Nba Offseason Improvement Drills

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NBA Improvement Drills

Table of Contents

1. NBA Improvement Drills 2

1.1 2 min Shooting Tempo Drill 2

1.2 Close out, curl shot 2

1.3 Curl Fade Transition shot 2

1.4 8 shots in 30 sec 3

1.5 3 point checkpoint 2 min 3

1.6 Front-back in 2 min 3

1.7 2 ball combo drill 4

1.8 Zipper central pick drill 4

1.9 DHO flare drill 4

pg. 1
2 min Shooting Tempo Drill 2 min Shooting Tempo Drill
Shooting Drills Shooting Drills

2 1 2

First 30 sec: Corner to elbow catch shoot Last 30 seconds - catch on 3p line middle, 1 dribble pullup.
Second 30 sec: Elbow to elbow catch shoot Alternate drive left-right, every time.
Third 30 sec: Elbow to corner catch shoot
GOAL: In 2 min total - 24 makes minimum (raise the minimum
level up to 30 as players advance)

Close out, curl shot Close out, curl shot

Shooting Drills Shooting Drills

Close out Close out

1 1 2

45 sec 45 sec

GOAL: make 12 in 1 min 30 sec 45 seconds each side, no pause, 1m30s total

1 does a corner close out from help open stance position, then
sprints into a curl elbow shot. Sprints back to help position and
repeats. 45 seconds one side, 45 second other side.

Curl Fade Transition shot Curl Fade Transition shot Curl Fade Transition shot
Shooting Drills Shooting Drills Shooting Drills

2 2 2

1 1

3 shots, 3 sets - 9 total. GOAL: Make 7/9 shots SHOT 2: 1 fades out to 3 point line, catch shoot SHOT 3: 1 sprints to half court, sprints back and takes the
transition 3 point shot.
SHOT 1: 1 curls to elbow, catch shoot. 2 is the passer and
rebounder Go back to corner and repeat the 3 shot set, 3 times.

pg. 2
8 shots in 30 sec 8 shots in 30 sec
Shooting Drills Shooting Drills

2 2

3rd shot 2nd shot 6th shot 7th shot

4th shot 8th shot

11st shot 1
5th shot

1 - catch shoot 3, 2 - touch the elbow, fade out, 3 - run

across, catch shoot, 4 - touch the center, sprint shoot.
Repeat, other side.

GOAL: make as many in 30 seconds

RECORD: 8/8 in 24 seconds

3 point checkpoint 2 min 3 point checkpoint 2 min

Shooting Drills Shooting Drills

2/2 2/2
2/2 2 1 1 2 2/2

2/2 2/2
2/2 2/2

2/2 2/2

GOAL: Opposite corner and back in 2 minutes

Rules: 5 checkpoints, make 2/2 and go to the next spot. Miss

and you stay in the same spot until you make 2/2

Front-back in 2 min
Shooting Drills


Start with corner mid range. Made shot - go to the next spot,
missed shot - go back one spot.

GOAL: Go do the opposite corner and back to the start, with

the makes, in 2 minutes!

pg. 3
2 ball combo drill 2 ball combo drill
Combo Drills Combo Drills

2 2

2 balls

- 2 balls, 3 hand switches in a row (front, thru legs, elbow curl, all shot options
- push pass without catching the other ball
- hesitation penetration (all finishes)

Zipper central pick drill

Shooting Drills


Zipper downscreen, recieve the ball, 2 dribble attack

the opposite elbow, pull up shot.

DHO flare drill DHO flare drill

Shooting Drills Shooting Drills

1 2
3 3

1 drive handoff, 2 recieve the ball, 3 coach with 2nd 1 flare screen, pass from coach, 1 drive shot
ball 2 set up the side pick, attach ft 2 dribble pull up

pg. 4

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