Drone Technician NSQF Level 4
Drone Technician NSQF Level 4
Drone Technician NSQF Level 4
(Duration: Six Months)
(Designed in 2021)
Version: 1.0
Developed By
3. Job Role 5
5. Learning Outcome 8
During the six months duration of Drone Technician trade a candidate is trained on
professional skills and professional knowledge related to job role. In addition to this a
candidate is entrusted to undertake project work and extra-curricular activities to build up
confidence. The broad components covered related to the trade are categorized in six
months duration as below:-
The trainee begins with learning first aid, fire fighting and various safety practices for
working in industrial environment. Identify & select different types of drones, drone rules and
regulations, drone applications, and important safety precautions. Identify & select different
drone’s mechanical parts, aerodynamics of wings, propellers and disassembly and reassembly
of common drone platform with flying practices. Identify and test various electronic SMD
components using proper measuring instruments and Identify, place, solder and de-solder
and different SMD discrete components and ICs package with due care and following safety
norms using proper tools/setup. Measure different type electrical parameters and record the
data related with drone hardware. Identification of different type of batteries, battery
specifications and their charging techniques used in drone. Test different sensors, their
characteristics and repair which are commonly used in different drones. Identify, select and
test hardware assembly, driver for BLDC motors. Inspect, test and execute GPS navigation
and telemetry module, different RF blocks and antennas used in RF transmitter and receiver.
Test and troubleshoot Flight Controller Board (FCB), Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) and its
associated peripherals. Calibrate and troubleshoot drone gimbal and drone payload. Identify
and resolve common error messages and corrections by Software debugging. Inspect, test
and execute primary and secondary servicing with troubleshoot malfunctioning, and repair
issues discovered.
Also the trainee will learn to Communicate with required clarity, understand technical
English, environment regulation, productivity and enhance self-learning.
Drone Technician
The Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development &
Entrepreneurship offers a range of vocational training courses catering to the need of different
sectors of the economy/ labour market. The vocational training programs are delivered under
the aegis of Directorate General of Training (DGT). Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) and
Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer programs of DGT for propagating
vocational training.
‘Drone Technician’ Trade under CTS is one of the newly designed courses. The CTS
courses are delivered nationwide through network of ITIs. The course is of six months duration.
It mainly consists of Domain area and Core area. The Domain area (Trade Theory and Trade
Practical) imparts professional skills and knowledge, while Core area (Employability Skills)
imparts requisite life skills. After passing out of the training programme, the trainee is awarded
National Trade Certificate (NTC) by DGT which is recognized worldwide.
• Can join Aviation industry/other sectors as drone technician for implementing different
applications of Drone and will progress further as Senior Technician, Supervisor and can
rise up to the level of Manager.
• Can work in a Drone service centre or start own Drone Training Centre and become
Entrepreneur in the related field.
• Can join Advanced Diploma (Vocational) courses under DGT as applicable.
Drone Technician
Notional Training
S No. Course Element
1. Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 580
2. Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 140
3. Employability Skills 80
Total 800
a) The Continuous Assessment (Internal) during the period of training will be done by Formative
Assessment Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes. The
training institute has to maintain an individual trainee portfolio as detailed in assessment
guideline. The marks of internal assessment will be as per the formative assessment template
provided on www.bharatskills.gov.in.
b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment. The All India Trade Test
for awarding NTC will be conducted by Controller of examinations, DGT as per the guidelines.
The pattern and marking structure is being notified by DGT from time to time. The learning
outcome and assessment criteria will be basis for setting question papers for final assessment.
The examiner during final examination will also check individual trainee’s profile as detailed in
assessment guideline before giving marks for practical examination.
For the purposes of determining the overall result, weightage of 100% is applied for six
months and one year duration courses and 50% weightage is applied to each examination for
two years courses. The minimum pass percent for Trade Practical and Formative assessment is
60% & for all other subjects is 33%. There will be no Grace marks.
Drone Technician
Drone Technician performs troubleshooting and maintenance tasks on unmanned aerial vehicles.
Test different electronic components, circuits, boards used in Drone to find the faulty part by using
instruments like digital storage oscilloscope, mixed signal oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer,
waveform generator and multimeter. Replace the faulty board and components and perform basic
/SMD soldering/de-soldering.
Disassemble and assemble different parts of drone for testing and repair. Understand different
batteries used for power supply of drone, their specifications and testing. Application and testing
of different sensors used in drone.
Testing of different motors BLDC etc, Electronic Speed Controller card and it’s connectivity with
motor. Testing of flight controller and the communication between transmitter and receiver and
its calibration.
Testing of landing gear, GPS Module, collision avoidance sensor and it’s connectivity with console.
