18 Infrared Thermometer E2T PULSAR 4 NH Manual

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E T PULSAR 4 / PULSAR 4 Advanced

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Part No. 3 909 093-EN

Rev. D-NH
October 2015

E2T QUASAR Flare Monitors Operation Manual General ii


1 General........................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Information about the user manual..................................................................... 7
1.1.1 Legend ................................................................................................................. 7
1.1.2 Definitions and Abbreviations ............................................................................ 7
1.2 Safety ..................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.1 Explosion Proof Housing ..................................................................................... 9
1.3 Limit of Liability and Warranty ............................................................................ 9
1.4 Unpacking and Inspection................................................................................... 10
1.5 Service Request, Repair, or Support ................................................................... 10
1.6 Shipments to LumaSense for Repair .................................................................. 11
1.7 Disposal / Decommissioning ............................................................................... 11

2 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 System Overview ................................................................................................. 13
2.2 System Features .................................................................................................. 13
2.3 Principle of Operation ......................................................................................... 14
2.4 Expected Performance ........................................................................................ 15
2.5 Smart FMA Mode (PULSAR 4 Advanced only) .................................................... 15
2.6 Quick Installation Procedure............................................................................... 17
2.6.1 Mounting the Instrument.................................................................................. 17 Conditions of Use:........................................................................................ 17
2.6.2 Mechanical ........................................................................................................ 17 Connect Air Requirements........................................................................... 17
2.6.3 Electrical ............................................................................................................ 18
2.6.4 Configure the Instrument.................................................................................. 19

3 Mechanical Installation ............................................................................................... 21

3.1 Getting Started.................................................................................................... 21
3.2 Furnace Location ................................................................................................. 21
3.2.1 Choice of Temperature Measurements ............................................................. 21
3.2.2 Choice of Locations (Typical) ............................................................................. 21
3.3 Mounting Options ............................................................................................... 21
3.3.1 Valve Flange Mounting ..................................................................................... 22
3.3.2 Viewport............................................................................................................ 22 Focusing on the Target ................................................................................ 22 Aiming (Sighting) Adjustments ................................................................... 23
3.4 Ambient Temperature Limits.............................................................................. 24
3.5 Cooling Requirements (Optional) ....................................................................... 24
3.5.1 Water Cooling ................................................................................................... 24
3.5.2 Vortex Air Cooling ............................................................................................. 25
3.6 Air Requirements ................................................................................................ 25

4 Electrical Installation................................................................................................... 27
4.1 Electrical Installation Guidelines ........................................................................ 27
4.1.1 Conditions of Use .............................................................................................. 27
4.1.2 Conduit/Connections ......................................................................................... 27
4.1.3 Over-Current Protection/Service Switch ............................................................ 27
4.2 Power Connections.............................................................................................. 28
4.2.1 Service Markings................................................................................................ 28
4.2.2 Protective Ground Connection .......................................................................... 28
4.2.3 Cover Attachment ............................................................................................. 28
4.3 Powering Requirements...................................................................................... 29
4.3.1 Powering with 24 VDC ...................................................................................... 29
4.3.2 Powering with 115 or 230 VAC ......................................................................... 29
4.4 Fusing ................................................................................................................... 30
4.4.1 Mains ................................................................................................................. 30
4.5 Connections for Reading a Temperature ........................................................... 30
4.5.1 Connection for mA Output ............................................................................... 30
4.6 Connecting the Alarms........................................................................................ 31

5 Operating the PULSAR 4 .............................................................................................. 33

5.1 Installation/Start-Up Checklist ............................................................................ 34
5.1.1 Getting Started .................................................................................................. 34
5.2 Two Spectral Ranges ........................................................................................... 34
5.3 Emissivity Adjustment and FMA mode .............................................................. 35
5.4 Setpoint Adjustment (Alarms)............................................................................ 35
5.5 Operation of Backup Probe (BUP-10) Assembly (For FF Measurement Only) ... 36
5.6 Operation of the Clean-Out Probe (COP-10) Assembly ...................................... 38
5.7 Parameter Descriptions and Instrument Settings ............................................. 39
5.7.1 Global Parameters ............................................................................................. 40 Temperature Display.................................................................................... 40 Temperature Units ....................................................................................... 40 Transmittance .............................................................................................. 40 Flame Measurement Algorithm FMA (PULSAR 4 Advanced only) .............. 40 Address ........................................................................................................ 41 Baud Rate..................................................................................................... 41 Wait Time..................................................................................................... 41 Analog Output Function Assignment.......................................................... 41 Alarm Contacts ............................................................................................ 42 Hysteresis (HYS) ........................................................................................... 42 Analog Output Test ..................................................................................... 43 Internal Temperature .................................................................................. 43
5.7.2 Individual Parameters for RT, GT and FF ........................................................... 43 Emissivity Setting ......................................................................................... 43 Alpha (Pulsar 4 Advanced only) ................................................................... 44 Response Time ............................................................................................. 44 Subrange (LO) .............................................................................................. 44 Subrange (HI) ............................................................................................... 44
5.8 PULSAR 4 (not PULSAR 4 Advanced) ................................................................... 45
5.8.1 Change Measuring Mode .................................................................................. 46
5.8.2 Adjustment of emissivity or transmission.......................................................... 48
5.9 PULSAR 4 Advanced............................................................................................. 50
5.9.1 Adjust Display Mode ......................................................................................... 51
5.9.2 Show Output Assignment ................................................................................. 52
5.9.3 Change Output Assignment (Modify Out) ........................................................ 53 Out 1 Adjustments ....................................................................................... 53

E2T QUASAR Flare Monitors Operation Manual General iv Out 2 Adjustments ....................................................................................... 54
5.9.4 Adjustment of emissivity or transmission.......................................................... 55
5.9.5 Setting the FMA Mode ...................................................................................... 57
5.9.6 Adjustment of emissivity / Alpha in “FMA” mode: ........................................... 58
5.10 Parameter settings using InfraWin 5 Software ................................................. 59
5.10.1 Installing InfraWin ............................................................................................. 59
5.10.2 Measuring Mode ............................................................................................... 60 PULSAR 4 Advanced..................................................................................... 60 PULSAR 4...................................................................................................... 61
5.10.3 FMA Mode (PULSAR 4 Advanced only): ............................................................ 61
5.10.4 Alarm Configuration for Alarm1 and Alarm2 ................................................... 62
5.10.5 Alarm Assignment ............................................................................................. 62 PULSAR 4 Advanced..................................................................................... 62 PULSAR 4...................................................................................................... 63
5.10.6 Adjustment of Switch Point and Hysteresis for Alarm1 and Alarm2: ............... 63
5.10.7 Output Assignment ........................................................................................... 64 PULSAR 4 Advanced..................................................................................... 64 PULSAR 4...................................................................................................... 64
5.10.8 Display Assignment ........................................................................................... 65 PULSAR 4 Advanced..................................................................................... 65 PULSAR 4...................................................................................................... 65
5.10.9 Graph Assignment ............................................................................................. 65 PULSAR 4 Advanced..................................................................................... 65 PULSAR 4...................................................................................................... 66
5.10.10 Inhibit Keyboard................................................................................................ 66
5.10.11 Analog Output Assignment .............................................................................. 67

6 Digital Communications.............................................................................................. 69
6.1 RS485.................................................................................................................... 69
6.1.1 Data Format Universal Pyrometer Protocol (UPP) ............................................. 69
6.1.2 Commands Supported by the PULSAR 4: .......................................................... 69

7 Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................... 75
7.1 Problem Isolation Checkout Procedure .............................................................. 75
7.1.1 Optical Alignment and Focus ............................................................................ 75
7.1.2 Clear Sight Path and Clean Optics ..................................................................... 75
7.1.3 Power Fuse ........................................................................................................ 75
7.1.4 Low-End Temperature Reading ........................................................................ 76
7.1.5 Check Instrument Loops .................................................................................... 76
7.1.6 Broken Wire Harness ......................................................................................... 76
7.1.7 Component Failure............................................................................................ 76

8 Maintenance ................................................................................................................ 77
8.1 General Maintenance .......................................................................................... 77
8.2 Cleaning the Optics ............................................................................................. 77
8.3 Cleaning or Changing the Viewport Window (VP 10) ....................................... 78
8.4 Replacing a Window in the Viewport Assembly VP-10 ..................................... 79
8.5 Calibration: Traceability to VDI/VDE 3511 Part 4.4 ............................................ 79

9 Safety Assurances and Precautions ............................................................................ 81

9.1 Hazardous Environment Safety .......................................................................... 81

E2T QUASAR Flare Monitors Operation Manual General v Conditions of Use:........................................................................................ 81
9.2 Electrical Service Protection ............................................................................... 82
9.2.1 Over-Current Protection / Service Switch .......................................................... 82
9.2.2 Over-Voltage Protection ................................................................................... 82
9.2.3 Transient Protection .......................................................................................... 82
9.2.4 Wiring ................................................................................................................ 82
9.2.5 Protective Ground Connection .......................................................................... 82

Appendix A: Specifications and Parameter Settings...................................................... 83

9.3 Specifications ...................................................................................................... 83
9.4 Reference numbers pyrometer ........................................................................... 87
9.5 Reference numbers accessories .......................................................................... 87
9.6 Configuration of Parameters .............................................................................. 88
9.6.1 PULSAR 4 Configuration Table .......................................................................... 88
9.6.2 PULSAR 4 Quick Configuration Reference ........................................................ 90

Appendix B: Area Classification/Protection Concepts ..................................................... 91

Appendix C: Engineering Drawings ................................................................................. 93

Appendix D: Declaration of Conformity/ Certificates ................................................... 97

Index ................................................................................................................................ 109

E2T QUASAR Flare Monitors Operation Manual General vi

1 General

1.1 Information about the user manual

This manual provides important information that can be used as a work of reference for
installing, operating, maintaining, aligning, and/or troubleshooting your LumaSense
Instrument. It is important that you carefully read the information contained in this manual and
follow all safety procedures before you install or operate the system. If you are already familiar
with this equipment you may choose to go directly to Section 2.6 Quick Installation Procedure.
To avoid handling errors, keep this manual in a location where it will be readily accessible.
This document will be updated with changes as necessary. You are encouraged to recommend
and submit changes, additions, and/or corrections to make this document more useful.
1.1.1 Legend
Note: Indicates tips and useful information in this manual. All notes should be read
to effectively operate the instrument.
Caution: Denotes information critical to avoiding instrument damage or a severe
impact to processing. When this symbol is found on the instrument it
indicates a potential hazard. Consult the documentation before proceeding
with any actions.
Warning: Denotes information critical to avoiding personal injury, such as when an
electrical hazard is present. When this symbol is found on the instrument it
indicates a potential hazard. Consult the documentation before proceeding
with any actions).

Protective Earth Ground connection.

Caution Must be Followed: reference supplied documents.

Electric Shock Hazard: disconnect service before opening.

Voltage Alternating current (VAC).

Voltage Direct Current (VDC).

1.1.2 Definitions and Abbreviations

Many terms in this manual may be unfamiliar to you. This section is included to help you identify
the terms used to describe the products.
Terminology VDI/VDE directives 3511 Part 4.4

Adapter The fixture through which a Thermocouple (T/C) may be inserted

into the reactor while under full operating conditions.
Backup Probe Assembly A sub-system consisting of an Adapter and a Thermo-Couple

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual General 7

(Model BUP-10) (including a T/C stop).
Bulkhead Plate That portion of the SOF, which bolts to the client's Ball Valve.
Clean-Out Probe A sub-system consisting of an Adapter (the same one used in the
Assembly BUP-10) and a stainless steel rod onto which different size rams
(Model COP-10) may be screwed. The function of the COP-10 is to clear clogged
sight paths into the reactor during operations.
Cooling Cavity A cavity cast into the bottom of the Explosion-Proof Enclosure
through which either water or air can be pumped through for
cooling. It is separate from the electronics cavity.
Explosion-Proof The enclosure is designed to hold an explosion and release the
Enclosure hot gases slowly enough to allow them to cool sufficiently as to
not ignite the explosive gases outside the enclosure.
IR Abbreviation for Infrared Radiation.
K Type Denotes a thermocouple (T/C) in a 1/4" diameter stainless steel
sheath capable of measuring temperatures through the BUP
Adapter in the reactor. Maximum temperature is approximately
1370 °C.
PULSAR 4 The complete Sulfur Recovery Reactor (furnace) Temperature
Measuring System may consist of:

1. PULSAR 4 with Explosion-Proof Enclosure.

PULSAR 4 measures refractory temperature (RT mode),
gas /flame temperature (GT mode) or average
temperature (FF mode)
PULSAR 4 Advanced has an additional flame
measurement algorithm ( FMA mode)
2. Swing-Out Fixture Model SOF-1 or SOF-8.
3. Viewport Model VP-10 (incorporated in the SOF).

Reactor Reaction Furnace, Sulfur Reactor or Furnace.

SOF-1/SOF-8 A fixture which allows the operator to swing the PULSAR 4 away
from the viewport for access.
SRU Sulfur Recovery Unit.
T/C Abbreviation for Thermo-Couple.
V-208-15-H A Vortex Air-Cooling device used when water cooling is not
available or convenient.
VP-10P A Viewport Assembly consisting of a Pyrex window mounted in a
housing which screws into the SOF-8 Bulkhead Plate.

1.2 Safety
This manual provides important information on safely installing and operating your LumaSense
Instrument. Several sections of this manual provide safety warnings to avert danger. These
safety warnings are specified with a warning symbol. You must read and understand the

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual General 8

contents of this manual before operating the instrument even if you have used similar
instruments or have already been trained by the manufacturer.
It is also important to continually pay attention to all labels and markings on the instrument and
to keep the labels and markings in a permanent readable condition.
See Chapter 9, Safety Assurances and Precautions for more information.

