Tempo Lesson Plan
Tempo Lesson Plan
Tempo Lesson Plan
I. General Aims;
A. Content Standarsd: Demonstrate slow and fast tempo through movement and song;
B. Performing Standards: Recognize and imitate slow and fast tempo through
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
Topic: Tempo
Textbook: page 85-89
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, illustration of animals, video, stick
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Performing Routinize Activities
a. Prayer
-Good Morning, Class! Before we start may
I request everyone to please stand up and let
us all sing the “Jesus Loves Me” followed by -Angel of God My guardian dear to
our daily prayer to be led by ___. whom his love commits me here. Ever
this day is at my side to light and guard,
to rule and guide. Amen
-Good morning, ma’am, good morning
b. Greetings classmates, Mabuhay! 3x
c. Checking of Attendance
e.Classroom Rules
- (The learners will repeat the class rules).
-Class our classroom rules are first is you
will listen, the second one is you will
participate and the last one is have fun.
Again, repeat after me. (Listen, participate
and have fun).
2. Drill
-I have a picture here, I want everyone to tell
me what animals it is okay class?
-it’s an horse ma’am
- I’ll show you the picture and tell me how it
-First picture, what animal is this? -The horse move very fast
(Show the animals picture)
-Yes it’s a horse!
-How does the horse move?
-Very good! The horse move very fast -It’s a turtle ma’am
3. Review
-Before we proceed to our new lesson for -Ma’am, our topic yesterday is about
today, who can remember our last topic Dynamics.
yesterday? Anyone?
-Yes___? -Dynamics is the volume of the
-very good! sound/music.
-what is Dynamics?
-Very good! Here’s your star and give___ an
up amazing clap!
4. Motivation
1. Presentation
-Now, what do you notice about the beat of
the song that we sung? -Ma’am it was slow at first and then it
-Yes____? goes faster.
-Okay! Now, we are going to discuss another -(learners can’t answer correctly)
one elements of music which is tempo.
2. Fixing Skills
- For better understanding, we will watch a -Singing a song such as rap song,
video about tempo by Mr. Greg. dancing, running, clapping our hands.
4. Application
Setting Rules
-Okay class; go back to your seats. (Learner’ will go back to their seats).
IV Evaluation
1. Bird
2. Cat
3. Dog
4. Turtle
5. Horse
IV. Assignment