Agreement: /ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.98/Rev.3 /ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.98/Rev.3

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26 June 2014

Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for
Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be
Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal
Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions*
(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)

Addendum 98: Regulation No. 99

Revision 3
Incorporating all valid text up to:

Supplement 5 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 19 August 2010
Supplement 6 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 9 December 2010
Supplement 7 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 26 July 2012
Supplement 8 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 15 July 2013
Supplement 9 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 10 June 2014

Uniform provisions concerning the approval of gas-discharge light

sources for use in approved gas-discharge lamp units of power-driven


* Former title of the Agreement:

Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition
of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.


Regulation No. 99

Uniform provisions concerning the approval of gas-discharge

light sources for use in approved gas-discharge lamp units of
power-driven vehicles
1. Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Administrative provisions ................................................................................................................ 4
3. Technical requirements .................................................................................................................... 6
4. Conformity of production ................................................................................................................. 10
5. Penalties for non-conformity of production ..................................................................................... 11
6. Production definitively discontinued ................................................................................................ 12
7. Names and addresses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests,
and of Type Approval Authorities .................................................................................................... 12
1 Sheets for gas-discharge light sources .............................................................................................. 13
2 Communication ................................................................................................................................ 43
3 Example of the arrangement of the approval mark .......................................................................... 45
4 Method of measurement of electrical and photometric characteristics ............................................ 46
5 Optical setup for the measurement of the position and form of the arc and of the position
of the electrodes ............................................................................................................................... 49
6 Minimum requirements for quality control procedures by the manufacturer ................................... 51
7 Sampling and compliance levels for manufacturer’s test records .................................................... 53
8 Minimum requirements for sampling by an inspector ...................................................................... 57


1. Scope
This Regulation applies to gas-discharge light sources shown in Annex 1 to
this Regulation and intended for use in approved gas-discharge lamp units of
power-driven vehicles.

2. Administrative provisions
2.1. Definitions
2.1.1. The term "category" is used in this Regulation to describe different basic
design of standardized gas-discharge light sources. Each category has a
specific designation, as for example: "D2S".
2.1.2. "Gas-discharge light sources of different types"1 are gas-discharge light
sources within the same category which differ in such essential respects as: Trade name or mark; that means:
(a) Gas-discharge light sources bearing the same trade name or mark but
produced by different manufacturers are considered as being of
different types.
(b) Gas-discharge light sources produced by the same manufacturer
differing only by the trade name or mark may be considered to be of
the same type; Bulb and/or cap design, in so far as these differences affect the optical
2.2. Application for approval
2.2.1. Application for approval shall be submitted by the owner of the trade name
or mark, or by his duly accredited representative.
2.2.2. Every application for approval shall be accompanied (see also
paragraph 2.4.2. below) by: Drawings in triplicate, sufficiently detailed to permit identification of the
type; A technical description including, if the ballast is not integrated with the light
source, ballast identification; Three samples of each colour which has been applied for; One sample of the ballast in case the ballast is not integrated with the light
2.2.3. In the case of a type of gas-discharge light source differing only by the trade
name or mark from a type that has already been approved it shall be
sufficient to submit:

A selective yellow bulb or an additional selective yellow outer bulb, solely intended to change the
colour but not the other characteristics of a gas-discharge light source emitting white light, does not
constitute a change of type of the gas-discharge light source.

E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.98/Rev.3 A declaration by the manufacturer that the type submitted is identical (except
in the trade name or mark) to and has been produced by the same
manufacturer as, the type already approved, the latter being identified by its
approval code; Two samples bearing the new trade name or mark.
2.2.4. The Type Approval Authority shall verify the existence of satisfactory
arrangements for ensuring effective control of the conformity of production
before type approval is granted.
2.3. Inscriptions
2.3.1. Gas-discharge light sources submitted for approval shall bear on the cap or
bulb: The trade name or mark of the applicant; The international designation of the relevant category; The rated wattage; this need not to be indicated separately if it is part of the
international designation of the relevant category; A space of sufficient size to accommodate the approval mark.
2.3.2. The space mentioned in paragraph above shall be indicated in the
drawings accompanying the application for approval.
2.3.3. Other inscriptions than those covered by paragraphs 2.3.1. above and 2.4.4.
below may be affixed on the cap.
2.3.4. In case the ballast is not integrated with the light source, the ballast used for
the type approval of the light source shall be marked with type and trade
mark identification and with the rated voltage and wattage, as indicated on
the relevant lamp data sheet.
2.4. Approval
2.4.1. If all samples of a type of gas-discharge light source which are submitted in
accordance with paragraphs or above comply with the
requirements of this Regulation, when tested with the ballast according to
paragraph in case the ballast is not integrated with the light source,
approval shall be granted.
2.4.2. An approval code shall be assigned to each type approved. Its first character
shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most recent major
technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of issue of the
This will be followed by an identification code comprising not more than
three characters. Only the Arabic numerals and capital letters listed in
footnote2 shall be used.
The same Contracting Party may not assign the same code to another type of
gas-discharge light source. If the applicant so desires the same approval code



may be assigned to both gas-discharge light sources emitting white and

selective yellow light (see paragraph 2.1.2. above).
2.4.3. Notice of approval or of extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval or
production definitively discontinued of a type of gas-discharge light source
pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties of the
Agreement which apply this Regulation by means of a form conforming to
the model in Annex 2 to this Regulation and of a drawing, supplied by the
applicant for approval in a format not exceeding A4 (210 x 297 mm) and on a
scale of at least 2 : 1.
2.4.4. To every gas-discharge light source conforming to a type approved under this
Regulation there shall be affixed in the space referred to in paragraph
above, in addition to the inscriptions required under paragraph 2.3.1. above,
an international approval mark consisting of: A truncated circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing
number of the country which has granted approval;3 The approval code, placed close to the truncated circle.
2.4.5. If the applicant has obtained the same approval code for several trade names
or marks, one or more of them will suffice to meet the requirements of
paragraph above.
2.4.6. The marks and inscriptions specified in paragraphs 2.3.1. and 2.4.3. above
shall be clearly legible and be indelible.
2.4.7. Annex 3 to this Regulation gives an example of arrangement of the approval

3. Technical requirements
3.1. Definitions
3.1.1. "Gas-discharge light source": light source in which the light is produced by a
stabilized discharge arc.
3.1.2. "Ballast": Specific electrical supply for the gas-discharge light source,
optionally integrated with the light source.
3.1.3. "Rated voltage": Input voltage marked on the ballast or on the light source in
the case that the ballast is integrated with the light source.
3.1.4. "Rated wattage": Wattage marked on the gas-discharge light source and
3.1.5. "Test voltage": Voltage, at the input terminals of the ballast or at the
terminals of the light source in the case that the ballast is integrated with the
light source, for which the electrical and photometric characteristics of the
gas-discharge light source are intended and are to be tested.

The distinguishing numbers of the Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement are reproduced in
Annex 3 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3), document
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev. 3, Annex 3 -


3.1.6. "Objective value": Design value of an electrical or photometric characteristic.

