Sex-Based Differences Autoinmunity
Sex-Based Differences Autoinmunity
Sex-Based Differences Autoinmunity
Sex-based differences
in autoimmune diseases
Elena Ortona1, Marina Pierdominici1, Angela Maselli2, Caterina Veroni1, Francesca Aloisi1
and Yehuda Shoenfeld3
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1Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare e Neuroscienze, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
2Dipartimento del Farmaco, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
3Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Sheba Medical Center (affiliated to Tel-Aviv University),
Tel-Hashomer, Israel
Address for correspondence: Marina Pierdominici, Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare e Neuroscienze, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena
299, 00161 Rome, Italy. E-mail: [email protected].
Elena Ortona, Marina Pierdominici, Angela Maselli et al.
necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-6, (Klinefelter syndrome) are associated with an altered
and natural killer (NK) cell activation, and by inducing susceptibility for some autoimmune diseases as com-
expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines favoring a T pared with sex-matched general population (e.g., SLE
helper 2 (Th2) phenotype [9], such as IL-4, IL-10 and prevalence is decreased in Turner syndrome and in-
transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, and by activating creased in Klinefelter syndrome) [17, 18]. Experimen-
regulatory T cells (Treg) [10]. At lower concentrations, tal studies suggest that the Y chromosome may play a
E2 stimulates TNF, interferon (IFN)-γ, IL-1β and NK protective role in the development of autoimmunity
cells, while it enhances antibody production by B cells [19].
both at high and low concentrations [9]. Prolactin in-
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hormones. In fact, gavage of female NOD weanlings the formation of immune complexes that, once depos-
with male NOD-derived intestinal microbiota resulted ited, cause tissue injury [33].
in elevated testosterone levels and type 1 diabetes pro- SLE is often called a “woman’s disease” because of
tection as compared with unmanipulated females [26]. the striking differences in prevalence related to sex.
Conversely, sex hormones may affect gut microbiota Pre-menopausal women have SLE incidence rates of
because sex-specific differences in the composition of 8:1-15:1 when compared to age-matched males; these
the microbiota are found only after puberty [26, 27]. rates decline to 3:1 in the pre-adolescent population
Similarly to what observed in NOD mice, the composi- and to 5:1 after menopause, when estrogen levels are
tion of gut microbiota in mouse models of lupus and more similar between genders. Clinical observations
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RA has been found to be significantly different in male and experimental data clearly indicate that E2 influ-
and female adult mice [28, 29]. Summarizing, specific ences the development of SLE [3, 34]. Studies in lupus
gut microbiota patterns appear to be associated with experimental models have demonstrated that E2 pro-
autoimmunity. However, the role of gut microbes and motes disease via estrogen receptor (ER) α activation
their interactions with hormones in the sex bias in au- [35] whereas ERβ activation has mild immunosuppres-
toimmunity is still poorly characterized and no data sive effects [36]. ERα-deficient mice show significantly
are available in humans. Further studies are needed less aggressive renal disease and proteinuria and survive
to elucidate the specific mechanisms and/or molecules better than wild-type mice [37]. Importantly, an accel-
produced by gut commensals that are affected by and erated metabolic conversion of androgen precursors to
affect sex hormones, and may be involved in the protec- E2, due to aromatase activation, has been observed in
tion from autoimmune diseases. SLE, partially explaining the increased availability of
E2 in this disease [38]. Moreover, the identification
OTHER FACTORS POTENTIALLY INVOLVED of autoantibodies reacting with ERα in SLE patients
IN THE SEX BIAS IN AUTOIMMUNITY and their correlation with disease activity [39] have dis-
Microchimerism. Maternal and fetal cells are ex- closed a new research area in estrogen-related effects
changed during pregnancy, leading to fetal cell persis- in autoimmunity. Results from different studies indi-
tence in the mother (microchimerism). Chimeric fetal cate that the use of oral contraceptives and hormone
cells are often hematopoietic and can differentiate into replacement therapy increases the risk of developing
somatic cells in different organs, becoming a potential SLE; however, some retrospective studies suggest no
target for autoimmunity [30]. The available data on the increase in clinical flares with hormonal therapy [40].
