Radiation therapy for young women with early breast cancer: Current state T
of the art
Icro Meattinia,b, Matteo Lambertinic,d, , Isacco Desideria,b, Alex De Caluwée, Orit Kaidar-Personf,
Lorenzo Livia,b
Radiation Oncology Unit, Oncology Department, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Florence, Italy
Department of Biomedical, Experimental, and Clinical Sciences “M. Serio”, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Department of Medical Oncology, U.O.C. Clinica di Oncologia Medica, IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, Genova, Italy
Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties (DiMI), School of Medicine, University of Genova, Genova, Italy
Department of Radiation Oncology, Institut Jules Bordet, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels (U.L.B.), Belgium
Oncology Institute, Radiation Oncology Unit, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel
Keywords: A diagnosis of breast cancer at a young age, defined per guidelines as ≤ 40 years, represents a challenging
Radiation therapy situation requiring additional attention by the treating physicians including radiation oncologists and surgeons
Young patients involved in the local treatment of these tumors. The present review aims at providing updated evidence on the
Hypofractionated-whole breast irradiation state of the art about the available techniques and indications for radiation therapy in patients with early breast
Regional node irradiation
cancer, specifically focusing on young women. In addition, future perspectives including the ongoing trials and
Partial breast irradiation
Tumor bed boost
the potential impact of combined approaches with systemic therapies (such as immunotherapy) are reviewed.
Major conclusions from this overview are that young women affected by invasive breast cancer seem to receive
the greatest benefit from the boost on the tumor bed. Most young patients affected by ductal carcinoma in situ
should receive postoperative whole breast irradiation (WBI). When regional node irradiation is considered,
young age should be considered as a high-risk factor. Partial breast irradiation is not suitable for young patients
and should be recommended within the context of a clinical trial. Importantly, robust data have already sup-
ported the efficacy and safety of hypofractionated-WBI schedules that should now replace standard fractionated-
WBI as gold standard for all patients irrespective of their age. Finally, organs-at-risk sparing systems as strategy
for prevention of radiation-related long-term toxicities should be strongly considered for these patients.
Considering the lack of inclusion of young patients in several published trials as well as in some of the ongoing
ones, robust evidence to counsel young breast cancer patients on the optimal radiation therapy approach is still
lacking. Further studies and ad hoc subgroup analyses in this specific patient population are strongly warranted.
1. Introduction both distant and locoregional relapses (Aalders et al., 2016). Younger
women tend to be diagnosed at a more advanced disease stage with a
Breast cancer arising at a young age (defined per guidelines as ≤40 higher incidence of aggressive subtypes as compared to older patients
years (Cardoso et al., 2012; Paluch-Shimon et al., 2017)), is the most (Lambertini et al., 2016). These have also been confirmed at the tran-
common malignancy diagnosed in women of reproductive age (Fidler scriptomic and genomic level (Azim and Partridge, 2014; Kan et al.,
et al., 2017). A diagnosis of breast cancer in a young woman represents 2018). Moreover, hereditary predisposition is more common in young
a challenging situation requiring additional attention by the treating breast cancer patients so that genetic testing is currently recommended
physicians (Rosenberg et al., 2015). Specifically, for radiation oncolo- in all women diagnosed at ≤40 years (Paluch-Shimon et al., 2017). The
gists and surgeons, several age-related considerations with potential diagnosis of breast cancer secondary to a hereditary predisposition
impact on the local management of tumors diagnosed in young breast syndrome adds additional challenges also in terms of local management
cancer patients should be made. including the indication for risk-reducing surgeries (Paluch-Shimon
These women have a worse prognosis than older patients (Partridge et al., 2016). Finally, it has been shown that young breast cancer pa-
et al., 2016), being characterized by a higher risk of disease recurrence tients are at increased risk of psychological distress not only at
Corresponding author at: IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, University of Genova, Largo Rosanna Benzi 10, 16132, Genova, Italy.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Lambertini).
