VacanciesASOPW 28022024
VacanciesASOPW 28022024
VacanciesASOPW 28022024
II 2-c0—
1-R7 tit )i ,t / Government Of India
+14-i1ic14.1/ Ministry of Home Affairs
litit,t/ Directorate of Coordination
"ta- cr / Police Wireless
Vacancy Circular
Subject :-Filling up the vacant posts for Assistant Section Officer in LEVEL 7
in the Pay Matrix Rs. 44900-142400/- through Deputation basis in
the Directorate.
I am directed to say that this Directorate intends to fill up the vacant posts
for Assistant Section Officer on deputation basis. The particulars of the posts,
eligibility conditions etc. are given in Annexure-1 (C) mentioned against the posts.
Si. Name of Post Level No. of Particular for Remarks
No (Pay Matrix) posts Annexure
2. The pay of the selected Officers will be regulated in accordance with the
Deptt. of Personnel & Training's O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 17.06.2010
as afnended from time to time.
3. The applicant should not be more than 56 years of age on the closing date
of the application. The period of deputation ordinarily will not exceed three years.
Encl: As above
Yours faithfully
,s ,V)..14114
(R. K. Singh)
Deputy Director (Admn.)
Copy to:
SO (IT) MHA, North Block, New Delhi: request for upload on MHA official
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Directorate of Coordination
Police Wireless
6. Last date of receiving : Sixty days from the date of the advertisement published in
the'Employment News' or from the date of issue of the
vacancy circular, whichever is later.
7. Age limit : 56 years as on the closing date of the receiving of the application.
8. To whom application : The Joint Director (Admn), DCPW (MHA), Block No.9,
to be sent. CGOComplex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.
9. Eligibility:
By deputation basis from amongst Officials of the Central Government or State Government
or Union territories:
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department;
(ii) with five years service rendered after appointment to the post on a regular basis in the Level
6 in the pay matrix Rs.35400-112400 or equivalent in the parent cadre or department:
10. (i) The Period of deputation including deputation in another ex-cadre post held
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organisation or
department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years.
~a6 •oti.
(ii) The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding 56
years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
(R K Singh)
Deputy Director (Admn)
B) Experience B) Experience
Desirable Desirable
A) Qualification A) Qualification
B) Experience B) Experience
5.1 Note: This column needs to be amplified to indicate Essential and Desirable Qualification
as mentioned in the RRs by the Administrative Ministry/Department/Office at the time of
issue of Circular and issue of Advertisement in the Employment News.
5.2 In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications Elective/main subjects and
subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate.
*Important: Pay-band and Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the officer and
therefore, should not be mentioned. Only Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay scale of the post held on
regular basis to be mentioned. Details of ACP/MACP with present Pay Band and Grade Pay
where such benefits have been drawn by the Candidate, may be indicted as below;
a) Central Government
b) State Government
c) Autonomous Organization
d) Government Undertaking
e) Universities
f) Others
12. Please state whether you are working in the same
Department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to
feeder grade.
13. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the
date from which the revision took place and also
indicate the pre-revised scale
14.Total emoluments per month now drawn
15. In case the applicant belongs to an Organisation which is not following the Central
Government Pay-scales, the latest salary slip issued by the Organisation showing the
following details may be enclosed
I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware
that the information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents in
respect of Essential Qualification/Work Experience submitted by me will also be assessed by
the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. The information/details
provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and no materialfact having
a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/ withheld.
(Signature of the candidate)
Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority
iii. His/ Her CR Dossier (photocopies of the ACRs for the last
5 years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under
Secretary of the Govt. of India or above) are enclosed.
(Employer/ Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal)