and both solutions result in a very low undercut rate and smooth sidewalls. The sidewalls form an angle of 54.7 with the planar toprbottom surfaces when a 100: silicon wafer is used. The sloping sidewalls are usually assumed to be vertical in the theoretical analysis.. The etchant used with GaAs wafers is an H 2 SO4rH 2 O 2rH 2 O-based solution or dry etching in an RIE machine w13x. The via holes, if needed, are etched at the same time as membrane formation, and are electroplated with gold. In the case of suspended stripline or shielded microstrip components Fig. 1., additional processing is needed to form the top shielding cavity for stripline. and the RF ground plane for shielded microstrip.. A silicon wafer is etched to the desired depth, electroplated with 2 3 m of gold, and placed on top of the membrane. In the case of microshield lines, shadow evaporation is needed to metalize the sidewalls of the microshield cavity and not the back side of the membrane. This is done using a micromachined mask that is attached to the back of the membrane wafer w14x.


Stripline resonators were fabricated on a 350m-thick high-resistivity silicon wafer on a 1.4- m dielectric membrane layer w15x. A top shielding cavity was used at a height of 350 m above the resonator Fig. 2.. The top shielding cavity structure contacts the membrane wafer everywhere except over the 50- grounded CPW feedline GCPW. where a channel is etched in the top wafer. The channel is 250 m high, 1 mm wide,


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Figure 2. Cross-section view of the micromachined stripline resonator top. and the fabricated resonator on a thin dielectric membrane bottom..

1.5 mm long, and provides RF microshielding of the feeding GCPW lines w16x. The stripline resonator length is 0r2 at 13.5 GHz 1.1 cm.. The resonator is 500- m-wide, 3- m-thick electroplated gold. The stripline resonator impedance is calculated to be 80.8 using quasistatic techniques and is fed by 150- m gaps in the feeding transmission line. The membrane dimensions are 7.1 = 5.3 mm2 . Figure 3 shows the measured S21 of the stripline resonators. The resonant frequencies for the stripline resonator are 13.5 GHz, 27.4 GHz, and 39.6 GHz Fig. 2a.. Table I shows the measured loaded Q Q L . and the extracted unloaded Q Q u ., using w17x: QL s f0 f . 3 dB
2 Qe 2 QL

and: 1 QL s 1 Qu q 1 Qe 3.


where Q e is the external Q of the resonator. Q e is dened as the Q of the resonator with the series resistance loss set to zero R s s 0. and, therefore, the resistive loading of the resonator is due only to the loading effect. As is evident in Table I, the stripline Q u increases as f with frequency. This is an indication of conductor-loss limited performance and the absence of dielectric and radiation loss mechanisms. The attenuation T . and the total series resistance R s . of the micromachined stripline is calculated from the extracted unloaded Q, assuming conductor-loss-limited performance, and using:


S21 dB. s 10 log 10



Rs 2 Z0


Micromachined Filters for MMwa e Applicat.


Figure 3. Measured S21 of the micromachined resonator.

where Z0 is the characteristic impedance of the resonator. The same stripline geometry is analyzed using a new conformal mapping technique developed by Tuncer et al. w18x. The conformal mapping technique uses an isolated-conductor surface impedance in conjunction with a conformal map for the entire transmission line crosssection to account for both skin depth and current crowding effect. Therefore, the conformal mapping model can predict accurately the series impedance of a transmission line for a conductor with nite conductivity and excellent agreement is achieved between the measured results and the conformal mapping technique.


The design procedure of an interdigital stripline lter has been developed by Matthaei et al. w17, 19x. In this work, only the coupling between adjacent resonators has been considered in the admittancerimpedance matrices, and a bandwidth correction factor is needed to compensate for neglecting the mutual coupling between the nonadjacent resonators. The membrane stripline interdigital lter results in a pure TEM propagation mode with no dispersion effects. Because of the pure TEM mode, a scale model at 850 MHz can yield accurate simulation of the performance of