Received 17 September 2018; Received in revised form 26 February 2019; Accepted 28 February 2019
1040-8428/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I. Meattini, et al. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 137 (2019) 143–153
diagnosis but also at long-term follow-up making survivorship issues a legislation (Albornoz et al., 2015). Advances in both mastectomy (e.g.
topic of great importance in this setting (Howard-Anderson et al., skin sparing and nipple sparing) and reconstructive techniques (in-
2012). Among them, sexual dysfunction is a major concern being as- creased use of implants rather than autologous flap) make these pro-
sociated with a significant negative influence on their quality of life cedures more attractive to patients (Agarwal et al., 2015). The “An-
(Dizon et al., 2014; Condorelli et al., 2019). Local treatment can have gelina Jolie story effect” in 2013 was also reported as a cause for the
an important impact on body image and self-esteem that contribute to increasing number of bilateral mastectomies for unilateral breast cancer
sexual health (Dizon et al., 2014). Lower perception of sexual attrac- worldwide (Evans et al., 2019).
tiveness was shown to be associated with greater sexual problems Taken together, these studies indicate that the rates of mastectomies
(Burwell et al., 2006). Further concerns on this regard are faced by and immediate breast reconstruction (mostly implants) have increased
women wishing to conceive following the completion of anticancer in the past decade; this attitude appears to be even more important in
treatments and breastfeed their babies (Azim et al., 2010; Lambertini young breast cancer patients.
et al., 2018).
All these age-related issues should be considered when counseling
young women about the optimal local management of their newly di- 3. Different radiation therapy approaches
agnosed breast cancer. Nevertheless, it should be highlighted that
young patients are often under-represented in clinical trials also in 3.1. Conventional versus hypofractionated radiation therapy
those investigating local treatments. Therefore, there is a subsequent
risk of over-treating these women based only on age considerations Seminal trials demonstrated that breast-conserving surgery followed
(Paluch-Shimon et al., 2017). by adjuvant whole breast irradiation (WBI) with a schedule of 50 Gy/25
In terms of indications for radiation therapy in early breast cancer, fractions in 5 weeks (standard fractionated whole breast irradiation, SF-
current guidelines state that similar recommendations as for older pa- WBI) was equivalent to mastectomy in terms of efficacy (Veronesi et al.,
tients should be followed (Paluch-Shimon et al., 2017; Polgár et al., 1981; Fisher et al., 1985). SF-WBI in the adjuvant treatment after
2010; Postoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer: UK consensus breast-conserving surgery has been the standard for several decades,
statements, 2016; Krug et al., 2017; Correa et al., 2017; Smith et al., based on the assumption that larger radiotherapy fractions would yield
2018). Only exception specific to young women is a stronger contra- higher toxicity to normal tissues (Fisher and Rabinovitch, 2014).
indication to partial breast irradiation (PBI). However, the possibility to improve patient convenience and lower
The present review of the literature aims at providing updated healthcare costs, without reducing the efficacy of SF-WBI, has been
evidence of the available techniques and indications for radiation explored in the last two decades by adopting shorter radiation therapy
therapy in patients with early breast cancer, specifically focusing on schedules.
young women. Different radiation therapy techniques and issues on Hypofractionation is a treatment regimen that delivers higher doses
dose, volumes and fractionation are reviewed including conventional of radiation in fewer fractions as compared to conventional schedule. It
versus hypofractionated radiation therapy, PBI with external beam, has become of increasing interest with the recognition of a potential
brachytherapy, and intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT), tumor bed improvement in therapeutic ratio with treatment delivered in larger-
boost, and indications for regional node irradiation (RNI). Furthermore, sized fractions (Timmerman, 2008).
