DWA Topics. Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Hot and Cold Climates. en - Dwa.de. October 2016 T4 - 2016, Corrected Version May 2019
DWA Topics. Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Hot and Cold Climates. en - Dwa.de. October 2016 T4 - 2016, Corrected Version May 2019
DWA Topics. Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Hot and Cold Climates. en - Dwa.de. October 2016 T4 - 2016, Corrected Version May 2019
other countries requires an amendment of existing design rules compliant to the DWA Set of Rules, which have
been primarily developed for Central European conditions. This concerns, for example, the consideration of
high or low wastewater temperatures, increased salt content or special discharge requirements. Clear Concepts. Clean Environment.
Within the framework of the „EXPOVAL“ research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF), internationally applicable design approaches have been developed. The results have been
prepared for this volume in the form of internationally applicable design approaches and supplement the DWA
Set of Rules accordingly.
The new and extended design approaches include activated sludge plants, trickling filter systems and waste-
water ponds, UASB-reactors, plants for anaerobic sludge stabilisation and solar sewage sludge drying, ae-
DWA Topics
ration systems and the elimination of helminth eggs. Practical calculation examples are presented for all
In addition to the extension and adaptation especially to different temperature conditions, the design appro-
aches in this volume were uniformly converted to the internationally widespread monitoring practice by
means of daily average values and to the chemical oxygen demand (COD) for the cleaning objective of carbon
cold climates
Design of wastewater treatment plants in hot
and cold climates
The German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA) is deeply committed to the develop-
ment of reliable and sustainable water management systems. As a politically and economically inde-
pendent organization of technical experts, it operates in the areas of water management, wastewater,
waste and soil protection.
Here, the DWA is the association with the largest number of members in Europe. Due to its profes-
sional expertise, it plays an exceptional role with regard to standardization and the provision of training
and information for specialists, as well as the general public. Its approximately 14,000 members are
specialists and executive managers working for municipalities, universities, engineering offices, au-
thorities and companies.
Published and sold by: Corrected version:
DWA Deutsche Vereinigung für May 2019
Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V. Translation:
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 17 Friederike Boone, Gelsenkirchen
53773 Hennef, Germany
Phone: +49 2242 872-333
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E-Mail: [email protected] Print:
Internet: www.dwa.de Siebengebirgsdruck, Bad Honnef
978-3-88721-615-3 (Print)
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Printed on 100 % recycled paper
© Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V. (DWA), Hennef 2019
German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste
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reproducedin any form – by photocopy, digitization or any other process – or transferred into a language usable
by systems, particularly data processing systems, without the written consent of the publisher.
The design of wastewater treatment plants under deviating wastewater and climatic conditions in
other countries requires an amendment of existing design rules compliant to the DWA set of rules
which have been primarily developed for Central European conditions. To close this gap, the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) sponsored the research project "Technology
transfer-oriented research and development in the wastewater sector - validation at industrial-scale
plants" (EXPOVAL) for the development of internationally applicable design approaches. Target regions
are hot and cold climatic zones, frequently comprising developing, emerging and transition economies.
For this DWA Topic, the results of this research project were compiled by the DWA work group BIZ-
11.3 "Design of wastewater treatment plants in hot and cold climatic zones" as design approaches
analogous to the applicable DWA set of rules. Additionally, practicable model calculations were com-
piled for all processes (Appendix B).
Apart from the extension and adaptation of the design specifications to the special conditions in an
international context, in this Topic the design algorithms for the treatment target of carbon reduction
were all converted to the chemical oxygen demand (COD) which, among others, allows the balancing
of sludge formation.
The DWA work group thanks the BMBF for the financial support without which the preparation of this
Topic and the preceding investigations would not have been possible.
This DWA Topic was prepared by the DWA work group BIZ-11.3 "Design of wastewater treatment
plants in hot and cold climatic zones" within the sub-committee "International cooperation".
