Tieu Chuan AS 1275-1985

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AS 1275—1985

Australian Standard


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This Australian standard was prepared by Committee ME/28, Screw Threads. It was
approved on behalf of the Council of the Standards Association of Australia on
8 November 1984 and published on 4 April 1985.

The following interests are represented on Committee ME/28:

Confederation of Australian Industry
CSIRO, Division of Applied Physics
Department of Defence
Department of Defence Support
Department of Technical and Further Education, N.S.W.
Electricity Supply Association of Australia
Fasteners Institute of Australia
Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries
Institution of Engineers Australia
Institution of Production Engineers
Metal Trades Industry Association of Australia
Railways of Australia Committee
Society of Automotive Engineers, Australasia

Review of Australian Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are subject
to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new editi ons as necessary. It is
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amendments thereto.
Full detail s of all Australian Standards and related publi cati ons wil l be found in the Standards Australi a
Catalogue of Publi cati ons; this informati on is supplemented each month by the magazine ‘The Australi an
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Suggesti ons for improvements to Australian Standards, addressed to the head offi ce of Standards Australi a,
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are welcomed. Notif ication of any inaccuracy or ambiguit y found in an Australi an Standard should be made
without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.

This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 83215.

AS 1275—1985

Australian Standard



First publi shed (as AS B275) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1968

AS 1275 fi rst published . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1972
Second editi on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1985

Amdt 1—1986
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ISBN 0 7262 3628 4
AS 1275—1985 2

This edition of this standard was prepared by the Association’s Committee on Screw Threads, to
supersede AS 1275—1972.
Since AS 1275 was first published, the major ISO standards dealing with metric screw threads (see
later listing) have been revised, and are now in conflict with the information given in
AS 1275—1972. This is particularly true with respect to the root curvature for external threads, and
the limits specified for the thread roots of both external and internal threads.
A further important consideration is that the ISO standards for metric screw threads are now being
adopted virtually unchanged by most developed and developing countries, and therefore it is
important that the Australian standards be aligned with their ISO counterparts as much as possible.
This has been the aim in this edition of the standard.
During the preparation of AS 1275 in the early 1970s, it was noted by the committee that the ISO
symbols used for the various screw thread parameters were illogical, and so a more logical system
was introduced in the Australian standards. This was supported by sustained comment to ISO/TC1
proposing the Australian symbols. Unfortunately the Australian proposals were not accepted by
ISO/TC1 and the original ISO symbols were retained. One of the major changes in this edition
therefore has been to introduce the ISO symbology for the screw thread parameters.
The other major change is with regard to the limits given for the thread roots on both external and
internal threads. In AS 1275—1972 these limits were completely specified, whereas in the ISO
standards only the minimum minor diameter is specified for external threads and the nominal (basic)
major diameter is given for internal threads; the actual limits being indirectly controlled by the
length of straight flanks. Furthermore a root curvature for external threads is only specified for
threads intended for fasteners of property Class 8.8 and above. All other external threads may have
a root configuration in accordance with the basic/design profile.
It was considered that the ISO approach on the limits for the thread roots was practical and should
be adopted, because this would permit maximum flexibility in manufacture without being unduly
detrimental to either the strength of the screw thread or to its assembly properties. However, the ISO
root curvature for external threads, taken to the extreme could cause problems by introducing a
notch effect, which may lead to fatigue failure in threads in some steels which have a high tensile
level and/or have been severely cold worked. A cautionary statement to this effect has therefore
been included in this standard.
This standard has been based on and is in complete alignment with the following ISO standards:
ISO 68—1973 ISO General Purpose Screw Threads—Basic Profile
ISO 261—1973 ISO General Purpose Metric Screw Threads —General Plan
ISO 262—1973 ISO General Purpose Metric Screw Threads —Selected Sizes for Screws, Bolts
and Nuts
ISO 724—1978 ISO Metric Screw Threads—Basic Dimensions
ISO 965/1—1980 ISO General Purpose Metric Screw Threads —Tolerances—
Part 1: Principles and Basic Data
ISO 965/2—1980 ISO General Purpose Metric Screw Threads—Tolerances—
Part 2: Limits of Sizes for General Purpose Bolt and Nut Threads—Medium
ISO 965/3—1980 ISO General Purpose Metric Screw Threads —Tolerances—
Part 3: Deviations for Constructional Threads
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3 AS 1275—1985




1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . 4

1.2 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4
1.3 Referenced Documents . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . 4
1.4 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . 4
1.5 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . 4
1.6 Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . 4
1.7 Stress Area (As) . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . 4


2.1 Scope of Section . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . 5

2.2 Basic Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . 5
2.3 Maximum Material Profile . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . 6
2.4 Least Material Profile . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . 7
2.5 Limiting Profiles . . . . . . . . . .... . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . 7
2.6 Root Contours . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . 8


3.1 Scope of Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2 Basic Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Tolerance Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4 Fundamental Deviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.5 Tolerance Grades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.6 Tolerance Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.7 Limits of Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.8 Coated Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


4.1 Scope of Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15
4.2 Complete Designation for Internal Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15
4.3 Complete Designation for External Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15
4.4 Shortened Designation for Coarse Pitch Series Threads . . . . . . .. 15
4.5 Designation of a Thread Fit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15

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A Notes on the Production of External Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

B Comparison of Symbols (Notations) for Screw Thread Parameters 17
AS 1275—1985 4


