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Helwan University Sheet (2)

Basic Electronics 1St year

Dr. Eman F. Sawires Com. & Sys Eng. Dept.

Q1] In Fig.1, a common-emitter amplifier has CC1 CE CC2 1 µF, RB 100 kΩ, Rsig
5 kΩ, gm 40 mA/V, r = 2.5 kΩ, RC 8 kΩ, and RL 5 kΩ. Assuming that the three
capacitors do not interact, find fP1, fP2, and fP3, and hence estimate fL.

Ans. : 21.4 Hz, 2.21 KHz, 12.2 Hz

Q2] In Fig. 2, a CS amplifier has CC1 CS CC2 1 µF, RG 10 MΩ, Rsig 100 kΩ, gm 2
mA/V, RD RL 10 kΩFind AM, fP1, fP2, fP3, and fL.

Ans. : -9.9 V/V, 0.016 Hz, 318 Hz, 8 Hz, 318 Hz

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Q3] Select appropriate values for the coupling capacitors CC1 and CC2 and the bypass
capacitor CS for a CS amplifier for which RG = 4.7 MΩ, RD = RL = 15 kΩ, Rsig = 100 kΩ,
and gm = 1 mA/V. It is required to have fL at 100 Hz and that the nearest break frequency
be at least a decade lower.

Ans. : 3.3nF, 0.53μF, 1.6μF

Q4] The NMOS transistor in the discrete CS amplifier circuit of Fig. 3 is biased to have gm
= 1 mA/V. Find AM, fP1, fP2, fP3, and fL.

Fig. 3.

Ans. : -3.16 V/V, 1.9 Hz, 23.9 Hz, 108.3 Hz, 108.3 Hz

Q5] A discrete MOSFET common-source amplifier has Rin 2 MΩ, gm 4 mA/V, ro 100
kΩ, RD 10 kΩ, Cgs 2 pF, andCgd 0.5 pF. The amplifier is fed from a voltage source
with aninternal resistance of 500 kΩand is connected to a 10-kΩload. Find:
(a) the overall midband gain AM
(b) the upper 3-dB frequency fH
Ans. : -15.2 V/V, 33.1 KHz

Q6] The NMOS transistor in the discrete CS amplifier circuit of Fig. 3 is biased to have gm
1 mA/V and ro 100 kΩ. Find AM. If Cgs 1 pF and Cgd 0.2 pF, find fH.

Ans. : -3.06 V/V, 874.99 KHz

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Q7] The analysis of the high-frequency response of the common-source amplifier, presented
in the text, is based on the assumption that the resistance of the signal source, Rsig, is large
and, thus, that its interaction with the input capacitance Cin produces the “dominant pole”
that determines the upper 3-dB frequency fH. In some situations, however, the CS amplifier
is fed with a very low Rsig. To investigate the high-frequency response of the amplifier in
such a case, Fig. 4 shows the equivalent circuit when the CS amplifier is fed with an ideal
voltage source Vsig having Rsig 0. Note that CL denotes the total capacitance at the output
node. By writing a node equation at the output, show that the transfer function Vo/Vsig is
given by

𝑉𝑜 1 − 𝑠(𝐶𝑔𝑑 /𝑔𝑚 )
= −𝑔𝑚 𝑅𝐿 ′
𝑉sig 1 + 𝑠(𝐶𝐿 + 𝐶𝑔𝑑 )𝑅𝐿 ′

At frequencies (gm/cgd), the s term in the numerator can be neglected. In such case, what
is the upper 3-dB frequency resulting? Compute the values of AM and fH for the case: Cgd 
0.5 pF, CL 2 pF, gm 4 mA/V, and RL′5 kΩ.


Fig. 4.
Ans. : -20 V/V, 12.7 MHz

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Q8] Consider the common-emitter amplifier of Fig. 5 under the following conditions: Rsig
5 kΩ, R1 33 kΩ, R2 22 kΩ, RE 3.9 kΩ, RC 4.7 kΩ, RL 5.6 kΩ, VCC 5 V. The dc
emitter current can be shown to be IE ≈ 0.3 mA, at which 120, ro = 300 kΩ, and rx = 50
Ω. Find the input resistance Rin and the midband gain AM. If the transistor is specified to
have fT = 700 MHz and Cµ = 1 pF, find the upper 3-dB frequency fH. (VT= 25mV)


Ans. : 5.7 KΩ, -16.11 V/V, 1.79 MHz

Q9] For a version of the CE amplifier circuit in Fig. 8, Rsig 10 kΩ, R1 68 kΩ, R2 27 kΩ,
RE 2.2 kΩ, RC 4.7 kΩ, and RL 10 kΩ. The collector current is 0.8 mA, 200, fT 1
GHz, and Cµ0.8 pF. Neglecting the effect of rx and ro, find the midband voltage gain and
the upper 3-dB frequency fH.

Ans. : -32.8 V/V, 572 KHz

Best wishes

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