5 Traditions Comm Theory
5 Traditions Comm Theory
5 Traditions Comm Theory
5 Traditions in
Presented by Nakeisha Joenanda
communication is theorized as expression, interaction, and influence.
a basic concept
communication is theorized as expression, interaction,
and influence.
This theory tradition focuses on individual social
behaviour, psychological variables, individual effects,
personality and traits, perception, and cognition.
Social psychology traditionally has been defined as the
study of the ways in which people affect, and are affected
by, others.
03 04
The central question of Relationship between
this tradition is: What communication
can I do to get them to stimuli,audience
change? predisposition and
opinion change.
the variation:three
Maintains that systems are This term applies to the focuses on the transmission
structures that one can general tradition and the of signals through networks
study and see how the variation.It emphasizes and seeks to improve that
parts of the system that communication is process.It tries to counteract
interact. It is also possible not linear but rather it is noise and facilitate the
to improve the system by a cyclic process with accurate flow of messages by
manipulating its inputs. feedback loops. quantifying the uncertainty
in the messages
the variation and
theory:as an examples
General System
this branch of system theory highlights the
commonalities within systems. It seeks to
show us that different fields can be linked if
they share the same system principles.
Second Order
In this variation it is understood that the
person observing the system is always
cybernetically engaged with the system that
they are observing and therefore they both
affect each other during the process.
Oberiri Destiny Apuke
seven tradition in the field of communication theory
Aristotle’s rhetoric of persuasion that emerged from
Plato‟s ideas.Plato (2007) dealt with truth, goodness,
justice, and ethics, but contrasts monological rhetoric
which was practiced by the sophists, and interactive
dialectic which leads intelligent individuals to reach
the truth.
In his view, rhetoric “is the art of persuading an
ignorant multitude about the justice or injustice of a
matter, without imparting any real instruction.
the variation:in the tradition
based on three theorists within the tradition
Kenneth Burke
The 20th century thinker, who broadened the scope
of the rhetorical tradition beyond Aristotle‟s
preoccupation with persuasive speech. In his book A
Rhetoric of Motives,Burke (2007) uses the key concept
of identification to show “how a rhetorical motive is
often present where it is not usually recognized or
thought to belong”. He focused on the “intermediate
area of expression that is not wholly deliberate, yet
not wholly unconscious.
the variation:in the tradition
based on three theorists within the tradition
Usually known as the social construction of reality, this perspective
has investigated how human knowledge is formed through social
the variation of
socio-cultural tradition
What is important in this tradition is
that humans use language Ethnography
differently in different cultural ethnography or observation of how
groups and social groups. social groups construct meaning
through their linguistic and non-
linguistic behaviour. ethnography
Ethnometodology looks at the forms of
communication forms used in a
careful observation of small particular social group (ex. the
behaviors in real situations. This words they use and what they
approach looks at how we manage mean).
or relate behavior in social
interactions at any given time.
theory:as an examples
Symbolic interactionism
focuses on how social structures and meanings are
created and maintained in social interactions for an
example a person may behave differently in a work
meeting than at a company picnic. In the office, the
person may have a professional
Socio-cultural Tradition: From Theory to Research
Socio-cultural Tradition: From Theory to ResearchAfrican
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Martin Heidegger-Communication as the
vehicle to assign meaning to our experiences.
It is only through natural experience that
reality is known and language is what creates
and attributes meaning.
the variation:
of Perception
Maurice Merleau-Ponty is the main
contributor to the phenomenology of
perception. In this branch the human being is
active in creating meaning in the world. It is
believed that people only know things
through their personal relationship with the
example:of this tradition