the 20 GHz lter. Matthaeis equations w17, 19x were rst used as a starting point in the scale model and then the lengths, widths, and gaps of the eight nger resonators were adjusted experimentally to obtain in the desired response. The scale model shows a center frequency of 856 MHz, a 3-dB bandwidth of 140 MHz, and a portto-port insertion loss of 0.7 dB including 0.3 dB from the inputroutput coaxial cables.. This translates into a center frequency of 20.28 GHz with a 3-dB bandwidth of 3.3 GHz for the micromachined lter. The 20-GHz interdigital lter is fabricated on a 1.4- m-thick membrane with dimensions of 7.9 = 3.4 mm2 Fig. 4.. The membrane cavity is surrounded by a row of via holes to ensure proper grounding. A micromachined cavity wafer with a mouse-hole channel is stacked on top of the membrane wafer using silver epoxy and this creates the top cavity for the lter. The mouse-hole channel is needed so as not to short or severely disturb. the inputroutput feedlines. Another carrier wafer is stacked below the membrane wafer to form the bottom cavity. Both the top cavity and bottom carrier wafer are electroplated with gold to obtain a good RF ground plane. The input line is a 2.6-mm-long grounded CPW line on the high-resistivity silicon wafer, and directly feeds the rst resonator in the interdigital lter. A 20- m diameter gold wire is bonded across the rst nger at the membrane GCPW transition to equalize the two ground planes of the GCPW line. The bonding wire is important because it forces a symmetrical eld distribution at the transition and provides a 50- feeding impedance at the GCPW line. The measured results show a 1.7-dB port-to-port insertion loss at 20.3 GHz including a 0.3-dB loss from each GCPW line. with a 3-dB bandwidth of 3.1 GHz Fig. 5.. The return loss is better than y15 dB in

TABLE I. Measured Q and Rs of Stripline Resonators Stripline f 01 13.555 QL Qu R s rcm. R s rcm. conformal mapping 258 272 0.841 0.762 f 02 27.365 331 386 1.196 1.153 f 03 39.636 304 465 1.439 1.410


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Figure 4. The 20 GHz interdigital membrane lter top view. and its physical dimensions. The clear area on this picture is the dielectric membrane. The membrane dimensions are 7.9 = 3.4 mm2.

the passband. As can be seen, excellent agreement is achieved between the 850-MHz design and the 20.3-GHz measurements due to the TEM nature of the micromachined lter no dispersion effects .. Table II shows a detailed breakdown of the loss mechanism in the suspended lter structure. The resonator loss of the 20-GHz lter is calculated using w17x: L A dB. , 8.686Cn 1 Qu 5.

It is seen that the measured port-to-port insertion loss of 1.7 dB is very close to the predicted value of 1.55 dB, indicating, once again, a conductor-loss-limited performance. This also applies to the 850-MHz lter structure. In addition to the 20.3-GHz lter, wideband 13.5-GHz 40%. and narrowband 15-GHz 5%. interdigital lters have been fabricated using the same technology w20x. The measured port-to-port insertion losses was 0.7 dB and 2.0 dB, respec-

tively see Table II.. Both of these lters resulted in excellent out-of-band rejection and conductorloss-limited performance in the passband. The suspended stripline interdigital lters can be fabricated using the same technology w20x. The measured port-to-port insertion losses was 0.7 dB and 2.0 dB, respectively see Table II.. Both of these lters resulted in excellent out-of-band rejection and conductor-loss-limited performance in the passband. The suspended stripline interdigital lters can be fabricated anywhere from 6 to 120 GHz, being limited by the membrane size below 6 GHz too large. and by the substrate thickness at 120 GHz around 80 100 m..


Several millimeter-wave lters and components from 30 to 250 GHz have been fabricated using the microshield-line geometry Fig. 6.. The mi-

Micromachined Filters for MMwa e Applicat.


Figure 5. Measured response of the 20-GHz micromachined interdigital lter.

croshield line can support a near-coplanar-waveguide eld distribution when the slot dimensions are small compared to the height of the substrate, or a near-microstrip-eld distribution when the slot dimensions are large compared to the height of the substrate. One can therefore choose the microshield line geometry to obtain a relatively simple transition between the microshield line and the feeding CPW line on the high-resistivity siliconrGaAs wafer, despite the large difference in the dielectric constants of the transmission media. Although rigorous optimization has not been conducted, designs based on a simple matching of quasistatic characteristic impedance values have demonstrated very good transitions from CPW to microshield and from GCPW to

microshield up to 40 GHz see ref. 5 for more details..

Effective Dielectric Constant

Due to the air substrate of the microshield line, the effective dielectric constant, r, e ff , is very close to 1.0. Because of the membrane, however, r, e ff is slightly increased because a fraction of the elds are contained within the thin dielectric layers. As shown in Figure 6, the measured r, e ff changes from around 1.09 to 1.15 as the slot width is reduced from 55 to 25 m. The increase is a result of greater eld connement in the slot and thus in the membrane. It is expected that for a dielectric thickness smaller than 2.0 m, and

TABLE II. Measured and Calculated Interdigital Membrane Filters Insertion Loss Bandwidth and center frequency 16% 20.3 GHz. 16% 850 MHz. 40% 13.5 GHz. 5% 15.2 GHz. QU of resonators 330 1610 272 290 Calculated loss from resonators 0.80 dB 0.16 dB 0.33 dB 1.25 dB Measured loss from feedlines 0.6 dB 0.3 dB 0.4 dB 0.4 dB Measured S11 mismatch 0.15 dB 0.14 dB 0.01 dB 0.35 dB Calc.rmeas. port-to-port insertion loss 1.55 dBr1.70 dB 0.60 dBr0.70 dB 0.74 dBr0.70 dB 2.00 dBr2.00 dB


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Figure 6. Cross-section view of a microshield line top. and the measured microshield lines with different aspect ratios bottom.. The cavity height is 350

r, e ff

on two


for typical line geometries with a slot widths larger than 20 m, r, e ff will remain lower than 1.20, thereby ensuring nearly dispersion-free operation.

Lowpass Filters at 30 and 90 GHz

The stepped-impedance approach to lowpass lter design is well suited for applications which do not require a sharp roll-off in the insertion loss. Often, however, lter specications call for high rejection over multiple-octave bandwidths, a requirement which may be difcult to meet using conventional substrate-supported lines due to the propagation of higher order modes. Thus, the very broad, single-mode bandwidth of the microshield line can provide superior lter performance in this respect. Stepped-impedance lters using ve, seven, and nine sections have been designed and tested at 30 GHz w5, 21x. The high and low impedance sections of the ve-section lter are 265 and 45 , respectively, while the feedline and lter center

Fig. 7.. The impedance are designed to be 75 metalization thickness is 1 m and is sufcient for 30-GHz operation. The membrane dimensions are 6 = 1.8 mm2 with a cavity height of 350 m. Notice that, in contrast to the interdigital lters, the microshield topology results in lter structures on long and narrow membranes. In Figure 7, the measured data for a ve-section, 0.5-dB ripple Chebyshev lter are compared with results from a space-domain integral equation SDIE. analysis method w5, 22x. The rejection is greater than 20 dB up to 75 GHz, which is about 1.5 octaves above the 3-dB point at 26 GHz. The measured S21 is between 0.25 and 0.9 dB from 10 to 23 GHz. This is very close to the 0.5-dB ripple design specication, and indicates that the attenuation is approximately 0.3 dB greater than predicted in the ideal, lossless model. A lowpass lter is also designed at 90 GHz using a stepped-impedance implementation of a seven-section 0.5-dB equal ripple Chebyshev lter w23x. The high- and low-impedance sections of the lter are 277 and 63 , respectively, while the

Micromachined Filters for MMwa e Applicat.


Figure 7. Measured and calculated SDIE. S-parameters for a microshield lowpass lter at 30 GHz. The lengths of the different sections are L1 s 745, L2 s 1200, and L3 s 1189. All dimensions are in microns.

feed line and lter center impedance are deFig. 8.. For W-band measuresigned to be 92 ments, it was found that the best results were achieved when the wafer probes were set as close as possible to the membrane edge. Furthermore, an impedance transformer was used to reduce the matching problems between the high-impedance membrane circuits and the 50cpw-probe impedance. For the 92microshield line, a quarter-wavelength section at 90 GHz of a 68microshield line was used. The membrane dimensions are 4.3 = 0.6 mm2 including the inputroutput impedance transformers . with a cavity height of 355 m. The measured response of the lowpass lter from 75 to 110 GHz is shown in Figure 8 along with results of the FDTD analysis at

40 140 GHz. The lter achieves a cutoff frequency of approximately 90 GHz, with less than 1.0-dB passband insertion loss, and the FDTD technique accurately predicts the lter performance. The presence of the membrane is incorporated into the FDTD analysis with a relative dielectric constant of 1.08. It is important to note that the microshield lowpass lter provides around 20-dB better rejection than a comparable lowpass lter designed using GCPW lines on 100- m GaAs substrates w23x. The discrepancy between the measured and calculated data in both the 30-GHz and 90-GHz designs is due to the necessity to model this circuit with a single effective dielectric constant, even though the low- and high-impedance sec-


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Figure 8. Measured and calculated FDTD. S-parameters for a microshield lowpass lter at 90 GHz. All dimensions are in microns.

tions have drastically different slot widths. This can be solved in the future with the use of more exible FDTD or SDIE analysis routines.

