ADNH Female Accomodation Audit Report - ADNOC

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ADNOC Classification: Restricted




Approved by:

Khalid Al Hosani
Vice President
Group General Services Division

Date: 16th November 2020

Version :0
Document Owner : ADNOC Group General Services Division
Document Number : AHQ/HSE/CSS/REP/005/R00/19
ADNOC Classification: Restricted

ORGANIZATION Group Services & Administration Function

SUBJECT ADNH Female Accomodation HSEMS & Welfare Management System Audit
& CAMP Inspection Report

AUDIT DATE 16 November 2020

REPORT Latifa Alkhoori, Engineer, HSE – HSE Section, Group General Services


Latifa Alkhoori Engineer, HSE
Abdulla Al Mansoori Officer, Waste Management, R&HSD

INFORMATION The findings within this report and the activities discussed during the audit
CLASSIFICATION remain “Restricted” to the company.

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1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 4

2. OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................... 5

3. AUDIT SCOPE .................................................................................................................................. 5

4. AUDIT CRITERIA.............................................................................................................................. 6

5. AUDIT METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 6

6. AUDIT TEAM .................................................................................................................................... 6

7. FINDINGS ......................................................................................................................................... 6

8. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................ 10

9. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 11

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ADNOC Classification: Restricted


HSE Section of Group General Services Division in liaison with the Cleaning Section of Recreation &
Hospitality Services Department has conducted an audit on the Welfare Management System of ADNH’s
Female Accomodation, later referred to as CAMP, as part of the Contract Mobilization Plan, wherein all
new contracts are subject to HSE and Welfare audits to assure compliance with ADNOC Contractor
Welfare Management Standard [HSE-OH-ST07] before the execution phase of the contract.

In light of the pandemic, arrangements pertaining to COVID-19 have also been looked at in order to
determine the degree of compliance to COVID-19 precautionary measures to ensure the degree of health
and safety among all personnel and staff.

This report presents the findings resulting from the mentioned audit, which was carried out on 16
November 2020 at the CAMP in Musaffah, Abu Dhabi.

Summary of Positive Findings:

The audit team found the below positive aspects witnessed during the CAMP audit:

 Female CAMP Manager, Afra Allal, is well knowleadgeable on all CAMP arrangements and

 24/7 presence of security personnel in order to control the movement into/out of the building

 Presence of an escalation matrix where the contact numbers of senior management from
ADNH were prominently displayed in the reception/lobby area for occupants to utilize in case
of concerns/issues.

 Presence of a “Speak Up” system, where any staff facing any concerns or issues (i.e. regarding
salaries, health, harassment…etc.) has the ability to utilize this helpline for support.

 Presence of an area that will be fully utilized for the provision of recreational facilities to be
used by occupants, with a booking system in place to control usage flow and limit the number
of people / space in light of COVID-19.

Summary of Areas for Improvement:

The audit team found the below as some of the areas of improvement for further action:

 Security personnel did not strictly implement the check-in log nor did she ask for our latest
COVID-19 result

 COVID-19 arrangements are inadequate in terms of sufficient social distancing measures (i.e.
elevators too small but allows for 4 people as per the signage installed), inadequate sanitizer

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ADNOC Classification: Restricted

dispenser installations in common areas, absence of isolation rooms in case of COVID-19

confirmed/suspected cases…etc.).

 A formal process of emergency preparedness in case of fire or COVID-19 suspected/positive

case is not established, as common areas (i.e. elevator lobbies…etc.) did not have emergency
evacuation escape plans/routes displayed although the building is already occupied by some

 Cleanliness of the building is not up to the expected standard.

 Matresses of some rooms were unclean, although Shafea, Accomodation Manager, claimed
that they were only samples and are to be replaced with new matresses

 Several lockers provided were not in good condition

 WIFI is being paid by staff although their salary currently does not include an allowance for

 Inadeqaute laundry drying facilities available


The prime objective of this HSE Contractor Welfare Management Audit was to provide assurance to
ADNOC Management that:

 ADNH is in compliance with ADNOC Contractor Welfare Management Standard [HSE-OH-


 ADNH has an appropriately implemented HSE Management System in place that is aligned

 ADNH has adequate arrangements to fight against the spread of COVID-19 and maintain the
wellbeing of its occupants


An audit on the implementation of Contractor Welfare Management Framework, COVID-19 precautions

and measures including all interfaces with relevant facilities, inside the CAMP and with Third Parties was
performed on Musaffah Garden as part of the mobilization plan of the awarded contract, in order to
smoothly move into the execution phase.