To be achieved, within the specified tolerances, when the gas-discharge light
source is energized by the ballast, optionally integrated with the light source,
and operated at test voltage.
3.1.7. "Standard (etalon) gas-discharge light source": Special gas-discharge light
source used for the testing of headlamps. It has reduced dimensional,
electrical and photometric characteristics as specified on the relevant data
3.1.8. "Reference axis": An axis defined with reference to the cap and to which
certain dimensions of the gas-discharge light source are referred.
3.1.9. "Reference plane": a plane defined with reference to the cap and to which
certain dimensions of the gas-discharge light source are referred.
3.2. General specifications
3.2.1. Each sample submitted shall conform to the relevant specifications of this
Regulation when tested, in the case the ballast is not integrated with the light
source with the ballast according to paragraph above.
3.2.2. Gas-discharge light sources shall be so designed as to be and to remain in
good working order when in normal use. They shall moreover exhibit no
fault in design or manufacture.
3.3. Manufacture
3.3.1. The bulb of the gas-discharge light source shall exhibit no scores or spots
which might impair their efficiency and their optical performance.
3.3.2. In the case of a coloured (outer) bulb, after an operating period of 15 hours
with the ballast or the light source with the ballast integrated at test voltage,
the surface of the bulb shall be lightly wiped with a cotton cloth soaked in a
mixture of 70 volume per cent of n-heptane and 30 volume per cent of toluol.
After about five minutes, the surface shall be inspected visually. It shall not
show any apparent changes.
3.3.3. Gas-discharge light sources shall be equipped with standard caps complying
with the cap data sheets of IEC Publication 60061, third edition, as specified
on the individual data sheets of Annex 1 to this Regulation.
3.3.4. The cap shall be strong and firmly secured to the bulb.
3.3.5. To ascertain whether gas-discharge light sources conform to the requirements
of paragraphs 3.3.3. to 3.3.4. above, a visual inspection, a dimension check
and, where appropriate, a trial fitting shall be carried out.
3.4. Tests
3.4.1. Gas-discharge light sources shall be aged as indicated in Annex 4 to this
3.4.2. All samples shall be tested with the ballast, according to paragraph
above, in case the ballast is not integrated with the light source.
3.4.3. Electrical measurements shall be carried out with instruments of at least class
0.2. (0.2 per cent full scale accuracy).
3.5. Position and dimensions of electrodes, arc and stripes


3.5.1. The geometric position of the electrodes shall be as specified on the relevant
data sheet. An example of a method of measuring arc and electrodes position
is given in Annex 5 to this Regulation. Other methods may be used. The position and dimensions of the light source electrodes shall be measured
before the ageing period, the gas-discharge light source unlit and using
optical methods through the glass envelope.
3.5.2. The shape and the displacement of the arc shall conform to the requirements
as given on the relevant data sheet. The measurement shall be made after ageing with the light source supplied by
the ballast at test voltage or the light source with the ballast integrated at test
3.5.3. The position and dimension and transmission of the stripes shall comply with
the requirements as given on the relevant data sheet. The measurement shall be made after ageing with the light source supplied by
the ballast at test voltage or the light source with the ballast integrated at test
3.6. Starting, run-up and hot-restrike characteristics
3.6.1. Starting
When tested according to the conditions specified in Annex 4 to this
Regulation, the gas-discharge light source shall start directly and remain
3.6.2. Run-up For gas-discharge light sources having an objective luminous flux which
exceeds 2000 lm:
When measured according to the conditions specified in Annex 4 to this
Regulation, the gas-discharge light source shall emit at least:
After 1 second: 25 per cent of its objective luminous flux;
After 4 seconds: 80 per cent of its objective luminous flux.
The objective luminous flux as indicated on the relevant data sheet. For gas-discharge light sources having an objective luminous flux which does
not exceed 2000 lm:
When measured according to the conditions specified in Annex 4 to this
Regulation, the gas-discharge light sources shall emit at least 800 lm after 1
second and at least 1000 lm after 4 seconds.
The objective luminous flux as indicated on the relevant data sheet.
3.6.3. Hot-restrike
When tested according to the conditions specified in Annex 4 to this
Regulation, the gas-discharge light source shall restart directly after being
switched-off for a period as indicated on the data sheet. After one second the
light source shall emit at least 80 per cent of its objective luminous flux.


3.7. Electrical characteristics

When measured according to the conditions specified in Annex 4 to this
Regulation, the voltage and wattage of the light source shall be within the
limits given on the relevant data sheet.
3.8. Luminous flux
When measured according to the conditions specified in Annex 4 to this
Regulation, the luminous flux shall be within the limits given on the relevant
data sheet. In the case where white and selective yellow is specified for the
same type, the objective value applies to light sources emitting white light,
whereas the luminous flux of the light source emitting selective yellow light
shall be at least 68 per cent of the specified value.
3.9. Colour
3.9.1. The colour of the light emitted shall be white or selective yellow. Moreover,
the colorimetric characteristics, expressed in CIE chromaticity coordinates,
shall lie within the boundaries given on the relevant data sheet.
3.9.2. The definitions of the colour of the light emitted, given in Regulation No. 48
and its series of amendments in force at the time of application for type
approval shall apply to this Regulation.
3.9.3. The colour shall be measured according to the conditions specified in Annex
4 to this Regulation, paragraph 10.
3.9.4. The minimum red content of a gas-discharge light source shall be such that:
780 nm
∫ Ee().V().d
=610 nm
kred = ≥ 0.05
780 nm
∫ Ee().V().d
=380 nm
Ee () [W/nm] is the spectral distribution of the radiant flux;
V () [1] is the spectral luminous efficiency;
 [nm] is the wave length.
This value shall be calculated using intervals of one nanometre.
3.10. UV radiation
The UV radiation of the gas-discharge light source shall be such that the gas
discharge light source is of the low UV type complying with:
400 nm
∫ Ee()∙S()∙d
=250 nm
____________________ -5
kuv = ≤ 10 W/lm
780 nm
km ∙ ∫ Ee()∙V()∙d
=380 nm


S () [1] is the spectral weighting function;
km = 683 [lm/W] is the photometric radiation equivalent;
(For definitions of other symbols see paragraph 3.9.5. above).
This value shall be calculated using intervals of one nanometre.
The UV-radiation shall be weighted according to the values as indicated in
the following table.

 S()  S()  S()

250 0.430 305 0.060 355 0.00016

255 0.520 310 0.015 360 0.00013
260 0.650 315 0.003 365 0.00011
265 0.810 320 0.001 370 0.000090
270 1.000 325 0.00050 375 0.000077
275 0.960 330 0.00041 380 0.000064
280 0.880 335 0.00034 385 0.000053
285 0.770 340 0.00028 390 0.000044
290 0.640 345 0.00024 395 0.000036
295 0.540 350 0.00020 400 0.000030
300 0.300

Wavelengths chosen are representative; other values should be interpolated.