role of fetal microchimerism in autoimmunity are weak Importantly, a reduction in disease activity has been
or inconclusive. observed in SLE patients treated with the pure ER an-
Environmental estrogens. In addition to endogenous es- tagonist Fulvestrant (Faslodex) [41].
trogens, the immune system can be targeted by natural X-linked genes, such as FOXP3, TNF and TLR7, have
(phytoestrogens and mycoestrogens) or synthetic (xe- been associated with gender bias in SLE [5]. Addition-
noestrogens) compounds with estrogenic activity, i.e., ally, several X-linked miRNAs have been found to be
estrogenic endocrine disruptors [31]. Xenoestrogens upregulated in CD4+ T cells from female SLE patients
can be present in cosmetics and personal care products compared to male patients [22], potentially contribut-
(makeup, hair dyes, soaps, perfumes) more commonly ing to the sex bias in SLE. E2 may contribute to the
used by women. The actual impact of both endogenous gender bias in SLE by modulating expression of selected
and environmental estrogens on the immune system is miRNAs [42]. miR146a, which is a negative regulator
still under investigation. Environmental estrogens may of the IFN-α pathway, and miR125a, which negatively
display a synergic/additive effect with endogenous es- regulates the inflammatory chemokine RANTES, are
trogens potentially affecting the immune response. The profoundly decreased in peripheral blood mononuclear
influence of oral contraceptives and hormone replace- cells from patients with SLE as compared to healthy do-
ment therapy on the risk and progression of autoim- nors [43, 44]. Conversely, miR148a, which contributes
mune disease in women also deserves consideration. to DNA hypomethylation in lupus CD4+ T cells, has
been found up-regulated [45]. In splenocytes from es-
SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS trogen-treated mice, miR148a was up-regulated where-
SLE is a multifactorial and highly polymorphic sys- as miR146a and miR125a were down-regulated [46].
temic autoimmune disease that affects multiple organs In males, SLE has a late onset and different clinical
including kidneys and heart [32]. The incidence of the features and outcomes, suggesting that male-specific
disease is estimated at 20–50 cases/100 000 individu- predisposing and/or pathogenetic factors exist. To date,
als. To date, the etiology of SLE remains unknown; there is limited evidence to suggest an altered hormonal
however, it is likely that a complex interaction between milieu in men with lupus [47, 48]. Potential risk factors
genetic, environmental (e.g., infectious agents, includ- include X-chromosome abnormalities (as supported by
ing Epstein-Barr virus and parvovirus, UV light, drugs, the increased incidence of SLE in patients with Kline-
cigarette smoking and silica dust), and hormonal fac- felter syndrome) and various somatic genetic polymor-
tors promotes the immune dysfunction leading to the phisms. Further studies are required to understand the
disease. SLE is characterized by autoantibody produc- sex-related aspects of SLE disease susceptibility, clinical
tion by dysregulated B cells, target organ infiltration by features and outcome, potentially providing new tools
inflammatory T cells and aberrant immune cell activa- for clinical intervention. Sex-specific factors affecting
tion. The autoantigen-autoantibody interaction triggers SLE are summarized in Table 1.
Elena Ortona, Marina Pierdominici, Angela Maselli et al.