Testing of transmitter, the control box to receiver at drone and the communication link. Testing of
Gimbal Motor, Controller rand its programming.
The individual in this job identifies different applications in agriculture, surveillance, security and
to test the additional specific application based components to connect with drone.
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Mechanics and Fitters and Related Workers, Other; include
all other workers engaged in fitting, assembling, repairing and maintaining electronic and electrical
equipment, machinery, appliances, etc., not elsewhere classified
Reference NCO-2015:
7419.9900 - Electrical and Electronic Equipment Mechanics and Fitters and Related
Workers, Other
Drone Technician
Power Norms 4 KW
Drone Technician
Essential Qualification:
Relevant National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in any of the
variants under DGT.
Note: Out of two Instructors required for the unit of 2 (1+1), one
must have Degree/Diploma and other must have NTC/NAC
qualifications. However both of them must possess NCIC in any of
its variants.
(ii) Employability Skill MBA/ BBA / Any Graduate/ Diploma in any discipline with Two years’
experience with short term ToT Course in Employability Skills from
DGT institutes.
(Must have studied English/ Communication Skills and Basic
Computer at 12th / Diploma level and above)
Existing Social Studies Instructors in ITIs with short term ToT Course
in Employability Skills from DGT institutes.
Drone Technician
Learning outcomes are a reflection of total competencies of a trainee and assessment will
be carried out as per the assessment criteria.
1. Identify & select different types of drones, drone rules and regulations, drone
applications, and important safety precautions.
2. Identify & select different drone’s mechanical parts, aerodynamics of wings, propellers
and disassembly and reassembly of common drone platform with flying practices.
3. Identify and test various electronic SMD components using proper measuring
instruments and Identify, place, solder and de-solder and different SMD discrete
components and ICs package with due care and following safety norms using proper
4. Measure different type electrical parameters and record the data related with drone
5. Identification of different type of batteries, battery specifications and their charging
techniques used in drone.
6. Test different sensors, their characteristics and repair which are commonly used in
different drones.
7. Identify, select and test hardware assembly, driver for BLDC motors.
8. Inspect, test and execute GPS navigation and telemetry module, different RF blocks and
antennas used in RF transmitter and receiver.
9. Test and troubleshoot Flight Controller Board (FCB), Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)
and its associated peripherals.
10. Calibrate and troubleshoot drone gimbal and drone payload.
11. Identify and resolve common error messages and corrections by Software debugging.
12. Inspect, test and execute primary and secondary servicing with troubleshoot
malfunctioning, and repair issues discovered.
Drone Technician
2. Identify & select different Identify & select different components, parts, block of the
drone’s mechanical parts, drone and its function & their interconnectivity.
aerodynamics of wings, Identify various types of body material used in drone.
propellers and disassembly Recognize basic principles of flying like Bernoulli's Principle
and reassembly of common etc.
drone platform with flying Recognize multi rotor design, various configurations,
practices. airframe sizes and construction materials.
Identify different propeller designs and design using 3D
Identify different types of motor used in drone.
Identify & prepare specific flight planning procedures to
drone flights.
Practice drone flying to check to identify faults in drone.
3. Identify and test various Identification of different types of SMD Components and
electronic SMD components measure their value using SMD Technology Kit, Tweezers
using proper measuring and DMM.
Drone Technician
instruments and Identify, Identify and use SMD soldering and de-soldering rework
place, solder and de-solder station.
and different SMD discrete Practice soldering and de-soldering the SMD components on
components and ICs package the PCB.
with due care and following
Make necessary practice on SMD soldering station to solder
safety norms using proper
and de-solder various IC’s of different packages.
4. Measure different type Identify and use different functions of measuring instruments
electrical parameters and for different measurements of electrical parameters.
record the data related with Measurement of voltage dc & ac using Digital Multimeter
drone hardware. Measurement of current dc & ac using Digital Multimeter
Measurement of frequency using Digital Multimeter
Measurement of peak to peak voltage, frequency, time
period, and duty cycle using DSO and waveform generator.
Measurement of analog & digital signal using DSO.
Measurement of unknown frequency and it’s level using
spectrum analyzer
6. Test different sensors, their Identify and measure condition of drone sensors.
characteristics and repair Identify and Install types of sensors used in drone.
which are commonly used in Test & measure the resistance, voltage, current and
different drones. frequency of drone sensors and actuators.
Test & measure accelerometers, inertial measurement units,
tilt and lidar sensor, gyro sensor.
Write and upload computer code to FCB to test sensors
Drone Technician
7. Identify, select and test Identify different BLDC motors and it’s specifications
hardware assembly, driver Test BLDC motor and measure speed-torque characteristics
for BLDC motors of BLDC Motor.
