CM40222-I02-R01 Axon Cladding
CM40222-I02-R01 Axon Cladding
CM40222-I02-R01 Axon Cladding
Certification Body:
Axon™ Cladding
ABN: 81 663 250 815
JAS-ANZ Accreditation Type and/or use of product: Description of product:
No. Z4450210AK
PO Box 273, Intended as external cladding on residential and commercial facades. Fibre-cement cladding with vertical shiplap joint.
Palmwoods Qld 4555
P: +61 7 5445 2199 Volume One Volume Two
[email protected]
Performance Requirement(s): BP1.1(b)(i) Structural reliability – Permanent and wind actions P2.1.1(b)(i) Structural reliability – Permanent and wind actions
& (iii) & (iii)
Certificate Holder: FP1.4 Weatherproofing - External walls subject to Limitation and P2.2.2 Weatherproofing – External walls subject to Limitation and
Condition No. 2. Condition No. 2.
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision(s): C1.9(e)(iv) Non-combustible materials Wall cladding boards – Fibre cement
James Hardie Australia G5.2 Construction in bushfire prone areas (BAL Low-40) Sheet wall cladding
Pty Ltd
ABN: 12 084 635 558 Eaves and soffit linings
10 Colquhoun St,
Rosehill NSW 2142 Construction in bushfire prone areas (BAL Low-40)
P: 13 11 03 State or territory variation(s): G5.2 (NSW) (NSW, Qld)
Limitations and conditions: Building classification/s:
1. Axon™ Cladding must only to be installed in accordance with the Axon™ Cladding Installation Guide April 2023. Class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 & 10
2. To satisfy FP1.4 & P2.2.2 via verification requires the site specific evaluation of the relevant design against FV1.1 and/or V2.2.1 to the satisfaction of the
Appropriate Authority as defined by the NCC:
(a)(i) has a risk score of 20 or less, when the sum of all risk factor scores are determined in accordance with Table FV1.1/V2.2.1a; and
(a)(ii) is not subjected to an ultimate limit state wind pressure of more than 2.5kPa; and
(a)(iii) includes only windows that comply with AS 2047.
Richard Donarski - CMI Don Grehan – Unrestricted Building Certifier Date of expiry: 20/08/2024
Certificate number: CM40222 Rev1 This certificate is only valid when reproduced in its entirety. Page 1 of 6
Compliance with Weatherproofing is limited to the tested specimen detailed in A3, deviations from this specimen, is subject to site specific design and approval
by the regulatory authority.
3. The project designer or specifier must ensure the product is appropriate for the intended application and that additional detailing is performed for specific
designs or applications that fall outside the scope of the manual and/or certification. It is the responsibility of the builder to ensure the product meets aesthetic
requirements prior to installation.
4. No assessment has been undertaken on the product for Part F6 of Vol 1 or Part 3.8.7 of Vol 2 of the 2019 BCA for Condensation management. A pliable building
membrane complying with AS/NZS 4200.1:2017 must be installed in accordance with AS/NZS 4200.2:2017 to separate the wall cladding panels from any water
sensitive materials.
5. Compliance with BP1.1(b)(iii) & P2.1.1(b)(iii) excludes resistance to impact loading from windborne debris.
6. Axon™ Cladding must be fixed to a structurally adequate external wall frame in accordance with the appropriate tables in section A5.
7. The structural certification is limited to the cladding only and does not include the sub-structure. The structural support members are designed and engineered
separately as per project requirements by building designers and engineers.
8. In order to maintain compliance with BAL – 40, it is the responsibility of the Building Designer to ensure compliance is achieved in accordance with AS 3959-
9. In all installations the minimum clearance between the underside of panel and the adjoining ground surface level below must comply with the specifications in
Part of Volume 2 of the NCC.
10. The use of the certified product/system is subject to these Limitations and Conditions and must be read in conjunction with the Scope of Certification below.
Scope of certification: The CodeMark Scheme is a building product certification scheme. The rules of the Scheme are available at the ABCB website This Certificate of Conformity is to confirm
that the relevant requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) as claimed against have been met. The responsibility for the product performance and its fitness for the intended use remain with the
Certificate Holder. The certification is not transferrable to a manufacturer not listed on Appendix A of this certificate.
Only criteria as identified within this Certificate of Conformity can be used for CodeMark certification claims. Where other claims are made in a client’s Installation Manual, Website or other documents that are
outside the criteria on this Certificate of Conformity, such criteria cannot be used or claimed to meet the requirements of this CodeMark certification.
The NCC defines a Performance Solution as one that complies with the Performance Requirements by means other than a Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution. A Building Solution that relies on a CodeMark Certificate of
Conformity that certifies a product against the Performance Requirements cannot be considered as Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution.