additional special issues in the field are addressed such as the radiation Specifically, the efficacy and safety of hypofractionated-whole
therapy management of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), potential breast irradiation (HF-WBI) was assessed in four randomized clinical
prevention strategies towards radiation-related toxicities (focusing on trials (Table 1) (Owen et al., 2006; START Trialists’ Group et al., 2008a,
secondary cancers and heart/lung side effects) and the use of pre- b; Whelan et al., 2010). After 10-year follow-up, it can be concluded
operative radiotherapy. Finally, future perspectives including the on- that HF-WBI provides the same efficacy of SF-WBI but with decreased
going trials and the potential impact of combined approaches with acute toxicity and does not seem to affect breast appearance, late
systemic therapies (such as immunotherapy) are also reviewed. toxicity or patient-reported quality of life measures (Hickey et al.,
2016). Only 21%–30% of the patients in the key randomized trials of
2. Mastectomy versus breast-conserving surgery HF-WBI were younger than 50 years, while patients ≤40 years were
less represented (Table 1). Young age did not yield any detrimental
The rates of mastectomy for early breast cancer declined after the effect in terms of local control in patients treated with HF-WBI. Inter-
1990′s and started to raise again in 2005 (Tuttle et al., 2007; Albornoz estingly, at the 10-year follow-up analysis of the START trials, HF-WBI
et al., 2015). Several recent population-based studies reported that up appeared to yield a better control in terms of local-regional relapse in
to more than a third of the patients with early breast cancer opt for younger patients, even if not statistically significant. Importantly, dis-
mastectomy as their primary surgical procedure (Tuttle et al., 2007; ease-free survival was significantly better in the HF-WBI group versus
Albornoz et al., 2015; Kummerow et al., 2015; Agarwal et al., 2015). the SF-WBI group for analysis of all patients (Haviland et al., 2013).
Furthermore, the rates of bilateral mastectomies for women diagnosed Notably, despite SF-WBI does not provide an incremental benefit in
with unilateral breast cancer increased from 5.4% in 1998 to 29.7% in both tumor control and side effects compared to HF-WBI, the latter is
2011; a similar increase in reconstructive procedures was also observed not widely adopted as standard radiation therapy schedules for young
during the same years (from 36.9% to 57.2%) (Albornoz et al., 2015; patients in many countries (Bekelman et al., 2014), even though these
Kummerow et al., 2015). The rates of bilateral mastectomies for uni- women were well represented in the major phase 3 trials.
lateral breast cancer also increased in cases of ductal carcinoma in situ Reflecting current evidence from clinical trials and large cohort
(Tuttle et al., 2009). The rates of immediate reconstruction after uni- studies, the new 2018 ASTRO WBI guidelines recommended HF-WBI for
lateral mastectomy increased from 10% in 1998 to 27% in 2011, while breast cancer patients regardless of age, tumor stage and whether they
reconstruction after contra-lateral prophylactic mastectomy increased have received chemotherapy (Smith et al., 2018). The 2016 post-
from 37% to 57% (Tuttle et al., 2007). operative radiotherapy for breast cancer UK consensus statements
In the American Plastic Surgery Website, the number of breast states that there is no indication to use more than 15 fractions for the
augmentation procedures in healthy women increased by 41% from breast, chest wall or nodal areas for standard adjuvant treatment
2000 to 2017, suggesting the larger popularity of these procedures in (Postoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer: UK consensus state-
recent years (Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Statistics, 2017). Notably, in the ments, 2016). Indeed, HF-WBI schedules should replace SF-WBI as gold
US, payment coverage for oncoplastic surgery and reconstruction pro- standard for all ages and should be adopted worldwide.
cedures in breast cancer patients is mandated through federal and state
Table 1
Main published phase 3 trials investigating hypofractionated whole breast irradiation.