Values according to "IRPA/INIRC Guidelines on limits of exposure to
ultraviolet radiation".
3.11. Standard gas-discharge light sources
Standard (etalon) gas-discharge light sources shall comply with the requirements
applicable to type approval light sources and to the specific requirements as
stated in the relevant data sheet. In case of a type emitting white and selective
yellow light, the standard light source shall emit white light.

4. Conformity of production
4.1. Gas-discharge light sources approved to this Regulation shall be so
manufactured as to conform to the type approved by meeting the inscriptions
and technical requirements set forth in paragraph 3. above and Annexes 1 and
3 to this Regulation.
4.2. In order to verify that the requirements of paragraph 4.1. are met, suitable
controls of the production shall be carried out.
4.3. The holder of the approval shall in particular:
4.3.1. Ensure existence of procedures for the effective control of the quality of


4.3.2. Have access to the control equipment necessary for checking the conformity
to each approved type,
4.3.3. Ensure that data of test results are recorded and that related documents shall
remain available for a period to be determined in accordance with the
administrative service,
4.3.4. Analyse the results of each type of test, applying criteria of Annex 7 to this
Regulation, in order to verify and ensure the stability of the product
characteristics making allowance for variation of an industrial production,
4.3.5. Ensure that for each type of gas-discharge light source, at least the tests
prescribed in Annex 6 to this Regulation are carried out,
4.3.6. Ensure that any collecting of samples giving evidence of non-conformity
with the type of test considered shall give rise to another sampling and
another test. All the necessary steps shall be taken to re-establish the
conformity of the corresponding production.
4.4. The Type Approval Authority which has granted type-approval may at any
time verify the conformity control methods applicable to each production
4.4.1. In every inspection, the test books and production survey records shall be
presented to the visiting inspector.
4.4.2. The inspector may take samples at random which will be tested in the
manufacturer's laboratory. The minimum number of samples may be
determined according to the results of the manufacturer's own verification.
4.4.3. When the quality level appears unsatisfactory or when it seems necessary to
verify the validity of the tests carried out in application of paragraph 4.4.2.
above, the inspector shall select samples, to be sent to the Technical Service
which has conducted the type approval tests.
4.4.4. The Type Approval Authority may carry out any tests prescribed in this
Regulation. These tests will be on samples selected at random without
causing distortion of the manufacturer’s delivery commitments and in
accordance with criteria of Annex 8 to this Regulation.
4.4.5. The Type Approval Authority shall strive to obtain a frequency of inspection
of once every two years. However, this is at the discretion of the Type
Approval Authority and their confidence in the arrangements for ensuring
effective control of conformity of production. In the case where negative
results are recorded, the Type Approval Authority shall ensure that all
necessary steps are taken to re-establish the conformity of production as
rapidly as possible.

5. Penalties for non-conformity of production

5.1. The approval granted in respect of a gas-discharge light source pursuant to
this Regulation may be withdrawn if the prescribed conformity of production
requirements are not met.
5.2. If a Contracting Party to the Agreement applying this Regulation withdraws
an approval it has previously granted, it shall forthwith so notify the other


Contracting Parties applying this Regulation, by means of a communication

form conforming to the model in Annex 2 to this Regulation.

6. Production definitively discontinued

If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of gas-
discharge light source approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall
so inform the authority which had granted the approval. Upon receiving the
relevant communication, that authority shall inform thereof the other Parties
to the Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a communication
form conforming to the model in Annex 2 to this Regulation.

7. Names and addresses of the Technical Services

responsible for conducting approval tests, and of
Type Approval Authorities
The Contracting Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation shall
communicate to the United Nations Secretary-General the names and
addresses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests
and of the Type Approval Authorities which grant approval and to which
forms certifying approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval,
or production definitively discontinued issued in other countries, are to be

Annex 1

Annex 1

Sheets for gas-discharge light sources

List of categories of gas-discharge light sources and their sheet numbers:

Light source category Sheet numbers

D1R DxR/1 to 7
D1S DxS/1 to 6
D2R DxR/1 to 7
D2S DxS/1 to 6
D3R DxR/1 to 7
D3S DxS/1 to 6
D4R DxR/1 to 7
D4S DxS/1 to 6
D5S D5S/1 to 5
D6S D6S/1 to 5
D8S D8S/1 to 5

List of sheets for gas-discharge light sources and their sequence in this annex:

Sheet numbers

DxR/1 to 7 (Sheet DxR/6: two pages)

DxS/1 to 6
D5S/1 to 5
D6S/1 to 5
D8S/1 to 5

Annex 1

Categories D1R, D2R, D3R and D4R Sheet DxR/1

The drawings are intended only to illustrate the essential dimensions (in mm) of the
gas-discharge light source
Figure 1
Category D1R - Type with cables - Cap PK32d-3

Figure 2
Category D2R - Type with connector - Cap P32d-3

The reference plane is defined by the positions on the surface of the holder on which the three supporting bosses of
the cap ring will rest.
See sheet DxR/3.
With respect to the reference axis, when measured at a distance of 27.1 mm from the reference plane the eccentricity
of the outer bulb shall be less than 0.5 mm in direction C and less than -1 mm /+0.5 mm in direction A.

Annex 1

Categories D1R, D2R, D3R and D4R Sheet DxR/2

The drawings are intended only to illustrate the essential dimensions (in mm) of the gas-
discharge light source
Figure 3
Category D3R - Type with starter – Cap PK32d-6

Figure 4
Category D4R - Type with connector – Cap P32d-6

The reference plane is defined by the positions on the surface of the holder on which the three supporting bosses of
the cap ring will rest.
See sheet DxR/3.
With respect to the reference axis, when measured at a distance of 27.1 mm from the reference plane the eccentricity
of the outer bulb shall be less than 0.5 mm in direction C and less than -1 mm /+0.5 mm in direction A.

Annex 1

Categories D1R, D2R, D3R and D4R Sheet DxR/3

Figure 5
Definition of reference axis1/
The cap shall be pushed in this direction

Figure 6
Maximum lamp outline2/

Reference plane

The reference axis is perpendicular to the reference plane and crosses the intersection of the two parallel lines as
indicated in figure 5.
Glass bulb and supports shall not exceed the envelope, as indicated in figure 6. The envelope is concentric with the
reference axis.

Annex 1

Categories D1R, D2R, D3R and D4R Sheet DxR/4

Production Standard
light sources light sources
Position of electrodes Sheet DxR/5
Position and form of the arc Sheet DxR/6
Position of the black stripes Sheet DxR/7
1 1/ 45°  5°
2 1/
45° min.
D1R: Cap PK32d-3
D2R: Cap P32d-3
in accordance with IEC Publication 60061 (sheet 7004-111-4)
D3R: Cap PK32d-6
D4R: Cap P32d-6


D1R/ D1R/D2
Rated voltage of the ballast V 12 2/ 12
Rated wattage W 35 35
Test voltage V 13.5 13.5
Objective 85 42 85 42
Lamp voltage V
Tolerance 17 9 8 4
Objective 35 35
Lamp wattage W
Tolerance 3 0.5
Objective 2800 2800
Luminous flux lm
Tolerance 450 150
Objective x = 0.375 y = 0.375
x = 0.345 y = 0.150 + 0.640 x
x = 0.405 y = 0.050 + 0.750 x
Chromaticity co-
ordinates in the x = 0.345 y = 0.371
case of white light Tolerance area
Intersection x = 0.405 y = 0.409
x = 0.405 y = 0.354
x = 0.345 y = 0.309
Hot re-strike switch-off time s 10 10
The part of the bulb within the angles 1 and 2 shall be the light emitting part. This part shall be as homogeneous in
form as possible and shall be optically distortion free. This applies to the whole bulb circumference within the angles 1
and 2 except for the black stripes.
Application voltages of ballasts may differ from 12 V.
See Annex 4 to this Regulation.