This Certificate of Conformity may only relate to a part of a Performance Solution. In these circumstances other evidence of suitability is needed to demonstrate that the relevant Performance Requirements have
been met. The relevant provisions of the Governing Requirements in Part A of the NCC will also need to be satisfied.
This Certificate of Conformity is issued based on the evidence of compliance as detailed herein. Any deviation from the specifications contained in this Certificate of Conformity is outside of this document’s scope
and the installation of the certified product will not be covered by this Certificate of Conformity.
Disclaimer: The Scheme Owner, Scheme Administrator and Scheme Accreditation Body do not make any representations, warranties or guarantees, and accept no legal liability whatsoever arising from or
connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained within this certificate; and the Scheme Owner, Scheme Administrator and Scheme Accreditation Body disclaim to the
extent permitted by law, all liability (including negligence) for claims of losses, expenses, damages and costs arising as a result of the use of the product(s) referred to in this certificate.
When using the CodeMark logo in relation to or on the product/system, the Certificate Holder makes a declaration of compliance with the Scope of Certification and confirms that the product is identical to the
product certified herein. In issuing this Certificate of Conformity, CMI Certification Pty Ltd (CMI) has relied on the experience and expertise of external bodies (laboratories and technical experts).
Nothing in this document should be construed as a warranty or guarantee by CMI, and the only applicable warranties will be those provided by the Certificate Holder.
Certificate number: CM40222 Rev1 This certificate is only valid when reproduced in its entirety. Page 2 of 6
A1 Type and intended use of product
Axon™ External Cladding panels are used as an external wall cladding in alterations and additions and residential single and medium density dwellings where a uniform, broadwall cladding is required. Ideal for
full wrap or composite construction design on either timber or steel framed homes.
A2 Description of product
Axon™ panels are pre-primed with vertical grooves. There is a ship lap edge joint along the two long edges and square edges along the short edges. The grooves are nominally 2mm deep and 10mm wide. Sheet
weighs approximately 12kg/m2 in equilibrium.
Axon™ Cladding Sheet Sizes
Product Length (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm) Mass (kg) Sheets per pack Product Code
2450 1200 9 36 30 403931
2750 1200 9 40 30 403932
Axon™ cladding 133 Smooth
3000 1200 9 44 30 403933
3600 1200 9 52 30 404979
Axon™ cladding 133 Grained 3000 1200 9 44 30 404512
2450 1200 9 36 30 404417
Axon™ cladding 400 Smooth 2750 1200 9 40 30 404418
3000 1200 9 44 30 404419
Note: All dimensions and masses are approximate and subject to manufacturing tolerances.
Hardie™ Joint Sealant – General purpose polyurethane exterior grade sealant.
Hardie™ Weather Barrier – Water barrier and vapour permeable membrane compliant to AS/NZS 4200.1:2017.
RAB™ Board – Airtight, weatherproof, vapour permeable and non-combustible rigid 6mm fibre-cement sheeting compliant to AS/NZS 4200.1:2017 & AS/NZS 2908.2:2000.
Hardie™ 9mm Aluminium Recessed Horizontal Jointer - A recessed horizontal jointer that creates a 6mm horizontal shadow line.
Hardie™ Horizontal h Flashing – Aluminium extrusion used along horizontal control joints.
Hardie™ Edge Trim – Powder coated aluminium architectural slab edge solution.
Hardie™ 9mm Internal Corner – Aluminium extrusion to be used in internal corners.
Hardie™ 9mm External Square Corner - Aluminium extrusion to be used in external corners.
Hardie™ Corner Flashing – Colorbond® steel used behind cladding at internal and external corners.
Hardie™ Axent™ Trim – Material composite trim used for box corners and around windows and doors.
Hardie™ Foam Back Sealing Tape – Installed under sheet vertical joints to improve water tightness.
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A3 Product specification
Material The basic composition is Portland cement, ground sand, cellulose fibre and water. James Hardie building products are manufactured to Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS
2908.2:2000 ‘Cellulose-cement products-Flat sheet.’ Axon™ External cladding panels are classified Type A, Category 3 in accordance with AS/NZS 2908.2:2000.
Resistance to fire Axon™ External cladding panels are suitable where non-combustible materials are required in accordance with C1.9(e)(iv) of the Building Code of Australia.
