Caasi, Cristine Jane R. (fs1 - w1)

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Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge

Content and Pedagogy

Name of FS Student Cristine Jane R. Caasi

Course, Year and Section IV-BSE English B
Name of FS Mentor Prof. Betha Fe G. Cruz
Date November 28, 2023

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this activity, the FS student must be able to achieve the following intended
learning outcomes:
identify the strategies used by the teacher that promotes numeracy skills, literacy skills,
and higher order thinking skills
take an account on various strategies employed by the teacher; and
observe and categorize classroom communication strategies employed by the teacher
that support learners’ maximum involvement and greater accomplishment.

Activity 1. focus on the pedagogical content knowledge that recognizes the importance
of teachers’ mastery of content knowledge and its interconnectedness within and across
curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and critical understanding of the application of theories
and principles of teaching and learning. This activity further encompasses teachers’ ability to
apply developmentally appropriate and meaningful pedagogy grounded on content knowledge
and pedagogy. It takes into account teachers’ proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English
in the teaching and learning process, as well as needed skills in the use of communication
strategies, teaching strategies, and technologies to promote high-quality learning outcomes.


Direction: Read the following items below before observing an online/actual class.

Ask permission from a teacher that you will observe his/her online/actual
Follow the minimum health protocol at all times.
Observe classroom netiquette on the whole duration of the activity.
Accomplish all the given task in the observation report below.


Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge
Content and Pedagogy

Directions: Complete the table below. Indicate opposite each learning principle the part
of the lesson where it/they are employed/utilized.

Principles of Learning Part of the Lesson State evidence(s) that will prove your claim

1. Effective learning begins with the At the beginning of the lesson proper, the teacher
setting of clear and high states all the necessary learning expectations that
expectations of learning the students must have to achieve. For instance,
outcomes. before starting any activities or discussion, the
Presenting the objectives of
teacher makes sure to inform the students of
the lesson
things they need to accomplish in a given time
period. The importance of practicing this conduct
is to set their mind with a clear vision they must
2. Learning is an active process. The teacher asked a series of questions to the
students about their past lesson before
proceeding to the new lesson they had. By
signifying questions, the teacher helps them
Elicit part where reviewing
generate their ideas and lets them answer the
the previous lesson
question on their own. The crucial part of asking
questions that lead to the lesson is that it helps
the students actively process the information in
their minds.
3. Learning is the discovery of The teacher asked relatable questions among the
personal meaning and relevance students, and it is evidently seen that they
of ideas. participated by answering the question based on
their personal observations about the situation
Motivation of the lesson
they had noticed in their surroundings. Through
the ideas that the learners have accumulated,
they can uncover the essence of meaningful
4. Learning is a cooperative and a The teacher promotes collaborative work among
collaborative process. Learning is the students by initiating them to lend a helping
enhanced in an atmosphere of hand to their classmates who need help. The
Developing mastery
cooperation and collaboration. students gained knowledge through collaboration
because the teacher was able to encourage them
to have a positive attitude..


Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge
Content and Pedagogy

1. Are there other principles not applied by the teacher nor listed in the table?
If yes write them on the space provided.
Realizing the various learning principles listed above, I would say that there is still something missing: the
principle of experiential or meaningful learning. I believe that in this instance, the learners are free to experience
such things at their own pace. They are having the opportunity to apply almost all of the learning principles in
such a way that they can apply them to their learning process. As an example, when students are required to
work collaboratively with other group members while also learning on their own, these activities—such as games,
role plays, and even experiments—may be effective if students are able to do so in a way that they still find
enjoyable. In truth, there are still many ways to make learning enjoyable for our students; we simply need to
figure out which ones.

2. What skills are developed/enhanced during the learning process?

During the lecture proper, there are various skills developed or enhanced in the teaching-learning process,
and these are: reading, writing, listening, speaking, communication skills, critical thinking, and active
participation. For instance, the teacher lets the students have a reading activity, and through this, they
determine some elements of the story that enhance their writing skills. In the discussion of the lesson, the
students develop their listening skills, and through recitation, they can also strengthen their speaking and
communication skills. Furthermore, active participation was also built up among the students since they
gave frequent answers whenever the teacher asked them.