1.2.1 Explosion Proof Housing

The housing is designed to meet the explosion-proof requirements of the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) Article 500 for hazardous locations. This Instrument holds the
following approvals:
FM for US and CDN
European ATEX certification
International IECEx certification
To ensure safe operating conditions, it is recommended that you review the certification and
area classifications that pertain to this system:

Appendix B, Area Classification/Protection Concepts
Appendix C, Declaration of Conformity/Certificate

Warning: Hazardous Location Safety Minder – Service personnel shall be qualified

to install and service electrical equipment designed for areas classified as hazardous. At
no time should the cover be removed unless power is switched off first. When it is
necessary to service the instrument with the power applied, ensure that proper safe
environmental conditions exist and that such maintenance is authorized and pursuant
to safe conditions. See Chapter 9, Safety Assurances and Precautions, for more

1.3 Limit of Liability and Warranty

All general information and notes for handling, maintaining, and cleaning this instrument are
offered according to the best of our knowledge and experience.
LumaSense Technologies is not liable for any damages that arise from the use of any examples
or processes mentioned in this manual or in case the content of this document should be
incomplete or incorrect. LumaSense Technologies reserves the right to revise this document and
to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation to notify any
person or persons of such revisions or changes.
All instruments from LumaSense Technologies have a regionally effective warranty period.
Please check our website at http://info.lumasenseinc.com/warranty for up-to-date warranty
information. This warranty covers manufacturing defects and faults which arise during
operation, only if they are the result of defects caused by LumaSense Technologies.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual General 9

1.4 Unpacking and Inspection
Before unpacking the instrument, locate the packing invoice on the outside of the carton. The
invoice lists every item that was included in your shipment. Each LumaSense E2T PULSAR 4
instrument is configured to the default settings (Refer to Appendix A, Section 10.4 for a
complete list). After you have installed the instrument and reviewed the contents of this
manual, you will need to configure the instrument to match your application.
When unpacking and inspecting your system, you need to do the following:
Check all materials in the container against the enclosed packing list.
LumaSense Technologies cannot be responsible for shortages against the packing list
unless a claim is immediately filed with the carrier. Final claim and negotiations with the
carrier must be completed by the customer.
Carefully unpack and inspect all components for visible damage.
Save all packing materials, including the carrier’s identification codes, until you have
inspected all components and find that there is no obvious or hidden damage.
Before shipment, each instrument is assembled, calibrated, and tested at the LumaSense
Factory. If you note any damage or suspect damage, immediately contact the carrier and
LumaSense Technologies, Inc.
Once you have determined the unit you received is the unit you ordered and it is in acceptable
condition, the unit is ready for installation. Be sure to reference Chapter 9, Safety Assurances
and Precautions, before you begin installation.

1.5 Service Request, Repair, or Support

Contact LumaSense Technologies Technical Support in case of a malfunction or service request.
Provide clearly stated details of the problem as well as the instrument model number and serial
number. Upon receipt of this information, Technical Support will attempt to locate the fault
and, if possible, solve the problem over the telephone.
If Technical Support concludes that the instrument must be returned to LumaSense Technologies
for repair, they will issue a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number.
Return the instrument upon receipt of the RMA number, transportation prepaid. Clearly
indicate the assigned RMA number on the shipping package exterior. Refer to Section 1.6,
Shipments to LumaSense for Repair, for shipping instructions.
Technical Support can be contacted by telephone or email:
Santa Clara, California (U.S., Mexico, and Canada)
Telephone (408) 727-1600 or 1-800-631-0176
Email [email protected]
Frankfurt, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 69 97373 0
Email: [email protected]

For customers requiring language assistance, please contact your local office or representative to
facilitate support and repair.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual General 10

1.6 Shipments to LumaSense for Repair
All RMA shipments of LumaSense Technologies instruments are to be prepaid and insured by
way of United Parcel Service (UPS) or preferred choice. For overseas customers, ship units air-
freight, priority one.
There is no need to return the EXP housing if the problem is with the electronics. Remove the
electronics assembly from the EXP housing, then package the instrument in a sturdy container
that is appropriate for the method of shipment. Secure it with plenty of packing material.
LumaSense Technologies is not responsible for freight damage to instruments that are
improperly packed.
Please enclose a packing slip with a list of everything you are returning, the reason for the
return, and the name and phone number of the person we should contact (preferably the user)
if we need any more information.
Contact us to obtain an RMA number (if one has not already been assigned by Technical
Support). Clearly indicate the assigned RMA number on the shipping package exterior.
Send RMA Shipments to your nearest technical service center:

Customers in North America All other customers should

should send RMA Shipments to: send RMA Shipments to:
Santa Clara, California Magdeburg, Germany
LumaSense Technologies, Inc. LumaSense Sensor GmbH
3301 Leonard Court Lübecker Straße 53-63
Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA 39124 Magdeburg
Telephone: +1 408 727 1600 Germany
+1 800 631 0176 Ph: +49 (0) 391 5441746
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

1.7 Disposal / Decommissioning

Inoperable PULSAR 4 instruments must be disposed of in compliance with local regulations for
electro or electronic material.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual General 11

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E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual General 12

2 Introduction

2.1 System Overview

The PULSAR 4 is a unique temperature measurement system designed specifically for
continuous-duty monitoring of high temperature furnaces of all kinds. The heart of the system is
the PULSAR 4 wide-range, non-contact thermometer. A common limitation of the typical
infrared thermometer is its narrow single scale limits. The PULSAR 4 has been designed to
replace narrow scale pyrometers and contact probes where thermocouples (T/C) and resistance
temperature device performance is marginal, unreliable, or impractical. Through computer
calibration and advanced electronics, LumaSense has produced a non-contact thermometer
exceeding T/C temperature ranges in a single, linear and continuous scale of 350 to 2000 °C.
The PULSAR 4 Advanced contains two channels that provide the measurements of the GT (Gas
Temperature) and RT (Refractory Temperature) simultaneously using the same optics. The
PULSAR 4 Advanced has an additional flame measurement algorithm (FMA mode).
The PULSAR 4 Advanced is a compact, single unit, electro-optical instrument with two
independent 4-20 mA linear outputs (one for each channel). Even after dedicating a viewport on
a reactor to the installation of the PULSAR 4 Model, you can still look into the reactor via the
"sight-through" aiming optics. (Refer to Appendices A and B for details about the components
of the PULSAR 4 System).

2.2 System Features

Features of the PULSAR 4 and PULSAR 4 Advanced Systems include:
Hazardous Classification: IECEx, ATEX, FM (US and CDN).
PULSAR family acceptance by the EPA as an accurate and reliable temperature
measurement tool.
Wide temperature range - Ambient (with BUP-10) to 2000 °C.
Two 4-20 mA sourcing and isolated linear outputs. (Corresponding to NAMUR NE 43
One RS485 Interface
An emissivity adjustment from 0.100 to 1.000 in standard mode (0.050-1.000 aLP in
FMA mode (PULSAR 4 Advanced only).
Two programmable alarm setpoints with form “C” mechanical relays.
A choice of three measurement modes to provide average, gas, or refractory
temperatures. The PULSAR 4 Advanced has additional flame measurement algorithm
(FMA mode)
An electro-optical package that is easily removed from the explosion-proof housing,
minimizing downtime and increasing reliability (See Figure 1).
An internal heater and water/air cooling cavity for internal instrument temperature
High quality sight-through optics.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Introduction 13




Figure 1: PULSAR 4 Explosion Proof Housing and Electro-Optical Package

2.3 Principle of Operation

All objects above absolute zero temperature emit infrared energy. The amount of energy
emitted is proportional to the body temperature. The PULSAR 4 collects this energy by means of
a focusing optical system concentrating the energy from a body onto two sensitive infrared
detectors. Specialized amplification circuitry converts the signals generated by the detectors into
linear output signals corresponding to 4-20 mA.
The efficiency of energy emission from different objects varies significantly. A perfect energy
emitter is known as a blackbody radiator and is assigned an emissivity value of one. Any object
that emits with less than perfect efficiency is assigned an emissivity value between zero and one,
with a perfect reflector assigned an emissivity value of zero.
The PULSAR 4 is calibrated against nearly perfect blackbody radiators in the laboratory.
However, the emissivity of objects and processes which you are measuring will typically fall

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Introduction 14

somewhere between zero and one. This results in the need for an adjustment of the PULSAR 4’s
emissivity setting to obtain a match against a known reference temperature. Once the emissivity
setting has been adjusted for a particular installation, the PULSAR 4 will accurately track
temperatures as they rise and fall. A reference temperature can be easily obtained through the
use of LumaSense’s BUP-10 Backup Probe.

2.4 Expected Performance

The outputs of the PULSAR 4 are accurate to within 0.3% of the reading or 3 °C, whichever is
greater. At 400 °C, the output would be within 3 °C, and at 1000 °C the output would be within
3 °C, and so on.
As with any precision instrument, the PULSAR 4 requires periodic calibration. However, since
there are no moving parts and ultra-stable sensors are used, much longer recalibration intervals
may be incorporated.

2.5 Smart FMA Mode (PULSAR 4 Advanced only)

LumaSense has developed a unique method to compensate for inter-channel effects when
measuring hot gasses and refractory temperatures called Flame Measurement Algorithm (FMA).
In a normal situation, a flame can add to the signal emitted from the refractory depending on
the quality, quantity, and absorption of the flame. In a similar manner, some transparency of
the flame or hot gas can cause refractory radiance to reduce the flame temperature. This
algorithm virtually removes these unwanted “crosstalk” artifacts and solves for more
meaningful refractory and flame/hot gas temperatures. This is based on the following physics

Figure 2: Flame Measurement Algorithm (FMA) Simplified

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Introduction 15

PULSAR 4Pulsar
(sun23.txt) zoom
3 (sun23.txt) with
zoom withFMA outputs
FMA outputs




Deg F
Smart (FMA) Operating Mode P3GT
Deg C

1150 P3RT-F
Flame and Hot Gas Channel P3GT-F
Standard Operating Mode 2042
Refractory Temperature (RT)

1000 1842

950 1742
Time 11/5/08 PM

Smart (FMA) Operating Mode Standard Operating Mode

Refractory Temperature (RT) Flame and Hot Gas Channel

Figure 3: Actual SRU Data Showing Standard Mode vs. Smart FMA Mode Activated

The above chart illustrates the difference between “Standard“operating mode and “Smart
FMA” operating mode (field switchable). Notice as the flame intensity undergoes step changes,
refractory (RT) and standard flame/hot gas (GT) waveforms have dampened responses. This is
expected on the refractory due to the thermal mass of the refractory, but not on the flame
response, which is influenced by the refractory radiance. With Smart FMA activated, the hot gas
channel (GT) displays a step change similar to the actual combustion air and gas flows into the
SRU. In this mode, the response time is limited to 10 seconds, but the results will provide a new
and valuable monitoring system.

Note: The situation depicted is a very clean burning flame resulting in a large
transparency. The FMA mode compensates and corrects the GT measurement.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Introduction 16

2.6 Quick Installation Procedure
This quick installation procedure may be used as a checklist if you are already familiar with the
equipment. For complete instruction and safety precautions, refer to the appropriate sections of
this manual:
Appendix C: Engineering Drawings
Chapter 3, Mechanical Installation
Chapter 4, Electrical Installation
Chapter 9, Safety Assurances and Precautions

Warning: Hazardous Location Safety Minder – Explosion Proof performance

integrity must not be compromised during or after servicing. At any time when the
Explosion Proof enclosure is exposed, i.e. purge plug removed, power shall be switched
off to ensure safe operation. See Chapter 9, Safety Assurances and Precautions, for
more information.

2.6.1 Mounting the Instrument

The PULSAR 4 is designed to be mounted directly to a 2-inch 150 lb. RF ball valve for SOF-1
(3-inch 150 or 300 lb. RF ball valve for SOF-8). A gasket is required between the valve and
bulkhead plate of the swing-away fixture.

1. Verify that the location is within the instrument‘s design capabilities. Refer to Chapter 3,
Mechanical Installation.
2. Confirm that the instrument’s input power and signal output configuration is as
expected. Conditions of Use:
1. Contact manufacturer for flamepath joint design information.
2. The cable glands, cable sealing device or blanking plugs for the unused entries (as
applicable) shall be suitably certified with a minimum Ex gas rating of Ex d IIB+H2 Ta =
- 40 °C to 60 °C Gb.
3. In order to maintain an IP65 rating for the equipment, the cable glands shall be suitably
certified with a minimum rating of IP65.
4. To reduce the risk due to electrostatic discharge, the user shall regularly clean the
enclosures with a damp cloth to limit dust layers on the enclosure sides.
5. The socket head screws used on the enclosure shall be stainless steel screws grade A4-70;
M8 Socket Head Cap / Allen Screws with minimum yield strength 800 MPa.

2.6.2 Mechanical
Refer to Appendix C, Engineering Drawings, for more information. Connect Air Requirements
1. Viewport Purge

1.7 m3/h (@ standard conditions) flow from 1.4 bar air is required for the viewport air
purge fitting just downstream from the viewport Model VP-10.
Instrument air is recommended.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Introduction 17

2. Combustion Purge

17 m3/h (@ standard conditions) or greater combustion air purge is recommended

between the valve and the reactor to keep the sight path clear. A 1/2" line from the
combustion air supply is adequate.

3. Optional Housing Purge (Nitrogen, if needed)

Housing purge is not required for Explosion Proof ratings and is not recommended.

Caution – Make sure to use enough tubing to compensate for the Swing Out
possibilities. Also with new installs, make sure to consider any pipes that may be in the
way of the Swing Out space.

2.6.3 Electrical
Refer to Appendix C, Engineering Drawings, and Section 9.2, Electrical Service Protection, for
more information.

Warning: Hazardous Location Safety Minder – At no time should the cover be

removed unless power is switched off first. When it is necessary to service the instru-
ment with the power applied, ensure proper safe environmental conditions exist and
that such maintenance is authorized and pursuant to safe conditions. See Chapter 9,
Safety Assurances and Precautions, for more information.

1. Connect the instrument power.

24 VDC POWER IN is marked on Terminals
115 VAC POWER IN is marked on separate Terminals
230 VAC POWER is marked on separate Terminals

Note: Secure power input lines together after connection to the terminal block
to prevent an accidental hazardous live condition in the unlikely event that a
terminal screw becomes loose. Sleeve or tie wrapping is acceptable.

2. Separate supply wires from signal wires by routing through separate ¾” NPT conduit
3. Connect the instrument loops and alarm outputs:
a. Connect the lines as needed for Normal Open (N.O.) or Normal Closed (N.C.) relay to
the corresponding locations.

Note: The relays are rated for 30 VDC, 1 A maximum.

b. Connect one or both 4-20 mA output lines to corresponding mA(-) and mA(+)
terminals. Cable shield is to be connected only at one end of the cable.
4. Aim the instrument at the target.
5. Focus the instrument (adjust the lens).

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Introduction 18

2.6.4 Configure the Instrument
Prior to start-up, review your measurement needs and configure the PULSAR 4 to match those
requirements. The PULSAR 4 is like having two pyrometers in one box, it offers you a variety of
measurement options. In order to get the most out of this instrument, it is important to become
familiar with all of its functions and configuration parameters prior to commissioning.
Thoroughly review Section 5.7 and the Parameter Configuration tables in Appendix A.
If the configuration options are too overwhelming in the beginning, use the factory default
settings to get started and monitor the results, then turn on FMA mode (PULSAR 4 Advanced
only) and monitor the results. Proceed in more detail as time permits.