Annex 1

Categories D1R, D2R, D3R and D4R Sheet DxR/5

Position of the electrodes

This test is used to determine whether the electrodes are correctly positioned relative to the
reference axis and the reference plane.

Measuring direction: light source side and top view

Dimension Production Standard

in mm light sources light sources
a1 d + 0.5 d + 0.2
a2 d + 0.7 d + 0.35
b1 0.4 0.15
b2 0.8 0.3
c 4.2 4.2

d = diameter of the electrode;

d < 0.3 for D1R and D2R;
d < 0.4 for D3R and D4R.
The top of the electrode nearest to the reference plane shall be positioned in the area
defined by a1 and b1. The top of the electrode furthest from the reference plane shall be
positioned in the area defined by a2 and b2.

Annex 1

Categories D1R, D2R, D3R and D4R Sheet DxR/6

Page 1 out of 2

Position and form of the arc

This test is used to determine the form and sharpness of the arc and its position
relative to the reference axis and plane by determining its bending and diffusion; by
measuring the luminance in the central cross section D, where LmaxC is the maximum
luminance of the arc measured from viewing direction C; see sheet DxR/2.

Luminance (relative)
Nominal position
of electrodes D

ce axis



Zone A


o nce
f plane
L 29.6 2s
Relative luminance distribution The form of the arc ismfor 1≈
e27.1Measuring direction C as defined
in the central cross section D. a
illustration purpose only. l24.5 on sheet DxR/7.
x aLmaxBLumina
When measuring the relative luminance distribution in
C nce
the planesection D as
central cross
e≈ (relativ
indicated in the drawing above, the maximum value LmaxC has the distance r from the
L the distance e)
reference axis. The points of 20% of LmaxC have s, as shown in the drawing
above. m ≈
Production light sources
Dimension in mm C Standard light sources

r (arc bending) 0.50  0.25 0.50  0.25 0.50  0.20

s (arc diffusion) 1.10  0.25 1.10 + 0.25/-0.40 1.10  0.25

Annex 1

Categories D1R, D2R, D3R and D4R Sheet DxR/6

Page 2 out of 2

Stray light
This test is used to determine unwanted reflected stray light by measuring the
luminance in Zone A and at lines B and C, where LmaxB is the maximum luminance of the
arc measured from viewing direction B; see sheet DxR/2.

Luminance (relative)
Nominal position
of electrodes D Zone A

Line B
Line C



Reference plane ≈

Relative luminance distribution The form of the arc is for Measuring direction B as defined
in the central cross section D. illustration purpose only. on sheet DxR/7.

When measuring the luminances from measuring direction B as defined on sheet

DxR/7 with a set-up as outlined in Annex 5 to this Regulation, however with a circular field
of 0.2M mm diameter, the relative luminance expressed as a percentage of Lmax B (at cross
section D) shall be:

Zone A ≤ 4.5 %
Line B ≤ 15 %
Line C ≤ 5.0 %

The area of zone A is defined by the black coating, the outer bulb and a plane at 24.5
mm from the reference plane.

Annex 1

Categories D1R, D2R, D3R and D4R Sheet DxR/7

Position of black stripes
This test is used to determine whether the black stripes are correctly positioned relative to
the reference axis and the reference plane.

When measuring the luminance distribution of the arc in the central cross section as defined
on sheet DxR/6, after having turned the light source so that the black stripe is covering the
arc, the measured luminance shall be ≤ 0.5 % of Lmax.
In the area defined by 1 and 3 the black coating may be replaced by any other means
which prevents light transmission through the specified area.
Dimensions Production light sources Standard light sources

1 45°  5°
3 70° min.
4 65° min.
1/24, 1/30, 2/24, 2/30 25°  5°
f1/24, f2/24 1/
0.15  0.25 0.15  0.20
f1/30 1/
f1/24 mv  0.15 2/
f1/24 mv  0.1
f2/30 1/
f2/24 mv  0.15 2/
f2/24 mv  0.1
f1/24 mv - f2/24 mv 0.3 max. 0.2 max.
d 91

"f1/.." means dimension f1 to be measured at the distance from the reference plane indicated in mm after the stroke.
"../24 mv" means the value measured at a distance of 24 mm from the reference plane.

Annex 1

Categories D1S, D2S, D3S and D4S Sheet DxS/1

The drawings are intended only to illustrate the essential dimensions (in mm) of the
gas-discharge light source
Figure 1
Category D1S - Type with cables - Cap PK32d-2

gure 2
Category D2S - Type with connector - Cap P32d-2

The reference plane is defined by the positions on the surface of the holder on which the three supporting bosses of
the cap ring will rest.
See sheet DxS/3.
When measured at a distance of 27.1 mm from the reference plane and with respect to the mid-point of the inner bulb,
the outer bulb shall have an eccentricity of 1 mm max.

Annex 1

Categories D1S, D2S, D3S and D4S Sheet DxS/2

The drawings are intended only to illustrate the essential dimensions (in mm) of the
gas-discharge light source
Figure 3
Category D3S - Type with starter - Cap PK32d-5

Figure 4
Category D4S - Type with connector - Cap P32d-5

The reference plane is defined by the positions on the surface of the holder on which the three supporting bosses of
the cap ring will rest.
See sheet DxS/3.
When measured at a distance of 27.1 mm from the reference plane and with respect to the mid-point of the inner bulb,
the outer bulb shall have an eccentricity of 1 mm max.

Annex 1

Categories D1S, D2S, D3S and D4S Sheet DxS/3

Figure 5
Definition of reference axis1/

The cap shall be pushed in this direction

Figure 6
Maximum lamp outline2/

Reference plane

The reference axis is perpendicular to the reference plane and crosses the intersection of the two parallel lines as
indicated in figure 5.
Glass bulb and supports shall not exceed the envelope, as indicated in figure 6. The envelope is concentric with the
reference axis.