Low-Loss Bandpass Filters at 30 GHz

A variety of techniques exist for the implementation of bandpass lters. For CPW applications, lters using a combination of series andror shunt tuning stubs have received considerable attention w24, 25x. By cascading multiple open-end stubs in series, it is quite simple to realize a bandpass response with high out-of-band rejection and low-loss performance w26x. The passband resonance of an open-end series stub occurs when the mean length is gr4, and the associated radiation loss is very low due to the location of the stub within the center conductor. The stopband resonance occurs when the stub length is gr2 and is

considerably stronger than the passband resonance. Due to the long narrow slots encountered in the series stub designs around 20 = 2000 m., the effective dielectric constant of the microshield line in a series stub conguration is increased from 1.08 to 1.40 w5, 14x. A three-section open-end series stub bandpass lter was fabricated using the stub dimensions given in Figure 9, with each section separated by 150 m w5x. The lter is centered at 29 GHz with a 55% bandwidth. The total dimensions of the lter are 0.80 g long at 29 GHz 7.5 mm. and 300 m wide. The measured response, shown in Figure 9, has an insertion loss of only 1.0 dB from 22 to 32 GHz, which is competitive with the best waveguide bandpass lters using suspended stripline w27x. The calculated data are generated by using the scattering parameters found from the full-wave analysis of a single stub and treating

Micromachined Filters for MMwa e Applicat.


Figure 9. Measured and calculated SDIE. S-parameters for a microshield bandpass lter which consists of three open-end series stubs. The distance between the stubs is only 150 m. All dimensions are in microns.

the lter as three noncoupled elements in series. The agreement between the measured and calculated performance is quite good and indicates that there is very little electromagnetic coupling between the stubs, even though the stub separation is only 150 m. A compact bandpass lter has also been demonstrated and is based on the folded open-end series stub pioneered by Weller et al. w14, 28x. This stub offers comparable performance to the standard series open-end stub described previously but at a fraction of the size. A ve-section folded open-end series stub bandpass lter was fabricated using the dimensions given in Figure 10. The lter is centered at 25 GHz with a 40% bandwidth. The total dimensions of the lter are 0.53 g in length at 25 GHz 5.5 mm. and 300 m in width. The measured response shows an inser-

tion loss of 1.0 dB from 21 to 29 GHz Fig. 10.. It is immediately apparent that the ve-section folded stub lter provides better out-of-band rejection than the three-section lter described previously and at 65% of the longitudinal size. The performance of this lter is also competitive with the best suspended stripline waveguide lters.

The 250-GHz Bandpass Filter

The microshield line has been also applied to submillimeter-wave components 100 1000 GHz.. As is well known, this frequency range is of importance to radio-astronomical receivers and space-based remote sensing of upper atmospheric pollutants w29x. The associated components, such as receivers, lters and couplers, are built in


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Figure 10. Measured and calculated SDIE. S-parameters for a microshield bandpass lter which consists of ve folded open-end series stubs. The lter length is 0.5 g at 25 GHz. All dimensions are in microns.

waveguides or in bulky quasi-optical systems. This leads to extremely expensive components and has retarded the use of this frequency for commercial applications such as very compact collisionavoidance radars. The microshield line, or membrane supported lines in general, are ideal for applications in this frequency range. They offer wideband, low-loss, dispersion-free performance and are easy to fabricate because the membrane dimensions are very small less than 1 mm in length in many cases.. The microshield line was utilized to fabricate the rst planar bandpass lter at 250 GHz w30x. The bandpass lter has a relative bandwidth of 58% and utilizes four quarter-wavelength openend series stubs with the second and fourth stubs reversed relative to the rst and third stub Fig. 11.. The effective dielectric constant of the stubs was estimated to be 1.36 due to the small dimensions of the slots 10 m. and the stub lengths

were sized accordingly to resonate at 250 GHz. The lter is 1 mm in length, which is around 0.8 g at 250 GHz. The microshield lter is placed in a cavity and for the dimensions given in Figure 11, the dominant waveguide mode cut-off frequency is greater than 500 GHz. The lter is attached to a cpw-fed doublefolded slot DFS. antenna which receives power from a calibrated plane wave. RF detection is achieved using planar bismuth microbolometers after the microshield lter w31x. The DFS antenna has a relative bandwidth of 20%, so three circuits with three different antennas centered at 170 GHz, 250 GHz, and 340 GHz and the same microshield lter were fabricated. The bolometers of each circuit were absolutely calibrated and resulted in a responsivity around 2 VrW. As a means of calibration, measurements are rst taken on a circuit with no lter and a simple microshield straight line, and then measurements

Micromachined Filters for MMwa e Applicat.