1. Eyepiece Lens with 3 1 2

2. Focus Adjust and Lens
Locking Screw
3. Digital Display
4. Output 1: 4-20 mA
5. Output 2: 4-20 mA
6. 24 VDC Supply Connector
to Electronics
7. 115/230 VAC Supply
Connector to Electronics 9
8. LEDs for indication of
displayed value
9. Fuses for power supply
10.Relay Alarm contacts

4 5 6 7
Figure 3: Configuration Options

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3 Mechanical Installation

3.1 Getting Started

Each LumaSense PULSAR 4 instrument is configured to the default settings (Refer to
Appendix A, Section 10.4 for a complete list).
Once you have determined the unit you received is the unit you ordered and it is in acceptable
condition, the unit is ready for installation. Be sure to reference Section 9, Safety Assurances and
Precautions, before installation.
After installation and reviewing this manual, configure the instrument to match the application.

3.2 Furnace Location

3.2.1 Choice of Temperature Measurements
The PULSAR 4 measures refractory, checker work or tube sheet temperature (RT mode),
gas /flame temperature (GT mode) or average calculated temperature (FF mode).
The PULSAR 4 Advanced has an additional flame measurement algorithm (FMA mode).
3.2.2 Choice of Locations (Typical)

Figure 4: Choice of Locations

3.3 Mounting Options

The PULSAR 4 system requires a Swing Away Fixture incorporating features which facilitate
mounting and alignment. See Appendix C, Engineering Drawings, for more information.

Caution – Make sure to use enough tubing to compensate for the Swing Out
possibilities. Also with new installs, make sure to consider anything that may obstruct
the Swing Out space.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Mechanical Installation 21

3.3.1 Valve Flange Mounting
The Swing-Away Fixture mounts directly to a 2-inch 150 lb (SOF-1) or a 3-inch 150 or 300 lb.
(SOF-8) RF (Raised Face) flange of ball valve using bolts with a gasket between the bulkhead
plate flange and the valve. Mount the PULSAR 4 assembly in such a way to allow easy access to
the instrument controls and allow the instrument to be swung away at least 55°. It should also
be possible to conveniently sight through the eyepiece to periodically check the alignment and
viewport cleanliness.
3.3.2 Viewport
The Swing-Away Fixture incorporates a heavy duty Viewport window, which may be easily
removed by unscrewing the viewport assembly from the bulkhead plate when the ball valve is
closed and the entrapped pressure vented off.

Caution: Be careful not to damage or lose the silicon O-ring. Focusing on the Target

The objective lens locking and focusing screw and eyepiece are both located on the top of the
infrared electro-optical package inside the explosion-proof enclosure (Reference Figure 5).

1 4 2
1. Eyepiece Lens with
2. Focus Adjust and Lens
Locking Screw
3. Objective Lens
4. Display
5. Output 1: 4-20 mA
6. Output 2: 4-20 mA
7. 24 VDC Supply
Connector to
8. 115/230 VAC Supply
Connector to

5 6 7 8
Figure 5: Electro-Optical Package

To focus, first rotate the eyepiece lens (Figure 5, item 1) in or out until the reticule is clear and
sharp. Next, slowly loosen the lens locking and focusing screw (Figure 5, item 2). Move the
objective lens in or out with the focusing screw until the target is clear and sharp. Tighten the
screw; the focus is now set.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Mechanical Installation 22

Notice that the edge of build-up
in the view piping is in focus. This
ensures that the smallest spot
size is at the entrance to the

If aiming at a specific target

inside the furnace, adjust the
focus to see a sharp image of
that target, otherwise focus for
the end of the viewing piping
as shown here.

Reticule (indicates measuring

spot size)

Figure 6: Properly Aligned and Focused PULSAR 4 Aiming (Sighting) Adjustments
One advantage of the PULSAR 4 System is that if the target is in a closed chamber, such as a kiln
or furnace, the PULSAR 4 can be aimed through a viewport at the target. The viewport can still
be used by simply looking through the eyepiece of the instrument. This makes it possible to look
at the object being measured and measure its temperature at the same time. Aiming
adjustments for accurately sighting the PULSAR 4 down the port into the reactor are provided
on the Swing-Out Fixture and on the Electro-Optical Package.
A clear unobstructed sight-path is critical.
When sighting though the PULSAR 4's optics, the circular targeting Reticle should be centered
down the middle of the port. Three adjustments are available to achieve proper alignment:
1. A right sighting adjustment made with the washer in between bulkhead plate and wing
nut plate as shown in Figure 7, Item 1.
2. A left sighting adjustment made with the washers between the legs of the Explosion-
Proof Housing and back plate as shown in Figure 7, Item 2.
3. An up/down sighting adjustment made by loosening the four screws holding the
Infrared Electro-Optical Package in the explosion-proof enclosure. Move the entire
Infrared Electro-Optical Package. There should be enough play to center the Reticle
down the port. Tighten the screws, repeating the first step if necessary.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Mechanical Installation 23

Figure 7: Aiming Sighting Adjustments
If required, loosen the four M6 socket cap bolts holding the Explosion-Proof Enclosure to the
Swing-Out Fixture, reposition the Enclosure on the Fixture and re-tighten the bolts.

3.4 Ambient Temperature Limits

The internal operating temperature limits of the PULSAR 4 are -40 °C to 60 °C. When the
internal temperature drops below 4 °C an internal electric heater activates and keeps the
internal temperature at or above +4 °C. If the internal temperature is expected to be above 60
°C, use of the built-in cooling base is required.

3.5 Cooling Requirements (Optional)

If ambient temperatures in excess of 60 °C are anticipated in the operation of the PULSAR 4,
cooling will be required by one of two methods.
3.5.1 Water Cooling
Provides cooling water at 15 °C maximum from a filtered source with a flow rate capable of
sustaining at least 38 liter per hour (l/h) to the water-cooling cavity built into the underside of
the Explosion-Proof Enclosure. This method allows ambient temperatures of up to 93 °C. If the
available cooling water is above 15 °C, then same trial-and-error testing will have to be
performed to ensure that the electronics inside the Explosion-Proof Enclosure do not rise above
60 °C.

Note: The cooling cavity is isolated from internal surface of the explosion-proof
enclosure. See Appendix C Engineering Drawing 3 909 072, Service Connections.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Mechanical Installation 24

3.5.2 Vortex Air Cooling
Install a Model V208-15-H Vortex Air Cooler (available from LumaSense) into the cooling cavity
of the Explosion-Proof Enclosure. Provide filtered dry compressed air from a minimum 7 bar
source with a sustained flow rate capability of at least 17 m3/h (@ standard conditions) to the
vortex air cooler. This will result in a temperature reduction of up to 15 °C lower than the supply
air. Control the enclosure temperature by adjusting the upstream air pressure to the Vortex
Cooler. It is not necessary to over-cool the instrument. If over-cooling occurs, the system’s built
in heater will activate, resulting in an unnecessary use of power.

Note: The cooling cavity is isolated from internal surface of explosion-proof enclosure.
See Appendix C Engineering Drawing 3 909 072, Service Connections.

3.6 Air Requirements

1. Viewport Purge - A source of sustained dry instrument air or nitrogen with a flow rate
through a regulator or needle valve capable of sustaining 1.7 m3/h (@ standard
conditions) flow rate from a 1.4 bar or greater supply.
2. Combustion Purge - LumaSense recommends the air purge between the valve and the
combustion chamber be supplied through a 1/2" valve line at approximately 17 m3/h
(@ standard conditions).
3. Instrument Housing Purge - (Not Required)
4. Vortex Cooler (If required) - Vortex Cooler air supply refer to Section 3.5.2.

Caution: An instrument housing purge with nitrogen is only recommended when the
PULSAR 4 will be used in high humidity tropical environments. Exposure of the
electronic components to high humidity can significantly reduce component life.
Warning: Hazardous Location Safety Minder – Explosion Proof performance
integrity must not be compromised during or after servicing.
At any time when the Explosion Proof enclosure is exposed, i.e. purge plug removed,
power shall be switched off to ensure safe operation.
If a purge is installed, ensure that proper conduit usage and minimum thread depth is

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4 Electrical Installation

When connecting instruments with mains voltage, general safety regulations for connecting to
the 115/230 VAC power supply must be observed. Contact with mains voltage may have lethal
consequences. Improper installation may cause extremely severe injuries, health problems or
material damage. Only qualified personnel are permitted to connect power supply units of this

4.1 Electrical Installation Guidelines

Be sure to reference Appendix C Engineering Drawing 3 909 072, Service Connections during this
4.1.1 Conditions of Use
1. Contact manufacturer for flamepath joint design information.
2. The cable glands, cable sealing device or blanking plugs for the unused entries (as
applicable) shall be suitably certified with a minimum Ex gas rating of Ex d IIB+H2 Ta =
-40 °C to 60 °C Gb.
3. In order to maintain an IP65 rating for the equipment, the cable glands shall be suitably
certified with a minimum rating of IP65.
4. To reduce the risk due to electrostatic discharge, the user shall regularly clean the
enclosures with a damp cloth to limit dust layers on the enclosure sides.
5. The socket head screws used on the enclosure shall be stainless steel screws grade A4-70;
M8 Socket Head Cap / Allen Screws with minimum yield strength 800 MPa.
4.1.2 Conduit/Connections
Power and signal wires are fed through the 3/4 inch NPT conduit holes in the side of the
environmental housing. All wires exiting the enclosure must run through properly installed
explosion-proof seal fittings to maintain explosion-proof rating. Only qualified service personnel
should perform operations on this instrument.
LumaSense does not provide the sealing fittings required for installations since the brand or
type of sealing fittings required by the client will vary due to the standards of different states
and countries.
Flexible conduit of sufficient length must be used from the housing sealing fittings to the hard
conduit or junction box to enable movement of the unit on the mounting fixture.
All power and signal connections are made on the Terminal Output board mounted on the
infrared electro-optical package inside the explosion-proof enclosure.
See Section 9, Safety Assurances and Precautions, for more information.
4.1.3 Over-Current Protection/Service Switch
It is necessary to incorporate an external over-current protection device appropriate to the
instrument’s service and to include a disconnect switch located near the instrument. The service
disconnect should be clearly marked as pertaining to this instrument.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Electrical Installation 27

4.2 Power Connections
Connect the input power as described in this chapter. Confirm service type and check that the
instrument service markings correspond to expectations. When wiring, follow local code
regulations. Secure power input conductors together after connection to the terminal block to
prevent an accidental hazardous live condition in the event a terminal screw becomes loose.
Sleeve or tie wrapping is acceptable. Check to ensure power is not accidentally connected to
signal outputs or digital communication lines.
4.2.1 Service Markings
Input Power service (24 VDC, 115/230 VAC) and Fusing types are factory set.
4.2.2 Protective Ground Connection
Connect the protective Earth conductor to the terminal lug located inside the housing as
indicated by the symbol.

4.2.3 Cover Attachment

Figure 8: Front Cover

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Electrical Installation 28

Warning: Hazardous Location Safety Minder – At no time should the cover be
removed unless power is switched off first. When it is necessary to service the instru-
ment with the power applied, ensure proper safe environmental conditions exist and
that such maintenance is authorized and pursuant to safe conditions.
See Chapter 9, Safety Assurances and Precautions, for more information.

Figure 9: Terminal Output

4.3 Powering Requirements

The PULSAR 4 can be powered by a mains voltage of 115 VAC, 230 VAC, or alternatively with a
voltage of 24 VDC. Only one of the three power supply possibilities may be connected!

Caution: The mains supply connection must meet the requirements of DIN/VDE
regulation 57 411.
Note: Voltage/fusing are factory set. Use a wire gauge appropriate to service
See Appendix A for Power and Fuse Requirements and Appendix C, Service
Connections, for more information.

4.3.1 Powering with 24 VDC

If powering with 24 VDC:
1. Connect 24 VDC to the terminal labeled +24 VDC as shown in Figure 9.
2. Connect 24V Return to the terminal labeled COM as shown in Figure 9.
3. Connect Ground to the Safety Ground stud.
4.3.2 Powering with 115 or 230 VAC
If powering with 115 or 230 VAC:
1. Connect phase to terminal labeled L1 as shown in Figure 9.
2. Connect neutral to terminal labeled N as shown in Figure 9.
3. Connect earth to terminal labeled as shown in Figure 9.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Electrical Installation 29

Note: The instrument electronics automatically recognizes whether 115 or 230 VAC is

4.4 Fusing
4.4.1 Mains
Three fuses, F1, F2, and F3, each are mounted within fuse holders.
F3 is for 24 VDC input power configurations rated at 1 AT.
F2 is for the 115/230 VAC input rated at 1.25 AT.
F1 is for the 5 VAC output of the transformer, rated at 1.6 AT.

4.5 Connections for Reading a Temperature

4.5.1 Connection for mA Output
Each PULSAR 4 provides two analog outputs that can be configured to RT, GT or FF as shown in
the Channel Assignment table found in Section 5.7.6.
RT — Refractory Surface Temperature
GT —Gas Temperature
FF — Average Integrated Total Temperature.
If FMA is turned on (PULSAR 4 Advanced only), its effect will apply to all outputs.
Each 4-20 mA current output is an isolated, self-powered linear output for recorders or
controllers requiring current loop feed-back. The PULSAR 4 supplies its own
4-20 mA current to the load. The 4-20mA is isolated. Loads up to 600 ohms maximum may be
connected in series. A signal of 4 mA corresponds to the bottom-end temperature and 20 mA
corresponds to the top-end temperature, with points in between falling on a linear scale.

Caution: Refer to Chapter 9, Safety Assurances and Precautions before connecting the
4-20mA loop to the terminal.

Connect the 4-20 mA loop to the terminal as shown in Figure 10.

Positive mA to mA(+)
Negative mA to mA(-)
The analog outputs correspond to the NAMUR recommendations (NE 43). For adjustment
purposes or for a reliable detection of any range overshoot, the current range made available
for the measurement signal will be extended beyond the standardized signal of 4 to 20 mA to
the following limits:
3.8 mA to 20.5mA

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Electrical Installation 30

Figure 10: Terminal Output

4.6 Connecting the Alarms

Each PULSAR 4 provides two relay contacts that can be configured to RT, GT or FF as shown in
the alarm Assignment table found in Section
RT — Refractory Surface Temperature
GT —Gas Temperature
FF — Average Integrated Total Temperature.
Connect the relay contacts to the terminal as shown in Figure 10.
Each channel has a programmable alarm relay (form C) providing a dry contact with a normally
open or normally closed output for a high or low temperature alarm. The contact relay is rated
1 A resistive at 30 VDC maximum. The minimum value is limited to Subrange ”LO”’ and
maximum value is ”HI”. The relay changes state when temperature rises above the switch point
(or falls below the switch point, if low alarm is activated).

