Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR) Based On Controlled Outside Diameter
Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR) Based On Controlled Outside Diameter
Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR) Based On Controlled Outside Diameter
Designation: D 3035 – 08
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 3035 – 08
TABLE 1 Specification D 3350 Cell Classifications for Polyethylene Pipe Materials
PE Material Designation Code PE 1404 PE 2606 PE 2708 PE 3608 PE 3708 PE 3710 PE 4608 PE 4708 PE 4710
Physical Property: Cell Classifications
Density 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
Melt Index 2 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4 3 or 4
Flexural Modulus 3 3 or 4 3 or 4 4 or 5 4 or 5 4 or 5 4 or 5 4 or 5 4 or 5
Tensile Strength at Yield 1 3 or 4 3 or 4 4 or 5 4 or 5 4 or 5 4 or 5 4 or 5 4 or 5
Slow Crack Growth Resistance 1A 6B 7 6B 7 7 6 7 7
Hydrostatic strength Classification 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
Color and UV StabilizerC C C or E C or E C or E C or E C or E C or E C or E C or E
Test Method D 1693 ESCR.
Test Method F 1473 PENT.
Code C compounds shall contain 2 to 3 % carbon black when tested in accordance with Test Method D 1603 or Test Method D 4218. Code C and E compounds shall
have sufficient antioxidants to meet requirements in Specification D 3350. Pipe produced from Code E compounds is not suitable for continuous use in exposed outdoor
applications. Code E compounds shall have sufficient UV stabilizer to protect pipe from deleterious effects due to continuous outdoor exposure during shipping and
unprotected outdoor storage for up to 18 months.
D 3035 – 08
TABLE 3 Wall Thicknesses and TolerancesA for DR-PR PE Plastic Pipe
that are no less restrictive than those included in ANSI/NSF Standard No. MPa). Materials that do not have an HDB at 140°F shall be
14 or ANSI/NSF Standard No. 61. The seal or mark of the laboratory limited to 80°F (27°C) and lower service temperatures. See
making the evaluation should be included on the piping.
NOTE 2—Pipe users should consult with the pipe manufacturer about
the outdoor exposure life of the product under consideration. NOTE 3—Additional information about long term stress ratings (HDB)
5.2 Long-term Property Requirements—Polyethylene com- for polyethylene compounds suitable for use in the manufacture of pipe
pounds that are suitable for use in the manufacture of pipe under this specification is available in PPI TR-4.
under this specification shall meet Specification D 3350 clas- NOTE 4—PPI TR-4 lists the maximum recommended hydrostatic de-
sification and property requirements in Table 1 and shall have sign stress at 73°C for water; for PE 1404 materials as 400 psi; for PE
PPI TR-4 HDB listings at 73°F (23°C). In addition, all pipe 2606 materials as 630 psi; for PE 2708, PE 3708, PE 4608, and PE 4708
materials other than PE1404 that are intended to be suitable for materials as 800 psi; and for PE 3710 and PE 4710 materials as 1000 psi.
use at temperatures from 80°F (27°C) through 140°F (60°C)
shall have a minimum HDB at 140°F (60°C) of 630 psi (4.34
D 3035 – 08
TABLE 4 Burst Pressure Requirements for Water at 73°F (23°C) for DR-PR PE Plastic Pipe
5.3 Rework Material—Clean, rework material having the TABLE 5 Apparent Tensile Strength at Yield of Ring Specimens
Cut from Pipe
same cell classification or materials designation code and
generated from the manufacturer’s own pipe production, may Material psi (MPa)
be used by the same manufacturer, as long as the pipe produced PE 2606, PE 2708,
meets all of the requirements of this specification. PE 3608, PE 3708,
2520 (17.37)
PE 3710, PE 4608,
6. Requirements PE 4708, PE 4710
D 3035 – 08
TABLE 6 Stress and Time Requirements for Sustained Pressure TestA
Minimum Hours Before Failure at 73°F (23°C) Minimum Average Hours to Failure at 176°F (80°C)
Material S = 800 psi S = 670 psi S = 580 psi S = 435 psi
(5.5 MPa) (4.6 MPa) (4 MPa) (3 MPa)
PE 1404 1000 80 150
Calculate internal pressure in accordance with the following formula:
P = pressure, psig (MPa),
S = hoop stress, psi (MPa),
Do = average outside diameter, in. (mm), and
t = minimum wall thickness, in. (mm).