Trial Study Study patients, overall Young patients, RT technique, Study OS rates LR rates Subgroup analysis in
I. Meattini, et al.
RMH/GOC 1986-1998 1410 (107)^ 7.6% (< 40 39-42.9 Gy/13 fr° NR At 10 years: 14.8% (39/13) vs 9.6% (42.6/ No
(Owen et al., 2006) years) HF-WBI vs SF-WBI 13) vs 12.1% (SF-WBI); p = 0.027
30.3% (< 50
START A 1999-2002 2236 (128)^ 6% (< 40 years) 39-41.6 Gy/13 fr° At 10 years: 81.6% (HF-WBI) vs 79.7% (HF- At 10 years: 8.8% (39/13) vs 6.3% (41.6/ No
(START Trialists’ Group 23% (< 50 years) HF-WBI vs SF-WBI WBI) vs 80.2% (SF-WBI); p = 0.6 13) vs 7.4% (SF-WBI); p = NS
et al., 2008a)
START B 1999-2002 2215 (17)^ 5% (< 40 years) 40 Gy/15 fr° At 10 years:84.1 % (HF-WBI) vs 80.8% (SF- At 10 years: 4.3% (HF-WBI) vs 5.5% (SF- No
(START Trialists’ Group 21% (< 50 years) HF-WBI vs SF-WBI WBI); p = 0.042 WBI); p = 0.2
et al., 2008b)
CANADIAN 1993-1996 1234 (296) 25% (< 50 years) 42.5 Gy/16 fr° At 10years: 84.8% (HF-WBI) vs 84.6 % (SF- At 10 years: 6.2% (HF-WBI) vs 6.7% (SF- No
(Whelan et al., 2010) HF-WBI vs SF-WBI WBI); p = NR WBI); p = 0.79
RT, radiotherapy; OS overall survival; LR, local relapse; fr, fraction; HF-WBI, hypofractionated whole breast irradiation; SF-WBI, standard fractionated whole breast irradiation; NR, not reported; NS, not significant.
HF-WBI arm.
< 40 years.
Table 2
Main published phase 3 trials investigating partial breast irradiation.
Trial Study Study patients, overall Young patients, % RT Technique, Study design OS rates LR rates Subgroup analysis in young
period (young) women
IMRT APBI Florence 2005-2013 520 (86)^ 16.5% (40-49 years) Accelerated IMRT° At 5-year: 99.4% (APBI) vs 96.6% At 5-year: 1.5% (APBI) vs 1.5% (WBI); No
(Livi et al., 2015) APBI vs WBI (WBI); p = 0.057 p = 0.86
GEC-ESTRO 2004-2009 1184 (182)^ 15.4% (40-49 years) Brachytherapy° At 5-year: 97.27% (APBI) vs 95.55% At 5-year: 1.44% (APBI) vs 0.92% No
(Strnad et al., 2016) 16.9% (premenopausal) APBI vs WBI (WBI); p = 0.11 (WBI); p = 0.42
IMPORT LOW 2007-2010 2018 (0) 0 Normofractionated IMRT At 5-year: 3.7% (PBI) vs 5% (WBI); At 5-year: 0.5% (PBI) vs 1.1% (WBI); No
(Coles et al., 2017) PBI vs WBI p = 0.693 p = 0.420
TARGIT-A 2000-2012 3451 (0) 0 IORT° At 5-year: 96.1% (IORT) vs 94.7% At 5-year: 3.3% (IORT) vs 1.3% (WBI); No
(Vaidya et al., 2014) IORT vs WBI (WBI); p = 0.099 p = 0.042
ELIOT 2000-2007 1305 (0) 0 IORT° At 5-year: 96.8% (IORT) vs 96.9% At 5-year: 4.4% (IORT) vs 0.4% (WBI); No
(Veronesi et al., 2013) IORT vs WBI (WBI); p = 0.59 p < 0.0001
APBI, accelerated partial breast irradiation; PBI, partial breast irradiation; IMRT, intensity modulated radiotherapy; EBRT, external beam radiotherapy; IORT, intraoperative radiotherapy; WBI, whole breast irradiation.
Experimental arm technique.
aged 40–49 years.
Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 137 (2019) 143–153
I. Meattini, et al. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 137 (2019) 143–153
RT, radiotherapy; OS, overall survival; LR, local relapse; WBI, whole breast irradiation; EBRT, external beam radiotherapy; fr, fraction; LDR, low-dose rate brachytherapy; HDR, high-dose rate brachytherapy; NR, not
3.2. Partial breast irradiation
Subgroup analysis in
selected patients with early breast cancer. Potential advantages of ac-
young women
celerated PBI include shorter treatment time, improved cosmesis, and
reduced cost as compared with standard WBI. A number of methods of
PBI exist: at the time of surgery using photons or electrons (IORT);
external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) with electrons, conventional beam
approaches or intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) techniques;
brachytherapy using low dose rate (LDR), pulsed dose rate (PDR), and
high dose rate (HDR) isotopes delivered using single catheter or mul-
(WBI + boost); p = NR
Coles et al., 2017; Vaidya et al., 2014; Veronesi et al., 2013). Notably,
the pivotal trials exploring PBI did not include young (≤40 years)
patients (five phase 3 trials, 8478 patients), since preliminary data on
boost studies (see paragraph 3.3) showed that younger patients largely
LR rates
benefit from a higher total dose to the tumor bed (more difficult to
achieve when using IORT in single fraction).
Main recommendations published by the European (ESTRO) (Polgár
et al., 2010) and the American Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology
(ASTRO) (Correa et al., 2017) apply a specific age cut-off for defining
trial was flawed by several selection biases and was published at short
RT technique, Study design
follow-up time (less than 3 years) (Vaidya et al., 2014). These data on
the different available techniques should be strongly considered by the
WBI vs WBI + boost
1024 (127)
664 (NR)
207 (NR)
674 (NR)
evidence that local recurrence occurs mostly at the site of the primary
tumor. In fact, between 44% and 90% of local recurrences are located in
or near the primary tumor bed (Bartelink et al., 2007; Vaidya et al.,
(Romestaing et al., 1997; Teissier et al., 1998; Polgár et al., 2002; Hau
et al., 2012; Bartelink et al., 2015). Overall, data obtained from these
(Romestaing et al., 1997)
other hand, the use of boost increased late adverse effects, especially
Table 3
Two decades have passed since the completion of these studies, and
I. Meattini, et al. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 137 (2019) 143–153
overall recurrence rates have decreased over time. The effective impact
safety of the radiation boost in patients < 51 years. The study has re-
cently completed the accrual of more than 2400 patients randomized to
receive a boost dose of 26 Gy vs 16 Gy; results are expected to become
available in 2020.
(control)^; p = 0.07
(control); p = 0.01
(control); p = 0.04
The routine application of full regional node irradiation (RNI) after
axillary lymph node dissection is still not proven; in addition, internal
mammary chain irradiation may potentially increase injury risks to the
DFS rates
heart. However, two phase 3 trials show significant improvement in
favor of RNI in terms of 10-year disease-free survival (Whelan et al.,
2015; Poortmans et al., 2015), and one large prospective population-
based study showed a significant benefit in terms of 8-year overall
(control); p = 0.005
than 40–50 was given (Whelan et al., 2015); the median age was 53
(control); p = 0.38
(control); p = 0.06
years (range 26–84) in the control arm and 54 years (range 29–84) in
the RNI arm. Overall, RNI treated patients experienced significantly
higher rate of pneumonitis and lymphedema Grade 2 or greater.
OS rates
In the EORTC 22922/10925 trial, median age was 54 years both for
RT, radiotherapy; OS, overall survival; DFS; disease-free survival; NR, not reported; RNI, regional node irradiation.
RNI (range 19–75 years) and control (range 22–75 years) arms
(Poortmans et al., 2015). While no specific data in young patients was
reported, treatment effect according to menopausal status was reported:
RT Technique, Study
et al., 2016). Overall 77 patients were aged less than 35 years (2% in
41% (premenopausal)
both the internal mammary nodes [IMN] and control arms), 854 were
2.5% (< 35 years)
Young patients, %
aged between 35 and 49 years (28% in the IMN arm vs. 27% in the
control arm); globally, 1261 women were premenopausal (41% in both
the IMN and control arms). In the 8-year analysis, patients aged less
than 35 years in the IMN irradiation arm experienced better overall
4004 (1640)*
rates (79.3% vs. 74.8%; HR 0.71, 95% CI 0.57-0.90). Age younger than
1832 (NR)
3089 (77)°
* premenopausal status.