Test BLDC Motor driver circuit.
Identify DC, BLDC and servo motors and test driving circuits.
Perform running and reversing phenomenon of BLDC Motor
Demonstration speed control of BLDC Motor using PWM
Inverted pendulum and its balancing using programming
technique of motor.
Measure thrust to weight ratio and payload.
8. Inspect, test and execute Identity different antennas such as patch, helical, and omni-
GPS navigation and directional and check their radiation patterns.
telemetry module, different Measure frequencies and directivity of the drone antenna.
RF blocks and antennas used Detecting a drone with a Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer.
in RF transmitter and Identify the characteristics of RF circuit blocks like amplifier,
receiver. and filters.
Identify, configure and operate 433MHz and 2.4 GHz RC
transmitter and receiver.
Operate drone using RC transmitter and receiver.
Dismantle, identify parts, service and test different parts of
the drone system.
Knowledge of GPS and its hardware interfacing.
Measure and use signals from GPS module to determine
latitude & longitude.
Explore the interfacing of GPS module to navigation drone.
Perform experiment to measure, GPGGA, GPGLL, GPGSA,
GPGSV, GPRMC and GPVTG values.
9. Test and troubleshoot Flight Work upon electronic boards to perform specific tasks such
Controller Board (FCB), as flight control board.
Electronic Speed Controller Programming and configure of parameters in flight control
(ESC) and its associated board (FCB).
peripherals. Test the different peripheral interconnections with FCB
Configure, test and perform communication FCB with
motor, GPS, ESC and sensors.
Drone Technician
10. Calibrate and troubleshoot Identify the different types of drones and its application in
drone gimbal and drone different areas.
payload. Configure HD and thermal image camera with drone.
Perform Gimbal camera assembly and gimbal calibration.
Practice Gimbal stabilization and control of cameras using x,
y, and z axes rotation.
Practice remote sensing, surveying & mapping,
photogrammetry and precision agriculture using HD and
thermal image camera.
Identify, select different application drones like agriculture,
Surveillance, Inspections and gathering Information for
disaster management. Also, maintenance, inspection,
examinations and investigation of drone.
11. Identify and resolve Identify bugs in the software program as per the algorithms
common error messages and used and the libraries.
corrections by software Resolve common error messages and apply the correct logic.
debugging. Perform firmware configuration and updates.
Identify and fix issues reported in drone hardware after
firmware update. Perform Testing flight procedure and
Drone Technician
12. Inspect, test and execute Perform primary and secondary servicing based upon the
primary and secondary checklist.
servicing with troubleshoot Test and diagnose drone after 100 hours of flying for
malfunctioning, and repair preventive maintenance.
issues discovered. Test and diagnose drone after 500 hours of flying.
Knowledge about drone troubleshooting check list like
Equipment check, System reset, calibration, Motor
Troubleshooting, Gimbal rotation, Battery Maintenance, and
RF Signal and hardware.
Diagnose the common drone problem like GPS signals are
blocked , Decreased battery life, Wrong direction during
flight, Flight Planning, Mechanical issue, and Firmware issue.
Inspect drone before and after each flight.
First time drone hardware assembly and test.
Test, locate the fault and repair a wiring of drone.
Check bent or cracked on legs and feet of the drone
Demonstration drone wiring connections with different
Perform takeoff/Landing operation and identify faults in
Drone Technician
Drone Technician
platform with 14. Recognize basic principles Laws of Motion, Bernoulli's
flying practices. of flying like Bernoulli's Principle, four forces of Fight,
Principle. (05 hrs.) three axes of Fight, how
15. Identify multi rotor design,
they apply to drone Flight.
various configurations,
airframe sizes and their
construction. (05 hrs.) Introduction to 3D printer and
16. Identify different propeller its software for designing
designs and design using 3D various types of propellers.
printer. (10 hrs.)
17. Design and development of
Drone’s body component
using 3D printer and related
software (20 hrs.)
18. Identify type of motor used
in drone. (07 hrs.)
19. Identify & prepare specific
flight planning procedures
to drone flights. (07 hrs.)
20. Practice drone flying to
check to identify faults in
drone. (20 hrs.)
Professional Identify and test 21. Identify of different types of Knowledge about soldering
Skill 29 Hrs; various electronic SMD Components like station, soldering tools,
SMD components resistance, capacitance, soldering iron, soldering
Professional using proper diode and inductor. (05 wicks, soldering temperature
measuring hrs.) etc. Different types of
instruments and 22. Measure different soldering guns, related to
07 Hrs components values using
Identify, place, Temperature and wattages,
solder and de- SMD Technology Kit, types of tips.
solder and Tweezers and DMM. (05
different SMD
23. Identify of different types of
SMD IC packages. (05 hrs.)
components and
24. Explore and configure SMD
ICs package with
soldering and de-soldering
due care and rework station. (04 hrs.)
following safety 25. Practice soldering and de-
norms using proper soldering the SMD
tools/setup components on the PCB.