Attention: Do not attempt to switch 115 VAC or 230 VAC with these relays!

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E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Electrical Installation 32

5 Operating the PULSAR 4

This section covers the start-up procedures for operating the infrared thermometer after the
unit has been installed in accordance with Chapters 3 and 4. This chapter includes the
installation/start-up checklist and instructions for setpoint adjustment, backup, and clean out

1. Eyepiece Lens with 13

11 12 1 2 3
2. LED for temperature
3. Focus Adjust and Lens
Locking Screw
4. Objective Lens
5. Alarm relays
6. 115/230 VAC Supply
Connector to
7. 24 VDC Supply 4
Connector to
8. Output 2: 4-20 mA
9. Output 1: 4-20 mA
10. RS 485 Interface
11. Push buttons for
parameter adjustment
12. LED for display mode 9 8 7 6
13. Display

Figure 11: PULSAR 4 Interface

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 33

5.1 Installation/Start-Up Checklist
Prior to start-up, review your measurement needs and configure the PULSAR 4 Advanced to
match your requirements. The PULSAR 4 functions as three pyrometers in one box, offering a
variety of measurement options. In order to get the most out of this instrument, you should
become familiar with all of its functions and configuration parameters prior to commissioning.
Please read through Section 5.7 and the parameter configuration tables in Appendix A.
If the configuration options are too overwhelming in the beginning, use the factory default
settings to get started and monitor the results, then turn on FMA mode (PULSAR 4 Advanced
only) and monitor the results. Proceed in more detail as time permits.

Warning: At no time should the cover be removed unless the power is switched off
first. When it is necessary to service the instrument with the power applied, ensure that
proper safe environmental conditions exist and that such maintenance is authorized
and pursuant to safe conditions.

5.1.1 Getting Started

1. Ensure that the sight-path is clear.
2. Check that the optics is properly focused (See Section
3. Connect the power as described in Section 4, Electrical Installation. Allow at least 10
minutes warm-up before proceeding.
4. Aim the PULSAR 4 at the object or process to be measured. Observe the output of the
PULSAR 4 on the temperature display or with an amp meter connected in series with the
4-20 mA terminals.
If the output does not appear to match the actual temperature, then an emissivity
adjustment is necessary. Use the BUP-10 (See Section 5.5) to obtain the proper emissivity
calibration temperature. Adjust the emissivity over the push buttons or via the digital
communication interface (software InfraWin 5 until the PULSAR 4 reads the correct
temperature (see Section 5.3, Emissivity Adjustment for more information).
5. Check for positive air flow and pressure to air connections if installed.
6. Verify the temperature of PULSAR 4 housing is not above 60 °C.

5.2 Two Spectral Ranges

The PULSAR 4 Advanced continuously measures two of three selections of spectral ranges.
1. The GT measures the hot gas temperature in its field of view.
2. The RT measures the refractory, checker wall or tube sheet temperatures in its field of
3. FF is an average temperature extracted from the GT and RT channels.
Each channel output must be assigned to a temperature measurement function. This is done by
selecting one of the output assignment configuration modes. See Section for details.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 34

5.3 Emissivity Adjustment and FMA mode
The PULSAR 4 may require an emissivity adjustment (field calibration) to the furnace’s full
operating conditions. This is especially important with the introduction of O2 enrichment and
varying gas stocks to the process. The digital emissivity adjustment is accessible using the digital
Field calibration is possible by measuring the furnace temperature under normal operating
conditions using LumaSense’s BUP-10. However, the preferred method is to activate FMA mode
using default aLP setting of 0.15 before attempting to adjust GT channel emissivity to match a
thermocouple (PULSAR 4 Advanced only). Be aware that a sheathed thermocouple inserted into
a gas stream will usually read lower than the actual gas/flame temperature due to thermal
conduction down the t/c sheath. The K-type thermocouple has a 1370 °C temperature limit. The
FMA mode will provide better performance than an emissivity calibration of the GT channel
with FMA turned off. Try activating FMA mode and monitor results using default settings prior
to attempting an emissivity calibration using external t/c probes. The GT is typically left at the
factory setting of 1.000 emissivity.
The BUP-10 consists of a sacrificial K-type thermocouple inserted through the Backup Probe
(BUP) adapter mounted in place of the viewport (VP-10) in the Swing-Out Fixture (SOF-8). The
recommended procedure for this measurement can be found in Section 5.5. The combustion
temperature of the infrared instrument and the thermocouple (T/C) are then compared. In some
cases the PULSAR 4 may read differently from the T/C. To compensate for this temperature
difference, the emissivity value can be changed to make the two temperatures agree in
Standard mode. If in FMA mode, both the aLP and emr parameters may be changed. (See
Section 5.7.2). Once the emissivity (or aLP) is set, the PULSAR 4 will accurately track temperatures
in the furnace. Introduction or removal of major furnace gas constituents may require a
readjustment of the emissivity (or aLP).
The RT spectral range can only be field calibrated with a dedicated refractory thermocouple
installed in close proximity to where the PULSAR 4 is viewing the opposite refractory wall. Alter
the RT channel emissivity to match the thermocouple. Otherwise it is recommended that the
factory setting of the RT remain at 1.000 emissivity.
The FF spectral range requires the thermocouple calibration to the process.
For more information on the Smart FMA Mode, refer to Section 2.5.

5.4 Setpoint Adjustment (Alarms)

Setpoint temperatures can be configured using the digital communication. Refer to Section 5.7,
Parameter Descriptions and Instrument Settings.
The factory default setpoint for each alarm output is 2000 °C. The contacts are rated 30 VDC at
1 A maximum.
Do not attempt to switch 115 VAC or 230 VAC with these relays!
The LED indicates that the relay is in alarm condition. These are non-latching alarms and will
reset when the process temperature falls below the setpoint minus hystersis (High-alarm) /
setpoint plus hysteresis (Lo-alarm). (See Section Alarm Contacts).

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 35

5.5 Operation of Backup Probe (BUP-10) Assembly (For FF
Measurement Only)
Caution: Always wear gloves when performing the following operation; the
equipment may be very hot. Perform this operation under a fresh air supply and
comply with all local safety requirements.

Figure 12: Backup Probe Assembly

Refer to Figure 14 when performing the following steps:
1. Prepare the Backup Probe Assembly for your installation by doing the following:
a. Compute the length of (T/C) to be inserted through the BUP. Measure the
distance from the packing gland (C) to the outside surface of the reactor shell.
Add to it the shell thickness (usually a half to one inch) plus the thickness of the
refractory (usually 20 to 30 cm); then add 15 cm (k) for the distance the T/C
should project beyond the inner surface of the refractory.
b. Lay out this total distance on the thermocouple, beginning at the measuring tip
and make a mark on the T/C sheath (near the connecting wire end).
c. The probe stop must be installed. Insert the T/C into the assembly and install
the probe stop. Set the probe stop to 6 inches from the measuring tip end of the
T/C. The stopper is used to prevent accidental withdrawal of the T/C from the
packing gland (C) prior to closing the main valve (G). Failure to install this
stop could result in hazardous gas leakage if the T/C is accidentally
pulled all the way out of the packing gland!

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 36

2. Loosen the wing nuts on the SOF-8 and swing the infrared thermometer out of the line
of path.
3. Close the valve (G).
4. Turn off the instrument air purge (F). Ensure there is no "T" connection between
combustion air in (H) and instrument air in (F). A line connecting (F) and (H) would
bypass the valve and allow combustion gases to vent out when the viewport is removed.
5. Disconnect the instrument airline to ensure that there is no pressure between the valve
(G) and the viewport (E).
6. Check for leakage of combustion gases. Ensure that the gases cannot leak past the valve
seat and out through the instrument air in port (F).
7. If no flow is detected through port (F), remove the viewport Model VP-10 and unscrew
the entire assembly with a large pipe wrench if necessary. Be careful not to lose or
damage the O-ring.
8. Screw the Backup Probe Assembly Model BUP-10 into the seat where the Viewport
Assembly was removed. Check the condition of the O-ring before installing the BUP. The
same O-ring is required with the BUP.
9. Push the T/C that was previously installed in the BUP-10 Assembly until the T/C stops
against the closed valve. Back away from the valve about an inch and tighten the
packing gland by hand until it is snug.
10. Reconnect the air purge line (F) and open the instrument air valve. Ensure that the
pressure in the air purge line is greater than in the reactor. Purge air should be felt
discharging around the sheath of the T/C at the packing gland.
11. Open the main valve (G) slowly while ensuring that combustion gases are not
discharging around the sheath at the packing gland. If combustion gas is detected, close
the main valve (G) immediately.
12. Insert the T/C into the reactor until the previously measured mark just disappears into
the packing gland.
13. Observe the T/C output until the reading plateaus and changes less than 5° in15 seconds.
This is considered a steady state and will be a representative temperature of the
combustion process.
14. After successful measurement, loosen the packing gland nut sufficiently to withdraw the
T/C. Withdraw the T/C until the main valve (G) can be closed.
15. Close the main valve (G).
16. Turn off the instrument air (F) to the Swing-Away Fixture (SOF) and remove the
instrument air fitting to ensure ambient pressure in the adapter cavity.
17. Unscrew the BUP Assembly and T/C and remove from the SOF.
18. Replace the cleaned Viewport Assembly, ensuring that the O-ring is in good condition.
19. Reconnect the instrument airline (F) and apply instrument air pressure.
20. Open the main valve (G) and check the system for any leaks.
21. Swing the infrared thermometer back into alignment and observe the temperature
reading of the IR thermometer. The IR reading and the T/C reading should agree to
within the accumulated accuracy of the two instruments. If not, adjust the emissivity on

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 37

GT channel, if in Standard operating mode, or adjust the alp, if in FMA mode, as
described in Section 5.3.

5.6 Operation of the Clean-Out Probe (COP-10) Assembly

Caution: Always wear gloves when performing the following operation; the
equipment may be very hot. Perform this operation under a fresh air supply and
comply with all local safety requirements.

Figure 13: Clean Out Probe Assembly

Refer to Figure 16 when performing the following steps:
1. Prepare the COP-10 for use:
a. Remove the small probe end (B) from the ram rod and put it through the Probe
Adapter Assembly (D).
b. Reinstall the probe end onto the rod.
c. Tighten the Packing Gland until it is snug and the COP-10 will slide into the
packing gland.
2. Swing the infrared thermometer out of the line of path.
3. Close the valve (G).
4. Turn off the instrument air purge (F). Ensure that there is no "T" connection between
combustion air in (H) and instrument air in (F). A line connecting (F) and (H) would
bypass the valve and allow combustion gases to vent out when the viewport is removed.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 38

5. Disconnect the instrument airline to ensure that there is no pressure between the valve
(G) and the viewport.
6. Check for leakage of combustion gases. Ensure that the gases are not leaking past the
valve seat and out through the instrument air in the port (F).
7. If no flow is detected through the port (F), remove the viewport Model VP-10 and
unscrew the entire assembly with a large pipe wrench if necessary. Be careful not to
lose or damage the O-ring.
8. Screw the Clean-Out Probe Assembly Model COP-10 into the seat where the Viewport
Assembly was removed. Check the condition of the O-ring before installing the COP-10.
The same O-ring is required with the COP-10.
9. Reconnect the air purge line (F) and open the instrument air valve. Ensure the pressure
in the air purge line is greater than in the reactor. Purge air should be felt discharging
around the sheath of the COP-10 at the packing gland.
10. Open the main valve (G) slowly while ensuring that combustion gases are not
discharging around the sheath at the packing gland. If combustion gas is detected, close
the main valve (G) immediately.
11. Insert the COP-10 into the reactor pushing any debris out of the way.
12. Withdraw the COP-10 until the main valve (G) can be closed.
13. Close the main valve (G).
14. Turn off the instrument air (F) to the Swing-Away Fixture (SOF) and remove the
instrument air fitting to ensure ambient pressure in the adapter cavity.
15. Unscrew the BUP Assembly and COP-10 and remove from the SOF.
16. Reinstall the larger Probe end (B) and repeat steps 3-15.
17. Replace the cleaned Viewport Assembly, ensuring that the O-ring is in good condition.
18. Reconnect the instrument airline (F) and apply instrument air pressure.
19. Open the main valve (G) and check for any leaks.
20. Swing the infrared thermometer back into alignment and look through the PULSAR 4
sighting optics to ensure that there is a clear sight path for measuring reactor
temperatures. There should be no obstructions within the target reticule. If there are,
repeat the entire clean-out process until the sight path is clear.

IMPORTANT: As with all optical temperature sensors, the sight path is part of the
primary measurement loop. It is important that this path remain clear. This includes the
condition of the viewport. An obstruction in the sight path or a dirty viewport will
influence the operation of the PULSAR 4 and cause erroneous measurements.

5.7 Parameter Descriptions and Instrument Settings

All parameters are adjustable via the serial interface/software. The parameters for display mode,
emissivity, transmittance, output assignment, FMA mode (PULSAR 4 Advanced only), Alpha
(PULSAR 4 Advanced only) are also adjustable via integrated push buttons on the front panel.
The digital interface allows you to exchange data either by using the supplied software InfraWin
5 or by using the Universal Pyrometer Protocol (UPP) commands with your own communication
program (see section 6.1.1 for the UPP Data Format commands).