Figure 12. Comparison between the results extracted from raw measured data at 150 350 GHz markers. and the predicted lter response from the SDIE analysis lines.. Figure 11. The four-section microshield bandpass lter not to scale.. The metalization pattern is shown in a., where L s 250, S s 50, and W s 10. A cross-sectional view is shown in b., where H s 200, W1 s 320, and W2 s 40. In b., metalization is indicated by the dark lines. All dimensions are in microns.


Membrane-based transmission lines were recently applied in a shielded membrane microstrip SMM. conguration to build coupled-line bandpass lters at W-band frequencies. The geometry resembles that of suspended stripline, but the conducting strip is not positioned symmetrically between the two ground planes. For SMM, the micromachined top cavity actually provides the ground plane for the microstrip signal and the middle circuit wafer results on a metalized carrier wafer which acts as a shield Fig. 13.. The cover height, h c , is determined by the thickness of the circuit wafer, and the signal-to-ground separation, h, is determined by the etched depth of the micromachined top cavity.

are taken on the circuit with the microshield lter. Details of the extraction of the S-parameters of the lter are presented elsewhere w14, 30x, and the measured results show a 1.0 1.5-dB passband insertion loss Fig. 12.. It is also seen that the low-frequency stopband provides excellent rejection. This conrms that high-performance planar circuits on thin dielectric membranes are excellent for millimeter- and submillimeter-wave systems.

Figure 13. The shielded membrane microstrip geometry. Notice that the RF ground plane is actually on top of the microstrip line.


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The propagating mode of the SMM line is characterized by an electric eld orientation which is primarily vertical with respect to the plane of the signal line. Conversely, a horizontally opposed electric eld orientation prevails in a CPW-style wafer probe. A candidate for a transition between these two modes is the microshield line, which has shown the ability to support both CPW-like and a microstrip-like modes w5x. This is a very convenient solution, because there is an impedance mismatch between the 50- wafer probe and the 90- SMM line, and a Klopfensteintapered section of microshield line can also be used to accomplish the impedance matching function w32x. The taper length is 100 around gr4. at the lowest frequency of interest. The bandpass lters of this work are based on coupled-line resonator designs derived from equal ripple Chebyshev prototypes and a center imw23x. A commercially available pedance of 90 PARFIL w33x. was used to synsoftware package thesize the lter geometry for a ground plane separation and an upper shield separation of 100 m and 500 m, respectively, and the nal lter dimensions were chosen after experimental iteration on a 2-GHz scale model. Figure 14 shows a fabricated coupled-line bandpass lter centered at 94 GHz. The microstrip line is 180 m wide and results in an impedance of 90 . The membrane dimensions are 11 mm long = 2.5 mm wide. The measured results show low passband inser-

tion loss, a very sharp roll-off, and high out-ofband attenuation. A lter designed for 4.25% bandwidth achieves a passband insertion loss of 3.4 dB and a bandwidth of 6.1% at a center frequency of 94.7 GHz Fig. 15.. To our knowledge, these results represent state-of-the-art performance at 94 GHz. Measured S-parameters of the bandpass lter reveal a wider bandwidth than the designed value. The reason is that the distance from the signal line to the ground plane was approximately 20 m larger than the 100- m depth of the ground cavity. This is veried by the good agreement with the FDTD analysis Fig. 15., which was performed using a ground plane separation of 120 m and the measured value of r, e ff 1.04. for the SMM line.


It is evident that state-of-the-art lters can be manufactured at low cost using membrane-based transmission lines. The lters achieved so far are just a small sample of the performance potential of this micromachining technology. The micromachined lters are compatible with IC fabrication techniques and can be fabricated in large numbers for low cost applications. The micromachined lters can also be combined with planar diodes and transistors to result in active lter

Figure 14. The 6% shielded membrane microstrip bandpass lter with associated dimensions. All resonators are 710 m in length. The tapered sections at the inputroutput are the Klopfenstein microshield transformers between the microstrip mode on the membrane and the GCPW mode on the silicon wafer.

