SC 6
SC 6
SC 6
Exercise 6.2: Cylindrical wire
Consider an infinitely long straight cylindrical wire with radius R,
running along the z-axis of a cylindrical coordinate system. The
wire is carrying a volume current density J⃗ = J ϕ̂ and a surface
⃗ = − 1 JRϕ̂.
current density K 2
(a) Use the right hand rule and symmetry arguments to deter-
mine the direction of the magnetic field due to the volume
current and due to the surface current, respectively.
(b) Make two separate sketches in the xy-plane: One for the sur-
face current and the magnetic field it creates and the other
for the volume current and the magnetic field it creates.
(c) Argue based your findings for a infinite solenoid (see SC exer-
cise 5.7 or section 7.5.5 of the reader) that the magnetic field
must vanish outside of the cylindrical wire (so B(r > R) = 0).
(d) Use Ampère’s law to determine the magnitude B(r) of the magnetic field inside the cylin-
drical wire.
(e) Determine vector expressions for the magnetic field B ⃗ in all regions of space.
(f) Check whether the magnetic field is continuous at the surface of the wire (at r = R) and
find a physical reasoning.
Exercise 6.4: Coaxial cable
A coaxial cable consists of a copper wire (radius R1 )
with several concentric layers around it. The wire
is separated from a metallic shield (region R2 <
r < R3 ) by a dielectric filling (region R1 < r < R2 )
with dielectric constant ϵr and relative permeability
µr . As it is difficult to manufacture a tube shaped
metallic shield from a solid piece of metal, it is
usually realized by several layers of woven metallic
braid and metallic tape, which are all in electric contact with one another. Therefore we can
treat the metallic shield as one solid piece of copper in good approximation. The entire cable is
usually encased in a plastic jacket for extra protection.
While electromagnetic waves travelling along transmission lines are far beyond the scope of this
course, we will use a very much simplified model of static electric and magnetic fields, caused
by a static charge distribution and a stationary current along the coaxial cable.
The magnetic field: Consider the coaxial cable
carrying a current I > 0 in z-direction along the
central wire and a current −I along the metallic
(a) Determine the direction of the magnetic field
caused by the current along the central wire.
(b) Argue why the magnetic field must vanish outside of the coax cable (in the region r > R3 ).
⃗ inside the filling (in the region R1 < r < R2 ).
(c) Determine the magnetic field B
The electric field: Consider the central wire of
the coax cable to carry a line charge density λ > 0
and the metallic shield carrying −λ. (Hint: This
part is similar to SLT problem 2 of week 2, it might
help to consult your own solution to that problem.
(d) Argue why the electric field must vanish outside of the coax cable (in the region r > R3 ).
⃗ inside the filling (in the region R1 < r < R2 ).
(e) Determine the electric field E
The signal transmission (again, very simplistic): For an electromagnetic wave, the Poynt-
⃗ marks the direction of the wave propagation,
ing vector S
⃗= 1E
S ⃗ × B.
For low frequencies, the propagation speed of the electromagnetic wave in the coaxial cable is
given by v = c/ ϵr µr . Although in an electromagnetic wave the fields amplitudes are time-
and location dependent, we will use these static fields to illustrate the transmission along the
(f) Use the vector expressions from (c) and (e) to prove, that the Poynting vector S⃗ points in
z direction.
(g) Argue why the propagation speed can only be dependent on the material inside the coaxial
cable (the dielectric filling) and suggest a material, for which signals could (hypothetically)
be transported through the coaxial cable at highest possible speed.
Exercise 6.8: Unknown current in plates
Two infinite plates with thickness d are positioned par-
allel to the xy-plane from z = 0 to z = d and from
z = a + d to z = a + 2d. The two plates carry un-
known volume and surface current densities, which lead
to a magnetic field distribution given by (a, c and d are
positive constants):
0 for z < 0,
cz x̂ for 0 < z < d,
B(z) = cd x̂ for d < z < a + d,
x̂ for a + d < z < a + 2d,
0 for z > a + 2d,
(a) Visualize the magnitude B of the magnetic field in the different regions in a B(z) graph.
(b) Determine the direction of the currents in the plates giving rise to a magnetic field in
+x-direction between the plates.
(c) Determine from the continuity of the magnetic field magnitude B, on which surfaces a
surface current must be present. Hint: If you don’t trust your graph, double-check the
continuity by calculation.
(d) Determine the volume current density J1 between z = 0 and z = d from the magnetic field
B(0 < z < d).
(e) Explain with words or with a simple calculation, why the volume current density between
z = a + d and z = a + 2d must be zero.
(f) Determine the (non-zero) surface current densities on the surfaces of the plates. Pay close
attention to the orientation of the Ampère loop and the sign of the current!
(g) To check your result, calculate the magnetic field due to the total current in each plate
individually. Check that these magnetic fields sum up to the given expressions between
and outside the plates (for z < 0, d < z < a + d and z > a + 2d).