National Income Accounting
National Income Accounting
National Income Accounting
NI x1 p1 x2 p2 x3 p3 ... xk pk ...
Intermediate vs. final goods
Intermediate goods (goods used for further
Final goods (goods that flow for ultimate
Net income is the difference between the income earned from abroad
by normal residents of a country and the factor income earned by non-
residents (foreigners) in the domestic territory of that country.
The normal residents of a country earn factor income not only within
the domestic territory of a country but outside it also.
Income from outside can be earned mainly in two ways, namely (1)
income from work and (2) income from property and
Note here that Factor costs are really the costs of all the factors of
production such as labor, capital, energy, raw materials like steel etc
that are used to produce a given quantity of output in an economy.
Gross Domestic Products at Market price and
Factor cost
Expenditure approach
GDPMP = Consumption Expenditure+Government
expenditure + Gross private domestic investment +
Production approach
Sector 1990-91 (in crores) 2004-05
PRIMARY 33.5 22.1
1) Agriculture 28.3 17.6
2) Forestry & Fishing 2.7 1.9
3) Mining & Quarying 2.5 2.6
SECONDARY 26.9 24.7
4) Manufacturing 18.7 15.8
5) Electricity, gas and water 2.2 2.6
6) Construction 6.0 6.1
TERTIARY 39.7 53.3
7) Trade, hotels and restaurant 13.0 16.2
8) Transport 7.1 8.5
9)Banking and insurance 4.4 5.8
10)Real estate, dwellings 3.7 8.5
11) Public adm. And defense 5.7 6.1
12) Other services 5.8 8.2
GDP at Market price 33.5+26.9+39.7 22.1+24.7+53.3
Calculating GDP
The Expenditure Approach
There are four main categories of expenditure:
GDPmp = C + I + G + (X - M)
Find NDP at factor cost from the following data. (amount in
(i) Gross domestic fixed investment 10000
(ii) Inventory investment 5000
(iii) Depreciation 2000
(iv) Indirect taxes 1000
(v) Subsidies 2000
(vi) Private Consumption expenditure 9000
(vii) Government Consumption exp. 11000
(viii) Net Exports 1200
Calculating GDP
RGDP1995 = Quanity1995*Price1990
RGDP: Example
Year Price Quantity Price of Quantity of NGDP
of Balls of Balls Burgers Burgers
2009 $1 100 $2 50 $1*100+$2*50 = $200
2010 $2 150 $3 100 $2*150+$3*100 = $600
2011 $3 200 $4 150 $3*200+$4*150 = $1,200