Table 1
Sex specific factors affecting systemic lupus erythematosus
Incidence of Raynaud’s phenomenon, alopecia, malar rash and arthralgia/arthritis higher in females than in
Clinical phenotype
males [47]
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Regarding male sex hormones, the available data sug-
RA affects approximately 1% of the general popula- gest that the onset and severity of RA are inversely as-
tion and is characterized by chronic joint inflamma- sociated with androgen levels, providing a possible ex-
tion, functional impairment, disability, and premature planation for the increased rate of RA incidence in men
mortality. It is widely accepted that RA is caused by after 55 years and for the less severe disease course in
various environmental factors in genetically predisposed men as compared to females [56, 57]. Men also have
individuals. RA is about three times more common in a better response to RA therapy than women [58]. In-
women than in men, with a peak age of onset in the terestingly, there is evidence that some RA patients of
fifth decade of life. The female to male prevalence ratio both sexes have reduced amounts of serum androgens
is around 2:1 in 55 to 64-year-olds, shifting to a male already several years before disease onset. In particu-
excess in people over 75-years old. Data concerning fe- lar, female RA patients have lower than normal levels
male sex hormone exposure and RA risk are conflict- of dehydroepiandrosterone and/or dehydroepiandros-
ing [49]. The higher prevalence of RA in females than terone sulfate. Androgen replacement therapy has posi-
males, at least before 75 years of age, could suggest tive effects in male RA patients, particularly as adjuvant
that E2 and progesterone increase the risk of disease. treatment [59], and a slight disease-modifying effect,
However, as stated above, RA presents more often after not statistically significant, in postmenopausal women
menopause, and past large cohort studies did not estab- with RA [60]. There is incomplete information on ge-
lish any relationship between oral contraceptives or hor- netic influences on sex disparities in RA. Recently, poly-
mone replacement therapy and the risk of developing morphisms in the CYB5A gene, which is relevant for
RA [40]. Nulliparity is associated with an increased risk androgen synthesis, have been found to be associated
of disease development whereas pregnancy seems to de- with risk of RA in women, but not men, thus contrib-
crease it [50]. These data show, pregnancy effects apart, uting to the sex bias observed in RA [61]. In contrast
that the female to male ratio observed in RA probably to SLE, RA has been described very rarely in patients
involves factors other than E2 and progesterone. Re- with Klinefelter syndrome, suggesting that the extra
garding disease activity, whereas in animal models of RA X chromosome does not confer an added risk for RA.
female sex hormones have beneficial effects, their role in One study found an association between RA and single
humans is less clear as both pro- and anti-inflammatory nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of the X-encoded
effects have been described. On the one hand, higher genes TIMP1 (which inhibits matrix metalloproteinases
disease activity scores have been reported in women as and prevents cartilage degradation) and IL-9 receptor
compared to men [51]. Additionally, estrogens are sig- (which is involved in IL-9 signaling and in early T cell
nificantly elevated, relatively to androgens, in synovial development) [62]. To date, no data are available on
fluid from both male and female RA patients; this is epigenetic modification of the inactivated X chromo-
due to high aromatase activity that is induced by locally some in relation to RA susceptibility. Sex-specific fac-
produced inflammatory cytokines, favoring macrophage tors affecting RA are summarized in Table 2.
and fibroblast proliferation and therefore the inflamma-
tory process [52]. On the other hand, the clinical fea- MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS
tures of RA are ameliorated in approximately 75% of MS affects 1 in 1000 people in Western countries and
pregnant patients who have high serum levels of E2 and is the most common chronic inflammatory disease of
progesterone [53]. Notably, relapses are frequent in the the central nervous system causing neurological disabil-
postpartum period when the levels of these hormones ity. MS is usually diagnosed in young adults and charac-
fall [54]. Clinical trials examining the effects of oral con- terized by bouts and remissions followed by a secondary
traceptives or hormone replacement therapy on the se- progressive course. Less frequently, MS has a progres-
verity or progression of existing RA in postmenopausal sive course right from the onset. MS affects women
women have yielded contrasting results, some studies two to three times as often as men. While females are
showing evidence of a beneficial effect of estrogens and at higher risk for MS, males are more likely to display
other studies finding no effect [40]. Finally, active RA is primary progressive disease and accumulate disability
characterized by an activity peak early in the morning faster than female patients in relapse-onset MS [63].
