1.bando Borse Studio 2023-24 - EN
1.bando Borse Studio 2023-24 - EN
1.bando Borse Studio 2023-24 - EN
Within the framework of the Veneto Region's annual Plan for the implementation of the Right to University Education
for the academic year 2023/24, the University of Padua issues this call for applications for the assignment of scholarships
for capable and deserving students without means. The aim of the scholarship is to help cover the living expenses
incurred by students over at least ten months in each course year.
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Students can apply for a scholarship for a different number of years or semesters depending on the degree course they
are enrolled in, and specifically:
a. 7 semesters for students enrolled in degree programmes from the year of first enrolment (7 years for part-
time students);
b. 5 semesters for students enrolled in master's degree programmes from the year of first enrolment (5 years for
part-time students);
c. 11 semesters for students enrolled in five-year single-cycle master’s degree programmes (11 years for part-
time students);
d. 13 semesters for students enrolled in six-year single-cycle master's degree programmes (13 years for part-
time students);
e. 3 years for students enrolled in PhD programmes.
The regional scholarship cannot be combined with other scholarships disbursed with the purpose of education
maintenance for any reason whatsoever. Regional scholarships may be combined with those granted by national or
foreign institutions aimed at supplementing the training or research activities of scholarship holders by means of stays
abroad (mobility scholarships).
If the student who has been awarded a regional scholarship has already obtained or is simultaneously awarded another
scholarship for a similar purpose (with the exception of the mobility scholarship), he or she must opt for one or the
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In order to apply for the scholarship, the following steps must be followed:
A. by 2 October 2023, also for those enrolling during the course of the year: fill in and confirm the APPLICATION FOR
BENEFITS (RdA) in Uniweb;
B. by 2 October 2023, also for those enrolling during the course of the year: apply for the ISSUANCE of the
ISEE/Equivalent ISEE certificate (ISEE means “Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator”) for Benefits for the Right to
University Education;
C. by 30 September 2023 or, if enrolled in the first year, by the date indicated in the call for admission: complete the
enrolment for the 2023/24 academic year by paying the first instalment of the fees.
A. The RdA is a self-certification that must be completed and confirmed online in order to apply for the scholarship. By
doing so, you authorise the University to acquire your ISEE directly from the INPS database (or from the CAF affiliated
with the University, in the case of an Equivalent ISEE (ISEE Parificato)).
WHERE TO SUBMIT IT: the RdA is available exclusively online, in your personal area in Uniweb, under “Right
to study - Certifications of disability/dyslexia, Summer courses - Application for Benefits”.
Entry of the RdA is possible after registration with Uniweb. For this purpose, only the tax code is required; it is
not necessary to have already enrolled. It follows that those who enrol during the year (enrolments in
Master’s degrees, transfers from another University, etc.) are also required to comply with the deadlines
indicated above.
VERIFICATION TOOLS: once completed, the application must be definitively confirmed, under penalty of
invalidity. The interested party shall receive an email at their personal or institutional email address confirming
receipt of the RdA. A second confirmation email will also be sent when the ISEE data has been acquired. The
RdA may be amended directly by the user, using the same procedure, until 2 October 2023. The RdA that has
been saved in your personal area in UNIWEB constitutes the only proof of submission of the application,
therefore we recommend that you make sure it is present.
B. For the ISSUANCE of the ISEE, the student must submit and sign a Single Declaration in Lieu (Dichiarazione Sostitutiva
Unica, DSU), electronically through the INPS website or personally at a Tax Assistance Centre (CAF) or other competent
Body. Please note that the date of signature indicated on the receipt for submission of the Single Declaration in Lieu
(DSU) and not the date of issue of the ISEE certificate will be valid.
This is an indicator calculated from an ISEE for the Right to University Education with the above-mentioned
requirements, but referring to income over the last twelve months, and can only be requested if the conditions
imposed by the relevant regulations are met (for more information, contact a CAF/professional). The relevant
DSU must, in any case, be signed within the scheduled deadlines, and the certificate must possess the
characteristics mentioned above. If it is used, the relevant certificate must be sent to
[email protected] by the deadlines below.