Australian Standard


1.1 SCOPE. This standard specifies requirements ISO 262 ISO General Purpose Metric Screw
for single start, parallel, coarse pitch series metric Threads—Selected Sizes for Screws, Bolts
screw threads, mainly intended for threaded fasteners. and Nuts
The standard covers screw threads from 1.6 mm 1.4 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this standard,
diameter up to and including 64 mm diameter, in the definitions given in AS XXXX apply.
tolerance classes 6e, 6f, 6g and 8g, for external 1.5 SYMBOLS. The symbols used in this standard to
threads; and 6H and 6G for internal threads. define the screw thread parameters are given in
The standard gives information on symbols for screw Table 1.1.
thread parameters, tolerances, deviations, thread NOTE: These are now aligned with the ISO symbols. For
classes, designation and verification. comparison of the current symbols with those used in
AS 1275—1972, see Appendix B.
Appendices are included giving notes on the
production of screw threads and a comparison of
symbols used in this standard and the 1972 edition. TABLE 1.1
1. The coarse pit ch series given in this standard comprises the Symbol Explanation
1st and 2nd choice diameter/pit ch combinations (f or coarse D basic major diameter of internal thread
pitch series threads) extracted fr om AS 1721. They are the D1 basic minor diameter of internal thread
same as those given in ISO 261 and ISO 262; the latter D2 basic pit ch diameter of internal thread
coveri ng diameters up to and including 39 mm only. d basic major diameter of external thread
2. For informati on on the bases of the metri c screw thread d1 basic minor diameter of external thread
system and associated formulas, see AS 1721. d2 basic pit ch diameter of external thread
1.2 APPLICATION. This standard gives P pitch
H height of fundamental tr iangle
information on the design, manufacture and use of root radius of external thread
ISO coarse pitch series metric parallel screw threads. S designation for lengths of thread engagement group
The standard is intended for adoption by industry and Short
N designation for lengths of thread engagement group
government authorities concerned with the design, Normal
manufacture and/or use of metric screw threads. L designation for lengths of thread engagement group
1.3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. The following Long
T tolerance
standards are referred to in this standard: tolerance on minor diameter of internal thread
TD 1
AS 1014 Gauging of Metric Screw Threads TD 2 tolerance on pitch diameter of external thread
Td tolerance on major diameter of external thread
AS 1098 Roller-type Screw Calliper Gauges T d2 tolerance on pitch diameter of external thread
AS 1110 ISO Metric Hexagon Precision Bolts and G, H fundamental deviations for internal threads
e, f, g fundamental deviations for external threads
Screws nominal stress area (external threads)
AS 1111 ISO Metric Hexagon Commercial Bolts
and Screws 1.6 VERIFICATION. The form and dimensions of
screw threads to this standard should preferably be
AS 1112 ISO Metric Hexagon Nuts, including verified by gauging in accordance with AS 1014.
Thin Nuts, Slotted Nuts and Castle Nuts The method(s) of verification (inspection) to be used on
AS 1214 Hot-dip Galvanized Coatings on any particular occasion will however, depend on such
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Threaded Fasteners (ISO Metric Coarse things as the thread diameter, the thread class, the
Thread Series) number of items produced and the method of
AS 1252 Hi gh-strength Steel Bol ts wi th manufacture.
Associated Nuts and Washers for Where gauging is impractical, the threads may be
Structural Engineering verified by direct measurement or by optical methods; or
a combination of both.
AS 1654 Limits and Fits for Engineering
1.7 STRESS AREA (A s). The cross-sectional area used
AS 1721 General Purpose Metric Screw Threads for calculating the tensile and proof loads for threaded
AS 1897 Electroplated Coatings on Threaded fasteners is based on the following formula:
Components (Metric Coarse Series)
AS XXXX* Glossary of Terms for Screw Threads
ISO 261 ISO General Purpose Metric Screw NOTE: Calculated values of the stress areas are given in Table 3.3.
Threads—General Plan * In course of preparation.

5 AS 1275—1985


2.1 SCOPE OF SECTION. This Section specifies basic and limiting thread profiles.
the basic profile, the maximum material profiles and 2.2 BASIC PROFILE. The basic profile of ISO
the limiting profiles for external and internal metric general purpose metric screw threads is shown in
screw threads. The section also includes information Fig. 2.1. The dimensions for the various pitches are
and values of the main elements used to derive the given in Table 2.1.

NOTE: For explanati on of symbols, see Table 1.1.


mill imetres
Pitch H / H
5 8 / H
3 8 H/4 H/8
0.35 0.303 109 0.189 443 0.113 666 0.075 777 0.037 889
0.4 0.346 410 0.216 506 0.129 904 0.086 603 0.043 301
0.45 0.389 711 0.243 570 0.146 142 0.097 428 0.048 714
0.5 0.433 013 0.270 633 0.162 380 0.108 253 0.054 127
0.6 0.519 615 0.324 760 0.194 856 0.129 904 0.064 952
0.7 0.606 218 0.378 886 0.227 332 0.151 554 0.075 777
0.75 0.649 519 0.405 949 0.243 570 0.162 380 0.081 190
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0.8 0.692 820 0.433 013 0.259 808 0.173 205 0.086 603
1 0.866 025 0.541 266 0.324 760 0.216 506 0.108 253
1.25 1.082 532 0.676 582 0.405 949 0.270 633 0.135 316
1.5 1.299 038 0.811 899 0.487 139 0.324 760 0.162 380
1.75 1.515 544 0.947 215 0.568 329 0.378 886 0.189 443
2 1.732 051 1.082 532 0.649 519 0.433 013 0.216 506
2.5 2.165 063 1.353 165 0.811 899 0.541 266 0.270 633
3 2.598 076 1.623 798 0.974 279 0.649 519 0.324 760
3.5 3.031 089 1.894 431 1.136 658 0.757 772 0.378 886
4 3.464 102 2.165 063 1.299 038 0.866 025 0.433 013
4.5 3.897 114 2.435 696 1.461 418 0.974 279 0.487 139
5 4.330 127 2.706 329 1.623 798 1.082 532 0.541 266
5.5 4.763 140 2.976 962 1.786 177 1.190 785 0.595 392
6 5.196 152 3.247 595 1.948 557 1.299 038 0.649 519

