Cancer Registration in Saudi Arabia
Cancer Registration in Saudi Arabia
Cancer Registration in Saudi Arabia
1 Chairman of the National Cancer Registry, Ministry of Health, 2 King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center, 3 King Saud
University, Riyadh, 4 King Faisal University, Khobar, 5 King Abdulaziz Hospital and Cancer Center, Jeddah, 6 King Saud University,
Abha, 7 King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, 8 Armed Forces Hospital, Riyadh, 9 National Guard Hospital, Riyadh, 10 Security Forces
Hospital, Riyadh
Figure 2. Organization Chart for the National Cancer Figure 3. The Ten Most Common Cancers for Saudis by
Registry Sex, 1994-1996
62 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 2, IACR Supplement, 2001
Saudi Arabia
Regional Variation
Epidemiology of the Principal Cancers Figure 4 . ASR Regional Distribution of all Sites of Cancer
in Saudi Arabia 1994-1996
Female breast cancer
Breast cancer was the most common cancer of females Table 1. Histology of Leukemia, 1994-1996
(19.1% of all newly diagnosed cases), with an ASR of
14/100,000. The incidence by age, is shown in Fig 5, and ICD-O code Histology %
the stage distribution in Fig 6.
982139 Acut lymphoblastic leukemia, NOS 47.4
986139 Acute meyloid leukemia 20.7
986339 Chronic myeloid leukemia 12.6
Between January 1994 and December 1996 there were 1216
982339 Chrinic lymphocytic leukemia 7.6
cases of leukemia among Saudis. These cases accounted
980139 Acute leukemia, NOS 2.1
for 7.5% of all newly diagnosed cases. The overall ASR
Other 9.7
was 3.5/100,000 population ( 3.9/100,000 for males and
3.0/100,000 for females). This cancer ranked third for both
Table 2. Histology of Liver Cancer, 1994-1996
Liver Cancer
Between January 1994 and December 1996 there were 1216
Figure 5. Average Age-specific Incidence Rate (AIR) for cases of liver cancer among Saudis. These cases accounted
Cancer in Saudi Arabia for 7.4% of all newly diagnosed cases. The overall ASR
was 6.3/100,000 population ( 8.5/100,000 for males and
3.5/100,000 for females). This cancer ranked first for males,
and fifth for females, with a sex ratio of 2.9:1.
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Between January 1994 and December 1996 there were 1197
cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma among Saudis. These
cases accounted for 7.4% of all newly diagnosed cases. The
overall ASR was 5.2/100,000 population ( 6.0/100,1000
Figure 6. Stage Distribution of Female Breast Cancer, for males and 4.3/100,000 for females). This cancer ranked
1994-1996 second for the male, and fourth for the female population.