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Institute of Space Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Electrical Technology Lab

Project Report
Fire Alarm System Circuit

Submitted To: Mr. Mir Hamza

Submitted By:
Muhammad Idrees Saqib 210501012
Malik Haider Ali 210501043
Salman Masood 210501064
Table of Contents
Potentiometer 10k:.......................................................................................................................2
BC 547 Transistor:.......................................................................................................................2
DC Battery:..................................................................................................................................3
Circuit Diagram:..............................................................................................................................3
Proteus Model:.................................................................................................................................4
Circuit Working:..............................................................................................................................4
Fire alarms are used in the event of a fire or fire drill. They are activated either manually or
automatically. After the fire protection goals are established–usually by referencing the
minimum levels of protection mandated by the appropriate model building code, insurance
agencies, and other authorities–the fire alarm designer undertakes to detail specific components,
arrangements, and interfaces necessary to accomplish these goals.

A fire alarm circuit is very useful for security reasons. Equipment specifically manufactured for
these purposes are selected and standardized installation methods are anticipated during the
design. Simple circuits can be designed for this purpose.
Fire Alarm Circuits and Smoke Sensors are a part of the security systems which help in detecting
or preventing damage. Installing Fire Alarm Systems and Smoke Sensors in commercial
buildings like offices, movie theatres, shopping malls and other public places is compulsory.
Fire Alarm Circuit is a simple circuit that works on 9 V dc Supply. It detects the fire and
activates the Siren Sound or Buzzer. Fire Alarm Circuits are very important devices to detect fire
in the right time and prevent any damage to people or property.

Figure 1Fire Alarm Circuit on Breadboard

1. Buzzer
2. Variable Resistor
3. Thermistor (10 kΩ)
4. BC 547 Transistor
5. DC Battery (9 V)

A buzzer is understood as a device that creates an audible tone under the influence of an applied
external voltage. This output may either be in the form of a buzzing or a beeping sound. Typical
uses of buzzers and beepers include alarm devices, timers, train, and confirmation of user input
such as a mouse click or keystroke.

Variable Resistors:
A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current in an
electronic circuit. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal
levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines. Variable
resistors are used to change the resistance as required. It can also be used to provide a specific
voltage for an active device such as a transistor.

Thermistors are Temperature Dependent Resistors i.e. the resistance of a Thermistor varies
according to the ambient temperature. There are two types of Thermistors: PTC Thermistor and
NTC Thermistor. PTC stands for Positive Temperature Coefficient and NTC stands for Negative
Temperature Coefficient. In PTC Thermistor, the resistance is directly proportional to the
temperature and in NTC Thermistor, the resistance is inversely proportional to the temperature.
In this project we have used a 10 KΩ Thermistor with NTC.

BC 547 Transistor:
The BC547 transistor is a bipolar junction transistor. It is kind of an NPN transistor. A transistor
is nothing but the transfer of resistance which is used for amplifying the current. A small current
of the base terminal of this transistor will control the large current of emitter and base terminals.
The main function of this transistor is to amplify as well as switching purposes. The maximum
gain current of this transistor is 800A.
BC547 is usually used for current amplifier, quick switching and pulse-width modulation
(PWM). It can also be used as a switch that you can easily switch on or off a DC device with this

DC Battery:
The nine-volt battery, or 9-volt battery, is an electric battery that supplies a nominal voltage of 9
volts. Actual voltage measures 7.2 to 9.6 volts, depending on battery chemistry. A nine-volt
battery, either disposable or rechargeable, is usually used in smoke alarms, smoke detectors,
walkie-talkies, transistor radios, test and instrumentation devices, medical batteries, LCD
displays, and other small portable appliances.

Circuit Diagram:

Figure 2 Proteus diagram of circuit

 First we attach the transistor and then connect it with the voltage source.
 We then attach the buzzer and thermistor on the emitter of the transistor.
 Use a jumper wire to connect both the thermistor and buzzer with the battery.
 Then use another jumper cable to connect the base of the transistor with the
 The variable resistance of potentiometer is connected to the voltage source.

Circuit Working:
 When heat exceeds the defined value of the heat sensor then the sensor generates a signal
for alerting a protection system to avoid any kind of accident.
 In the heat sensor circuit, the NPN transistor BC547 acts as a switch.
 It turns on a Buzzer whenever the temperature exceeds the limits and vice versa.

 The base of a transistor gets biased with the NTC thermistor along with the variable
resistor whereas the buzzer is connected to the output of the transistor.
 The variable resistor decides the threshold value of temperature. When there is no heat
the resistance of a thermistor is maximum and a transistor is off.
 When the circuit, detects heat the resistance of a thermistor decreases and the transistor
switches the Buzzer On.

 Fire Alarm Circuits are very useful in homes, offices, schools, labs, etc. to detect and
prevent any disasters due to fire.
 Fire Alarm Systems can work as a stand – alone devices or be a part of a complex home
security system with other security features like smoke detection, intruder alert, motion
detection, etc.

We can conclude that this model of fire alarm system works according to the fire break down
system in industrial section. The above circuit is made by taking consideration of hardware and
software design of the system. The fire alarm constructed in this project is reliable at a very low

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