Following members and guests of working group BIZ-11.3 have collaborated in preparing the German
version of this Topic:
Emscher Wassertechnik GmbH was in charge of the overall coordination and the scientific-technical
support of the EXPOVAL joint project:
The overall coordination was supported by research sub-coordinators at the Technical University
Darmstadt and the Leibniz University Hannover:
Foreword .................................................................................................................................... 3
Authors .................................................................................................................................... 4
1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 20
1.1 Objectives .................................................................................................................... 20
1.2 Scope of applicability .................................................................................................. 20
1.3 Further applicable DWA set of rules .......................................................................... 20
Appendix A Examples for influent data and effluent requirements ......................................... 236
A.1 Example of influent data in an international context ................................................. 236
A.2 Examples of effluent requirements in an international context ................................ 237
A.3 Cleaning targets and monitoring methods in Germany ............................................. 239
A.4 Cleaning targets and monitoring methods in the European Union ........................... 239
List of Figures
Figure 3.1: Exemplary daily hydrographs of the wastewater inflow and selected inflow
concentrations for a wastewater treatment plant with 100,000 I........................ 31
Figure 3.2: Comparison of the assessment when monitoring by means of grab samples
and average daily values using an example of the COD day's course in the
effluent of a wastewater treatment plant ............................................................. 33
Figure 5.1: Settling velocity distribution vS of quartz sand .................................................... 44
Figure 11.1: Basic treatment steps of anaerobic sludge stabilisation .................................... 167
Figure 11.2: Scheme of an egg-shaped digester ..................................................................... 168
Figure 11.3: Part of a world map with potential locations for digesters
without thermal insulation ................................................................................... 173
Figure 11.4: Range with sufficient stabilisation result in relation to the digestion
time and the digestion temperature ................................................................... 179
Figure11.5: Procedure for the dimensioning of a digestion stage.......................................... 180
Figure 11.6: Approximate shares of the investment costs of a wastewater treatment
plant for 100,000 I, with details on sludge treatment .......................................... 189
Figure 11.7: Power consumption of a wastewater treatment plant (100,000 I) with
a focus on sludge treatment ................................................................................ 190
Figure 12.1: Scheme of solar sewage sludge drying plant ..................................................... 193
Figure 12.2: Photo of a solar sewage sludge drying plant (ISWW) .......................................... 193
Figure 12.3: Design process for the solar sludge drying plant................................................ 197
Figure 12.4: Comparison of the calculated potential evaporation and the actual
measured evaporation ......................................................................................... 200
Figure 12.5: Dependence of the temperature on the irradiation ............................................. 201
Figure 12.6: Dependence of the relative humidity inside on the air exchange rate
with different relative humidity rates outside and Te = 20°C .............................. 204
Figure12.7: Dependence of the relative humidity inside on the air exchange rate
with different outside temperatures and e = 55 %............................................ 205
Figure12.8: Percental distribution of the investment costs for a solar sewage sludge
drying plant .......................................................................................................... 207
Figure 12.9: Sewage Sludge Utilisation in Europe 2012 ......................................................... 209
Figure 13.1: (A) Overall prevalence of STH in the respective country, (B) Share of
the country-specific prevalence in the global prevalence .................................. 212
Figure 13.2: Prevalence of soil-transmitted helminths by species: (A) hookworms,
(B) Ascaris lumbricoides, (C) Trichuris trichiura .................................................... 213
Figure 13.3: Overview of the eggs of common helminth species (size in μm) ......................... 213
Figure 13.4: Eggs of the species Ascaris suum, Trichuris trichiura and egg of
the species hookworms ....................................................................................... 214
Figure 13.5: Membrane structure with "Mammillations" of the eggs of Ascaris sp. ................. 215
Figure13.6: Percental elimination of eggs of the species Ascaris spp. in water .................... 216
Figure 13.7: Solids-dependent, complete elimination of eggs of the species Ascaris
lumbricoides as a function of temperature and contact time (laboratory study) .. 216
Figure 13.8: Separation of helminth eggs in wastewater pond facilities as a function
of the retention time............................................................................................. 220
Figure 13.9: Flow chart of an analytical procedure for helminth eggs without incubation .... 227