AS 1275—1985 6

2.3 MAXIMUM MATERIAL PROFILE. 2.3.2 Maximum material profile—external thread.

2.3.1 Maximum material profile—internal thread. The profile of an external screw thread at its maximum
material condition is shown in Fig. 2.3. It is the same as
The profile of an external screw thread at its the basic profile, except that—
maximum material condition is shown in Fig. 2.2. It
is the same as the basic profile except that in (a) in practice the crests may be rounded inside the
practice, the root is rounded as shown by the dotted maximum profile as shown by the dotted line; and
line, and cleared beyond a width P/8. (b) the thread roots (minor diameter) may require to be
modified in accordance with Clause 2.6.2.


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1. For details of root curvature, see Clause 2.6.2 and Fig. 2.7.
2. The actual form of any rounding of the crests or roots of the thread will not be detected by
conventi onal gauging since such gauges are cleared at the crest and root and only assess the straight
fl anks over the height of the basic profil e, i.e. 5/8 H radial depth.
3. If assessment of the root curvature is required, verif ication by optical projection is necessary and it
is to be stated in the design requir ements.


7 AS 1275—1985

2.4 LEAST MATERIAL PROFILE. The least limiting profiles for internal screw threads, involving
material profile of both internal and external threads tolerance positions H and G, are shown in Figs 2.4
is derived from the maximum material profile using and 2.5 respectively.
the information given in Section 3.
2.5.2 Limiting profiles—external threads. Typical
2.5 LIMITING PROFILES. limiting profiles for external screw threads, involving
2.5.1 Limiting profiles—internal threads. Typical tolerance positions e, f and g, are shown in Fig. 2.6.

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AS 1275—1985 8



2.6 ROOT CONTOURS. and the minimum truncation is—

2.6.1 Internal threads. The actual root contour
shall not at any point transgress the basic profile. In 0.125 P ≈
practice the taps used to produce internal threads will
normally produce a rounded thread root cleared
beyond a width of P/8 as shown in Fig. 2.2. The above principle is recommended for all other
external threads, particularly those used in
2.6.2 External threads. The actual root contour applications subject to fatigue or impact.
shall not at any point transgress the basic profile.
However it is recommended that the root profile External threads must be accepted by a GO screw
should not be flat, with sharp corners, but should be ring or GO screw calliper gauge.
smoothly rounded. It is not practical to specify limits for the minor
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For threads on fasteners of property Class 8.8 and diameter of an external thread. A minimum minor
higher (see AS 1110 and AS 1252) and similar diameter can be derived when the blend radius equals
materials with similar properties, the root profile shall 0.125 P, and the flanks are at the least material
have a non-reversing curvature, no portion of which condition, but as the flanks approach the maximum
shall have a radius less than R min , which is tangential material condition the maximum minor diameter will
to the thread flank. The root profile may be tend to reduce, and the limiting values are dependent
comprised of arcs of minimum radius R min to which on the actual crest diameter and pitch diameter of the
the flanks and a flat at the root are tangential (see gauge as well as the subject screw thread (see
Fig. 2.7). The values of R min are given in Table 2.2. Fig. 2.7).
The maximum truncation is— As noted in Fig. 2.3, conventional gauging will not
examine the root contours and it is recommended that
gauging be supplemented by profile projection of the
external thread root.

9 AS 1275—1985

(a) Tolerance positi on h (b) Tolerance positi ons e, f and g



TABLE 2.2.
mill imetres
R min
0.2 0.025
0.25 0.031
0.3 0.038
0.35 0.044
0.4 0.050
0.45 0.056
0.5 0.063
0.6 0.075
0.7 0.088
0.75 0.094
0.8 0.100
1 0.125
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1.25 0.156
1.5 0.188
1.75 0.219
2 0.250
2.5 0.313
3 0.375
3.5 0.438
4 0.500
4.5 0.563
5 0.625
5.5 0.688
6 0.750
NOTE: R min = 0.125P.

AS 1275—1985 10


3.1 SCOPE OF SECTION. This Section sets out the Basic minor diameter
basic dimensions and thread tolerance system, and gives d1 = d - 2 × 5 /8 H = D - 1.0825P
information on the tolerance grades, fundamental
deviations, and tolerance classes used for ISO metric
coarse pitch series threads. 3.3 TOLERANCE POSITIONS. The following
tolerance positions are given in this standard:
The Section also gives information on lengths of thread
engagement applicable to the tolerance classes given in (a) For internal threads:
the standard.
G with a positive fundamental deviation.
NOTE: For further information on deviations and tolerances and
their deviation, see AS 1721. H with zero fundamental deviation.
See Figs 2.4 and 2.5.
3.2 BASIC DIMENSIONS. Values for the basic pitch
diameters and minor diameters are given in Table 3.1. (b) For external threads:
The values rounded to the third decimal place have been e, f and g with a negative fundamental deviation.
calculated from the following formulas:
Basic pitch diameter
3.4.1 General. Fundamental deviations are
D = D - 2 × 3/8 H = D - 0.6495P designated by upper case letters for internal (nut)
Basic pitch diameter threads, and lower case letters for external (bolt)
threads. The fundamental deviations for internal
d2 = d - 2 × 3/8 H = D - 0.6495P threads and for external threads, are positioned with
Basic minor diameter respect to the basic size as shown in Fig. 3.1. For
explanation of symbols, see Table 1.1.
D1 = D - 2 × 5/8 H = D - 1.0825P