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 39

After connecting the pyrometer to the power supply, the display shows one of the measuring
temperatures (RT, GT, or FF, factory setting: Refractory temperature). For PULSAR 4 Advanced,
this setting is independent from the setting of the analog outputs.
5.7.1 Global Parameters
Global parameters affect the PULSAR 4 as a whole, not mode dependent. Temperature Display

This selects the mode that is shown on the display. The three-color LED shows the selected
(displayed) mode.
Settings: RT (red): Refractory temperature measurement
GT (blue): Gas temperature measurement
FF (green): Average temperature measurement
Alternating all 3 temperatures every 5 sec (PULSAR 4 Advanced Only)
PULSAR 4: Display shows temperature assigned to corresponding output mode.
Default: RT (red): Refractory temperature measurement. Temperature Units
The temperature can be displayed in °C or °F.
The two-color LED shows the current setting.
Settings: °C (red) / °F (blue)
Default: °C (red). Transmittance
Transmittance is a parameter that can compensate for signal loss due to external windows etc.
For example, if the emissivity of the material is 0.6 and the transmittance of an additional
window is 0.9, then the product would be 0.54 which is well inside the allowed range.
The product of transmittance and emissivity must not be less than 10%.
Settings: 10% to 100%
Default: 100% Flame Measurement Algorithm FMA (PULSAR 4 Advanced only)
This turns the FMA mode on or off. When in off mode, the PULSAR 4 Advanced operates in its
Standard mode. When in on mode, it is operating in FMA mode, which uses a unique and
proprietary algorithm to infer flame or hot gas temperatures with more accuracy and less cross-
talk between channels. (See Section 2.5, Smart FMA Mode.) This mode was developed for
enhanced performance in SRU applications and it is highly recommended that it be used.
When in FMA mode, t90 will always force RT and GT to equal the highest t90 value that is set on
either channel (t90 values cannot be different when in FMA mode).
Settings: ON, OFF
Default: OFF

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 40 Address
If you are connecting several pyrometers with RS485 to one serial interface, it is necessary to
give each instrument an individual address for communication. If multiple PULSAR 4´s are
connected, each PULSAR 4 is treated as a separate instrument. After all instruments are assigned
different addresses, they can be connected to the bus structure.
Parameters can be simultaneously changed on all pyrometers, by using the Global Address 98.
Using Global Address 98 allows you to program all pyrometers at the same time, regardless of
the addresses that has already been assigned to each device. Commands with address 98 get no
If the address of a pyrometer is unknown, it is possible to communicate with it using the Global
Address 99. However, make sure you only have one pyrometer connected to the interface in this
Settings: 00 to 97
Default: 00 Baud Rate
The transmission rate of the serial interface in Baud (Bd) depends on the length of the cable. A
standard cable length for 19200 baud with RS485 is 2 km. The baud rate should be reduced to
50% if the transmission distance is doubled.
Settings: 1.20, 2.40, 4.80, 9.60, 19.2, 38.4, 57.6, 115.2 kBd
Default: 19.2 kBd Wait Time
When using the pyrometer with a serial interface, it is possible that the interface may not be
fast enough to receive the pyrometer’s answer after an instruction from the master. In this case,
a wait time can be set to slow down the data transfer (e.g.: tw = 02 at a baud rate 9600 means a
wait time of 2/9600 s). Each type of interface (See Section, Serial Interface) may be
assigned its own wait time value. This parameter can only be changed by a direct UPP command
(“Test” button in InfraWin’s parameter window, then use “tw” command (see chapter 6.1.2).
Settings: 0 to 99
Default: 10 Analog Output Function Assignment
Each output must be assigned to a temperature measurement (RT, GT, FF) function. This is done
by selecting the desired output assignment configuration.
Function assignment is possible via the push buttons (see 5.8 Parameter „Adjustment and
Output Assignment with Push Buttons“) or with the InfraWin 5 software (see 5.10 „Parameter
settings using InfraWin 5 Software“).
For PULSAR 4 both analog outputs are identical.
The configuration of the analog output is possible with the software INFRAWIN 5. The device
allows you to determine if a failure signal generates a low signal (3.5 mA) or a high signal
(21.5 mA).
The following errors generate a failure signal:
Device temperature out of range (0...60°C) or error when reading or writing data to the

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 41

For the PULSAR 4, the output assignment also affects the display and alarm assignments. Alarm Contacts
The instrument has two programmable switch-over type alarm relays (form C) providing dry
contacts for a high or low temperature alarm. The contact relays are rated 1 A resistive at 30
VDC maximum.
Attention: Do not attempt to switch 115 VAC or 230 VAC with these relays!
Settings: 350 to 2000 °C
Default: 2000 °C
Configuration of the alarms
With the InfraWin 5 software, the alarm contacts can be configured separately.
Settings: Deactivated
Alarm if temperature > switch point (Hi-alarm)
Alarm if temperature < switch point (Lo-alarm)
Default: Lo-alarm
The relay contacts are shown for temperature above switch point
(Mode: Hi-alarm, LED is on), or with no power supply.

Assigning the alarms to the measured temperature for PULSAR 4 Advanced

Each alarm contact can be assigned to a measured temperature (RT, GT, FF) via the push
buttons, the InfraWin 5 software.
For PULSAR 4 both alarm 1 and alarm 2 are always effective to the selected (analog output
assignment) mode (RT, GT or FF). Hysteresis (HYS)
Hysteresis is used to avoid contact noise from the relay at the switch-point. The relay will change
state when:
Mode: Lo-Alarm:
o for falling temperatures relay changes state under switch-point (alarm and LED
o for rising temperature relay changes state above switch-point plus Hysteresis
value (alarm off)
o for example: switch point 500 °C, Hysteresis 20 °C
o for rising temperatures the relay changes state at 520 °C (LED turn off)

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 42

o for falling temperatures the relay changes state at 500 °C (LED turn on)
Mode: Hi-Alarm
o for falling temperatures relay changes state under switch-point minus hysteresis
(alarm off)
o for rising temperature relay changes state above switch-point (alarm and LED
o for example: switch point 500 °C, Hysteresis 20 °C
o for rising temperatures the relay changes state at 500 °C (LED turn on)
o for falling temperatures the relay changes state at 480 °C (LED turn off)
Settings: 0 to 1650 °C
Default: 20 °C Analog Output Test
This parameter can only be activated by a direct UPP command (“Test” button in InfraWin’s
parameter window, then use “at1” command (see chapter 6.1.2).This diagnostic command
generates a 12 mA current on both analog outputs, which is used to check if a connected
external indicator shows the correct temperature value. The display will flash, showing the
corresponding temperature. For example, if a measuring range of 650 °C to 1800 °C is selected,
the temperature shown in the display will be 1225 °C. This temperature must be identical to an
external indicator (within 1° typically) which is supplied by the respective current. If this is not
the case, the selected analog input current span of the indicator is not equivalent to the chosen
current output span of the pyrometer and one of the current spans or temperature ranges has
to be modified. After the check of the external display, you have to de-activate the test current
mode. (Press the "Test" button in InfraWin´s parameter window, then use the "at0" command) Internal Temperature
The internal temperature of the PULSAR 4 can be read through the PC interface using the
InfraWin 5 software (select Internal temperature for the parameter “Graph2”) or by using the
UPP Data format commands (see chapter 6.1.2). It is a few degrees higher than the ambient
temperature due to the heat generated by the electronics.
5.7.2 Individual Parameters for RT, GT and FF Emissivity Setting
For a correct measurement it is necessary to adjust the emissivity. Emissivity (emission
coefficient) is the relationship between the emission of a real object and the emission of a black
body radiation source (an object which absorbs all incoming rays and has an emissivity of 100%)
at the same temperature. Different materials have different emissivity, ranging between nearly
0% and 100% (settings at the pyrometer between 10 and 100%). Materials with reflective
surfaces or transparent materials have a lower emissivity, and the emissivity setting of the
pyrometer needs to be adjusted accordingly. In most furnace SRU applications, the emissivity
should be set at 1.000 (100%).
The product of transmittance and emissivity must not be less than 10%.
Settings: 10% to 100%
Default: 100%

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 43 Alpha (Pulsar 4 Advanced only)
In FMA Mode the emissivity for GT is replaced by Alpha. This parameter represents the quality of
the flame in %, which is the product of absorption, length and pressure. Lower values represent
more transparency. Raising this value will decrease the GT channel output when in FMA mode,
and decreasing the value will raise the output.
Settings: “Alpha“ (must be in FMA mode, active only on GT-channel)
Settings: 5 to 100%
Default: 15% Response Time
The response time is the time (in seconds) when the reading after a step change on the
measured temperature reaches 90% of the final value. Also known as “input filter“ on process
instruments. In the “Min ” position, the device operates using the time constant defined in the
Settings: Min, 0.5 s, 1.00 s, 2.00 s, 5.00 s, 10.0 s, 30.0 s, 60.0 s, 90.0 s, 120 s.
Default: “Min” is in Standard mode 0.05 s, in FMA mode 0.5 s.
When in FMA mode, t90 will always force RT and GT to equal the highest t90 value that is set on
either channel (t90 cannot be different when in FMA mode). Subrange (LO)
You may alter the PULSAR 4 temperature range within the basic measuring range of the
pyrometer. This subrange sets the temperatures for the analog output beginning and end. The
beginning temperature of the subrange corresponds to 4 mA. Subranges do not have to match
for each mode. They may be set differently.
Settings: 350 to 1949 °C
Default: 350 °C
Limitations: minimum span 51 °C Subrange (HI)
You may alter the PULSAR 4 temperature range within the basic measuring range of the
pyrometer. This subrange sets the temperatures for the analog output beginning and end. The
end temperature of the subrange corresponds to 20 mA.
Settings: 401 to 2000 °C
Default: 2000 °C
Limitations: minimum span 51 °C

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 44

5.8 PULSAR 4 (not PULSAR 4 Advanced)
Parameter Adjustment and Output Assignment with Push Buttons
Changing a parameter is only possible if keyboard is not locked.
If the keyboard is locked, “LOCK” appears on the display if a button is pressed.
Unlock via Lock/Unlock button in InfraWin “parameter” window.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 45

5.8.1 Change Measuring Mode
Both analog outputs correspond to the displayed measuring temperature RT, GT or FF.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 46

1. Press the Out button and hold down.
Alpha RT
LEDs Out 1 and Out 2 are “on”
On/ FF In this example, the mode is set to RT
RT with a temperature of 456 °C
Out1 Out2
mode The mode LED is “red” to indicate RT
Emi Mode / Save FMA
modify out Output 1 and Output 2, correspond to
the RT temperature.
2. Press the Mode / Save button (while holding the Out button down) to switch the display
mode between RT, GT, and FF.

Alpha RT LEDs Out 1 and Out 2 are “on”

On/ FF In this example, the mode changes to GT
GT with a temperature of 567 °C
Out1 Out2
mode The mode LED is “blue” to indicate GT
Mode / Save Out FMA
modify out Output 1 and Output 2, changes to
corresponding GT temperature and will
be stored.
Alpha RT LEDs Out 1 and Out 2 are “on”
On/ FF In this example, the mode changes to FF
FF with a temperature of 511 °C
mode Out1 Out2
The mode LED is “green” to indicate FF
Emi Mode / Save Out FMA
modify out
Output 1 and Output 2, changes to
corresponding FF temperature and will
be stored.
3. Press the Mode / Save button again and you will return to the RT mode.

4. Release the Out button to exit this mode and turn both LEDs off.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 47

5.8.2 Adjustment of emissivity or transmission

The following example shows how to adjust the emissivity value for the selected mode.
Alpha RT
GT 0456
RT mode FF Display: RT – temperature: 456 °C
Out1 Out2
LED for unit °C/°F is “red”

Emi Mode / Save Out FMA

modify out

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 48

1. Press or and release to show the current emissivity for the selected mode
temperature (e.g. “RT”) (without change).

Alpha RT
GT 0985
RT mode– FF Display: Emissivity 0.985 for RT –
emissivity Out1 Out2
value LED for unit °C/°F is “off”
changed Emi Mode / Save Out FMA Mode LED is flashing “red”
modify out

2. Press or again to increase or decrease the emissivity value for the selected mode
Note: The value changes more quickly the longer the button is held. If the parameter
was changed, the display will be pulsating. After pressing the Mode / Save button, the
value is accepted (stored) and the display changes to the temperature for the selected
measuring mode.
If the new value is not stored with the Mode / Save button 30 seconds after the last
pressing of a button, the display changes to the temperature without storing the
emissivity changes.

To set values for other modes:

For GT, use the Mode / Save button to adjust the emissivity as in Steps 1 and 2 above.
It is also possible to change the Emi of a non-selected measuring mode or transmission value:

Press or and release to show the current Emi value (without change).
To change between Emi RT, Emi GT and Transmission:

Press and at the same time.

For Emi RT: “Mode” Led flashing red
For Emi GT: “Mode” Led flashing blue
For Transmission: “Mode” Led flashing white
Emi RT Emi GT Tranmission

Note: The FMA button has no function in the PULSAR 4 (without the Advanced
option). Also, in the PULSAR 4 version (without the Advanced option) the Mode / Save
button works only in its Save function.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 49

5.9 PULSAR 4 Advanced
Parameter adjustment and output assignment with push buttons
Changing a parameter is only possible if keyboard is not locked.
If the keyboard is locked, “LOCK” appears on the display if a button is pressed.
Unlock via Lock/Unlock button in InfraWin “parameter” window.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 50

5.9.1 Adjust Display Mode
(outputs remain unaffected)

Press the Mode button to switch the display mode between RT, GT, and FF.
Alpha RT
RT FF Display: RT (default) – temperature: 456 °C
Out1 Out2
Mode LED “red”

Emi Mode / Save Out FMA

modify out

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 51

Press Mode / Save button to change display mode to GT
Alpha RT
GT FF Display changes to GT – temperature: 567 °C
Out1 Out2
Mode LED “blue”

Emi Mode / Save Out FMA

modify out

Press Mode / Save button to change display mode to FF

Alpha RT
FF FF Display changes to FF – temperature: 511 °C
Out1 Out2
Mode LED “green”

Emi Mode / Save Out FMA

modify out

Note: When you press the Mode / Save button, the display changes to the alternating
Mode. The Mode LED flashes red, blue, green. Then every 5 seconds, the display
changes between RT, GT, and FF.

Press the Mode / Save button again to return the display to the RT Mode.
RT GT FF Alternating

5.9.2 Show Output Assignment

The following example shows the default ex-works settings.
Press the Out button to see the output to which the mode is assigned. When pressed, the Out
button will toggle the output LED between Out1 and Out2.
Alpha RT
GT 0456
LED Out 1 is “on”
Out 1 FF In this example, the Display is set to RT
On Out1 Out2
with a temperature of 456 °C
Out 1 corresponds to the RT temperature.
Emi Mode / Save Out FMA
modify out

Press the Out button again to switch to Out 2.

LED Out 2 is “on”
Out 2 GT °F In this example, the Display is changed to
On FF GT with a temperature of 567 °C
Out1 Out2 Out 2 corresponds to the GT temperature.

Emi Mode / Save Out FMA

modify out

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 52

Press the Out button again or wait 30 seconds for the "Out2" LED to turn off.

5.9.3 Change Output Assignment (Modify Out)

The following example shows how to modify the corresponding temperature output assignment
for each mode. Out 1 Adjustments

1. Press and hold down the Out button.
Alpha RT
GT 0456
LED Out 1 “on”
On/ FF In this example, the Display is set to RT
RT Out1 Out2
with a temperature of 456 °C
mode The mode LED is “red” to indicate it is in
Emi Mode / Save Out FMA RT mode
modify out
Out 1 corresponds to the RT temperature.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 53

2. Press the Out button and hold down while pressing the Mode button to switch the display
and Out1 mode between RT, GT, and FF.