Annex 1

Categories D1S, D2S, D3S and D4S Sheet DxS/4

Production Standard
light sources light sources
Position of electrodes Sheet DxS/5
Position and form of the arc Sheet DxS/6
1, 21/ 55° min. 55° min.
D1S: Cap PK32d-2
D2S: Cap P32d-2
in accordance with IEC Publication 60061 (sheet 7004-111-4)
D3S: Cap PK32d-5
D4S: Cap P32d-5



Rated voltage of the ballast V 12 12
Rated wattage W 35 35
Test voltage V 13.5 13.5
Objective 85 42 85 42
Lamp voltage V
Tolerance 17 9 8 4
Objective 35 35
Lamp wattage W
Tolerance 3 0.5
Objective 3200 3200
Luminous flux lm
Tolerance 450 150
Objective x = 0.375 y = 0.375
x = 0.345 y = 0.150 + 0.640 x
x = 0.405 y = 0.050 + 0.750 x
Chromaticity co-
ordinates in the x = 0.345 y = 0.371
case of white light Tolerance area3/
Intersection x = 0.405 y = 0.409
x = 0.405 y = 0.354
x = 0.345 y = 0.309
Hot re-strike switch-off time s 10 10

The part of the bulb within the angles 1 and 2 shall be the light emitting part. This part shall be as homogeneous in
form as possible and shall be optically distortion free. This applies to the whole bulb circumference within the angles 1
and 2.
Application voltages of ballasts may differ from 12 V.
See Annex 4 to this Regulation.

Annex 1

Categories D1S, D2S, D3S and D4S Sheet DxS/5

Position of the electrodes

This test is used to determine whether the electrodes are correctly positioned relative to the reference axis and the
reference plane.

Measuring direction: light source side and top view

Dimension in mm Production light sources Standard light sources

a1 d + 0.2 d + 0.1
a2 d + 0.5 d + 0.25
b1 0.3 0.15
b2 0.6 0.3
c 4.2 4.2

d = diameter of the electrode;

d < 0.3 for D1S and D2S;
d < 0.4 for D3S and D4S.

The top of the electrode nearest to the reference plane shall be positioned in the area defined by a1 and b1. The top of
the electrode furthest from the reference plane shall be positioned in the area defined by a2 and b2.

Annex 1

Categories D1S, D2S, D3S and D4S Sheet DxS/6

Position and form of the arc

This test is used to determine the form of the arc and its position relative to the
reference axis and the reference plane by measuring its bending and diffusion in the cross
section at a distance 27.1 mm from the reference plane.

Luminance (relative)
Nominal position
of electrodes D


20% of



Reference plane

Relative luminance distribution The form of the arc is for Measuring direction B:
in the central cross section D. illustration purpose only. light source side view

When measuring the relative luminance distribution in the central cross section as
indicated in the drawing above, the maximum value shall be located within the distance r
from the reference axis. The point of 20% of the maximum value shall be within s:

Dimension in mm Production light sources Standard light sources

r (arc bending) 0.50  0.40 0.50  0.20

s (arc diffusion) 1.10  0.40 1.10  0.25

Annex 1

Category D5S Sheet D5S/1

The drawings are intended only to illustrate the essential dimensions (in mm) of the gas-
discharge light source

Figure 1
Category D5S - Cap PK32d-7

Reference plane1/ A
View from rear


18.0 Reference axis 2/

Connector Burner side

Not connected

The reference plane is defined by the positions on the surface of the holder on which the three supporting bosses of
the cap ring will rest.
See sheet D5S/2.
When measured at a distance of 18.0 mm from the reference plane and with respect to the mid-point of the inner bulb,
the outer bulb shall have an eccentricity of 1 mm max.
Optional Pin.

Annex 1

Category D5S Sheet D5S/2

Figure 2
Definition of reference axis1/

The cap shall be pushed in this direction

Reference axis

Figure 3
Maximum lamp outline2/
Reference axis

The reference axis is perpendicular to the reference plane and crosses the intersection of the two parallel lines as
indicated in figure 2.
Glass bulb and supports shall not exceed the envelope, as indicated in figure 3.The envelope is concentric with the
reference axis.

Annex 1

Category D5S Sheet D5S/3

Production Standard
light sources light sources

Position of the electrodes Sheet D5S/4

Position and form of the arc Sheet D5S/5
1, 21/ 55° min. 55° min.

D5S: Cap PK32d-7 in accordance with IEC Publication 60061 (sheet 7004-111-4)

Electrical and photometric characteristics

Rated voltage V 12 / 24 12 / 24
Rated wattage W 25 25
Test voltage V 13.2 / 28 13.2 / 28
Objective lamp wattage W 31 max. 31 max.
Objective x = 0.375 y = 0.375
x = 0.345 y = 0.150 + 0.640 x
Chromaticity x = 0.405 y = 0.050 + 0.750 x
coordinates x = 0.345 y = 0.371
Tolerance area3/
Intersection x = 0.405 y = 0.409
points x = 0.405 y = 0.354
x = 0.345 y = 0.309
Objective Luminous flux lm 2000  300 2000  100
Hot-restrike switch-off time s 10 10

The part of the bulb within the angles 1 and 2 shall be the light emitting part. This part shall be as homogeneous in
form as possible and shall be optically distortion free. This applies to the whole bulb circumference within the angles 1
and 2.
Wattage of lamp with ballast integrated.
See Annex 4 to this Regulation.

Annex 1

Category D5S Sheet D5S/4

Position of the electrodes

This test is used to determine whether the electrodes are correctly positioned relative to the
reference axis and the reference plane.
Top view (schematic):
Reference plane

b2 b1

a2 Reference axis a1

16.05mm from
c reference plane

Side view (schematic):

Reference plane

b2 b1

a2 a1

Reference axis 0.10 mm

c 16.05mm from
reference plane

Measuring direction: light source side and top view

Dimension Production Standard

in mm light sources light sources
The arc attachment point to the electrode
nearest to the reference plane shall be
a1 0.30 0.20
a2 0.50 0.25
positioned in the area defined by a1 and b1.
b1 0.30 0.15 The arc attachment point to the electrode
b2 0.60 0.30 furthest from the reference plane shall be
c 3.90 3.90 positioned in the area defined by a2 and b2.

Annex 1

Category D5S Sheet D5S/5

Position and form of the arc

This test is used to determine the form of the arc and its position relative to the reference
axis and the reference plane by measuring its bending and diffusion in the cross section at a
distance 18.0 mm from the reference plane.

Luminance (relative)


20% of



Reference plane
Relative luminance The form of the arc is for Measuring direction:
distribution in the central illustration purpose only. light source side view
cross section D.
When measuring the relative luminance distribution in the central cross section as indicated
in the drawing above, the maximum value shall be located within the distance r from the
reference axis. The point of 20 per cent of the maximum value shall be within s.

Dimension in mm Production light sources Standard light sources

r (arc bending) 0.50 +/-0.25 0.50 +/-0.15

s (arc diffusion) 0.70 +/-0.25 0.70 +/-0.15

Annex 1

Category D6S Sheet D6S/1

The drawings are intended only to illustrate the essential dimensions (in mm) of the gas-
discharge light source
Figure 1
Category D6S - Cap P32d-1

Reference plane

3/ 2
Reference axis2/
Reference axis

The reference plane is defined by the positions on the surface of the holder on which the three supporting bosses
of the cap ring will rest.
See sheet D6S/2.
When measured at a distance of 27.1 mm from the reference plane and with respect to the mid-point of the inner
bulb, the outer bulb shall have an eccentricity of 1 mm max.

