Lea 3 Security
Lea 3 Security
Lea 3 Security
free from any threat or vulnerability from somewhere or someone in his/her life,
liberty, property or activity.
FIRE - It could be in physical, psychological, social or economical form.
- Protection against any type of crime to safeguard life and assets by various
TECHNOLOGY methods and device
TYPES OF FULL VIEW FENCE 2. Entry Stations – provided at main perimeter entrances
1. CHAIN LINK FENCE secure areas located out of the doors, and manned by
- Should be constructed minimum height of 7 feet guards on a full time basis.
excluding top guard;
- Mesh openings of not larger 2 inches per side;
1. Stationary Luminary – most common type consisting of fixed series of
luminaries. It is commonly used on entry gates of employees and vehicles.
3. Towers – a house like structures above the perimeter >Glare Protection Type – The intensity is focused to the intruder while the
barrier. Height of tower increases the range of observer or the guard remain in comparative darkness.
observation during day and night with artificial >Controlled lighting- The lighting is focused on certain objects than the
illumination. background.
2. Standby Lighting – similar to continuous lighting but can be turned on
manually or by special device or other automatic means, when there is a suspicion
of entry.
3. Emergency Lighting – stand by lighting which can be utilized in the event of
electrical failure.
4. Clear Zones – unobstructed area maintain on both sides of the perimeter - an aural or visual signal given by the annunciator to the security when intruder
barrier. It affords better observation and patrol movement. actuate certain devices in a protected area.
- 20 feet or more between the perimeter barrier and exterior structure. Annunciator- a visual or audible signaling device, which initiates conditions of
- 50 feet or more between the perimeter barrier andstructure within the protected associated circuits.
-In large open areas or ground, where fencing or walling is impracticable and 1. Sensors- device that can sense an abnormal condition within the system and
expensive, warning signs should be conspicuously placed. provide a signal indicating the presence or nature of the abnormality
2. CIRCUIT- It is the communication channel that conveys the information from
5. Signs and Notices – erected where necessary in the all sensors in the system to the signal by means of wire, radio waves.
management of unauthorized ingress and preclude accidental 3. Signal- The actual alarm may be audible or silent, a bell, buzzer, phone ringing,
entry. or flashing of light.
1. Central Station System – Several separate compounds tie their alarm system
SECURITY LIGHTING to a central station so that in case of need, the central station calls for assistance to
-Provides sufficient illumination to areas during hours of darkness. the police, fire department, hospital or with other government assisting units.
PURPOSES OF SECURITY LIGHTING 2. Proprietary System – Similar to the central station type excepts that the
1. It improves visibility so that intruders can be seen, identified and apprehend; proprietary console is located inside the subscribers installation who owns or
2. It gives psychological fear, which serves as a deterrent to thieves, pilferers, bases the system.
trespassers, and sabotage; 3. Auxiliary System – An installation owned system which is a direct extension
3. It makes easier. The routine of work of guards in identifying employees, of the local enforcement agency and/or fire department by special arrangements.
vehicles during night time; 4. Local Alarm System – Consists of rigging up a visual or audible alarm near
4. If placed in certain areas, may even reduce the number of stationary guards, the object to be protected. In case of alarm, response will be made by the local
and instead, may require only roving patrols at night. guards and other personnel within sight or hearing.
2. Fire Bell -a hollow device made of metal that makes a 1. CLASS A FIRES –- involving ordinary combustible materials such as
ringing sound. wood, cloth, and paper, requires an extinguishing agent which cools. A water or
multi-purpose dry chemical can be used.
2. CLASS B - fires involving flammable and combustible liquids and gases,
such as solvents, greases, gasoline, and lubricating oil, require an extinguisher
AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER –built in sprinklers which works by the increase of which removes oxygen or cuts the chain reaction. Foam,
room temperature and which automatically operates the system to put out the fire. carbon dioxide, dry chemical, are effective.