For the purpose of assessing the economic condition for the issuance of the ISEE, for students recognised as political
refugees, stateless persons and persons enjoying subsidiary protection, only income and assets held in Italy are
The data contained in the ISEE certificate, if valid, compliant and issued for the right to university education, will be
acquired directly from the INPS database (or from the CAF affiliated with the University, in the case of an Equivalent
ISEE) following confirmation of the RdA in Uniweb.
NB: taking into account the deadline of 30 November 2023 chosen by the MIUR for the conclusion of the procedures
for issuing entry visas to Italy for international students, as an extraordinary measure, international students enrolled
for the first time in the 2023/24 academic year are allowed to submit their ISEE/Equivalent ISEE by 30 November
2023. If these students confirm their RdA for the scholarship by 2 October and if they complete their Equivalent ISEE
(ISEE Parificato) by November 2023, they will be assessed for the benefit when the second scholarship allocation is
made public for the 2023/24 academic year.
C. In order to apply for the scholarship, it is also necessary to finalise enrolment for the 2023/24 academic year by
paying the first instalment of the fees by the set deadlines (Art. 1 of the Call for Student Contributions and Exemptions).
Any new enrolments finalised after the publication of the final ranking list and any late enrolments due to the
cancellation of applications for qualifications that have already been finalised, will be automatically acquired and
assessed no later than the second allocation, subject to the completion of the RdA and the issue of the ISEE by 2 October
2023 (or by 30 November 2023 for the Equivalent ISEE of international students enrolled for the first time in the 2023/24
academic year).
Failure or incorrect performance of even one of the above steps, including failure to pay the first instalment by the
deadline, will result in exclusion from the competition.
The Complete Guide to the Application for Benefits and Calculation of the ISEE is available at www.unipd.it/en/isee.
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1. For the purposes of defining the amounts of the benefit, the following definitions apply:
a. ON SITE: the student resides in the municipality or in the area surrounding the venue of the course of
study attended (within a distance of 40 km and/or 40 minutes’ travel time by public transport); See the
tables of geographical distances that serve as a reference for identifying status for regional scholarship
b. COMMUTER: the student resides in a place that allows daily commuting to the venue of the course of
study attended within a distance between 40 and 80 km and/or a travel time between 40 and 80 minutes
by public transport; See the tables of geographical distances that serve as a reference for identifying status
for regional scholarship purposes.
c. OFF SITE: the student resides in a place that is well away from the venue of the course of study attended
(more than 80 km and/or more than 80 minutes’ travel time by public transport to the course venue); for
this reason, the student takes accommodation in the vicinity of the course venue (i.e. in the municipality
where it is located or in a municipality classified as on site with respect to the course venue), using public
residential facilities or private accommodation for a period of no less than ten months with reference to
the 2023/24 academic year (i.e. between 1 October 2023 and 30 September 2024), until they obtain their
degree in the case of a benefit acquired for the additional semester. In the absence of paid accommodation
for the minimum number of months required, the student is considered a commuter. See the procedure
for checking paid accommodation under point 2.
Please refer to the tables of geographical distances that serve as a reference for identifying status for
regional scholarship purposes, except if proof to the contrary is provided by the student.
If the duration of the accommodation contract in the vicinity of the venue of the course of study attended
is less than 10 months, this does not preclude off-site status if, in the same academic year, the students
attend a mobility programme abroad (including internships and traineeships that are useful for obtaining
a degree) promoted by the University, provided that they also take accommodation abroad for a total
period of no less than ten months (also including the period spent in Italy).
See the procedure for checking paid accommodation under point 2.
In order to have access to the benefits, international students will be considered as off-site students
regardless of their place of residence in Italy, unless their family unit (consisting of the members of the
registered family on the date of submission of the DSU) resides in Italy. In order to be considered as off-
site, international students must take paid accommodation in the Municipality where the university venue
attended is located (or in a Municipality classified as on-site with respect to said venue) for a period of no
less than ten months with reference to the 2023/24 academic year (or until they obtain their degree, only
in the case of a benefit acquired for the additional semester). In the absence of paid accommodation for
the minimum number of months required, the student is considered a commuter.