Annex 1

Category D6S Sheet D6S/2

Figure 2
Definition of reference axis1/

The cap shall be pushed in this direction

Reference axis

Figure 3
Maximum lamp outline2/

Reference axis

The reference axis is perpendicular to the reference plane and crosses the intersection of the two parallel
lines as indicated in figure 2.
Glass bulb and supports shall not exceed the envelope, as indicated in figure 3. The envelope is concentric
with the reference axis.

Annex 1

Category D6S Sheet D6S/3

Production Standard
light sources light sources
Position of the electrodes Sheet D6S/4
Position and form of the arc Sheet D6S/5
1, 21/ 55° min. 55° min.

D6S: Cap P32d-1 in accordance with IEC Publication 60061 (sheet 7004-111-4)

Electrical and photometric characteristics

Rated voltage of the ballast V 122/ 12

Rated wattage W 25 25
Test voltage V 13.2 13.2
Objective lamp voltage V 42  9 42  4
Objective lamp wattage W 25 3 25 0.5
Objective Luminous flux lm 2000  300 2000  100
Objective x = 0.375 y = 0.375
x = 0.345 y = 0.150 + 0.640 x
Chromaticity x = 0.405 y = 0.050 + 0.750 x
coordinates x = 0.345 y = 0.371
Tolerance area3/
Intersection x = 0.405 y = 0.409
points x = 0.405 y = 0.354
x = 0.345 y = 0.309
Hot-restrike switch-off time s 10 10

The part of the bulb within the angles 1 and 2 shall be the light emitting part. This part shall be as homogeneous in
form as possible and shall be optically distortion free. This applies to the whole bulb circumference within the angles 1
and 2.
Application voltages of ballasts may differ from 12 V.
See Annex 4 to this Regulation.

Annex 1

Category D6S Sheet D6S/4

Position of the electrodes
This test is used to determine whether the electrodes are correctly positioned relative to the
reference axis and the reference plane.
Top view (schematic):
Reference plane

b2 b1

a2 Reference axis a1

25.15mm from
c reference plane

Side view (schematic):

Reference plane

b2 b1

a2 a1

Reference axis 0.10 mm

c 25.15mm from
reference plane

Measuring direction: light source side and top view

Dimension Production Standard

in mm light sources light sources
The arc attachment point to the electrode nearest
to the reference plane shall be positioned in the
a1 0.30 0.20
area defined by a1 and b1. The arc attachment
a2 0.50 0.25 point to the electrode furthest from the reference
b1 0.30 0.15 plane shall be positioned in the area defined by a2
and b2.
b2 0.60 0.30
c 3.90 3.90

Annex 1

Category D6S Sheet D6S/5

Position and form of the arc

This test is used to determine the form of the arc and its position relative to the reference
axis and the reference plane by measuring its bending and diffusion in the cross section at a
distance 27.1 mm from the reference plane.

Luminance (relative)


20% of



Reference plane


Relative luminance The form of the arc is for Measuring direction:

distribution in the central illustration purpose only. light source side view
cross section D.

When measuring the relative luminance distribution in the central cross section as indicated
in the drawing above, the maximum value shall be located within the distance r from the
reference axis. The point of 20 per cent of the maximum value shall be within s.

Dimension in mm Production light sources Standard light sources

r (arc bending) 0.50 +/-0.25 0.50 +/-0.15

s (arc diffusion) 0.70 +/-0.25 0.70 +/-0.15

Annex 1

Category D8S Sheet D8S/1

The drawings are intended only to illustrate the essential dimensions (in mm)

Figure 1
Category D8S - Cap PK32d-1

The reference plane is defined by the positions on the surface of the holder on which the three supporting bosses
of the cap ring will rest.
See sheet D8S/2.
When measured at a distance of 27.1 mm from the reference plane and with respect to the mid-point of the inner
bulb, the outer bulb shall have an eccentricity of 1 mm max.

Annex 1

Category D8S Sheet D8S/2

Figure 2
Definition of reference axis1/

The cap shall be pushed in this direction

Reference axis

Figure 3
Maximum lamp outline2/

Reference axis

The reference axis is perpendicular to the reference plane and crosses the intersection of the two parallel lines
as indicated in figure 2.
Glass bulb and supports shall not exceed the envelope, as indicated in figure 3.The envelope is concentric
with the reference axis.

Annex 1

Category D8S Sheet D8S/3

Production Standard
light sources light sources
Position of the electrodes Sheet D8S/4
Position and form of the arc Sheet D8S/5
1, 21/ 55° min. 55° min.

D8S: Cap PK32d-1 in accordance with IEC Publication 60061 (sheet 7004-111-4)

Electrical and photometric characteristics

Rated voltage of the ballast V 122/ 12

Rated wattage W 25 25
Test voltage V 13.2 13.2
Objective lamp voltage V 42  9 42  4
Objective lamp wattage W 25  3 25  0.5
Objective Luminous flux lm 2000  300 2000  100
Objective x = 0.375 y = 0.375
x = 0.345 y = 0.150 + 0.640 x
Chromaticity x = 0.405 y = 0.050 + 0.750 x
coordinates x = 0.345 y = 0.371
Tolerance area3/
Intersection x = 0.405 y = 0.409
points x = 0.405 y = 0.354
x = 0.345 y = 0.309
Hot-restrike switch-off time s 10 10

The part of the bulb within the angles 1 and 2 shall be the light emitting part. This part shall be as homogeneous in form
as possible and shall be optically distortion free. This applies to the whole bulb circumference within the angles 1 and 2.
Application voltages of ballasts may differ from 12 V.
See Annex 4 to this Regulation.

Annex 1

Category D8S Sheet D8S/4

Position of the electrodes
This test is used to determine whether the electrodes are correctly positioned relative to the
reference axis and the reference plane.
Top view (schematic):
Reference plane

b2 b1

a2 Reference axis a1

25.15mm from
c reference plane

Side view (schematic):

Reference plane

b2 b1

a2 a1

Reference axis 0.10 mm

c 25.15mm from
reference plane

Measuring direction: light source side and top view

Dimension Production Standard The arc attachment point to the electrode nearest
in mm light sources light sources to the reference plane shall be positioned in the
a1 0.30 0.20 area defined by a1 and b1. The arc attachment
a2 0.50 0.25 point to the electrode furthest from the reference
b1 0.30 0.15 plane shall be positioned in the area defined by a2
b2 0.60 0.30 and b2.
c 3.90 3.90

Annex 1

Category D8S Sheet D8S/5

Position and form of the arc

This test is used to determine the form of the arc and its position relative to the reference
axis and the reference plane by measuring its bending and diffusion in the cross section at a
distance 27.1 mm from the reference plane.