NOTE 5—Elevated temperature sustained pressure tests are intended to on the pipe. Condition the specimens for at least 2 h at test
verify extrusion processing and are conducted in accordance with the temperature 6 3.6°F (2°C) prior to test. Test for the minimum
manufacture’s quality program. failure time specified in Table 6 in accordance with Test
6.5.1 Passing results are (1) non-failure for all three Method D 1598, at the stress and temperature values given in
specimens at a time equal to or greater than the Table 7 Table 6. Maintain the specimens at the test pressures 610 psi
“minimum average time before failure” for the selected Table (670 kPa) and the test temperatures 6 3.6°F (6 2°C). Failure
7 Condition, or (2) not more than one ductile specimen failure of one of the three specimens tested is cause for retest of three
and the average time before failure for all three specimens shall additional specimens. Failure of one of three specimens tested
be greater than the specified “minimum average time before in retest constitutes failure in the test. Test and retest specimens
failure” for the selected Table 7 Condition. If more than one shall be from the same production lot. Failure of the pipe test
ductile failure occurs before the “minimum average time specimen shall be as defined in Test Method D 1598. When
before failure”, it is permissible to conduct one retest at a Table testing at 176 6 3.6°F (80 6 2°C) at the higher stress, if ductile
7 Condition of lower stress and longer minimum average time failure occurs before the minimum time, rerunning the test at
before failure for the material designation except that for Table the lower stress condition is not considered a retest.
7 Condition 6 no retest is permissible. Brittle failure of any 7.5 Elevated Temperature Sustained Pressure Test—The
specimen in the test sample when tested at Table 7 Condition “test sample” shall be three specimens of a generally represen-
1 through 6 constitutes failure to meet this requirement and no tative pipe or tubing size produced at the manufacturer’s
retest is allowed. facility using the Table 1 polyethylene pipe material (material
6.5.2 Provision for retest (if needed)—The retest sample designation). Select one Table 7 Condition for the Table 1
shall be three specimens of the same pipe or tubing size and polyethylene pipe material (material designation) and test the
material designation from the same time frame as the test three specimen test sample in accordance with Test Method D
sample per 7.5. For the retest, any specimen failure before the 1598 using water as the internal test medium.
Table 7 “minimum average time before failure” at the retest 7.6 Hydrostatic Burst Pressure—The test equipment, pro-
condition of lower stress and longer minimum average time cedures, and failure definitions shall be as specified in Test
before failure constitutes failure to meet this requirement. Method D 1599.
7. Test Methods 7.7 Apparent Ring Tensile Strength at Yield—The method
and test equipment shall be as specified in Test Method
7.1 Conditioning—Condition the test specimens for not less
D 2290, Procedure B. Test a minimum of five specimens.
than 40 h prior to test in accordance with Procedure A of
Practice D 618, for those tests where conditioning is required.
7.2 Test Conditions—Conduct tests in the standard labora- 8. Retest and Rejection
tory atmosphere of 73 6 3.6°F (23 6 2°C), unless otherwise 8.1 Except as specified in 6.4, 6.5, 6.5.1 and 6.5.2, if the
specified in the test methods or in this specification. results of any test(s) do not meet the requirements of this
7.3 Sampling—The selection of the sample or samples of specification, the test(s) may be conducted again in accordance
pipe shall be as agreed upon by the purchaser and the seller. In with an agreement between the purchaser and the seller. There
case of no prior agreement, random samples as selected by the shall be no agreement to lower the minimum requirement of
testing laboratory shall be deemed adequate. the specification by such means as omitting tests that are a part
7.4 Sustained Pressure Test at Ambient and Elevated of the specification, substituting or modifying a test method, or
Temperature—Select three specimens of pipe at random and by changing the specification limits. In retesting, the product
test each specimen individually with water at controlled requirements of this specification shall be met, and the test
temperatures under the stresses given in Table 6. Each speci- methods designated in the specification shall be followed. If,
men shall be at least ten times the nominal diameter in length, upon retest, failure occurs, the quantity of product represented
but not less than 10 in. (250 mm) or more than 3 ft (1000 mm) by the test(s) does not meet the requirements of this specifi-
between end closures and containing the permanent marking cation.
D 3035 – 08
TABLE 7 Elevated Temperature Sustained Pressure Test Requirements
PE, 2606, PE2706, PE2708, PE3608, PE3708, PE4608, PE4708 PE3710, PE4710
Condition Test Temperature Test Pressure Hoop StressB Minimum Average Time Test Pressure Hoop StressB Minimum Average Time
°F (°C)A psi (kPa)A Before Failure psi (kPa)A Before Failure
Hours Hours
1 176 (80) 670 (4620) 170 750 (5170) 200
2 176 (80) 650 (4480) 340 730 (5020) 400
3 176 (80) 630 (4345) 510 705 (4870) 600
4 176 (80) 610 (4210) 680 685 (4715) 800
5 176 (80) 590 (4070) 850 660 (4565) 1000
6 176 (80) 580 (4000) 1000 640 (4415) 1200
Test temperature tolerance 6 3.6ºF (+/- 2ºC). Test pressure tolerance 6 5 psi (635 kPa); test pressure hoop stress values are rounded to the nearest 5 psi or 5 kPa.