mill imetres
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Basic major dia. Basic Basic Basic major dia. Basic Basic Basic major dia. Basic Basic
Pitch pitch minor Pitch pitch minor Pitch pitch minor
First Second P First Second P First Second P
choice choice dia. dia. choice choice dia. dia. choice choice dia. dia.
1.6 0.35 1.373 1.221 8 1.25 7.188 6.647 33 3.5 30.727 29.211
1.8 0.35 1.573 1.421 10 1.5 9.026 8.376 36 4 33.402 31.670
2 0.4 1.740 1.567 12 1.75 10.863 10.106 39 4 36.402 34.670
2.2 0.45 1.908 1.713 14 2 12.701 11.835 42 4.5 39.077 37.129
2.5 0.45 2.208 2.013 16 2 14.701 13.835 45 4.5 42.077 40.129
3 0.5 2.675 2.459 18 2.5 16.376 15.294 48 5 44.752 42.587
3.5 0.6 3.110 2.850 20 2.5 18.376 17.294 52 5 48.752 46.587
4 0.7 3.545 3.242 20 2.5 20.376 19.294 56 5.5 52.428 50.046
4.5 0.75 4.013 3.688 24 3 22.051 20.752 60 5.5 56.428 54.046
5 0.8 4.480 4.134 27 3 25.051 23.752 64 6 60.103 57.505
6 1 5.350 4.917 30 3.5 27.727 26.211

11 AS 1275—1985

3.4.2 Internal threads. The system provides two of internal threads. This parameter is considered
fundamental deviations for internal threads designated H acceptable, provided that no portion of the root curvature
and G. Values for the fundamental deviations are given transgresses the basic profile. For convenience the
in Table 3.2. The deviations are applicable to the pitch minimum major diameter is given in the tabulated values
diameter and minor diameter, and should be algebraically of screw thread limits (see Table 3.3).
added to the basic pitch diameter or basic minor
diameter as relevant. External threads. As indicated in Clause 2.6.2,
no specific tolerances are given for the minor diameter
3.4.3 External threads. The system provides three of external threads. This parameter is considered
fundamental deviations for external threads designated e, acceptable, provided that the root curvature is in
f and g. Values for the fundamental deviations are given agreement with Clause 2.6.2 and the minimum minor
in Table 3.2. The deviations are applicable to the pitch diameter is not less than that specified for the appropriate
diameter and major diameter, and should be algebraically tolerance class in Table 3.3.
added to the basic pitch diameter or basic major diameter
as relevant. 3.6 TOLERANCE CLASSES.
3.5 TOLERANCE GRADES. 3.6.1 General. The method of defining a tolerance
3.5.1 General. This standard covers tolerance grades 6 class for ISO metric screw threads comprises two
and 8 for external (bolt) threads and tolerance grade 6 elements, and consists of a number describing the
only for internal (nut) threads. The tolerances are selected tolerance grade, followed by an upper or lower
applicable to the major diameter and pitch diameter, for case letter describing the selected fundamental
external threads, and the pitch diameter and minor deviation—
diameter, for internal threads. Values for the tolerance
grades are given in Table 3.2. e.g.
For information on the thread root tolerances, see External threads: 6g 6h
Clause 3.5.2. Internal threads: 6H 6G.
3.5.2 Root diameter tolerances. NOTE: The tolerance class system for metric screw threads as given Internal threads. As indicated in Clause 2.6.1, in this standard is similar but in no way related to the general system
no specific tolerances are given for the major diameter for limits and fits as given in AS 1654.