Luminance (relative)


20% of



Reference plane


Relative luminance distribution The form of the arc is for Measuring direction:
in the central cross section D. illustration purpose only. light source side view

When measuring the relative luminance distribution in the central cross section as indicated
in the drawing above, the maximum value shall be located within the distance r from the
reference axis. The point of 20 per cent of the maximum value shall be within s.

Dimension in mm Production light sources Standard light sources

r (arc bending) 0.50 +/- 0.25 0.50 +/- 0.15

s (arc diffusion) 0.70 +/- 0.25 0.70 +/- 0.15

Annex 2

Annex 2

(Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm))

issued by: Name of administration:


Concerning:2 Approval granted

Approval extended
Approval refused
Approval withdrawn
Production definitively discontinued

of a type of cornering lamp pursuant to Regulation No. 99

Approval No:............................................ Extension No:.........................................

1. Gas-discharge light source - category .....................................................

- rated wattage ..............................................
2. Trade name or mark ..........................................................................................
3. Manufacturer's name and address .....................................................................
4. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer's representative ....................
5. Brand and type number of the ballast.................................................................
(In case the ballast is not integrated with the light source.)
6. Submitted for approval on ................................................................................
7. Technical Service responsible for conducting approval test .............................
8. Date of report issued by that service .................................................................
9. Number of report issued by that service ...........................................................
10. Approval granted/refused/extended/withdrawn2
11. Place .................................................................................................................
12. Date ...................................................................................................................

Distinguishing number of the country which has granted/extended/refused/ withdrawn approval (see
approval provisions in the Regulation).
Strike out what does not apply.

Annex 2
13. Signature ...........................................................................................................
14. The attached drawing No….. shows the entire light source.

Annex 3

Annex 3

Example of the arrangement of the approval mark

(see paragraph 2.4.4. of this Regulation)

The above approval mark affixed to a gas-discharge light source indicates that the
light source has been approved in the United Kingdom (E 11) under the approval code
0A01. The first character of the approval code indicates that the approval was granted in
accordance with the requirements of Regulation No. 99 in its original form.

Annex 4

Annex 4

Method of measurement of electrical and photometric

1. General
For starting, run-up and hot-restrike tests and for the measurement of
electrical and photometric characteristics, the gas-discharge light source shall
be operated in free air with an ambient temperature of 25° ± 5° C.
2. Ballast
In the case the ballast is not integrated with the light source, all tests and
measurements shall be carried out with the ballast as per paragraph of
this Regulation. The power supply used for the starting and run-up tests shall
be qualified to secure the quick rise of the high current pulse.
3. Burning position
The burning position shall be horizontal within ±10° with the lead wire
down. Ageing and testing positions shall be identical. If the lamp is
accidentally operated in the wrong direction, it shall be re-aged before
measurements begin. During ageing and measurements no electrically
conducting objects shall be allowed within a cylinder having a diameter of 32
mm and a length of 60 mm concentric with the reference axis and symmetric
to the arc. Moreover stray magnetic fields shall be avoided.
4. Ageing
All tests shall be carried out with light sources which have been aged for a
minimum of 15 cycles having the following switching cycle:
45 minutes on, 15 seconds off, 5 minutes on, 10 minutes off.
5. Supply voltage
All tests shall be carried out at test voltage as indicated on the relevant data
6. Starting test
The starting test shall be applied to light sources which have not been aged
and have not been used for a period of at least 24 hours prior to the test.
7. Run-up test
The run-up test shall be applied to light sources which have not been used for
a period of at least 1 hour prior to the test.
8. Hot restrike test
The light source shall be started and be operated with the ballast (possibly
integrated) at test voltage for a period of 15 minutes. Then the supply voltage
to the ballast or the light source with the ballast integrated shall be switched
off for a switch-off period as indicated on the relevant data sheet and be
switched on again.

Annex 4

9. Electrical and photometric test

Before any measurement, the light source shall be stabilized for a period of
15 minutes.
10. Colour
The colour of the light source shall be measured in an integrating sphere
using a measuring system which shows the CIE chromaticity co-ordinates of
the received light with a resolution of  0.002.The following figure shows the
colour tolerance area for colour white and the restricted tolerance area for the
gas-discharge light sources D1R, D1S, D2R, D2S, D3R, D3S, D4R, D4S,
D5S, D6S and D8S.

Annex 4

Annex 5

Annex 5

Optical setup for the measurement of the position and form

of the arc and of the position of the electrodes1
The gas-discharge light source shall be positioned as shown:
in figure 1 or figure 2 on sheet DxR/1 or sheet DxS/1;
in figure 3 or figure 4 on sheet DxR/2 or sheet DxS/2.

An optical system shall project a real image A' of the arc A with a magnification of
preferably M = s'/s = 20 on a screen. The optical system shall be aplanatic and achromatic.
In the focus-length f of the optical system a diaphragm d shall cause a projection of the arc
with nearly parallel observation directions. To get the angle of the half divergence not
larger than  = 0.5°, the diameter of the focus-diaphragm with respect to the focus-length of
the optical system shall be not more than d = 2f tan(). The active diameter of the optical
system shall be not more than:
D = (1 + 1/M)d + c + (b1 + b2)/2. (c, b1 and b2 are given on sheet DxS/5, respectively
sheet DxR/5).
A scale on the screen shall enable to measure the position of the electrodes. The calibration
of the arrangement advantageously can be done by using a separate projector with a parallel
beam in connection with a gauge whose shadow is projected to the screen. The gauge shall
show the reference axis and the plane parallel to the reference plane and at distance "e" mm
from it (e = 27.1 for D1R, D1S, D2R, D2S, D3R, D3S, D4R and D4S).
In the plane of the screen a receiver has to be mounted movable in a vertical direction on a
line corresponding to the plane at "e" from the reference plane of the gas discharge light
The receiver shall have the relative spectral sensitivity of the human eye. The size of the
receiver shall be not more than 0.2 M mm in the horizontal and not more than 0.025 M mm

This method is an example of a measurement method; any method with equivalent measurement
accuracy may be used.

Annex 5
in the vertical direction (M = the magnification). The range of measurable movement shall
be such that the required measures of the arc bending r and arc diffusion s can be measured.