(05 hrs.)
26. Practice soldering and de-
solder various IC’s of
different packages. (05 hrs.)
Professional Measure different 27. Identify the type of Introduction of electrical
Skill 58 Hrs; type electrical electronic instruments. (05 components resistance,
parameters and hrs.) capacitance, inductance,
Professional 28. Measure the resistance, diode, and transistor.
record the data
Voltage, Current through Introduction of electrical
Knowledge related with parameters like DC voltage,
Drone Technician
14 Hrs. drone hardware. series and parallel DC current, AC voltage, AC
connected networks using current, frequency, duty cycle
multi meter. (05 hrs.) and Introduction to electrical
29. Measure AC and DC voltage and electronic measuring
using Digital Multi-meter. instruments. Working
(05 hrs.) Principle of multimeter,
30. Measure AC and DC current digital storage oscilloscope,
using Digital Multi-meter. spectrum and waveform
(10 hrs.) generator.
31. Measure frequency using
Digital Multi-meter. (03
32. Measure the analog signals
like of peak to peak voltage,
frequency, time period, and
duty cycle using of DSO. (10
33. Measure the frequency and
level of RF signals using of
spectrum analyzer. (10 hrs.)
34. Practice function generator
and Arbitrary Waveform
Generator. (10 hrs.)
Professional Identification of 35. Identify different type of Introduction of different
Skill 29 Hrs; different type of batteries Li-ion and Li-Po. types of batteries used in
batteries, battery (05 hrs.) drone. Understand different
specifications and their
Professional specifications and 36. Record and recognize
different battery significance of batteries.
Knowledge their charging
specifications. (03 hrs.)
07 Hrs. techniques used Different charging circuits or
37. Explore different charging
in drone. batteries, What is battery
techniques to charge
batteries. (03 hrs.) management system (BMS)
and different Building Blocks
38. Measure and record
of BMS.
different parameters of
batteries using Battery
management platform. (05
39. Inspect battery packs faults
for bulges or leakage. (03
40. Identify fault related with
chargers such as visible
damage, voltage and
current. (02 hrs.)
41. Measure and record
different parameters of
charging controller using
software. (03 hrs.)
Drone Technician
42. Calculate maximum
discharge and battery
capacities in order calculate
flight time. (05 hrs.)
Professional Test different 43. Identify and measure Introduction of different
Skill 58 Hrs; sensors, their condition of drone sensors. sensors used in drone like
characteristics (05 hrs.) accelerometers, inertial
measurement units, tilt and
Professional and repair which 44. Explore different converters
like V/I, I/V, F/V, V/F.(05 lidar sensor, gyro sensor.
Knowledge are commonly
hrs.) Principle of operation of
14Hrs used in different various sensors used in drone;
45. Verify frequency response
drones. their roles and characteristics.
of low pass and high pass
filters. (05hrs.) Selection of appropriate
sensor as per requirement.
46. Test and measure different
amplifier functions. (05 hrs.)
Understanding and
47. Measure and record the importance of signal
resistance, voltage, current conditioning like voltage to
and frequency of different current, current to voltage,
sensors used in drone. (05 frequency to voltage and
hrs.) voltage to frequency
48. Test & measure convertor, inverting amplifier,
accelerometers, inertial non-inverting amplifier,
measurement units, tilt and instrumentation amplifier,
lidar sensor, gyro sensor. differential amplifier, power
(05hrs.) amplifier, current amplifier.
49. Write and upload computer How to calibrate Compass
code to FCB to test sensors sensor, Lidar Sensor, Gyro
results. (05hrs.) sensor. Concept of sensor
50. Calibrate the compass, calibration and using sensors
Lidar, and gyro sensor. (05 in digital & analog mode.
51. Measure and record
angular rate, force, and
magnetic field through IMU.
(05 hrs.)
52. Perform amplification of
low power signals using
current, power,
differential, inverting, non-
inverting and buffer
amplifier circuits. (13 hrs.)
Professional Identify, select and 53. Identify different BLDC Introduction to different
Skill 58 Hrs; test hardware motors and their motors like DC, BLDC, servo
assembly, driver for specifications (05 hrs.) motors, working,
Professional BLDC motors 54. Inspect and test BLDC understanding its functioning.