I. Meattini, et al. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 137 (2019) 143–153
summarized in Table 5 (Fisher et al., 1998, 1999; Houghton et al.,
2003; Breast Cancer Cooperative Group et al., 2006; Emdin et al., 2006;
firmed that radiation therapy reduced the rate of invasive local re-
(BCS + RT); p < 0.0001
15-year update, the EORTC 10,853 trial showed that almost one out of
three non-irradiated women developed a local recurrence after local
excision (Breast Cancer Cooperative Group et al., 2006); radiation
LR rates
currences still call for the need to find the groups of patients for whom
At 4 years: 98.2% (no RT arm) vs 96.2
10 years was 43% and 23% in young women who underwent breast-
conserving surgery alone or followed by radiation therapy, respectively
(Breast Cancer Cooperative Group et al., 2006). In the multivariate
analysis, age ≤40 was significantly related to risk of local recurrences
2 × 2 design (BCS ± RT ± ET)
EBRT 50 Gy (2 Gy/fr)
EBRT 50 Gy (2 Gy/fr)
EBRT 50 Gy (2 Gy/fr)
therapy that was modest in patients < 50 years (absolute risk reduction
42.5 Gy (2.7 Gy/fr)
33.3% (< 50
33.5% (< 50
23.6% (< 50
19.7% (< 50
Major prospective randomized trials including radiotherapy for DCIS patients.
0.7% (< 40
most adopted radiation therapy regimen for DCIS. The role of tumor
bed boost and adjuvant endocrine therapy remains unclear and they are
all-age women with DCIS treated with breast conserving surgery fol-
1798 (602)
1067 (252)
790 (263)
585 (115)
1010 (65)
lowed by WBI alone versus WBI plus tumor bed boost (radiotherapy
1030 (7)
fected by DCIS.
(Emdin et al., 2006)
(Fisher et al., 1998)
Current constraints related to normal tissue dose and volume are based
I. Meattini, et al. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 137 (2019) 143–153
which might not be appropriate when using altered fractionation and pathological complete response at the time of surgery that is planned
other radiation therapy techniques. Toxicity may develop in any organ more than 6 months after SBRT. However, it should be noted that in-
at risk that was exposed to radiation. Two major concerns when clusion criteria for this trial is limited to patients above 50 years of age,
treating young patients are discussed below. which is a consequence of the current lacking evidence on the use of PBI
The risk of cardiovascular disease after radiation therapy for breast in young patients.
cancer is well reported and appears to result from direct exposure to PARP-inhibitors and immunotherapy proved to be successful in the
radiations of heart and coronary vessels. Cardiac dose increases mainly treatment of patients with advanced breast cancer and are now under
in left-sided disease, mostly when the internal mammary nodes are development in the neo-adjuvant setting (Poggio et al., 2018; Wein
targeted (Darby et al., 2010; Gagliardi et al., 2010; Boekel et al., 2016). et al., 2018). Publication of groundbreaking pre-clinical work on the
The incidence of radiation-associated cardiovascular disease is rela- impact of fractionation and radiation dose mechanisms with the com-
tively low (< 2%), ranging from 0.2% to 3.5% depending on whether bination of radiation therapy and immunotherapy paved the road to
the patient had prior cardiovascular risk factors (Darby et al., 2013). ongoing and future clinical trials investigating these promising combi-
The risk of cardiac toxicity increases over time, therefore, this toxicity nations (Vanpouille-Box et al., 2017; Ye and Formenti, 2018). Enhan-
should be considered of particular concern in younger patients who cing the abscopal effect might not only be beneficial in the metastatic
have a life-long to develop cardiac disease (Darby et al., 2013, 2005). setting but possibly also in the early setting by eradicating micro-
Various respiratory gated (breath-hold) radiation techniques were re- metastases (Jatoi et al., 2018).