Alpha RT
GT 0567
LED Out 1 “on”
On/ FF In this example, the Display changes to GT
GT Out1 Out2
with a temperature of 567 °C
mode The mode LED is “blue” to indicate it is in
Emi Mode / Save Out FMA GT mode
modify out
Out 1 assignment changes to correspond
with the GT temperature and will be
Alpha RT
GT 0511
LED Out 1 “on”
On/ FF In this example, the Display changes to FF
FF Out1 Out2 with a temperature of 511 °C
mode The mode LED is “green” to indicate it is
Emi Mode / Save Out FMA in FF mode
modify out
Out 1 assignment changes to correspond
with the FF temperature and will be
3. Release the Out button to exit the assignment mode of Out 1. Out 2 Adjustments

1. Press and hold down the Out button.
Alpha RT
GT 0567
LED Out 2 “on”
On/ FF In this example, the Display is set to GT
GT Out1 Out2 with a temperature of 567 °C
mode The mode LED is “blue” to indicate it is in
Emi Mode / Save Out FMA GT mode
modify out
Out 2 corresponds to the GT temperature.
2. Additionally, press Mode / Save button and change the output assignment of Out 2 in the
same way as described in section for output 1.
3. Press the Out button or wait 30 seconds after the last change, for both LEDs to turn off and
the adjusted display mode to become active.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 54

5.9.4 Adjustment of emissivity or transmission

The following example shows how to adjust the emissivity value for the selected mode.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 55

Alpha RT
GT 0456
RT mode FF Display: RT – temperature: 456 °C
Out1 Out2
LED for unit °C/°F is “red”

Emi Mode / Save Out FMA

modify out

2. Press or and release to show the current emissivity for the selected mode
temperature (e.g. “RT”) (without change).

RT mode– Alpha RT
emissivity GT °F
FF Display: Emissivity 0.985 for RT –
changed Out1 Out2
LED for unit °C/°F is “off”
Emi Mode / Save Out FMA Mode LED is flashing “red”
modify out

3. Press or again to increase or decrease the emissivity value for the selected mode

Note: The value changes more quickly the longer the button is held. If the parameter
was changed, the display will be pulsating. After pressing the Mode / Save button, the
value is accepted (stored) and the display changes to the temperature for the selected
measuring mode.
If the new value is not stored with the Mode / Save button 30 seconds after the last
pressing of a button, the display changes to the temperature without storing the
emissivity changes.

To set values for other modes:

For GT, use the Mode / Save button to adjust the emissivity as in Steps 1 and 2 above.
It is also possible to change the Emi of a non-selected measuring mode or transmission value:

In normal operating mode, press or and release to show the current Emi value
(without change).
To change between Emi RT, Emi GT and Transmission:

Press and at the same time.

For Emi RT: “Mode” Led flashing red
For Emi GT: “Mode” Led flashing blue
For Transmission: “Mode” Led flashing white
Emi RT Emi GT Tranmission

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 56

5.9.5 Setting the FMA Mode
Set FMA-Mode


1 1



1 Click FMA-Button

The following example shows how to switch on the FMA Mode.

To switch FMA mode on or off:

Press the FMA Button to enable FMA mode
Alpha RT LED FMA “on”
FMA GT °F Display: RT/FMA – temperature
Mode in FMA mode: 421 °C
Out1 Out2 The corresponding Output for
RT / FMA temperature is also in
Emi Mode / Save Out FMA FMA mode
modify out


Press the FMA button again to disable FMA mode.

Note: The FMA mode affects all three displays and output temperatures.

Note: Pressing the Mode / Save button changes the display between RT/FMA,

Note: The default output setting in FMA mode is Out 1: RT / FMA mode;
Out 2: GT / FMA mode

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 57

5.9.6 Adjustment of emissivity / Alpha in “FMA” mode:

Note: Adjusting the emissivity for RT and FF mode are the same as in standard mode.
Factory setting: Alpha = 0150; Emissivity = 1000

The following example shows how to adjust the Alpha value for the GT temperature.
Alpha RT Example:
GT mode GT °F
Mode LED “blue”
LED FMA “on”
Out1 Out2 LED for unit °C/°F is “red”
Display: GT / FMA –
Emi Mode / Save Out FMA temperature:
modify out 945 °C

1. Press or and release to show the current Alpha value for the GT / FMA
temperature (without change)

Alpha RT Example:
GT mode– GT °F
Mode LED flashing “blue”
Alpha Display: Alpha value for GT /
value Out1 Out2 FMA – temperature: 0150
changed LED Alpha “on”
Emi Mode / Save Out FMA LED for unit °C/°F is “off”
modify out

2. Press or again to increase or decrease the Alpha value.

Note: After pressing the Mode / Save button, the value is accepted (stored) and the
display changes to the GT / FMA temperature.
If the value is not stored within 30 seconds after the last change (or is not saved by
pressing the Mode / Save button) then the display will change to the GT temperature
without storing the Alpha changes.

Note: It is also possible to change Emi RT / FMA, Alpha GT / FMA, and Transmission in
the same display mode.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 58

To change between Emi RT, Alpha GT and Transmission:

Press and at the same time.

For Emi RT: “Mode” Led flashing red
For Emi GT: “Mode” Led flashing blue
For Transmission: “Mode” Led flashing white
Emi RT Emi GT Tranmission

5.10 Parameter settings using InfraWin 5 Software

The InfraWin 5 operating and analyzing software is included in the delivery package of your
PULSAR 4. With this software, the PC can be used for all pyrometer functions. The latest version
is available for free as download from the homepage
This section provides an overview of the InfraWin software functions for program version 5.
Additional information can also be found in the program’s help menu.
To access the online help functions:
Press the F1 button after InfraWin has been loaded
Select the “?” in the menu bar.
5.10.1 Installing InfraWin
To install the InfraWin Software Program:
1. Select the setup program “setup.exe” from the InfraWin Software CD or by using the
downloaded and unpacked zip file from the internet.
2. Follow the on-screen installation instructions.
Once the program has been installed, you will be prompted to select a language option. The
InfraWin software is available in German, English, French, Italian, and Spanish.
After you have selected your preferred language, the software will open with the following

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 59

All preset values can be displayed and modified if necessary through the “Devices/Parameters”
menu. The pyrometer parameters screen contains all parameter settings as described in section
5.7 of this manual.
Choose the correct settings for your application from the displayed options.
5.10.2 Measuring Mode PULSAR 4 Advanced
With the RT (background color red), GT (background color blue) or FF (background color green)
tab, you can select the measuring mode for adjusting the corresponding parameters, separately
for each mode:

RT Mode GT Mode FF Mode

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 60 PULSAR 4
Alarm 1 and Alarm 2, out 1 and out 2 and display are assigned to the measuring mode.

RT Mode GT Mode FF Mode

5.10.3 FMA Mode (PULSAR 4 Advanced only):

If the FMA-mode is on, the emissivity for GT changes into the adjustment of the Alpha value.
The t90 will always force RT and GT to equal the highest t90 value that is set on either channel (t90
cannot be different when in FMA mode)

FMA Mode

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 61

5.10.4 Alarm Configuration for Alarm1 and Alarm2
(PULSAR 4 Advanced and PULSAR 4)
Each Alarm can be configured independently from each other as “High alarm”, “Low alarm” or

5.10.5 Alarm Assignment PULSAR 4 Advanced
Assigning the alarm contacts to a measuring temperature RT, GT or FF:

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 62 PULSAR 4
For PULSAR 4, Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 are always assigned to the same measuring temperature:

5.10.6 Adjustment of Switch Point and Hysteresis for Alarm1 and


E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 63

5.10.7 Output Assignment PULSAR 4 Advanced
Assigning the outputs to a measuring temperature RT, GT or FF. PULSAR 4
For PULSAR 4, both outputs are always identical.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 64

5.10.8 Display Assignment PULSAR 4 Advanced
Display assignment to a measuring temperature RT, GT, FF or alternating mode: PULSAR 4
For PULSAR 4, no display assignment is possible.
5.10.9 Graph Assignment PULSAR 4 Advanced
Assigning the Graph1 for the online measuring to a measuring temperature RT, GT or FF and
Graph2 to RT, GT, FF, the internal temperature of the PULSAR 4, or None:

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 65 PULSAR 4
For PULSAR 4, only the internal temperature can be selected for Graph 2:

5.10.10 Inhibit Keyboard

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Operating the PULSAR 4 66

5.10.11 Analog Output Assignment
Analog output assignment to 4…20 mA, 4…20 mA (NAMUR Lo) or 4…20 mA (NAMUR Hi)

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6 Digital Communications

6.1 RS485
The PULSAR 4 has an array of remote commands available via RS485 communication port. This
instrument is compatible with LumaSense InfraWin 5 communication software (included with
your PULSAR 4). A description of the protocol is shown below for those who wish to do their
own programming.
6.1.1 Data Format Universal Pyrometer Protocol (UPP)
The data exchange occurs in ASCII format.
The interface settings of the instrument are defined to be 8 data bit, one stop bit, even parity
Each command sequence is composed of a 2-character address, followed by 2 or 3-character
command ID (two letters, three letters or one letter and one digit), zero or more parameters,
and a trailing carriage return (no line feed).
The device responds to the entry of a command with: output (e.g. the measuring value) + CR
(Carriage Return, ASCII 13), and to pure entry commands with "ok" + CR.
Example: Entry: “00emr“+ <CR>
The emissivity setting ( ) of the refractory temperature of the device with the address 00 is
Answer: “0970“+ <CR> (meaning Emissivity = 0.97 or 97.0%)
6.1.2 Commands Supported by the PULSAR 4:
Command Description
Read Set
X = 1 4...20 mA
Analog output AAas AAasX X = 8 4...20 mA NAMUR Lo
X = 9 4...20 mA NAMUR Hi
Analog output X = 0...1
Test (for refractory, gas and AAat AAatx 0 = off
FF) 1 = on (12 mA)

Product number AAbn XXXXXX (hex 6-digit)

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Digital Communications 69

X = 0...6 or 8 (dec)
0 = 1200 baud
1 = 2400 baud
2 = 4800 baud
3 = 9600 baud
Baud rate AAbr AAbrX
4 = 19200 baud
5 = 38400 baud
6 = 57600 baud
(7 is not allowed)
8 = 115200 baud
Emissivity AAemr AAemrXXXX
XXXX = 0100... 1000
r=refractory AAemg AAemgXXXX
(dec, in 0.1% resolution)
AAet AAetXXXX XXXX = 0100... 1000 (dec) in 0.1%

X = 0: display in °C
°C / °F AAfh AAfhX
X = 1: display in °F
Alpha factor (PULSAR 4
XXXX = 0050... 1000 (dec) in 0.1%
Advanced Only) AAalp AAalpXXXX
(FMA mode)
Alpha divisor (PULSAR 4
XXXX = 0050... 0200
Advanced Only) AAald AAaldXXXX
(dec, in 0.1 resolution
(FMA mode)
X = 0... 9 (dec)
0 = intrinsic time constant of the
device (0.5 s in FMA mode)
1 = 0.50 s
2 = 1.00 s
Response time t90
AAezr AAezrX 3 = 2.00 s
AAezg AAezfX
g=gas 4 = 5.00 s
AAezf AAezgX
f=FF 5 = 10.0 s
6 = 30.0 s
7 = 60.0 s
8 = 90.0 s
9 = 120.0 s
XX (hex, 00 = no error)
Error status AAfs
Contact LumaSense
XX = (dec, 00... 97)
Device address AAga AAgaXX 00... 97 = regular device addresses

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Digital Communications 70

Internal temperature AAgt XXX (dec)
Set temperature sub-range YYYY XXXXYYYY (hex, 8-char) XXXX =
r=refractory AAm1gXXXX beginning of temp. range
g=gas YYYY
f=FF AAm1fXXXX YYYY = end of temp. range
Read temperature sub-range XXXXYYYY (hex, 8-char) XXXX =
r=refractory beginning of temp. range
AAmef YYYY = end of temp. range
XXXXYYYY (hex 8-char) XXXX =
Read full instrument beginning of temp. range
temperature range
YYYY = end of temp. range
Read temperature value
(PULSAR 4 Only) AAms XXXXX (dec, in 0.1° resolution

Read temperature value

(PULSAR 4 Advanced Only) AAmsr
r=refractory AAmsg
(dec, in 0.1° (resolution)
g=gas AAmsf
Read temperature value (dec, in 0.1° resolution)
(PULSAR 4 Advanced Only) XXXXX = refractory temp.
a=all YYYYY = gas temperature
ZZZZZ = FF temperature
FMA mode OFF/ON XXX = 000 = OFF
(PULSAR 4 Advanced Only) XXX = 001 = ON
Alarm Setpoint - Temperature XXXX (hex, 4-char) Must be within
at which alarm relay 1 will AAs1 AAs1XXXX sub-range and matching temperature
change state. units.
Alarm Setpoint - Temperature XXXX (hex, 4-char) Must be within
at which alarm relay 2 will AAs2 AAs2XXXX sub-range and matching temperature
change state. units.
XXXX (hex, 4-char) 0...0672,
Alarm Hysteresis for alarm 1 AAh1 AAh1XXXX
corresponding to 0...1650 °C
XXXX (hex, 4-char) 0...0672,
Alarm Hysteresis for alarm 2 AAh2 AAh2XXXX
corresponding to 0...1650 °C
0 = no alarm
Configuration Alarm 1 AAt1 AAt1X
1 = alarm if temp > setp.1 (Hi-alarm)
2 = alarm if temp < setp.1 (LO-alarm)
Configuration Alarm 2 AAt2 AAt2X
0 = no alarm

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Digital Communications 71

1 = alarm if temp > setp.2 (Hi-alarm)
2 = alarm if temp < setp.2 (LO-alarm)
XXXX = 0011….0033
Alarm2 Alarm1
0011 RT RT
0021 GT RT (Advanced Only)
0031 FF RT (Advanced Only)
Alarm assignment
AAaa AAaaXXXX 0012 RT GT (Advanced Only)
(PULSAR 4 Advanced Only)
0022 GT GT
0032 FF GT (Advanced Only)
0013 RT FF (Advanced Only)
0023 GT FF (Advanced Only)
0033 FF FF
XXXX = 0011….0033
Out2 Out1
0011 RT RT
0021 GT RT (Advanced Only)
0031 FF RT (Advanced Only)
Channel assignment AAca AAcaXXXX 0012 RT GT (Advanced Only)
0022 GT GT
0032 FF GT (Advanced Only)
0013 RT FF (Advanced Only)
0023 GT FF (Advanced Only)
0033 FF FF
X = 0…3
0 = alternating all 3 tempertures
every 5 sec. (PULSAR 4 Advanced
Display assignment
AAda AAdaX only)
(PULSAR 4 Advanced Only)
1 = refractory temperature (RT)
2 = gas temperature (GT)
3 = FF temperature (FF)
Serial number AAsn XXXXX (dec, 5-digits)