Motor driver circuit. (05 Studying BLDC motor using
hrs.) PWM techniques, speed
14Hrs torque characteristics, degree
Drone Technician
55. Measure and record speed- of freedom in drone.
torque characteristics of
BLDC Motor. (10 hrs.) Performing mathematical
56. Explore driving circuit of DC, calculations like payload
BLDC and servo motors. (05 calculation, speed control
hrs.) techniques, thrust to weight
57. Perform running and ratio. Introduction of Inverted
reversing phenomenon of Pendulum and PID control.
BLDC Motor. (05 hrs.) PWM Duty operation and
Motor control by Encoder
58. Demonstration speed
control of BLDC Motor
using PWM technique. (10
59. Practice Inverted pendulum
balancing using
programming technique
and PID tuning. (10 hrs.)
60. Measure thrust to weight
ratio and payload. (08 hrs.)
Professional Inspect, test and 61. Identity different antennas Various types of antennas
Skill 29 Hrs; execute GPS like patch, helical, and used for drones and their
navigation and omni-directional. (02 hrs.) characteristics. Introduction
Professional telemetry 62. Record and plot radiation of antenna radiation pattern
module, pattern of different and directivity.
different RF antennas. (02 hrs.) Fundamentals of MIC
07 Hrs blocks and 63. Measure directivity of the amplifier and different filter
antennas used antenna. (03 hrs.) used in RF range.
in RF transmitter 64. Identify the characteristics
and receiver. of RF circuit blocks like Introduction to RF signals and
amplifier and filters. (05 components used for RC
hrs.) transmitter and receiver.
65. Configure and operate Fundamentals of GPS and
433MHz and 2.4 GHz RC concept of navigation
transmitter and receiver. systems. Usage of signals
(05 hrs.) from GPS satellites to
66. Perform and check determine latitude, longitude
connectivity of transmitter and altitude.
and receiver used in drone.
(03 hrs.)
67. Understand GPS and its
hardware interfacing with
FCB. (03 hrs.)
68. Connect and Measure and
record data of GPS module
to determine latitude &
longitude. (03 hrs.)
69. Perform experiment to
record, GPGGA, GPGLL,
Drone Technician
GPVTG values. (03 hrs.)
Drone Technician
Professional Calibrate and 83. Identify the different types Fundamental applications of
Skill 58 Hrs; troubleshoot drone of drones and its various types of drones.
gimbal and drone application in different Implementation and
payload areas. (05 hrs.) handling of HD and thermal
84. Identify different features image camera for remote
Knowledge sensing and mapping.
and controls of HD and
14Hrs Introduction to
thermal image camera. (05
hrs.) photogrammetry. Image
85. Test and install Gimbal recognition with OpenCV
camera assembly. (05 hrs.) using the drone camera.
Fundamental techniques for
86. Perform and test Gimbal
stabilizing Gimbal.
stabilization (05 hrs.)
87. Perform drone camera
control using x, y, and z
axes rotation. (05 hrs.)
88. Test and install different
cameras on gimbal
assembly. (10 hrs.)
89. Practice remote sensing,
surveying & mapping,
photogrammetry and
precision agriculture using
HD and thermal image
camera. (13 hrs.)
90. Identify and record
different application drones
and their logged data for
investigation. (10 hrs.)
Professional Identify and 91. Identify bugs in the Introduction to software
Skill 58 Hrs; resolve common software program as per debug tool use to identify
error messages the algorithms used and the coding errors at different
Professional libraries. (05 hrs.) stages of development.
and corrections
92. Resolve common error Introduction to various
Knowledge by software messages and apply the drone operation using
14Hrs debugging correct logic. (05 hrs.) Python and Arduino and
93. Perform firmware
setup development
configuration and updates.
(05 hrs.) environment. Firmware and
94. Download and Install App / hardware integration with
Menu / Planning / Set-up / common errors and their
Flight / Application. (05 solutions.
hrs.) Introduction to software
95. Demonstration and perform debugging tools and how to
base station software to
identify cause of coding
debugging to get GPS and
flight data. (10 hrs.) errors. Introduction to
96. Perform experiments on ground base station
software debug tool use to assembly Introduction to
identify coding errors at
Drone Technician
different stages. (05 hrs.) preventive measures for
97. Setup python and Arduino drones.
environment. (05 hrs.)
98. Remote automatic drone
operation using Python. (05
99. Knowledge and advantage
of preventative
maintenance of drone. (03
100. Diagnose problems using
Log Data / Analyze Data
flash Log Data / Remote
Communication Log Data /
Save and Execute Log Data.
(05 hrs.)
101. Upgrade/downgrade drone
firmware Identify error
message and resolve
approach. (05 hrs.)