See the procedure for checking paid accommodation under point 2.
So-called “independent” students who, regardless of the distance between their place of residence and
the venue of the course of study attended, have been living outside their original family home for at least
two years since the date of submission of their DSU, in a property not owned by a member of their family,
taking paid accommodation for a period of no less than ten months, and whose income from employment
or similar activities has been declared for at least two years to be not less than € 9,000.00 per year, shall
be considered to be off-site students. See the procedure for checking paid accommodation under point
Beneficiaries of accommodation at ESU residential facilities do not have to upload any documents.
The outcome of the checks will be available to view within 20 days after uploading (from September 2023), by accessing
the RdA again and clicking on Proceed - View data from submitted Application.
Those who correctly upload the documentation in the online procedure by 2 October 2023 will receive the scholarship
for the amount due for those with “off site” status by the first allocation.
In the event of failure to upload the documentation by the deadline, or in the case of incomplete or non-compliant
documentation (including a temporary inability to certify the ten months’ fees), the amount that will be provided in the
first allocation will only be the amount for those with “commuter” status. The online procedure will reopen from 20
November 2023 to 30 April 2024 and any supplement will be paid within the month following the month in which the
uploaded documentation is approved.
FAQs for the procedure are available at www.unipd.it/en/veneto-region-scholarship
3. Students are required to promptly notify any change that occurs during the course of the year with regard to the
requirements for the definition of their status.
If a student does not meet the above-mentioned requirements, also as a result of any early termination or take overs
during the year of the contracts for paid accommodation, he or she shall forfeit any benefit that he or she may have
received and shall be required, in addition to the return of any undue amounts received, to pay the assessment fee and
the related administrative penalty. Please note that anyone making untrue declarations, forming false documents or
making use thereof, shall be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code and the special laws on the subject.
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The resources derived from the proceeds of the regional fee for the right to university education are distributed using
the following criteria:
a. 30% to students enrolled for the first time in the first year of a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and single-
cycle master’s degree, of which only 5%, as a maximum limit, is reserved for non-EU students enrolled for the
first time in the first year of a bachelor’s degree programme and a single-cycle master’s degree programme;
b. 70% to students enrolled in years subsequent to the first year of all courses.
Eligible students in the regional scholarship ranking lists enrolled in regular years are granted full or partial exemption
in accordance with the Call for Student Contributions and Exemptions for the 2023/24 academic year.
With reference to D.M (Ministerial Decree) 1320/2021, which on the one hand introduces a 15% increase in the
scholarship for students whose ISEE is less than or equal to €13,153.11, and on the other confirms that the amount of
the study grant is paid in full to students whose ISEE is less than or equal to €17,537.50, in compliance with the principle
of the progressiveness of the value of the scholarships, a table is shown below that illustrates the value according to the
ISEE band of reference.
For full-time students:
Minimum scholarship
Scholarship amount for ISEE amount
Scholarship amount for ISEE
Status of between €13,153.12 and for an ISEE above
of less than €13,153.12
€17,537.50 €17,537.50 (gradually
reduced to)
Off site € 7654.99 € 6656.52 € 3328.26
Commuter € 4473.48 € 3889.99 € 1944.99
On site € 3085.18 € 2682.77 € 1341.38
A student who has received a scholarship on a part-time basis and whose part-time study scheme is subsequently
cancelled or revoked shall not be entitled to any additional scholarship.