Specific attention was paid to the following topics:

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 Contractor Welfare Management

 Adequacy of Medical and Emergency Response
 COVID-19 Requirements, Procedures & Guidelines


The CAMP audit was carried out considering UAE Law & ADNOC HSE Policy & Standards

5. Audit Methodology

The Audit team members gathered audit evidences through:

 Review of documents to be submitted by the Auditee

 Physical inspection of the CAMP

 Interview with CAMP staff and ADNOC staff staying at the CAMP


The GGS audit team comprised of the following personnel:

 Latifa Alkhoori – Engineer, HSE, GGSD

 Abdulla Al Mansoori – Officer, Waste Management, R&HSD


The table below conveys the documents that need to be submitted for further evaluation, and includes a
list of Welfare & COVID-19 requirements and audit findings that were observed during the CAMP
inspection. The information detailed within this report relates to the audit, which was undertaken
objectively in accordance with company procedures.

Documents to be Submitted
1. Civil Defense Certificate
2. Commercial license
3. Accomodation layout with size of all areas
4. CWM / Tadweer Approval/Certificate

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5. Pest Control Activity License (TADWEER)

6. DOH Approval for first aid/medical facility and staff in head office
7. Transportation vehicles for project to be identified and inspected
Contractor Welfare Management
Item Description Standard/COVID-19 Audit Findings
Potential hazard contributors shall Ceiling blocks of some bathrooms
be eliminated as part of are not at the same level
engineering, construction and All ceilings to be inspected for the
maintenance above described issue and rectified to
avoid future incidents from happening.
Upon entry into one of the rooms,
nausiance odor was noticed.
Maintenance records of HVAC unit to
be submitted, and cleaning or other
alternative to be done to rectify issue.
Wherein self-washing facilities are Inadequate Laundry Drying
provided, appropriate personal cloth Facilities
drying arrangements shall be It was observed that there are
provided as necessary.
inadequate laundry drying facilities to
accommodate the number of
Laundry Services
2 occupants present per flat, as certain
& Facilities
personnel have turned to hanging their
clothes in the balcony outdoors,
although CAMP representatives
claimed that the balcony area always
remains locked.
Housing units must be cleaned daily. Standard of cleanliness of the
general areas witnessed is not up to
expected standard.
Bathrooms and toilets must be kept
clean and sanitary. They must be According to CAMP representatives, 2
cleaned at least once a day. cleaning staff are available on site to
Sterilisers must be used for perform regular cleaning of common
sanitisation. areas, and deep cleaning of entire
building once per month. Frequency of
deep cleaning of entire building is
Facilities and equipment provided recommended to be increased to 3
adequate, clean and maintained in times a week, and sanitization of
Cleanliess & good condition. frequently touched areas (i.e. counters,
Hygiene elevator buttons, door handles…etc.)
to be done periodically throughout the
day (in light of COVID-19).

Certain showers and ceilings have

been witnessed to be unclean
Deep cleaning of the former need to be
conducted before being allocated to
any staff, and cleaning of the latter
need to be done to avoid accumulation
of dirt.

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ADNOC Classification: Restricted

Some matressess have been

witnessed to be unclean.
According to the CAMP representative,
those matreses are only samples and
will be replaced before any staff are
brought in to utilize those rooms. Such
pre-requisite needs to be ensured and
Suitable security measures are in Security personnel did not make us
place for controlling entrance to and sign log sheet upon our entry into
exit from the camp and ensuring the CAMP, and did not check our
Facility rules are followed. COVID-19 test result either.
All security personnel to be instructed
4 Security Measures to strictly implement and utilize visitors
log sheet, even if they came for the
purpose of work, as well as check for
visitors/occupants/ COVID-19 test
result upon entry into the CAMP.

Camp management shall develop List of Fire Fighters, Floor Wardens,

and implement an effective and Emergency contact numbers to
Emergency response Plan and be posted in every room.
training record of personnel shall be
Emergency Emergency evacuation plan not
5 Response & available on site.
Preparedness Emergency evacuation plan/layout and
instructions to be followed in case of
fire (i.e. flow chart) should be posted
inside all rooms/corridors, and
communicated to all personnel.
A Welfare Committee of contractor Welfare Committee to be
ADNOC Group representatives established and implemented
shall be implemented to coordinate List of names of representatives to be
Welfare matters and ensure the submitted for future use when required.
implementation of the welfare
measures as per contractual
obligations. Insufficient illumination level within
the building
Lighting levels in toilet, storage All areas to have an illumination level
rooms, and other areas shall be in of a minimum of 100 LUX, whereas
line with Cabinet Decision No.13 of
6 Welfare Measures Kitchen area to have a minimum
2009, Ministerial Decree (212) of
illumination level of 150 LUX.
2014 and its amendment if any.
Lockers provided are not in good
Each person shall be provided with condition
a bed, side table and 2m high closet Lockers to be replaced and the
with a lock. minimum requirements for each person
as per government regulations need to
Provision of television and internet be in place (bed, side table and 2m
facilities shall be made with high closet with a lock).
consideration to the employee