Physical Property Saturated Condition Equilibrium Condition 23ºC – 50% RH Standard
Minimum Bending Strength >7.0 Mpa AS/NZS 2908.2:2000
Category 3
Type A
Average Density in kg/m3 (Oven Dry) 1180 ISO 8336:2009
Watertightness Watertightness Passes AS/NZS 2908.2:2000 Passes AS/NZS 2908.2:2000
Dimensional Conformance Passes ISO 8336:2009
Heat-Rain Durability
Warm Water Resistance Passes AS/NZS 2908.2:2000
Freeze-Thaw Resistance
Combustibility Suitable where non-combustible materials are required in accordance with C1.9(e)(iv) of the BCA Deemed to comply with BCA
Certificate number: CM40222 Rev1 This certificate is only valid when reproduced in its entirety. Page 4 of 6
Weatherproofing Axon™ Fibre Cement Cladding System – Cavity Fixed
Testing was conducted in accordance with the Verification Method E2/VM1 which has been confirmed to be equivalent to the NCC FV1.1/V2.2.1 test methodology for cavity wall
systems test procedure as contained within National Construction Code of Australia and subsequently assessed for validation against the certified product.
Test Type Criteria Result
Serviceability Limit State Pressure of 1.51 kPa for 1 minute in both positive and negative
Structural Test Pass
Series 1 455 Pa for 15 minutes
Static Water Penetration Pass Criteria: No water on building wrap.
Series 1 Cyclic @ 455 to 910 Pa for 5 minutes
Cyclic Water Penetration Pass Criteria: No water on building wrap.
Series 2 455 Pa for 15 minutes
Water Management Test Pass Criteria: No water on building wrap.
Series 2 Cyclic @ 455 to 910 Pa for 5 minutes
Water Management Test Pass Criteria: No water on building wrap
Series 3 Static pressure of 50 Pa for 15 minutes
“Wetwall Test” Pass Criteria: No water on building wrap.
Source: Test Report No. TS033-13, Weathertightness - NZ Axon on CLD Battens; dated 8 January 2014 and Equivalence report from James Hardie Research Pty Ltd dated 21/10/2022.
A4 Manufacturer and manufacturing plant(s)
Axon™ Cladding Panels are manufactured in Australia by James Hardie Australia Pty Ltd. Contact Certificate Holder for details.
A5 Installation requirements
Axon™ Cladding Panels must only to be installed in accordance with the Axon™ Cladding Installation Guide April 2023.
A suitable weather barrier must be installed behind Axon™ cladding in accordance with the relevant requirements of the BCA and the AS/NZS 4200.2:2017 Pliable building membranes and underlays –
Installation. James Hardie recommends HardieWrap™ Weather Barrier – refer to the building designer, certifier, or other relevant expert, for suitability.
Refer to the Axon™ Cladding Installation Guide April 2023 for Stud Spacings and fixing requirements.
A6 Other relevant technical data
Thermal Axon™ Cladding panels will contribute to the overall thermal performance of the building; however, it is the responsibility of the building designer to ensure the minimum thermal
requirements for the building envelope is achieved.
Resistance to fire Testing has been conducted by CSIRO on the James Hardie Cladding materials in accordance with AS/NZS 3837:1998 and are classified as conforming to Group 1 material. (Average
Specific Extinction Area 10.4m2/Kg).
Certificate number: CM40222 Rev1 This certificate is only valid when reproduced in its entirety. Page 5 of 6
B1 Evaluation methods
1. Fire Safety Provision A5.2(1)(e). Reports from a professional engineer.
2. Structural Provision A5.2(1)(e). Reports from a professional engineer.
3. Weatherproofing Provision A5.2(1)(d). Reports from Accredited Testing Laboratories.
B2 Reports
1. David Beneke Consulting; Report 2019-12-LO-14; Structural compliance NCC; Dated 27/05/2020.
2. Cardno (NSW/ACT) Pty Ltd; Report 605726-LO-14-2; Certification of fastener and span tables; Dated 22/09/2016.
3. Ignis solutions; Evaluation No. IGNS-6090-01 Issue 01 Revision 00[2018]; Bushfire compliance BAL low to 40; Dated 31/03/2018.
4. James Hardie Research Pty Ltd; NATA Accreditation No. 14220; Test Report Number TS032-12; Testing in accordance with AS/NZS 2908.2:2000 Products Part 2: Flat Sheets; Dated 10/02/2021.
5. James Hardie Research Pty Ltd; NATA Accreditation No. 14220; Test Report Number TS035-17; Weathertightness (FV1/V2.1.1 ‘Weatherproofing’); Dated 16/04/2018.
6. James Hardie Research Pty Ltd; NATA Accreditation No. 14220; Test Report Number TS033-13; Weathertightness (E2-VM1); Dated 08/01/2014.
7. James Hardie Research Pty Ltd; NATA Accreditation No. 14220; NCC 2019 Weatherproofing Compliance Equivalence; Dated 05/07/2019.
8. James Hardie Research Pty Ltd; NATA Accreditation No. 14220; Equivalence of NZ E2/VM1 and NCC FV1.1/V2.2.1 test methodologies for Cavity Wall Systems; Dated 21/10/2022.
The Certificate Holder has chosen not to make the above evidence of compliance publicly available, due to the documents being considered commercial in confidence.
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