Tempo Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mapeh III

Prepared By: Lucy D. Buencamino

I. General Aims;
A. Content Standarsd: Demonstrate slow and fast tempo through movement and song;

B. Performing Standards: Recognize and imitate slow and fast tempo through

C. Learners Competencies/ Code:Mimics animal movement,demonstrate the concept

of tempo

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Tempo
Textbook: page 85-89
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, illustration of animals, video, stick

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Performing Routinize Activities
a. Prayer
-Good Morning, Class! Before we start may
I request everyone to please stand up and let
us all sing the “Jesus Loves Me” followed by -Angel of God My guardian dear to
our daily prayer to be led by ___. whom his love commits me here. Ever
this day is at my side to light and guard,
to rule and guide. Amen
-Good morning, ma’am, good morning
b. Greetings classmates, Mabuhay! 3x

-Once again, Good Morning Class!

-Class, May I introduce to you our visitors -Good morning Visitors!

for today… Mabuhay!3x
-(Introducing the visitors)

-Alright! Before you seat down kindly please

pick up the pieces of paper in the ground and
arrange your tables and chairs properly, in a
count of five. 1,2,3,4 and 5, you may now
take your seats. -Thank you, ma’am!

-How are you today, class?

-Did you eat your breakfast? -We are good ma’am!

c. Checking of Attendance

- Okay class, let’s check your attendance,

once I call your name, you will response to
me hep hep, horay! Is that clear?

d. Checking of Assignment -Yes, ma’am!

-Now, were done checking your attendance.

Now, do you have an assignment?

e.Classroom Rules
- (The learners will repeat the class rules).
-Class our classroom rules are first is you
will listen, the second one is you will
participate and the last one is have fun.
Again, repeat after me. (Listen, participate
and have fun).
2. Drill
-I have a picture here, I want everyone to tell
me what animals it is okay class?
-it’s an horse ma’am
- I’ll show you the picture and tell me how it
-First picture, what animal is this? -The horse move very fast
(Show the animals picture)
-Yes it’s a horse!
-How does the horse move?
-Very good! The horse move very fast -It’s a turtle ma’am

-How about the second picture?

(Show the animals picture) -The turtle move very slow
-what animal is this?
-Very good
-How does the turtle move?
-Yes! The turtle move very slow

3. Review

-Before we proceed to our new lesson for -Ma’am, our topic yesterday is about
today, who can remember our last topic Dynamics.
yesterday? Anyone?
-Yes___? -Dynamics is the volume of the
-very good! sound/music.
-what is Dynamics?
-Very good! Here’s your star and give___ an
up amazing clap!

4. Motivation

-Okay, may I request everyone to please

stand up and we will sing a song entitled
Twinkle twinkle little star with a different
beat. -Yes,ma’am!
-Are you ready?
-Okay I will sing first and you will follow
(In a video presentation) -Yes,ma’am!
-Class, did you get it?
-Okay lets sing one more time -(Pupil’s will sing)
-thank you class for participating
-you may now take your seat.
B. Developmental Activities

Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities

1. Presentation
-Now, what do you notice about the beat of
the song that we sung? -Ma’am it was slow at first and then it
-Yes____? goes faster.

Very well said. Here’s your star.

-So, what do you think our topic for today?

-Use this jumbled letter to help you know

our topic for today.

-Okay! Now, we are going to discuss another -(learners can’t answer correctly)
one elements of music which is tempo.

-But, before we proceed to our topic for

today, let us read first our objectives of this

-So, our topic for today is about Tempo.

Tempo is the speed of the song or music

It can be fast
It can be slow

-just like how we sung the Twinkle twinkle

little stars a while ago.

-We sang the song in slow and fast tempo.

2. Fixing Skills
- For better understanding, we will watch a -Singing a song such as rap song,
video about tempo by Mr. Greg. dancing, running, clapping our hands.

-Let us stand and follow what Mr. Greg

wants us to do in a video.

-Now, who can give me an example of slow

-Very good!
-Again class, tempo is the speed of the song - tempo is the speed of the song it can be
it can be slow just like how the turtle walk fast and slow.
and it can be fast just like how the horse run.

-Okay, did you get it class? -Yes ma’am

-So, are there any questions? -none ma’am
-am I understood? -Yes ma’am
-Very good!

4. Application

-Since you already know what tempo means.

Now, we going to have a group activity -Yes ma’am
-Are you all excited?

-Okay, I will group you into three groups;

each group will be given a puzzle to
assemble. Once you have assembled the
puzzle, you are now going to imitate
animal’s movement with an appropriate

-this is the group 1, 2 and 3.

-(The teacher will distribute to both groups)

Group 1- Flying Bird

Group 2- Running Cat
Group 3- Jumping Dog

Setting Rules

-Do not shout and play

-Give thoughtful feedback
-Participate actively -Yes ma’am
-Respect others

-Are you all done with the activity?

-Okay class; go back to your seats. (Learner’ will go back to their seats).
IV Evaluation

Direction: Identify the tempo of the following pictures.

1. Bird
2. Cat
3. Dog
4. Turtle
5. Horse

IV. Assignment

1. Based on your own understanding what is tempo?

2. What is the difference between slow and fast tempo and give example on one of each?

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Noted by: Checked by:

Dean, College of Education DMJES/School Principal II

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