Attached and distributed in the ceiling of the rooms. These sprinklers will go into 3. CLASS C - fires involve energized electrical
action once a fire starts, and those that will open are those that are directly above equipment (live electrical wires, electrical
the fire and water is delivered where it is needed. appliances). A non-conducting extinguishing agent such
as carbon dioxide or multi-purpose dry chemical must be
STAND PIPES- steel or plastic pipes located inside the used.
building from the lowest to the top floor with water under 4. CLASS D FIRES – the result of the combustion of certain materials in firely
pressure for use in case of fire. Located near the standpipe is divided forms. These metals can be magnesium, potassium, powdered aluminum
a fire hose usually enclosed in a glass box. and zinc.
FIRE HYDRANT- It is a mechanical device 1. Magnetic Door Contact -is a protective device
strategically located in an installation or in a street where usually placed in the door, and window that can
a fire hose will be connected so that the water will be send notification when the opening and closure
available to extinguished a fire. occurs
FIRE EXTINGUISHER- Is a fire fighting equipment which can is a fire fighting 2. Vibration Contact – mounted on barriers and
equipment which can be portable or in cart that is used to put out fire depending are used primarily to detect an attack on the
on the contents to extinguish certain types of fire. structure itself. When movement or vibration
occurs, the unstable portion of the circuit moves and breaks the current flow, IP cameras are a type of Closed Circuit Television Camera (CCTV) used for
which produces an alarm. capturing images and audio recordings in surveillance for homes and
3. Passive Infrared Detector (PIR) or PROTECTIVE LOCKS
Motion Sensor –able to distinguish if an LOCK – defined as mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device designed to
infrared emitting object is present by first prevent entry to a building or room.
learning the ambient temperature of the Type of Locks
monitored space and then detecting a change 1. Key – Operated Lock
in the temperature caused by the presence of - It uses some sort of arrangement of internal physical barriers which prevent the lock
an object. from operating unless they are properly aligned. The key is the device used to align
these internal barriers so that the lock may be operated.
PADLOCK – a portable and detachable lock having a pivoted or sliding hasp which
4. Panic button -Often located under the counter, the button can be pressed in possess through a staple ring, or the like and is
times of distress (Such as robbery, disruptive or threatening behavior, or a made fast or secured.
situation which may warrant assistance), triggering a silent alarm. 2. COMBINATION LOCK – a lock that requires
manipulation of parts according
to a predetermined combination code of numbers.
5. CCTV - A video monitoring system is more – type of lock that can be opened by
commonly known as Closed Circuit Television inserting a coded card in a slot in the lock, or by pushing the correct button on the
Systems. A CCTV system is a system consisting surface of the lock.
of a television camera, video monitor, and 4. ELECTRONIC LOCK – type of lock that can be closed and opened remotely
transmission medium (Cable, fiber or wireless) by electronic means.
connecting the two. It is used to monitor the
premises. BIOMETRICS
•-A machine that can be used for identification of humans by their characteristics or
IP CAMERA traits.
•-It is used as a form of identification and access control.
•- It is equipped with recording device that can identify the person operating the lock
and the time it was operated.
-defined as the management of keys in a plant or business organization to prevent
unauthorized individual access to the keys.
Change Key - a key to a single lock
IP based cameras work by turning images and audio into data then
Sub-Master Key - a key that can open all locks within a particular area or grouping.
transmitting this data over a network or Internet connection.
Master Key – a special key capable of opening a series of locks
Grand Master Key – a key that can open everything in a system involving two or
master key groups. 3. Physically and mentally fit;
PETERMAN -A term used in England for lock picker, safecrackers, and penetrators 4. At least eighteen (18) years of age but not more than fifty (50) years old;
of restricted areas or rooms. 5. Has undergone Pre-Licensing course or its equivalent.
FALSE KEY - Genuine key stolen from the owner Note: Veterans and retired military/police personnel honorably discharge
including graduates of ROTC advance (or its equivalent in the PNP) are
exempted from the required Basic-Licensing Training.