Annex 6

Annex 6

Minimum requirements for quality control procedures by the

1. General
The conformity requirements shall be considered satisfied from a
photometric (including UV-radiation), geometrical, visual and electrical
standpoint if the specified tolerances for production gas-discharge light
sources in the relevant data sheet of Annex 1 to this Regulation and the
relevant data sheet for the caps are met.
2. Minimum requirements for verification of conformity by the manufacturer
For each type of gas-discharge light source the manufacturer or the holder of
the approval mark shall carry out tests, in accordance with the provisions of
this Regulation, at appropriate intervals.
2.1. Nature of tests
Tests of conformity of these specifications shall cover their photometric,
geometrical and optical characteristics.
2.2. Methods used in tests
2.2.1. Tests shall generally be carried out in accordance with the methods set out in
this Regulation.
2.2.2. The application of paragraph 2.2.1. of this annex requires regular calibration
of test apparatus and its correlation with measurements made by a Type
Approval Authority.
2.3. Nature of sampling
Samples of gas-discharge light sources shall be selected at random from the
production of a uniform batch. A uniform batch means a set of gas-discharge
light sources of the same type, defined according to the production methods
of the manufacturer.
2.4. Inspected and recorded characteristics
The gas-discharge light sources shall be inspected and test results recorded
following the grouping of characteristics as listed in Annex 7 to this
Regulation, table 1.
2.5. Criteria governing acceptability
The manufacturer or the holder of approval is responsible for carrying out a
statistical study of the test results in order to meet the specification laid down
for verification of conformity of products in paragraph 4.1. of this
Compliance shall be assured if the level of acceptable non-compliance per
grouping of characteristics given in table 1 of Annex 7 to this Regulation is
not exceeded. This means that the number of gas-discharge light sources not
complying with the requirement for any grouping of characteristics of any

Annex 6
gas-discharge light source type does not exceed the qualifying limits in the
relevant tables 2, 3 or 4 of Annex 7 to this Regulation.
Note: Each individual gas-discharge light source requirement shall be
considered as a characteristic.

Annex 7

Annex 7

Sampling and compliance levels for manufacturer’s test

Table 1

Grouping* of test Acceptable level of non-

records between gas- compliance per
Grouping of discharge light source Minimum 12 monthly grouping of
characteristics types sample per grouping* characteristics (%)

Marking, legibility All types with the

and durability same external
dimensions 315 1
Bulb quality All types with the
same bulb 315 1
External dimensions All types of the same
(excluding cap) category 315 1
Position and
dimensions of arc and All types of the same
stripes category 200 6.5
Starting, run-up and All types of the same
hot-restrike category 200 1
Lamp voltage and All types of the same
wattage category 200 1
Luminous flux,
colour and All types of the same
UV radiation category 200 1

* The assessment shall in general cover series production gas-discharge light sources from
individual factories. A manufacturer may group together records concerning the same type from
several factories, provided these operate under the same quality system and quality management.

Annex 7

Qualifying limits for acceptance based on different numbers of test results for each
grouping of characteristics are listed in table 2 as maximum number of non-compliances.
The limits are based on an acceptable level of 1 per cent of non-compliances, assuming an
acceptance probability of at least 0.95.
Table 2

Number of test results of each characteristics Qualifying limits for acceptance

- 200 5
201 - 260 6
261 - 315 7
316 - 370 8
371 - 435 9
436 - 500 10
501 - 570 11
571 - 645 12
646 - 720 13
721 - 800 14
801 - 860 15
861 - 920 16
921 - 990 17
991 - 1060 18
1061 - 1125 19
1126 - 1190 20
1191 - 1249 21

Annex 7

Qualifying limits for acceptance based on different numbers of test results for each
grouping of characteristics are listed in table 3 given as maximum number of non-
compliances. The limits are based on an acceptable level of 6.5 per cent of non-
compliances, assuming an acceptance probability of at least 0.95.
Table 3

Number of Number of Number of

lamps in Qualifying lamps in Qualifying lamps in Qualifying
records limit records limit records limit

- 200 21 541 - 553 47 894 - 907 73

201 - 213 22 554 - 567 48 908 - 920 74
214 - 227 23 568 - 580 49 921 - 934 75
228 - 240 24 581 - 594 50 935 - 948 76
241 - 254 25 595 - 608 51 949 - 961 77
255 - 268 26 609 - 621 52 962 - 975 78
269 - 281 27 622 - 635 53 976 - 988 79
282 - 295 28 636 - 648 54 989 - 1002 80
296 - 308 29 649 - 662 55 1003 -1016 81
309 - 322 30 663 - 676 56 1017 - 1029 82
323 - 336 31 677 - 689 57 1030 - 1043 83
337 - 349 32 690 - 703 58 1044 - 1056 84
350 - 363 33 704 - 716 59 1057 - 1070 85
364 - 376 34 717 - 730 60 1071 - 1084 86
377 - 390 35 731 - 744 61 1085 - 1097 87
391 - 404 36 745 - 757 62 1098 - 1111 88
405 - 417 37 758 - 771 63 1112 - 1124 89
418 - 431 38 772 - 784 64 1125 - 1138 90
432 - 444 39 785 - 798 65 1139 - 1152 91
445 - 458 40 799 - 812 66 1153 - 1165 92
459 - 472 41 813 - 825 67 1166 - 1179 93
473 - 485 42 826 - 839 68 1180 - 1192 94
486 - 499 43 840 - 852 69 1193 - 1206 95
500 - 512 44 853 - 866 70 1207 - 1220 96
513 - 526 45 867 - 880 71 1221 - 1233 97
527 - 540 46 881 - 893 72 1234 - 1249 98

Annex 7

Qualifying limits for acceptance based on different numbers of test results for each
grouping of characteristics are listed in table 4 given as a percentage of the results,
assuming an acceptance probability of at least 0.95.
Table 4

Qualifying limits shown as a Qualifying limits shown as a

percentage of results. percentage of results.
Number of test results of each Acceptable level of 1 per cent of Acceptable level of 6.5 per cent of
characteristic non-compliances non-compliances

1 250 1.68 7.91

2 000 1.52 7.61
4 000 1.37 7.29
6 000 1.30 7.15
8 000 1.26 7.06
10 000 1.23 7.00
20 000 1.16 6.85
40 000 1.12 6.75
80 000 1.09 6.68
100 000 1.08 6.65
1 000 000 1.02 6.55

Annex 8

Annex 8

Minimum requirements for sampling by an inspector

1. The conformity requirements shall be considered satisfied from a
photometric, geometrical, visual and electrical standpoint if the specified
tolerances for production gas-discharge light sources in the relevant data
sheet of Annex 1 and the relevant data sheet for the caps are met.
2. The conformity of mass-produced gas-discharge light sources shall not be
contested if the results are in agreement with paragraph 5 of this annex.
3. Conformity shall be contested and the manufacturer requested to make the
production meet the requirements if the results are not in agreement with
paragraph 5 of this annex.
4. If paragraph 3 of this annex is applied, a further sample of 250 gas-discharge
light sources, selected at random from a recent production run, shall be taken
within two months.
5. Compliance approved or disapproved shall be decided according to the
values in table 1. For each grouping of characteristics gas-discharge light
sources shall be either accepted or rejected according to the values in table
Table 1

1 per cent** 6.5 per cent**

Sample Accept Reject Accept Reject

First sample size: 125 2 5 11 16

If the number of non-conforming units 6 7 26 27

is greater than 2 (11) and less than 5
(16) take a second sample size of 125
and assess the 250

* The proposed scheme is designed to assess the compliance of gas-discharge light sources to an
acceptance level of non-compliance of 1 per cent and 6.5 per cent respectively and is based on the
Double Sampling Plan for Normal Inspection in IEC Publication 60410: Sampling Plans and
Procedures for Inspection by Attributes.
** The gas-discharge light sources shall be inspected and test results recorded following the
grouping of characteristics as listed in Annex 7 to this Regulation, table 1.


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