Part of the scholarship is provided in services (food and accommodation): On an annual basis, in relation to the months
in which the services are actually provided, a fee of € 1600.00, corresponding to the standard fee due for the
accommodation service, and a fee of € 760.00 corresponding to the catering service (one meal per day) is deducted
from the off-site students who use the residential facilities of the Padua ESU. The ESU provides commuter students or
students enrolled in a PhD programme with a catering service (one meal per day) for which a fee of €540.00 is deducted
(on an annual basis, in relation to the months in which the services are actually provided).
off site/independent €760.00 (1 free meal per day) €1,600.00**
commuter €540.00 (1 free meal per day) € 0.00
* only to those using ESU residences
Students enrolled on a part-time basis in bachelor's, master's and single-cycle master's degree programmes may
access the catering service by paying a €5.70 fee.
The amount of the scholarship that is paid in cash to students will therefore be net of deductions for services, which
cannot be claimed in cash, even if the services are not used.
The ESU provides PhD students with a catering service (one meal per day) for which a fee of €540.00 is deducted (on an
annual basis, in relation to the months in which the services are actually provided).
In the event that the scholarship is awarded for the additional semester beyond the duration of the course, the amounts
of the scholarship and service charges are reduced by 50%.
In order to further promote the access of women students to higher education in science subjects and to reduce the
so-called gender gap in this area, female students enrolled in S.T.E.M.(Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics) courses receive a scholarship amount that is increased by 20%. This increase cannot be cumulated with
the 15% increase provided for an ISEE less than or equal to € 13,153.11. For the identification of S.T.E.M. courses,
reference should be made to the table published in USTAT.
Increased scholarship amounts for female STEM students enrolled on a part-time basis:
Minimum scholarship
Scholarship amount for ISEE amount
Status of between € 0 and € for an ISEE above
17,537.50 €17,537.50 (gradually
reduced to)
Off site € 3993.91 € 1996.96
Commuter € 2333.99 € 1167.00
On site € 1609.66 € 804.83
Students enrolling at the same time in two degree programmes shall identify one of the two enrolments as the
reference for accessing the benefits provided for by current legislation on the right to university education. The choice,
which cannot be changed, will last for the entire period of simultaneous enrolment in the two degree programmes.
Students who are already enrolled in a degree programme for years subsequent to the first year may not identify the
second enrolment as the reference for entitlement to benefits for the right to university education.
Students enrolled at the same time in more than one degree programme may obtain and maintain the scholarship,
with a 20% increase, if they meet and maintain the merit requirements set out in this call for applications for the
entire duration of the courses. Those wishing to take advantage of this supplement must make their double enrolment
known by email to [email protected] within one week of the date of publication of the final ranking list. The
20% increase is not due if the student loses eligibility for the scholarship with regard to the course of study identified as
a reference by the student for the aforementioned increase.
Scholarship increases for female students enrolled in STEM courses and for students enrolled in more than one degree
programme cannot be combined with each other or with the increases due to the independent student.
Independent students are awarded the scholarship given to off-site students, to whom they are considered equivalent,
pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 2, letter a) of D.M. (Ministerial Decree) No. 1320 of 17/12/2021; the maximum amount
of the scholarship is €6656.52.
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A student’s economic conditions are identified on the basis of ISEE and ISPE, calculated in accordance with the
procedures set out in the DPCM (Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers) No. 159 of 5 December 2013, as
amended and supplemented.
To gain access to the benefit:
a. the ISEE for Benefits for the Right to University Education must not exceed the limit of €26,306.25.
Any scholarship received in the calendar year 2021 must be declared in the ISEE calculation. For the sole
purpose of ascertaining eligibility for the competition, the University will not take this amount into account.
Those who received their scholarship at another university during the 2021 calendar year must produce the
relevant Single Certification (Certificazione Unica) indicating the amount of the scholarship received from their
original University, and send it to the Student Service Office by email to [email protected].
b. ISPE (Indicatore della Situazione Patrimoniale Equivalente) must not exceed the limit of €40,031.27. The ISPE
value will be calculated directly by the University (ISP/equivalence scale).
The economic conditions of international students resident abroad with a family unit resident abroad, or resident in
Italy but with an earned income of less than €9,000.00 and with a family unit resident abroad, must be defined by issuing
the ISEE and Equivalent ISPE, according to the guide available at www.unipd.it/en/isee.
