Targeting Polycomb Systems To Regulate Gene Expression
Targeting Polycomb Systems To Regulate Gene Expression
Targeting Polycomb Systems To Regulate Gene Expression
Interplay between PRCs decade ago in D. melanogaster. This mecha- formation in vertebrates. However, detailed
Outlined above are simple examples of how nism posits that de novo recruitment of PRC2 studies of the relationship between PRC1
PRC1 or PRC2 are individually recruited to target sites catalyses H3K27me3, which and PRC2 in vertebrates indicate that other
to target sites by locus-specific or generic is subsequently recognized by a chromobox mechanisms are involved in the formation
targeting mechanisms. However, after their (CBX)-containing protein in PRC1, leading of Polycomb domains. For example, deletion
recruitment to chromatin, the functions of to H2AK119ub1 placement and Polycomb of PRC2 components in mouse embryonic
PRC1 and PRC2 are intimately related, as chromatin domain formation48,49 (FIG. 2a). stem cells led to a reduction, but not the loss,
the enzymatic activity of each complex influ- This pathway is generally referred to as the of PRC1 proteins at target sites and had lit-
ences the occupancy of the other on chroma- ‘hierarchical’ recruitment mechanism and tle effect on global levels of H2AK119ub1
tin and the full establishment of Polycomb places PRC1 recruitment and activity down- (REF. 51). These observations suggested that
chromatin domains. stream of PRC2 function. On the basis of the the relationship between PRC1 and PRC2 is
conservation of CBX proteins, and on the evi- more complex than was originally envisaged.
The prevailing hierarchical model. PRC1 dence that PRC1 binding to chromatin is sen-
and PRC2 typically co-localize at target sites sitive to loss of PRC2 (REF. 50), the hierarchical A new twist in the hierarchy: PRC1 recruits
throughout the genome. This has largely been recruitment mechanism was widely adopted PRC2. Our understanding of Polycomb
attributed to a mechanism discovered over a to explain Polycomb chromatin domain systems has recently evolved, with the
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and recruits PRC2 and demethylase NO66 to structure and represses gene expression independent
embryonic stem cell genes during differentiation. of histone ubiquitination. Mol. Cell 38, 452–464 Competing interests statement
Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 19, 1273–1281 (2012). (2010). The authors declare no competing interests.