Professional Inspect, test and 102. Perform primary and Fundamentals of primary and
Skill 29 Hrs; execute primary secondary servicing based secondary services. Basics of
and secondary upon the checklist. (01 hr.) Gimbal handling and its
103. Test and diagnose drone maintenance. Fundamentals
Professional servicing with
after 100 hours of flying for of handling errors rise from
Knowledge troubleshoot
preventive maintenance. GPS. Introduction to battery
07 Hrs malfunctioning, life maintenance, flight path
(03 hrs.)
and repair issues monitoring. Studying throttle
104. Test and diagnose drone
discovered control by moving in either
after 500 hours of flying. (05 direction. Concept of Visual
hrs.) Inspection and Why Is It
105. Knowledge about drone Important. Understand the
troubleshooting check list various checks to be carried
like Equipment check, out to ensure the alignment
System reset, calibration, of control surfaces.
Motor Troubleshooting,
Gimbal rotation, Battery
Maintenance, and RF Signal
and hardware. (03 hrs.)
106. Diagnose the common
drone problem like GPS
signals are blocked ,
Decreased battery life,
Wrong direction during
flight, Flight Planning,
Mechanical issue, and
Firmware issue. (05 hrs.)
107. Inspect drone before and
Drone Technician
after each flight. (01 hr.)
108. First time drone hardware
assembly and test. (03 hrs.)
109. Test, locate the fault and
repair a wiring of drone. (05
110. Check bent or cracked on
legs and feet of the drone.
(01 hr.)
111. Demonstration drone wiring
connections with different
parts. (01 hr.)
112. Perform takeoff/Landing
operation and identify
faults in system. (01 hr.)
Drone Technician
Learning outcomes, assessment criteria, syllabus and Tool List of Core Skills subjects
which is common for a group of trades, provided separately in www.bharatskills.gov.in
Drone Technician
Drone Technician
Capacitances ,Diodes, Transistors
and potentiometers.
3. SMD Technology Kit with wall SMD component identification 02 nos.
chart board with SMD components
Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors,
Diodes, Transistors & IC’s packages.
Proto boards with readymade
solder pads for various SMD
Components. SMD Soldering Jig
and Wall chart
4. Multiple Output DC regulated 0-30V, 2 Amps, + 15V Dual Tracking 02 nos.
power supply ,5V/5A, Display digital, Load & Line
Regulation: ± (0.05 %+100 mV),
Ripple & Noise <= 1 mVrms
constant Voltage & Current
5. DC Regulated Variable 0-30V/3A with numeric 02 nos.
Programmable DC Power Supply keypad, PC interface and LCD for
Voltage, Current & Power
6. Smart SMD tweezer Handheld SMD tester tweezer with 02 nos.
Inductance, capacitance, resistance,
and diode test capabilities.
7. 100 MHz Mixed Signal With more than 20Mpt memory 01 no.
Oscilloscope ( 4 Analog + 16 Real time Sampling 1GSa/sec,
Digital Channel ) having LAN
Interface, RS232/UART, I2C, SPI
trigger & decoding functions, two
channel 25 MHz
awg plus math functions like
differentiation, integration, abs,
AND, OR, NOT etc.
8. 25 MHz Arbitrary Waveform Two Channel, 125MSa/Sec and 01 no.
Generator with Digital Display for 2Mpt memory with more than 150
Frequency and Amplitude different arbitrary waveforms,
RS232, PRBS and built-in 8th order
harmonic generation, and 225 MHz
Frequency counter, Connectivity
USB Device & Host
9. 3/4
Handheld 3 Digit Multimeter 01 no.
Digital Multimeter with 4000
counts, Large Display with
Auto/Manual and can measure
DCV- 1000V-ACV-750V, DC & AC A –
20A, Resistance 40MΩ, Capacitance
up to 200µF, Capacitance and
Frequency – 30 MHz
10. 3GHz Spectrum Analyzer with Frequency Range 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz 01 no.
built-in Tracking Generator Resolution Bandwidth (-3 dB): 10Hz
to 1 MHz, Display 8” TFT or more
Drone Technician
Connectivity: USB Host & Device,
11. SMD Soldering & De soldering SMD Soldering & De-soldering, 02 nos.
Station with necessary accessories Station Digitally Calibrated,
Temperature Control SMD,
Soldering & De-soldering, Power
Consumption 60 Watts, I/P Voltage
170 to 270 V, De-soldering 70 Watt,
Temperature Range 180 to, 480º
Centigrade, Power Consumption
270 Watts, Hot Air Temperature
200 to 480º C
OR Drone Workbench Item no. 4, 7, 8, 10 and 11 can be 01 no.
preferred in the form of workbench.