which correlates with prolactin plasma levels [55]. The sex ratio in MS appears to be rising; this trend is
Sex and autoimmunity
Table 2
Sex specific factors affecting rheumatoid arthritis
Estrogen effects on immune function (both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects, induction of Tregs)
Hormones Progesterone effects on immune function (anti-inflammatory effects, induction of Tregs) [50]
Androgen effects on immune function (anti-inflammatory effects) [57]
High aromatase activity in synovial fluid (® prevalence of synovial estrogens relative to androgens) [52]
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Less severe course of illness and better response to therapy in males as compared to females [56, 58]
Clinical phenotype
Amelioration of RA in pregnant females [53]
noted primarily in relapsing-remitting MS and is associ- effects in preclinical models of MS, suggesting the po-
ated with a latitudinal gradient [64]. tential use of these hormones for the treatment of MS
As for other autoimmune diseases, the cause of MS is [70]. Lower testosterone levels have been associated
not well understood but a complex interaction between with higher disability in men with MS [71]. The results
genetic and environmental factors is clearly involved. of two phase 2 trials of transdermal testosterone in male
The HLA-DR2 allele within the MHC region is the MS patients [72] and oral estriol in female MS patients
major genetic risk factor for MS [65]. In recent MS ge- [73] are encouraging but warrant further investigation
nome wide association studies, 110 variants have been in phase 3 trials.
identified outside the HLA region, which are typically Findings of an increasing sex ratio in MS implicate
common, mostly related to immune system function heightened female responsiveness to changing cultural
and have very modest effects on disease risk [66]. To and environmental cues. Vitamin D deficiency, Epstein-
date, none of the studies of HLA and non HLA genes Barr virus infection and smoking history are known to
have convincingly shown that genetic differences be- influence MS risk [74]. Recent studies indicate that cig-
tween women and men affect MS susceptibility. Also, arette smoking is also a risk factor for disease progres-
no MS susceptibility loci are confirmed to be located on sion [75]. However, it is still poorly understood how en-
the X chromosome. vironmental factors interact with hormones, metabolic
The role of hormonal changes in the modulation of factors, including diet and/or altered gut microbiota,
MS risk and course in female patients has been exten- and a susceptible genetic background to shape MS.
sively investigated. Puberty and pregnancy have re- Sex-related differences in neuroimaging features [76],
ceived much attention in MS research, while the impact cerebrospinal and peripheral blood biomarkers [77,
of breastfeeding, oral contraceptives use, menopause 78] and effectiveness of first- and second-line therapies
and HRT on MS risk and course is less understood. Af- for MS need to be thoroughly explored to yield new
ter puberty there is a dramatic, female-specific increase insights into MS pathological mechanisms and help in
in MS risk; earlier puberty and obesity during child- treatment decisions in the growing armamentarium of
hood are significant risk factors for MS [67]. Female drugs that can ameliorate MS. Sex-specific factors af-
MS patients experience clinical improvements during fecting MS are summarized in Table 3.
pregnancy, particularly in the last trimester, with a re-
bound in relapses occurring in the first trimester post- CONCLUSIONS
partum [68]. Specific changes in the expression of a Differences in prevalence and severity of autoim-
limited number of immune-related genes during preg- mune diseases between males and females result from
nancy were found associated with a decrease in MS dis- complex and still poorly understood interactions be-
ease activity assessed by occurrence of relapses during tween genetic, hormonal and environmental factors.
pregnancy [69]. Testosterone, progesterone and estriol, The increasing use of multi-omics and bioinformatic
the major estrogen during pregnancy, have been found approaches in large and clinically well characterized
to induce anti-inflammatory as well as neuroprotective patient cohorts will help identify critical pathways and
Table 3
Sex specific factors affecting multiple sclerosis
Clinical phenotype Faster accumulation of disability in male than female patients in relapse-onset MS [63]
Elena Ortona, Marina Pierdominici, Angela Maselli et al.
networks that can be useful for the discovery of new nancial or personal relationships with other people or
biomarkers and targeted for sex-specific therapeutic in- organizations that could inappropriately bias conduct
tervention and/or prevention of autoimmune diseases. and findings of this study.
There are no potential conflicts of interest or any fi- Accepted on 16 March 2016.
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