mil li metres
Length of External threads Internal threads
Basic axial Fundamental Fundamental Tolerance
major Pitch engagement deviation deviation
dia. P N Grade 6 Grade 8 H G Grade 6
D, d e f g +
Up Major Pitch Major Pitch Minor Pitch
to dia. dia. dia. dia. dia. dia.
1.6 0.35 0.8 2.6 — 0.034 0.019 0.085 0.063 — — 0 0.019 0.100 0.085
1.8 * 0.35 0.8 2.6 — 0.034 0.019 0.085 0.063 — — 0 0.019 0.100 0.085
2 0.4 1 3 — 0.034 0.019 0.095 0.067 — — 0 0.019 0.112 0.090
2.2 * 0.45 1.3 3.8 — 0.035 0.020 0.100 0.071 — — 0 0.020 0.125 0.095
2.5 0.45 1.3 3.8 — 0.035 0.020 0.100 0.071 — — 0 0.020 0.125 0.095
3 0.5 1.5 4.5 0.050 0.036 0.020 0.106 0.075 — — 0 0.020 0.140 0.100
3.5 * 0.6 1.7 5 0.053 0.036 0.021 0.125 0.085 — — 0 0.021 0.160 0.112
4 0.7 2 6 0.056 0.038 0.022 0.140 0.090 — — 0 0.022 0.180 0.118
4.5 * 0.75 2.2 6.7 0.056 0.038 0.022 0.140 0.090 — — 0 0.022 0.190 0.118
5 0.8 2.5 7.5 0.060 0.038 0.024 0.150 0.095 0.236 0.150 0 0.024 0.200 0.125
6 1 3 9 0.060 0.040 0.026 0.180 0.112 0.280 0.180 0 0.026 0.236 0.150
8 1.25 4 12 0.063 0.042 0.028 0.212 0.118 0.335 0.190 0 0.028 0.265 0.160
10 1.5 5 15 0.067 0.045 0.032 0.236 0.132 0.375 0.212 0 0.032 0.300 0.180
12 1.75 6 18 0.071 0.048 0.034 0.265 0.150 0.425 0.236 0 0.034 0.335 0.200
14* 2 8 24 0.071 0.052 0.038 0.280 0.160 0.450 0.250 0 0.038 0.375 0.212
16 2 8 24 0.071 0.052 0.038 0.280 0.160 0.450 0.250 0 0.038 0.375 0.212
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2.5 10 30 0.080 0.058 0.042 0.335 0.170 0.530 0.265 0 0.042 0.450 0.224
20 2.5 10 30 0.080 0.058 0.042 0.335 0.170 0.530 0.265 0 0.042 0.450 0.224
22* 2.5 10 30 0.080 0.058 0.042 0.335 0.170 0.530 0.265 0 0.042 0.450 0.224
24 3 12 36 0.085 0.063 0.048 0.375 0.200 0.600 0.315 0 0.048 0.500 0.265
27* 3 12 36 0.085 0.063 0.048 0.375 0.200 0.600 0.315 0 0.048 0.500 0.265
30 3.5 15 45 0.090 0.070 0.053 0.425 0.212 0.670 0.335 0 0.053 0.560 0.280
33* 3.5 15 45 0.090 0.070 0.053 0.425 0.212 0.670 0.335 0 0.053 0.560 0.280
36 4 18 53 0.095 0.075 0.060 0.475 0.224 0.750 0.355 0 0.060 0.600 0.300
39* 4 18 53 0.095 0.075 0.060 0.475 0.224 0.750 0.355 0 0.060 0.600 0.300
42 4.5 21 63 0.100 0.080 0.063 0.500 0.236 0.800 0.375 0 0.063 0.670 0.315
45* 4.5 21 63 0.100 0.080 0.063 0.500 0.236 0.800 0.375 0 0.063 0.670 0.315
48 5 24 71 0.106 0.085 0.071 0.530 0.250 0.850 0.400 0 0.071 0.710 0.335
52* 5 24 71 0.106 0.085 0.071 0.530 0.250 0.850 0.400 0 0.071 0.710 0.335
56 5.5 28 85 0.112 0.090 0.075 0.560 0.265 0.900 0.425 0 0.075 0.750 0.355
60* 5.5 28 85 0.112 0.090 0.075 0.560 0.265 0.900 0.425 0 0.075 0.750 0.355
64 6 32 95 0.118 0.095 0.080 0.600 0.280 0.950 0.450 0 0.080 0.800 0.375

Second choice diameter.