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b. With regard to PhD programmes, the only requirement for access to the benefit is the admission to the courses
in accordance with the procedures set out in the respective Course Regulations.
(full-time) (part-time)
2 25 2 12
3 80 3 25
Last semester 135 4 60
5 80
6 110
7 135
(full-time) (part-time)
2 30 2 15
Last semester 80 3 30
4 60
5 80
b. With regard to PhD programmes, the requirement for access to the benefit is meeting the necessary
requirements for enrolment in the subsequent years in accordance with the procedures set out in the
respective Course Regulations.
N.B.: in the case of registration with career shortening, students enrolled in years subsequent to the first year of degree
programmes, master’s degrees and single-cycle master’s programmes are always required to obtain at least 55 CFUs
for each year of enrolment before the 2023/24 academic year, and they must be obtained by 10/08/2023.
To meet the minimum merit requirements, a bonus is applied in addition to the credits actually earned. It is applied
automatically by the office without any prior request from the student.
This bonus is only used once during the entire university course of study and has a different value depending on the
course year in which it is applied:
- it is worth 5 CFUs if used to obtain the benefit for the second academic year of degree programmes and single-
cycle master’s degree programmes;
- it is worth 12 CFUs if used to obtain the benefit for the third academic year of degree programmes and single-
cycle master’s degree programmes;
- it is worth 15 CFUs if used to obtain the benefit for subsequent academic years, for the additional semester
and for the Master’s degree.
If the bonus is only partly used, the remaining portion can be used in subsequent years, even in one of the years
attending the master’s degree.
When enrolling in a Master’s degree programme, it is necessary to specify any bonus used in the degree programme at
another University by sending an email to [email protected].
The bonus does not apply to students enrolled on a part-time basis and those enrolling in a Master's degree
programme whose entry qualification is a degree obtained abroad, starting with the 2023/2024 cohort.
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TYPES OF RANKINGS: four different ranking lists are envisaged, drawn up as follows:
a. For students with EU citizenship enrolled in the first year of all degree programmes, single-cycle master’s
degree and master’s degree programmes and for those with non-EU citizenship enrolled in the first year of all
master’s degree programmes, a single ranking list of eligible students will be approved, without differentiation
between courses, defined in ascending order on the basis of the ISEE for Benefits for the Right to University
Education (ISEE per Prestazioni Agevolate per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario). If the ISEE ratings are the same,
then the high school graduation mark will be considered.
b. For students with non-EU citizenship enrolled in the first year of all degree programmes and single-cycle
master’s degree programmes, a single ranking list of eligible students will be approved, without differentiation
between courses, defined in ascending order on the basis of the ISEE for Benefits for the Right to University
Education (ISEE per Prestazioni Agevolate per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario). If the ISEE ratings are the same,
then the high school graduation mark will be considered. Non-EU students in this ranking list are allocated (as
a maximum limit) 5% of the total resources reserved for freshmen.
c. For students enrolled in the second year and subsequent years, of all degree programmes, single-cycle
master’s degree and master’s degree programmes, a single ranking list of eligible students will be approved,
without differentiation between courses, according to the merit coefficient as defined below. Where the merit
coefficient is equal, preference is given to students with a lower ISEE.
d. For students enrolled in PhD programmes and schools who do not already benefit from a ministerial
scholarship, a single ranking list of eligible students will be approved, defined in ascending order on the basis
of the ISEE for Benefits for the Right to University Education (ISEE per Prestazioni Agevolate per il Diritto allo
Studio Universitario).
The merit coefficient is calculated by adding the percentage change in the credits accrued by the student by 10 August
2023, compared to the defined average for that course/system (V%Exams), and the percentage change in the weighted
average grade of the student for the exams compared to the defined average for that course/system (V%Grades), all
divided by 2.
The average of exams or exams of the degree programme/system is calculated as the sum of the number of credits
passed by students by 10 August 2022, taking into account the number of enrolments of each, divided by the number
of students enrolled in the degree programme. Students must be enrolled in the same degree programme/system for
a number of times not exceeding the stipulated duration + 1; students with zero examinations are excluded.