3. What did the teacher do to enhanced/developed the needed skills?

To achieve development in various skills, the teacher used various strategies, like the Socratic method or
dialogue based on a question and answer, through the utilization of the resources with which they could
read the selection and let the students have a reading report. For example, the teacher employed a daily
question among the students to know if they could grasp the lesson. Additionally, she encouraged her
students to express themselves and hear every answer from them; for that reason, the students had the
opportunity to share their ideas in the class. Moreover, the lesson was also employed by the ICT resource,
in which the students helped follow the selection and submit an application through a reading report.


Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge
Content and Pedagogy

4. What communication skills were utilized by the teacher during the teaching-
learning process?
In the conduct of the teaching-learning process, the teacher utilized communication skills such as confidence
(this is seen in the whole duration of the lesson proper as she naturally guides her students nicely and
leniently), nonverbal cues like eye contact, hand gestures, and posture of the teacher while discussing the
topic (additionally, she caters to the whole front of the room as she roams around while discussing), and of
course, the tone of her voice is also reflected as it has been modulated throughout the discussion.
Additionally, she also imposes active listening on the students, as she asks them frequent questions
regarding their lesson while the students also participate. Furthermore, she also possessed clarity while
speaking because the students implied understanding by answering questions, and she also showed respect
in communicating with them; as a matter of fact, she was very kind to them throughout their activity.

5. Describe how the learners respond to the communication strategies of the


As I have observed in the class, there is a noticeable rule they implemented, and this is the EOS, or English
Only Policy, in which the students are all aware that they must respond in the English language whenever
they are talking to one another. However, it may be that some of the students failed to follow the rule. I have
seen that the other students reminded their classmates of the language they must speak. Furthermore, as I
have perceived that our resource teacher is very kind, it can be determined that her class has a light-weight
atmosphere because the students were calm during the discussion, and I haven’t felt any pressure among
them. Lastly, the students responses to the teacher may not be totally enthusiastic, but I still noticed the
respect they possessed in the teaching-learning process.


Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge
Content and Pedagogy

Directions: Identify the strategy/technique used by the teacher throughout the learning process. Write or
attach proof/s below the column of either inductive method of teaching or deductive method of teaching.

Procedure Strategy/Technique

Motivation (Inductive Method)

The teacher presented an image of
the painting The Man with the Hoe
(French: L’homme a la houe) by
Jean-François Millet. In this sense,
the teacher presented a specific
example, forming a general idea.

Presentation of the lesson

(Deductive Method)
The teacher posed a question that
served as the general idea of the
lesson and tried to encourage the
students to think of specific ideas
they had in mind.
Development of the lesson
(Inductive Method)
The teacher let the students read
the poem and discover the
underlying broad meaning of the

Generalization/ Closure/
(Inductive Method)
Drawing insights
The teacher posted a series of
questions that will make them realize
the main idea or general lesson of
the poem, The Man with the Hoe.

Enrichment/ Application/Fixing
(Deductive Method)
Skills The teacher asked a specific
question among the students to
deal with the general message of
the selection.

(Deductive Method)
The teacher employed a pen-and-
paper test with 10 items of multiple
choice. In this manner, the questions
are formed to be general and test the
knowledge of the students.

Agreement/Assignment The teacher did not give the students any assignments, but they have
an agreement that they need to read at home some reading materials,
especially short stories.


Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge
Content and Pedagogy


Answer the following questions:

Are the learning principles applied by the teacher appropriate with the nature of the learners
and learning conditions? Why/Why not?

In my observation, the learning principles that the teacher applied are appropriate to the nature of
learners, and also in the learning conditions, this is found in the instances where the teacher employed
familiar words in discussing the topic. Additionally, by setting goals and objectives, making them active
in the discussion, and discovering the message of the selection through various strategies, the teacher
ensured that the flow of the discussion was smoothly executed. Lastly, the teacher also reminds the
students to think based on their level of understanding, the same with their actions and deeds inside the
classroom; in that way, this helps them to be more critical in their thinking.

