Obstetrics: Antenatal Care Includes
Obstetrics: Antenatal Care Includes
Obstetrics: Antenatal Care Includes
Antenatal care
Aim of ANC
1-To prevent , detect & manage those factors that adversely affect the health of the
mother & baby
2- To provide advice , reassurance , education & support for the mother & family
3- To deal with the minor aliments `of pregnancy
4- To provide general health screening
1- History
a- demgraphic data
b- medical & surgical history
c-work related exposure to chemicals & irradiation
women with past obstetrical , medical or genetic disorders should be referred to a
specialist for advice.
2- Physical exam.
* measure BP, * determine Rh
3- Counseling
*physiology of pregnancy
*alarming sign & symptoms
*infant care
*breast feeding
*child spacing
*reduction of maternal & perinatal mortality & morbidity
• shared care
• community - based care
• hospital based care
1- Personal history
* age less than 18 y old , more than 35 y old
* infertility
2- Obstetrical history
* Parity > 5
* Previous IUFD or neonatal death
*previous small for gestational age
* Previous large foe gestational age
* Pervious congenital anomalies
* recurrent 1st trimester abortion
* previous spontaneous second trimester abortion or preterm labour
* previous C S
*previous retained placenta or PPH
* Previous Rh isoimmunization or hydrops fetalis
*previous instrumental delivery
* hypertension
*heart disease
3- past history
* TB
* uterine anomalies
* previous myomectomy
* successful repair for fistula,
Benefits of a dating scan
1- Personal history
name,age, address, occupation (both partners ) , duration of marriage,consanguinity
2-Complaints in details
3- Menstrual history
6-Family history
DM,hypertension , multiple pregnancy,& congenital anomalies
7- Medical history
diseases, drugs ,blood transfusion ,XR exposure,Rh incompatibility
8- Surgical history
D&C, vaginal repair, CS, cerclage, non -gynaecological surgery
1-general examination
*physical signs
vital signs ,Wt ,height,abnormal gait, paler ,jaundice
2-chest examination
3- Heart examination
4- Breast examination
7- abdominal examination
1- inspection
2- palpation
3- Fetal heart sound
8-Vaginal examination
1- NT at 11-14 w
2- serum screening at 14-20 weeks
CRL performed at 10-13 W
BPD at & beyond 14 weeks
full anomalies scan can be done between 18-20 weeks
Lab. investigations
• Screening for DM at 28 weeks
• Urine exam
• Hb exam at 30 weeks & 36 weeks
• Offer anti- D immunoglobulin at 28 & 34 weeks
• Assessment of fetal wellbeing in a low risk pregnancy
*fetal size ( FL, SFH )
* fetal kick count ( 10 movement /12 y )
* fetal movements
AT 37 weeks
Assessment of pelvic capacity if there is suspicious of pelvic inadequacy ( stature
<145, pelvic fracture or previous CS for CPD
At 41 weeks
• For women who have not given birth by 41 weeks
• Membrane sweep should be offered
• Induction of labour
• BP, protein in urine exam
• SFH should be measured
Health education
1-Working during pregnancy
2- nutritional supplement
* folic acid
* iron (30 mg /day )
* vit A ( < 700 microgram) may be teratogenic.
*calories (2500 Kcal/day)
protein (60gm/day)
*Ca (1.2 gm/day)
3- exercise in pregnancy
Beginning or continuing a moderate course of exercise during pregnancy is not
associated with adverse outcome
* clothing should be loose light
*avoid high heels ,belts or corsets
*avoid tight leg wear
dental care
* have teeth examined twice during pregnancy
*brush teeth after meals
* tooth extraction is allowed even for pregnant women with rheumatic heart disease
if prophylactic antibiotics are given
Subsequent visits
1- recorded new complaints
2-ask about alarming signs
3-ask about fetal movements
4-provide continuous health education
5- encourage institutional delivery
General exam.
Abdominal exam.
Fl , fetal lie , presentation, & FHS
Breast care
• Wash daily to reduce cracking
• Massage
• Nipples
*if there is dry secretion treat with a mixture of glycerin & alcohol
* If retracted treat by pulling out gently ®ularly
* wear a brassiere to support heavy breasts.
4- Sexual intercourse in pregnancy
Is not associated with adverse outcome
pregnant women should be informed that long – haul air travel is associated with an
increased risk of venous thrombosis , wearing correctly fitted compression stocking is
effective at reducing the risk.
Management of common symptoms of pregnancy
Alarming symptoms & signs
Pregnant women should be advised to seek immediate medical care if they experience
any of the following
• *vaginal bleeding
• *sever edema
• *Escape of fluid from the vagina
• * abnormal gain or loss of weight
• * decrease or cessation of fetal movement
• *sever headache
• *epigastric pain
• *blurred vision
• * fever
• * abdominal pain
Prepared By:
Rand Aras Najeeb