The weighted average grade for the degree programme/system is calculated as the sum of the weighted average of the
grades of the students enrolled in the same degree programme/system, divided by the number of enrolled students.
Students must be enrolled in the same degree programme/system for a number of times not exceeding the stipulated
duration + 1; students with zero examinations are excluded.
Students are required to consult the (provisional and final) ranking lists on the University website.
By 20 October 2023, the PROVISIONAL RANKING LISTS will be published at www.unipd.it/graduatorie-borse-studio-
regionali, indicating the eligibility assessment, the declared status and any reasons for exclusion.
Any remarks or corrections must be submitted within 15 days of the publication of the provisional ranking list, by
sending the report form that will be made available together with the ranking list itself at www.unipd.it/graduatorie-
Starting from 15 November 2023, the FINAL RANKING LISTS will be published at www.unipd.it/graduatorie-borse-
The position in the final ranking list determines the priorities for awarding scholarships.
By March 2024, ADDITIONAL RANKING LISTS will be published for the awarding of scholarships reserved for students
who enrolled after the first awarding and for international students with an Equivalent ISEE (ISEE parificato) issued by
30 November 2023 (subject to compliance with the procedures and deadlines for submitting the scholarship application,
as set out in point 3).
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Students enrolled in the first year of bachelor’s degree, master's degree and single-cycle master's degree programmes
shall receive:
a. the first instalment of the scholarship by the end of December 2023
b. the second instalment by the end of the month after obtaining 20 CFUs (10 CFUs for students enrolled on a
part-time basis) In any case, the student must obtain 20 CFUs by 10 August 2024.
Students enrolled in years subsequent to the first year and in a PhD programme receive the scholarship in a single
instalment by the end of December 2023.
The scholarship will be credited exclusively to the bank details (IBAN) of the student’s current account (held
individually or jointly), or prepaid card, which must be entered by the student in the Uniweb personal area, under the
heading “Home, Master Data, Refund methods, Edit Bank Account Refund Data” by 31 October 2023 (bank details of
third parties, including parents, cannot be accepted).
One can also enter the IBAN of the Flash Card received at the end of the registration procedures, only after having
visited any Intesa Sanpaolo branch to request its upgrade to a nominative prepaid “Flash Up Studio” card.
If the student resides abroad (outside Italy), he/she must specify his/her domicile in Italy in the Uniweb personal area,
under ““Home, Master data, Modify domicile address”; otherwise it will be impossible to proceed with the
Failure to indicate this will result in the scholarship being suspended until such time as it has been entered and the
subsequent mandatory communication has been made to the Student Service Office ([email protected]) by
the student.
The service fee amounts are retained and paid by the University to the ESU, which manages the catering and
By the end of March of the calendar year following the year in which one or more instalments of the scholarship are
paid, the Taxation Office will send by email the link for downloading the Single Certification valid for tax purposes.
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In order to receive the scholarship, students with disabilities, enrolled in years subsequent to the first year, must have
accrued the number of credits indicated in the table by 10 August 2023:
Disability between 81% and
Disability between 66% and 100% or recognition under
Year since registration
80% Article 3(1) of L. (Law) No. 104
of 05/02/1994:
second year 20 credits 15 credits
third year 64 credits 48 credits
fourth year 108 credits 81 credits
last semester 144 credits 108 credits
In order to receive the scholarship, students with disabilities, enrolled in master’s degree programmes, must have
accrued the number of credits indicated in the table by 10 August 2023:
Disability between 81% and
Disability between 66% and 100% or recognition under
Year since registration
80% Article 3(1) of L. (Law) No. 104
of 05/02/1994:
second year 24 credits 18 credits
third year 64 credits 48 credits
last semester 96 credits 72 credits
In order to receive the scholarship, students with disabilities, enrolled in single-cycle master’s degree programmes,
must have accrued the number of credits indicated in the table by 10 August 2023:
Disability between 81% and
Disability between 66% and 100% or recognition under
Year since registration
80% Article 3(1) of L. (Law) No. 104
of 05/02/1994:
second year 20 credits 15 credits
third year 64 credits 48 credits
fourth year 108 credits 81 credits
fifth year 152 credits 114 credits
sixth year 196 credits 147 credits
seventh year 240 credits 180 credits
last semester 288 credits 216 credits
To meet the minimum merit requirements, a bonus is applied in addition to the credits actually earned. This bonus is
only used once during the entire university course of study and has a different value depending on the course year in
which it is applied:
Disability between 81% and
Disability between 66% and 100% or recognition under
Year since registration
80% Article 3(1) of L. (Law) No. 104
of 05/02/1994:
second year 4 bonus credits 3 bonus credits
third year 9 bonus credits 7 bonus credits
subsequent years 12 bonus credits 9 bonus credits
If the bonus is only partly used, the remaining portion can be used in subsequent years, even in one of the years
attending the master’s degree. It is applied automatically by the office without any prior request from the student.