Did you observed passive learners? If yes, what might be their reasons why they are
Having a passive learner in the classroom is inevitable; there are various kinds of attitudes that the
students possess in a class. In the context of what I have observed, some learners are passive or choose
to be silent when the teacher is asking a question, and in my opinion, the reasons why they are not
actively participating in the discussion are that they lack interest in the topic, they did not understand the
discussion, they are having a hard time absorbing the lesson, and they are also afraid and too shy to
express their ideas in the class. Lastly, I have also noticed that these passive learners can silently
participate in listening, while on the other hand, the others merely rely on their classmates who are
actively participating.

Are the communication strategies used by the teacher appropriate to the level of the
There is Justify?
an appropriateness of the communication strategies used by the teacher to the level of the
learners because I have noticed that in discussing the content of the topic, the teacher used familiar
words for the learners to easily understand the lesson. There were also times when the teacher asked the
students to explain the meaning of unfamiliar words. Additionally, they also have an example of how to
grasp the meaning of unfamiliar words and use them in a sentence. Moreover, the teacher utilized
nonverbal communication for students who were not able to follow, such as those who were mute and
deaf. She undoubtedly helped that student follow the lesson.


Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge
Content and Pedagogy

If you are the teacher, what possible learning principle(s) and strategy(ies) would you apply
to elicit meaningful learning?
Given that situation, I think, having varied learners, I would employ all the learning principles for
maybe each day or every other day. For the reason that there are many other ways or strategies I
can practice to encourage them to learn, the more learners exposed to the various forms of
activities, the more they can participate or be active, it is also important to consider that learning
must be enjoyable. Students are more likely to be eager to learn in class or move on from a topic
when they are aware that the teacher always has these surprising activities. I do believe that one
technique will not be sufficient as the future approaches. Because of this, my responsibility should
be to prepare diverse tactics, acquire ways for managing a large group of students, and obtain
knowledge from the experiences of others or mentors. As a result, I think that meaningful learning
results from authentic experiences created by the students and facilitated by the teacher.


1. Among the principles of learning, which one is the most important for you?
Substantiate your answer.
Given the various principles, honestly, it is difficult to weigh among those principles. As
a result, I greatly perceive two principles: the discovery of personal meaning and the power of
collaboration. Pardon me if I choose two, but these two really have the same contradictory
value to me. The discovery of personal meaning has something to do with the rich production
of the mind in which personal knowledge may be acquired. There has been a different impact if
an individual learns it on their own; a sense of satisfaction and retention is present. On the
other hand, through collaboration, learning has been very effective because there is an
exchange of thoughts and ideas from which all of the group members can benefit. Based on
my experiences, these two have strengths and weaknesses; however, when two combine, a
better outcome may happen. A matter of balancing the two can be a great mix and match. As
evidence, individual work may not always be applicable; it must also be helpful when there is a
connection with others, yet collaboration may not also work when there is need to do it on their
own or a more self-developed one.

2. What insight did you learn from the class activities that you have observed?

Learning must have an accountable outcome for development. I have

noticed that before proceeding to the next lesson, there must be consideration of
learning and understanding the lesson. The students must at least have achieved
knowledge and skills in dealing with the lesson with the great guidance of the
teacher, and through the help of provoking questions, it must enhance their critical
thinking skills and enable them to create ideas of their own. One thing I am sure I
can also utilize in the future is letting your students help one another accomplish
the tasks. This is not necessarily letting the students copy the work of their
classmates, but assisting them to also make progress in their work. This, I think,
will help my future classes collaborate and cooperate. Finally, being kind,
considerate, and lenient are the positive possessions that I must consider in the
future, but with a balance of everything, as I have also learned with our resource


Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge
Content and Pedagogy


(November 28, 2023)

“A privilege of a first-ever

It was an honor to be one of the pre-

service teachers to be plotted here at
Pangasinan National High School. A mixed
emotion of gratitude and overwhelm.


Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge
Content and Pedagogy


Our kind resource

teacher, Ma’am Regine
C. Maneclang, will never
forget her genuine heart
for teaching.


Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge
Content and Pedagogy


“A privilege of first-ever

An amazement at calling and being

greeted by “Good morning, ma’am!”
And finally, being able to witness the
whole process of teaching in the
classroom, I realized that truly
teaching is a challenging role to fulfill.

Self- Peer FS Over-all

Rating Rating Mentor’s



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