Figure 13.10: Flowchart of design process ................................................................................ 228
Figure 13.11: Egg of the species Ascaris suum and substitute particles (on 50 μm cloth),
eggs of the species Trichuris trichiura (on 10 μm cloth) ...................................... 229
Figure 13.12: PE particles, blue and red, 38 μm to 45 μm, specific gravity: 1.08 g/cm ........... 230
Figure14.1: Organisational models for wastewater disposal ................................................. 233
Figure B.1: Flow chart for the process combination of sewage pond and trickling filter ..... 276
List of Tables
Table 3.1: Examples for different inflow qualities in different countries .................................. 28
Table 3.2: Empirical values for some fractions of the chemical oxygen demand in
the influent according to Standard DWA-A 131 .................................................. 30
Table 4.1: Local peculiarities and resulting planning consequences .................................. 36
Table 4.2: Meeting treatment targets by selected wastewater treatment processes ......... 39
Table 5.1: Design parameters for aerated grit chambers in KAUB according to ATV,
LONDONG, SEYFRIED and STEIN as well as DWA-FA KA-5 ....................................... 43
Table 5.2: Elimination efficiency ηPST of the primary sedimentation in correlation to the
hydraulic retention time HRT based on the mean dry weather flow QDW,d,aM ....... 46
Table 5.3: Provides benchmarks for the retention time HRT for different cleaning
targets and sludge treatment processes ............................................................ 46
Table 6.1: Aerobic sludge age for carbon elimination (without targeted nitrification) ........ 57
Table 6.2: Process factor depending on the TKN influent fluctuations for a
temperature range of 5°C to 30°C ....................................................................... 60
Table 6.3: Aerobic sludge age for plant sizes up to 20,000 I as a function of the
temperature and ammonium effluent values as a daily mean ........................... 61
Table 6.4: Aerobic sludge age for plant sizes above 100,000 I as a function of the
temperature and ammonium nitrogen effluent values as a daily mean ............. 61
Table 6.5: Alphadb as a function of temperature ................................................................... 65
Table 7.1: Impact factors for oxygen uptake ........................................................................ 77
Table 7.2: α-values for fine-bubble aeration systems as a function of the treatment
process and the cleaning target for each design load case ................................ 79
Table 8.1: Input parameters for the design of the trickling filter ........................................ 89
Table 8.2: Application of the Gujer-and-Boller-equation in the transition area .................. 91
Table 8.3: Guidance values for FP factors (Intermediate values must be interpolated) ..... 93
Table 8.4: Design output values of the trickling filter .......................................................... 97
3 2 0.5
Table 8.5: Examples for k20 values for different types of filter media in (m /(h·m ))
for a filter media height of 5.2 m ......................................................................... 102
Table 9.1: Recommended calculated hydraulic retention time according to
different design guidelines .................................................................................. 110
Table 9.2: Recommended upstream velocity from different design guidelines .................. 111
Table 9.3: Comparison of the theoretical maximum quantity of dissolved methane with
actual measured quantities in large-scale UASB reactors at 20°C to 25°C ....... 115
Table 9.4: Minimum calculative hydraulic retention time in the digester HRTdigester at
a digester height of hdigester = 2.5 - 3.0 m and as a function of the temperature ...... 123
Table 9.5: Estimates for the average organic sludge concentration XVSS,digester as
a function of the digester and the sludge bed height (LOITSS = 0.6)...................... 124
Table 9.6: Effluent concentration of the dissolved COD SCOD,ER as a function
of the influent concentration SCOD, IR ..................................................................... 125
Table 9.7: Effluent concentration of the particulate COD XCOD, ER as a function
of the upstream - velocity vup .............................................................................. 126
Table 9.8: Solid concentration XTSS,ES at different digester heights as a function of the
total sludge bed height; Sludge blanket limit 0.5 m below the bottom edge
of the three-phase separator (XVSS ≤ 5 g/l) ............................................................ 129
Table 9.9: Recommended sludge age SRTt as a function of the temperature...................... 130
Table 9.10: The reference values for the recoverable volume of methane in the
three-phase separator QDW,CH4,3PS as a function of the wastewater temperature ... 131
Table 9.11: Reference values for the saturation concentration of dissolved methane
3 3
CS,CH4 (Nm CH4-diss/m wastewater) at the bottom edge of the
three-phase separator ......................................................................................... 131
Table 9.12: Compilation of design values for mechanical pre-treatment in
municipal UASB reactors ..................................................................................... 134
Table 9.13: Designing the feed line......................................................................................... 135
Table 9.14: Recommended areal hydraulic load per inflow pipe depending
on the sludge structure and volumetric loading rate .......................................... 136
Table 9.15: Design of the gas collection zone ......................................................................... 137