The bonus does not apply to students enrolled on a part-time basis and those enrolling in a Master's degree
programme whose entry qualification is a degree obtained abroad, starting with the 2023/2024 cohort.
Students with disabilities who are eligible in the ranking list are nevertheless guaranteed payment of their scholarship.
The revocation for first-year students who do not achieve at least 20 CFUs by 30 November does not apply.
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Eligibility and any scholarship received (including fees for services enjoyed) shall be revoked for any student
enrolled for the first time in the first year of any course of study who, by 30 November 2024, has not obtained at
least 20 CFUs (10 CFUs for students enrolled on a part-time basis), considered valid for the course of study they
are enrolled in (for activities included in the study plan), or, alternatively, for the course of study they will enrol in
during the 2024/25 academic year, even if different from the previous one.
For exceptional and documented reasons, the deadline for obtaining credits may be deferred by up to three
months. The request, together with the relevant supporting documents, must be sent to the Student Service Office,
by email to [email protected], no later than 30 November 2024.
Generally, if the benefit is revoked, the monetary amount of the scholarship and of the regional fee and the sum
corresponding to the value of any ESU food and accommodation services enjoyed will need to be refunded, in the
manner and within the timeframe established by the University.
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Please note that, pursuant to Article 10 of D.lgs (Italian Legislative Decree) No. 68/2012: "whoever [omissis] submits
untruthful declarations [omissis] shall be subject to an administrative penalty consisting in the payment of a sum three
times the amount received, or the value of the services unduly used, and shall lose the right to obtain other grants for
the duration of the course of study, without prejudice to the application of the sanctions set out in Article 38, paragraph
3, of Decreto Legge (Decree Law) No. 78 of 31 May 2010, converted, with amendments, by Legge (Law) No. 122 of 30
July 2010, as well as the criminal provisions for any deeds constituting a crime”.
Payment of the administrative penalty must be made in accordance with the applicable laws.
Students must promptly inform the Student Service Office of any event (e.g. adjustments to the ISEE, change of status,
etc.) occurring after the date of submission of the application that may be relevant for the purposes of payment or
revocation of the scholarship.
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Candidates may exercise their right of access to the application documents according to the provisions of the Decreto
del Presidente della Repubblica (Presidential Decree) No. 184 of 12 April 2006 (Regolamento recante disciplina in
materia di accesso ai documenti amministrativi in conformità al capo V della Legge 241/90, Regulation governing access
to administrative documents pursuant to Chapter V of Italian Law 241/90).
Personal data collected for the purposes set out in this notice is processed in compliance with the provisions of
Regulation (EU) No. 679 of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR).
The “Data Controller” is the University of Padua, with registered office in Via 8 Febbraio, 2 - 35122 Padua. The full
privacy policy is available from the Data Controller or on www.unipd.it/privacy.
N.B. This notice has been translated into English for information purposes only. Only the Italian version of this
document is valid for legal purposes.
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The Rector
Prof. Daniela Mapelli
digitally signed pursuant to D.lgs (Italian Legislative Decree) No. 82/2005