Max. internal temperature AAtm XXX (dec, 3-digits)

Wait time XX = 00 to 99
(see Note 1) (dec, 2-digits)

Operating hours AAho XXXXXX (dec, 6-digits)

Output: “PULSAR 4 Adv.” (16 ASCII

Device type AAna characters) or
“PULSAR 4” (16 ASCII characters)

Reset AAre

XXYYZZ (dec, 6-digits)

Device type / software version AAve XX = 84 (PULSAR 4 Advanced)
xx= 88 (PULSAR 4)

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Digital Communications 72

YY = Firmware month
ZZ = Firmware year
X = 0 ... 3
0 = removal of lock lk1
1 = lock lk1, removal with command
Lock keyboard AAlk AAlkx lk0 or power off-on
2 = removal of lock lk3
3 = continuous lock lk3, removal only
with command lk2

Communication Module/ AAvc tt.mm.yy XX.YY

software version in detail tt = day; mm = month;
yy = year;
XX.YY = software version
tt.mm.yy XX.YY(14 ASCII characters)
Measurement Module/ tt = day; mm = month
AAvs yy = year
Software version in detail
XX.YY = software version

Additional Instructions for the RS485 Interface:

Requirements of the master system during half-duplex operation:
1. Wait-time from the reception of a valid command to the beginning of the answer. This
time is specified in bit-times of the selected baud rate and is a minimum. The actual time
needed may be longer depending on the processing time for the answer string.
2. If there is no response, there is a parity or syntax error and the inquiry has to be

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7 Troubleshooting

7.1 Problem Isolation Checkout Procedure

This section outlines what to do if the PULSAR 4 is not working after the initial installation. The
following procedures should be performed before calling the factory.
7.1.1 Optical Alignment and Focus
The PULSAR 4 measures the temperature of the area inside the round reticule seen through the
eyepiece. Check that the reticule is actually centered on the desired target. To check the focus,
move your eye back and forth across the eyepiece and verify that the target and the reticule in
the eyepiece do not move relative to each other. Move the lens in or out to correct the focus.
7.1.2 Clear Sight Path and Clean Optics
Ensure that the PULSAR 4 is aligned properly by looking into the eye-piece. The round reticule in
the center of the field of view should be sighting at the target. Look for any blockage in the
sight path that would reduce the energy received by the PULSAR 4.
Without a clear optical path, the radiation from the target cannot reach the detector. If the
viewport assembly, front window assembly, or lens becomes smeared, smudged or otherwise
dirty, attenuation of the signal will occur, resulting in abnormally low readings. Check the
viewport, front window, or lens by removing it and looking through it towards a light source.
Rarely will cleaning the internal optics be necessary. The lens should be cleaned whenever it
becomes dirty. The frequency of this operation will depend on the environment.

Note: Important! As with all optical temperature sensors, the sight path is part of the
primary measurement loop. It is important that this path remain clear. This includes the
condition of the viewport. An obstruction in the sight path or a dirty viewport will
influence the operation of the PULSAR 4 and cause erroneous measurements.

Warning: Refer to Drawing 3 909 073 found in Appendix C, for the proper assembly
method. Look for dirt or heavy smudges

7.1.3 Power Fuse

Check that fuse for 24 VDC power supply (1 AT) is not open. Remove the fuse from its holder
and test with an ohmmeter.
Check that fuse for 5 VAC transformer output (1.6 AT) is not open. Remove the fuse from its
holder and test with an ohmmeter.
Check fuse for 115/230 VAC power supply (1.25 AT) is not open. Remove the fuse from its holder
and test with an ohmmeter.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Troubleshooting 75

7.1.4 Low-End Temperature Reading
Swing the PULSAR 4 away, so that it is no longer looking into the reactor. Check the low-end
temperature reading on the display. This is the bottom-end temperature of the unit minus one
degree. A flashlight (non-LED type) may be used to functionally test the PULSAR 4. Aim the
flashlight into the PULSAR 4 optics. The display should show some temperature above the
beginning of the range.
7.1.5 Check Instrument Loops
Check the temperature display or recorder when in “Test Mode” to ensure that the signal is
being transmitted and makes it to the control room display.
7.1.6 Broken Wire Harness
If the instrument appears to be working correctly, but the recording or control attachments are
not receiving the proper signals, the problem may be due to a broken wire in the
interconnecting cables. Use a field mA calibrator or ohm meter to check for continuity of all
7.1.7 Component Failure
Inspection and quality control procedures assure the highest standards of component reliability.
However, electronic components do fail randomly and may cause your instrument to function
Changing components in the field may require your unit to be recalibrated by the factory.
Replacement of PC board components other than fuses is strongly discouraged and may
compound the problem.
Although it is not recommended, you can perform a recalibration procedure using the following
laboratory equipment:
a. A standard instrument repair shop with the usual electronic diagnostic tools, such as
scopes, voltmeters, power supplies and frequency generators.
b. A blackbody standard radiator source traceable to DIN/VDE 3511 Part 4.4, covering the
temperature range from 350 °C to 2000 °C.
c. An optical alignment bench with variable aperture and a constant temperature infrared
d. A computer capable of communicating with the instrument using the LumaSense
The factory will assist with detailed calibration procedures and procurement of necessary
equipment should the client wish to establish infrared thermometer calibration capability.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Troubleshooting 76

8 Maintenance

8.1 General Maintenance

Refer to Section 9, Safety Assurances and Precautions, before beginning any
The PULSAR 4 is designed so that the instrument does not have to be returned to the
factory for periodic recalibration if traceability according VDI/VDE 3511 Part 4.4 is not
Repairs that can be performed without affecting instrument performance include
replacement of MOV components, heater assemblies, switches, interconnecting cables,
connectors, eyepiece, and lens and Front Window Assembly.
Components in the "calibration" system may not be replaced.
Any damage to the instrument affecting the optical alignment or critical electronic
components usually requires the instrument to be returned to the factory for repair. The
turnaround time including shipping from an international client is 4 to 6 weeks.
It is recommended that a spare or backup unit be procured during the acquisition of
your original equipment if the PULSAR 4 is to be used in a critical control installation.
Only the Electro-Optical Package is required as a spare unit.

Warning: Hazardous Location Safety Minder. At no time should the cover be

removed unless power is switched off first. When it is necessary to service instrument
with the power applied, ensure that proper safe environmental conditions exist and
that such maintenance is authorized and pursuant to safe conditions.

8.2 Cleaning the Optics

The optics of the PULSAR 4 consists of a lens, an eyepiece, and a specially coated front surface
mirror mounted on a special bracket. These components are located within the Electro-Optical
Package and will remain clean under normal conditions, provided that the enclosure remains
sealed at all times with O-rings in place. LumaSense does not recommend cleaning the optics
other than the objective lens. A complete cleaning requires disassembly of the optical train and
will destroy the alignment and calibration.
To clean the objective lens, remove the Electro-Optical Package from the Explosion-Proof
Enclosure. Use facial tissue dipped in rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl 70%). If it is especially dirty, use
a lens cleaning solution and lens cleaning wipes available at camera stores. Press softly or the
lens may become loose or dislodged. Blow off lint, and then replace the Electro-Optical Package
in the Explosion-Proof Enclosure.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Maintenance 77

8.3 Cleaning or Changing the Viewport Window (VP 10)
1. Close ball valve.
2. Loosen the swing-out wing nut lock on the SOF-8 and rotate it out of the slot.
3. Swing the sensor assembly sufficiently to have clear access to the viewport. Turn off the
air purge and disconnect the line to bleed pressure (See Appendix C).
4. Check for combustion gas leak.
5. Unscrew the viewport assembly counterclockwise. Three-inch flats have been provided
for a wrench. Do not damage or lose the O ring.
6. Remove the viewport and clean with a soft cloth. Alcohol, water or solvents may be
used if applied carefully. Do not soak: damage to the O rings may result. If the window
is scratched or cracked, re-place it. Toothpaste may be used to clean stubborn dirt on
windows. Thoroughly wash with water afterwards.
7. Replace O-rings in their seat; substitute a new O-ring if the old one is damaged.
8. Screw the viewport back in place clockwise. Tighten with a wrench to 6 ft. lbs.
9. Swing the sensor assembly back to locked position.
10. Rotate the wing nut into the slot and tighten finger tight.
11. Reconnect the purge line.
12. Turn on the air purge.
13. Open the ball valve.
14. Verify that the air purge flow is at least 10.7 Nm3/h.
15. Check for leaks. If a leak is detected, close the ball valve immediately.

Warning: Hazardous Location Safety Minder. At no time should the cover be

removed unless power is switched off first. When it is necessary to service instrument
with the power applied ensure that proper safe environmental conditions exist and
that such maintenance is authorized and pursuant to safe conditions.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Maintenance 78

8.4 Replacing a Window in the Viewport Assembly VP-10
1. Remove the viewport assembly from the Swing-Out fixture according to steps 1 to 5 in
Section 7.3.
2. Remove 4 Allen Head 3/16" screws from the retaining cover.
3. Separate the retaining cover from the rest of the assembly.
4. Remove the window. (Pyrex for FF and RT units.)
5. Replace any damaged O-rings.
6. Install the new window.
7. Replace the retaining cover.
8. Install the 4 Allen Head 3/16" screws. Tighten to 6 ft. lbs.
9. Replace the VP-10 in swing-out fixture according to steps 7 to 15 in Section 8.3.

8.5 Calibration: Traceability to VDI/VDE 3511 Part 4.4

All LumaSense infrared thermometers are calibrated to blackbody radiation standards traceable
to the VDI/VDE 3511 Part 4.4. Our calibration standards are recalibrated each year to ensure we
maintain our equipment traceable to the Institute. Although our pyrometers are of the finest
quality, they are subject to electrical and mechanical wear which may cause performance
variation over time. LumaSense recommends yearly recalibration.

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E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Maintenance 80

9 Safety Assurances and Precautions

9.1 Hazardous Environment Safety

The PULSAR 4 enclosure is designed to hold an explosion inside the housing and release the hot
gases slowly enough to allow them to cool to the point where they will not ignite the explosive
gases outside the housing. It is important to take care of the mating surfaces between the
housing and its lid. It is also important to torque the lid bolts to specification.
Factory inspection, assembly, and test procedures are strictly followed to ensure the highest
quality, integrity and functionality of the Explosion Proof housing. Use care when reassembling
to maintain gasket and surface integrity. Deep scratches or gouges could allow gases to be
released at excessively high temperatures during an explosion.
When servicing the instrument, ensure that power is disconnected or switched off. Allow
the instrument 20 minutes to cool down prior to opening.
When connecting electrical wiring to the circuit board, ensure wires are properly secured
to prevent accidental shorting or a hazardous live condition in the event that screws
Check and secure the Safety Ground connections just prior to lid closure.
When attaching the utility conduit, ensure that at least five threads are engaged and
that appropriate seal fittings and practices are followed in accordance to local and
manufacturer’s Explosion Proof practices.
When replacing the top cover, the sixteen M8 x 1.25 socket head screws must be torqued
to specification (5.5Nm).
When air is used, verify positive air flow and pressure to air connections. See Appendix A
for ratings.
Ensure that the surface temperature of the Explosion Proof housing does not exceed
60 °C. If this condition occurs, cooling may be required.
Take note of all hazardous classifications. See Appendix B, Area Classifications and
Protection Concepts, for more information. Conditions of Use:
1. Contact manufacturer for flamepath joint design information.
2. The cable glands, cable sealing device or blanking plugs for the unused entries (as
applicable) shall be suitably certified with a minimum Ex gas rating of Ex d IIB+H2 Ta = -
40 °C to 60 °C Gb.
3. In order to maintain an IP65 rating for the equipment, the cable glands shall be suitably
certified with a minimum rating of IP65.
4. To reduce the risk due to electrostatic discharge, the user shall regularly clean the
enclosures with a damp cloth to limit dust layers on the enclosure sides.
5. The socket head screws used on the enclosure shall be stainless steel screws grade A4-70;
M8 Socket Head Cap / Allen Screws with minimum yield strength 800 MPa.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Safety Assurances and Precautions 81

Note: N2 purging of the housing is not required to maintain the Explosion Proof

9.2 Electrical Service Protection

9.2.1 Over-Current Protection / Service Switch
It may be necessary to incorporate an external over-current protection device appropriate to the
instrument’s service and to include a disconnect switch located near the instrument. The service
disconnect should be clearly marked as pertaining to this instrument.
9.2.2 Over-Voltage Protection
Maximum applied voltage must not exceed the following limits:
253 VAC for Terminal Block "POWER IN 115/230VAC"
30 VDC for Terminal Block "POWER IN 24VDC"
9.2.3 Transient Protection
Transients must not exceed 2.5 kV between any terminal or any terminal and GND. The
electronics provide some protection against transient as per EN61326-1 EMC Immunity.
However, if higher transients are expected, it is recommend that transient protection devices be
included as part of service installation.
9.2.4 Wiring
Confirm service type and check that Service markings correspond to expectations. When wiring,
follow local code regulations. Secure power input lines together after connection to the
terminal block to prevent an accidental hazardous live condition in the event a terminal screw
becomes loose. Sleeve or tie wrapping is acceptable. Check to ensure that power is not
accidentally connected to the low voltage I/O terminal block.
See Section 4, Electrical Installation, for power service installation details.
9.2.5 Protective Ground Connection
Connect the protective Earth conductor as instructed in Section 4, Electrical Installation.
The Earth Ground connection is located on the inside surface of housing denoted by the
symbol shown left.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Safety Assurances and Precautions 82

Appendix A: Specifications and Parameter

9.3 Specifications
PULSAR 4 PULSAR 4 Advanced
Temperature Range: 350 … 2000 °C (662 … 3632°F)
Measurement uncertainty: +0.3% of Reading or 3 °C +1 Digit, whichever is greater
( = 1, t90 = 1 s, Tamb. = 25°C)
Repeatability: 0.1% of full scale span
( = 1, t90 = 1 s, Tamb. = 25°C)
Response Time t90: Programmable from Programmable from
0.05 to 120 sec. 0.05 to 120 sec.
When FMA mode is on
0.5 to 120 sec.
Analog Outputs: 2 identical analog outputs 2 analog outputs
4 ... 20 mA, linear, 4 ... 20 mA, linear,
Select one of RT, GT or FF Outputs can be assigned to RT, GT
Corresponding to NAMUR NE43 or FF
Corresponding to NAMUR NE43
Digital Interfaces: RS485 addressable (half-duplex)
Baud rate: 1.2 … 115.2 kBd
Load: 0 … 600 (mA output)
Relay Alarm: 30 VDC / 1A max.; Resistive; Configuration of alarm:
no alarm
alarm, if temperature > setpoint
alarm, if temperature < setpoint
Emissivity Adjustment: 0.100 ... 1.000 digital on both channels when in Standard mode
Transmittance Adjustment: 0.100 ... 1.000 digital on both channels when in Standard mode
Alpha Adjustment: N/A 0.050 to 1.000 on GT channel
(when in FMA mode)
Focusing Range: 500 mm to infinity
Target Size: 160:1 Standard Resolution (distance / target size)
Power Supply: 24 VDC (18 … 30 VDC), 0.2 A maximum; 3.5 A with heater
115 VAC ± 10%; 47 … 63 Hz; 230 VAC ± 10%; 47 … 63 Hz
Power Consumption: Max. 90 W (with heater)
Fusing: (F1) 1.6 AT Littelfuse 215 Series, 5×20 mm, Time-Lag (Slo-Blo®) Fuse
(F2) 1.25 AT Littelfuse 215 Series, 5×20 mm, Time-Lag (Slo-Blo®) Fuse
(F3) 1.0 AT Littelfuse 215 Series, 5×20 mm, Time-Lag (Slo-Blo®) Fuse

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix A: Specifications and Parameter Settings 83

Ambient Temperature -40 ... +60 °C with no cooling and using internal heater
Limits: to +80 °C with vortex air cooler (optional) with 7 bar source
to +93 °C with cooling base and 38 l/h water flow at 15 °C
(the water cooling method can accommodate higher ambient
temperature by increasing flow rate; consult factory)
Hazardous Classification:

Conditions of Use:
1. Contact manufacturer for flamepath joint design information.
2. The cable glands, cable sealing device or blanking plugs for
the unused entries (as applicable) shall be suitably certified
with a minimum Ex gas rating of Ex d IIB+H2 Ta = -40 °C to
60 °C Gb.
3. In order to maintain an IP65 rating for the equipment, the
cable glands shall be suitably certified with a minimum rating of IP65.
4. To reduce the risk due to electrostatic discharge, the user shall
regularly clean the enclosures with a damp cloth to limit dust
layers on the enclosure sides.
5. The socket head screws used on the enclosure shall be
stainless steel screws grade A4-70; M8 Socket Head Cap / Allen
Screws with minimum yield strength 800 MPa.
Torque Spec, Lid Bolts: 5.5 Nm
Air View port purge: 1.4 bar min., 1.7 m3/h (@ standard conditions)
Combustion purge: 1.4 bar min., 17 m3/h (@ standard conditions)
Cooling WATER: 38 l/h at 15 °C
AIR: Vortex, V208-15-H,
17 m3/h (@ standard conditions)
Reference manufacturer data for pressure specs.
Weight 22 Kg with Explosion Proof housing
Dimensions 306 x 276 x 210 mm (l x w x h)
(with Explosion Proof housing)

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix A: Specifications and Parameter Settings 84

PULSAR 4 Manual
Channels PULSAR 4 adjustable
Advanced Settings
Field Field
Channel function Yes selection set thru
Selectable Selectable
350 to 350 to Subrange set
FF Temperature Range No
2000 °C 2000 °C thru software
350 to 350 to Subrange set
RT Temperature Range No
2000 °C 2000 °C thru software
350 to 350 to Subrange set
GT Temperature Range No
2000 °C 2000 °C thru software
Emisivity Yes Yes Yes Set thru software
Alpha (in FMA mode for GT channel)
N/A Yes Yes Set thru software
(PULSAR 4 Advanced Only)

Analog Output
Field Field
Channel Assignment Yes Set thru software
selectable selectable
mA output Two Two Set thru software

Setpoint Relays
Assigned thru
Number of Relays Two Two N/A
Relay 1 Yes Yes No Set thru software
Relay 2 Yes Yes No Set thru software

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix A: Specifications and Parameter Settings 85

PULSAR 4 ual Software
Digital Communications PULSAR 4
Advanced Setti adjustable features
RS485 Yes Yes N/A N/A
InfraWin Software Yes Yes N/A N/A
FMA Algorithm
(PULSAR 4 Advanced No Yes Yes Set thru software
GT Gas (Flame)
RT Refractory One field setable Two field setable Yes Set thru software
FF Average Integrated
Power Requirements
24VDC Yes Yes N/A N/A
115VAC Yes Yes N/A N/A
230VAC Yes Yes N/A N/A

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix A: Specifications and Parameter Settings 86

9.4 Reference numbers pyrometer

3 909 010 PULSAR 4 Advanced

3 909 020 PULSAR 4
3 909 030 PULSAR 4 Advanced Backup
3 909 040 PULSAR 4 Backup

9.5 Reference numbers accessories

0 006 581 O ring EXP LID PULSAR 4
3 909 114 Front window gasket for PULSAR 4
3 909 800 Fuse Set for PULSAR 4 (F1) 1.6 AT, (F2) 1.25 AT and (F3) 1 AT
6 882 010 BUP-10; Backup TC probe and adaptor
6 882 020 COP-10; 1 ea Model CRA Clean-Out-Ram Assy and Model PAPG Probe
Adaptor w/Packing Gland
6 882 030 BUP-10/COP-10; Backup thermocouple probe clean-out probe and single
adapter for PULSAR 4
CRA Cleanout Ram
6 882 040
Includes: 1'' & 1.5'';Heads (2.54 & 3.81 cm) and SS Rod for PULSAR 4
6 882 180 VP10P; Viewport set VP10 with pyrex window
6 882 210 SOF-1; 2'' 150lb RF swing away fixture, incl.
VP-10P and mounting hardware kit
6 882 220 SOF-8; 3'' 150/300lb RF swing away fixture, incl. VP-10P and mounting
hardware kit
6 882 350 TC-72; Thermocouple K, 6'(182.88 cm); with stop clamp, 1/4'' dia.; stainless
6 882 370 SST; stainless steel tag
6 882 400 Vortec air cooler for EXP housing
6 882 450 O-Ring large for VP-10
6 882 460 O-Ring small for VP-10
6 882 730 Mounting Kit EXP to SOF-8
6 882 740 Mounting Kit EXP to SOF-1

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix A: Specifications and Parameter Settings 87

9.6 Configuration of Parameters
9.6.1 PULSAR 4 Configuration Table
Unit Firmware = Comm-modul:
Unit Serial No. =
Date =
Tech =

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix A: Specifications and Parameter Settings 88

Custom Configuration for This Unit
Factory Defaults
if Not Default
Advanced Advanced
Default FMA=OFF Only) Custom FMA=OFF Only)
Parameter CH1 CH2 CH2 Parameter CH1 CH2 CH2
Emi 1.000 1.000 --- Emi ---
Trans 1.000 Trans
aLP --- --- 0.15 aLP --- ---
Display CH1 (Refractory temperature) Display
t90 0.50 0.50 0.50 t90
Advanced PULSAR 4 Advanced:
mA Output Only) GT mA Output
mA 4-20 mA
LO 350 °C 350 °C LO
HI 2000 °C 2000 °C HI
°C/°F °C °C/°F
Alarm 2000 °C 2000 °C Alarm
HYS 20 °C 20 °C HYS
Alarm Alarm
cofig. Lo-alarm Lo-alarm config.
Adr 00 Adr
kBd 19200 kBd
tw 10 tw

Boxes spanning 2 columns indicate that the value is the same whether FMA is on
or off.
Boxes spanning all 3 columns indicate global settings.
When in FMA mode, t90 will always force Out1 and Out2 to equal the highest t90
value that is set on either channel. (t90 cannot be different when in FMA mode)

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix A: Specifications and Parameter Settings 89

9.6.2 PULSAR 4 Quick Configuration Reference

Default Parameter Settings Parameter Choices

Advanced Advanced
Default FMA=OFF Only) Only)
Parameter CH1 CH2 CH2 CH1 CH2 CH2
Emi 1.000 1.000 --- 0.1 - 1.000 0.1 - 1.000 ---
Trans 1.000 0.1 - 1.000
aLP --- --- 0.15 --- --- 0.05 -1.000
Display CH1 (Refractory temperature) RT/GT/FF/alternating all temperatures
Min(0.05s) -
t90 0.50 0.50 0.50 Min(0.05 s) - 120s 0.5 - 120s
mA Output (PULSAR 4 Advanced RT/GT/FF
Advanced PULSAR 4 Advanced:
Only) GT
mA 4-20 4...20 / 4...20 NA Lo / 4...20 NA Hi
LO 350 °C 350 °C 350 °C to HI-51 °C 350 °C to HI-51 °C
HI 2000 °C 2000 °C 2000 °C to LO+51 °C 2000 °C to LO+51 °C
°C/°F °C °C/°F
Alarm 2000 °C 2000 °C 350 to 2000 °C 350 to 2000 °C
HYS 20 °C 20 °C 0 ... 1650 °C 0 ... 1650 °C
Alarm no alarm/Hi-alarm/ no alarm/Hi-alarm/
Lo-alarm Lo-alarm
config LO-alarm LO-alarm
Adr 00 00 – 99
kBd 19200 1.2 to 115
tw 10 0 - 99

Boxes spanning 2 columns indicate that the value is the same whether FMA is on
or off.
Boxes spanning all 3 columns indicate global settings.
When in FMA mode, t90 will always force Out1 and Out2 to equal the highest t90
value that is set on either channel. (t90 cannot be different when in FMA mode)

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix A: Specifications and Parameter Settings 90

Appendix B: Area Classification/Protection

According to IEC/EN 60079-14.

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix B: Area Classification/Protection Concepts 91

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E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix B: Area Classification/Protection Concepts 92

Appendix C: Engineering Drawings

Page Dwg.# Description

96 3 909 073 Mechanical Installation Diagram
97 3 909 072 Service Connections

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix C: Engineering Drawings 93

Drawing 3 909 073 - Mechanical Installation Diagram

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix C: Engineering Drawings 94

Drawing 3 909 072 - Service Connections

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix C: Engineering Drawings 95

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E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix C: Engineering Drawings 96

Appendix D: Declaration of Conformity/

Page Description
100 IECEx Certificate of Conformity
103 FM14A TEX0004X EC-Type Examination Certificate
106 Certificate of Compliance – Hazardous (Classified) Location Electrical Equipment
108 Certificate of Compliance – Hazardous Location Electrical Equipment per Canadian

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix D: Declaration of Conformity/ Certificates 97

E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix D: Declaration of Conformity/ Certificates 98
E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix D: Declaration of Conformity/ Certificates 99
E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix D: Declaration of Conformity/ Certificates 100
E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix D: Declaration of Conformity/ Certificates 101
E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix D: Declaration of Conformity/ Certificates 102
E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix D: Declaration of Conformity/ Certificates 103
E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix D: Declaration of Conformity/ Certificates 104
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E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix D: Declaration of Conformity/ Certificates 107
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E2T PULSAR 4 Operation Manual Appendix D: Declaration of Conformity/ Certificates 108


Digital Communications 69
A Display Assignment 65
Accessories 13 Display Mode 51
Address 41 Disposal / Decommissioning 11
Aiming 23
Air Requirements 17 E
Alarm Assignment 62
Electrical 18
Alarm Configuration 42, 62
Electrical Installation 27
Alarm Contacts 42
Electrical Installation Guidelines 27
Alarms 31, 35
Electrical Service Protection 82
Alpha 44, 58
Over-Current Protection / Service Swtich 82
Ambient Temperature Limits 24
Over-Voltage Protection 82
Analog Output 41
Protective Ground Connection 82
Analog Output Test 43
Transient Protection 82
Area Classification/Protection 91
Wiring 82
emissivity 48, 55, 58
B Emissivity Adjustment 35
Backup Probe (BUP-10) 36 Emissivity Setting 43
Baud Rate 41 Engineering Drawings 93
Explosion Proof Housing 9

Calibration 79
Cleaning or Changing the Viewport Flame Measurement Algorithm 40
Window 78 FMA 40, 58
Clean-Out Probe (COP-10) 38 FMA Mode 35, 57, 61
Commands 69 Focusing 22
Component Failure 76 Furnace Location 21
Conditions of Use 17, 27, 81 Fusing 30
Conduit/Connections 27 Mains 30
Configuration 88, 90
Configure the Instrument 19 G
Connection for mA Output 30
General Maintenance 77
Cooling Requirements 24, 25
Getting Started 21, 34
Vortex Air Cooling 25
Global Parameters 40
Water Cooling 24
Graph Assignment 65
Cover Attachment 28, 29

Hazardous Environment Safety 81
Data Format Universal Pyrometer Protocol
Hysteresis 42, 63
(UPP) 69
Declaration of Conformity/ Certificates 97
Declaration of Conformity/ Certificate 97
Definitions and Abbreviations 7

E2T QUASAR Flare Monitors Operation Manual Index 109

InfraWin 5 Software 59 Reference numbers 87
Inhibit Keyboard 66, 67 Replacing a Window in the Viewport
Installation 34 Assembly 79
Instrument Settings 39 Response Time 44
Internal Temperature 43 RS485 69

Legend 7 Safety 8
Limit of Liability and Warranty 9 Safety Assurances and Precautions 81
Service Connections 93, 95
M Service Markings 28
Service Request or Repair 10
Measuring Mode 46, 60 Setpoint Adjustment 35
Mechanical 17 Shipments to LumaSense for Repair 11
Mechanical Installation 21, 94 Sight Path and Optical Alignment 75
Mechanical Installation Diagram 93, 97 Sighting 23
Mounting 17 Smart FMA Mode 15
Mounting Options 21 Specifications 84
Spectral Ranges 34
O Start-Up Checklist 34
Subrange 44
Operating 33 Switch Point 63
Optics 77 System Features 13
Output Assignment 45, 50, 52, 53, 64 System Overview 13

Parameter Adjustment 45, 50 Temperature 76
Parameter Descriptions 39 Temperature Display 40
Parameter settings 59 Temperature Units 40
Parameters 43 transmission 48, 55
Performance 15 Transmittance 40
Pilot Monitor 34 Troubleshooting 75
Power Connections 28
Power Fuse 75
Powering Requirements 29 U
Principle of Operation 14 Unpacking and Inspection 10
Problem Isolation Checkout Procedure 75 UPP 69
Protective Ground Connection 28
PULSAR 4 Interface 33
push buttons 50
Push Buttons 45 Valve Flange Mounting 22
Push Buttons - Pulsar 4 Advanced 50 Viewport 22
Viewport Air Purge Requirements 25
Q Viewport Window 78

Quick Installation Procedure 17

Wait Time 41
Wire Harness 76

E2T QUASAR Flare Monitors Operation Manual Index 110

E2T QUASAR Flare Monitors Operation Manual Index 111

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