AS 1275—1985 12

mill imetres
Basic External threads Internal threads
major Pitch Toler- Major Pitch Minor Stress Toler- Major Pitch Minor
dia. P ance diameter diameter diameter area As ance diameter diameter diameter
D, d class max. min. max. min. min. mm 2 class min. max. min. max. min.
1.6 0.35 6g 1.581 1.496 1.354 1.291 1.075 1.27 6H 1.600 1.458 1.373 1.321 1.221
6f 1.566 1.481 1.339 1.276 1.060 6G 1.600 1.477 1.392 1.340 1.240
1.8 0.35 6g 1.781 1.696 1.554 1.491 1.275 1.7 6H 1.800 1.658 1.573 1.521 1.421
6f 1.766 1.681 1.539 1.476 1.260 6G 1.800 1.677 1.592 1.540 1.440
2 0.4 6g 1.981 1.886 1.721 1.654 1.408 2.07 6H 2.000 1.830 1.740 1.679 1.567
6f 1.966 1.871 1.706 1.639 1.393 6G 2.000 1.849 1.759 1.698 1.586
2.2 * 0.45 6g 2.180 2.080 1.888 1.817 1.539 2.48 6H 2.200 2.003 1.908 1.838 1.713
6f 2.165 2.065 1.873 1.802 1.524 6G 2.200 2.023 1.928 1.858 1.733
2.5 0.45 6g 2.480 2.380 2.188 2.117 1.839 3.39 6H 2.500 2.303 2.208 2.138 2.013
6f 2.465 2.365 2.173 2.102 1.824 6G 2.500 2.323 2.228 2.158 2.033
6g 2.980 2.874 2.655 2.580 2.272 6H 3.000 2.775 2.675 2.599 2.459
3 0.5 6f 2.964 2.858 2.639 2.564 2.256 5.03 6G 3.000 2.795 2.695 2.619 2.479
6e 2.950 2.844 2.625 2.550 2.242
6g 3.479 3.354 3.089 3.004 2.635 6H 3.500 3.222 3.110 3.010 2.850
3.5 * 0.6 6f 3.464 3.339 3.074 2.989 2.620 6.78 6G 3.500 3.243 3.131 3.031 2.871
6e 3.447 3.322 3.057 2.972 2.603
6g 3.978 3.838 3.523 3.433 3.002 6H 4.000 3.663 3.545 3.422 3.242
4 0.7 6f 3.962 3.882 3.507 3.417 2.986 8.78 6G 4.000 3.685 2.576 3.444 3.264
6e 3.944 3.804 3.489 3.399 2.968
6g 4.478 4.338 3.991 3.901 3.439 6H 4.500 4.131 4.013 3.078 3.688
4.5 * 0.75 6f 4.462 4.322 3.975 3.885 3.423 11.3 6G 4.500 4.153 4.035 3.900 3.710
6e 4.444 4.304 3.957 3.867 3.405
6g 4.976 4.826 4.456 4.361 3.868
5 0.8 8g 4.976 4.740 4.456 4.306 3.814 14.2 6H 5.000 4.605 4.480 4.334 4.134
6f 4.962 4.812 4.442 4.347 3.854 6G 5.000 4.629 4.504 4.358 4.158
6e 4.940 4.790 4.420 4.325 3.834
6g 5.974 5.794 5.324 5.212 4.597
6 1 8g 5.974 5.694 5.324 5.144 4.528 20.1 6H 6.000 5.500 5.350 5.153 4.917
6f 5.960 5.780 5.310 5.198 4.583 6G 6.000 5.526 5.376 5.179 4.943
6e 5.940 5.760 5.290 5.178 4.563
6g 7.972 7.760 7.160 7.042 6.272
8 1.25 8g 7.972 7.637 7.160 6.970 6.200 36.6 6H 8.000 7.348 7.188 6.912 6.647
6f 7.958 7.746 7.146 7.028 6.258 6G 8.000 7.376 7.216 6.940 6.675
6e 7.937 7.725 7.125 7.007 6.237
6g 9.968 9.732 8.994 8.862 7.938
10 1.5 8g 9.968 9.593 8.994 8.782 7.858 58.0 6H 10.000 9.206 9.026 8.676 8.376
6f 9.955 9.719 8.981 8.849 7.925 6G 10.000 9.238 9.058 8.708 8.408
6e 9.933 9.697 8.959 8.828 7.903
6g 11.966 11.701 10.829 10.679 9.602
12 1.75 8g 11.966 11.541 10.829 10.593 9.516 84.3 6H 12.000 11.063 10.863 10.441 10.106
6f 11.952 11.687 10.815 10.665 9.588 6G 12.000 11.097 10.897 10.475 10.140
6e 11.929 11.664 10.792 10.642 9.565
6g 13.962 13.682 12.663 12.503 11.271
14 * 2 8g 13.962 13.512 12.663 12.413 11.181 115 6H 14.000 12.913 12.701 12.210 11.835
6f 13.948 13.668 12.649 12.489 11.257 6G 14.000 12.951 12.739 12.248 11.873
6e 13.929 13.649 12.630 12.470 11.238
6g 15.962 15.682 14.663 14.503 13.271
16 2 8g 15.962 15.512 14.663 14.413 13.181 157 6H 16.000 14.913 14.701 14.210 13.835
6f 15.948 15.668 14.649 14.489 13.257 6G 16.000 14.951 14.739 14.248 13.873
6e 15.929 15.649 14.630 14.470 13.238
6g 17.958 17.623 16.334 16.164 14.624
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18 2.5 8g 17.958 17.428 16.334 16.069 14.529 192 6H 18.000 16.656 16.376 15.854 15.294
6f 17.942 17.607 16.318 16.148 14.608 6G 18.000 16.642 16.418 15.786 15.336
6e 17.920 17.585 16.296 16.126 14.586
6g 19.958 19.623 18.334 18.164 16.624
20 2.5 8g 19.958 19.428 18.334 18.069 16.529 245 6H 20.000 18.600 18.376 17.744 17.294
6f 19.942 19.607 18.318 18.148 16.608 6G 20.000 18.642 18.418 17.786 17.336
6e 19.920 19.585 18.296 18.126 16.586
6g 21.958 21.623 20.334 20.164 18.624
22 * 2.5 8g 21.958 21.428 20.334 20.069 18.529 303 6H 22.000 20.600 20.376 19.744 19.294
6f 21.942 21.607 20.318 20.148 18.608 6G 22.000 20.642 20.418 19.786 19.336
6e 21.920 21.585 20.296 20.126 18.586
Second choice diameter. (conti nued)

13 AS 1275—1985

TABLE 3.3 (continued)