ported to reduce the cardiac dose by 26% to 80% compared to free- Lastly, pre-operative radiotherapy provides the opportunity to avoid
breathing in left-sided radiation for breast cancer (Latty et al., 2019). irradiation of a reconstructed breast. As an example, the PRADA trial
Hence, these methods should be preferred in young patients. (NCT02771938) is evaluating the use of pre-operative radiotherapy
Breast cancer survivors have higher incidence of secondary non- followed by mastectomy and DIEP (deep inferior epigastric perforators)
breast cancer compared to the general population (23% increased risk flap reconstruction. Other ongoing trials are investigating complication
for irradiated patients) (Grantzau and Overgaard, 2016). A systematic rate and cosmetic outcome of radiotherapy after reconstruction, an
review investigating this issue reported that the risk in irradiated pa- issue of great importance particularly for young patients.
tients increases over time and the standardized incidence ratio (in-
cidence of cancer in irradiated patients versus the incidence in the
general population) at > 15 years after radiation therapy was 1.91 for 6. Conclusions
lung cancer, 2.71 for esophagus cancer, 3.15 for thyroid cancer and
6.54 for secondary sarcomas (mainly angiosarcomas). Increased risk The present overview on the current state of the art in radiation
was seen in all age group, with the highest risk among women who are therapy for young women with early breast cancer highlights the lack of
younger than 40 years at the time of treatment (Grantzau and ad hoc subgroup analysis in most of the available trials to investigate
Overgaard, 2016; Deutsch et al., 2003). Actions to reduce the risk of the role of the different techniques in this specific patient population.
secondary cancers may include education for smoking cessation and Particularly, PBI has not been adequately studied in this setting, while
actions to reduce the occurrence of lymphedema. Major efforts need to most of the available data in young patients focused on RNI, DCIS, and
be taken when planning treatment in order to minimize toxicity and tumor bed radiation boost
improve the therapeutic index. Based on this review, we developed an evidence-based algorithm
Notably, most published data from pivotal trials did not take into with recommendations on radiation therapy for young patients with
account the fast development of radiation-related toxicity prevention early breast cancer (Fig. 1). Young women affected by invasive breast
strategies, such as deep inspiration breath hold, active breathing con- cancer seem to receive the greatest benefit from the boost on the tumor
trol systems, refined approaches (i.e. stereotactic body radiotherapy, bed. Most young patients affected by DCIS should receive postoperative
volumetric modulated arc therapy, IMRT), and dedicated facilities (i.e. WBI. When RNI is considered, young age should be accounted as high
CyberKnife®, Tomotherapy®, GammaKnife®) able to deliver high-gra- risk factor. PBI is not suitable for young patients and should be re-
dient dose radiation. commended within the context of a clinical trial. Importantly, robust
data have already supported the efficacy and safety of HF-WBI sche-
5. Future perspectives dules that should now replace SF-WBI as gold standard for all patients
irrespectively of their age. Finally, organs-at-risk sparing systems as
Current research in breast radiotherapy is surprisingly diverse: tai- strategy for prevention of radiation-related long-term toxicities should
lored radiotherapy according to molecular breast cancer subtypes and be strongly considered for these patients.
gene signatures, hypofractionated radiotherapy, PBI, cardio-sparing An important final conclusion to be highlighted is the lack of in-
treatments, quality of life and the use of proton beam treatments are clusion of young patients in several published trials as well as in some
some examples. of the ongoing ones. Therefore, robust evidence to counsel young breast
The potentially practice-changing research efforts currently ongoing cancer patients on the optimal radiation therapy approach is still
are summarized in Table 6: the minimum age for inclusion is high- lacking. Further studies and ad hoc subgroup analyses in this specific
lighted to draw attention to the trials in which young patients can be patient population are strongly warranted.
