Makalah Simple Present Tense
Makalah Simple Present Tense
Makalah Simple Present Tense
Disusun Oleh:
Siti Nurmeilisa
Dosen Pengampu
Lia Amelia,S.Pd.,M.Pd
Praise for the presence of Allah SWT because of His grace and gift, a paper entitle
”Simple Present Tense” can be completed on time.
Our success in writing this paper certainly cannot be separated from the help of
various parties. For this reason, we would like to thank all those who have helped in the
completion of this paper.
We realize than in writing this paper is still far from perfection and there are still
many shortcomings that still need to be corrected, for that we expect constructive
suggestions for the perfection of this paper, so that it can benefit anyone who reads it.
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................I
CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................1
PRELIMINARY ....................................................................................................1
1. Backround ................................................................................................1
2. Problem Formulation ................................................................................1
3. Purpose ....................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II ........................................................................................................2
DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................2
CLOSING ............................................................................................................8
1. Conclusion ................................................................................................8
2. Suggestion................................................................................................8
1. Bacground
In this paper we will discuss several tenses namely “Simple Present Tense” to
deepen our knowledge of tenses and their explanations.
2. Problem Formulation
The formulation of the problems we found in making this paper are:
1. What is meant by Simple Present Tense?
2. Characteristics of the Simple Present Tense?
3. Simple Present Tense function?
4. Types of Simple Present Tense & Examples
3. Purpose
1. To find out the Simple Present Tense
2. To find out the characteristics of the Simple Present Tense
3. To find out the function of the Simple present Tense
4. To find out the formula of Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense merupakan salah satu jenis tense, secara umum simple
artinya “Sederhana” dan Present artinya “Sekarang”. Jadi simple Present Tense
adalah kalimat yang menyatakan suatu tindakan atau kegiatan yang sedang
berlangsung/terjadi pada saat ini dalam bentuk sederhana atau pekerjaan yang
dilakukan secara berulang-ulang, kebiasaan sehari-hari, peristiwa atau tindakan yang
tidak ada hubungannya dengan waktu. Simple Present Tense juga digunakan untuk
menyatakan suatu fakta atau sesuatu yang terjadi secara berulang-ulang di masa
sekarang. Dikatakan hadir karena sedang terjadi sekarang.
4. Simple Present Tense formula
Auxiliary Word
You Do
We We
V1 (s/es)
a. Positive verbal sentence formula
For the subject I, You, We, They :
I Write a letter everyday. (saya menulis surat setiap hari)
She reads a magazine every morning
(Dia membaca majalah setiap pagi)
They visit their grandmother every Friday. (Mereka mengunjungi neneknya
setiap hari Jum’at)
b. The negative verbal sentence formula used is :
Untuk subyek I, You, We, They:
I do not write a letter everyday. (Saya tidak menulis surat setiap hari)
She does not read a magazine every morning. (Dia tidak membaca majalah
setiap pagi)
2.) Kalimat Nominal
Kalimat nominal adalah kalimat yang predikatnya atau kata kerjanya tidak
menyatakan suatu tindakan melainkan nama, status, sifat, keadaan dan tempat.
Biasanya dalam penerapannya, kalimat nominal ini menggunakan To be yang berupa
is, am dan are dalam bentuk present.
Subject Tobe
I Am
We Are
He Is
I am a teacher
She is a teacher
I am not a teacher
She is not a teacher
Are you a teacher?
Jawaban : Yes I am, atau No, I am not
Is she a teacher?
Jawaban : Yes She is, atau No, She is not
What are you?
Jawaban : I am a teacher
Where is your sister?
Jawaban : She is here
Ada beberapa aturan yang harus diperhatikan saat menambahkan s/es
pada kata kerja pertama yaitu sebagai berikut:
1. Pada umumnya kata kerja pertama langsung ditambah dengan akhiran “-s”
No Verb 1 Penambahan S Arti kata
1 Read Reads Membaca
2 Work Works Bekerja
3 Write Writers Menulis
4 Brings Brings Membawa
5 Gives Gives Memberi
6 Helps Helps Menolong
7 Shines Shines Bersinar
2. Kata kerja pertama yang berakhiran huruf “ch, o, s, sh, x, dan z” ditambah
akhiran “-es”
No Verb 1 Penambahan Es Arti Kata
1 Teach Teaches Mengejar
2 wish Wishes Mengharapkan
3 Fix Fixes Memperbaiki
4 Kiss Kisses Mencium
3. Kata kerja pertama yang berakhiran dengan huruf “-y” dan didahului oleh huruf
konsonan, maka akhiran “-y” berubah menjadi “-I” kemudian ditambah “-es”
No Verb 1 Penambahan es Arti kata
1 Cry Cries Menangis
2 Replay Replies Menjawab
4. Kata kerja pertama yang berakhiran huruf “-y” yang diawali oleh huruf vocal,
cukup ditambah dengan akhiran “-s”
No Verb 1 Penambahan S Arti Kata
1 Buy Buys Membeli
2 Say Says Berkata
5. Apabila kata kerja pertama diawali dengan kata kerja bantu, maka tidak
mendapatkan tambahan “s/es”
No Contoh kata Arti kata
1 Must try Harus mencoba
2 Can speak Dapat Berbicara
Contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense
They are in library They are not in library Are they in the library?
She is a teacher She is not a teacher Is she a teacher?
He is a smart student He is not a smart student Is he a smart student?
It is a pen It is not a pen Is it a pen?
You bring my pen You do not bring my pen Do you bring my pen?
We play football We do not play football Do we play football?
They play volleyball They do not play volleyball Do they play volleyball?
She speaks Dayakness She does not speak Does she speak dayaknese
language dayaknese language language?
I have a friend. His name is Hamsa. Hamsa is diligent student. I am happy have a friend
like Hamsa. He always gets good score in every subject, he always reads Al-Qur’an everyday and
everywhere, he always helps me solve my problem, he always gets up early and he always says
“Don’t to be a lazy people” to me. Hamsa not only diligent student but also a good friend.
1. Conclusion
Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
perbuatan Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kebiasaan yang
dilakukan pada waktu tertentu (habits), menyatakan kebenaran umum (General
Ruth), Menyatakan suatu kebiasaan yang dilakukan berulang ulang / situasi yang
tidak berubah (Repeated actions), menyatakan suatu instruksi/ arah (Instructions or
directions), menyatakan situasi yang tidak berubah (fixed arrangements),
menyatakan dengan konstruksi masa depan (With future contruction)
2. Suggestion
Dengan memahami penjelasan tentang Simple Present Tense, diharapkan
dapat menggunakannya dalam membuat kalimat dengan benar dan mempelajari
lebih banyak tenses agar bisa berbahasa inggris dan menulis dengan benar.