mill imetres
Basic External threads Internal threads
major Pitch Toler- Major Pitch Minor Stress Toler- Major Pitch Minor
dia. P ance diameter diameter diameter area As ance diameter diameter diameter
D, d class max. min. max. min. min. mm 2 class min. max. min. max. min.
6g 23.952 23.577 22.003 21.803 19.955
24 3 8g 23.952 23.352 22.003 21.688 19.840 353 6H 24.000 22.316 22.051 21.252 20.752
6f 23.937 23.562 21.988 21.788 19.940 6G 24.000 22.364 22.099 21.300 20.800
6e 23.915 23.540 21.966 21.766 19.918
6g 26.952 26.577 25.003 24.803 22.955
27 * 3 8g 26.952 26.352 25.003 24.688 22.840 459 6H 27.000 25.316 25.051 24.252 23.752
6f 26.937 26.562 24.988 24.788 22.940 6G 27.000 25.364 25.099 24.300 23.800
6e 26.915 26.540 24.966 24.766 22.918
6g 29.947 29.522 27.674 27.462 25.305
30 3.5 8g 29.947 29.277 27.674 27.339 25.182 561 6H 30.000 28.007 27.727 26.771 26.211
6f 29.930 29.505 27.657 27.445 25.288 6G 30.000 28.060 27.780 26.824 26.264
6e 29.910 29.485 27.637 27.425 25.268
6g 32.947 32.522 30.674 30.462 28.305
33 * 3.5 8g 32.947 32.277 30.674 30.339 28.182 694 6H 33.000 31.007 30.727 29.771 29.211
6f 32.930 32.505 30.657 30.445 28.288 6G 33.000 31.060 30.780 29.824 29.264
6e 32.910 32.485 30.637 30.425 28.268
6g 35.940 35.465 33.342 33.118 30.654
36 4 8g 35.940 35.190 33.342 32.987 30.523 817 6H 36.000 33.702 32.402 32.270 31.670
6f 35.925 35.450 33.327 33.103 30.639 6G 36.000 33.762 33.462 32.330 31.730
6e 35.905 35.430 33.307 33.083 30.619
6g 38.940 38.455 36.342 36.118 33.654
39 * 4 8g 38.940 38.190 36.342 35.987 33.523 976 6H 39.000 36.702 35.402 35.270 34.670
6f 38.825 38.450 36.327 36.103 33.639 6G 39.000 36.762 36.462 35.330 34.730
6e 38.905 38.430 36.307 36.083 33.619
6g 41.937 41.437 39.014 38.778 36.006
42 4.5 8g 41.937 41 137 39.014 38.639 35.876 1121 6H 42.000 39.392 39.077 37.799 37.129
6f 41.920 41.420 38.997 38.761 35.989 6G 42.000 39.455 39.140 37.862 37.192
6e 41.900 41.400 38.977 38.741 35.969
6g 44.937 44.437 42.014 41.778 39.066
45 * 4.5 8g 44 937 44.137 42.014 41.639 38.867 1306 6H 45.000 42.392 42.077 40.799 40.129
6f 44.920 44.420 41.997 41.761 38.989 6G 45.000 42.455 42.140 40.862 40.192
6e 44.900 44.400 41.977 41.741 38.969
6g 47.929 47.399 44.681 44.431 41.351
48 5 8g 47.929 47.079 44.681 44.281 41.201 1473 6H 48.000 45.087 44.752 43.297 42.587
6f 47.915 47.385 44.667 44.417 41.337 6G 48.000 45.158 44.823 43.368 42.658
6e 47.894 47.364 44.646 44.396 41.316
6g 51.929 51.399 48.681 48.431 45.351
52 * 5 8g 51.929 51.079 46.681 48.281 45.201 1758 6H 52.000 49.087 48.752 47.297 46.587
6f 51.915 51.385 48.667 48.417 45.337 6G 52.000 49.158 48.823 47.368 46.658
6e 51.894 51.364 48.646 48.396 45.316
6g 55.925 55.365 52.353 52.088 48.700
56 5.5 8g 55.925 55.025 52.353 51.928 48.540 2030 6H 56.000 52.783 52.428 50.796 50.046
6f 55.910 55.350 52.338 52.073 48.685 6G 56.000 52.858 52.503 50.871 50.121
6e 55.888 55.328 52.316 52.051 48.663
6g 59.925 59.365 56.353 56.088 52.700
60 * 5.5 8g 59.925 59.025 56.353 55.928 52.540 2362 6H 60.000 56.783 56.428 54.796 54.046
6f 59.910 59.350 56.338 56.073 52.685 6G 60.000 56.858 56.503 54.871 54.121
6e 59.888 59.328 56.316 56.051 52.663
6g 63.920 63.320 60.023 59.743 56.047
64 6 8g 63.920 62.970 60.023 59.573 55.877 2676 6H 64.000 60.478 60.103 58.305 57.505
6f 63.905 63.305 60.008 59.728 56.032 6G 64.000 60.558 60.183 58.385 57.585
6e 63.882 63.282 59.985 59.705 56.009
Second choice diameter.
Accessed by LOGICAMMS on 03 Jan 2012

AS 1275—1985 14

3.6.2 Disposition of tolerance classes. The Based on the above, the following combinations are
tolerance classes are disposed about the basic pitch recommended:
and major diameter for external threads and the basic
pitch and minor diameter for internal threads as (a) Commercial quality fasteners—6H nut with 8g
shown in Fig. 3.2. bolt.
3.6.3 Selection of tolerance classes. (b) Precision quality fasteners—6H nut with 6g bolt. General. The tolerance classes for the pitch NOTE: Tolerance classes 6e, 6f and 6G, are essenti ally provided
for ‘preplated’ screw thread dimensions.
and crest diameter, shall be selected in accordance
with Clause, bearing in mind the type of 3.7 LIMITS OF SIZE. The limiting dimensions for
fastener, i.e. ‘precision’ or ’commercial’ quality. external threads, tolerance classes 6e, 6f, 6g and 8g; Length of axial thread engagement. The and internal threads, tolerance classes 6H and 6G are
tolerance classes given in this standard are intended given in Table 3.3.
for the ‘normal’ length of thread engagement as given 3.8 COATED THREADS. The limiting dimensions
in Table 3.2. If the actual length of thread given in Table 3.3 apply to the screw threads before
engagement is unknown (as in the manufacturing of coating, unless otherwise specified. After coating the
standard bolts), the normal length of thread actual thread profile shall not transgress the
engagement shall be assumed. maximum material limits, i.e. the basic dimensions as
NOTE: For further informati on, see AS 1721. given in Table 3.1. Recommended combinations. Although there The above provisions apply to all coated screw
is no direct guidance given by ISO for the threads except those hot-dip galvanized in accordance
combination of thread classes, these may be inferred with AS 1214.
by reference to the appropriate ISO standards for
threaded fasteners. NOTE: For further informati on on electr oplated coati ngs on
threaded components, see AS 1897.