12. Analog-Digital Circuits Breadboard with 1685 Nos of tie 03 nos.
Development Platform points for circuit design DC power
supply: +5V,1A (Fixed); +12V,
500mA (Fixed); ±12V, 500mA
AC power Supply: 9V-0V-9V,500mA
Function Generator: Sine,
Square, Triangle (1Hz to 100KHz)
Modulating Signal Generator:
Voltage, current and frequency on
board LCD display.
PC Interface - Acquisition from
two analog input channel and
simulation Software
13. Applied Mechanics training Spring balance, slotted mass 5, 10, 02 nos.
platform 20, 50, 100gms, brass hanger, pulley
, brass force ring, neodymium
magnet, rolling masses, friction
block, pendulum, inclined plane,
stop watch and simulation software
14. Drone Battery Management Battery characteristics of Lead-Acid 01 no.
Training Systems Li-Po and Li-ion batteries, DC
Power source, DC voltmeter, DC
ammeter, PWM based battery
charge controller, battery level
indicator, computer connectivity
through USB and GUI software.
15. Charge Controller training system PWM based charge controller with 02 nos.
reverse polarity protection for
battery 12V/42Ah, 12V/3Ah, DC
Voltmeters, Ammeter, Resistive
rheostat 110 8Amp.
16. BLDC (Brushless DC) Motor 200W,2500RPM BLDC motor with 01 no.
Training System mechanical loading arrangement ,
DC voltmeter , ampere meter and
tachometer 24V – 10A
Drone Technician
instrumentation power supply ,
simulation software.
17. Inverted pendulum Inverted Pendulum control and its 01 no.
balance by PID control, Controller :
32bit ARM Cortex-M3
ATSAM3X8EA-AU, Motor : RA35GM,
Encoder : E40S6-1024 1024 Pulse
Rotary Encoder 2EA, , PWM duty
operation and motor control by
Encoder counter, Inverted Status
Monitoring by Emulation,
Integrated development
environment, Control DC-motor.
18. Drone Sensor Trainer Kit Android based 7” Graphical touch 02 nos.
LCD with inbuilt cortex processor &
DAQ for acquiring analog data and
software for viewing the output
waveforms with USB storage and
HDMI output. Ethernet port to
connect real world. Inverting, Non
– Inverting, Power, Current,
Instrumentation and Differential
Amplifier, F to V, V to F, I to V, V to
I Converter, High Pass and Low Pass
Filter, Buffer, LED, Buzzer, Relay,
Included Sensors: Accelerometer,
Atmospheric pressure, Gyro, IMU,
current, voltage and light.
19. Antenna training system RF Frequency 600 to 750MHz, 01 no.
Modulation Generator 1KHz , RF
detector folded dipole receiving
antenna with digital display ,
rotation of antenna 0 – 360 degree
different antennas ground plane,
helical, slot ,folded dipole and
20. Advanced Microwave Integrated 2.2 - 3GHz RF source with LCD 01 no.
Circuit Lab display, Impedance 50Ω, RF level :
5mW, Operating Modes : Sweep,
CW, Int. AM, Int. FM, Ext. AM, PC
communication Modulating
Frequency : 100Hz to 5kHz AM
square wave, FM triangular wave,
VSWR Meter with filters, amplifier
and yagi, dipole and patch antenna.
21. GPS training platform Channel : 12 Receiver Frequency : 01 no.
1575.42 MHz Position Accuracy : 25
meters CEP without SA Velocity
Accuracy : 0.1 meters/second,
without SA Time Accuracy :
Drone Technician
Synchronized to GPS time Update
rate : 1 sec. Receiver Sensitivity : -
175 dB Serial Communication :
4800 Baud Rate (default) Protocol
Messenger : NMEA0183 V 2.2, SiRf
binary & RTCMSC-104 V2.0 type
1,2,9 Maximum Speed : 515
meters/sec. Maximum Altitude :
18000 meters Time to First Fix : 45
/ 38 / 8 sec
22. Wireless Communication modules Transmitter with RF Range 2.40- 1 no.
2.48GHz, 9 Channels, 500 Hz
bandwidth, 160 bands, RF Power
less than 20 dB, GFSK Modulation
and PPM/PCM. Throttle curves ,
Pitch curves, Endpoint
adjustments, Subtrim, Swash AFR
mixes, Servo reversing, Timer, Dual
rate, Exponential, and Elevons.
Receiver with RF Range 2.40-
2.48GHz, 10 channels, 140 bands,
Receiver Sensitivity 105dBm, 500
KHz bandwidth, GFSK Modulation.