One of the most important actual research directions is the in- Funding
vestigation of pre-operative radiotherapy (Lightowlers et al., 2017). In
parallel to the rise of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy, shifting radiation This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
therapy to the pre-operative setting offers several advantages in com- agencies in the public, commercial, or
parison to its use in the adjuvant setting. The ability to evaluate the not-for-profit sectors.
efficacy of breast radiation therapy directly on the tumor by measuring
the residual cancer burden at the time of surgery is a unique method to
test innovative radiotherapeutic approaches, such as extreme hypo- Conflicts of interest
fractionation techniques or combinations with targeted therapy. As an
example, the ABLATIVE trial (NCT02316561) is investigating the use of Matteo Lambertini served as a consultant for Teva and received
single fraction stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in low risk breast honoraria from Theramex outside the submitted work. All remaining
cancer (Charaghvandi et al., 2017). The primary endpoint of the trial is authors declare no conflicts of interest.
I. Meattini, et al.
Table 6
A selection of ongoing trials in breast radiotherapy.
Trial identification Trial name Type of study Study Hypothesis Minimal age for Number of treatment fractions of the
inclusion experimental arm
Preoperative RT
NCT02316561 ABLATIVE Non-randomized Investigate the feasibility of a preoperative, single dose, ablative APBI treatment in patients with 50 1
early-stage BC
NCT02806258 NEOAPBI 01 Phase II, Primary chemotherapy versus primary chemotherapy and sequential APBI 18 8
NCT02913729 PAPBI-2 Phase III, randomized Preoperative versus postoperative APBI 51 5
NCT02941835 PROBI Phase I/II, non- Preoperative whole breast RT 18 21
NCT03520894 ROCK Phase II RT in preoperative setting with CyberKnife® for BC 50 1
Combination with targeted therapy (immunotherapy or PARP inhibitors)
NCT03366844 / Assessment of the safety and tolerability of pembrolizumab combined with a tumor RT boost before 18 3 (boost only)
standard treatment (one or more of the following: breast-conserving surgery, RT to the entire breast/
chest wall after surgery, and chemotherapy)
NCT03109080 RadioPARP Phase I Preoperative or postoperative RT with concurrent olaparib 18 25
Radiation and breast reconstruction
NCT02927912 / Phase II, single group Investigation of the side effects of intraoperative electron beam RT as a boost in stage I-II BC patients 18 1 (boost)
who undergo reconstruction
NCT03523078 / Observational Cosmetic outcome, patient-reported outcomes, and reconstruction-related complications in BC 20 unspecified
women treated with or without postmastectomy RT
Planned DBCG RT Recon Randomized Immediate versus delayed breast reconstruction in early BC patients treated with mastectomy and 18 15
Trial adjuvant loco-regional RT
NCT03422003 FABREC Randomized Hypofractionated RT versus conventional RT in women who have undergone mastectomy and 18 16
immediate breast reconstruction
NCT02771938 PRADA Non-randomized Preoperative radiation therapy: mastectomy and DIEP flap reconstruction 2-6 weeks following 18 15
Postoperative hypofractionated RT
NCT02384733 SKAGEN Investigate the difference in late RT morbidity between hypofractionated and normofractionated 18 15
loco-regional breast RT
Proton beam radiation
NCT02783690 / Interventional, 15 fraction vs. 25 fraction pencil beam scanning proton RT after mastectomy in patients requiring 18 15
randomized RNI
APBI, accelerated partial breast irradiation; BC, breast cancer; RNI, regional node irradiation; RT, radiotherapy; DIEP, deep inferior epigastric perforators.
Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 137 (2019) 143–153
I. Meattini, et al. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 137 (2019) 143–153
Fig. 1. Evidence-based algorithm with recommendations on radiation therapy for young patients with early breast cancer.
Abbreviations: WBIwhole breast irradiation; PBIpartial breast irradiation; SFstandard fractionated; HFhypofractionated; IORTintraoperative radiotherapy; EBRT;
external beam radiotherapy; RTradiotherapy; RNIregional node irradiation regional node irradiation; DCISductal carcinoma in situ.
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