Micromachined Filters for MMwa e Applicat.


Figure 15. Measured and calculated FDTD. S-parameters for the lter shown in Figure 14.

networks and low phase noise oscillators. The application areas are in K, Ka and Ku-band satellite communication systems, direct broadcast satellite systems at 12.5 GHz, wireless base station systems, and the emerging millimeter-wave indoorroutdoor communication systems at 38 and 60 GHz. Furthermore, the micromachined lters can be used in 35- and 94-GHz radar systems and millimeter- 94 GHz. and submillimeter-wave 180-GHz, 230-GHz, etc.. radiometric systems for aircraft landing systems and atmospheric remote sensing applications. The underlying theory of the micromachined lter is not complex due to the thin dielectric membranes and the resulting low dielectric constant r, e ff from 1.04 to 1.40.. Excellent results were achieved with simple scale modeling around 1 GHz for the case of suspended stripline lters, and accurate theoretical models were achieved with the SDIE method in the case of microshield lines, or with FDTD analysis, as in the case of the shielded membrane microstrip lines. Obviously, it would be advantageous to have the numerical exibility of changing the effective dielectric constant for each section of the microshield or SMM. lter and this can be easily done in the future. Another renement of the theory could be to model accurately the sloping sidewalls. These sidewalls are generally far enough from the circuit region of interest that they are currently modeled as vertical sidewalls. However, if lter

miniaturization is a goal, then correct modeling of the sidewalls and the surrounding via holes near the membrane edge must be done to obtain an accurate model. The future work in micromachined lters is shaping up in two independent areas. The rst one is the continuation of the present work on thin dielectric membranes and the construction of ever better and smaller lters and components. Varactor tuned interdigital lters and micromachined high-isolation lter banks for wideband radarrreceiver applications are currently being investigated at 10 20 GHz. Also, miniature folded resonators on membranes coupled with lumpedelement MIM metal insulator metal. capacitors are being investigated at 30 GHz. The membrane technology is not limited to transmission lines and lters alone, and wideband Lange-type couplers from 6 20 GHz w34x, low-loss Wilkinson couplers at 33 GHz w35x, high-frequency inductors and capacitors w20x, coupled-line couplers covering the 20 110-GHz frequency range w36x, and high isolation single sideband mixers at 18 GHz w34x have been achieved on thin dielectric membranes. More work will be done in this area for the construction of low-power SSB mixers at 60 and 94 GHz, low-loss power combining networks at 30 and 94 GHz, and active lters and multiplexers for satellite applications. The second area of research involves a fundamental rethinking of the role of the solid-state


Rebeiz et al. 11. S. S. Gearhart, Integrated Millimeter-Wa e and Submillimeter-Wa e Antennas and Schottky-Diode Recei ers, Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1994. 12. K. E. Peterson, Silicon As a Mechanical Material, Proc. IEEE, Vol. 70, 1982, pp. 420 457. 13. R. E. Williams, Gallium Arsenide Processing Techniques. Artech House, Norwood, MA, 1984. 14. T. W. Weller, Micromachined High Frequency Transmission Lines on Thin Dielectric Membranes, Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1995. 15. C. Y. Chi and G. M. Rebeiz, Conductor-Loss Limited Stripline Resonators and Filters, IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-44, April 1996, pp. 626 630. 16. C. Y. Chi, Planar Microwa e and Millimeter-Wa e Components Using Micromachining Technologies, Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1995. 17. G. L. Matthaei, L. Young, and E. M. T. Jones, Microwa e Filters, Impedance-Matching Networks and Coupling Structures. Artech House, Norwood, MA, 1980, pp. 651 723. 18. E. Tuncer, B. T. Lee, M. S. Islam, and D. P. Neikirk, Quasi-Static Conductor Loss Calculations in Transmission Lines Using a New Conformal Mapping Technique, IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-42, Sept. 1994, pp. 1807 1815. 19. G. L. Matthaei, Interdigital Band-Pass Filters, IRE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., Vol. 10, Nov. 1962, pp. 479 491. 20. C. Y. Chi and G. M. Rebeiz, Planar Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Lumped Elements and Coupled-Line Filters Using Micromachining Techniques, IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-43, No. 4, April 1995, pp. 730 738. 21. T. M. Weller, G. M. Rebeiz, and L. P. Katehi, Experimental Results on Microshield Transmission Line Circuits, IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwa e Symp., 1993, pp. 827 830. 22. N. I. Dib, L. P. Katehi, G. E. Ponchak, and R. N. Simons, Theoretical and Experimental Characterization of Coplanar Waveguide Discontinuities for Filter Applications, IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-39, No. 5, May 1991, pp. 873 882. 23. S. V. Robertson, L. P. Katehi, and G. M. Rebeiz, Micromachined W-band Filters, IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-44, April 1996, pp. 598 606. 24. K. Hettak, et al., A New Uniplanar Bandpass Filter Using gr2 Slotline and gr4 Coplanar Waveguide Resonators, Proceedings of the 1994 European Microwa e Conference, 1994, pp. 1360 1366. 25. Y. Noguchi, et al., A New Compact gr4 Coplanar Waveguide Resonator Bandpass Filter, Pro-

wafer. It is about viewing a high-resistivity wafer not as a planar surface but as a three-dimensional bulk which is ready to be etched to reveal threedimensional cavities, photonic crystals, resonators, couplers, probes, and shields. We call it 3-D microwave micromaching and micropackaging and are actively pursuing it at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

The work presented in this article was initiated under the NASA Center for Space Terahertz Technology at the University of Michigan and by National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Awards Profs. Rebeiz and Katehi.. It was continued with strong support from the Army Research Ofce, Electronics Division, the Ofce of Naval Research. It has also been supported by the Pluto Express Program and the Presidents Fund at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

1. R. S. Muller et al. eds.., Microsensors. IEEE Press, New York, 1991. 2. G. M. Rebeiz, D. P. Kasilingam, P. A. Stimson, Y. Guo, and D. B. Rutledge, Monolithic MillimeterWave Two-Dimensional Horn Imaging Arrays, IEEE Trans. Ant. Propag., Vol. AP-28, Sept. 1990, pp. 1473 1482. 3. W. Y. Ali-Ahmad and G. M. Rebeiz, An 86-106 GHz Quasi-Integrated Low-Noise Receiver, IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-41, No. 4, April 1993, pp. 558 564. 4. N. I. Dib, W. P. Harokopus, L. P. B. Katehi, C. C. Ling, and G. M. Rebeiz, Study of a Novel Planar Transmission Line, IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwa e Symp., 1991, pp. 623 626. 5. T. M. Weller, L. P. B. Katehi, and G. M. Rebeiz, High Performance Microshield Line Components, IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-43, No. 3, March 1995, pp. 534 543. 6. R. W. Jackson, Considerations in the Use of Coplanar Waveguide for Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits, IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-34, No. 12, Dec. 1986, pp. 1450 1456. 7. H. Cheng, J. F. Whitaker, T. M. Weller, and L. P. B. Katehi, Terahertz-Bandwidth Characterization of Coplanar Waveguide via Time-Domain ElectroOptic Sampling, IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwa e Symp., 1994, pp. 477 480. 8. Dr. Robert Haas, Aeroject Electrosystems, 1991. 9. Dr. Marti Hermann, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1995. 10. L. I. Maissel and R. Glang, Handbook of Thin Film Technology. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970.

Micromachined Filters for MMwa e Applicat. ceedings of the 1993 European Microwa e Conference, 1993, pp. 631 633. D. F. Williams and S. E. Schwarz, Design and Performance of Coplanar Waveguide Bandpass Filters, IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech., Vol. 31, No. 7, July 1983, pp. 558 568. W. Menzel, Broadband Filter Circuits Using an Extended Suspended Substrate Transmission Line Conguration, Proceedings of the 22nd European Microwa e Conference, 1992, pp. 459 463. T. M. Weller and L. P. Katehi, Miniature Stub and Filter Designs Using the Microshield Transmission Line, IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwa e Symp., 1995, pp. 675 678. IEEE Proceedings Special Issue on Terahertz Technology, Vol. 80, No. 11, Nov. 1992, pp. 1657 1864. T. M. Weller, L. P. B. Katehi, and G. M. Rebeiz, A 250 GHz Microshield Bandpass Filter, IEEE Microwa e Guided-Wa e Lett., Vol. 5, No. 5, May 1995, pp. 153 155.





29. 30.