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15 AS 1275—1985


the designation system used for metric screw threads THREADS. The complete designation for an external
for fasteners, and gives the complete designation, screw thread with the same tolerance class for the pitch
together with a shortened designation which may be diameter and major diameter comprises the same
applied to coarse pitch series threads as covered by elements in the same order as given for internal screw
this standard. Provision is also made for designating threads (see Clause 4.2).
different types of fits between internal and external
threads. EXAMPLE: M8 × 1 - 6g
| | | |
4.2 COMPLETE DESIGNATION FOR Thread designation symbol | | | |
INTERNAL THREADS. The complete designation | | |
Basic major diameter | | |
of an internal screw thread to this standard comprises | |
the following elements in the following order: Pitch | |
(a) The letter M indicating an ISO Metric general Pitch diameter tolerance class |
purpose screw thread.
NOTE: For coarse pitch series threads, see also Clause 4.4.
(b) The value of the basic major diameter in 4.4 SHORTENED DESIGNATION FOR COARSE
millimetres. PITCH SERIES THREADS. The designation for
coarse pitch series internal and external threads is the
(c) The value of the pitch in millimetres. same as that given in Clauses 4.2 and 4.3 respectively,
except that the indication of pitch may be omitted.
(d) The tolerance class designation for the pitch Therefore if no pitch is indicated in the designation, a
diameter. coarse pitch series thread is specified, i.e.—
M8 — 6e is the same as M8 × 1.25 - 6e; and
EXAMPLE: M5 × 0.8 - 5H
| | | | M5 — 5H is the same as M5 × 0.8 - 5H.
Thread designati on symbol | | | | 4.5 DESIGNATION OF A THREAD FIT. A fit
| | | between mating internal and external threads is indicated
Basic major diameter | | | in the designation by the tolerance class of the internal
| | thread, followed by the tolerance class for the external
Pitch | | thread separated by an oblique stroke.
Pitch diameter tolerance class | Example:
NOTE: For coarse pitch seri es threads, see also Clause 4.4. M8 - 6H/6g
Accessed by LOGICAMMS on 03 Jan 2012

AS 1275—1985 16

The actual form of the crest of an external thread depends on the method of
If a single-ribbed grinding wheel or single-point cutting tool is used, a thread with a
completely flat crest will be produced, as illustrated in Fig. A1(a).
Use of a crushed multi-ribbed wheel produces a crest profile similar to that shown in
Fig. A1(b).
A typical form of crest produced by the thread rolling processes is shown in
Fig. A1(c). The crests of threads resulting from this process will normally fall wholly
above the minimum limiting profile shown in Figs 2.6 and 2.7.
Fig. A1(d) shows the form of crest produced by a thread cutting die of nominal root
radius, viz 125P. With a correctly formed tool, there will be no serious loss of straight
flank even when it cuts a thread on minimum diameter.
Provided that due care is taken in regard to the wear of tools, rounded crests should
rarely reach the dotted profile shown in Fig. 2.3.
It may be mentioned that the following advantages are associated with bolts with
rounded crests:
(a) Bolts with rounded crests are less susceptible to damage by burring in handling
and transport than those having flat crests, which result in sharp, or semi-sharp,
edges round the outside diameter of the bolt.
(b) Troubles associated with plating are far less serious if the crests of the bolts are
rounded. In the plating of bolts by the usual barrel plating process, the burring of
flat-crested bolts can be quite serious, and in the still-vat process the plating tends
to build up round the two edges at the outside diameter and encroaches upon the

(a) Crest produced by grinding wit h (b) Crest produced by grinding wit h
a single-ri bbed wheel or cutt ing a crushed mult i- ri bbed wheel.
with a single point tool.
Accessed by LOGICAMMS on 03 Jan 2012

(c) Crest produced by thread-r olling (d) Crest produced by a thread

cutt ing die.


17 AS 1275—1985

Symbol (notation)
used in
Parameter ISO and
AS 1275—1972 this
Major diameter — basic D D; d
internal threads Dn —
external threads Ds —
Pitch diameter — basic E d 2; d 2
internal threads En —
external threads Es
Minor diameter — basic d D 1; d 1
internal threads dn —
external threads ds d3 *
Pitch p P
Height of fundamental tr iangle H H
Height (depth) of thread — basic h —
internal threads hn —
external threads hs —
Addendum — basic —
internal threads h”n —
external threads h′s
Dedendum — basic
internal threads h′ n —
external threads h”s —
Truncati on at minor diameter — basic t —
internal threads tn —
external threads ts —
Truncati on at major diameter — basic T
internal threads Tn
external threads Ts
Width of fl at at minor diameter — basic
internal threads f —
external threads fn —
fs —
Width of fl at at major diameter — basic
internal threads F —
external threads Fn —
Fs —
Radius at minor diameter— external threads rs R
Radius at major diameter— internal threads Rn —
Height of circular segments at rounded roots — internal threads
external threads Cn —
Cs —
Tolerances for pitch diameter — internal threads
external threads T En T D2
T Es T d2
Tolerances for major diameter — internal threads
external threads T Dn —
T Ds Td
Tolerances for minor diameter — internal threads
external threads T dn T1D
T ds

Areas of str ess calculation Tension External threads cross-secti on — stress areas As As
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core area Ac
Shear External thread heli x AS s —
Internal thread helix AS n —
Deviations—general Internal threads — lower ln
symbols upper un
External threads — lower ls
upper us
Fundamental deviati on series Internal threads (L n) H, G H; G;
External threads (U s) h, g, e h; g; e; f
Radial engagement Re —
NOTE: The following addit ional symbols are used in the ISO standards but not in this standard:
EI = lower deviation for internal threads
ES = upper deviation for internal threads
ei = lower deviation for external threads
es = upper deviati on for external threads

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