Table 9.16: Design values for upstream velocities and hydraulic retention times
in a three-phase separator for municipal wastewater ........................................ 137
Table 9.17: The most important cost items for anaerobic municipal wastewater treatment .. 141
Table 10.1: Types and designations of wastewater ponds ..................................................... 142
Table 10.2: Combination examples for multi-stage wastewater ponds ................................ 144
Table 10.3: Guideline values for the permissible COD volumetric loading rate
and the COD elimination on a percentage basis .................................................. 145
Table 10.4: Common dimensions for the geometrical design of anaerobic ponds................ 147
Table 10.5: Common dimensions for the geometrical design of facultative ponds ............... 149
Table 10.6: Guideline values for the degree of degradation of the COD concentration
in the effluent of a plant with aerated wastewater ponds in compliance
with the permissible volumetric loading rate ...................................................... 151
Table 10.7: Factors influencing the determination of the COD volumetric loading
rate of aerated wastewater ponds ....................................................................... 152
Table 10.8: Common dimensions for the geometrical design of aerated wastewater ponds ..... 153
Table 10.9: Guideline values for structural elements of a wastewater pond ........................ 159
Table 10.10: Recommendations for the removal of sludge ..................................................... 162
Table 11.1: Temperature ranges and hydraulic retention time for sewage sludge digestion ... 171
Table 11.2: Stabilisation parameters for different sludge types ............................................ 175
Table 11.3: Reference values for biogas yields in relation to the feed load of
volatile solids........................................................................................................ 176
Table 11.4: Summary list of possible co-substrates .............................................................. 177
Table 11.5: Solids contents of substrates in the influent of the digester .............................. 181
Table 11.6: Expansion of the recommended rated sludge age according to DWA-M 368 ..... 182
Table 11.7: Summary of specific costs for the sludge treatment of a exemplary
wastewater treatment plant with 100,000 I ......................................................... 191
Table 11.8: Distinguishing features of different dewatering systems ................................... 191
Table 12.1: Magnitudes for mean annual values of irradiation Hg ......................................... 198
Table 12.2: Transmission values of different covers .......................................................... 198
Table 12.3: Examples of the evaporation performance of different heat sources
on a semi-industrial scale ................................................................................... 199
Table 12.4: Temperature increase T due to the greenhouse effect depending
on the climatic conditions of the location ........................................................... 199
Table 12.5: Temperature difference T taking into account the difference
between outdoor climate and indoor climate ...................................................... 203
Table 12.6: Change of sludge constituents in the drying process ......................................... 208
Table 12.7: Limit values and recommendations for the agricultural use of
sewage sludge ...................................................................................................... 210
Table B.16: Segmental calculation after completion of the iteration with recirculation
3 2 0.5
rate = 100 %, qA = 1.10 m/h, k20,5.8m = 0.00227 (m /(h·m )) und TW = 30°C........... 263
Table B.17: Concentrations in the trickling filter influent and effluent after application
of the safety concept; Filter media height = 6.1 m; Recirculation = 100 %,
3 2 0.5
qA = 1.10 m/h; k20,6.1m = 0.00222 (m /(h·m )) und TW = 30°C................................ 264
Table B.18: Output parameters (effluent secondary settlement tank)................................... 266
Table B.19: Dimensioning of trickling filters and secondary sedimentation ......................... 266
Table B.20: Input parameters for dimensioning the UASB reactor........................................ 267
Table B.21: Overview iteration, to comply with SRT (adjusted parameters are marked
in bold) .................................................................................................................. 271
Table B.22: Input parameters for dimensioning a wastewater pond system ......................... 273
Table B.23: Input parameters for dimensioning the anaerobic pond ..................................... 276
Table B.24: Dimensioning of anaerobic ponds........................................................................ 277
Table B.25: Input parameters for dimensioning the trickling filter ....................................... 277
Table B.26: Input parameters for the design algorithm (without recirculation) .................... 278
Table B.27: Concentrations in the trickling filter influent and effluent; Filter media
3 2
height = 5.8 m; Recirculation = 50 %, qA = 1.10 m/h; Aspec = 125 (m /m ;
3 2 0.5
k20,5.8m = 0.00227 (m /(h·m )) und TW = 30 C°.......................................................... 279
Table B.28: Result values from dimensioning the trickling filter (Values for the
effluent of the secondary sedimentation) ............................................................ 279
Table B.29: Dimensioning of trickling filters and secondary sedimentation ......................... 280
Table B.30: Input parameters for dimensioning the anaerobic sludge treatment................. 281
Table B.31: Input parameters for the calculation of solar sewage sludge drying ................. 284