31. D. P. Neikirk, W. W. Lam, and D. B. Rutledge, Far-Infrared Microbolometer Detectors, Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Wa es, Vol. 5, 1984, pp. 245 276. 32. R. W. Klopfenstein, A Transmission Line Taper of Improved Design, Proc. IRE, Vol. 44, Jan. 1956, pp. 31 35. 33. WaveCon Software, El Segundo, CA. 34. C. Y. Chi and G. M. Rebeiz, Design of Lange Couplers and Single-Sideband Mixers Using Micromachining Techniques, IEEE Trans. Microwa e Theory Tech. to appear.. 35. T. M. Weller, L. P. Katehi, M. I. Herman, and P. D. Wamhof, Membrane Technology MIST-T. Applied to Microstrip: A 33 GHz Wilkinson Power Divider, IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwa e Symp., 1994, pp. 911 914. 36. S. V. Robertson, L. P. Katehi, and G. M. Rebeiz, A 20-40 GHz Micromachined Directional Coupler, IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwa e Symp., 1996, pp. 797 800.

Gabriel M. Rebeiz senior member, IEEE. earned his PhD in electrical engineering from the California Institute of Technology in June 1988. He joined the faculty of the University of Michigan in September 1988 and was promoted to associate professor in September 1992. Prof. Rebeiz received the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award in April 1991 and the URSI International Isaac Koga Gold Medal Award for Outstanding International Research in August 1993. He also received the Research Excellence Award in April 1995 from the University of Michigan. Together with his students, he is the winner of best paper awards at JINA90, IEEE-MTT92, 94, 95, 96 and IEEE-AP92, 95. Prof. Rebeiz is an elected member of URSI-D. He was a visiting professor at Chalmers University of Technology in 1992, and a visiting professor at the Ecole Normale Superieur in 1993. He is the author of 70 articles published in refereed journals and more than 110 papers presented in National and International Conferences. Prof. Rebeiz interests are in applying micromachining techniques in silicon and GaAs for the development of low-loss and low-cost microwave antennas, components and subsystems for wireless applications, and satellite communication systems. Prof. Rebeiz is also interested in the development of planar collision-avoidance sensors for automotive applications, and in millimeter-wave imaging arrays, monopulse tracking systems, and phased arrays. Photo not available.. been interested in the development and characterization theoretical and experimental. of microwave and millimeter-wave printed circuits, the computer-aided design of VLSI interconnects, the development and characterization of micromachined circuits for millimeter-wave and submillimeter-wave applications, and the development of low-loss lines for terahertz-frequency applications. She has also been theoretically and experimentally studying various types of uniplanar radiating structures for hybrid monolithic and monolithic oscillator and mixer designs. She has been awarded the IEEE AP-S W. P. King distinction Best Paper Award for a Young Engineer. in 1984, the IEEE AP-S S. A. Schelkunoff Award Best Paper Award. in 1985, the NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award and an URSI Young Scientist Fellowship in 1987, the Humboldt Research Award and The University of Michigan Faculty Recognition Award in 1994, and the IEEE MTT-S Microwave Prize in 1996. She is a Fellow of IEEE, and a member of IEEE AP-S, MTT-S, Sigma XI, Hybrid Microelectronics, URSI Commission D, and a member of AP-S ADCOM from 1992 to 1995. Also, Prof. Katehi is an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on AP-S and MTT-S.

Linda P. B. Katehi received her BSEE degree from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1977 and her MSEE and PhD degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1981 and 1984, respectively. In September 1984, she joined the faculty of the EECS Department of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Since then she has

Thomas M. Weller received the BS, MS, and PhD degrees in electrical engineering in 1988, 1991, and 1995, respectively, from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is currently an assistant professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of South Florida, Tampa. His current research involves micromachining applications for microwave and millimeter-wave circuits, hybrid and MMIC packaging, numerical modeling, and millimeter-wave sensors. Photo not available..


Rebeiz et al.
Stephen V. Robertson received the BSEE degree from the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, and the MSE degree from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1991 and 1993, respectively. He is currently pursuing his PhD degree in electrical engineering at the University of Michigan. His research interests lie in the development of novel micromachined structures for planar and quasi-planar millimeter-wave applications. Photo not available..

Chen-Yu Chi was born in Tapei, Taiwan, in September 1964. He received the BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, in 1986 and 1988, respectively, and in 1994, he earned the PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His thesis was on the development of novel micromachined lters and components at microwave and millimeterwave frequencies. He is currently working at Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, CA, in the development of portable telephone units for the AMPS and PCS bands. Photo not available..

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