Cbr.m.radit Febrianda Hasibuan

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Appointed to fulfil English language assignment

Supporting Lecturer : Ananda Meisarah Harahap, M.Hum

Arranged BY :







Book Title : Smart English Grammar


Book Publisher : PT Gramedia utama anggota IKAPI,Jakarta

First Print: April 2015

Number of pages : 488

ISBN : 978 - 602 - 03 - 1538 - 6


Unit 1 : NOUN ( Kata Benda )

In this material we will discuss the types, functions and ways of forming nouns

A .Kinds of Noun
English grammar experts vary in grouping nouns, A.J Tomshon and A.V Martinet
in their book Practical English Grammar group nouns into four groups, namely:
a. Common Noun (umum) : dog, table, chair, dll
b. Proper Noun (nama diri) : Indonesian, Mr.Radit, Anita, dll
c. Abstrak Noun (abstrak) : beuty, charity, courage, dll
d. Collective Noun (kelompok) : crowd, flock, group, swarm, dll

While in the ABC English Grammar book by Drs. John Hartanto et al, objects have
two forms, namely, abstract objects and concrete objects. then the concrete object
consists of :

a. Proper naun : Lisa, Jakarta, dll

b. Common naun : teacher, book, plane, dll
c. Material naun : gold, paint, silver, dll
d. Collective naun : flock, division, class, dll

Globally, we can group nouns based on several things as follows:

1. Judging from the number (number of nouns), we can group nouns:

a. singular noun (single object): chair, table, child, man, etc.
b. plural noun (plural objects): chairs, tables, children, men, etc.

We will discuss how to change from singular to plural in another unit.

2. Judging from their characteristics, nouns are grouped:

a. countable noun (can be counted): table, chair, pencil, ruler, etc.
b. uncountable noun (cannot be counted): water, sugar, rice, air, etc.

There are also those who term count and non-count nouns.

3. Judging from their form, nouns can be grouped:

a. concrete (real, visible, concrete): house, table, chair, bike, etc.
b. abstract (unreal, invisible, abstract): advice, education, agreement, etc.

B. Function of Noun
In sentences or in narrative, nouns can function as:

1. Subject of verb (subjek dari kata kerja):

Arvian studies.
The boys played.
The bird flew.

2. Object of verb ( objek dari kata kerja):

Arvian studies English
They played soccer
My brother bought an English book

3. Complement of verb be, become, seem (pelengkap dari be, become,

Arvian is a boy
They are brothers
Gilang became a manager

4. Object of preposition (objek dari preposisi):

I talked to Arvian
Can I speak to Mr. Arif?
He went to Jakarta by plane

5. As possessive case (bentuk kepunyaan/kepemilikan):

Arvian’s car
My mother’s bag
The girl’s hair

C. The How to Form Noun

The form of a noun can be a word of origin and can also be a formed word. Formed
nouns are nouns that are obtained by adding affixes to the base word. Formed nouns can take
the form of adjectives becoming nouns, verbs becoming nouns, and nouns becoming nouns.

1. Adjective to Noun
To form an adjective into a noun we can do this by:
a. Add adjectives with- ness
b. Add adjective with -y/ty
c. Add adjective with -ry
d. Add adjective with –ence
e. Add adjective with -ance

2. Verb to Noun
To form a verb into a noun we can do this by:
a. Add verbs with -ment
b. Add verbs with -ion/tion/ation
c. Add verbs with -or
d. Add verbs with -y
e. Add verbs with -t
f. Add vebrs with -ure
g. Add verbs with -r/er
h. Add verbs with -ance, ence

3. Noun to Noun
We can to this to form a noun into another noun with :
a. Add the base noun with –ry/ery/ary
b. Add the base noun with –ist
c. Add the base noun with –y
d. Add the base noun with ly
e. Add the base noun with –ity
f. Add the base noun with –y/cy
g. Add the base noun with –an/ian
h. Add the base noun with –ship .

Unit 2 : PLURAL FORM OF NOUN (Bentuk jamak kata benda)

A. Regular Plural ( Bentuk jamak beraturan)

Regular plural are plurals that are formed regularly by adding the letter’-s’
after the singular noun. For example :
1 book = one book
5 book = five books

Not all plural nouns have the letter "S" added, some have the letter "ES"
added. Some provisions for plural nouns with the letter "ES" added are as

1. Singular nouns ending in hissing sounds, namely: s, sh, ch, x, and z, the
plural form plus "ES".
2. 2. Singular nouns ending with the letter "Y" before a consonant, the plural
form "Y" is removed then "IES" is added, or "Y" is replaced by "I" then
"ES".If before the letter "Y" is a vowel (vowel), the plural form is
immediately added with "S", not "IES"
3. Single noun ending in the letter "O" preceded by a consonant (consonant)
which is a natural object, the plural form is added with "ES".
Singular nouns ending in the letter "O" are previously consonant but are
not natural objects, the plural form is immediately added with "S", not
"ES".Singular nouns end in the letter "O" before a vowel and "Y", the
plural form immediately adds "S".
4. 4. Singular nouns ending in the letters "F" or "FE", the plural form "F" is
replaced by "V" then "ES" is added to become "VES.
There are exceptions to some nouns ending in "F" or "FE", the plural form
of which does not have the addition of "VES", but the letters "F" or "FE"
are still and are immediately added with "S".

B. Irregular Plural

Irregular plural is an irregular plural, that is, it does not follow the
basic rules of having an additional "S" after the singular noun, but has its
own form or different. Because it doesn't follow the rules (plus an "S") it is
called irregular.

C. How to Form Plural Compound Nouns
To form plural compound noun Necessary:
1. Plural noun:
mother-in-law mothers-in-law
fathers-in-law father-in-law
son-in-law sons-in-law
daughter-in-law daughters-in-law
brother-in-law brothers-in-law
sister-in-law sisters-in-law
passer-by passers-by
court martial courts-martial
2. All nouns are pluralized:
man-servant men-servants
woman-servant women-servants
man-teacher men-teachers
woman-teacher women-teachers



A. Advantage of the Book

This book has quite complete material, and the material provided is also quite
easy to understand, with an attractive cover that makes readers want to read this book,
and with its small size, making it easy to carry anywhere, Basically, this book is
highly recommended for readers.

B. Disadvantages of the Book

Apart from the advantages this book also has disadvantages, The downside to
this book is that it has a large number of pages, which makes the book thick and heavy,
and makes readers lazy to read it. Apart from that, the paper in this book has a yellow
color, which makes the book look dull and the writing on the book looks vague to the
reader, and this book there are no pictures which make this book uninteresting.
Although there are shortcomings in this book, However, this book is still a book that can
be recommended. because the material in this book is complete and examples are also
included, so readers don't need another book.


A. Conclusion

From the material that has been presented, it can be concluded that nouns have
several types and several functions, and nouns also have plural forms, as explained on
the previous page. And this book there are advantages and disantages that will determine
wheter this book is suitable for readers or not.

B. Critics
1. Provide interesting explanations to read because every explanation or theory in this
book follows the inclusion of examples in everyday life
2. The language used is so simple that it makes it easier for the reader to understand
the content of the book.
3. Book cover is less interesting.
4. Material explanation is too short
5. Book content is not complete.

C. Sugestion
For readers, the results of this critical book review are expected to increase
insight and knowledge of this book.

As the author of this critical book review, I apologize if there are still many
shortcomings in the use of words and language, and errors in this assignment. I hope
readers are satisfied with the results that have been create


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