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ADNOC Classification: Restricted

expectations, ethnicity and Staff are currently paying for their

availability of telecommunication own WIFI although CAMP
networks. representative stated that they are
not receiving an allowance for such.
Contractor shall ensure that the
It is recommended that WIFI is to be
Recreation Facilities are provided to
provided from the Contractor
its employees within their
Company’s side, or an allowance is
Contractor Camp, or provide access
to outside recreation facilities if provided for the same.
these cannot be provided within
their Camp. Recreational area to be set up and
confirmed once done.
A clear system to control utilization
shall be established to avoid crowding,
given the current circumstances of the
The management team of the Absence of response plan in
accommodation/industrial camps relation to having a COVID-19
shall adopt a responsible attitude to suspected/positive case in CAMP
address the threat of COVID-19 and It is recommended to post the list of
establish an action plan tailored to
response actions (flow chart) to be
the situation and implement it in
taken if the person inside the room is
accordance with the established
having any symptoms of COVID-19.
protocols established by Ministry of
Health & Prevention (MoHaP), This response action plan shall be
Department of Health (DoH) Abu properly communicated with all staff.
Dhabi, other relevant UAE
Government authorities and as Lack of social distancing measures
further detailed in ADNOC
Elevators have a single sticker on the
instructions document
“ACCOMMODATION CAMP floor for one person to use the lift at a
MANAGEMENT time but a signage indicating that 4
REQUIREMENTS FOR people can enter. The signage shall be
COVID-19”. removed as the elevator area is too
small for 4 people.
Lack of sanitizer dispensers in
common areas/elevator areas
It is recommended to have at least 2
sanitizer dispensers in every elevator
area, instead of 1.

Frequent sanitization and

disinfection of commonly touched
surfaces to be conducted in light of
COVID-19 as mentioned in point 3

Absence of isolation/quarantine
area within the accomodation itself.
Allocation of 20% of the accomodation
for isolation/quarantine purposes in
case a COVID-19

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Confirmed/Suspected Case has been

identified. Area to be equipped with
PPE and sanitary arrangements, and
to be sanitized and disinfected after

Some rooms have 6 beds. However,

according to ADNOC Group COVID-
19 Head Office Management Plan
and Operational Guidelines, “[t]he
number of occupants per room in
the accommodation/camps shall be
limited to a maximum of four (4) per
room with their own bathroom in all
This is in light of COVID-19 only, and
shall be adhered to during the period of
the pandemic.

ADNOC-assigned staff shall be

accomodated in allocated,
designated flats, and shall not
interact with other non-ADNOC

All COVID-19 requirements

previously shared and discussed
shall be taken into consideration
and implemented.


ADNOC has initiated the mobilizaion plan of the cleaning FWA that is to commence by the beginning of
next year. As part of the mobilization, HSE and Welfare audits are to be conducted on the awarded
contracts in order to ensure their compliance to ADNOC HSE & Welfare requirements. That being said,
the aforementioned audit has been conducted on ADNH’s female accomodation for ADNOC HQ
assigned manpower in order to complete the requirements of this phase of the contract in a timely manner.

The main positive findings include the presence of an existing system to support staff welfare by giving
them direct access to ADNH Senior Management for escalation of queries/concerns/issues.

Nonetheless, there are some areas of improvement (expressed in Section 8 - Findings), which require
senior management attention to ensure effective implementation.

In order to achieve effective implementation of the Contractor Welfare Management Standard & COVID-
19 requirements, ADNH shall develop an action plan to address the identified areas of improvement

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highlighted in this audit report and shall ensure timely close-out of those findings. It is recommended to
close those findings by Tuesday 24 November, 2020.

It is recognized that the ADNH Team showed and are showing genuine willingness to improve.


 ADNOC Contractor Welfare Management Standard [HSE-OH-ST07]

 ADNOC Accommodation Camp Management Requirements for COVID-19

 ADNOC Group COVID-19 Head-Office Management Plan & Operational Guidelines V.5.

 UAE Government. (2020). Labour accommodation. Retrieved from


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