Note: Table 2 conditions are based on PE validation requirements per PPI TR-3 with Condition 6 being 85% of Condition 1 test pressure hoop stress and six times greater
minimum average time before failure. Conditions 2 through 5 are linear stress and time interpolations between Conditions 1 and 6. The intent of multiple conditions is to
maintain equivalent performance criteria, but provide for retest in the event of ductile failure. The test pressure hoop stress levels for Conditions 2-5 are linear interpolations
for arbitrarily chosen time increments. An equivalent performance requirement, however, may be determined by arbitrarily choosing a test pressure hoop stress between
Conditions 1 and 6 and linearly interpolating the minimum average time before failure. For example for PE3710 and PE4710 material, at 670 psi test pressure hoop stress,
the minimum average time before failure would be 927 hours (200 + (750 – 670) · ((1200 – 200) / (750 – 640)) = 927).
Calculate internal test pressure in accordance with:
S Do
P = test pressure, psig (kPa)
S = test pressure hoop stress, psi. (kPa)
Do = measured outside diameter, in. (mm)
t = measured minimum wall thickness, in (mm)
D 3035 – 08
This requirement applies whenever a Regulatory Authority or user calls for product to be used to
convey or to be in contact with potable water.
S1. Potable Water Requirement—Products intended for or the health effects portion of NSF Standard No. 14 by an
contact with potable water shall be evaluated, tested and acceptable certifying organization when required by the regu-
certified for conformance with ANSI/NSF Standard No. 61 latory authority having jurisdiction.
(Nonmandatory Information)
TABLE X1.1 Thermoplastic Pipe Dimension Ratios (DR) and Water Pressure Ratings (PR) at 73°F (23°C) for DR-PR PE Plastic Pipe
PE Pipe MaterialsA
PE 2708, PE 3608,
Dimension PE 3710
PE 3708, PE 4608, PE 2606 PE 1404
Ratio PE4710
PE 4708
Pressure Rating, psi (MPa) Pressure Rating, psi (MPa) Pressure Rating, psi (MPa) Pressure Rating, psi (MPa)
7 333 (2.3) 267 (1.84) 210 (1.45) 133 (0.92)
9 250 (1.7) 200 (1.38) 158 (1.09) 100 (0.69)
9.3 241 (1.7) 193 (1.33) 152 (1.05) 96 (0.66)
11 200 (1.4) 160 (1.10) 126 (0.87) 80 (0.55)
13.5 160 (1.1) 128 (0.88) 100 (0.69) 64 (0.44)
15.5 138 (1.0) 110 (0.76) 87 (0.60) 55 (0.38)
17 125 (0.9) 100 (0.69) 79 (0.54) 50 (0.34)
21 100 (0.7) 80 (0.55) 63 (0.43) 40 (0.28)
26 80 (0.6) 64 (0.44) 50 (0.34) 32 (0.22)
32.5 63 (0.4) 51 (0.35) 40 (0.28) 25 (0.17)
See 3.2.5 for code designations. Design factors and Hydrostatic Design Stress values obtained from PPI TR4. Other design factors may be appropriate under certain
conditions. See PPI TR-9.
X1.1 The pipe is rated for use with water at 73°F (23°C) at pressure ratings. Industry experience indicates that satisfactory
the maximum internal pressures shown in Table X1.1. Lower long-term service can be provided by PE plastic pipe meeting
pressure ratings than those calculated in accordance with 3.2.3 this specification that is properly installed and operated within
may be recommended by the pipe manufacturer where unusu- the identified pressure and temperature ratings. The sustained
ally high pressure surges, elevated temperatures, or unusual pressure requirements (see 6.4) are related to these ratings
installation conditions exist. Pressure ratings at 73°F (23°C) through the slopes of the strength-time plots of these materials
are generally suitable for use at service temperatures not in pipe form.
exceeding 80°F (27°C). Pressure ratings are reduced at tem-
peratures above 80°F (27°C), and materials having an elevated X1.2 The hydrostatic design stress recommended by the
temperature HDB should be used when service at temperatures Plastics Pipe Institute are based on tests made on pipe ranging
above 80°F (27°C) is anticipated. Consult the pipe manufac- in size from 1⁄2 to 3 in. (12.7 to 50.8 mm).
turer for information about elevated temperature service and
D 3035 – 08
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