23. FCB and ESC training platform 1. Two processors 8bit and 32bit, 01 no.
Cortex-M4F with 6050 MPU, 32bit
STM32F103 redundant failsafe co-
processor system, 14 PWM/Servo
output. Bus interface (UART, I2C,
SPI, CAN). Pre-Installed firmware
with RTOS for Quadcopter (X and +)
configuration, Gyroscope,
Barometer. 4x UART (Serial Ports),
One High-Power Capable, 1x CAN,
PPM Sum Signal Input. I2C, SPI, 3.3 -
6.6V ADC Inputs. 72-Channel GPS
receiver GLONASS, Battery
3000mah, 1000kv Brushless Motor
with soldered connector,
Propellers, 30A BLDC Electronic
Speed Controller, 2.4Ghz 6Ch
transmitter with Receiver, Internal
Micro USB Port And External Micro
USB Port Extension. Provide
automatic and manual modes.
Provide redundant power input and
failover. Multicolor LED lights.
Provide multi-tone buzzer
Interface. Micro SD recording flight
Drone Technician
data. The integrated backup power
and backup controller fails, the
primary controller fails over to the
backup control is safe.
24. Drone Gimbal Set with motor and 2 Axis Brushless Gimbal, Carbon 01 no.
control Fiber Material, Motor drivers, On-
board MPU.
25. NPNT compliant Micro UAV built UAV Weight with standard payloads 01 no.
for Mapping and Surveillance. <2 Kg
UAV Size with Propeller - < 80 cm x
80 cm
Endurance/ Flight time (upto 1km
AMSL) :20-25 minutes
Range for live transmission (Radius)
- 2 km
Operating altitude (AGL) - 200m
AGL (Above Ground Level)
Maximum launch altitude (AMSL) -
3000m AMSL (Above Mean Sea
Wind Resistance - Minimum 10
Failsafe features
• Return to Home on
communication failure
• Return to Home/Land on low
battery or battery issues
• Return to home on high winds
• Multiple GPS on-board for GPS
failure redundancy
Autonomy Fully autonomous from
Take-off to Landing without using
any R/C controller
Payload Characteristics -
Payload, 15 MP
Ground Control Station Software
with data-link equipment
26. HD Payload 1280X720,5X Optical Zoom Video 02 nos.
27. Thermal Camera Payload Resolution 320X240 pixels 02 nos.
28. Field Repair kits Allen key set, Magnifying lenses, 02 nos.
Scissors, Hand Drill Machine
Electric with Hammer, First aid kit,
Soldering iron, de-soldering pump,
solder wire, flux, Precision set of
screw drivers, Handheld
multimeter, and Long nose pliers.
29. Drones and spare parts kit Li-Po, Li-ion Batteries, BLDC 02 nos.
Drone Technician
motors, Propeller set, FCB, ESC,
frame, GPS module.
30. Balance Charger 02 nos.
32. Laptop latest configuration Intel i5-9300H with 9th Generation, 01 no.
2.4 Ghz base speed, 8 GB RAM |
Storage 1 TB SSD, Pre-loaded
Windows 10 Home with lifetime
validity and drone digital learning
software, Display: 15.6-inch screen
with full HD display, Battery life: 2
33. Thrust measurement meter 02 nos.
34. Indoor netted facility Size as
in Lab
35. Outdoor controlled netted testing Size as
facility required
36. Different types of electronic As
and electrical cables, required
Connectors, sockets,
terminations, Different types of
Analog electronic components,
digital ICs.
37. 3D printer High precision stainless steel rail 01 no.
rods, gears, bearings and
connectors for smooth printing. (Optional)
Supports various 3D printing
filaments, Open Source Software to
control 3D printer on PC Windows,
Micro SD Card based printing,
Mendelian type open-source 3D.
NEMA 17 stepping motor, arduino-
based microcontroller, motor
driver, and various connectors.
Heat Bed temperature monitoring.
Code (G Code) conversion &
transmission & analysis using open-
source software & tools.
38. Drone upto 18KM • Automatic flight 01 no.
• Payload or camera control (optional)
• Up to 3 kg payload
• IP55 rating
• Up to 18 km
• Flight time up to 40 minutes
• Aircraft dimensions 600 x 600 x 500
Drone Technician
mm (LxWxH)
• Joystick Controller
• Auto fly home and landing Camera
angle control Camera shutter and
zoom Multiple camera switching
Note: -
1. Internet facility is desired to be provided in the class room.
Drone Technician
Special acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had
contributed immensely in this curriculum.
List of members attended the Trade/Expert committee meeting to finalize the syllabus of
Drone Technician.
Drone Technician
Sh. Mayur Yaul Dassault Skill Academy,
14. Member
Sh. Ambrish Kela, Managing
Scientech Technologies Pvt.
15. Director & CEO Member
Ltd. Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Ms. Rajeshwari. M, Deputy
16. Director NSTI Bengaluru Member
Drone Technician
Drone Technician